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                  • There's not a lot of people who reads this I imagine, so I'll try to keep this short if you are. This is a year old pokemon roleplay idea that I've never finished and at the time, roleplayers were in a abundance, so you can see why there's so many character selections to choose from. It's not the most original idea, especially considering the inspiration came from the Pokemon Gamecube franchise of Pokemon Coliseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, but aspects of betrayal, lust, love and hatred will be frequent. If this still suits your fancy, please do continue on reading! We'd ( or I'd ) love to see you here.
                      ━━━━━━━━━  ▀▀  TEST FORUM 】
                        ▀▀ STORY: VENTISETTE CICATRICI ████ 
                        ▀▀ CODING & GRAPHICS: VENTISETTE CICATRICI ████
                        ▀▀ MODERATORS: VENTISETTE CICATRICI & SCELETUS ████
                        ▀▀ STATUS: UNDER CONSTRUCTION, BUT ACCEPTING ████ 
                        ▀▀ SLOTS: TEN OUT OF TWENTY TAKEN, BUT CAN CUT ROLES AT ANY TIME ████ 

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ the plotxx 】 story, background.
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                    Everyone knows the story where the hero saves the day from the menacing criminal organization on his own, freeing pokemon enslavement for all of eternity. It's a hopeful one, proving that in the end, the good always wins, and evil will always lose, but deep within the midst of your heart, you know that's not true and never will be. The world isn't picture perfect. You can't simply restart your life whenever things go wrong. Life isn't like a movie, a game.

                    It's much worse.

                    At first, everything went back to normal after the fall of Team Rocket. People began to look up, gaining hope and destroying the rest of the sinister organizations without mercy. It wasn't a bloodbath as many were hoping it to be, but they were satisfied. There wasn't a common enemy left standing besides the common criminals, but that's to be expected. Business thrived more than ever with the surplus of pokemon trainers suddenly pursuing their journey, no longer forced to live under the thumb of any criminal mastermind, but it didn't stop there. The commotion wasn't limited to only trainers, but extended to others pursuing their own hopes and dreams. Not everyone succeeded, but that too was to be expected. However, those who did gained notoriety among all five regions, becoming almost like a symbol for others to look up to, admire. The   ██ xCONTROLLING KINGx 】took advantage of that, utilizing business strategies that exploited that hope, making millions of dollars with his company. It wasn't done publicly however, and no one is certain of who was the man-in-charge behind the multi-national corporation that rose silently in a matter of years.

                    One thing was certain though - there was a rising number of criminal activities ever since the introduction of PRIMAY Corporation to the social sphere. No one could tie the level of crime to him, no one expected him. The only thing people did know was that pokemon were going missing, more importantly, the pokemon of trainers who were once hailed as the strongest of all trainers. All they could murmur was that they were challenged on some obscure night by a man or woman whose features were hidden beneath the shades or (peculiar attire) and before they knew it, their pokemon was captured and the opponent gone. And if that wasn't enough to incite fear, the very same trainers eventually went missing. Some were found months later, bodies mangled and mutilated beyond recognition whereas others were left on significant areas within different parts of the world, almost as if to send a message. Not all the individuals were found, however, either dead or alive, but it was enough.

                    Pandemonium ensued. Trainers became more cautious, wallowing in fear and self pity whenever they were attacked by these nameless, faceless strangers. Pokemon were initially targeted at first, but it later escalated to kidnappings, leaving more despair. Some might question why no authoritative action was being done to lower the number of kidnapping and death, but to be quite frank, there was.


                    But it was never enough.

                    Not enough technology, not enough money, not enough people to spare others the tragedy from losing their own companions, their family.

                    The enemies was simply that much smarter, technology advanced and ruthless.

                    But even with the numbers of young rising pokemon trainers lowering in rapid rates, those who relentlessly pursued on became more fierce, stronger. These trainers would later be considered the Elites, the Veterans.
                    Not all hope was lost.

                    By far, they weren't the only pokemon trainers relentlessly pursuing their dreams despite lethal setbacks. No, there were others, of course, those like the growing Ace type trainers who remained obscure to the media for the time being. Others simply pursued different occupations consisting of models, archaeologists, scientists - there was simply too many to count who continued on refining their battle strategies and ties with their pokemon. While the constant concern of pokemon and human kidnapping was nothing to scoff about, people didn't completely lose hope.

                    Over time, the numbers of kidnapping began to gradually dwindle, until people suspected the trial was over. People rejoiced, cheered, hoping to essentially throw the entire incident under the rug, never suspecting something more heinous was at hand and eventually, they paid for that mistake.

                    Just as soon as people became more comfortable, the sighting of the pokemon once hailed as gods, legendary ... disappeared, vanished. It wasn't a noticeable aspect at first, and while it was true that the sighting of any legendary pokemon was a rarity in itself, the fact that nature was reacting differently gave it away.

                    The ocean was at a constant state of unrest, the air became harsher, more difficult to breathe in. Wild pokemon became more erratic, prone to attack others. None of it was normality and that scared people. It only grew worse over time until the climate was at a constant disarray, overheating in certain parts of the area, windy in others, the weather was simply at its worst.

                    But that wasn't all.

                    Towns were destroyed, lives lost.

                    It happened all within hours, seemingly created by natural disasters, but it was soon realized that none of it was caused naturally. An outside force was at hand everyone soon realized, but no one could pinpoint the perpetrator(s). There were rumors of the legendary pokemon of being the cause, but none could be confirmed.

                    On December 18, a sighting of what appeared to be the wounded, defeated shell of the once invincible Ho - Oh and Tornadus decimating an entire city ( of Umbra ) was enough for everyone to realize what happened.

                    For the very first time, legendary pokemon were vulnerable, capable of being manipulated. Footage of peculiar contraception encircled around the legendary beasts were seen, sounds of pain seeming to ease from the pokemon as unseen internal damage was being done before it disappeared to the sky (though this was also only a likely assumption).

                    Unsurprisingly, others immediately began to search for a scapegoat, searching pointlessly for someone to accuse. No one could pinpoint the criminal, everyone began to panic. Just when all hope seemed lost, an anonymous broadcast was showcased to the entire world, playing through every screen, monitor and machinery.

                    The message was brief and simple. An electronic voice spoke through a blurred screen of what appeared to be a cell, sounds of vicious growls and clatters of chains hooked around every visible portion of the mysterious prisoners, trapped within individual cells with no other choice than to submit. In the center of it all, stood a figure of what appeared to be a man, though the tone he held was amusement despite sounding more along the lines of an inhuman, computerized voice. But that wasn't what kept everyone's eyes enraptured in horrendous fear.

                    It was the shadowed figure of the prisoners, resembling the figures of three legendary pokemon, to be exact, Yveltal, Latias and Zapdos.

                    " It is my honor to present you only one of my greatest achievements. " He chuckled, a startling vicious sound that seeped even through the altered voice. " Wonderful, isn't it? I have what everyone of you claimed was an unattainable dream. Fools, you are. " A frame of a shadowed man, his features indiscernible through the fuzzy screen, shook his head mockingly. " But that isn't all, this isn't the only prize in my collection. We can go on all day how hopelessly bland you humans are, but that isn't quite my intention. " He parted his gaze from the legendaries then, turning to face the others, although it was all in vain. " Exactly four months from now, in Perversi Civitatem City of Islea, I am offering you a ... " His altered voice lowered to a chilling purr, evoking an image of a smirking man to the viewers. " .. chance. This can all end so as long as you entertain me in my competitions where you will face each other in a number of challenges. You will stay in the designated resting area for every competition and everything is free of charge with the only requirement that you sign and abide to my contract. I will grant the winner any wish they so please, the only thing I ask is that you amuse me. Simple, no? " A sigh and then, " .. But because I'm a considerate person, allow me to provide you one warning. Refusal to comply and the world will remain in chaos. No one will interfere or I'll make sure that none of you ... will escape unscathed. "

                    Then the screen went blank.

                      ▸ | TIMESKIPS MONTHS LATER

                    At this point of time, all participating characters would have already settled comfortably within their luxurious suite in Perversi Civitatem City (granted, after receiving the invitation to the competition), currently abiding their time for the first challenge occurring in a matter of days. They have signed and agreed to the terms of the contract which reveals that no one, but the trainer is held accountable for whatever takes place here. The authorities hold no power over any misdoings in the challenge, all deaths and / or injuries to the pokemon or the trainer is subjugated to be refused without explanation. In other words, there is no safe guards and quitting is no longer an option once the agreement has been made.

                    It's a startling thought, but trainers alike have stepped up to the challenge, either for the entertainment or simply to bring the mastermind down. The reasons differ among one another, but it remains the same.

                    The challenge will be broadcast to the entire world, making it a highly competitive game. Tension so thick, people appear unable to sleep properly and the haunting laughter of the mysterious man's threat continues to echo through their mind. ' ... None of you will escape unscathed. '

                    Regardless, time is running out and now it's up to your character to make a difference.

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ the basicsxx 】 gaia tos, formats, thievery and etc.
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                        ▀▀ RULE ONE: GAIA TOS ████ 
                     ▪ This isn't a gore-inducing roleplay nor a sexually thriving one, but we do encourage any in-between of the two without violating the gaia tos since mature elements will be featured within the roleplay. Elements such as kidnapping, murder and death, adult-relations, self-appreciation ( or disgust ) are a few examples though nothing in content! .

                        ▀▀ RULE TWO: FORMATS ████ 
                     ▪ I, ventisette cicatrici, is a highly visual person, so decorative posts are honestly a love for me. I would like for all of you to have a graphic of your character and some sort of information on him or her, be it name, role, their pokemon, etc. It doesn't truly matter to me, so as long as your body text size is within 9 to 11. If you're unable to create one yourself, that's fine! I have no problem offering you a layout if it comes to that, though ultimately, it's not a required obligation.

                        ▀▀ RULE THREE: THIEVERY ████ 
                     ▪ Let's cut to the chase: Just don't. Don't. Take anything here or better yet, inspired and I will find you. This extends to stealing other people's work within the roleplay as well.

                        ▀▀ RULE FOUR: DEDICATION ████ 
                     ▪ The rules have changed in regards to activity level nowadays. I'm not expecting any of you to post everyday and I don't want this roleplay to be the only thing revolving in your life either. All that I ask is that you post whenever needed in the in character thread ( preferably at the latest of a week ) and liven up the ooc when you have time! Plotting is always fun after all.

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ literacyxx 】 literacy expectations
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                        ▀▀ RULE FIVE: LITERACY ████ 
                     ▪ I imagine all of you are also clear on the standard expectation of literacy. Just avoid the god-forbid text talk and structure your sentence, so that it's coherent. Avoid common grammar mistakes and watch for your punctuation and spelling too. Not expecting perfection, but take some time to read through your post guise!

                        ▀▀ RULE SIX: WORD COUNT ████ 
                     ▪ There is none. You're welcome to surprise us with a mountain of text or write as few as a tiny paragraph. All that I ask is to write enough so that someone could reply to your post or interact with your character. Matching post length is always nice, but not a requirement either.

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ applicationxx 】 reserves, roles and profiles
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                        ▀▀ RULE SEVEN: RESERVES ████ 
                     ▪ Just fill out the reserve code and post it within the designated forum. I'll get to you shortly and quote you back whether you got the role or not. Though keep in mind this is a competition based roleplay ( if it comes to that, but I doubt it ) so keep on your toes!

                        ▀▀ RULE EIGHT: PROFILES ████ 
                     ▪ After filling out your reserves and getting an acceptance, copy and paste the profile codes and post it in a new test forum.

                     ▪ You have about two weeks to fill it out, but you can leave the relationship posts for last. Just be sure to fill them out as your plotting progresses.

                     ▪ Now, considering the roleplay will have villains and double-agents ( while the rest could be dubbed heroes or neutral bystanders ) within the roleplay that you won't necessarily know ( unless you're roleplaying as one of them ), don't feel the need to write that you're a hero, villain, double agent or etc. in your profile. It's meant to be a secret between you and me in the mean time.

                        ▀▀ RULE NINE: ROLE EXPLANATION ████ 
                     ▪ Not everyone is what they appear to be.

                     ▪ You may get a pm for me explaining what your character role is in this roleplay. You may play a villain, a neutral bystander, a "hero" or even better, a double agent / spy regardless of what your character's rank is.

                     ▪ You may request to play an undercover or a villain if you're absolutely up for it, but we will generally inform you what character roles are the villains / heroes / observers / undercover within a pm. You can deny the offer, of course, but it's strongly encouraged that you accept. Certain positions are vital and if you aren't interested in playing a particular role, we may ask you to apply for a different character.

                     ▪ As a heads up, VILLAINS will be aware of all undercover / double agents, but it's not the same for undercover agents. They work solo and shouldn't be aware of the others. So yes, it is possible to be stolen from regardless if you're playing a villain, a double agent, etc.

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ charactersxx 】 explanations
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                        ▀▀ RULE TEN: TRAITS ████ 
                     ▪ I've provided you three traits for your character(s), but the other three is for you to decide. Do your best to have the traits relate to the blurb if you can, but if you do have any questions or concerns on changing the existing traits ( or a portion of the blurb ), talk to me. It shouldn't be a problem to work something out that appeals to the both of us.

                        ▀▀ RULE ELEVEN: FACE CLAIMS ████ 
                     ▪ We're using anime face claims for this roleplay, so any semi-realistic or "flat" drawings are out of the picture. Also, do try to stick with original face claims if you can, or if not that, let it be a character that isn't instantly recognizable such as characters in fandoms from Naruto, Sword Art, Bleach or etc. You can recolor a canon character if you'd like, however, which might help it from being recognized.

                        ▀▀ RULE TWELVE: RANKS WITHIN CHARACTERS ████ 
                     ▪ I'm going to put this out here, but everyone's character should be similar in strength. Think of it like everyone's pokemon are at the same level. However, the only difference between the Veteran, Ace and finally, Non-Ranked characters is the level of experience and notoriety in terms of being a pokemon trainer. Veteran trainers are simply more well-known due to being in the field longer or because of other reasons. They differ amongst the characters, but I imagine you get the picture. If not, just come to me and ask! I'll answer it in depth in the faq post just to be thorough.

                     ▪ Ranks - From Highest to Lowest in terms of experience.
                    ELITE OR CHAMPION   VETERAN    ACE   NON - RANKED

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ pokemonxx 】 party and storage pokemon, legendaries
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                        ▀▀ RULE THIRTEEN: POKEMON ████ 
                     ▪ There's a maximum of eight pokemon, excluding the legendary pokemon. So in total, you'll have up to nine pokemon including your legendary pokemon. However, up to six can be carried in person whereas the other two will be considered an in-storage pokemon.

                     ▪ Preferably, the majority of your party, if not all, should make up of the type that your character specializes in. For example, if your character specializes in Flying pokemon, that should be the type that your character has the most. I'm allowing up to three pokemon outside of your character's specialization type if there's truly none to fill all your party.

                     ▪ Avoid having any duplicates of pokemon considering the large variety of pokemon you can choose from, but I am allowing only two of the same kind if it comes to that.

                     ▪ No set move limits (you're not restricted to four moves, which falls back to how we're partly mimicking pokemon battling seen on the animation of Pokemon), but be reasonable in what kind of moves your pokemon can do. Simply because it's possible, doesn't mean every move listed in bulbapedia can be done.

                     ▪ Not all of your pokemon will be at it's final revolution. Allow some growth to occur within the roleplay!

                     ▪ Shiny Pokemon are allowed, but I hardly doubt your character's entire party will be compiled of only Shiny Pokemon. They're hard to come by for a reason.

                        ▀▀ RULE FOURTEEN: LEGENDARIES ████
                     ▪ Your character will have a legendary pokemon regardless of which side you take.
                     ▪ For the most part, the length every character had with the newest addition ( the legendaries ) to their party differs. Some had it a few months while others got it literally the day before the invitation arrived for the competition. However, it's been two months since the invitation, so many of the characters should be fairly acquainted with the legendary pokemon.

                     ▪ Essentially, they're not considered a part of your team. In fact, during the competition, you won't be able to heavy rely on their strength considering the mastermind behind the entire chaos is looking for them. He won't immediately hunt them out if you do end up having to rely on them, but just be on a look out for enemies.

                     ▪ Also keep in mind that while they're with your character, the legendary pokemon remain free and can leave the pokeball (that they themselves chose to be in) at any given moment. They're not obedient and they won't try to exhibit any such behavior to your character either. The reason for their stay at your party remains yet to be revealed, but don't fret too much if the legendaries leave your side only to come back hours, days, weeks later.

                     ▪ Plot-wise, revealing the fact that a legendary pokemon is with you isn't something your character should attempt to do. There's truly no telling how he or she will end up like, so keep this secret to your character's grave if he or she can help it.

                     ▪ Keep your eyes peeled! The legendary pokemon specific to your character is located in his or her blurb.

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ specialized veteran trainersxx 】 6/7 applied
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                    If someone saw you now, they wouldn't recognize you. You've clawed your way out of a turbulent past, and whether or not it scarred you, no one has ever been able to tell. But you know it, you know it deep down that leaving that place didn't leave you unscathed. You can feel it, something else, coiling around your heart and choking the breath out of your lungs - but you've never mustered enough energy to care, as you never care about anything. You've heard many people tell you how it's practically impossible for you to be as strong as you are, but you've learned not to care about that either. It's strange to think that when you started your journey, it was your everything. You were a bursting ball of energy, enthusiastic about everything you did, making so many friends along the way. But the more you got stronger, the less that boy existed. The less you existed. You slept away your days, only to not do much when you woke up. You distanced yourself from your friends because they didn't matter to you - nothing did, except your pokemon. So when the kidnappings happened, you still didn't care as long as it didn't affect you. The BLACK KYUREM was only one of your many nap mates, and you became quick friends with it. You can say the only ripple in your life is the   ██ xSCORCHING BLAZEx 】, in which you find interest in, for now. How long that will last? You don't know. But seeing his reactions amuses you, something dark inside you. The same thing that caused you to change after you almost killed someone.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: IE PETIT CHAT ████ ___ &: FIRST LAST NAME 
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                               LAZY  × APATHETIC  × PROTECTIVE         GRUESOME  × INSANE  × SADISTIC
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                    Refined, aristocratic, impassive. There's not a lot to say about you is there? You're a woman with an presumptuous aura about you, thwarting off any chances of you making ties. People watch you from afar, either filled with disdain or mere curiosity as you carry on your way. You wonder why it's so difficult for you to let loose and make friends, but your rigid morals engraved from your childhood is hard to dismiss. Not that making friends is a high priority for you, To be honest, you couldn't care less about having a best friend. With the   ██ xLIGHTNING BARRAGEx 】 pestering you and forcing his way into your life, having any more overbearing people is bound to cause you a headache. Your lavished childhood wasn't anything too note worthy, but the years of strict discipline has influenced your battle strategies, maintaining a graceful command within eloquently phrased orders. People know you for your ruthless yet elegant battle strategies that leaves little left of your opponent's will to win, but for the most part, that's all they know of you. You're an enigmatic trainer who isn't prone to chats, preferring to train in seclusion or indulging in simple activities involving pastries and teas. You hold great fondness for pokemon and despite your difficultly with GROUNDON, you appear certain that you'll come to an understanding with the great Pokemon. The sudden challenge from the anonymous broadcast leaves you a bit disgruntled and perhaps even worried, but you intend to pull through and enter the challenge even if it means joining forces with the other veteran trainers. You don't get along with the   ██ xFLUID TIDALx 】, a sensual woman intent on shattering your composure, but it's not like you're one to break.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: VENTISETTE CICATRICI ████ ___ &: LUCRETIA ROSALINA PIERCE 
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                               IMPASSIVE  × ARISTOCRATIC  × BRUSQUE         CARELESS  × REFINED  × RESOLUTE
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                    You don't like anyone do you? Always smirking, sneering at anyone who catches your eye, it's almost disappointing you don't care for anyone, but you and your pokemon. You came from an average family; two working parents with an older sister who cherished you to the point of smothering. You didn't mind it, since at the time, her love was the only thing that kept you going during your turbulent trials. However, on that one faithful day your sister was murdered by her possessive boyfriend, your mind gradually became warped, filled with fanatic thoughts of revenge. You never got your revenge sadly, but you found someone to fill the void of hate in you - dark type pokemon. There was something about them that drew you in like moths to the flame and since that point on, you became obsessed with enlarging your so called family, easily disregarding your parents' existence. You quickly rose in notoriety during your years as a rising pokemon trainer, encountering the   ██ xCLAIRVOYANT SEERx 】along the way and developing an loathing rivalry with the charismatic man. You hated his smile, his optimistic point of view, everything that he represented. He was everything you weren't and you hated him for it, lashing out on his friend, the   ██ xAFFECTIONATE SWEETHEARTx 】 whenever you and her crossed path since it was obvious you couldn't inflict any harm on the infuriating man himself. It was the only thing that riled him up and with your prey being so easily guileful and kind, you knew you could get away with it. Nowadays, though, with the rising problem of missing legendaries, you can't help, but be a bit curious of whose the hotshot causing all the problem around here. It's the only reason why you decided to join in the band wagon and work with the others. Sure, you have a DARKRAI in your possession, but it's not you and the pokemon are all that close. He's one hell of a monster you think, finding his habit of inducing nightmares on you rather amusing in some sick, twisted way, but that's all you intend to think about him.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: SCELETUS ████ ___ &: ALEXANDER KOVALEVSKY 
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                               WRATHFUL  × TACITURN  × VULGAR         INDUSTRIOUS  × AUDACIOUS  × PATHOLOGICAL
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                    Your heart is as cold as the arctic sea. You maintain a playful front, teasing others with lighthearted laughs, but your eyes remain cold, unmoving. While you appear to be sociable, there's something about you that causes others to be wary of you. It might be your thinly veiled insults or even your so called jokes that can't help, but sound biting. Not that you really care. Although your past wasn't anything to be sad over, in fact, it was a life you sure others would envy you over, you still couldn't get over the fact that you wanted more than just compliments and hearty embraces. Your parents could have probably won an award for how supportive and loving they were, but from the very start, it wasn't enough. You wanted more and so, you turned to your peers, adoring the look of fear and admiration in their eyes whenever you forced others to submit to your ways, your methods. You founded what you wanted - it was complete submission. As you grew older, you found that ice type pokemon suited you better. There was something completely alluring to them, the chilling way they defeated their opponents. Freezing them to the point of near exhaustion before going for the kill. It was completely enthralling.   ██ xTENACIOUS WILLx 】 didn't agree with your viewpoint, but he wasn't a man you intended to listen. After all, he was nothing more than a child who couldn't get pass their childhood friendship. You preferred the  ██ xSCORCHING BLAZEx 】, whose insatiable appetite and brutal nature appealed to your very heart. His heated personality seemed like the best solution to warm your chilling body, but it's obvious his safety isn't your concern. You've come to contact with the ARTICUNO during your relaxing period as a world known trainer and the frigid beast can't help but keep you captivated. Sure, it's troublesome to have to hide his existence, but the thought of it being so close to you never fails to make your heart stir. The missing legendaries dilemma isn't a priority to you, but you'll aid the others for no other reason than to meet the man in charge face to face.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: KID IC4RUS ████ ___ &: ISABEL SCHAPIRA 
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                               PLAYFUL  × ERRATIC  × CALLOUS         DARING  × AMBITIOUS  × CONDESCENDING
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                    For a man famed for his stubborn behavior, it isn't a surprise to see you at the very top. You've always been too determined to meet your goals, refusing to give in and causing an outburst whenever anyone attempted to force you. You were rather childish back then, but now that you've grown older, you've mellowed out, befitting for a man of your rank. Not that your stubborn viewpoint has change, but it isn't as obvious as it was back then, a fact your fans tends to lament over. Similar to the  ██ xSCORNFUL TORMENTx 】, you came from an average family who treated you with care, but also remained rather neglectful in that aspect as well, rarely coming home to entertain you. You didn't hate them for it, but as a result, you remained rather detached from your family, turning to your pokemon for refuge. The lack of attentive watching from your parents also encouraged you to get out more, eventually influencing you to pursue a career as a pokemon trainer, a dream you never realized you wanted so badly until you won your first badge. The cheering from your fans, the soothing chuckle from the gym leader was all that you needed to spur you to compete with the very best, a decision that would later introduce you to the   ██ xRIPPLING TREMORx 】, who was the first trainer to defeat you in battle. In your defense, you weren't exactly ready at that time, still attempting to relax the woman with idle chat, but by the time you realized she wasn't interested, it was already too late to change the tide of the battle. Still, you held no grudge over the fact and simply continued on forcing your way through her life until you two departed. You met the   ██ xDOMINEERING SPECTERx 】 after - a eerie man whose smirk couldn't help, but make you wonder what the hell was his problem. He seemed adamant on bringing you down, rarely speaking a word, but conveying his feelings through certain looks. You battled him eventually, but before any of you could finish the battle, there was an interruption and you never saw him since. It's been several years since you've last saw them, but you can't help, but want to crawl under the  ██ xRIPPLING TREMORx 】's skin again, forcing a slimmer of emotion from the woman. The   ██ xDOMINEERING SPECTERx 】 is a man you'd prefer to see too, if only to finish your battle. During your travels, you encountered RAIKOU and became rather close to the pokemon, even if "he" was prone to leave your side for months to come. "He" didn't listen to you often, if any, but his company was interesting. In fact, "he" interested you more than the fact that missing legendaries were becoming more frequent, but then you heard the news of the other veteran trainers banding together and you decided to come along. The challenge isn't something you care for at all, but the chance to meet you're so called "equals" isn't a chance you intend to miss.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: MIISS HACHIIKO ████ ___ &: LEONARDO TORMEY 
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                               VIRILE  × ENERGETIC  × RELENTLESS          INTUITIVE × SENSITIVE × DETACHED
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                    For a woman of your stature, you're surprisingly bold with your affection, your lust. You have a tendency to wrap people around your finger and discard them without a moment hesitation when you lose interest. Without any false modesty, you're aware of your effects on people and you intend to use that to your advantage, finding it rather pointless to hold on to any morals when you can achieve so much more without it. You don't enjoy talking about yourself, unless it involves any sexual inclinations, and you seem to prefer having others do most of the talking for you. As a child, you were always enthralled with the sea, oceans, anything composed of a great body of water. There were times when you would swim along the current or simply rest your feet in the water. It was simple activities that left you enamored with joy, always rushing off the next day to repeat the performance. In fact, you met your first pokemon in the ocean and from that day forth, continued to pursue water type pokemon. There wasn't any deep meaning or history on why you became the woman you are now. While you matured, you noticed the heated glances from either sex and found it rather amusing. Deciding to indulge one of your whims, you unconsciously made a name for yourself as a unattainable vixen while you pursued your career as pokemon trainer. Similar to the unpredictable tides of the sea, you were constantly on the move, leaving your lovers to mourn for their loss while you continued to rise above the ranks. You met the   ██ xRIGHTEOUS SCHOLARx 】 during your journey and absentmindedly gained yourself a rival as you left her pokemon in the dust, never considering her as one of your equals. Later, you encountered the   ██ xWHIMSICAL SIMPLETONx 】 and decided to entertain him, both of you equally aware of the strictly sexual relationship before you departed again. As you neared the end of your journey to become a worldwide known trainer, the time when KYOGRE entered your party as the world began to resume into mild chaos, you met the   ██ xTREMBLING TREMORx 】 and instantly grew an attachment to the woman, enjoying the slightly narrowed glance she would send your way before promptly ignoring you. You weren't interested in why she amused you so, but you decided to come along and join the challenge, hoping to kill some time as you wondered what to do with the heart stopping new entry to your party. The missing legendaries and pokemon interested you, yes, but it wasn't the only reason why you decided to join.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: OHMORES ████ ___ &: NERINA EUDORA 
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                    If the   ██ xATTENTIVE PRINCEx 】 is considered a prince, you'd be more along the lines of a seemingly white and shinning knight. Truly, you are. You can't help, but adopt a cordial attitude around others, brightening the mood with a warm smile. You appear to have no ill-intent, hoping for the best of everyone you meet, but how much of that is true? While you're aware of everyone's positive thoughts on you, especially the   ██ xAFFECTIONATE SWEETHEARTx 】who you're fond of, you know the nice-guy act isn't anymore than a ruse, well, partly. Admittedly, you don't enjoy causing conflict and you so prefer the company of warmhearted people, but you're extremely observant of others, watching them through perceptive eyes as you attempt to gouge their weaknesses. Whether it's for your own good or for others, you rarely ever don anything, but a agreeable front, keeping your friends at bay and your enemies closer before you strike for the kill. The only person able to get a reaction from you is the   ██ xSCORNFUL TORMENTx 】who can't seem to leave your fragile childhood friend alone. It grinds your gears that he'd even attempt to touch her, forcing you to smile as you two face each other in a never ending battle. Alone, he isn't truly able to ride on your nerves, but when the  ██ xAFFECTIONATE SWEETHEARTx 】 is involved, you know it won't be long before you blow your fuse. Normally, you'd stay close to protect her, but with the larger priority at hand concerning the rising chaos, you didn't have much of a choice other then to trust on her strength and hope she'll call you in times of trouble. After all, you're not like anybody else, having a secret, unknown ability to be able to partly communicate with pokemon and comprehend them. In fact, when you encountered CRESSELIA, you were able to understand her through your dreams, only capable of finding out that the world was in grave danger due to a single man. You weren't able to get any more than the simple fact, but it was enough for you to begin to pursue him while you kept your pokemon trainer quest on hold. When the challenge was announced, you decided to throw your hand with the other veteran trainer and see how everything unfolds.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: BIPPA-SAN × USERNAME ████
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                      ▫ ▪ █████ specialized ace trainersxx 】 4/7 applied
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                    Fire, flames, destruction. Come on, what's not to like about it? Who doesn't enjoy being heat up? If there's one thing you love more than quenching your insatiable thirst, it's causing trouble whenever people least expect it. The cries and startle gasp whenever people witness a scorching flare out of nowhere evokes laughter from you every time. Disgruntling people, heating people up with your lidded gaze of blatant lust and crooning words of desire is simply too alluring to pass up. You've always been more of an action person to be completely honest, so if someone were to say, interrupt your plans, you're not one to take it lightly. In fact, they'll be lucky to come out with all of their skin intact. You're never satisfied with what you already have, always pursuing the next best thing when your eyes connect with it, let it be women, men, food, money or anything. You can't sit still and relax like any normal person. No, you have to go all out while maintaining a devil may care persona whenever you're on the hunt. Your childhood was more on the luxurious side, but you weren't certainly a rich spoiled baby. You had to earn your keep and till this day, you hate having things fall into your lap. The challenge is what excites you, not necessarily the prize. It's one of the reason why you've never bothered to fully engage on being a pokemon trainer, knowing that if you gave your all, it wouldn't be too difficult to earn the rank as one of those elite or veteran trainers. No, you had to make things harder on yourself to be happy, but well, it's not like anyone's complaining. Like some tease, you're aware of the feelings of the  ██ xBRUTAL ARCTICx 】, but you make no effort to carry through with your sexually induced promises, edging her on with a smirk. The  ██ xBEAST TAMERx 】, though. He's a strange one. You don't know why, but that man brings a childish side to you, tempting you to bash your head in the wall whenever you do encounter each other. How do you evoke discomfort in a man who hardly cares for anything or anyone? You hate to say this, but you intend on running away like some obnoxious annoyed brat whenever he's around, especially with you joining in the challenge to discover the reason for the missing legendaries. Since you already have ENTEI in your party, you might as well see if the others have them too.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: VENTISETTE CICATRICI ████ ___ &: AIDAN BLAISE CASTOR 
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                               RETICENT  × INSIDIOUS  × HEINOUS         BRUTAL  × UNTRUSTWORTHY  × UNFAITHFUL
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                    Ever since you were a child, you've always been too kind for your own good. People take advantage you easily and you never seem to notice, smiling shyly with your dimples. It's improve now that you've gotten older and your pokemon hovering over you protectively, but that doesn't change the fact that you're naive, innocent. Till this day, you've wondered how you even made it this far, reaching so close to becoming as famous as your childhood friend, the   ██ xCLAIRVOYANT SEERx 】, a man you can't help but redden over and admire. He was your white and shinning knight, the boy turned man who saved you whenever you were ready to collapse from physical exhaustion or mental strain. You haven't seen him since he was titled as a veteran psychic type trainer, but you continue to hold him fondly in your heart. After all, you have your own journey to pursue, a journey to prove that Normal type pokemon aren't anything to scoff over either. You may not be as strong as the others in the physical department, but your compassion remains unmarred. You intend to prove to the others that Normal type pokemon are just as strong as any other pokemon, even if their name doesn't necessarily do them justice. Long before the worldwide news of missing legendaries, you've noticed a climatic stir within the pokemon world. Seas becoming more rough, the air becoming harsher, wild pokemon becoming more frighten and fierce at the obscure news of their missing leaders. You didn't realize the legendaries were missing, but you knew for certain something was clearly wrong. You were always known for your observant eyes, so that didn't come to be a surprise. However, before the challenge was broadcast, you encountered MEW who surprisingly forced "her" way into your party and has remained there since. You were bewildered, shock beyond words, but you knew it meant something big was going to happen and you intend to get to the very bottom of it even if it means dealing with the  ██ xSCORNFUL TORMENTx 】 whose harassment leaves you in a shuddering, painful mess. You don't recall ever hating anyone, but he may the first man you'd enjoy crushing to the dirt.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: KITTYKAY_66 ████ ___ &: ELANOR VANCE TAYLOR 
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                            COMPASSIONATE  × GUILEFUL  × FRAGILE         OBSERVANT  × EAGER  × TRUSTING
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                    Although you're not one to talk, you have a deliberate tendency to unnerve people simply with a smile. You're not like the   ██ xSCORNFUL TORMENTx 】 at all, preferring to maintain a leveled attitude and creating mayhem without even a hint of warning. You're certainly a looker, your appearance would have been enough for you to poise as a model, but that unmistakable haughty air of yours leaves little to be desired. How did you become this way? Why are you so cruel? These questions remain a mystery. Rather than communicating through words, you use facial expressions and your outward behavior to send the message. For that very reason alone, a number of people seem determine to wipe your existence off this planet, the  ██ xLIGHTING BARRAGEx 】 being one of them, although he isn't as hostile or mean spirited as the others. You don't have any faint collection on why you decided to play with the man, only that he was amusing and that you wanted something to do. You fought him once, but a victor wasn't chosen for that particular battle due to some absurd circumstance. Not that you cared, since there were other things you could have been doing, say like, flustering the  ██ xSKITTISH RECLUSEx 】 with blatant look of interest. She was one of your few friends and perhaps the only woman who interested you more than just budding friendship at the time. You were the first one to cross the boundaries in fact, taking her first kiss and introducing her to the first glimpse of wanton lust. Sadly, after that moment, she ran from you and you haven't seen her anymore than a couple of days within every year. It's a saddening fact, but with GIRATINA keeping you occupied and the recent news of missing pokemon invading your life, you've decided to go along with the ride and attend the challenge. It wasn't like you cared for the prize, you just wanted a chance to terrorize others ( including your former ex-friend, the   ██ xSKITTISH RECLUSEx 】 though your feelings seemed to have dampened for her ) and perhaps cause some mayhem along the way.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: XENRU ████ ___ &: SEBASTIAN DULMONT 
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                    It's not easy for you to display your emotions for everyone to see. You're a hardass with a tough childhood to boot and very little experience with actual love and care. Your parents were cold, militant people who didn't spare much thought for you even as a little babe and generally had you cared for by a nanny or hired help. There isn't a single recollection of your parents ever showing you any other emotion than detachment and that scarred you. It made you feel like you weren't human, like you were nothing more than the speck of dirt on their shoes. You felt worthless, unwanted, a child no one could love and that caused you to lash out on others, secretly hoping that someday, someone would finally look at you and smile, like you were wanted, like you were important. It was a hopeless dream, you knew, but you couldn't help, but wish for someone who wanted you in their life. It didn't come until later when you found an abandoned Poison type pokemon in the woods and decided to nurse him / her back to health, that you actually felt you contributed to something in this world. The minute the pokemon was up and healthy again, you immediately claimed him / her for your own and decided that you loved Poison type pokemon more than rest, simply because of this experience. It was a childish reason at the time, but you're glad that you chose that path, now grateful for the small family you've build over time. Of course, there was the   ██ xATTENTIVE PRINCEx 】who also contributed to changing you for the better, his patient words and his kind smile stirring heat within your cold, harden heart whenever he so much as looked as you. You didn't like it, of course, hiding the stir of happiness with a look of flustered rage and turning the other way if his stares proved to be too much to handle. Even now, you're not sure if what you feel for him is brotherly affection or the first stages of love, but you know you intend to stick around with him for awhile longer, especially with the news of missing pokemon and legendaries. In fact, with the arrival of SUICINE, you're more than ready to bash your head on the wall from how complicated everything's become. SUICINE isn't the easiest pokemon to get along with, not with "him" roaming about and creating unnecessarily problems by refusing to stay within "his" pokeball. It's worse with the   ██ xPRECARIOUS HAUTEURx 】butting into your life, his tendency to show out of nowhere unannounced and pestering you endlessly if there's something going on. You're done a number of things to dissuade his attentions, but it's come to the point where you and the   ██ xATTENTIVE PRINCEx 】 and   ██ xPRECARIOUS HAUTEURx 】 travel together now for the upcoming challenge. Since it seems to be such a popular event, you might as well go, just to have SUICINE out of your hair.


                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: CHROMATIC DREAM × OHMORES ████
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                    You don't appear to be anymore than a gentle prince to the majority of people's eyes and for the most part, it's true. You're very much a pacifist and someone who'd prefer to stay out of conflict if you can. You were never one to be interested in fights, not because you were defenseless or weak, but because you found them pointless and not as satisfying as a smile. From the start, your image has always matched your demeanor. You were fair haired with soft eyes and a smile that tended to leave many weak in the knees. You appeared almost naive and innocent in a way, but your unfounded love for bug type pokemon often left people confused. Bug type pokemon were generally stereotyped to be fond by only obscurely strange individuals or scientists, not by someone so bright. You never exactly explained why you loved them either because really, was there a point on explaining everything about your life? You didn't see a reason to be so open about yourself and till this day, very little is known about you personally. Unless you go by the  ██ xBITTER TOXINx 】, who you secretly feel very possessive over. She was the only one who looked beyond your happy exterior and inquired about how you truly felt. She wasn't judging or cruel, listening to you with an open mind even if she did try to hide her sincerity or kindness with biting insults. She was so easy to read, in your point of view and there was something absolutely amusing about her tsundere personality. You're aware of her protectiveness over you, but to be honest, you don't understand why she tries to guard over you when you're certainly capable of defending yourself, perhaps even more so than she is. Kind you are, but it isn't like you're a real prince. Like any other person, you're aware of your more sinister and dark thoughts, the side you can't help, but want to reveal whenever you see the   ██ xPRECARIOUS HAUTEURx 】 around her. You know he's up to something and you've made it clear you have no feelings on grinding him into the dirt, albeit in a rather discreet way. For the time being, you've decided to loosen your animosity around him in order to deal with a new problem at hand, GENESECT, a legendary pokemon who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "He" isn't an easy pokemon to get along with it and it's all you can do to keep him hidden. It's a bit easier now that you're resting in a large suite to yourself, but you fear what will happen to the both of you during this challenge.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: OPEN × OPEN ████ ___ &: FIRST LAST NAME
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                    Your unnatural adherence to rules is a questionable aspect about you, causing many to shy from your company with your piercing stare and unmoving expressions. It's a wonder why you're so withdrawn from the world, committing to your work and books without a thought of seeking fulfillment of entertainment in the form of human relations. Perhaps this desire of solitude came from something to do with your past involving domineering parents and a drive to succeed fairly unlike others making use of the system to cheat and manipulate. However that's a mystery all on its own and a subject that neither appeals nor interest you, intent on growing stronger with the application of known battle strategies throughout the present and past. Nevertheless, despite your frigid demeanor, you're not uncaring to your pokemon, cradling them to the point of smothering whenever no one's looking. They were your only source of love and you treasure them as such, though you're not against working them to the bone, wearing out even your own stamina as you raise them to grow stronger. Like your own disinterest to the reasoning behind your personality, there's no real explanation on why you decided to pursue a career as a trainer, possibly in it simply for the title. It might have been a way to get back at your parents or even because of sheer boredom, but now you're here and it's all that matters. Not that meeting the   ██ xFLUID TIDALx 】was all fun and games and even less, the   ██ x PRECARIOUS HAUTEUR x 】whose pretentious act was almost sheer torture to watch. You disliked the two for their inability (or so you like to think) to speak truthfully, relying on cryptic phrases or even sheer lies to carry on. While you've never got the chance to face against the   ██ x PRECARIOUS HAUTEUR x 】 ,   ██ xFLUID TIDALx 】 was another matter. She left you speechless as your party collapsed in pain, sparing not even an apologetic glance as she walked away and with that being one of your first utter defeats, you've immediately made it one of your goals to do the same to her someday. You've later encountered the   ██ xSKITTISH RECLUSEx 】 and have since traveled with her, the   ██ xSKITTISH RECLUSEx 】 being one of the few individuals you could tolerate. Ironically, a few months after her entrance, the slow, but inevitable chaos seem to have brewed, natural disasters occurring at a rapid rate with shortage and outages of all nature occurring in all parts of the world. It was during this time you've encountered DEOXYS and with no explanation, was forced to put up with its existence in your party. You have since given up attempting to reason with the legendary beast and decided to join the challenge if only to put an end to the chaos and put down the criminal mastermind in charge.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: OPEN × OPEN ████
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                    The freedom of no restriction is what keeps you going, regardless if it's legality. You're not one to be tied down by any rules, doing as you please with an airy chuckle as you make your way through life without a struggle. Not that you live or behave even remotely like a criminal, rather, you seem to breeze through life and doing whatever you like by charming people into it with your light-hearted smile and easy-going laughter. To you, there's not much of a grey area. It's either black or white, right or wrong regardless of reason. That isn't to say that you'd stop whatever that you're doing because it's wrong, rather, you tend to simplify things for the sake of simplicity? It's too much work to consider the alternative anyhow and you prefer sticking with your gut or instincts for your actions. For one thing, in terms of your occupation, similar to the  ██ xRIGHTEOUS SCHOLARx 】, you pursued this line of career for the sake of sheer boredom since picking up the family business or any other mundane, restricting job didn't cut it for you. Sure, you care for your pokemon - just like you would for any other best friend ( which is to say, a lot, since you don't have any from personal choice ) - but again, you're more interested in the journey itself then the actual title of Elite or Champion. In fact, when you met the  ██ xFLUID TIDALx 】, the only thing you paid attention to was the excitement of any relation with her. You didn't necessarily care for her as a person in all honesty and so, there was no real disappointment when you found her gone from your bed after the brief affair. "All in a day's fun," you said before you stumbled across the  ██ xTENACIOUS WILLx 】 months later and nearly got an earful when he caught you doing something you shouldn't necessarily should have at the time. Luckily escape was easy with your trusty pranksters or best friends ( pokemon ) always willing to lend a hand, so you made it out with everything intact. Sometimes though, you wonder if it would be better to stay under the limelight, now with the world in constant chaos and a legendary beast by the name of RAYQUAZA in your party. It was like a bizarre dream, the legendary beast simply showed up during one of your adventures (there wasn't any way you were going to pass up on a journey, disregarding even the near lethal rate of the winds at the time) and before you know it, you were prompt into joining the challenge by an anonymous invitation via cellular device (and letter, but of course, you tossed it in the trash before trying to read it). Having no other choice, you agreed, if only for the sake of the adventure then the prize behind it.

                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: DIRTY CASUAL × OPEN ████
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                      ▫ ▪ █████ non-ranked civiliansxx 】 3/6 applied
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                    How very secretive of you, maintaining an enigmatic front without any visible effort. Despite your growing fame as a Fairy Specialist Coordinator, you seem to have a knack of avoiding the press, heck, even most of the social sphere if you will. Nearly everyone's ( that is to say, those interested in the Coordinator line of career ) is dying to get some kind of story, information, detail, anything on you. You've featured in very few, rare interviews by some stroke of luck ( or bad luck as you like to see it ) and even then, your silver-tongue has left others feeling daze, almost humbled by your presence. You're by no means like the   ██ xAFFECTIONATE SWEETHEARTx 】 with her natural good-hearted charm or honest interest in the well-being of others, but you know how to play the game, twisting their words into inquiring about the other rather than yourself. You have a very unearthly presence about you nevertheless, and it's been widely noted throughout your audience and growing fans. It's an unconscious trait that you exude that's for sure, unaware of your own belief of obscure superstitions and your interest in the simplest gestures from accidental injuries ( be it small or large ) or even the harshness of the winds. There's also your special talent of being able to predict a person's fate - not anything in detail, but more along the lines of being able to sense some kind of ominous or positive event will occur, be it death or success. You like to keep things brief, telling them, "To take care of yourself, I sense only misfortune in your future" to "Be mindful of your ..." in order to give them some sort of warning, but beyond that, your attention is only piqued by the affairs of your pokemon. Not that you didn't come across a few memorable people such as the   ██ x INQUSITIVE SPIRIT x 】 whose insatiable thirst for knowledge and adventure amused you, along with your pokemon battle that ended in a draw and the   ██ xBRUTAL ARTICx 】 with her vengeful persona. Now, however, with the world largely at risk of destruction and the unexpected arrival of XERNEAS in your party, you've come to accept the invitation without batting an eye, intent on bringing the criminal mastermind on his knees.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: CATLUS × USERNAME ████
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                    In your line of occupation, you don't get very much excitement beyond the usual college/university humor and stupidity. Mind you, you're a very young professor and still a growing individual in terms of your level of intelligence in your field, but there's no denying your brilliance. Still, while you teach a few classes here and there and perhaps one of the most sought bachelor in the county, you're more likely found doing TA work ( only because your superiors enjoy babying you or so you like to think ) and/or sitting back reading some kind of article as you stroke your pokemon. ( Granted, most of it is solid rock, but there's nothing wrong with giving your pokemon affection, is there? ) In terms of your personality, people find you to be very bashful of your intelligence and a few witty compliments could get you as red as a tomato on your good day. You're just a very humble individual for the most part, but in certain topics/subjects, your mulish side is very much evident from your brusque phrasing and curt responses. There's just a few things you refuse to yield over and your fight with the   ██ xWHIMSICAL SIMPLETONx 】 and your steadfast belief in your deteriorating friendship with the   ██ xBRUTAL ARCTICx 】 is two of them. Sure, it didn't necessarily end in a fight and in fact, he escaped before you could correct him in his selfish gesture, but he's definitely on your "bad side," and you can guarantee it had nothing to do with him ruining your vacation. Not at all. More concerning your sadistic friend whose refusal in non-violence continues to evoke concern from you, however, you don't intend to give up your friendship even with her constant refusal to meet with you. Though, anyhow, in regards to your ability as a pokemon trainer, you're not one to laugh at, enforcing a diligent routine in order to keep your pokemon in top shape. You don't necessarily battle many pokemon battles, rarely if anything, but the life experience you and your pokemon have, have given you an advantage many others can't claim to own - life-or-death situations especially in your early years an archeologist. Now, when the sudden chaos hit your town, you couldn't believe your eyes, only aware of the rumors going about pertaining to potentially missing legendaries. ( How in the world anyone came up with that will always remain a mystery to you, considering the near impossibility of coming across one, letting alone predicting it's disappearance was next to delusional ) And if that wasn't enough, you came across REGIROCK in one of your academic visits to the ruins ( it was a bad idea you tried to reason, but everyone simply assumed the world's chaotic destruction had something to do with the past ) and near had a heartache when it forced its way into your party, only weeks to spare before the news came out. Figuring the only reason for its arrival was to restore the world from the chaos, especially after that video, you accepted the invitation, nowhere near ready for the challenge that's about to come.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: KID IC4RUS × USERNAME ████
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                    With your success, many suspect you to be a very courteous or perhaps even gentle individual, but that's not quite the case. In fact, you're rather outspoken with your opinion, never one to hold in your feelings even at the risk of bad publicity. There's no intent to offend and it's not like you come across rude. To be more precise, you're simply very expressive in terms of your facial expressions, eyes vibrant with the particular emotion you're feeling at the time. This often correlates to your courageous behavior ( others call it recklessness ), always willing to try on new things, be it genre, adventure or even food. It adds onto your honest appeal to your wide-scale group of fans and audience and makes it near impossible to pin point you into any sort of class or genre, at least in terms of your music. Pertaining to your abilities as a pokemon trainer, you're by far no elite trainer, but with your untraditional battle strategies, you're not someone to dismiss as a weak opponent either, constantly keeping others on the edge with your steadfast belief to your pokemon. Quite frankly, you consider your pokemon more as companions then anything, your career constantly keeping you on your toes with work. It was only with the sudden disasters occurring that you were forced to acknowledge the problem at hand, later encountering the legendary pokemon, LATIOS and persuaded into joining the competition without any real idea of what you were getting yourself into. You've encountered the   ██ xDRAGON TAMERx 】 a few times during your tour, witnessing his battles with an expression of interest, but it doesn't appear that he recognizes you despite your fame. You intend to make him notice you someday even if you have no guarantee that he'll show up in the competition.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: USERNAME × USERNAME ████
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                    C'mon. Stop with the pretentious smirks and cocky attitude, will ya'? Sure you got a build that has the opposite sex drawn to it and possibly some of the same sex ( Not that you pay attention, surely not. ), but that's no reason to assume you're some kind of invincible hotshot. In fact, it's clear as day ( at least to you, though you refuse to admit it ) that you're tough-guy persona is nothing more than an act to hide your insecurities. You've been traumatically bullied some time in your past ( typical, yes, but what's a man to do ) and it's carried onto your lifestyle, much to your displeasure. Your family tried their best to remove the scars from those particular incidence, encouraging you to grow stronger physically ( and through it, mentally ) with sports and strenuous workouts at the gym. It's helped somewhat, the bullying became less frequent until the point where you were the one to strike fears into people's heart simply with your demeaning attitude ( and well, your brawny body helped too. ), but you've never felt comfortable in your skin. Everything felt forced to you, except whenever you were alone with your pokemon or bro's as you like to consider them to be. They were the only companions you felt comfortable and relaxed around, only changing your persona whenever there was people about. You've become notable in the athlete ( or whatever sports / body building you're interested in ) world however, featuring in more than a share of commercials, movies and even competitions. It's not something that truly interests you, though and you've remained fixed in simply remaining in your city until you came across two amusing individuals, particularly   ██ xBITTER TOXINx 】, whose tsundere attitude couldn't help but draw you in. You won't deny that you find some appeal to the   ██ xATTENTIVE PRINCEx 】( who are you kidding, you're denying it to the very core of your being ), but for now, you're bent on capturing the attention of the   ██ xBITTER TOXINx 】, disregarding her attempt of refusal and pretty much forcing yourself into their journey. In fact, you were with them when the sudden chaos occurred around the world and later encountered MEWTWO, prompting you to join the challenge and pretty much giving you no other choice. "He" was thorn to your side, especially to your esteem, but hey, it's not like you have anything better to do.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY: AKUMA NO CRIMSON ████ ___ &: ZAN KORSAKOV 
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                    So very shy, or at the very least, unsociable. You're like a mouse, hiding yourself away from the limelight and reserving your compassion whenever no one's looking. You have to be at any rate anyways, considering the nature of your occupation, but that's not quite the point. Even to your own pokemon, you're very withdrawn, only interacting with them whenever they run in your line of sight. ( You keep your pokemon out of the pokeball for the majority of the time ) It's honestly a real mystery on how you came across them, being the type to remain at your workplace unless necessary, but that isn't to say you're neglectful with them. Rather, it's only when you're out on research or doing a job outside of your occupation as a florist that you truly test their skills. It's hard not to face any life-or-death situation when you're hunting down elusive herbs and flowers and well, the best way for them to gain experience is by ... experiencing it right? Sure, you've had your struggle with pokemon battles, but like anyone else, you're not one to underestimate even with your skittish behavior. However, more concerning yourself, it's very difficult to hold a conversation with you, the   ██ xDOMINEERING SPECTERx 】 being one of the few who were able to talk to you before he cross the boundary ... and flustered you to the point of feeling faint. Speaking of which, ever since that incident, you've made an effort to avoid him and well, with so very few companions, it's become even more harder to talk to you. You don't necessarily stutter too much per say ... It's just you tend to let your words die off and you look for any excuse to leave. You've encountered the   ██ xMYSTICAL STARx 】 during one of your "jobs," and she's made quite an impression on you with her dignified figure and unshaken confidence at a competition. It wasn't much, but you aspire to become just as confident as her someday, slowly stepping away from your comfort zone and bringing yourself out. Unfortunately, or fortunately, ( however you see it ) a little weeks after the encounter, and after your slow budding relationship with the   ██ xRIGHTEOUS SCHOLARx 】 who've you decided to travel with since she seemed very ... helpful, the slow rise of disaster finally reached your town and you found yourself with the legendary pokemon, SHAYMIN just before the invitation arrived. Seeing as you had no choice, but to comply to the demand ( that was the only explanation on why the legendary beast would appear before you ), you've agreed and pray insistently that things won't go so bad for you.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: SHY WARGLE × USERNAME ████
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                    Adventure is truly all on your mind. You don't bother to think much further beyond it, always excited on trying new things similar to the   ██ xWILD STORMx 】, though you're more mature about it. You've been with most of your pokemon since you were a little kid, traveling with your parents until they were forced to retire due to medical conditions as you reached your teenage years. Not that you stopped traveling because of it, rather, you picked up their dream and made it your goal to travel for the rest of your life. Your pokemon certainly had no complaint and though you seemed to have an unconscious tendency of favoring steel-type pokemon simply for their endurance, it wasn't like you could help it. Nevertheless, you've made quite a name for yourself as a pokemon trainer, despite it not being your main occupation, due to forced pokemon battles where you had no choice, but to beat others in submission to leave you be. You seemed to rub a particular type of people the wrong way it seems and while you don't exactly enjoy the conflict, like you said, it's not like there's anything for you to do. The   ██ xMYSTICAL STARx 】 is different, however. She seemed to have enjoyed your presence from the very get go, even with the odd ... encounter, but you weren't complaining. She was rather fun to be around, her silver-tongue only amusing you further and well, you've never were humble about your adventures. Sadly, both of you eventually departed ways and eventually, you started to notice the odd, peculiar occurrence surrounding you, especially if it had something to do with the climate or the oddity of particular pokemon behavior. It was only brief signs at first, but when the world was turned upside down, COBALION was introduced to your party ( or forced itself into the party really ), you've immediately accepted the invitation, determine on cleaning up this mess.
                            ▀▀ RESERVED BY: USERNAME × USERNAME ████
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                      ▫ ▪ █████ npcsxx 】 the good, the bad and the in-between
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                    A former prisoner known to inflict terror within the bravest trainers, actively seeking harm on others without a slimmer of remorse. No one is certain why this man has came to be what he is, but a glimpse of a poverty forsaken childhood is enough for anyone to deduce the origins of his abnormal and treacherous behavior. After escaping his jail cell in the most ruthless prison, his whereabouts remains obscure. However, eyewitness reports have frequently tied his location to the bedazzling city of Lascivia, his toned frame hidden in the shadows of the alley ways. Once hailed as one of the most likely candidate to earn a spot in Unova's Elite Four, he's a frightening adversary and his team of lethal, poison pokemon is nothing to laugh about it either. For the time being, it appears he has no alliance towards the infamous criminal organization though publicly known as PRIMAY Corporation, but it's only a matter of time before he's approached. Trainers be wary. It's best to escape from his notice unless you'd prefer to die.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: GHISLAIN VLADMIR 
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                            RETICENT  × INSIDIOUS  × HEINOUS         BRUTAL  × UNTRUSTWORTHY  × UNFAITHFUL
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                    Known for her courteous behavior, Minerva is a well sought figure in the social media, hailed for her elegant battle tactics and undefeated record. She originates from a upper class family in Kanto, and seems to have no other occupation then traveling distant regions to observe and experience new cultures. As a veteran varied trainer, she offers advice to fellow traveling trainers and is currently making her way to the destined region of Islea where the challenge will take place.
                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: MINERVA SINCLAIR 
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                            DIGNIFIED  × PATIENT  × COURTEOUS         OBSERVANT  × COMMANDING  × FIERCE
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                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: ??? 
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                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: ??? 
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                            POSITIVE  × NEUTRAL  × NEGATIVE
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                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: ??? 
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                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: ??? 
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                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: ??? 
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                            POSITIVE  × NEUTRAL  × NEGATIVE
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                            ▀▀ TAKEN BY NPC ████ ___ &: ??? 
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                         more to come ...

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                      ▫ ▪ █████ announcementsxx 】 updates and news
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                        ▀▀ NOVEMBER 12 2014: CREATION AND REVISION ████ 
                    Still very far from done though coding seems to be all done! Gotta gather some peep too, to check out whose interested in the roleplay.

                        ▀▀ NOVEMBER 17 2014: UPDATES # 01 ████ 
                    Currently working on the rests of the posts such as the NPCs and settings, but everyone's mroe then welcome to apply! Just keep in mind that the opening date isn't set in stones yet but it'll possibly open around December if anything.

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                        ▀▀ DATE: ANNOUNCEMENT ████ 
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                        ▀▀ DATE: ANNOUNCEMENT ████ 
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                      ▫ ▪ █████ pokemonxx 】 taken and reserved
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                      UNDERLINED POKEMON  and any of its evolution are no longer available to choose from

                    Haven't updated this in awhile, so please refer to sceletus' wonderful thread regarding taken pokemon and such.

                      ▪ DRAGON
                      ▪ DARK
                      ▪ ICE
                      ▪ WATER
                    LAPRAS,  DEWGONG,  STARYU,  MARSHTOMP
                      ▪ FIRE
                      ▪ GROUND
                      ▪ ELECTRIC
                      ▪ POISON
                      ▪ NORMAL
                      ▪ STEEL
                    STEELIX,  METAGROSS,  
                      ▪ GRASS
                      ▪ PSYCHIC
                    ESPEON,  RALTS,  KIRLIA,  MEWOSTIC
                      ▪ FLYING

                      ▪ BUG
                      ▪ GHOST
                    LAMPENT,  GOURGEIST
                      ▪ FIGHTING

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