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gaia_angelleft PROJECT RECOLOR TABLE OF CONTENTS gaia_angelright

Click here to go to the Project Custom Ticket Rules, FAQ, & Order Forms

gaia_angelleft Project Rainbow Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Double Rainbow Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Baby Rainbow Ticket
gaia_angelleft Rainbow Paw Ticket
gaia_angelleft Double Rainbow Paw Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Prism Ticket
gaia_angelleft Double Prism Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Sapphire Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Rainbow Parcel
gaia_angelleft Project Double Rainbow Parcel
gaia_angelleft Makeover Kit Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Stylist License
gaia_angelleft Project Rainbow Sticker
gaia_angelleft Project Beautician License
gaia_angelleft Project Tie-Dye Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Body Dye Ticket
gaia_angelleft Double Beautician License
gaia_angelleft Project Double Tie-Dye Ticket
gaia_angelleft Project Accessory License
gaia_angelleft Project Triple Treat
gaia_angelleft Double Triple Treat
gaia_angelleft Rainbow Flaired Up Ticket

Don't see your ticket listed or in the Project Custom rules thread?
Click here to view the old Ticket Rules thread.

You must read these Official Rules before entering any Project Custom Tickets (the 'Promotion'). All entrants ('Entrants') agree to be bound by these Project Custom Ticket Official Rules (the 'Official Rules') posted by Gaia Interactive. (the ‘Sponsor’)

By participating in the Promotion, Entrant agrees to abide by and be bound by these Official Rules and any decision Sponsor or its designees make regarding any matters relating to the Promotion. Entrants who do not comply with the Official Rules are not eligible to claim their ticket. All decisions made by Sponsor or its designees shall be final and binding. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify from the Promotion, and any future promotion conducted by Sponsor, and to prosecute to the fullest extent permitted by law, any Entrant who, in Sponsor's reasonable suspicion, tampers with any of Sponsor's sites, the entry process, the Promotion, acts in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, violates these Official Rules or any other reason determined by the Sponsor. In the event of disqualification of a winner, Sponsor may replace the winner with the next runner-up at the sole discretion of the Sponsor.

By participating in the Promotion, each Entrant grants to Sponsor a non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, sublicensable, irrevocable license to reproduce, copy, display, transmit, perform, distribute, store, modify and otherwise use (including the right to make derivative works of) the entry, materials and information submitted on and in connection with the Gaia website, the Gaia store, Gaia products and services, and Gaia marketing collateral, in any form, medium or technology. By submitting any entry or accepting any prize, the winner assigns all right, title and interest in his or her entry to Sponsor. Each participating Entrant hereby waives his or her moral rights in any such entries, materials and information, and hereby warrants that any such entries, materials and information are original with Entrant and do not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.

If the entry contains any material or elements that are not owned by Entrant and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, Entrant represents he or she has obtained, prior to submission of the entry, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit use and exploitation of the entry by Sponsor in the manner set forth in the Official Rules without additional compensation, including, without limitation, likeness releases for any person whose name, and/or likeness appears in the entry.

Each Entrant warrants that the entries, materials and information submitted do not contain information considered by Entrant's place of business or any other third party to be confidential, and that the entries, materials and information submitted do not violate or infringe the rights of any third parties or violate any laws or regulations. Each Entrant agrees that he or she shall have no recourse against Sponsor for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary right in an Entrant's entry.

By participating in the Promotion, Entrant consents to Sponsor's use of his or her name, photograph and/or likeness, address, voice, and statements made by or attributed to him or her, in perpetuity, in any and all media now known or hereafter developed (including, without limitation, print, broadcast, and Internet), for all business purposes including advertising and promotional activities without additional compensation, notice or approval, unless prohibited by law.

Sponsor reserves the right to change these rules at any given time for any purpose without explanation.

Prizes. Winner will have his or her entry adapted by Gaia artists and turned into a Gaia item or illustration as designated by the specific ticket. Sponsor shall determine the time period for the design and sale of the Gaia item in its sole discretion.

Notification of Winner. Winner may be attempted to be notified. Winner may be notified by email or Gaia personal message. Winner may be required to provide Sponsor with proof that he or she is the Authorized Account Holder of the email address associated with the winner.



Governing Law. The Promotion and the rights and obligations of Sponsor and Entrants will be governed by and controlled by the laws of the State of California, applicable to contracts made and performed therein without reference to the applicable choice of law provisions. All actions, proceedings or litigation relating hereto will be instituted and prosecuted solely within the State of California, Santa Clara County. The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the state courts of California and federal court located within such state and county with respect to any action, dispute or other matter pertaining to or arising out of the Promotion.

Privacy. Entrant information submitted as part of the registration process will be collected in accordance with Sponsor's Privacy Policy, which can be found at http://www.gaiaonline.com/info/legal/privacy

Sponsor. Sponsor of the Promotion is Gaia Interactive, Inc. ('Sponsor' or 'Gaia'), PO Box 612680, San Jose, CA 95161-2680. All questions regarding the Promotion should be directed by e-mail to project-custom@gaiainteractive.com
gaia_star PROJECT RECOLOR FAQ gaia_star

gaia_angelleft Can I edit the order form?
Please do not alter the order form in any way. All of the characters used are important for the sake of formatting.
Please copy and paste it directly into your submission e-mail and fill out each line after the colons.
If you need help filling out the form, please e-mail us at project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com and we'll help you however possible!
Do not include any bbcode (the code you use on the forums). It doesn't do anything in emails or where we keep our orders.
Do not create hyperlinks, please include all references as plain text urls (IE: https://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/11001102).
If the order is submitted and the formatting is incorrect, has bbcode, or is lacking plain text urls the order will be returned and a correct form will be required to continue.

gaia_angelleft When is the last time I can make changes to my order?
If your ticket has not been accepted yet, feel free to send us an email regarding these changes. If your ticket has been accepted, you have one week from the acceptance date to make changes your order. We cannot make any complete changes however if your item has started production.
You will receive a confirmation that your order has been changed. If you do not hear back before the 7th day please send another message to make sure the change went through!

gaia_angelleft Can I cancel my Recolor order?
Has your ticket been accepted yet? If not, go ahead and send us a new email and clarify that you're cancelling your ticket. If it has, I'm sorry we no longer accept cancellations for project orders.You do have the option to change your original order to something different if a) work has not been started on it yet and b) it is within one week of the ticket being accepted.

gaia_angelleft What happens to my order(s) if my account is permanently banned?
If your account gets permanently banned, then you hereby forfeit all of your tickets and orders. If your items were completed or if their process had started, your items may or may not be released as common drops elsewhere. But any special tags, descriptions, and prior release requests will be forfeit. Your items also may or may not be finished or ever released.

gaia_angelleft What happens to my collaboration is my partner's account is permanently banned?
Collaborations are at your own risk. If an account gets permanently banned, they hereby forfeit all of your tickets and orders. Unfortunately this means if the person you submitted with is banned the order will be cancelled.
If your items were completed or if their process had started, your items may or may not be released as common drops elsewhere. But any special tags, descriptions, and prior release requests will be forfeit. Your items also may or may not be finished or ever released.

gaia_angelleft This user got banned and I want to recolor their custom item! Am I allowed to do that?
Due to the fact that we want to allow for users to contest their bans we are going to put a 6 month hold before we allow people to recolor banned user's items!

gaia_angelleft If I choose to recolor an LQI, how long must I wait to submit my order?
Good news! There is no longer a wait time before these items are able to be recolored. You can submit your order as soon as the item is released!

gaia_angelleft Would it be possible to recolor this whole event released set as 1 item, similar to how Lisa's Rainbow items are grouped together!
Good news! We will be allowing this for event sets released in 2023 or later! This will allow the whole set to be recolored with a Rainbow Ticket or Tie-Dye Ticket.

gaia_angelleft How many images can I include for reference?
If you have multiple images for mocks (such as different poses, reference gradients for new colors, etc) please combine these into 1 image.

gaia_angelleft How long can my item name and description be?
Your item name may have 35 characters and the description may have 500. One place you could check these numbers is here!

gaia_angelleft Can I give my item the name "Item"?
Item names must contain 2 unique searchable terms (3 or more letters).

gaia_angelleft This is what I'm naming my scheme. Does this guarantee I will be the only one allowed to use this name?
The team will not hold any words from our own use, so there is a chance we might use the name of your scheme/color/naming convention. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

gaia_angelleft Can my item description include bolded/colored text and/or a hyperlink?
No, unfortunately this is not possible. Descriptions can no longer include custom formatting.

gaia_angelleft Can my item description include kaomoji or ASCII art?
We do allow these as long as the characters are under the limit. Some characters do not work in our system. This is out of our control and we do not have a definitive list of characters that do not work. Submitting with these is now considered "at your own risk", and if the formatting breaks we will no longer update descriptions. Please submit wisely!

gaia_angelleft Can I use emoji in my item's name and description?
We do allow emoji in item's descriptions. Emojis show differently on different devices and we have no control over this.
For item names we will not allow emojis. You can use unicode characters for item names (ie: ⇖☆♧♕, etc).

gaia_angelleft What do I do if I want to recolor a usermade item?
First thing's first, get in touch with the original submitter for the item and ask them about it! If they are okay with it, you can provide us with their permission using the Custom Ticket Tagging and Permissions thread.

Permission can only be granted by the original submitter of the order. Each time the item is recolored it will require a new permissions thread post. Members of collabs for the original item must also gain the permission. If a mule was used to submit the order that mule will have to give the permission.

Unfortunately we will not respond to emails asking for who the original submitter is. This will be the responsibility of the user seeking to recolor.

gaia_angelleft Do I also use that thread to provide permission for tagging another user?
Yes! Check out the next post for the specific guidelines for tagging.

gaia_angelleft I'm recoloring a user's item and their item had collaborators! Will all of these names remain?
Our default will be that only the original submitter's username will remain.

We will allow the recolor to keep all tags if requested by the submitter of the recolor ticket. This is an opt-in situation: if not mentioned to us the tags will not be included, and will not be added after release. Please mention this before accepting mocks.

Please keep in mind that we do have a tag character limit. The more original tags that are included the less amount of new ones we can fit in.

gaia_angelleft Are there items from Project Custom that can be recolored without permission?
Tickets where the item is "inspired by" the submitter do not require permission to recolor.

These tickets include the variety of Tailored Star tickets, Tailored Umami, and Obsidian ticket. If the item was a full set that did not include mocks to the user it will be open to recoloring without permission!

gaia_angelleft Can I choose to recolor a recolor of an item?
Yes and No. If you are using a regular Rainbow/Prism/Rainbow Parcel, all color placements must be based on the original version of the item; NOT on any color placements found in a recolor released there after. If you are using a Double Rainbow/Prism/Parcel, color placements are not restricted.

gaia_angelleft What Color Schemes are allowed or disallowed under a regular Rainbow Ticket?
There is really no restriction in regards to "schemes", but rather color placements. All recolor color placements are based on the original item. Each item is broken up into poses, and within each pose each color is considered it's each "color block".

gaia_angelleft How can I put multiple colors on a color block?
For most of our tickets a color block can be two colors either by gradient/ombre or clear separation. These cannot be combined, it can only be one or the other.

A clear separation can by seen on an item where there is an actual outline that can be followed. If you are unclear if the line is clear please email in and ask!

Individual tickets may have other rules that outrank this information. Make sure to read the specific ticket you are submitting for!

gaia_angelleft If I choose to recolor an item that was originally Sherbert,CMYK, or some Rainbow variant, how does the “color block” rule apply?
If the rainbow sections of the items were applied in stripes or sections of individual colors, each of those can be separated when recolored. If the rainbow section contains multiple colors ombréd together, it will be treated as one section that you can replace with a solid color or two-color gradient.

gaia_angelleft Can I pick where my ombré is placed? i.e. where the transition between color happens.
For the Rainbow Ticket family, ombré are placed either vertically or horizontally. The general rule is that the top/front of the hair is one ombré, and if there is longer hair or a ponytail behind the avatar or longer pigtails they gets their own ombré. The top/front includes forelocks and buns.

This visual example is from the item Tsunbani no Monogatari

User Image

From here it must maintain this general shape, but you can make requests about how and where the colors transition into one another and the artist will do their best to match your request. If you have a question about a specific hair that may not be as obvious please email project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com.

If you use a Double Rainbow family ticket ombre can be applied in more places, such as on buns or separating forelocks.

gaia_angelleft Can I make some of my item transparent/see through/crystal?
We do not allow changing the opacity of any items/poses. Changing the opacity of items can cause the item to glitch when worn with other items. While not all items will glitch if transparent, in order to keep it fair, there will no longer be any transparency changes to any order.

gaia_angelleft Can I use this hue shift?
The majority of hue shifted colors will require a Double Rainbow family of tickets.

We do allow official Gaia colors to be used on non-Double tickets, such as Larkspur, Bugberry, and Dupioni.

Some colors with hue shifting may be permitted if the shifting is gentle and the color is cohesive. Approval will be at the team's discretion. If you wish to have us look over a color for you feel free to email it in!

gaia_angelleft I've said what color scheme I want, is there anything else I need to add to my form?
Please make sure to link to items you want us to reference! If you do not have an item to reference because it is a new color please make sure to send us an image we can reference! If we do not have links to references we will be sending your email back to request them, which will hold up the order, so please make sure to add them!

gaia_angelleft How does scheme adoption work?
We are now adopting usermade schemes for the Tie-Dye list! In order to be adopted you will have to gain 10 "points". Each Rainbow/Rainbow Paw/Prism/Sapphire ticket counts as 1 "point", and each Parcel/Diamond ticket counts as 2!

These do not need to be submitted by the same user, but the entire ticket must be dedicated to the scheme.

Double schemes will be placed on either list at recolor team's discretion.

Once all 10 points have been accepted accepted that scheme will qualify for Tie-Dye use. Submissions must wait until after the orders have been accepted.

gaia_angelleft Gaia used a user scheme in a recolor! Does that mean the scheme is adopted?
If a Gaia-made item comes out in a user scheme it isn't necessarily adopted for the Tie-Dye list. These items do not count toward the scheme count, only ticket submissions count.

Gaia's use of schemes remains at staff discretion. Usermade schemes, whether adopted or not, may or may not receive Gaia-made recolors.

gaia_angelleft Why did someone receive a mock of their recolor first when I submitted my order before theirs?
Every order is assigned to an artist and given a due date based on its date of acceptance. Each artist has a different workload and the artist working on your recolor may have more assigned to them than another recolorist. We ask for your patience as we work through the queue. Do not email in asking for updates on your order, they will not receive a response. If your order has been accepted it is in queue to be worked on.

gaia_angelleft How many sets of mocks do I get?
One! The only time we will send a second set of mocks is if if we completely missed something in your description regarding your recolor and sent you incredibly wrong mocks. Otherwise, your revisions get sent to our artist and you will receive the final item with the revisions you requested.

gaia_angelleft What if I get my mocks and I hate my recolor and I want an entirely new color scheme? Can I do this? And if I do this, can I get mocks for my new item? Can I entirely change my order?
You get one chance to do as many revisions as you like to your order after you receive your mocks. This includes completely changing the colors if you'd like. You cannot change your order to a completely new item. Please keep in mind that you only get ONE mock PER order.

gaia_angelleft Why do I get only one mock per order? If I change my item's entire color scheme and it goes straight to being finished without me seeing it, Isn't that kind of risky?
Unfortunately, yes. Please understand that these are the rules. If you decide to completely change your order, this is the risk you take. We have to be fair to everyone, and that means only one round of mocks per order.

gaia_angelleft Please see this image for feedback!
We will no longer be accepting feedback entirely on images. We will need a text description for what you want changed. You can include images to show what you mean however you will need a text description too!

gaia_angelleft Okay! I've received my mocks! When will my item be released? Do you have a better time estimate now?
Unfortunately we can not give you a release date for your recolor. We ask that you please not send us e-mails asking for this information; we will not be able to respond.

gaia_angelleft Why did someone else receive their finished recolor first when I submitted my order before theirs?
When we schedule recolors for release, we do so in chronological order of acceptance date. However, we are only able to schedule recolors that are complete at the time of scheduling. If your recolor was finished late for whatever reason, it may not have been available to be scheduled during that round. As soon as it is complete, it will go in the release queue (still in chronological order) to be scheduled.

gaia_angelleft Can I choose for my item to be released around a specific time or with someone else's recolor?
Please feel free to make these requests when you submit your order! We will do our best to accommodate, but we can't make any promises.

gaia_angelleft Is there any way I can upgrade my Rainbow Ticket into a Double Rainbow Ticket?
No, unfortunately that it not possible. We also can not allow combining tickets.

gaia_angelleft Can I recolor a doll or usermade item of a user who was permanently banned?
Depending on the circumstances, you can. E-mail us with the name of the item and we will double check the status behind the ban and if you may recolor it. This is a case by case basis.

gaia_angelleft If I request to recolor a hair/hair extension/eyes or other features that have multiple past recolors but have differing amounts of poses, how do I know how many poses/times I'm allowed to recolor this item?
In order to keep this easy for both everyone, you may recolor these features up to 10 times with a regular or Double Rainbow Ticket (or 3/6 times with the old Baby Rainbow/Mini Rainbow Ticket).

gaia_angelleft Can I have two different colors of clothing on the V.1 and V.2 arm mods?
Unfortunately any clothing that is attached to the arms must be the same on both V.1 and V2. arm mods.

gaia_angelleft Can I have different skin tones in the V.1 and V.2 arm mods?
Most arm mods come with 7 color options. You may recolor the 7th option (also know as c-c) into any one solid color of your choosing.

If the arm mod you would like to recolor has 6 poses we will allow the v2 Purple Elf skin to be changed to White Body Dye if wanted. Otherwise 6 pose arm mods will not allow for skin color changes.

Aside from the 7th skintone or that exclusive case of a 6 pose item, all colors from the original item will be retained.

gaia_angelleft If I recolor an item with a leg mod that comes in different skin tones, do I have to choose between them?
No! You will receive the leg mod in all 6, 7, or 8 skin tones. These will not go against your pose count. If the item had 7/8 skin tones, you may choose one solid color for the 7th/8th skin tone if you'd like!

You may request fantasy skins for these mods. The standard skins for this are: Grombie, Vampire, Dark Elf, Blue Elf, Purple Elf, Cicero, White Body Dye, Oniki. The 7th/8th skins can be changed the same as with regular skintones!

If you recolor a 6 pose leg mod you can choose to replace the Purple Elf with White Body Dye, but only when there are 6 poses.

gaia_angelleft What about "repixeled/repainted" recolors? How do those color placements work?
These are a a bit confusing with the color placement rules. But basically all pose's color placements are based on it's initial debut. i.e. all new silhouette/repainted items for a recolored item are based on their initial release but any poses that were the same silhouette as the original item must be recolored based on the original item's colors.

For example, the Creme Peche item vs the Creme Lumiere item. If you were to recolor the Creme Lumiere, all poses that are exactly the same as the Creme Peche item, their color placements will be based on the original Creme Peche items' color placements (i.e. hair, crown etc) however the new star purse that was created for the Creme Lumiere item can be recolored based on the new star purse color placements.

gaia_angelleft My item was released but I forgot to ask for tag changes/description changes/name change/pose order change! Can this be fixed?
Unfortunately we will not be making changes to items after release unless it is our mistake. Some fixes may not be able to be applied after release, such as pose order, but we will try our best to fix mistakes on our end!

gaia_angelleft Can I make an item that is a reference to popular culture?
If you are creating a parody item it must be different from the original source. You must state the source material and include images of the reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund. All parody items must be at least 50% changed from the source material. All designs are subject to change to fit this during the mocks phase. The more simple the source the more we will have to deviate. Some designs cannot be changed enough and will be denied.

gaia_angelleft Can my parody item have a name similar to what it's parodying?
We now require all parody items to have names that are extremely different from the character or series name. For example, instead of making an item based on Hatsune Miku and calling it "Meeku", we would need something like "Digital Songstress". It has to be away from the source material and more a description.

gaia_angelleft I wanted to submit for an item and was told no! What could cause this?
Unfortunately some items do not qualify for recoloring. In particular we do not allow recoloring of gold shop/gold shop quality items, items that came exclusively with merch/merch boxes, and sponsorship items. There are also a few items that are not eligible for recolor or re-release (IE: Pretentious Prince, Celes). If you are not sure if an item is allowed please email us!

If you have any further questions or concerns please email us at project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com and sign your username. We will not be answering questions through PMs as they may get lost and it’s easier for to keep track of everything through email. Thank you for your understanding!

  • By default, all project items will be tagged with "usermade", the submitting account's username (unless it is requested to remain anonymous), and relevant color tags.
  • You may tag up to 5 other usernames beyond the submitting account's username. You must have permission from them in the Custom Ticket Tagging and Permissions thread. You must write a list of the usernames in addition to the links.
  • You may request specific color names or a color scheme name and we will accommodate within reason.
  • All tags must remain relevant to the item. Your item will retain all original item tags, in addition to the new color names and color scheme names. If the original item doesn't have descriptive tags, we will try our best to make sure that your item has them included.
  • If you think your item should have a descriptive tag (i.e. "hat", "shirt", "sleeves" ) that was not included, you may e-mail us after its release to request it. We will make the final decision on what tags are necessary.
  • Extra tags that are not descriptive, usernames, or colors/schemes will not be added.
  • Any changes to tags, item name, or item description must be turned in with your feedback during the mocks phase. We will not accept changes after this (except in the case of typos or misspelled words).
gaia_angelleft PROJECT RAINBOW TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Rainbow Ticket can trade it in to recolor one item of their choice with up to 10 poses!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.


  • Your recolored item is limited to a maximum of ten poses. If your item has more than 10 please let us know which ones you're dropping in your order.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • Rainbow patterns, splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed (you must use Project Double Rainbow ticket for these).
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet) You may use a Double Rainbow Ticket for this.
  • You may request ombrés/gradients with a maximum of two colors.
  • Each color within a pose may be replaced with another solid color or a two-color gradient. These color placements must be based on the original version of the item.
    >There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the FAQ for more details.
  • If you choose to recolor a repixeled version of an item (i.e. Creme Peche vs. Creme Lumiere), color placements are as follows: Any original pose that has only been recolored, must be recolored based on the original items' color placements NOT the new repixeled recolor. (i.e. Creme Lumiere's crown, dress etc. must be recolored to Creme Peche's color placements). Any new debuting repixels can be recolored based on their initial 1st release. (Creme Lumiere's Star Purse)
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored ten times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Rainbow Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Rainbow Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft PROJECT DOUBLE RAINBOW TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Double Rainbow Ticket can trade it in to recolor one item of their choice with up to 10 poses with more options than a Rainbow Ticket!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.


  • Your recolored item is limited to a maximum of ten poses. If your item has more than 10 please let us know which ones you're dropping in your order.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • We can use existing Gaia overlays such as blood splatters, toxic splatters (or any color splatters), stars, or cloudy/sky and stars on top of your recolor. We cannot accept new overlays.
    >>For Starry/Cosmic/Galaxy recolors, please provide us with an on-site item reference we can use to match the colors. If you are not using an established color scheme on the site, please provide us with alternate color references. We can not guarantee exact placement of individual stars.
  • You may request your item recolored with any three-color or rainbow gradient.
    >>We can not guarantee to match your exact color placement within sherbert sections of sherbert rainbow recolors.
  • We can select different parts of a pose even if they're the same color to color them individually. While we cannot ignore the shading underneath, this means you can request streaks in hair, stripes in shirts/pants, simple other patterns, etc.
    >>Certain selections/patterns may not be allowed based on their complexity. If you have questions about a specific idea, please e-mail us to find out if it's doable.
  • You may request glows around your pose or only sections of your pose in different colors.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored ten times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Double Rainbow Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Double Rainbow Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft PROJECT BABY RAINBOW TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Baby Rainbow Ticket can trade it in to recolor one SDPlus doll item.
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.

As of July 1, 2017, a Baby Rainbow Ticket will no longer be used to recolor any 3 pose item. It will now allow you to recolor a SDPlus doll. You can view the old rules here.


  • You may recolor any SDPlus doll with up to four poses with this ticket, that includes both NPC/Gaia-made dolls and usermade dolls.
    >>You must obtain permission to recolor another user's doll using the Custom Ticket Tagging and Permissions thread.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • Rainbow patterns, splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed (you must use Project Double Rainbow ticket for these).
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet) You may use a Double Rainbow Ticket for this.
  • You may request ombrés/gradients with a maximum of two colors.
  • Each color within a pose may be replaced with another solid color or a two-color gradient. These color placements must be based on the original version of the item.
    >>There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the FAQ for more details.
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored three times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, or a pet item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Baby Rainbow Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Rainbow Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft RAINBOW PAW TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Rainbow Paw Ticket can trade it in to recolor one animal base item of their choice with up to 10 poses!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.


  • Your recolored item is limited to a maximum of ten poses. If your item has more than 10 please let us know which ones you're dropping in your order.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • Rainbow patterns, splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed (you must use Project Double Rainbow ticket for these).
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet) You may use a Double Rainbow Ticket for this.
  • You may request ombrés/gradients with a maximum of two colors.
  • Each color within a pose may be replaced with another solid color or a two-color gradient. These color placements must be based on the original version of the item.
    >There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the FAQ for more details.
  • If you choose to recolor a repixeled version of an item (i.e. Creme Peche vs. Creme Lumiere), color placements are as follows: Any original pose that has only been recolored, must be recolored based on the original items' color placements NOT the new repixeled recolor. (i.e. Creme Lumiere's crown, dress etc. must be recolored to Creme Peche's color placements). Any new debuting repixels can be recolored based on their initial 1st release. (Creme Lumiere's Star Purse)
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored ten times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Rainbow Paw Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Rainbow Paw Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft DOUBLE RAINBOW PAW TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Double Rainbow Paw Ticket can trade it in to recolor one animal base item with up to 10 poses with more options than a Rainbow Ticket!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.


  • Your recolored item is limited to a maximum of ten poses. If your item has more than 10 please let us know which ones you're dropping in your order.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • We can use existing Gaia overlays such as blood splatters, toxic splatters (or any color splatters), stars, or cloudy/sky and stars on top of your recolor. We cannot accept new overlays.
    >>For Starry/Cosmic/Galaxy recolors, please provide us with an on-site item reference we can use to match the colors. If you are not using an established color scheme on the site, please provide us with alternate color references. We can not guarantee exact placement of individual stars.
  • You may request your item recolored with any three-color or rainbow gradient.
    >>We can not guarantee to match your exact color placement within sherbert sections of sherbert rainbow recolors.
  • We can select different parts of a pose even if they're the same color to color them individually. While we cannot ignore the shading underneath, this means you can request streaks in hair, stripes in shirts/pants, simple other patterns, etc.
    >>Certain selections/patterns may not be allowed based on their complexity. If you have questions about a specific idea, please e-mail us to find out if it's doable.
  • You may request glows around your pose or only sections of your pose in different colors.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored ten times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Double Paw Rainbow Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Double Rainbow Paw Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft PROJECT PRISM TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Prism Ticket can trade it in to recolor 6 poses of an Evolving Item or Rapid Evolving Item!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.


  • Your recolored item is limited to a maximum of six poses. Please let us know which 6 poses you are recoloring in your order.
  • Your recolored item must be an Evolving Item or Rapid Evolving Item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • Rainbow patterns, splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed (you must use Project Double Rainbow ticket for these).
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet) You may use a Double Rainbow Ticket for this.
  • You may request ombrés/gradients with a maximum of two colors.
  • Each color within a pose may be replaced with another solid color or a two-color gradient. These color placements must be based on the original version of the item.
    >There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the FAQ for more details.
  • If you choose to recolor a repixeled version of an item (i.e. Creme Peche vs. Creme Lumiere), color placements are as follows: Any original pose that has only been recolored, must be recolored based on the original items' color placements NOT the new repixeled recolor. (i.e. Creme Lumiere's crown, dress etc. must be recolored to Creme Peche's color placements). Any new debuting repixels can be recolored based on their initial 1st release. (Creme Lumiere's Star Purse)
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored six times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Prism Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Prism Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft DOUBLE PRISM TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Double Prism Ticket can trade it in to recolor 6 poses of an Evolving Item or Rapid Evolving Item with more options than a Rainbow Ticket!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.


  • Your recolored item is limited to a maximum of six poses. Please let us know which 6 poses you are recoloring in your order.
  • Your recolored item must be an Evolving Item or Rapid Evolving Item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • We can use existing Gaia overlays such as blood splatters, toxic splatters (or any color splatters), stars, or cloudy/sky and stars on top of your recolor. We cannot accept new overlays.
    >>For Starry/Cosmic/Galaxy recolors, please provide us with an on-site item reference we can use to match the colors. If you are not using an established color scheme on the site, please provide us with alternate color references. We can not guarantee exact placement of individual stars.
  • You may request your item recolored with any three-color or rainbow gradient.
    >>We can not guarantee to match your exact color placement within sherbert sections of sherbert rainbow recolors.
  • We can select different parts of a pose even if they're the same color to color them individually. While we cannot ignore the shading underneath, this means you can request streaks in hair, stripes in shirts/pants, simple other patterns, etc.
    >>Certain selections/patterns may not be allowed based on their complexity. If you have questions about a specific idea, please e-mail us to find out if it's doable.
  • You may request glows around your pose or only sections of your pose in different colors.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored six times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Double Prism Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Double Prism Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft PROJECT SAPPHIRE TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Sapphire Ticket can trade it in to recolor a Rapid Evolving Item!
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • The winner’s recolored item will be featured inside of a Chance Item as a rare drop.
  • The winner’s recolored item will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may happen in the future.

As of July 1, 2017, a Project Sapphire Ticket will no longer be used to create a custom Evolving Item. It will now allow you to recolor a full Rapid Evolving Item. You can view the old rules here.


  • Your recolored item may have all of the poses featured in the Rapid Evolving Item.
  • Your recolored item must be a Rapid Evolving Item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • Rainbow patterns, splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed (you must use Project Double Rainbow ticket for these).
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet) You may use a Double Rainbow Ticket for this.
  • You may request ombrés/gradients with a maximum of two colors.
  • Each color within a pose may be replaced with another solid color or a two-color gradient. These color placements must be based on the original version of the item.
    >There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the FAQ for more details.
  • If you choose to recolor a repixeled version of an item (i.e. Creme Peche vs. Creme Lumiere), color placements are as follows: Any original pose that has only been recolored, must be recolored based on the original items' color placements NOT the new repixeled recolor. (i.e. Creme Lumiere's crown, dress etc. must be recolored to Creme Peche's color placements). Any new debuting repixels can be recolored based on their initial 1st release. (Creme Lumiere's Star Purse)
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored six times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Sapphire Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Prism Ticket Order Form
    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft PROJECT RAINBOW PARCEL gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Rainbow Parcel can trade it in to pick the color scheme of a new recolor bundle as well as choose one item to recolor for the exclusive!
  • You will receive 15 copies of the bundle to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • Aside from the exclusive recolor that the winner gets to choose, Gaia will select 3 other items to recolor in the chosen color scheme, and include in the bundle.
  • The winner’s bundle will be featured in the Cash Shop as a limited time for 1 week.
  • These items will not be distributed elsewhere by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that they may be resold in the future, with the exception of your exclusive recolor.


  • You may select the color scheme of the recolor bundle, a name for the bundle, as well as one item to create as the exclusive recolor. You may not select the other 3 recolors in the bundle. This will be up to Gaia's discretion.
  • You may provide a direction on what kinds of items or themes of the items you'd like in the bundle, as well as item suggestions or recommendations.
  • Your exclusive recolored item is limited to a maximum of ten poses. If your item has more than 10 please let us know which ones you're dropping in your order.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • Rainbow patterns, splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed (you must use Project Double Rainbow ticket for these).
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet) You may use a Double Rainbow Ticket for this.
  • You may request ombrés/gradients with a maximum of two colors.
  • Each color within a pose may be replaced with another solid color or a two-color gradient. These color placements must be based on the original version of the item.
    >There are a few exceptions to this rule. Please see the FAQ for more details.
  • If you choose to recolor a repixeled version of an item (i.e. Creme Peche vs. Creme Lumiere), color placements are as follows: Any original pose that has only been recolored, must be recolored based on the original items' color placements NOT the new repixeled recolor. (i.e. Creme Lumiere's crown, dress etc. must be recolored to Creme Peche's color placements). Any new debuting repixels can be recolored based on their initial 1st release. (Creme Lumiere's Star Purse)
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored ten times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Rainbow Parcel, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Rainbow Parcel Order Form

    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links please be sure to send as much information so we make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft PROJECT DOUBLE RAINBOW PARCEL gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Project Double Rainbow Parcel can trade it in to pick the color scheme of a new recolor bundle as well as choose one item to recolor for the exclusive!
  • You will receive 15 copies of the bundle to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • Aside from the exclusive recolor that the winner gets to choose, Gaia will select 3 other items to recolor in the chosen color scheme, and include in the bundle.
  • The winner’s bundle will be featured in the Cash Shop as a limited time for 1 week.
  • These items will not be distributed elsewhere by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that they may be resold in the future, with the exception of your exclusive recolor.


  • You may select the color scheme of the recolor bundle, a name for the bundle, as well as one item to create as the exclusive recolor. You may not select the other 3 recolors in the bundle. This will be up to Gaia's discretion.
  • You may provide a direction on what kinds of items or themes of the items you'd like in the bundle, as well as item suggestions or recommendations.
  • Your exclusive recolored item is limited to a maximum of ten poses. If your item has more than 10 please let us know which ones you're dropping in your order.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • The selected scheme must follow the Double Rainbow Ticket rules. Those can be found here.
  • You may request glows around your item.
  • Your recolored item may NOT have the same pose recolored ten times.
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
    >>If you choose to recolor an Animal base item, you may request for it to be released in regular Chance Item or a Paw Chance Item. Do note that if you choose a Paw Chance Item, the wait may or may not be significantly longer.
  • If the item you are recoloring has a hidden pose you will also get to recolor that pose. If the hidden pose has the same color placements as the original pose the color placements must carry over to the hidden pose as well.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • You may sell/trade/gift or redeem your ticket at any time. There is no expiration date but one may be added in the future.
  • Your item must not be identical or compete with items currently existing on Gaia Online.
  • Your item must not contain any sexually explicit, profane, disparaging, libelous or other inappropriate content, or poses that are abusive towards other users or staff members.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Project Double Rainbow Parcel, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Project Rainbow Parcel Order Form

    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links please be sure to send as much information so we make your item perfect for you!
gaia_angelleft MAKEOVER KIT TICKET gaia_angelright


  • Winners of a Makeover Kit can trade it to create a features bundle! This set can include 4 of the following item types: hair, hair extension, a set of eyes, a face/manner item, makeup, and/or lips. They will be recolored in the colors of your choice.
  • You will receive 25 copies of the item to keep, sell, give away or trade.
  • When the item is complete, it will be featured in an upcoming chance item.
  • The bundle will not be sold for Gold/Cash by Gaia Online during this period, but there is a possibility that this may drop again in the future.


  • All items chosen must be existing items that contain multi-pose recolors. You can not select a wig out of an item set that features other equippable poses. I.E. Light Madelyne Hair is permissible; but Love Like Rose (Hair) is not.
  • You may not recolor the same item more than once.
  • You will be allowed to recolor a pose 8 times, even if it is a hair extension, hair, or eyes with less than 8 poses.
  • Your recolored item must not be a evolving item, rapid evolving item, a kindred item set, animated/Prisma item (still pose from Astra items are allowed), or gold shop (or gold shop quality) item.
  • You are allowed one week upon ticket acceptance to change your initial order. After that your ticket request is final.
  • You cannot ask for an item to have it's original shape changed or to be repixeled in any way. It may only be recolored.
  • You may not request any glows around your item.
  • Splatter patterns, star patterns and other patterns are not allowed.
  • You may use solid colors and two-color gradients. Gradients of more than three colors and rainbow gradients are not allowed.
  • Hue shifting is not permitted unless it is an official Gaia Online scheme (ie dupioni, sorbet)
  • You are allowed one round of revisions after you receive a pixelled mock of your item.
  • You may recolor items for the Animal base.
  • Please use this thread for approval for tagging other users and permission to recolor other users' items.
  • Your item must not contain any commercial content that promotes any product, service, or copyrighted materials.
    >> If you are creating a parody item, it must be different from the original source. You are required to state the source material and include images of said reference. Failure to do so may end in a cancelled ticket without the option for a refund.
  • We have full discretion to deny any design if we feel it is not appropriate for Gaia Online.
  • You cannot base your order off of an item or recolor that is in production. If you have a ticket in queue, we will not base a new ticket off of this order until it has been released.
  • ALL correspondence regarding your order must be over email at: project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com . You may not contact any of the staff over PMs regarding your ticket or order.
  • Any other questions can be discussed by emailing project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com


  • Please send an email to project-recolor@gaiainteractive.com with Makeover Kit Ticket, your username, and the date (MM-DD) in the subject line. Please copy and paste the below order form into your email:

    Makeover Kit Ticket Order Form
    **BUNDLE NAME**:

    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **NEW ITEM NAME**:


    **COLOR REFERENCE ITEMS**: (Link items here that you would like us to match/shade to, or a reference for the colors you're requesting. This is mandatory.)

    **EXTRA NOTES**#:


    # If you'd like to send references or links, please be sure to send us as much information as you can so that we can make your item perfect for you!

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