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Distinct Genius

The Mighty Nation of Oriana
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Oriana is a somewhat peaceful nation, focused on furthering itself in the world. Although it is a small nation geographically and demographically, the small island is home to a pleathora of tourist attractions, historical sites, and commercial institutions. Oriana also contains several harbors, which make it an important part of inter-continental trade. This is all in addition to Oriana's military, which protects the island from hostile threats.

1st: Summary/Status
2nd: Description
3rd: History
4th: Statistics
5th: Government
6th: Military: Equipment
7th: Military: Units
8th: Military
9th: Defenses
10th: Economy
11th: Rules
12th: Allies and Enemies
13th: Reserved
14th: Reserved
15th: Reserved

Distinct Genius

The Island of Oriana

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Lightly forested
Heavily forested

The Island of Oriana is roughly 100 miles long, and almost 30 miles wide. It contains three major harbors, one on the North and one on the South shores, and one military harbor on the East coast. On the West coast of the island, there is a series of cliffs, ranging from 100 feet to 750 feet in height. Down the middle of the island, there are three mountains. In terms of geographic location, Oriana is roughly 350 miles West of Hawaii's westernmost island. It is also located halfway between Gaia and Usea. This gives Oriana plenty of sunlight and high temperatures. As such, most of the non-developed land consists of jungle foliage, and the entire island receives large amounts of rain each year.

The two civilian harbors are joined together by a network of trains, highways, roads, and paths. The urban sprawl between them is called "Core City", and the Northern and Southern harbors are called "Port Prospect" and "Solace Harbor", respectively. To the Northeast, there is the city of Greensburg, and South of it is Nether. The only reason Nether is an area of such growth is because it contains the only civilian airport on the island. On the Western side of the island, the Southern industrialized area is called "The Works", as it is Oriana's main military and vehicle production center. All the way on the West coast, is the capital city, Mui.

There are four major military facilities. One, just North of The Works, is primarily the ORI(Orianan Royal Infantry)'s home. Designated "Firebase", it serves as the training ground for the ORI and houses most of the nations soldiers and ground-fighting craft. The second facility, Freefall AFB, is home to the OAF(Orianan Air Forces), and is located between the central and Eastern mountain. A good majority of the OAF is stationed there, as well as most of Oriana's military airstrips. The third facility, Port Brickson, is dedicated to the ON(Orianan Navy), and encompasses the Eastern harbor. All naval vessels are moored here when not out on duty, in addition to the harbor's drydocks and shipbuilding facilities. The final facility is located East of Mui, and is the home to the OFF(Orianan Fighting Forces). In addition to housing OFF, the facility is also the site of many testing and R&D facilities. As such, its official name is the "Proving Grounds".

Distinct Genius

History of Oriana

~Pre-Colonial Times
Around 6,000 years ago, several small boats of Asians arrived on the island, blown off course during a storm. Those that survived the landing went on to become the founders of the Origal Tribe, Oriana's original Natives. During the next few thousand years, the Origals slowly developed their own technology and learned how to survive and thrive in the jungle environment. By the time European colonists discovered the island, the Origal's had been able to develop technology on par with ancient Egypt.

~Colonial Times
The Spanish were the first to "discover" the island in 1532, and the hundred or so sailors were met by nearly six-hundred Origals. Unlike most of the natives that were discovered by conquistadors, the Origals did not fear, nor did they worship the Spaniards. Instead, they allowed them to stay on the island, and treated them as if they were equals. This was, of course, until the Spaniards began trying to take Origal women. The first attempt was met with stiff resistance, as the natives turned from the rapists to the rest of the crew. The Spaniards managed to escape to their boat, but were pursued by the "Origal Navy", two large boats. In a stunning display of firepower, both vessels were sunk by the mighty cannons of the Spanish ship. With a bittersweet victory, the ships sailed back to a Spanish colony on South America, to gather more ships and to take the island by force. The Origals, however, celebrated the success of driving the invaders from their homeland. Several weeks later, an armada of Spanish vessels, along with an invading force of several hundred soldiers, managed to successfully crush the Origals and set up a port in present-day Solace Harbor. Life continued somewhat peacefully for the next few years, without any major events. However, the Origal population dwindled to a handful, which saught recluse in their last village by the Western cliffs. There were two more attempts by European nations to capture the island: a French attempt in 1591 and a British attempt in 1706. The French managed to set up a fort located under Fort Brickson. They were driven out by the Spanish in under a year, but the remains of their fort were left alone. Between the French explusion and the British insertion, Spain pulled most of its support from the far-off colony. This led to the British taking the island with only slight resistance, as most of the colonists were weary and did not mind the change of leadership.

~British Era
Once the British were in control of the island, they began to bring their new colony up to speed. Whereas the Spanish pillaged the land, and left no infrastructure, the British built roads, churchs, buildings, wells, and other various structures. The old French fort became the site of Britian's military presence on the island. Also, the island recieved a new port, as the British developed the area that would become Port Prospect. As the years progressed, Oriana became a bustling seaport for trading ships to stop at on their way across the Pacific. The older, Spanish section of the island became a den for theives, pirates, and other ruffians, and despite the best attempts by the standing military forces there, their presence remained. Due to its position in the Pacific Ocean, in the years prior to WWI, the military harbor was expanded, and it became a vital link in controlling Britian's Pacific colonies. As the years progressed, more Americans began to make their home on the island, along with people from other nations as well.

~Japanese Era/The Resistance
World War II was a dark blip in Oriana's history, and one of its greatest moments. As was most Japanese invasions, it was swift and powerful. The small fleet of British ships stationed there were obliterated by a strike from Japanese aircraft carriers, in a fashion similar to the one used on Pearl Harbor years later. Japanese soldiers poured into the two ports, defeating the British soldiers, and the few American soldiers that were placed on the island as a precaution for just that very event. It was the Japanese that built the airfield which would later become the home of the OAF, as a staging ground for aerial attacks on Hawaii, Usea, and Gaia. However, it was the Orianan Negation Iniative(ONI) that severely hampered the Japanese forces on the island. ONI's founders had discovered the long-lost remains of the Origals, and set up a base there, in addition to partially taking their name from the original inhabitants of the island. ONI led small raids on the Japanese camps, infiltrated production facilities and sabotaged products, led assault parties through the island's jungles until the Japanse soldiers were so tired and weary that they could be killed and their weapons stolen, and sent important information to the Americans on Hawaii. But this would not have been possible if it wasn't for the efforts of a high-ranking British officer who went into hiding after the Japanese assault. Hiding on a small farm that grew corn, one of the few farms able to grow the crop, he was finally approached by ONI members. When he initially refused their offer, they spoke the greatest words ever spoken by an Orianan: "Corn is no place for a mighty warrior."

~American Occupation/Independance
Shortly after the Battle for Guadacanal, American Marines landed on Oriana. Japanese forces, already under strain from ONI, buckled and were finally defeated after three long months of fighting. The quick defeat of the Japanese forces was due to ONI's assistance in quickly turning the island's population into a weapon against the Japanese. The Americans remained on Oriana until the end of the war, using its harbors as a rest stop on the way to Japan. Once the war ended, Britian regained control of the colony for three more years. During those three years, old members of ONI and other citizens of the island has sent hundreds of requests to the British government, asking for independance. Those requests were aided by letters from the US government, which were sent after much lobbying from Americans who had been on Oriana during the Japanese Occupation. Finally, on November 2nd, 1948, Oriana was granted soverignty by the British Government.

~Cold War Era
The one of the first things done by the new Orianan government was to build up its military so that it could never be controlled again. The nation "whored itself out", so to speak, in letting just about everyone use its ports, for a small fee. Also, a large tourist bureau was set up, to beautify the country and attract a large tourist base. This income was the base used to buy equipment, ships, air planes, and to hire a small contingent of ex-soldiers from Allied countries to train Oriana's new military. In a sneaky move, the government created a small group, RANG(Revolutionaries Against New Government). RANG begged the USSR for support, while the government asked the US for assistance. RANG would stage attacks on Orianan positions and units, and the ORI would push them back. This was how Oriana was able to collect vast sums of money from both superpowers, in addition to weapons and equipment. This policy continued until the Cuban Missile Crisis, when both superpowers began to inspect the recipients of their aid packages more. Convienently, the Orianan government managed to finally qwell the "rebels" shortly thereafter. Oriana then maintained a policy of neutrality towards both countries, never shifting their preference towards just one.

~Tyrant Era
During the 1980's, a group of tyrannical citizens managed to gain control of the higher echelons of government, and almost overnight, turned the nation into a dictatorship. It was at this time, the government bagan to shun the United States, and began to heavily side with the Soviet Union. After the troubles with Iran, the leaders did not want to have any problems with their supplies of oil. The Soviet's large amounts helped qwell their fears, but as the superpower began to stumple, citizens were encouraged to invest into promising industries in Venezuela. This action led to strong ties between the two nations. Even as Oriana's economic future was being secured, citizens at home were becoming poorer, and were losing their civil rights and freedoms.

~Coupe'/Modern Times
The tyrannical leadership fell shortly after the breakup of the USSR. The first reason was clear: Without Soviet aid being pumped into the country, the economy began to slow even more and there was civil unrest. The second reason has been kept secret to all but a few: The US sent in covert operatives to remove the dictator and his high-ranking officials. Seven men from a unit called the Black Wolves covertly infiltrated the leader's residence, and eliminated him. Seven days later, a new government consisting of members from the "Old Government" was formed. From there, the country began to engage in pro-American activities, even to the point of sending a small force to Afghanistan to remove the Taliban.

Distinct Genius

Oriana: Statistics

Population: 2,156,000

Ethnic groups:
-British (5.3%)
-American (4.3%)
-Gaian (12.3%)
-Orianan (70.1%)
-Other (8%)


Literacy Rate: 97%

-Christian (61.9%)
-Hindu (12.6%)
-Jewish (5.5%)
-Other (20%)

Capital: Mui (523,000)

-Core City (847,000)
-Greenburg (307,000)
-Nether (128,000)
-The Works (62,000)

Currency: Ather (Æ) <1.46 USD>

Internet TLD: .ori .let

Distinct Genius

Orianan Government

The Orianan government can be traced back to the British colonial government of the island, where a governor was selected for life duty, and ruled over a council of officials elected by the people of the colony. The Orianan Constitution was based loosely off of the American Constitution, and contains the elements regulating the government.

The government is broken into three branches: The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. The Executive branch contains the Archal and the Archess (the Archal's spouse), and their advisors. The Archal is elected following the death or resignation of the previous Archal, and serves for life. The Legislative branch consists of fifty-five representatives, elected for three-year terms into the House of Commons. In order to keep election campaigns fair, all representative campaigns are funded by the government. The Judicial branch consists of three Omnicourts, with each having five Justices. They are all exactly similar to the US's Supreme Court, except having three courts allows for cases to be heard all year round. This reduces the backup of cases awating a hearing; however, there have been instances of conflicting decisions between the courts. The Justices are appointed by the Archal, and are confirmed by a majority of the House of Commons.

Archal: Nicholais Borchar II (Justan Katel)
Archess: Alexis Borchar (Adelleda Jubella)
House of Commons:
-Conservative Party (29)
-Liberal Party (21)
-Third Parties (5)
-Peace (3C, 2L)
-Prosperity (4C, 1L)
-Hope (1C, 4L)
Important Government NPC's
Defense Minister: Pattard Minslo
Foreign Relations Minister: Janice Delft
General of All Armed Forces: Wallace Patton
Archal's Public Relations Advisor: Charles Himpfrees
Archal's Personal Security Advisor: Jane Oberwach
Speaker of the House of Commons: Jack Sanovitch

Distinct Genius

Orianan Military: Equipment

Infantry Weapons

Sniper Rifles:
Benelli Nova
Saiga 12
Glock 18
Jericho 941
MP-448 Skyph
Machine Guns:
HK 21
Mark 153 SMAW

Infantry Vehicles

Challenger 2


F-14 Tomcat
SAAB Viggen
Eurofighter Typhoon
Harrier GR3
Mirage 2000D
C-141 Starlifter
II-76 IIyushin
KC-135 Stratotanker
II-78 Midas
AH-1 Cobra


ORS Jolie Balao Submarine (Previously USS Threadfin, bought March 1982 from Turkey)
ORS Knightley Tench Submarine (Previously USS Trumpetfish, bought March 1982 from Brazil)
ORS Henstridge Tench Submarine (Previously USS Thornback, bought March 1982 from Turkey)
ORS Tyler Thresher/Permit Submarine (Previously USS Haddock, bought June 1997 from US)
ORS Strongbad Los Angeles Submarine (Previously USS New York City, bought June 1997 from US)
ORS Vigilance Type 42 Destroyer (Previously HMS Cardiff, bought in December 2005 from UK)
ORS Cannon Type 42 Destroyer (Previously HMS Newcastle, bought in December 2005 from UK)
ORS Climax Sovremenny Destroyer (Previously Bezuprechnyy, bought June 2004 from Russia)
ORS Fortitude Alaska Large Cruiser (Previously USS Guam, bought November 1960 from US)
ORS Recluse Alaska Large Cruiser (Commissioned June 1967)
ORS Determination Kirov Battlecruiser (Previously Frunze/Admiral Lazarev, bought March 1999 from Russia)
ORS Zig King George V Battleship (Previously HMS Howe, bought in August 1954 from UK)
ORS Deliberation Kitty-Hawk Supercarrier (Previously USS Constellation, bought in February 2004 from US)
ORS White Strike Ticonderoga Carrier (Previously USS Valley Forge, bought in October 1970 from US)
ORS Interdependance Troop Transport (Previously SS Canberra, bought from P&O in November 1997)
ORS Sincerity Troop Transport (Previously SS Oriana, bought from Chinese Interests in June 2004)
ORS Reality RORO Vehicle Transport (Commissioned August 2006)

*Note: All ON vessels have been slightly modified from their original state. These modifications are explained by following the link for each ship type. (Sub, Carrier, etc.)

Distinct Genius

Orianan Military: Units

42nd Occupying Force: (HOME)
-1,000 Infantrymen
-9 BTR 80's
-6 IFAV Wolf's
-10 M113A3's

43rd Occupying Force: (HOME)
-1,000 Infantrymen
-8 BTR 80's
-7 IFAV Wolf's
-4 BTR-40P's
-10 M113A3's

45th Light Cavalry: (HOME)
-100 Infantrymen
-3 BTR-40P's
-7 T-72's
-5 Challenger II's
-4 ZSU-57's

49th Heavy Cavalry (HOME)
-9 Challenger II's
-5 T-72's
-5 ZSU-57's
-4 IFAV Wolf's

Freefall AFB
11th Air Superiority Wing: (HOME)
-9 MiG-35's
-7 JA-37 Viggens
-7 Euofighter Typhoons

14th Air Defense Wing: (HOME)
-4 MiG-35's
-5 JA-37 Viggens
-5 Eurofighter Typhoons

15th Ground Bombardment Wing: (HOME)
-6 Mirage 2000D's
-2 MiG-27's
-4 MiG-35's

17th Aerial Resupply Wing: (HOME)
-2 KC-135 Stratotankers
-1 II-78 Midas
-2 JA-37 Viggens

18th Deployment Wing: (HOME)
-4 C-141 Starlifters
-2 II-76 IIyushins
-3 MI-8T's

19th Close-In-Support(CIS) Wing: (HOME)
-5 AH-1 Cobras
-2 MI-24V HINDs
-5 MiG-27's

Port Brickson
22nd Wet D Wing: (HOME)
-26 F-14 Tomcats
-9 AH-1 Cobras
-3 MI-24V HINDs
-3 MI-8T's

23rd Wet W Wing: (HOME)
-15 Harrier GR3s
-17 AH-1 Cobras
-6 MI-8T's
-3 MI-24V HINDs

25th Carrier Battle Group: (HOME)
ORS Deliberation
ORS Determination
ORS Recluse
ORS Vigilance
ORS Cannon
ORS Strongbad

28th Carrier Battle Group: (HOME)
ORS White Strike
ORS Fortitude
ORS Climax
ORS Tyler

29th Wolfpack: (HOME)
ORS Jolie
ORS Knightley
ORS Henstridge

Proving Grounds
71st Special Crimes Unit: (Core City)
-250 Servicemen
-2 AH-1 Cobras
-9 IFAV Wolf's
-2 BTR-80's
-3 M113A3's

72nd Home Defense Unit: (HOME)
-750 Infantrymen
-6 Challenger II's
-6 T-72's
-4 M113A3's
-2 ZSU-57's

74th Fast Assault Recon Team(FART): (HOME)
-100 Infantrymen
-3 IFAV Wolf's
-3 M113A3's
-1 AH-1 Cobra

75th Capital Defense Squad: (Mui)
-50 Servicemen
-2 Challenger II's
-4 BTR-40P's
-3 ZSU-57's

77th Special Operations Unit: (HOME)
-125 Men
-10 IFAV Wolf's

M113A3- 20
BTR-80 -10
T-72 -8
Challenger 2 -4
IFAV Wolf -30
BTR-40P -19
ZSU-57 -8
F-14 Tomcat -12
SAAB Viggen -3
Mirage 2000D -2
MiG-27 -2
AH-1 Cobra -4
MI-8T -4

Distinct Genius

Orianan Military

The Orianan Military predates the arrival of the Europeans by many years. It was originally the group of Origal hunters who banded together and shared their knowledge, and were relied upon if hostile warriors from other tribes attempted to land on the island. More recently, however, the military has become a greater tool in keeping order on Oriana, as the Police are incorporated into the Military structure.

The Orianan Military is volunteer army that fuctions with a hierarchy of reservists around a core of full-time personel. Following the Active Duty personel, there are four Tiers of Reservists. The First Tier, which is the smallest pool of Reservists, consists of semi-active men and women, who train every other weekend and are required to serve in Active Duty for at least two months out of the year. The Second Tier consists of more people, but who only train one weekend a month, and are required to serve in Active Duty only one month out of the year. The Third Tier, an even larger pool, is only required to train for two weekend in a row every other month, and is only required to serve in Active Duty for two spans of two weeks every year. The Fourth and final tier is only required to spend six weeks each year in training, in one-week blocks. This system permits Oriana access to trained personel at a moment's notice, while laying groundwork for rapid mobilization if need be.

The Police in Oriana are heavily armed when compared to other developed nations. Normal patrolling officers are usually armed with an MP5K and a handgun, in addition to handcuffs and other paraphenilia. Policemen assigned to gaurd and patrol high-risk areas and tourism sites are often equiped with AKs and MAGs. Standard issue for all police officers is body armor, capable of withstanding most 9mm rounds. While some officers choose to use Wolfs, a Jaguar is the most common patrol vehicle, with the occasional BTR-80 rolling down the street. In cases of riots, civil unrest, or other unusual yet dangerous conditions, the 71st is deployed to the scene.

All of Oriana's Infantrymen are equiped with the FELIN combat system. There was one major change to the system, however: The use of the G3A3, MG21, and the MSG-90 instead of the French FAMAS, MINIMI, and FRF2. The modifications were done in Oriana, under license from France. Currently, the 71st is the only Police Unit to wear the FELIN system.

The majority of Oriana's naval vessels have been in her possesion in excess of twenty years. This has given the Navy plenty of time to develop training programs for the proper running of the ships. Ironically, this means the older vessels are generally better-kept and preform more efficiently than the recent aquisitions.

Orianan pilots have undergone large amounts of training, especially with Russian pilots. This had lead to a relatively high number of good pilots, as several RANG members were used in aerial combat against the US in Vietnam, and assist newer pilots on learning how to fly their ex-Russian craft. For the European craft, various ace pilots have visited Oriana to run pilots through high-intensity training camps in the planes they once used.

Distinct Genius

Orianan Defenses

Oriana is very concerned with the safety of its people, and the visitors that decide to come into the country. The first step towards total protection is that every person that enters the country has their dominant hand fingerprinted. This is then run through INTERPOL, the Orianan Internal Defense System(OIDS), and then the United States FBI database. Although this may delay incoming tourists by ten-fifteen minutes, it has cought hundreds, if not thousands, or potentially or already harmful people and organizations from entering Orianan soil.

For domestic problems, the Police keep the order. In order to do this, Orianan Police are heavily armed, which serves as a deterrent to would-be lawbreakers, and allows them to react to more dangerous situations quicker than their counterparts in other developed nations. Also, citizens are banned from owning any working gun other than a semi-automatic pistol. This makes sure that if anyone tried anything, the police would definately be better armed. Within the last three years, however, a small illegal arms market has attempted to deliver rifles to citizens, but so far the Police and Military have been able to keep the proliferation down to only a dozen rifles a year or so. Police patrol in some of the fastest production cars on the market, both to prevent escapes, and to impress tourists even more. The vehicles used are from Jaguar, which provide comfort to the officers, and the ability to get somewhere fast.

For problems more, militaristic in nature, Oriana has its military to defend in case of an attack, but also incorporates several, more immobile and static, methods for detecting and countering attacks. Mounted on the top of the central mountain, sits a gaint Phased-Array system. Consisting of a pentagon with an array on each side, it is powerful enough to detect up to 500 incoming projectiles (Missiles, airplanes, etc.) at a range of up to 250 miles. Protecting this array are seven constantly patrolling ZSU-57's, plus a detachment of 200 men and three T-72's. On the ground, defending bases, there are usually anywhere from three to five ZSU-57's, and a variety of ground defense craft. Currently, Oriana is planning to improve its Anti-Air defense program.

One, slightly unorthadox system, is the Orianan Self-Defense Strike System(OSDSS). This consists of sixteen 150mm howitzers, mounted eight on the Eastern and Western mountains. This gives the two installations the ability to fire on almost any portion of the mainland, and possibly hit targets out to sea. However, the two installations are regarded as a last-ditch attempt in case of an invasion, and as an ugly reminder of the Tyrant Era. As such, they are poorly defended, and only contain a skeleton crew manning the guns, which only allows for a maximum of two guns from each installation to fire, and at an extremely slow rate.

An extremely old defensive system, consisting of a bunker housing a 12" gun on either side of all three harbors, is still active and in use. However, the government doubts the effectiveness of the emplacements, and as such, they are manned by a fraction of the normal crew.

Distinct Genius

Oriana's Economy

Many people not aquainted with the little island nation are rather perplexed as to how it keeps afloat, in terms of its economy. There are many ways Oriana affords to run the way it does.

The major reason the Orianan Ather is worth so much is because Oriana runs off a diamond exchange. Deep underground, Oriana posesses roughly twelve percent of the world's natural diamonds, and the government owns eight of the top ten largest diamonds in the world as well. Not only is the country blessed with natural stones, but during the Tyrant Era, the government and private interests invested heavily into the artificial diamond market, and Oriana alone supplies nearly seventy percent of the world's artificial diamonds. The "Fake rocks" are sold to companies for industrial purposes, like diamond-tipped drill bits. Using artificially created diamonds is cheaper than buying naturally created ones. Currently, around thirty-eight percent of the workforce works in diamond production or mining.

Another form of income for Oriana is the oil industry. Oriana has little oil to refine on its own; however, it boasts large refineries that are used by the major international oil companies. These refineries are state-of-the-art, and are the most environmentally friendly ones in the world. Oriana is responsible for refining nearly 950,000 barrels of oil a day. Roughly nineteen percent of the Orianan workforce works in an oil industry-related job.

A good deal of the Oriana economy is driven towards the tourism industry as well, with deals and incentives made to major airlines to bring people over. Nearly twenty-three percent of the workforce is employed in a tourist-related job.

The remaining twenty percent of the workforce is employed by the government, or are part of other various industries that are present in Oriana, including a handful of manufacturing firms and banking companies.

Distinct Genius

Law of the Land

Distinct Genius

International Relations

Distinct Genius

Distinct Genius

Distinct Genius

Open to Attack: Yes, but notify me beforehand. Or just drop by. Whatever.
Rules: No godmod. Tech around 2015. As little stupidity as possible. Gaia TOS. I reserve the right to add more as I see fit.
Memberlist: Me
Alignment: Purple

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