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                                                          At the very least, they gave their last breath amidst their dear ones, they thought, smiling at each other through bruised and bloody lips. Even as their enemies took over, even as they executed them one by one, they stood tall, firm, a monument to their greatness, even as they passed death's threshold.

                                                          Their dynasty had fallen.
                                                          "--but how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard..."

                                                          THE JUSTICE LEAGUE
                                                          The protectors of the planet --no, such a title would undermine their role --they are the protectors of peace in the universe and beyond. The name itself, stirs a sense of pride in those that hope for justice and liberty and it's the same pride that flowed through the veins of every metahuman that arrived at one of the Justice League’s training facilities, a direct result of the organization taking notice of the many individuals with inimaginable powers that sought their guidance. And guidance they offered, with the increase of peace times, they took heed and shaped the Legion Academy.

                                                          Though there were no attacks from aliens or dimensional gods threatening to take over, the humans of Earth began to become unsettled, if not restless, a suspenseful tension spreading like a virus through whispers and hearsay. They trusted the Justice League, that was certain, but they didn’t trust all the new recruits they were gathering --and how many of them were! What if one of them turned rogue? Or one of the metahumans had a power that would pale even Superman’s greatness? The unrest turned into demonstrations, calling to put a limit on the metahumans, before they were unable to be controlled. Congressmen and diplomats, backed by the paranoid humans, passed bills and made treaties between the major powers of the world, to help rein in the potential danger. It was overwhelming, the support behind the act, but it went into effect soon after it was first proposed.

                                                          THE METAHUMAN REGISTER ACT
                                                          With it, every metahuman would be required to register with the governments of their home country, in order to be added to an international database that would turn them into nothing but numbers. They were required, apart from filling out numerous documents, to give their name, their address, their alias, their powers and their known weaknesses, in the event that they decided to turn rogue against humanity. Naturally, there was strife among the metahuman community, and rightfully so. Why should they be required to give up such sensitive information? Why were they discriminated against when clearly there were military weapons stronger than all of them combined?! Not every metahuman was dangerous, some having powers harmless enough to use around the household or to hold a job.

                                                          The two sides butted heads for a while, but it was the Justice League's decision to back the act that made it unanimous. If the Justice League got behind it, who were they to say they shouldn’t go along with it? Though the general populace was satisfied, the governments were not completely at peace with the potential threat, especially now that they knew how many metahumans were out there. The issue had been brought up that, even with known weaknesses of villains, how could they really trust the metahumans to be tame and make the right decisions? If someone with powers stronger than the Justice League appeared, there was nothing they nor humans could do to stop them.

                                                          And so project FEARLESS was drafted.

                                                          The premise behind it was simple: train soldiers loyal to humanity and grant them powers that would make them, essentially, metahuman. A team of loyal metahumans with a background in following the orders of their superiors would be fantastic. The Justice League could handle their own problems, but when it came time, humanity had to help itself against the growing threat and who better than individuals that have lived as humans? Under the guidance of geneticist Theodore Simmons, FEARLESS took fruition, developed into a machine that would alter the genetics of a human, unlocking the dormant metagene inside of them. The machine worked wonders, test subjects able to perform feats that, prior to the experiment, they would not have been able to, nor could any human even have a chance at. A success that garnered the attention of every government in the world, the eyes of the media soaking in the new developments.

                                                          Theodore Simmons and Project FEARLESS was on every front page of every magazine and newspaper. A machine that could revolutionize humanity, pushing them out of the evolutionary ditch they had found themselves in and taking the next step. Soon enough, all humans would be on equal footing with all metahumans. It was a double-edge sword however, the attention it received. Everyone learned about Project FEARLESS and the demonstration that would be undertaken in the coming months, be they of good nature or not. And it was those of sour dispositions that took notice, among them, the group known as KRONOS.

                                                          Not much was actually known of KRONOS, due to their methods of acting. Only the highest ranks in government knew of their existence, but had not reported it to the Justice League due to the privileges they were privy to. And why should they, anyway? KRONOS hadn’t taken any dangerous actions against humanity. In fact, KRONOS had not taken any actions, ever. Only the name was known. The leader, the structure, and their intent was all hidden away. No members were ever found, besides a metahuman that had been found near the location of a terrorist attack, when an hourglass had been found branded onto the man’s body, the only known evidence of KRONOS’ existence.

                                                          All changed with the way humans believed they could artificially become what they were never meant to be, unlike their fellow metahumans, whom were born with gifts. Enough was enough and KRONOS, or rather their leader, broke the vow set among their members. KRONOS would be known by humanity and the demonstration for Project FEARLESS’s machine was the perfect stage for their arrival.

                                                          The demonstration of the machine was supposed to be the first insight into forced human evolution, to further the species. It was contained and, following the regulations and settings used before, it would be successful. But Theodore Simmons never anticipated what came next. A malfunction caused the machine to reach critical levels of power, every person in close proximity pulverized into nothing more than shadows against the walls. Theodore, who was there at the time, was able to survive, but his eyes boiled and his face was severely burned, as he had been facing his creation when it blew up. From the explosion, the machine released the aggregation of energy into the atmosphere, raining down chemicals and energy that could change the genetic code of humans. And change them it did. Over the next few months, humans were reporting signs that were attributed to metahumans, powers and abilities that were not present days before. The governments covered up as much as they could, citing imbalances in energy levels caused by the actual metahumans that had revealed themselves not too long before. In the end, they shifted the blame on metahumans having had something to do with the whole disaster; a scapegoat was found and sentenced to prison for life, then promptly killed by a human extremist group that hijacked the police transport responsible with bringing him to the prison in Metropolis.

                                                          As the world's view was shifted on the metahumans once more, some grew bitter towards those they were supposed to protect. The planet was once again, divided. The powered individuals began having lapses in their moralities, conflicted between their natures and that what the Justice League had always preached. And at the breast of this civil unrest, it was these individuals that were capitalized by KRONOS. From those that were angry at the societal discriminations against them, to those furious at the passiveness of the Justice League in dealing with the humans, they were all welcomed into the arms of KRONOS and her ranks. The more that joined them, the more they grew in numbers and strength, building enough power so they could continue with their plan to announce themselves.

                                                          It was on the 5th of November that KRONOS struck.

                                                          COUP D'ETAT
                                                          KRONOS called it The Rebirth, the Justice League named it The Darkest Day, and humans called it the Rapture. Regardless of the name, the effects were the same. KRONOS was a quiet organization, infiltrating the ranks of society and government, their members seeming ordinary citizens, sleeper cells until the time was just right. Even some metahumans that joined the Justice League were branded with the same hourglass shape, hidden from eyesight, gaining trust and spreading their influence. An order went out, a day before, by KRONOS’ leader for them to strike at an exact time stamp, no matter the timezone. And strike they did. Within 24 hours, an entire day, the world was KRONOS’. Generals committed coup d’état on unimaginable levels, their soldiers tossing off their human disguises and exposing their status as a metahuman. The Justice League, present at the coronation for the first graduating students of their training facility, fell quickly, legions of KRONOS metahumans overwhelming the major figures fast and without mercy. Even the great Superman stood no chance, falling to the strength of his weakness.

                                                          KRONOS had won.

                                                          Whatever remnants of the Justice League that survived hid as the world changed, the dark forces that tore the group down, revealing themselves. With the world overtaken by a pro-metahuman force, humanity was nothing more than a second-class citizen, serving underneath those that they had badgered and harassed not even a decade prior. To be a metahuman was a blessing in this utopia, but those that refused to join KRONOS, metahuman or not, they were disposed of swiftly.

                                                          THE PAST YEAR
                                                          DYNASTY started making moves in the shadows. They began with a tentative alliance with FEARLESS, one that KRONOS squashed immediately. It was clear then that they had been made, prompting the group to go back into hiding --though not for long. The casualties they suffered forced their hand to finally come into the light again, go against KRONOS more forcefully, for the first time in five years. During this time, they succeeded in taking over the KRONOS BROADCAST TOWER (KBT) and spread their message to the world, that they were here and they would not be silenced, they made connections with the rebellion brewing in the affected cities, they snuck into Daily Planet and printed a pro-DYNASTY article and attempted to save the FEARLESS leader from the KRONOLOCK facility --yet even then, KRONOS managed to come out somewhat victorious, blaming the heroes for the civilian casualties that took place in the encounters between DYNASTY members and KRONOS agents.

                                                          Nevertheless, there have been losses for all factions. Some that hit harder than others --KRONOS is licking its wounds, trying to win terrain again, while DYNASTY and FEARLESS are recuperating from all these events. But they don't have long and they must hit the evil while its down, lest they risk them growing even stronger. So far, the words of DYNASTY have managed to touch hearts and now eyes are looking at them, hopeful.
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                                                          hello! welcome to 𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘 a roleplay based, of course, on the dc comics and their wonderful universe, along with the eternal battle between good and evil. I want you to know, dear roleplayer, that despite it being a dc comics-verse thing, you are allowed to borrow powers that the ones in the marvel universe have, it is perfectly fine.

                                                          I truly wish for this roleplay to be a long term one, I know many say this and so did I sometimes with other roleplays, just to watch them die after no more than two or three pages; something that saddened me greatly, so I will develop certain rules and ways for this to not happen with this one --or at least, I will try. Please, if you know you are not a committed roleplayer, that you lack genuine interest in this roleplay, do not join it. It is both selfish and rude to join a roleplay you know you will not be active in, just because you wanted to do it in the spur of the moment.

                                                          now that this is out of the way, I'm antediluvian murder! it is nice to meet you and I hope we will roleplay together! an important aspect of the settings of this roleplay (something I will address in another post as well) is that it will take place in various places, various cities, especially those fictional ones in the comics such as : Metropolis, Gotham, Central City, Smallville, Star City etc. along with some industrial sites from this universe such as S.T.A.R Labs or Queen Industries and sites such as Hall of Justice, Iron Heights, Legion Academy, Arkham Asylum etc.; so basically, the action will be spread around and we will have a huge variety of characters. the capacity of this roleplay, I have not decided on yet, but keep in mind this will be a big one. now, the plot may seem a bit hazy, but trust me, we've got things handled, a timeline will be presented in another post where things will be explained better, along with everything else. if there is a question you would like to ask, please dm me or my moderator/s in discord and we will answer it swifty as well as put it up in the FAQ channel asap.

                                                          the people that will give you the boot when you're being an a**, basically. I kid I kid, they are here to help me handle this roleplay, given that it's going to be a big one and alone I will not be able to do everything, therefore, I have mods to help me do that. you will address them with the problems, you will treat them with respect and ask them questions in case I am not here.

                                                          YOUNG PURE KITTEN - purges, discord activity, accepting/rejecting apps & profiles, lore
                                                          CATHARTIC DESIRE - purges, discord activity and supervision, responsible for the running of the server
                                                          KANNIA LUNA TOKAI - purges, discord activity, responsible with hiatuses/extension requests, lore

                                                          If you have any problems or suggestions, please do not hesitate to message our team! We do try to respond as quickly as possible, but we cannot fix what we do not know about. The names listed above are the only way to have your voice be heard by our staff. Do not be afraid to reach out.

                                                          GENERAL RULES
                                                          I believe we have all been around enough to know what to do and not do, right? But just for shits and giggles, I will remind you that you must respect the gaia ToS. That means no cybering, no nudity, if clothes come off, take a time skip, please.

                                                          Auto-hitting, metagaming and godmodding is kinda really bad and we don't stand for it, unless it is done by somebody you plotted it with of course. Nobody has to win every time and nobody has to lose everytime in fights, so please be reasonable and understanding when this happens, take it gracefully. Yes, there will also be fighting, violence and some cursing, look at the theme. If you can't handle it, then please move on. This is by no means a light-hearted type of roleplay.

                                                          Plotting and the such will happen in a discord server. Speaking of which, being a member of the discord is a requirement, as there are important announcements, plots, dates, and information that you will only be able to find there. If you are unable to find a link to the discord, please PM a moderator to send it to you.

                                                          So, we got to this point, huh? Well, the application code will be in the app thread, so you can go click that link and get it done. It will act as a reservation for the spot you want, until your profile is done. Please fill it accordingly and don't forget to put a high quality picture of your character in there. No need to change anything about it or color it differently, or add more than necessary. thank you.

                                                          After it is done, post it in the app thread. It will quote me and one of my mods, so if I'm not there, they will be and will accept or deny it. If there are small things that need tweaking, then I will tell you to do so. I reserve the right to deny your app based on samples alone, however, if there's something that can be tweaked, I will definitely do my best to help you out so that you can still join. You will have 72 hours, aka three days from when the role is reserved to do your profile. Try to fit into that time span. The profile will be very easy to do, trust me.

                                                          Okay, let me just take my earrings off. NO MARY SUES. please, no, none of that, males or females, I don't care. If I catch a wiff of that, I will come for you. I don't want you hunting down men/women like it's a sport, don't over-sexualize everything to the point where it's uncomfortable for the other parties. No dudes that are so strong that they are crazy unbeatable. Do not go crazy with the powers you have without running things by us, do not make them perfect, give them flaws, make it stop at something, please. Everyone needs to have a kryptonite to their superman, understood? Be reasonable.

                                                          No nudity for the characters, please, I mean, no hanging out boobs that can barely fit in a bra, we all know those pics, we've all seen them in other roleplays, so please no plastering them all over, thank you. Please, refrain from incest, refrain from father-daughter or son-mother or creepy ***** s**t, please orz;; I know plotting is nice, but let's not go there. Make your characters unique, make them interesting and make me want to read more about them! One person is allowed to have up to four characters. Once they finish the first character's profile, they can take another and so on. If I think you can't handle the amount of characters you have, I reserve the right to ask you to drop them and start back with one --anyone that has two characters of the same gender, will have to make the third of the opposite gender to balance everything out, unless it's not necessary, in which case, I reserve the right to say yay or nay.

                                                          Before you come at me with a power or with an idea for a superpower, please make sure it makes sense and it's not crazy op. Everyone should understand that superpowers should also be chosen based on the spot that is occupied. Naturally, leaders will be stronger, old heroes more experienced etc.

                                                          One last thing I would like to point out is, please be aware of what role/spot you wish to apply for or applied for and plot accordingly. Some interactions make sense and some don't. Nobody likes an a**-pull. Furthermore, we like to see characters that can stand on their own and do not depend solely on the existence of another character or on a plot with another character.

                                                          If you can't handle being active, please step away, thank you. A great deal of effort and time was put into making DYNASTY what it is and joining it just to sit there and do nothing, participate with nothing or bringing no contributions to the story, that's all unnacceptable. I reserve the right to kick you out after 48 hours if you don't do your profile and every two weeks there will be a deadline for posts to be made in the main thread for every character. Joining means you're accepting the responsibility of ensuring that your characters and ideas are heard / seen and that you should be forthcoming with anything that may be subtracting from your enjoyment in the roleplay.

                                                          I would like to see everyone active in the discord or at least one post a week in the discord to know that you are fine. If not, at least send me or KANNIA a dm in regards to your circumstances and we will do our best to help you out. If you do plan to leave the roleplay, you will forfeit claims to your existing characters/slots. As a consequence to dropping the roleplay, your character will be dealt with in a way that will benefit the roleplay, either by dying or being erased as to not keep opportunities/slots blocked for other roleplayers. You are allowed to re-join only once, with a new character, of course. If you cannot keep it together a second time, then you are out for good. We also reserve the right to not accept you back into the roleplay based on how you left it.

                                                          ACTIVITY AND POSTING
                                                          As mentioned before we do have purge dates set for each rotation/round. These rounds last two weeks, but if there are real life events or emergencies, you are able to request an extension past the due purge date. Dates are posted on our Discord Channel, a request for extension is due 72 hours before the mentioned due date. Failure to post by the required date will come with consequences. Last minute extensions can only be given if there is an unforeseen incident.

                                                          Consequences to failing to meet the deadline are as follows:
                                                          1. If you miss it once, you will get a warning from us and we will keep an eye on you.
                                                          2. If you miss it twice, then you will be warned and put on probation. This means that we will require you to be extremely active with plotting/communicating and activity in the server; we reserve the right to also take away one character if you have multiple. Again, we will keep a close eye on this.
                                                          3. If you miss the deadline a third time, we will unfortunately have to part ways and you will be removed from the roleplay.

                                                          Regarding hiatus, we understand vacations, finals week, midterms, and chaotic work schedules. Please communicate with the Mod team to request time off from Gaia Online if it is needed to focus on real life matters. We do ask that if you are taking a hiatus that you keep an open line of communication with those in your mission, as well as the Mod team. This will help integration of your character back into the storyline to be seamless, as well as show us that you are still interested in the roleplay after the break.

                                                          Onto posting --what do we want? Good posts! Yes we do. From two meaty paragraphs to whatever length you want, I wanna see good grammar, I wanna see decent punctuation and colors that won't burn my brain through my eyes. I also wanna see an organized posting layout, no matter how simple it is. Just slap a picture on the side and align the writing and we're good. I like when things look neat and nice. If you would like, you can also ask in the server if anyone would like to try their hand at making you a layout, we have plenty talented people in here!

                                                          EXTRA SOMETHING
                                                          I think it should go without saying that we all need to be respectful towards each other. I want you to have a proper manner of conduct and plot with everyone. I will not tolerate people picking and choosing who they want to talk to/plot with/interact with or refuse to interact/plot/respond to others. Do not just cower in a small corner with your friends and go 1x1 IC. Don't gossip like some old ladies about other roleplayers or roleplays in this rp, that's disrespectful and rude. Don't create unnecessary drama. We all need to act like adults and use our words. There will be a 0 tolerance policy for childish behavior.

                                                          If someone messages you or adds you on discord to plot, please respond, don't leave them hanging for days on end. It's rude. Don't go behind the scenes, making secret plots behind our backs that have the power to alter the narrative or change the roleplay just because your muse said so. No secret groups on discord, everything will be in the discord channels when it comes to chatting and plotting for missions.

                                                          If you have a problem with a specific member of the staff team, you are not required to speak to them directly. You can reach out to anyone of the mods to speak with them directly and be anonymous in comments or concerns you may have within the roleplay and community. We want to have an open line of communication with everyone here, and those that hide in shadows let their feelings of resentment fester and grow until it is an uncontrollable force. We want to help in any way we can, but again we can't fix what we do not know.
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                                                          KRONOS ///////////////// HEADQUARTERS IN METROPOLIS
                                                          KRONOS started working officially in the late eighties, when the founder, aka the alien Kronos, created the organization in secret. It started spreading like a virus and gaining influence through the members that joined, from government officials to important figures within the justice system. Nobody knew who they were, nobody knew what they could do, but everyone wanted to join somehow, all the villains were intrigued and many tried to find KRONOS and failed. There was a point when one of their members was found dead, their branding visible for the first time in history, making the media explode with theories and people to ask questions and speculate. That was a mishap, but it eventually died down with time and they became a myth within the darkest trenches of the internet. Only a name remained, one that only the well off and high ranks knew of, that mafia bosses feared and avoided and many simply refused to have anything to do with it. KRONOS is extremely well-organized, the members disciplined and trained to become killers from a very young age, taught arts of fighting and helped hone the powers they posses within a different facility from their headquarters, a place called KRONOLOCK, facility isolated on an island where young metahumans/aliens are groomed to become future KRONOS members. The world is not aware of this, but KRONOS was behind the malfunction of the SEC machine.
                                                          TASK FORCE 1 : is basically the group of people that know Kronos on a personal level, that have seen her face, been around her and offer their advice, her most loyal. they are her commanders, her generals, her bloodhounds. they form a council when decisions need to be taken; they control the second task force and the agents. they are the highest in rank, the 'vice-presidents' of KRONOS --they spread her word and ensure her decisions are followed. they are known to have ties with the black market and various influential mafia groups, having formed bonds impossible to cut through. due to their fierce loyalty, the task force 1 members are impossible to sway. they would rather die than betray the trust of their leader. defection is not in the cards for these individuals. (age 26+)
                                                          TASK FORCE 2 : the lieutenants, second in command after task force 1, each having their own role in the organization. they are either spies, mercenaries or assassins, doing the dirtier jobs at Kronos' order. they are the ones that gather intel, gather recruits and kill on command --they were the ones that infiltrated the Justice League and played the good guys until the time was right and they had to act. they are loyal to death, preferring the latter before betraying their leader. (age 23+)
                                                          KRONOS AGENTS : the other members of KRONOS are called agents, they are trained like an army by the higher-ups, some of them have ties with the government, some have influence over the judicial system, some with the police force. they are the soldiers sent to fight small battles, organized in groups, spies, mercenaries and assassins, villains and children of villains are included. the ones that leave KRONOLOCK are sent to the headquarters and start at the bottom. they go by codenames. the moment they join KRONOS, everyone is branded with the hourglass.(age 18+)

                                                          FEARLESS ///////////////// HEADQUARTERS IN CENTRAL CITY
                                                          or project FEARLESS as it was called, before the malfunction. they are the soldiers or volunteers that were gifted with powers after the first few tries (keep in mind all of them were humans before. they only became metahumans after the use of the machine). after the situation went awry, they still stuck together since they were trained together and spent time together as a team. after the disaster that took place, they have taken refuge in the old S.T.A.R labs in Central City. they choose a new leader every six months to guide them through this mess and together they want to get the world back somehow, they plan and prod any and every idea, but even super-soldiers have a limit. they know they can't do this alone and they want to make a truce with DYNASTY as soon as possible. lately, things haven't gone too well, so maybe if they can fuse with the other faction, maybe...just maybe... (age 18+)

                                                          FEARLESS LEADER : they are someone that everyone else trusts and believes in. the position is being chosen for every six months, so each gets a chance to do things their way. a new leader every half a year allows them to try new angles. whoever is chose needs to set an example to their fellow comrades, aside from taking hard decisions and being in charge of the livelihood of their little group.
                                                          FEARLESS SOLDIERS : they are either ex-soldiers or civilians (volunteers) wishing to make a change for the better. they try to keep discipline and order throughout the chaos.

                                                          DYNASTY ///////////////// HEADQUARTERS IN SMALLVILLE
                                                          they are the remnants of the Justice League members or the Legion Academy students, heroes and proteges that managed to escape the massacre and run for hiding, alone in the face of an evil they have never seen before. they call themselves DYNASTY and they took refuge in one of the old secret headquarters that belonged to the Justice League, seeing as nowhere was safe anymore. they try harder harder every day, despite the hits that the organization took and the losses, they are the glimmer of hope humanity needs. with their most recent victories, small as they were, the hallways seem more lively. there's a light at the end of this tunnel.

                                                          DYNASTY MENTORS : the ones that escaped alive from the slaughter, the ones that returned badly wounded and broken and the current mentors of the young heroes that were saved. they are the experienced heroes that have witnessed KRONOS' cruelty. they are daughters and sons of the Justice League founders/important members. they carry their scars and heartache --some wish to fight back, while some are tired and exhausted from all the battles, wondering if they can still take more. together, they form a council that runs DYNASTY and they make decisions by unanimous vote. (age 25+)
                                                          DYNASTY MENTEES : finally, the young inexperienced heroes that were saved by the remaining survivors during the onslaught. they were the future of Justice League, grandsons, grand-daughters, nephews or just young metahumans/aliens, trained and taught at the Legion Academy, to one day become like their idols, like Superman or Wonder Woman, nurtured by their mentors on the good path. they are the future titans or young justice, they are the future protectors that had to grow and mature faster than they should have. (ages 17-23 max)
                                                          DYNASTY REFUGEES : these are the metahumans/humans/aliens that roamed the cities, in search for a purpose. inexperienced and scared after what happened with the Justice League and the world, they sought refuge in the arms of DYNASTY to hopefully remain safe and help them somehow in this war. (ages 18+)

                                                          NEUTRALS ///////////////// NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
                                                          they are the ones that either couldn't side with anyone, were not recruited or were simply not interested, yet now they have to fend for themselves and it's plenty hard out on the streets. metahumans are being sought out, bounties offered and people persecuted if they don't join KRONOS or aid each other, while humans are treated like nothing more than pets, tolerated if they vow complete and utter loyalty to KRONOS. (age 15+)
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                                                                  1859 - KRONOS started existing
                                                                  1938 - KRONOS symbol found on body after terrorist attack in France
                                                                  2010 - Justice League talks about recruiting metahumans
                                                                  2011 - Legion Academy opens in Metropolis
                                                                  2013 - Humanity starts civil unrest
                                                                  2014-2015 - World Governments meet in secret about the Metahuman/alien population
                                                                  Early 2015 - World Governments create Metahuman REGISTRATION Act
                                                                  Late 2015 - US Government begins plans of Project FEARLESS
                                                                  2017 - Theodore Simmons creates first draft of Sapian Evolution Chamber
                                                                  2018 - First successful test of SEC
                                                                  2020 - Catastrophic Failure of SEC machine
                                                                  2021 - Humans report metahuman transformation around the world
                                                                  2025 - KRONOS begins their systematic killing of target individuals
                                                                  2030 - KRONOS leads the world as a pro-Metahuman Empire
                                                                  Mid 2030 - Late 2030 - DYNASTY makes moves against KRONOS for the first time in 5 years
                                                                  2031 - present day

                                                                  basically, a list of the fallen heroes and villains in the battle, as to avoid 'I wanna play a canon character'

                                                                  SUPERMAN, WONDER WOMAN, BATMAN, FLASH, AQUAMAN, BLUE BEETLE, SHAZAM
                                                                  GREEN LANTERN, HAWKMAN, HAWKWOMAN, ATOM, BATGIRL, BEAST BOY, CYBORG
                                                                  STARFIRE, SUPERGIRL, WONDERGIRL, SUPERBOY, ROBIN, NIGHTWING, BLACK CANARY
                                                                  GREEN ARROW, CATWOMAN, FIRESTORM, PLASTIC MAN, RAVEN, ZATANNA, PANDORA
                                                                  MISS MARTIAN, ARSENAL, MARTIAN MANHUNTER, JASON TODD, ICE, KID FLASH ETC

                                                                  THE JOKER, BANE, BIZARRO, GRODD, DOOMSDAY, CAPTAIN COLD, BRAINIAC, DEADSHOT
                                                                  DARKSEID, KILLER FROST, LEX LUTHOR, PENGUIN, REVERSE FLASH, RIDDLER, TALOS
                                                                  MANTA, DEATHSTROKE, HARLEY QUINN, ATROCITUS, CHEETAH, POISON IVY, SINESTRO
                                                                  THE AL GHULS ETC

                                                                  you get the point, I presume. this doesn't mean that you can't play one of these character's grand kids or kids, or nephews, or whatever you prefer as long as it makes sense and you respect the timeline.

                                                                  this is where descendants of heroes and villains go. those written here are taken.

                                                                  STARFIRE'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  SUPERBOY & WONDERGIRL'S SON
                                                                  AQUAMAN'S NEPHEW
                                                                  SUPERGIRL & MON-EL's DAUGHTER
                                                                  J'ONN J'ONZZ'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  ZATANNA & CONSTANTINE'S SON
                                                                  ROSE WILSON'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  GEAR'S SON
                                                                  SUPERMAN & LOIS LANE'S SON
                                                                  STATIC SHOCK'S SON
                                                                  HUNTER ZOLOMON'S DESCENDANT
                                                                  GODSPEED'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  KILLER FROST'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  BLACK ADAM'S NEW VESSEL
                                                                  POISON IVY & HARLEY QUEEN'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  RED ARROW/ROY HARPER'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  JINX'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  SHADOW WALKER'S SON
                                                                  SHAZAM'S NEW VESSEL
                                                                  WONDER WOMAN & STEVE TREVOR'S SON
                                                                  HAWKGIRL & HAWKMAN'S SON
                                                                  STARMAN'S GRAND-DAUGHTER
                                                                  HEATWAVE'S SON
                                                                  NIGHTWING & BATGIRL'S SON
                                                                  CYBORG'S DAUGHTER
                                                                  TERRA'S SON
                                                                  BATMAN & CATWOMAN'S SON (RESERVED)
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                                                          TAKEN SUPERPOWERS
                                                                  baaldurian physiology
                                                                  kherubim physiology
                                                                  tamaranean physiology x1
                                                                  kryptonian physiology x3
                                                                  martian physiology x1
                                                                  jiangshi physiology/taoist magic
                                                                  symbiote life form
                                                                  atlantean physiology x1
                                                                  feline physiology
                                                                  density manipulation
                                                                  vector manipulation
                                                                  memory manifestation
                                                                  enhanced mental & physical capacities + regeneration (rose wilson)
                                                                  homo-magi x3
                                                                  pheromone manipulation
                                                                  demon physiology
                                                                  neon manipulation
                                                                  bionic physiology
                                                                  speed force x2
                                                                  super-conductive electromagnetism and electrokinesis
                                                                  amazonian physiology x2
                                                                  heat absorption & cryokinesis (killer frost)
                                                                  chlorokinesis + toxikinesis + toxic Immunity (poison ivy)
                                                                  probability manipulation (jinx)
                                                                  shadow/darkness manipulation
                                                                  gravity manipulation
                                                                  cosmic staff
                                                                  thanagarian physiology
                                                                  black adam
                                                                  reptile physiology
                                                                  technorganic physiology

                                                          TAKEN POWER RINGS
                                                                  blue power ring
                                                                  star sapphire ring

                                                          TAKEN BEETLES

                                                          DUPLICATE SUPERPOWERS
                                                                  atlantean physiology x2
                                                                  speed force x1
                                                                  martian physiology x1
                                                                  homo-magi x1

                                                          SPOTS LEFT IN THE ROLEPLAY
                                                                  TASK FORCE 1 : FULL
                                                                  TASK FORCE 2 : 1 F SPOT
                                                                  KRONOS AGENTS : 3 M & F SPOTS

                                                                  FEARLESS : FULL

                                                                  DYNASTY MENTORS : 2 F SPOTS WILL OPEN COME NEXT ARC/FULL FOR NOW
                                                                  DYNASTY MENTEES : FULL
                                                                  DYNASTY REFUGEES : FULL

                                                                  NEUTRAL PARTIES : FULL

                                                          LORE & POWERS

Wheezing Cat

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                                                          the island owned by KRONOS, a safe haven where they send the metahumans they recruit on their side along with those that volunteer to join them. it's where they learn how to control their powers and where they are taught about what the faction is all about. the sights it offers are breath-taking, pristine and refreshing compared to the polluted environment of the cities. it offers its residents a period of peace and quiet while they are here. they have a lot of open space where the recruits are being trained, training grounds and sophisticated robots that behave as training dummies. unfortunately, after the attack from DYNASTY, the facility had to be rebuilt and many casualties have been recorded. it will become active once again in less than a month.

                                                          CENTRAL CITY
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                                                          the city where the flash was born. it's peppered with many sights to visit, such as the flash museum, many monuments and buildings, a stadium and an airport. this is also where you can find S.T.A.R. labs, the facility that was almost destroyed by KRONOS when the coup happened. Central city is not at its peak any more, it has fallen and it's tall buildings were destroyed. the flash museum still stands high, however. the S.T.A.R. labs is also the hiding spot of the FEARLESS group. its many rooms and labyrinth-like structure allows them to use it as both shelter and headquarters. the building was partially destroyed, but luckily, it goes deep under ground, where each member has their improvised room. they have many supplies, both medical and edibles.

                                                          GOTHAM CITY
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                                                          the city of batman, another important figure that fell during the war. gotham was one of the few cities that kept strong and almost intact. this is the place where many gangs and human shelters are, a good hiding place being the arkham asylum. there are few small businesses that continued to exist, however, but even so, it is enough to lure more survivors in. gotham is rumored to be a place where a rebellion is being built up. harvey's bar and motel are the places most frequented by ex-mafia bosses that look to gain influence once more. little does KRONOS know that harvey boy isn't making his money from the decrepit motel or the rundown bar, but from the 'game nights' happening behind the curtain down in the basement, where the rebellion began. gotham is, of course, neutral ground.

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                                                          metropolis is mostly known for superman, the alien hero that protected it along the years, it was home to many other heroes and aliens as time went by, but when KRONOS attacked, it was the only one that sustained the hardest of blows. the battle took place in north metropolis, the place remaining a sort of graveyard for the fallen heroes that nobody dares rebuild out of fear, because for KRONOS, this is their monument to victory. daily planet is no longer standing, being rebuilt at the moment, under the influence of KRONOS. the same can be said about all the other services. the KRONOS headquarters are also in Metropolis, it was the perfect location --however, it is situated on the outskirts near one of the bridges connecting Gotham to the city. the center was too obvious and they don't enjoy attention drawn to them unless they want it. the hall of justice sustained some blows itself, but still stands tall to this day, the statues inside it a reminder of the protectors of earth. the legion academy and the biggest courtroom in the city is used as shelters, hiding spots for the homeless or the neutral metahumans and humans that try to remain under the radar.
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                                                          STAR CITY
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                                                          the city of the famed green arrow, a superhero without powers but with enough arrows to kick a** just the same. the most it can serve for nowadays is for import and export, given the huge airport it has and the opening to the ocean. the enormous stadium is abandoned, but under this huge mastodon, many human shelters reside and a bubbling rebellion arose among humans and metahumans alike. it's rumored that they sometimes gather there --it's also the place where one can buy weapons. the black market ain't dead, it's right here under KRONOS' nose (luckily, DYNASTY made a few friends here and they go to pick up supplies every two months from them). other than that, stray away from the glades, if it was poverty stricken before, now it's a cesspool of bad and worse, not even KRONOS agents dare go too far in there by themselves. as for queen industries, it's still going strong, focusing on the import and export more than anything else.

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                                                          smallville is the country town where superman grew up under the name clark kent. it is a small community and a somewhat safe area, but nobody knows what lies underneath the surface. the kent's home was partly destroyed, but beneath it lies the entrance to DYNASTY's hideout. it was built when the kents passed away and superman decided it would be a clever place to build a huge shelter, right under the house, mainly because nobody would ever suspect where it was --needless to say, it definitely served its purpose. now, the whole DYNASTY inhabits the sanctuary below the small farm house. the lair is up to date with the latest technologies and among the many features, it has an inside laboratory, a greenhouse with an aquarium, a hangar, a medbay, cafeteria, library, two fully equipped gyms, armory, mission control center, bedrooms for many more members than it holds currently, a supply room filled with medicine, food, weapons and all kinds of gadgets. truth is, it has everything and more --the hideout has its own jet, several motorcycles for missions, even several cars and other vehicles just in case. this became home to the refugee heroes and the ones that survived KRONOS --they are mentoring the young heroes within these walls, honing their abilities and powers. each bedroom has its own bathroom, a desk with a chair, a suspended bed and a wardrobe with plenty of storage space. the rooms can only be opened with a certain number combination that each DYNASTY member decides upon, just like a locker combination. the training room can be used by anyone, it will provide any type of weapons or tools to train with along with holograms that can mimic anyone/anything. the lair itself is special because it's covered in lead from top to bottom and several layers after it, protecting it from any kind of eyes.
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                                                          KRONOS HEADQUARTERS
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                                                          The KRONOS HQ's are situated in Metropolis, southern part outskirts, near a bridge, where it gives the members a good view of the city. The building stands tall among many other buildings that were slightly destroyed. Apart from the HQ's, there is another building that belongs to KRONOS, located in Central City, a resource facility that works for them, conducting experiments that no one knows about other than the task force 1 and Kronos herself.

                                                          The security system of KRONOS is divided into three stages, based on the permission level given to the individual:

                                                          Level One is the general level for KRONOS members, be it in the main organization or for the police force. The security system for Level One can be seen as a service that should be regulated for more restrictive levels, though it is for that reason that the security is so severe. To pass into Level One restricted areas, one has to use an almost barbaric biometric scanner. The scanner shaves off the first layer of skin and utilizes the second layer as the one to take the biometric readings from. As it’s only on the fingertips, the pain isn’t intense nor is the recuperation long, but it's the feeling of the epidermis being burned off is enough to cause most people to pull their hands away. In the event that the hand is pulled away, the security system will lockout for a duration of five minutes while blaring an alarm of an intruder. Usually KRONOS agents have permission to access the floors upwards until the second level, their quarters are made of two floors accessible through an elevator that can only be reached through the laboratories responsible with building KRONOS attack drones.

                                                          Level Two can only be accessed by the Task Force members – though it goes without saying that Kronos can access whatever level she wants. Holding much more information, accessing a Level Two restricted area involves a security system that withdrawals blood from the individual. Unlike the common sort, the blood drawn comes from two places: the palm of the hand and the forearm of the same arm. It’s to combat against enemies that would remove a person’s hand to get through a security checkpoint, as it needs the forearm as well. Task force 2 members have their quarters set up on the floor above hydroponics, only accessible by going through the lab areas.

                                                          Level Three is the highest level of security, though surprisingly, the lowest demanding security check. As it is needed only for the first Task Force group, they have access to the most restricted archives in the organization, save for Kronos’ personal collection. To pass a Level Three security check, an individual must undergo a full body scan. The scan isn’t for the person themselves but for the activation of a power that may be in use on the person. It can detect mind control, transformative abilities, invisibility powers, and others of a sleuth nature. Task force 1 members have their quarters underneath the meeting room floor.

                                                          Although it’s a rumor, there is stated to be a Level Four security level. It does not open any locked doors but can open the chamber door to Kronos’ quarters, theoretically. No one has actively pursued finding out the password, as anyone that attempts it on her security system will be dealt with by Kronos herself, with the underlying idea of either treasonous reasons or theft of her private collection.
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                                  ARC 1 : MEMENTO MORI "REMEMBER YOU MUST DIE :: COMPLETED
                                  - The Hall of Justice, repurposed as the Hall of KRONOS, was made to store and house the artifacts of the Justice League and associates. KRONOS members were dispatched to protect the artifacts due to the very likely chance DYNASTY would be arriving. After DYNASTY members arrived, a fight broke out. DYNASTY members Whit perished. Neutral party Blitz was contacted to retrieve the artifacts if it was compromised. With a retreat from both sides after the Hall’s integrity was compromised, both sides returned to their HQs.

                                  - With a shipment of new relics from previous heroes and villains coming into port, KRONOS and DYNASTY dispatched members to protect the shipment or recover them, respectively. After splitting into different skirmishes over the port, Task Force 2 member Virulence and DYNASTY mentee Fiorela died in the combat. At the same time, neutral party Zhen li(?) summoned a monster to attack and distract both parties while stealing artifacts for herself. Cai was able to get rid of the monster while Emmerich restored the docks while recovering the bodies.

                                  - FEARLESS was tasked with recovering one of their captured members from the KRONOS laborary. Not the only group infiltrating the lab, they engaged KRONOS agents, only to be offered an ultimatum if they wished to leave: give their blood to KRONOS. Failing to rescue their target, they gave their blood and retreated from the heavily damaged facility.

                                  ARC 2 : SEVEN CIRCLES OF HELL :: COMPLETED
                                  The second arc featured a mix bag of mission successes and failures. KRONOS managed to secure a meteorite of kryptonite accompanied by a mysterious black substance, thwarted an imperium invasion whilst saving trapped people on the watchtower and capturing the Green Lantern of DYNASTY in the process, incapacitated a rebellion speedster who had been causing problems with his graffiti work, raided a rebellion base in STAR city, thwarted a scarecrow disciple responsible for serial bombings and helped stop the beginning stages of a rebellion in Khandaq.

                                  On October 9th, 2031, four DYNASTY members flew into Kahndaq for a rendezvous meeting with one of Shiruta's rebellion leaders. The goal of this meeting was to exchange information along with creating an alliance between both organizations. An alliance has been made between the group, with said rebellion leader and a DYNASTY member sharing contact via an encrypted chatroom. Unknown to both the rebellion and DYNASTY, Black Adam had caught wind of their plans. With the assistance of KRONOS agents, Black Adam ambushed the rebellion leaders' base. Combat ensued in the desert between the ruler and two DYNASTY members while the rebellion members fled. Two KRONOS agents engaged the other two DYNASTY members. During the conflict, bug monsters summoned by Tour Guide emerged, creating problems for both parties. One of the KRONOS members accidentally created a haboob, threatening all parties involved. Retreat was inevitable despite their best efforts to help. Through unknown means, the haboob and the bugs were eliminated by an unidentified force. Both factions managed to leave safely, without casualties, but Shiruta was left in bad state. A few days after the conflict, Black Adam broadcasted the public execution of key rebellion figures. Only one rebellion leader escaped, but word from them has been sparse since the conflict.

                                  Meanwhile, the rest of DYNASTY were occupied with a variety of other missions themselves. Five of them flew to Canada and managed to acquire pieces of a kryptonite-filled meteorite. They engaged in combat with two KRONOS members and barely made it out alive with the help of the mysterious Doctor Fate. Another team embarked on a journey to the watchtower, where a beacon that they had hoped was a survivor of the coup turned out to be an alien invasion and an uncomfortable encounter with KRONOS agents. They lost the Green Lantern in their haste to escape. In Star City, four other DYNASTY members were responding to an SOS call to the Star City rebellion base, aided by a neutral party. It turned out to be a trap set by the KRONOS agents that raided the base. Thankfully, they managed to defuse the bombs that threatened to blow them up with the place and saved the rebellion leader. In the same city, a speedster, contracted by the neutral party aiding DYNASTY, chased down the speedster that was the cause of the rebellion base being found out in the first place. Unfortunately, the KRONOS group dispatched their own agent to capture him. The kid survived, but not without paying a hefty price of losing a leg. Finally, three other DYNASTY members left the HQ to recruit the a famous doctor with the superpower to heal. Regrettably, they got caught up in scarecrow's disciple's fear bomb attack and suffered through the fear gas that was released through the hospital. In the end, they survived and made their way out unscathed, but the doctor refused to become a member of DYNASTY, offering his aid as an ally instead.

                                  On the 10th of October, two KRONOS cargo trucks set off from St. Roch, LA to the KRONOS lab located Metropolis, DE. These trucks contained materials for the metahuman gene negation bullets. Fearless attempted to intercept these trucks.
                                  En route to the lab, a fearless soldier with nuclear powers caused a nuclear explosion along the highway, resulting in combat. Two KRONOS agents that accompanied the trucks engaged in combat with four of the fearless soldiers present, resulting in one's capture and another's loss of life at the hands of a KRONOS member. While Fearless obtained the metahuman negation bullets, it came at the cost of losing two of their members. Civilian casualties, injuries, and numerous road accidents occurred from the fearless soldier's explosion.

                                  A couple of miles away from the explosion, another KRONOS agent engaged in combat with the remaining three soldiers. No causalities have been reported from the fight. Fearless escaped from the agent with an insignificant amount of firearms from the cargo truck.

                                  ARC 3 : FALL SEVEN TIMES, STAND UP EIGHT
                                  &. ❛ O1. STORMY SKIES :: FIRST FALL 「 TIME : 20:00 PM | DATE : NOV 05 | TEMPERATURE : 54 °F/12 °C | LOCATION : NORTH METROPOLIS

                                          WEATHER : there's a speed force storm brewing

                                              KRONOS >> earthquakes have been plaguing the north metropolis area for the past few days. KRONOS have sent a few agents during this time to monitor the situation as to avoid any unpleasantries during their upcoming event. Unfortunately, their prediction turned out to be true: a full blown speed force storm developed in the midst of the metropolis ruins. The problem is, damage will spread towards the rest of the city and further, so it’s important for the agents to find a way to stop it before it gets out of control. They will need to contact the speedster that aided them before, an independent contractor by the codename of blitz.

                                              DYNASTY >> while they have been keeping an eye on the earthquake issue, they couldn’t intervene much due to the presence of KRONOS. They did watch from afar, which is how they know the storm is progressing at an alarming rate, growing and expanding. The only person that can actually make it stop is vanguard, the speedster. If only KRONOS wouldn’t interfere, as if stopping this mess wasn’t enough. Don’t forget about the black flash, speedsters.

                                          TEAMS : vanguard, sunfire vs warhawk, oblivion + blitz, eclipse

                                  &. ❛ O2. THE REBIRTH EVENT :: SECOND FALL 「 TIME : 19:00 | DATE : NOV 05 | TEMPERATURE : 56 °F/13 °C | LOCATION : KRONOS HQ

                                          WEATHER : chilly/windy; there's a speed force storm brewing in the distance

                                              KRONOS >> it’s the 5th of November. Every year on this date, KRONOS celebrates the rebirth, the day when the foundation of the old world was torn down and a new one took its place. It’s quite a big event, one where reporters, celebrities, high ranking officials and big industry names attend. It is the perfect opportunity to build relationships and talk business, while also reminding the world who is in charge. This red carpet-like event will be televised and broadcasted throughout the world as well, so everything must be perfect. The security is tight, but even so, KRONOS is aware that inevitably, there can be infiltrators.

                                              DYNASTY >> this event is an opportunity to infiltrate the headquarters and meet with their KRONOS informant, the mole that has been feeding them information. Your mission is to get by unnoticed, take note of the security in place, the people present, find the spy and help them get the data for DYNASTY but also FEARLESS (if you can plant listening devices in several key places, that would also be helpful down the road). As DYNASTY has big plans for this day, it’s imperative that you do this before or while the other team manages to ‘crash the party’.

                                          TEAMS : name, red fist, sariel + supernova vs kronos, thesis, hex

                                  &. ❛ O3. THE REACH :: THIRD FALL 「 TIME : 04:00 pm | DATE : NOV 04 | TEMPERATURE : 50 °F/10 °C | LOCATION : Kansas City

                                          WEATHER : chilly, a bit cloudy with a chance of starships hovering in the sky

                                          REFERENCE PICTURES : one | two | action takes place in a supermarket parking lot

                                              DYNASTY >> the absence of the green lantern from earth has finally cleared the path for the reach, however, as soon as they attempted communication with the scarab sent to the blue planet, the connection was completely lost. That’s why, the negotiator has decided to send two ships to earth to retrieve the lost scarab.

                                              KRONOS >> two alien ships breaking atmosphere is not something that happens often, which is why KRONOS has quickly assigned agents to look into the disturbance and find the perpetrators.

                                          TEAMS : khepri, steelboy (and shazam) vs black adam, menace + zhen li

                                  &. ❛ O4. THE BROADCAST :: FOURTH FALL 「 TIME : 20:00 | DATE : NOV 05 | TEMPERATURE : 56 °F/13 °C | LOCATION : VICINITY OF KRONOS HQ

                                          WEATHER : there's a speed force storm brewing in the distance/ chilly/windy

                                          REFERENCE PICTURES : one | two | action takes place on rooftops

                                              DYNASTY >> as part of the rebirth celebration mission, DYNASTY has prepared a comeback in the form of a call to arms that acts as a reminder of what this day really is; a day of mourning, the fall of the justice league and the coming in power of those that murdered them in cold blood. The one in charge of making this message reach the eyes of the whole world, no matter the device or location, is Gear, by hijacking a satellite. This is meant to overtake the broadcasting of the KRONOS event.

                                              KRONOS >> as soon as this happens, KRONOS agents will attempt to locate the culprit and take them down asap.

                                          TEAMS : star sapphire, gear, current vs virus, rime, blue blaze

                                  &. ❛ O5. BACK TO ATLANTIS :: FIFTH FALL 「 TIME : 17:00 pm | DATE : NOV 05 | TEMPERATURE : -- | LOCATION : ATLANTIS

                                          WEATHER : --

                                          REFERENCE PICTURES : one | two | action takes place in a ruined atlantis

                                              KRONOS >> for the past month or so, cargo ships belonging to KRONOS have been sunk or attacked viciously by unknown assailants. It was only recently that the culprits have been spotted and recognized as a radical group of atlanteans who, after sinking or damaging the ships, would capture some of the sailors or captain to interrogate them about some objects. It was then found out that said objects were atlantean artifacts that had been stolen from the docks months prio; specifically the atlantean dead king’s specter and the seal of clarity. Despite this, Kronos is nothing if not merciful, so a team has been dispatched to find this group and negotiate terms that will help both sides co-exist, in exchange for requiring these artifacts.

                                              DYNASTY >> among the data taken from the Watchtower was the location of a few atlantean artifacts that could help turn this war around. DYNASTY dispatched a team to go look for them. Unbeknownst to them, these artifacts are guarded by the last living atlanteans. Needless to say, they are not happy about that.

                                          TEAMS : bel, red lantern vs elpis, blue lantern, abysslind + supergirl

                                  &. ❛ O6.GAMORRA ISLAND :: SIXTH FALL 「 TIME : 20:00 pm | DATE : NOV 03 | TEMPERATURE : 54°F/12 °C | LOCATION : GAMORRA ISLAND

                                          WEATHER : chilly and humid

                                              KRONOS >> a diplomatic mission to Gamorra island that, on the surface, appears to be about creating diplomatic bonds and an exchange contract between KRONOS and the Gamorra Clan. Because their objective is to become a major mover and shaker in the world's geopolitical chess board, they believe a relationship with KRONOS will prove to be mutually beneficial. Their purpose is to share their knowledge, resources and high-tech weapons with the faction, they expect them to do the same, more specifically, their research on making the special bullets and guns able to take down metahumans. This will need to be a negotiation of terms, however, because this position can cause harm to KRONOS’ image. Beneath the surface, however, KRONOS’ mission objective is to get their hands on the warhol virus and study it in their own laboratories, in an attempt to create something great, the second step to the project that started the anti-power bullets. There is a lab on the north fringe of the island, where an abandoned lab is located that is believed to still hold remnants of the virus.

                                              DYNASTY & FEARLESS >> the mole in KRONOS gives intel to DYNASTY about a diplomatic mission that has been planned, between the Gamorra Clan leader and KRONOS. They were provided with the name of a high-ranking official and a location. Knowing what Gamorra Island is and what a meeting between the faction and their leader could entail, DYNASTY shares this information with FEARLESS and they both send members to find out what this is about. They arrive on the island a few days before the meeting needs to take place to do some reconnaissance. It’s important to gather as much information as possible and keep a low profile, unless it becomes necessary to take action.

                                          TEAMS : threshold, tempest, gatekeeper vs yokai, noire, torrent + bz

                                  &. ❛ O7. ROYAL FLUSH :: SEVENTH FALL 「 TIME : 20:00 pm | DATE : NOV 05 | TEMPERATURE : 55°F/12 °C | LOCATION : GOTHAM

                                          WEATHER : cloudy. dark skies. cold

                                              DYNASTY >> there is intel that KRONOS keeps many important files/trinkets in the vault of a bank that is owned by them, files that have to do with blackmail; contracts and papers that incriminate high ranking officials, documents that tie them to ‘allies’ of their cause, corporations, companies and more big names that support them. The mission objective is to infiltrate this bank and the vault, find the rows of safe deposit boxes which contain said files and leave without causing a ruckus. The problem is, on this same day, at the same time, The Royal Flush gang decided to rob this bank as a way for them to make a statement and stand against KRONOS.

                                              KRONOS >> agents are dispatched to deal with the robbery in progress at the bank owned by the faction as it holds sensitive information. They must aid the police and take measures to put an end to this.

                                          TEAMS : black arrowette, wraith, trickshot, sarenrae vs stargirl, hemlock

                                  &. ❛ O8. PRISON BREAK :: EIGHTH STAND 「 TIME : 14:00 pm | DATE : NOV 05 | TEMPERATURE : 72°F/22 °C | LOCATION : Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, near St. Roch

                                          WEATHER : rainfall

                                              FEARLESS >> the loss of Trinity and Weaponslinger weigh heavily on the minds of the soldiers. Yomi has a connection from a few years back, another FEARLESS non-combatant operative. They parted ways after a while, but decided to remain in contact via private channel, where they exchange coordinates every two weeks. Yomi was waiting on the usual back and forth because he wanted to bring this person in, but contact was never established. After a few weeks of radio silence, Yomi asked to go and investigate the location of the last coordinates he received. That’s how he found out that the soldier had been found out and detained by KRONOS, then taken to Belle Reve prison, which, after some research, turned out to be owned by KRONOS now. Yomi and the one that accompanied him throughout this journey, need to find a way to break this person out of prison. Nobody is left behind.

                                              KRONOS >> the FEARLESS soldier known as Trinity has been recently sent to Belle Reve to be imprisoned. KRONOS operatives are there to thoroughly interrogate him.

                                          TEAMS : marrow, yomi, jackal vs silver bullet, vanic + zero

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