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Omnipresent Poster

It was currently nighttime, the stars in the sky glittering amongst the black facade, the sounds of the crickets being the stereo of this evening's show. Sitting out on the high balcony of the castle, Verev's son was resting in a comfortable seat, gazing out onto nature's artwork. His right hand had a hold on a silver goblet filled with the best of wine the place had to offer, taking it up to his pink lips now and again and tasting its sweet nector. His red eyes that looked like his father's did not leave themselves from the relaxing scene, wishing it go on forever. However, his body had a different reaction, sleepiness slowing making him drowsier and drowsier. He could picture his father out there conquering land after land with his men, envisioning their empire spreading further and further.

But before he could go into a deep daydream, his visions are interrupted by something blue streaking across the sky. Standing to his feet off the seat, the single braid of red hair moving a little against his back, he looked more attendant. The strong teenager wore a red silk robe over his body, his chest barely visible. Underneath, he wore nothing but the bare body he was born with. He gave his attention to the blue streak, curious of what it was that was paying such chance to pop into existence over this land like a shooting star. But this warrior was a cautious person, so seeing this could also mean that something was amiss in the world that he did not know of. His curiousity had only grew greater.

As the blue spectator scanned over the land, he would see spots of energy fields and magical auras all about the land, from the Calm Lands to the west to the very center of the kingdom itself. What was odd, however, was that the strongest concentration of magical energy was coming from the son of Verev himself, who was watching this thing move across the sky with a thoughtful expression.


The blue streak continued across the skies until it reached the opposite end of the vale and its scans passed over mountains once more. Once there it began to turn back for another pass in a wide arc that took it far out to come back on a path nearly perpendicular to before. For this pass it would lower its altitude and decrease speed, diverting power to more powerful observation techniques. Where before it had been a fiery star streaking across the night sky the flames would not gather about the creature. This would almost turn the beast with a fifty foot wingspan into a new sun dawning over the mountains as it began its second run.

Omnipresent Poster

The spectacle had now gained the attention of the standing spectator, watching as its light flashed over the land, like the morning sun had already came up and washed away the darkness of the night. Some people came out their houses to it, and the standing guards raised their heads to the experience above them. But this thing had gained too much of Verev's son attention, having him turn and head immediately back into his house to place on his equipment. By the time he was leaving the castle, the thing would have already passed over. He rushes to the royal stable, acquiring a brick-red colored horse, a stable of red and yellow upon its back, with an armored helm over its head. This horse belonged to the royal prince himself, its given name being Yuro.

"It is time we ride," he say to his stead, leaping up onto the back of it and taking hold of its reins.

A few of his men rushed out to see their prince hop on, one of them stating: "Where are you going, My Lord? If your father was to know that you left here without..."

He turned his head to the man, giving smirk of mischief. "I'm old enough to do what I can. If my father has anything to say about it, he can go drag me back here. Tell him I went after a blue shape in the sky to the east."

And with a pull of the reins, the horse took off, the red cape of the prince flowing behind him as he takes off out of the kingdom's walls and toward the very direction of the blue thing, following after this blue wonder across the Calm Lands. The horse he rode was one of great stamina and legacy within the Phoenix Warriors. Granted to him as a child ten years ago by an elven maiden, he was told that this horse was one of the fastest around, having the energy to take him miles and days before it would tire. It was his first and only pet he has had for the duration of its life. Everytime he rode upon it, galloping across the land, he felt like he was a child again, just enjoying the innocence and joy of life. But now he was a grown man, heir to the throne of such a great kingdom. It was just a shame that he didn't feel obligated yet to gain such responsibility.

The footsteps of a giant rang through the mountains of this dead land a beast approaching. The beast wore armor bigger then a bear standing up. The being was huge, its armor glowed with a red hue that would remind any of a demonic aura or a burning flame. The being stood a very tall nine foot six inches, its eyes red like that of a demon. A loud grunt was heard from the armor, the sound muffled and metallic. The grunt was a displeased one, it had been walking a long time and was angry. The being then hoisted its weapon upon its shoulder, the weapon bigger then the beast itself. The weapon looked maybe a few inches taller then the beast if you could picture it in your head. The weapon clearly glowed with fire, the sword was enchanted, any idiot could see this.

The being had been stopped for awhile looking the land over. "Damn mountains." The beings voice rumbled over the mountains like a roar of a dragon, even muffled and metallic from the metal suit that held him, the voice itself still was rich with the rhythm of the being he was. This was an orc, if a hunter had been around enough they would hear this in the voice itself from the deep and dark tone to it. The rusty vibe it gave as well. The beast of an orc then started to walk again his long strides making the mountains clang with sound.

Each step gained a new grunt from the monster, each lift of his leg making a new sound, and each drop of his foot making the rumble of his weight ring through the land. But then he stopped again this time turning. "Where is that short piece of s**t?" He growled a bit to himself, he said this under his breathe not wishing to alarm any guards just yet. The comment was followed by a quick shrug and he began walking noisily again.

The "short piece of s**t" was in fact waiting for the stupid behemoth, a good half-mile north from his current position. "Always bitches that I'm the late one," it spat venomously in an androgynous voice. Looking upon the creature that spoke, most would mistake it for some species of elf, albeit a very short one. His flesh was dark gray, nearly ashen, with a frock of shoulder-length white hair. No apparent armor touches his lithe frame, though a finely crafted rapier lay on his belt flanked by two daggers.His eyes normally are the color of quicksilver, though at the current moment the normally flawless hues appear tainted by the color red; as if his current state of mind alters them some how.

The drow, for that is indeed what he was, paced back and forth over the thing path, waiting for his companion impatiently. "By Lloth, if he doesn't hurry I'm going to skewer him..."
(I got into a motorcycle accident the other day, pardon me for my slow (not to mention short) posts. Brudash and myself shall return for some play time tomorrow.)
The clearly taller being started walking towards the shorter one no sign of it trying to quicken his step. His steps still loud and clanky. "Oh, hey short stop thought you were still getting through that nasty high grass back there." The being said clearly making a stab at the drow's height. Nothing but a snicker came from the huge tower of armor as this low blow was made on the drow's vertical problem. The beast made of armor looked at the mountains ahead now standing beside the smaller drow. "I think this might be a bit harder then you thought. That mountain looks tall." The metallic being said looking over at his traveling companion.

He then let out a grunt. "Damn, need to remember not to look so far down." Once again another stab at the drow's height. The pestering seemed to never get boring to the huge beast and without another word he began his march to the mountains, his clangs would clearly wake up some form of monsters within the caves of this place. The tall being then turned to the shorter one and chuckled. "Hope there is something to crush." It then laughed loudly as it walked for the beginning of this huge mountains trails. It was riddled with them, no clear path to their destination only winding paths that would lead them anywhere they please, the bigger being only hoped it would lead them to this so called great forest.

"Come on lets get a move on half pint."
The diminutive elf continued to pace back and forth as he waited for his companion. If that's what the orc could be called... Tyrr snorted at the thought, shaking his head in disgust. 'Why do I even venture with that ingrate?' He silently asked himself, getting more annoyed by the minute. Suddenly, the sound of the pig's massive footfalls made their way to his sensitive ears and he sighed. "About time." He grumbled to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so. The drow stopped in his tracks, planting his lithe hands upon his hips and turning to face the approaching orc. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by the moron's own words. Tyrr's teeth clamping together made a very audible clack as he shut his mouth, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

The drow began walking the moment Brudash did, his quick steps easily keeping pace with the orc's slower, though much wider strides. "The mountains are fine, I've got ways of getting around them, and you know it, idiot." He snapped.
"Didn't your mother teach you to shut your mouth, that is before I raped and killed her and your whole village." The Orc said with a grin under that thick armor. "You have a quick tongue for something I could step on, also for something that so close to an elf. I figure elf blood would give you the ability to SHUT THE HELL UP!" He roared at the drow and then he looked to the mountains seeing smoke. "Oh this might be fun." The Orc said as he stared at the fresh smoke. "Should we say hello to our greeters? I have been dyeing for a snack, and I think we could use a rest since we have been walking for a good two days now." The Orc spat to the drow as he began his walk towards the fire.

The Orc really didn't give a s**t if it was one human, three hundred goblins or a bunch of short dwarfs, he was hungry and what ever made that fire was about to turn into his lunch. As he took his long strides his pace quickened the smoke getting closer and closer till it died out. The beings must have put out the fire to make the loud clanking beast lose their trail but he was following the scent of it now, his huge Orc nostrils picking up the smell of freshly cooked goat meat and what smelled like dust, not just dust from falling rocks but mining. "Oh dwarves, this shall taste good. I wonder if there are any young ones, oh how I love the young ones." He roared out in his demandingly loud voice.

When he rounded the corner he would find...

((I leave this up to your mind my friend, I wanna see what you got up your sleeve. Also, random situations are more fun.))
As the orc started yammering, Tyrr did something very mature: he began using his hand as a mouth, mimicking Brudash's every word. The drow wore a rather blank expression all the while, as if the swine's words weren't even heard. When the orc was done speaking, however, Tyrr spat back an angry rebuttal "If you knew anything about my kind, you'd know just how much males hate the women," he began through clenched teeth. "Especially our mothers." At this point Tyrr's hands were balled into fists, his nails biting deeply into the soft flesh of his palms. A few lines of blood flowed in between his fingers, pooling at the tips of his knuckles before dripping off and landing on the dusty path. The drow disliked how easily Brudash could get under his skin, despised it, actually. Normally a very calm fellow, it seemed that just with a few words the orc could get Tyrr foaming at the mouth.

All thoughts of anger dissipated the moment the plume of smoke was seen in the distance. The couple ran quickly over the trail, making incredibly fast time. In the span of an hour, they were at the camp. Five tents surrounded a small hearth, which had recently put out. Five dwarves sat around the smoldering heap of sticks, oblivious to the drow and orc standing fifty or so feet from them.

"Ladies first." Tyrr said in a playful tone, gesturing to their prey with an elaborate bow that caused his nose to nearly scrape across the floor.
The Orc grinned and shrugged. "If you say so." He then gripped the pants of the now bowing drow and threw him at the dwarves. The force of this throw would make him land on at least one dwarf confusing the rest as a giant wall (Brudash) ran at them a sword raised. "DINNER TIME!!!" He rang out as he ran at the unsuspecting dwarves. They hardly had time to grab their weapons and two lay dead from one mighty swing of this brutes sword. His swing wasn't fancy nor flashy. He just gripped the hilt with both hands and swung to kill. One however got his ax and raised it to block the attack of the nine foot six demon warrior with the ten foot fire covered weapon. Now I need not say this failed. They dwarf cleaved in half.

Not even a minute in and the Orc was now standing there getting a fire ready again as he let his friend finish off the two dwarves he left for him. "Hurry up and kill them, I want dinner and without those two fat ones its only a snack." He grinned mocking their body size. Then he looked at the drow who would most likely have a wedgy. "You okay?" He asked with a condescending voice.

((This is as far as I go for now, I need to rest for school tomorrow.))

Omnipresent Poster

One of the two dwarves that were left in this surprise massacre nodded to his bearded friend, as if a mental understanding had come to him. His right hand reached behind his belt, removing a large coiled horn. Bringing it to his mouth as his friend rushed at the drow with his two-handed axe, a loud sound roared from it, the noise being carried through the wind and across a large span of the land. Once he was done, he took up arms and rushed at the Orc.


[Phoenix Warriors Mountain Base]

Hearing the loud sound of the horn signaled trouble, the Phoenix warriors within the barrack ran for their weapons, which consisted of swords and shields. One man was sitting in a chair, tying on his shoes at a slow pace. His skin was colored white, holding no facial flaw to such a smooth tone. His ears were sticking long out of his fair yellow hair, designating him as an elf. His yellow eyes were silent in thought as he finished putting on his shoes, throwing on his orange cloak afterwards. He would finally pick up his bow, which had a glistering blue sheen to it to show that it was magical, and next picked up his quiver of bows, placing them onto his back. On his belt, he had various pouches, but one weapon stood out from his appearance other than the magical bow: a revolver on the right.

"I'm ready," he said to about five of the men before they set out onto the trail toward the source.
A tall and slender man advanced through a deer trail on the side of the mountains, looking for helpful plants that would show signs of clean water. The traveler had been out of water for days and had resorted to sucking the dew off of leaves and funneling water into a gourd he carried for alcoholic drink.

That sound...

The man plows through the deer trail towards the source of a blown horn...

Trudging hard through the landscape he finally arrives at the scene of a massive altercation between obvious brutes and masters of weaponry.

The man falls flat on his face after tripping on a rock.

After quickly gaining his composure he assesses the situation.
It had taken him several days or long hard searching and walking, but at last the weary traveler could looking upon the iron gates leading up towards the Citadel. His mission was very simple, that was to get inside and gain an audience with the residing ruler of clan. Official business between two kingdoms called for such measures after all. Whether or not he would be allowed in was a matter of how paranoid the phoenix warriors were of outsiders. That was not to say that the current messenger looked intimidating at all, for he wore an official seal on his traveling clothes depicting a dark god holding a sword. His only possession was a message given to him by his master, a message that could most likely ignite a war or forge a powerful alliance. How things played out from this point would be up to fate.

Omnipresent Poster

((I'm back. Time to get this rolling again.))

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