Welcome to Gaia! ::

Wyatt Thomas Williams
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When I [wake up],
I'm willing to take my [chances] on
the [hope] I forget
that you [hate] him more than you notice
I [wrote] this for you

In the morning the city was its calmest. The traffic was reduced by a fourth and a majority of the shops were still just opening for the day. Wyatt strolled down the side-walk, looking at the magnificent architecture. Every silver, shining building filled him with awe. Somehow, the buildings of Houston or Denver (or any of the other thousand nameless cities) just couldn't compare to that of Chicago's.
He inhaled again, preparing for another sigh of awe, when a familiar scent struck his nose and tongue. It was the glorious aroma of mediocre coffee being brewed for the morning rush. The heavenly calling card for the sleep-deprived and the caffeine addicts.
'Bingo!' Wyatt thought with a grin.
Inside the quaint cafe were three people. One was buried in today's paper, while the other two sat at a booth together, conversing. Wyatt made for the 50's style counter, browsing the menu. It was a dry erase board with a rainbow of words and prices on it. Every period and i dots were in the shape of a heart. Either the author of the board was being overly friendly, or they were extremely childish.
"I'll have a large coffee, extra sugar, no cream, in the traveler's mug, please." Wyatt ordered.
The lady behind the counter sauntered over to the coffee pot, grabbing the traveler's mug en route.
Wyatt exited the cafe. He looked at the clock above the doorway and took a sip from his new collection item. If he was quick, he could make it to school without missing more of his classes.

The school yard was extremely elegant. He'd seen many yards in his time, but this one was amoungst the most sophisticated. A lot of schools let their grounds go to heck because they couldn't keep the students from destroying it. This school didn't allow that type of abuse. The board obviously took pride in their building's appearance and figure in the community.
He was glad to be back again.
From his vantage point, Wyatt could see his old buddy, Garrett, through a window. There was another girl with him, but Wyatt wasn't sure who exactly that was.
'Take the first step down memory lane!'
Wyatt strolled over the school yard and swung open the front door. Ducked past the office and made a left turn at the corner. A few paces down the hall was the ever-buff Garrett, talking to a pretty Asian girl.

You [need] him. I [could] be him
I could be an [accident] but I'm still trying.
That's [more][/size] than I can say for him.

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Eloquent Conversationalist

[Mad] [M]a[d]a[m]e [Mim]

I can bexxx beautifulxxx, lovely and fair. Silvery voice, long purple hair.

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Oh god. Just something that simple reduced such a nice babbling hottie into a bowl of pudding. I didn't think I was that good, but apparently it works on Theo...However, I think that would have happened if any girl did that to the pood kid.
"Never mind Theo, no one went to far with anything."
With a sigh, Makenna tried to split her attention, half of it with her surroundings, and the other half with Theo. The half with Theo was having a minor anneurysm, which wasn't all that surprising. After a few moments of silence, Thro began to talk again, half to her releif, half to her pure horror. Benjamin had to go and open his mouth, rather widly, and go on yelling. To Makenna's bewilderment, she was not sure if he was yelling at Theo or her, regardless, his words didn't matter when they were raised.
“Topaz....Saltine crackers...Conspiring...” Makenna was pretty much paroting back what Theor was saying, since her mind was pretty much elsewhere.
Good lord Theo, I woulder what it would take for you to grow up? Maybe if you actually figure out how to make a woman happy you could gain a few years, mentally, but....Oh dear I feel bad for whoever falls in love with you.
His response to her super lame joke made her smile. Good lord boy, not only are you hyperactive, but your as gullible as ********. However, there was something absolutely adorable about him, he was just so damn happy, all the time. Reminds me of that Alice girl. I think she overdoses on her depression pills or sometihng, because no one is that ******** happy without having ADHD. Like Theo..
Before she knew it, Theo had yelled something about a race and just started running out towards the school. I am not running. No way. With a rather decrepid sigh, Makenna sluggishly followed Theodore into the building. Her herself wasn't exactly sure why. Maybe it was because he was an adorable b*****d, or maybe it was just because she had nothing better to do with her time. The latter sounds just about right.
It took her a few moments to actually get into the building, and when she did, Ken was rather glad. It was windier than she thought outside, and apparently her hair was a mess again. Swiftly running her fingers through her strawberry blond locks as she walked, Ken caught up to Theo in the office.
The fact that she really didn't care about the race was painfully obvious, since she really almost didn't notice that Theo was there, she was too preoccupied with getting the knots out of her hair.
“Hey ma'am. Apparently poor Theo here had his school papers eaten. Could we get this hyperactive dude his schedule?” The woman behind the counter seemed to grumble something resembling, “I can't believe he is in highschool,” before pulling up some papers from the computer. With a few clicks of her keyboard and mouse, the information was printed. “It's in the printer kid, go get it.” She was a crabby old lady, probably someone who had retired, found out how awful retired life was, and then got this job through default.
“Go get it sparky.” Makenna said, since she was to...Unwilling to go to the backroom and get his schedule.

I'm batshit Crazy, and don't I xxx knowxxx it.

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[Makenna] [R]y[a]n [Edwards]
H e r e L i e sD A M I E NL E EB U T L E RT w i s t e d P s y c h o

єχтяємєℓу ∂αηgєяσυѕ. кєєρ συт σƒ яєα¢н σƒ ¢нιℓ∂яєη." ¢σσℓ! ❞

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Damien was rather comforted by the blanket of smoke the three (Seth, Blue and himself) had created. The sweet smell of his fix would surely linger on his clothes throughout the school day, certain to annoy those who were so anti-smoking, while keeping him relatively calm. At least, till some minor happening burrowed beneath his skin so he'd grow agitated enough to dig into his own flesh, find the annoyance and rip its measly little existence apart. But all of that would be postponed, because at the moment, Damien was in a state of tranquility. His relaxed deposition evident by the way his normally tense muscles didn't appear as taunt. So far, so good. The morning isn't a complete bust. Could be all that good karma I worked up by not completely ruining that kid's face the other day. Oh man, sometimes I'm just too nice to a fella. Just hope this lasts and makes the rest of the day go by fast.

Turning what partial attention he had from Inelle to Seth, Damien held the fire in his lungs as his thoughts went to the rest of the day. It always caught him off guard when others thought farther ahead than the now, but that was mostly because his own focus was always on the present, unless devising some plan that required him to think of the possible outcomes and trouble that would be faced once the stunt was pulled (ie: jail, revenge, probable death). Finally puffing out crooked rings of smoke, Damien's eyes ate up their surroundings till his gaze landed on, "CADEN! Hope you haven't made plans to be a loner tonight, cuz sounds like Seth's got something in mind! And what the hell man, where's my morning riddle, hope you haven't fed it to Martin there. I'd be insulted." Wrapping his free arm around Laurie's slim shoulders (not wanting her to feel so forgotten that she'd rather go in the school, ugh) and throwing down the burnt blunt, not bothering to smother the flame with his shoe, he pulled her closer and turned his cruelly curled grin to Seth, "You know I'll be wherever the fun is." He didn't have to SAY that wherever Seth was there was bound to be some sort of trouble. They all new it. Common sense really. But add the other two, major troublemakers in and, well, Damien always made sure to go prepared. Blood and bruises, that'd be what their night had in store. "Just hit me up on the cell, gotta take my lil sis home first and drop by the good old library." That was his second fix. First came the nicotine, then the bookworms.

As if he had no control over his own appendages, D found that the arm he had lazily draped over Blue's shoulder was now practically fondling her hair. His fingers threaded through her soft locks, initially without conscious thought. Now though, now he was very aware of his hand. And honestly, couldn't give a ********. It didn't bother him, he had weird fetishes and obsessions that usually would freak others out. Couldn't bother himself to care though. But Damien did glance down at Laurie in quiet curiousity. Yeah, they've been buds since the get go, but Laurie was always a bit of mystery. Some of his creepy ways made her rip him a new ones and other times she wasn't the slightest bothered. It was always fun to have the girl around. And not only because she smelled good. Eh, the most she could do is smack me and storm off into the school. All hot 'n bothered. Hehhh, and that would just make my morning all the more interesting. He was a sick ********, even when it came to the group of people closest to him. Actually, more so, when it come to those he was most relaxed around. Made him all the more comfortable to be his true, sadistic self.

His gaze lingered on Laurie a moment longer before trailing off and to another circle of students not too far away. By the heat in his stare, he hoped it would just burn the clothes right off the two girls in his sight, Alice and Meli. Both bookworms. Both fun to play games with in his mind mind games with. Too bad a disgusting view came along with the bookies, Play time, he voiced his thoughts aloud to try and get a rise out of the emotionless mime, "EH, Tristan! Why don't you just dump your girl there so you don't have to pretend anymore. I'm sure Craig wont mind if you take him from behind." One of Damien's favorite to torment was Tristan, for many reasons. Mainly because the kid rarely ever reacted, so it was interesting for Damien to see just how far he could push him, till the pothead felt something other than stoned. Another reason was that those around Tristan occasionally got fired up and defensive for their friend. He only hoped that today would be Alice's turn to get her panties in a twist. Ohh that feels good. Needed to say something pissy before first period. The morning has just been TOO nice. Tha's not how I like it. Not that Damien hated Tristan, he didn't even dislike the guy, just let his instinct for ruining others' day take over and his mouth have its right to Free Speech. After all, who was he to deny any of the Amendments from himself? No, that would just be wrong.
Professor Thunderdust!!
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"After all, who could learn to love a Beast?"

"Counterfeit money, of course"

He had decided that now was certainly not the time to make possible friends into enemies. Sure the cryptic ******** was annoying, but an ally is an ally. It's not like ******** ever did anything to me. Besides...looks like he knows Seth. His trademark grin splayed itself across his face.

"Caden, have you ever seen The Warriors? Cult classic."

He waited for a response, but then decided that whether he had seen the movie was of little consequence.

"Well, I guess whether you've seen it or not is of little consequence. The point is, it's based on this old story by a man named Xenophon. The story was called Anabasis, and it was about a group of sailors stranded in enemy territory, and their struggle to get home, as they are accused of the death of the benevolent tyrant."
He leaned closer to Caden. "Tell me what you think Cade. About that benevolent tyrant. He was obviously still in total power, but he had won the fanatics over to his side to oust the former tyrant. Hell, it happens all the time in Africa these days. Isn't that wild?" He realized he was probably boring the poor chap. He gave the boy a look over. Impeccably dressed, if a bit out of style for this part of town. (Not to mention the heat, ********!) The cuffs popped especially. "You really got a good style going on. You should show up to Stranded New Yorkers, I think we're having a meeting today." He sneered. "If you think you've got the talent."

Martin stood up. "Classes should be starting soon. You in Trig? Anyway we should bounce soon."

i could shove an icepick in my eye

Eloquent Conversationalist

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[Sebastian] Parker [F o r e s s i]

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Well, Elodie was gone, off into the land of Taylor, so Sebastian was just left there all alone. No problem for him though. Grabbing his side slinging bag, Sebastian pulled it up into his lap. It was an OCD's dream his backpack was. Homemade dividers, (Laminated cardboard), labels on everything, even the pencils were color coded. It was completely crazy and it was completely obsessive, but that was exactly what Sebastian was, crazy and obsessive. Good thing he was god looking, or he would just be a complete freak to the social world. Oh...Great, wrong order. Looking into his bag, the three folders he had; red, yellow and green; were all organized in color order. Or, at least they used to.

Maybe Caterina did this just to piss me off...and...NOOOOOO. His face went straight from irritation to complete and utter shock, his right eye twitching and everything. I knew something was wrong...But....God damn girl! It was the pencils. They had been reorganized, and switched with the erasers, and worse of all, they weren't in color order. The red one was in the purple pencils place, the mechanical pencil wasn't even there, and the #2 pencil was over with the notebooks. It was all out of order, all out of place..and it made him twitch. Going with his instincts, Sebastian completely upturned his bag, letting the contents fall on the ground. No way would he allow such an awful thing to occur. No was in hell.

Totally redoing his bag, Sebastian put the separators in right as they were, the smaller ones near the corner, leaving places to put both his binders and his folders and his notebooks.
“Red....Orange...Yellow....Green...Blue...” Muttering the order under his breath, Sebastian put everything back in the right order. All the papers in the folders were perfectly aligned, and then placed into it's own personal space, the pencils were all sharpened perfectly and arranged in color order, the cap erasers were organized in bags, red in one bag, blue in one, etc.
It only took about four minutes to get everything back in order, and the fact that people were probably watching didn't occur to him until after he had closed the flap.

Umm....Oh gosh, I just had a complete OCD moment.. Acting like nothing happened, Sebastian stood up from his place, and looked around the campus. More people had arrived, that for sure was obvious. The riddle guy, Caden, the always angry guy, Martin, the freaky sadistic dude who was obsessed with sex, Damien. The list just went on as to all the people Sebastian wasn't to fond of.
Walking past Taylor and Elodie, he offered both of them a small smile, his bag slung over his torso. “Well Elodie, I need to get to class...Good to see you Taylor.” With a nod he made his way into the school, his fancy shoes just short of squeaking on the dew covered grass.

At his locker, Sebastian quickly operated the lock, opening the small steel cage as if it was a fresh room. His mini bottle of Febreeze was still in the top shelf, as was his organizer that still hung from the hanger. Unlike most guys, his locker smelt amazing, like a fresh breeze, or your mothers house. It was crazy, it was interesting, but it was Sebastian. Not bothering to do anything with his locker, considering that his backpack was already organized, and he had yet to actually get any of his textbooks, Sebastian closed his locker, and began down the hallway to be early to his first class.

"If [N e w-Y o r k] was my ☆Kingdom☆, Central Park would be my ❉c-ou-rt-ya-rd❉, Time Square; my[c a s t l e] ◈, and China town; my ▶▕ Kitchen▕ ◀."
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Eloquent Conversationalist

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W e l l x s o m e x g o x this x w a y , x s o m e x g o xthat x w a y x . x B u t x a s x f o r x m e x , x m y s e l f x , x personally x , x I x p r e f e r x t h e x shortcut


Maybe I should have just asked him to punch me in the face. I would take that any day over his insentient babbling. With a sigh, Caden ignored the fact that Martin was able to solve his riddle right off the bat. It definitely wasn't something he was to happy about, but it really didn't matter. He had many, many more up his sleeve.

As Martin talked, Caden's gaze floated to his group of random people. Seth, Damien, Inelle, and....Blue? Hum. Oh, right, she was probably dragged over by D. Yah...That sounds about right. He has that thing where he likes to always be surrounded by at least one pretty girl. Sorry Inelle, but you don't quite cut his tastes.
“The warriors...How intriguing,” the sarcasm in his voice was almost painful to listen to, but he wasn't even done. “listening to your babbling is almost quite fatiguing.” As Martin questioned about what his first hour, Caden's right eyebrow slowly crept up his face as if it was a point of inquiry. Classes, First hour would be.....Oh. Right.

“Calculus first is where I am, then after that is up to 'the man'.” With a sigh, Caden looked up at the rather tall Martin and nodded his way. He was done with the young Motiere, since well, there really wasn't much more for him to say. However, to his comment about Stranded New Yorkers he gave a sigh. Making clothes, I would rather model them.. “My preference is to model them, making them is as much to condemn.” He didn't mean to condemn anyone else, just the fact that Caden making clothes would be like Carinna making cars. Yes, they went together, but could you actually picture either of them doing either? I thought not.

It was peace Caden really wished, however, Damien's loud outburst was enough to give anyone a headache. "CADEN! Hope you haven't made plans to be a loner tonight, cuz sounds like Seth's got something in mind! And what the hell man, where's my morning riddle, hope you haven't fed it to Martin there. I'd be insulted." Why must I pick the talkative ones to be my friend? Or for that matter, the loud ones. With his friends loud words he let out a rather depressing sigh. A night with Seth and Damien. Raising his hand to Martin in a very mellow wave, Caden walked over to where Seth, Inelle, Blue, and Damien were. It really didn't matter who all was there, just as long as none of them were pissing him off, and it took a lot of effort to piss Caden Callahan off.

His eyebrows went up at the sight of Damien with his arm around Laurie, his fingers tangled in her hair. I thought you liked the bookish type..Regardless, your problem if she wants into your pants. With a shrug, Caden gave Seth a respectful nod, since it wasn't quite in his nature to address anyone unless being addressed first. To Damien's question, Caden forced a moderate smirk, making sure to show at least a little bit of his perfect teeth.

“I have nothing to do tonight to my displeasure, we can take my car, it would be my pleasure.” His attention flickered from Seth to Damien, and then back again. It stayed at Seth, his eyes practically pleading for the answer of “What are we doing tonight”. He didn't need to say anything when it came to Seth, and Caden was pretty sure that Seth definitely appreciated his quiet nature. The young Callahan didn't bother saying hello to anyone else, he didn't know Blue, and him and Inelle were just kind of...Acquaintances.
Placing his thumbs in his pocket, Caden stared into oblivion, looking almost like a model striking a pose.

[C]aden[D]imitri [C]allahan

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Eloquent Conversationalist

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lĭcę Eƅoɳү Ͼarŗӧℓℓ

User Image­His automatic grin definitely made Al smile, just the fact that her being a silly airhead blond could make him smile, made her smile in return. “Right. Awake by your standards is asleep by mine.” All you have to do is just smile, and everything will be alright. Right? Regardless, Alice was satisfied, she had Tristan, she had Craig, she had Meli.
I wonder where that blond bookworm is? Mel, you just make my day, now come and make it!
How on earth could Melisande read her mind, for right then her best friend came jogging over, calling something in French to them.
Alice's face exploded into a wide grin, and part of her wanted to just rush right over to her, but then again, she considered that Mel would come right up and give her a hug. Alice was right. Letting out a small “eek.” To having her innards squeezed, Alice attempted to hug her back, but since her arms were kind of unable to move at the moment. “It's great to see you too Meli. My summer was....Interesting I guess.” Dad is regressing further...Mum is....Just kind of not there in the right sense of the term, Tristan wont stop his smoking, and I seriously bet that it got worse over the summer since I wasn't able to do anything..Craig is as depressing as ever and...Well Peter bought me a car that I can't use.
“I got a new car! But....I don't have a license...So it is just kind of sitting in my garage, and on top of that...well I don't really know how to drive.” Since it wasn't a big deal, her not driving, Al shook ignred the fact that she had a super cool car that she couldn't drive.
With a smile, Alice laughed at the 'cozy' comment. They do look cozy, and how adorably are they are! Leaning over to Tristan, Alice ruffled his hair, and flashed him her usual smile.
“All you need is your own blanket, or just bring a bigger one for you and Craig to share.” With a smile, Alice returned her attention to Meli, and the fact that Alice totally didn't even know what her first class was.
“Umm....Schedule....Umm...” With a blank expression Al reached into her 'magical' bag and removed a massive amount of papers. All of them looked like legal statements, some bank statements, and only a few that actually were school related.
After shuffling over more than fifteen pieces of paper, Alice takes a look at her classes, when and where. “Lets see...I have Formal Geometry...French one, Psychology, World History, Forensics, Aerobics, and then I have yearbook after.” To bad I'm the youngest at Clemente, everyone has more advanced classes than me. Oh well, I still get Forensics and French! Hopefully if I get good enough in french, I can understand all the arguments between Meli and her mom.

“EH, Tristan! Why don't you just dump your girl there so you don't have to pretend anymore. I'm sure Craig wont mind if you take him from behind." It was amazing how much one adorable teenager could entrance, and disturb the young blond girl. Hearing Damien's comment, Alice couldn't help but just gawk at him, her eyes wide like a dear, her mouth just short of opening. It was priceless, an expression fit for someone who had just been slapped by a makeup wearing fish. Tristan...and...Craig...Him doing....AAAAAAAAAGHHH! A mental image of a makeup wearing Tristan and Craig sitting outside wearing nothing but pajama pants appeared in her mind. It was a disgusting thought, but every little thing that someone said to Alice could be twisted around, creating a chain of thoughts springing off from one another, leading to her most twisted vision ever.
“Aaaaaaaaagh!” Alice's hands went right up to her eyes, her head shaking furiously as she tried to get that thought out of her head. No....Lets thing about cherries...I have cherries on my pajama pants...Tristan and craig in frilly pajama pants! AAAAAGH! Noooooooooooo!
It was obvious that Alice was having a complete mental breakdown, her eye twitching to accompany the most horrified expression she had ever had.

It [ w o u l d ] be so {- nice -} if something would make - s e n s e - for a +change+.

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Girl-Crazy Explorer

5,150 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Full closet 200
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                                              Craig shook his head at the sound of a faint -click-, opening his eyes fully to gaze sleepily at Alice, who was giddily holding out her iPhone, thumb poised on the 'take photograph' touch-button. He raised his eyebrows, biting his lip gently to indicate his posing a question that didn't need much answering. It was obvious that she enjoyed their chaste tiredness, as proven by the small giggles and easy smiles as she, apparently, set the photograph as her phone's screensaver or wallpaper or something of the like.

                                              "T, you know it's not a matter of messing up, I said I was only joking." Craig looked sidelong at his best friend and shook his head gently. Hearing Tristan out as he complained about his severe hunger, Craig vaguely wished he had food so he could actually give it to Tristan. The only food Craig would eat at leisure was actually Alice's cupcakes, or a selection from a very picky palette. For lunch and meals and whatnot, he would eat whatever was served to him, within reason. He couldn't stand for cauliflower or beans.

                                              At Tristan's confused, or just disappointed, tone, Craig reached around his back, unzipping the smallest pocket of his backpack. Pausing a moment, he zipped it back up. Feeling around in his pocket for a thrice-folded piece of paper, he fished out his schedule, smoothing it out and handing it to Tristan. Craig wasn't thrilled about maths being first either, but what could they do? It seemed as if the entire class was set on a maths-language-language arts-social science-science-athletics schedule. Apparently the freshman had a different setup, so that was that.

                                              As soon as he was finished handing the paper to Tristan, who else but Alice's friend Mélisande bounced over. Her energy was never-ending ( though incomparable when it came to certain other students' supplies of liveliness ), and luckily she wasn't an entirely unpleasant person. She let out a not-entirely-garbled string of greetings and kisses and exclamations, finishing with a comment on the boys' 'coziness' and an out-loud question of their schedules. Craig briefly reached over onto Tristan's lap to grab his schedule, waving it around briefly before setting it back on T's lap. "Here."

                                              Then, King of Mind Tricks Damien showed up, snarky remarks about Tristan's sexuality and obvious lecherousness towards Mélisande and Alice abound. "God, ******** off, Damien, we were doing fine without you here. So just go on your merry way, find some secretary to screw, looks like both of you would probably need it." Craig cut his eyes at Damien, his gaze flickering over to Theo for a second before something in his periphery caught his attention. Alice's smile was flickering off her face, her disgust and mind-rape obvious in her expression.

                                              "Jesus, Damien, can you go two seconds without upsetting someone?! Holy ******** God, can you seriously just leave us alone!?" Craig spat at Damien's smirking face. Alice let out a loud screech of- God, Craig didn't know. Despair? Disgust? ********? When her eye began to twitch, Craig nudged Tristan in his side, poking his sharply with his elbow. What was Damien's ******** problem? He always had to mess with someone. And this morning, did it have to be Alice? Craig glared, wishing for the first bell just to ring already.

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Hakuna Matata what a wonderful phrase

User ImageAiden Michael Buchanan User Image

Woah, I hope not everyone in America behaves that way..It's pathetic and sad in a way. Oh well Aiden shook off the mediocre insult as if it were a bee crawling up his leg. He scanned the campus of the school once more, to see anybody worth attempting conversation. Let's see, smoking section...nah; People over by the car, I don't know... He thought he saw a familiar face over by the car, but it couldn't be who he thought. Wait...? No, that couldn't be her. "Weird, I usually make friends so easily...at least when I was back home..." He sighed heavily and proceeded into the elaborate front door of Clemente High School.
The door felt so heavy and foreign to the touch. He reached into his back pocket taking out a crumpled up piece of paper that was supposed to be his schedule. "Let's see, my locker should be somewhere around....here!" Aiden muttered to himself as he walked up to a monstrous looking locker that was an unnatural looking blue that he had never witnessed before. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a fellow ginger, the one that told him where the Trig room was. Aiden fumbled with his locker combination until he finally succeeded in opening it. Since he had nothing to put in there yet, he shut the door. I think I'll thank the person that told me where my first hour was. I mean, seriously, he couldn't be as unpleasant as the first American I really spoke to!
Aiden walked over, slowly approaching Garret, so as not to come off as aggressive, but friendly. "Hey, thank you for telling me where my first hour was! Navigating this school is harder than I thought it would be!"

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Hakuna Matata ain't no passing c r a z e
            [ i`msickofallthesameoldsh*tinahousewithunlockeddoorsandi`mf*ckinglazy ]

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bite my lip and close my eyes.
take me away to p a r a d i s e.

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                            Laurie let her mind wander, again, it was getting harder to focus on one thing with everything going on at once. She was trying to focus on where Ari might’ve gone, but she was nowhere to be seen. The only thing consistent was her cigarette; going back and forth from her mouth. Her head was pulsating some, and she was groggy. Damn. What did I even drink last night? Blue wasn’t exactly a “partier” type but if booze was involved she was there. Last night, however, she just happened to “find” some high-class frou-frou champagne. Weak s**t to get drunk off of, but she just needed a little buzz before she went to bed. She had drained the whole bottle in one night, by herself, and fell asleep watching some Animal Planet documentary. She couldn’t really remember, blaming the small hangover that was throbbing in her skull, but she also didn’t really care.

                            Then, with everything still happening at once, she found someone’s hand on her shoulder. Snapping out of her smoky daze and back to reality she followed the hand on her shoulder up to Damien’s talkative face. Hm. She wondered if he was high or something. He did seem to be shouting something to someone. Maybe at Tristan? Why couldn’t he talk to just one person? And why was he moving? Even now he was pulling Laurie closer to him and the only thing she could do was oblige. She didn’t mind of course, he was her friend for a while now; they enjoyed each others company and he made her laugh. His flirting was something he did with everyone and she just had the nearest shoulder to coddle. She didn’t even mind that now he was practically molesting her hair. She was just surprised he could work his fingers around her mane of a hair, without his hand even getting tangled. She brought her gaze back from the spaced-out nowhere it was to his eyes, which were…staring at her. A lot. She held his gaze for a while, blinking before turning her head back to the nowhere in front of her, blowing smoke out of her pursed lips. She wondered what he was thinking about for maybe two seconds, before deciding that she really didn’t want to know.

                            When Caden walked over Blue made no effort to introduce herself. She didn’t see why, now that a conversation had begun she was only serving as an armrest. Now Damien was talking with his friends. It was still hard for her to follow everyone he was greeting, not having realized that she’d tuned everyone out. She took the opportunity to gather all of her hair and pull it to one side of her head where he couldn’t reach it. She punctuated her withdraw with a cigarette drag, blowing a cloud of smoke forward only to have the wind blow it back into her face. Any novice smoke would’ve coughed or flinched but Laurie just breathed the smoky air in. Besides, after his “Tristan comment” he got a rise out of Alice. Her shriek made Laurie wince before she shot a glare her way. It didn’t take a genius to know that D was hot for her, maybe he’d even go over there to harass them more. Doubt it, Laurie thought to herself as she saw Craig’s mouth move but didn’t listen to the comeback that was sure to follow. Taking the last long drag from her cigarette she flicked it to the ground, still burning. The possibility of her walking to class with him attached to her shoulder seemed to be a high one. She wasn’t annoyed with the possibility, simply aware.

”I got no motivation.
Where is my motivation?
No time for motivation.
Smoking my inspiration.”

Zyuuei's Husbando

IRL Carnivore

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eth Coηηaħue ø' Rile

♫I've Got a [L][o][v][e][l][y] Bunch of Coconuts,♪User Image
Seth nodded in agreement. Yes. He did indeed have something planned for tonight. Not anything terribly bad...unless the possibility of killing someone from flipping their car was 'bad'. When Damien confirmed he'd join in the fun, Seth actually grinned. Not a 'awesome I can't wait' smile, but an evil 'excellent, I needed another person anyways' smirk. Piercing green eyes scanned the area again, looking for Caden, who Damien was shouting at. Seth's amused grin was gone just as quickly as it came. Damn, make it any more obvious who's to blame for the police siren's tonight, and I'll have to go into hiding. Seth's eyes followed Caden as he made his way over, examining his facial expression, and nodding a greeting in return, before explaining what he had in store for tonight.

He sighed, flashing an untrustworthy eye to the surrounding ladies. But...not much Inelle, or Blue could do to stop them...so, no worries. Smoke whisped around his head as he spoke, "Alright. Nothing serious." Well, a lot of things Seth would consider child's play, would be considered ******** crazy in someone else's book. "But. We need a heavy duty drill first off." Seth's unnatural voice grew from informative, to all business, although he was talking about activities considered 'fun' in the trio's devious minds. "Something big enough to unbolt manholes." He let that little statement settle in, while taking a quick drag from his cigarette, the trail of smoke renewed of he continued with tonight's plans. "All goes well, we remove twenty-six manholes from the inner city, an area of about..." Give Seth a second, he's working out the number's in his head. "Seventeen blocks, tops." Seth knew the other two probably didn't want to hear all the insanely elaborate details, that was Seth's job anyways, calculate the escape plans, figure out how much gas to the ounce they need to get away if cops find them, plot the safe zones that aren't being patrolled by rent-a-cops, write down the list of supplies, etc. etc.

Seth sighed, seemingly done explaining the fun that was to go down tonight. He grew silent and creepy again, watching as Damien already started a verbal dispute, Seth had to give the guy some credit though, he had stirred the dead...well, close enough, he had gotten Craig to shout back. Seth waited until Craig shut up again, to throw in one last comment, to make his plans seem a bit more worthwhile. "And. If we're lucky, there'll be a few major accidents, and if we're really fortunate, a capsized gas-tanker." There it was, the odd flicker, it only ever lasted a millisecond at a time, but it was the most joy you'd see from Seth if a house wasn't on fire, the thought of a major fire, organized chaos, what Seth considered...fun. But, like all good things, Seth's imagination had to be interrupted, [********] He mumbled, throwing to the ground his last smoke. Numbers were his thing, everything had numbers and codes and an organized way to seriously ******** it up, in this case the absence of another packet of cigarettes. Seth had remembered, he had four left when he left the house the morning, and it would be impossible, for Seth to miscount the number he had burned. He kept a subconscious record on his possessions and the carton the contained the other five packs, was at home. Trying to get his mind of the knawing fact he was out of cigarette's unless he ditched school without even trying to go through the classes, and headed home to further plot out the event's for tonight. He remembered then, the issue of Caden's extremely protective ways with his car. "Oh. Right. Your car." Seth figured the second he mentioned car accident Caden started considering his Mustang's fate. "one...six...twenty-four." He mumbled under his breath, before returning to reality. "Sixty-eight safe parking spots for your precious car Caden. Where it will be completely out of the way of the...activities..."

♪Big Ones Small Ones Some as Big as Your Head!
H e r e L i e sD A M I E NL E EB U T L E RT w i s t e d P s y c h o

єχтяємєℓу ∂αηgєяσυѕ. кєєρ συт σƒ яєα¢н σƒ ¢нιℓ∂яєη." ¢σσℓ! ❞

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Damien frowned in Caden's direction, about to voice his deep complaints that Caden's car was always their first choice of wheels. I mean, there isn't nothing wrong with my baby. She may sputter and stall, but she pulls through. Looking over at his 1950 Ford Convertible, D was overwhelmed with a want to just dash over and hug his rickety old car. Though it had the potential to be one major piece of machinery, he kept her just as she was, having a fondness for its imperfections. At least, till he got the money to get the parts so he could fix her up with his own two hands. Oh that will be a joyous occassion. Practially orgasmic. His feet continued to fidget a moment longer, seemingly indecisive about making the trek to pamper his car, before Damien fully gave up the idea and decided he'd much rather remain with his arm around Laurie. Caden's car it is, I guess.

He mentally gave up his argument, that his car was feeling left out, as his attention turned to Craig. The normally silent oompa-loompa saw fit to provide him with the entertainment he sought by throwing a little tantrum. Man, he must really have a fondness for Tristan. Didn't realise I was shouting the kid's secret to the whole world or I would... nah, I'd've still gone and done it. But here I was thinking that Theo was the main character in Craig's fantasies... "Hehheh, I'll be sure to screw her, if found. And hey, maybe she'll even have a brother for your enjoyment." Damien finished with a wink and momentarily watched Alice in amusement, wondering just how twisted her innocent thoughts could possibly get, before what Seth was saying finally caught his scattered attention.

"Accidents, capsizing something, a drill... well ********, now I'm tempted to cancel my daily trip to the library. Just this once." Without missing a beat, Damien slipped two cigs from his front pocket and stuck one between his lips while passing the other to Seth. "Wont last you though the day, but just bust into any of my classes if you need another. I'm sure the teachers wont mind." The grin on his face indicated that her hoped otherwise. It would be a relief from their monotonous lectures and onslaught of rather pointless knowledge. Suddenly noticing that his fingers were no longer lacing through Blue's hair, he moved them to skimming her shoulder erratically and with no specific rhythm. Though what he really wanted to do was ruffle her hair and muss it up more than it already was, somehow he got the feeling that would bring the grump out of Blue. For her brow wrinkled with what was either a headache or mass hangover. With his other hand, he flicked his lighter to life and lit up. If his mum didn't force Damien to brush his teeth obsessively than his smile would surely have a yellow tinge to it by now. Sliding the metal box back in his rear pocket, D blew the smoke from his nose, though it no longer gave his nostrils the same sweet burning sensation it use to.

Zyuuei's Husbando

IRL Carnivore

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Tristan Drake [W]inters

User Image User ImageTristan let off a small smirk at Alice's amusement. But...chances were, he'd forget by the time tomorrow came around the corner to bring a blanket for himself. Forgetful, lazy, stoner. His best qualities. Well, his only qualities, so they acted as his worst and best, depending on how you looked at them. Sighing, Tristan didn't even bother smoothing out his hair again when Alice ruffled it with a happy smile. Tristan looked down at the shedule with a bored frown, and pulled out his own, this was really the first time he had actually looked at his classes. The first class, already convinced him he shouldn't even bother looking at the rest. "What the..." He mumbled. It had to be a mistake. The math class he was in this year was even lower than last year, he'd be stuck with a bunch of freshmen. But, he'd already given up on that. He certainly wasn't the type to go complain to the front office about a mistake in his schedule.

He scanned the two papers again, and let out a small sigh of disappointment. "Looks like we only ha-" Interuppted by a voice nearby, Tristan looked up, to see it was Damien shouting over. Of course, nothing remotely civil came out of the kid's mouth. Tristan would need more of a push than that to get worked up and angry, but appartently, it was one of Craig's fiestier days. Tristan was about to put his hands up to his ears to block out Craig's outburst, until it ended as quickly as it had begun. Tristan continued on then, as if absolutley nothing had happened. "Like we only have one class together." Finished with what little effort he'd put into the schedules, he was just about to fall into the background again, when finally, way too late, he acknowledged Alice's horrified expression. He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Uh. Alice? Are you alright?"

He looked off to the side at Craig, and spoke at a half whisper. "What did I miss?" Not knowing that the conversation that left her freaking out was the one the had happened two seconds ago. Oh well.

Eloquent Conversationalist

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W e l l x s o m e x g o x this x w a y , x s o m e x g o xthat x w a y x . x B u t x a s x f o r x m e x , x m y s e l f x , x personally x , x I x p r e f e r x t h e x shortcut


His eyebrows raised as Seth spoke about the plan. “Heavy Duty Drill....” It wasn't meant for anyone else to hear, for Caden was pretty much talking to himself at this point. Imagine, just randomly sticking the manhole covers on top of peoples mailboxes. No, no, Seth wouldn't go for that. He would rather have explosions than irritated people. Yet, Caden was quite the opposite when it came to anything of that nature.
I wonder if my car can actually hold 17 manhole covers...Maybe we'll need to make two trips. My poor car. Let alone the car, but does Seth realize how ******** heavy those things are?
At Seth's comment about major accidents, Caden's right eye began to twitch. The mustang. No. No way. Never.
However, before Caden even got the chance to protest, Seth reassured him of the car's safety, and Caden was able to calm back down. It wasn't like he was twitching uncontrollable, but for everyone who knew him, it was obvious that he put his car first.
Seth knew, Damien knew, everyone knew that if it was a choice between any human or his car, he would save the car. Shallow, it was indeed, but it was Caden, and he was hard pressed to like people. The car will be safe. No problems. None. Right? I'll risk it.
Caden completely ignored both Damien and the scream of that Alice girl. He had yelled some profanity, or something or other, and he was loving her pain, that was obvious. Caden only cared if he was the one to cause it, and in this particular instant, he was not, so it went right over his head.
There wasn't really a whole lot he wanted to do that morning. School was soon, and Kovit had yet to arrive. However, that was his problem, so really he didn't care.
So....Classes are to start the day, which is where you'll be making your way?” It was just a casual question, for he liked just to be surprised be Seth's plans, and hearing about it would just make him a little antsy, so he preferred it to be spontaneous. For him at least.
With his hands shoved nonchalantly in his pockets, Caden proceeded to shuffle one foot in the dirt, making absolutely sure to only just lightly touch the ground, so the tops of his shoes would not get ruined. It was his obsession, nice things. His clothes were always perfect, his teeth always clean, everything had to be perfect.
Remembering hos oral fixation, Caden reached into his back pocket and removed a package of mint gum, removing one from the cardboard square as well. After taking it out of it's wrapper, Caden popped it into his mouth, chewing the super minty gum with a bit of a smile.
I wonder what the gum would do if it was alive. Would it know that whenever the box opened to reveal light, that it one of them would die? Or would removing their wrapper be like removing it's skin..I wonder what it's scream would sound like.

[C]aden[D]imitri [C]allahan

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‹ We can't wait! The p o l i c e are everywhere. ›User Image
I want the [ job ] done tönîght! Do it any way you like.
Poison them. Drown them. BASH them in the head.
You got any chloroform? I don't ¢arë how you kill
→ the little ßeasts, but it, and do it now!

As Ari walked away from Benji she heard his outburst at Theo. She was glad the kid was being told off, but due to Theo's personality it was highly unlikely that the yelling would have any effect, other than to make Benji feel better. If he wants to exert enough energy to shout that loud this early in the morning, I suppose he doesn't have a problem with waking up from clamoring noises. Ari knew quite well that Blue felt entirely otherwise. Shouts and screeches were always annoying, but even more so at a time when one was still half asleep and didn't wish to be awoken. A sudden thought caused Ari to pull her cell phone out of her pocket to check the time. Not long until class... I ought to get going.

Damien's comment about Tristan and Craig's relationship being more than platonic cracked a smirk into Ari's face as she reached the school doors. Those two did tend to get much closer than most straight guys would dare, but it wasn't her problem if the two felt like having buttsex with each other. It was just a fact to log away for a day she might use it. Though since I almost never talk to them that's pretty unlikely. There is always the chance that they'll need a good dose of humiliation someday. With this positive thought, positive in Ari's point of view anyway, she entered the school with Jazz by her side. However, the momentary calm of being away from the conversing masses outside was broken by the loud footfalls of a large thing moving rather quickly. Within moments a neon-colored flash zipped past toward the office. Ari stopped in her tracks wondering what the hell was going on when Makenna slowly walked in and followed the person who had previously passed.

"Must've been Theo," she commented to her boyfriend and she headed for her locker. "He's the only one hyperactive enough to run through the school like that without an actual purpose before first period has even started." A disgusted curl of the lip made her view of Theo's actions clearly obvious to anyone who hadn't heard what she said. Ari stopped short in front of the metal box that would hold all her textbooks for the rest of the year. Though she absolutely hated the aesthetics of such a container, it certainly was better to have a locked box than nothing at all. Then, I'd actually have to carry all my books. Ari's pale nose wrinkled at the thought of dragging about the excess weight. She came past her locker any time she could to switch books. Excess effort simply wasn't something she was interested in exerting. Rather, she took the most efficient path no matter what it entailed.

After she had finished criticizing the locker's outer appearance with a couple of glares, Ari unlocked it and began stacking binders and notebooks neatly inside it. This didn't take long, so before she closed the metallic box she placed her magnet-backed mirror on the door. A quick glance at her appearance saved Ari a trip to the bathroom before the door was closed. Technically, she probably could have shut it softer, but right now she wasn't in the mood to be gentle, though, admittedly, she rarely was. So the clang of metal on metal rang down the hall. Okay, that wasn't the best idea this early. The few minutes which had passed since Benji's shouting hadn't improved her view of loud noises in the morning. But the violent slamming of the locker had been satisfying to her hands, though not her ears. "Shall we head to your locker then Jazz?" While she awaited an answer, Ari pulled her messenger bag higher up on her shoulder. That was the one problem with bags that only hung on one shoulder; they liked to slide. However an actual backpack was not attractive at all, so she tolerated the constant readjustments. After all, they were worth looking good.

| A r i a n n a | xxx | M a r i e | xxx | C a l d w e l l |

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