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Kawaii Shounen

bittersweet music

.......wow this is really annoying. I am NOT saying that YOU said being pervy is bad, what is this? why are you making stuff up? I SAID ...I understand that so and so character is pervy...that isn't my problem with Hinata's actions.

It's NOTHING to do with that by itself. by itself it is fine.

My issue, as I have said over and over again.....and I'm getting REALLY sick of saying this and you just ignore my words...it has to do with her thoughts on his hand, right after Neji died.

get it!?

....IF you DON'T get it...then don't bother replying to me... emotion_facepalm

That bothers me...As I have said many times. and yes, being a fangirl isn't a horrible thing. remember the VERY first post you replied to where you got all up in my face about it? I said " I don't hate fangirls"

cuse I'm not that kind of person.

I never have been.

look...just drop it for now.. I don't think you understand what I'm saying at all...You have started to accuse me of things I haven't done....so this is just going way too far. that's really not called for. sad

agree to disagree?

this is normal for me, to argue and talk about this, but I realize this is how you work this situation
you are now saying this stuff, look here what you said

*sigh* your not understanding me....being pervy isn't a bad thing...it's WHEN she does it that bothers me.

and you even had the nerve to claim that Sakura was more the fangirl then Hinata is in recent chapters...

You know what bothers me the most about your post? how it's ok to bash Sakura or Ino...and yet you attack me for pointing out Hinata's fangirl flaws. that's just bias.

this is what you said , and I did not even said it.


My issue, as I have said over and over again.....and I'm getting REALLY sick of saying this and you just ignore my words...it has to do with her thoughts on his hand, right after Neji died.

get it!?

nope I don't ******** get it, that's why I told you
show me, show it to me
then I'll believe you
then what you said? look it by yourself
why are you backing of now, the thoughs about his big hand in front of neji?
your so ridiculous
have you no shame, your the only one who is thinking like this, if not
show me, SHOW ME your not the only one then I'll believ you
simple like that.

you say you don't hate fangirls then why bringing up
the situation that hinata is being ''disrespectful of being a fangirl''

....what part of the WHEN it happens is the issue that you don't get?

as for what you quoted....I don't see your point, I told you, I don't mind that they are fangirls...it's WHEN Hinata does it that bothers me.

Neji dies and she thinks about Naruto's hand. chapter 615! THERE. I'm pretty sure I already listed that chapter...but whatever. you seem to not remember it. and have YOU no shame? why can't you just let my opinion go?

There's the chapter, that's my point... the one I have been making this whole time. so...agree to disagree or not?

It's not a big deal to other people, I can see that. I mean look at you! trying to shame me for caring about this? yeah no.

I hope this is enough proof.

that I don't remember?
of course I do dumb-a**, I read that
the thing that I want you to show me in how that part is being perverted
have you read hentai brat or wait, yaoi?
they actually think the d**k is very big.

and your the idiot of thinking that hinata having though of how big the hand is, is being perverted.
yes one more time, you see s**t and see small things and think that is wrong.

is like, have you seen me doing that stuff with sakura
have you seen it?, no
and if you tell me, yes you did, did then show it to me,
because saying crap that I said something
when you can't even show it to me.

oh and by the way, I am thankful your tasting my old way when I was
a reg in forums, congratulations, you should feel ******** happy lol

have a good day

Hygienic Genius

Sasuke was just being a jerk, she was just worried about him, jeez...xD that wasn't a fangirl moment.. don't deny it.

Sakura refusing to let go of Sasuke even when he tells her to back off is a fangirl moment. Keep denying it if you want for all I care. -shrugs-

I didn't bring up the shy girl argument..... what? I thought YOU were...since you seem to deny Hinata's a fangirl..... neutral ( your saying she is shy, she can't do that etc...)

LMAO when oh when did I say Hinata was too shy to do so? rofl Are you gonna make up things now? I am saying she is NOT a shy girl like she used to be anymore and if she isn't all over Naruto is because she is not that kind of girl I NEVER said it was because she was shy that was YOU. rolleyes

are you asking me to find a essay for you? why should I bother? your just going to deny it all. lol...your post even admits it. emotion_facepalm

I don't need you to hunt down for some other crazy pairing fans arguments on why Hinata is a horrible character 101 that they just make up to bash her. Why would I ask you to bring me an essay someone else wrote? Can't make arguments for yourself? Lol emotion_facepalm Learn the difference between denying something and disproving it. All I've been doing is backing up the things I say and it's what I'll continue to do I'm not just gonna deny something for the heck of it.

Thinking something like that is a fangirl moment...you seem to think that if they just think it...it doesn't count.
oh well. that's not a big deal tho. not worth fighting over....well really none of this is.

Something like that? That the hand of the guy she is in love with makes her feel safe? rolleyes Dude, even if she said that out loud to him it is not a fangirl-ish thing to say let alone think about. If Hinata would've been all over Naruto blushing or refused to let go of his hand then I would see where you're coming from but no. You're just taking things out of proportion to pointlessly hate on Hinata.

as for claiming I have run out of things to say...lol...no. I haven't yet to run out of things to say, only your like a talking to a brick wall. you refuse to see Hinata as a fangirl...it's really annoying. emotion_drool

And you claiming she is while coming up with silly arguments and blowing things out of proportion to "prove" she is is even more annoying. stressed You have yet to say anything about the comparison I made of Hinata and part 1 Sakura and Ino where you could see the huge difference between them.

I think those chapters prove it enough, how the heck are you confused about the hand comment being pervy? you guys must be really young to not get it... redface I have already explained it to bittersweet music in my 2nd to last post.... just....read it.

I don't like repeating myself over and over again. emotion_facepalm gonk

Lmao yeah sure I am the young one. If you think a comment about someone's hand making you feel safe is perverted maybe you are the one with a young person's mentality. Next thing you're gonna tell me people can get pregnant from kissing? emotion_jawdrop Lol grow up. She didn't even blush there was nothing there that hinted that was a perverted thought that is just your wishful thinking so that you can hate on her. Which is just plainly silly.

And as for my RTN comment.....you missed my point completely. emotion_sweatdrop

I did? You seemed to just be saying to look at Hinata's rtn personality as if that proved in any way that she is a pervert. I just proved to you that is the complete opposite of who she is. If you had a point just make it if not, just admit it was a dumb thing to bring up when the character you are bringing into the discussion is the complete opposite of the one we are discussing. Don't just say I missed it and prove nothing.

hope that answers it for ya. emotion_drool

Answered what? I'm not asking you anything Lol I am just proving you Hinata is not a fangirl. dramallama

cuse I really don't want to keep talking about it with you, you made it pretty clear that you refuse to admit Hinata is a fangirl....and I see no point it going over it anymore.

Ok don't. I am not making you talk about it with me. It's not like you've proven anything at all since your first reply to me. emotion_zzz
bittersweet music
bittersweet music

.......wow this is really annoying. I am NOT saying that YOU said being pervy is bad, what is this? why are you making stuff up? I SAID ...I understand that so and so character is pervy...that isn't my problem with Hinata's actions.

It's NOTHING to do with that by itself. by itself it is fine.

My issue, as I have said over and over again.....and I'm getting REALLY sick of saying this and you just ignore my words...it has to do with her thoughts on his hand, right after Neji died.

get it!?

....IF you DON'T get it...then don't bother replying to me... emotion_facepalm

That bothers me...As I have said many times. and yes, being a fangirl isn't a horrible thing. remember the VERY first post you replied to where you got all up in my face about it? I said " I don't hate fangirls"

cuse I'm not that kind of person.

I never have been.

look...just drop it for now.. I don't think you understand what I'm saying at all...You have started to accuse me of things I haven't done....so this is just going way too far. that's really not called for. sad

agree to disagree?

this is normal for me, to argue and talk about this, but I realize this is how you work this situation
you are now saying this stuff, look here what you said

*sigh* your not understanding me....being pervy isn't a bad thing...it's WHEN she does it that bothers me.

and you even had the nerve to claim that Sakura was more the fangirl then Hinata is in recent chapters...

You know what bothers me the most about your post? how it's ok to bash Sakura or Ino...and yet you attack me for pointing out Hinata's fangirl flaws. that's just bias.

this is what you said , and I did not even said it.


My issue, as I have said over and over again.....and I'm getting REALLY sick of saying this and you just ignore my words...it has to do with her thoughts on his hand, right after Neji died.

get it!?

nope I don't ******** get it, that's why I told you
show me, show it to me
then I'll believe you
then what you said? look it by yourself
why are you backing of now, the thoughs about his big hand in front of neji?
your so ridiculous
have you no shame, your the only one who is thinking like this, if not
show me, SHOW ME your not the only one then I'll believ you
simple like that.

you say you don't hate fangirls then why bringing up
the situation that hinata is being ''disrespectful of being a fangirl''

....what part of the WHEN it happens is the issue that you don't get?

as for what you quoted....I don't see your point, I told you, I don't mind that they are fangirls...it's WHEN Hinata does it that bothers me.

Neji dies and she thinks about Naruto's hand. chapter 615! THERE. I'm pretty sure I already listed that chapter...but whatever. you seem to not remember it. and have YOU no shame? why can't you just let my opinion go?

There's the chapter, that's my point... the one I have been making this whole time. so...agree to disagree or not?

It's not a big deal to other people, I can see that. I mean look at you! trying to shame me for caring about this? yeah no.

I hope this is enough proof.

that I don't remember?
of course I do dumb-a**, I read that
the thing that I want you to show me in how that part is being perverted
have you read hentai brat or wait, yaoi?
they actually think the d**k is very big.

and your the idiot of thinking that hinata having though of how big the hand is, is being perverted.
yes one more time, you see s**t and see small things and think that is wrong.

is like, have you seen me doing that stuff with sakura
have you seen it?, no
and if you tell me, yes you did, did then show it to me,
because saying crap that I said something
when you can't even show it to me.

oh and by the way, I am thankful your tasting my old way when I was
a reg in forums, congratulations, you should feel ******** happy lol

have a good day

.........yeah, your not getting this. just drop it. emotion_facepalm

* and again, your insults don't make you look clever. *

agree to disagree. we all have different opinons. clearly this doesn't bother you, nor can you seem to make any sense of it. don't bother anymore...just let...it....go.
Sasuke was just being a jerk, she was just worried about him, jeez...xD that wasn't a fangirl moment.. don't deny it.

Sakura refusing to let go of Sasuke even when he tells her to back off is a fangirl moment. Keep denying it if you want for all I care. -shrugs-

I didn't bring up the shy girl argument..... what? I thought YOU were...since you seem to deny Hinata's a fangirl..... neutral ( your saying she is shy, she can't do that etc...)

LMAO when oh when did I say Hinata was too shy to do so? rofl Are you gonna make up things now? I am saying she is NOT a shy girl like she used to be anymore and if she isn't all over Naruto is because she is not that kind of girl I NEVER said it was because she was shy that was YOU. rolleyes

are you asking me to find a essay for you? why should I bother? your just going to deny it all. lol...your post even admits it. emotion_facepalm

I don't need you to hunt down for some other crazy pairing fans arguments on why Hinata is a horrible character 101 that they just make up to bash her. Why would I ask you to bring me an essay someone else wrote? Can't make arguments for yourself? Lol emotion_facepalm Learn the difference between denying something and disproving it. All I've been doing is backing up the things I say and it's what I'll continue to do I'm not just gonna deny something for the heck of it.

Thinking something like that is a fangirl moment...you seem to think that if they just think it...it doesn't count.
oh well. that's not a big deal tho. not worth fighting over....well really none of this is.

Something like that? That the hand of the guy she is in love with makes her feel safe? rolleyes Dude, even if she said that out loud to him it is not a fangirl-ish thing to say let alone think about. If Hinata would've been all over Naruto blushing or refused to let go of his hand then I would see where you're coming from but no. You're just taking things out of proportion to pointlessly hate on Hinata.

as for claiming I have run out of things to say...lol...no. I haven't yet to run out of things to say, only your like a talking to a brick wall. you refuse to see Hinata as a fangirl...it's really annoying. emotion_drool

And you claiming she is while coming up with silly arguments and blowing things out of proportion to "prove" she is is even more annoying. stressed You have yet to say anything about the comparison I made of Hinata and part 1 Sakura and Ino where you could see the huge difference between them.

I think those chapters prove it enough, how the heck are you confused about the hand comment being pervy? you guys must be really young to not get it... redface I have already explained it to bittersweet music in my 2nd to last post.... just....read it.

I don't like repeating myself over and over again. emotion_facepalm gonk

Lmao yeah sure I am the young one. If you think a comment about someone's hand making you feel safe is perverted maybe you are the one with a young person's mentality. Next thing you're gonna tell me people can get pregnant from kissing? emotion_jawdrop Lol grow up. She didn't even blush there was nothing there that hinted that was a perverted thought that is just your wishful thinking so that you can hate on her. Which is just plainly silly.

And as for my RTN comment.....you missed my point completely. emotion_sweatdrop

I did? You seemed to just be saying to look at Hinata's rtn personality as if that proved in any way that she is a pervert. I just proved to you that is the complete opposite of who she is. If you had a point just make it if not, just admit it was a dumb thing to bring up when the character you are bringing into the discussion is the complete opposite of the one we are discussing. Don't just say I missed it and prove nothing.

hope that answers it for ya. emotion_drool

Answered what? I'm not asking you anything Lol I am just proving you Hinata is not a fangirl. dramallama

cuse I really don't want to keep talking about it with you, you made it pretty clear that you refuse to admit Hinata is a fangirl....and I see no point it going over it anymore.

Ok don't. I am not making you talk about it with me. It's not like you've proven anything at all since your first reply to me. emotion_zzz

ok what are you confused about? what didn't I explain? I have been talking to two people at the same time, and I tend to get confused over what points I already made....if that's a case, then fine. I just made a mistake. it happens.

so....Hinata is a fan of Naruto. fact right?

so....that makes her a fangirl yes?

THAT was the basic point. and no, I don't hate Hinata... I dislike her at times. ( she can be annoying at times...I admit )

but I don't hate her all the time. if I did...then I wouldn't bother defending her at times over the internet.

really, tho , can we just stop? ok?

no more replying to me and trying to act like I don't explain....it's a basic. what's to explain really? Hinata is a fan of Naruto. she is a fangirl....and I don't hate her for it. ( because, like I mentioned before...I don't hate fangirls )

....this takes alot out me....I hope your going to READ this...and understand me. and not mock me... cuse thats.... talk2hand

we cool?

Hygienic Genius

ok what are you confused about? what didn't I explain? I have been talking to two people at the same time, and I tend to get confused over what points I already made....if that's a case, then fine. I just made a mistake. it happens.

I’m not confused about anything you just said Hinata is a worse fangirl than part 1 Sakura and I showed you the difference between them to prove Hinata is not one let alone on the same level as part 1 Sakura. This is something you never replied to me about and just kept making up other points.

so....Hinata is a fan of Naruto. fact right?

No Hinata is just in love with Naruto. Loving someone =/= being their fan.

so....that makes her a fangirl yes?


THAT was the basic point. and no, I don't hate Hinata... I dislike her at times. ( she can be annoying at times...I admit )

but I don't hate her all the time. if I did...then I wouldn't bother defending her at times over the internet.

Of course she can be annoying just like Sakura, Ino and Karin can be annoying. Heck I’m not even a Hinata fan at all but when someone says she’s something that she is not I will defend her. Get on her case for being annoying I would agree with you. But getting on her case for being “a fangirl and a pervert” I will never agree to and I will argue against because that is not who she is and that is not what her character represents at all.

really, tho , can we just stop? ok?

Like I said I’m not making you reply to me.

no more replying to me and trying to act like I don't explain....it's a basic. what's to explain really? Hinata is a fan of Naruto. she is a fangirl....and I don't hate her for it. ( because, like I mentioned before...I don't hate fangirls )

I’m not trying to act like you don’t explain you actually don’t. You say something and when I refute it you don’t actually address my refusals. You go around saying how I missed your point but don’t make it. Hinata is not a fangirl of Naruto she just is in love with him.

....this takes alot out me....I hope your going to READ this...and understand me. and not mock me... cuse thats.... talk2hand

Uh-huh. Sorry but you saying the hand comment was perverted was just ridiculous. That was just my way of letting you know how ridiculous it sounds. rolleyes

we cool?

No reason not to. If I couldn’t handle these type of things I wouldn’t have joined a forum in the first place.

Kawaii Shounen

Sasuke was just being a jerk, she was just worried about him, jeez...xD that wasn't a fangirl moment.. don't deny it.

Sakura refusing to let go of Sasuke even when he tells her to back off is a fangirl moment. Keep denying it if you want for all I care. -shrugs-

I didn't bring up the shy girl argument..... what? I thought YOU were...since you seem to deny Hinata's a fangirl..... neutral ( your saying she is shy, she can't do that etc...)

LMAO when oh when did I say Hinata was too shy to do so? rofl Are you gonna make up things now? I am saying she is NOT a shy girl like she used to be anymore and if she isn't all over Naruto is because she is not that kind of girl I NEVER said it was because she was shy that was YOU. rolleyes

are you asking me to find a essay for you? why should I bother? your just going to deny it all. lol...your post even admits it. emotion_facepalm

I don't need you to hunt down for some other crazy pairing fans arguments on why Hinata is a horrible character 101 that they just make up to bash her. Why would I ask you to bring me an essay someone else wrote? Can't make arguments for yourself? Lol emotion_facepalm Learn the difference between denying something and disproving it. All I've been doing is backing up the things I say and it's what I'll continue to do I'm not just gonna deny something for the heck of it.

Thinking something like that is a fangirl moment...you seem to think that if they just think it...it doesn't count.
oh well. that's not a big deal tho. not worth fighting over....well really none of this is.

Something like that? That the hand of the guy she is in love with makes her feel safe? rolleyes Dude, even if she said that out loud to him it is not a fangirl-ish thing to say let alone think about. If Hinata would've been all over Naruto blushing or refused to let go of his hand then I would see where you're coming from but no. You're just taking things out of proportion to pointlessly hate on Hinata.

as for claiming I have run out of things to say...lol...no. I haven't yet to run out of things to say, only your like a talking to a brick wall. you refuse to see Hinata as a fangirl...it's really annoying. emotion_drool

And you claiming she is while coming up with silly arguments and blowing things out of proportion to "prove" she is is even more annoying. stressed You have yet to say anything about the comparison I made of Hinata and part 1 Sakura and Ino where you could see the huge difference between them.

I think those chapters prove it enough, how the heck are you confused about the hand comment being pervy? you guys must be really young to not get it... redface I have already explained it to bittersweet music in my 2nd to last post.... just....read it.

I don't like repeating myself over and over again. emotion_facepalm gonk

Lmao yeah sure I am the young one. If you think a comment about someone's hand making you feel safe is perverted maybe you are the one with a young person's mentality. Next thing you're gonna tell me people can get pregnant from kissing? emotion_jawdrop Lol grow up. She didn't even blush there was nothing there that hinted that was a perverted thought that is just your wishful thinking so that you can hate on her. Which is just plainly silly.

And as for my RTN comment.....you missed my point completely. emotion_sweatdrop

I did? You seemed to just be saying to look at Hinata's rtn personality as if that proved in any way that she is a pervert. I just proved to you that is the complete opposite of who she is. If you had a point just make it if not, just admit it was a dumb thing to bring up when the character you are bringing into the discussion is the complete opposite of the one we are discussing. Don't just say I missed it and prove nothing.

hope that answers it for ya. emotion_drool

Answered what? I'm not asking you anything Lol I am just proving you Hinata is not a fangirl. dramallama

cuse I really don't want to keep talking about it with you, you made it pretty clear that you refuse to admit Hinata is a fangirl....and I see no point it going over it anymore.

Ok don't. I am not making you talk about it with me. It's not like you've proven anything at all since your first reply to me. emotion_zzz

ok what are you confused about? what didn't I explain? I have been talking to two people at the same time, and I tend to get confused over what points I already made....if that's a case, then fine. I just made a mistake. it happens.

so....Hinata is a fan of Naruto. fact right?

so....that makes her a fangirl yes?

THAT was the basic point. and no, I don't hate Hinata... I dislike her at times. ( she can be annoying at times...I admit )

but I don't hate her all the time. if I did...then I wouldn't bother defending her at times over the internet.

really, tho , can we just stop? ok?

no more replying to me and trying to act like I don't explain....it's a basic. what's to explain really? Hinata is a fan of Naruto. she is a fangirl....and I don't hate her for it. ( because, like I mentioned before...I don't hate fangirls )

....this takes alot out me....I hope your going to READ this...and understand me. and not mock me... cuse thats.... talk2hand

we cool?

if you can't handle this then GTFO out of forums
because you started all this.
like bubbles said, we are not fan of hinata, we are just defending in something that is not true
same thing if its happens with Tsunade, TenTen and even Ino!

your not making the point, being in love doesnt make you a fangirl
one more time that's why I told you
'''have you had any boyfriends''
because if you do, that doesn't make you a fangirl.

because she said his hands are big
that is not being a perverted, your really stupid.
haven't you hold a guys hand and though, wow
''his hands are bigger compare to me, he is really indeed a man that can support me''

that was the meaning, you are just being stupid looking for a minor act or though
and turn it out like it was a bad thing.

come on admit it, you are just jealous and angry that hinata
did something right, you can't just leave the character alone.

like I said I bet if she cried at neji's death and did nothing
this would also come as ''hinata is useless she deserves to die''
but she just hold her tears and gave courage
now you say she is a perverted and a shallow person, you don't even know
the real definition of shallow

ok what are you confused about? what didn't I explain? I have been talking to two people at the same time, and I tend to get confused over what points I already made....if that's a case, then fine. I just made a mistake. it happens.

I’m not confused about anything you just said Hinata is a worse fangirl than part 1 Sakura and I showed you the difference between them to prove Hinata is not one let alone on the same level as part 1 Sakura. This is something you never replied to me about and just kept making up other points.

so....Hinata is a fan of Naruto. fact right?

No Hinata is just in love with Naruto. Loving someone =/= being their fan.

so....that makes her a fangirl yes?


THAT was the basic point. and no, I don't hate Hinata... I dislike her at times. ( she can be annoying at times...I admit )

but I don't hate her all the time. if I did...then I wouldn't bother defending her at times over the internet.

Of course she can be annoying just like Sakura, Ino and Karin can be annoying. Heck I’m not even a Hinata fan at all but when someone says she’s something that she is not I will defend her. Get on her case for being annoying I would agree with you. But getting on her case for being “a fangirl and a pervert” I will never agree to and I will argue against because that is not who she is and that is not what her character represents at all.

really, tho , can we just stop? ok?

Like I said I’m not making you reply to me.

no more replying to me and trying to act like I don't explain....it's a basic. what's to explain really? Hinata is a fan of Naruto. she is a fangirl....and I don't hate her for it. ( because, like I mentioned before...I don't hate fangirls )

I’m not trying to act like you don’t explain you actually don’t. You say something and when I refute it you don’t actually address my refusals. You go around saying how I missed your point but don’t make it. Hinata is not a fangirl of Naruto she just is in love with him.

....this takes alot out me....I hope your going to READ this...and understand me. and not mock me... cuse thats.... talk2hand

Uh-huh. Sorry but you saying the hand comment was perverted was just ridiculous. That was just my way of letting you know how ridiculous it sounds. rolleyes

we cool?

No reason not to. If I couldn’t handle these type of things I wouldn’t have joined a forum in the first place.

well ok, fine by me then. I don't even remember what point I was going on about anymore...sorry about that. gonk
bittersweet music
Sasuke was just being a jerk, she was just worried about him, jeez...xD that wasn't a fangirl moment.. don't deny it.

Sakura refusing to let go of Sasuke even when he tells her to back off is a fangirl moment. Keep denying it if you want for all I care. -shrugs-

I didn't bring up the shy girl argument..... what? I thought YOU were...since you seem to deny Hinata's a fangirl..... neutral ( your saying she is shy, she can't do that etc...)

LMAO when oh when did I say Hinata was too shy to do so? rofl Are you gonna make up things now? I am saying she is NOT a shy girl like she used to be anymore and if she isn't all over Naruto is because she is not that kind of girl I NEVER said it was because she was shy that was YOU. rolleyes

are you asking me to find a essay for you? why should I bother? your just going to deny it all. lol...your post even admits it. emotion_facepalm

I don't need you to hunt down for some other crazy pairing fans arguments on why Hinata is a horrible character 101 that they just make up to bash her. Why would I ask you to bring me an essay someone else wrote? Can't make arguments for yourself? Lol emotion_facepalm Learn the difference between denying something and disproving it. All I've been doing is backing up the things I say and it's what I'll continue to do I'm not just gonna deny something for the heck of it.

Thinking something like that is a fangirl moment...you seem to think that if they just think it...it doesn't count.
oh well. that's not a big deal tho. not worth fighting over....well really none of this is.

Something like that? That the hand of the guy she is in love with makes her feel safe? rolleyes Dude, even if she said that out loud to him it is not a fangirl-ish thing to say let alone think about. If Hinata would've been all over Naruto blushing or refused to let go of his hand then I would see where you're coming from but no. You're just taking things out of proportion to pointlessly hate on Hinata.

as for claiming I have run out of things to say...lol...no. I haven't yet to run out of things to say, only your like a talking to a brick wall. you refuse to see Hinata as a fangirl...it's really annoying. emotion_drool

And you claiming she is while coming up with silly arguments and blowing things out of proportion to "prove" she is is even more annoying. stressed You have yet to say anything about the comparison I made of Hinata and part 1 Sakura and Ino where you could see the huge difference between them.

I think those chapters prove it enough, how the heck are you confused about the hand comment being pervy? you guys must be really young to not get it... redface I have already explained it to bittersweet music in my 2nd to last post.... just....read it.

I don't like repeating myself over and over again. emotion_facepalm gonk

Lmao yeah sure I am the young one. If you think a comment about someone's hand making you feel safe is perverted maybe you are the one with a young person's mentality. Next thing you're gonna tell me people can get pregnant from kissing? emotion_jawdrop Lol grow up. She didn't even blush there was nothing there that hinted that was a perverted thought that is just your wishful thinking so that you can hate on her. Which is just plainly silly.

And as for my RTN comment.....you missed my point completely. emotion_sweatdrop

I did? You seemed to just be saying to look at Hinata's rtn personality as if that proved in any way that she is a pervert. I just proved to you that is the complete opposite of who she is. If you had a point just make it if not, just admit it was a dumb thing to bring up when the character you are bringing into the discussion is the complete opposite of the one we are discussing. Don't just say I missed it and prove nothing.

hope that answers it for ya. emotion_drool

Answered what? I'm not asking you anything Lol I am just proving you Hinata is not a fangirl. dramallama

cuse I really don't want to keep talking about it with you, you made it pretty clear that you refuse to admit Hinata is a fangirl....and I see no point it going over it anymore.

Ok don't. I am not making you talk about it with me. It's not like you've proven anything at all since your first reply to me. emotion_zzz

ok what are you confused about? what didn't I explain? I have been talking to two people at the same time, and I tend to get confused over what points I already made....if that's a case, then fine. I just made a mistake. it happens.

so....Hinata is a fan of Naruto. fact right?

so....that makes her a fangirl yes?

THAT was the basic point. and no, I don't hate Hinata... I dislike her at times. ( she can be annoying at times...I admit )

but I don't hate her all the time. if I did...then I wouldn't bother defending her at times over the internet.

really, tho , can we just stop? ok?

no more replying to me and trying to act like I don't explain....it's a basic. what's to explain really? Hinata is a fan of Naruto. she is a fangirl....and I don't hate her for it. ( because, like I mentioned before...I don't hate fangirls )

....this takes alot out me....I hope your going to READ this...and understand me. and not mock me... cuse thats.... talk2hand

we cool?

if you can't handle this then GTFO out of forums
because you started all this.
like bubbles said, we are not fan of hinata, we are just defending in something that is not true
same thing if its happens with Tsunade, TenTen and even Ino!

your not making the point, being in love doesnt make you a fangirl
one more time that's why I told you
'''have you had any boyfriends''
because if you do, that doesn't make you a fangirl.

because she said his hands are big
that is not being a perverted, your really stupid.
haven't you hold a guys hand and though, wow
''his hands are bigger compare to me, he is really indeed a man that can support me''

that was the meaning, you are just being stupid looking for a minor act or though
and turn it out like it was a bad thing.

come on admit it, you are just jealous and angry that hinata
did something right, you can't just leave the character alone.

like I said I bet if she cried at neji's death and did nothing
this would also come as ''hinata is useless she deserves to die''
but she just hold her tears and gave courage
now you say she is a perverted and a shallow person, you don't even know
the real definition of shallow

I already repiled to the bubble person...again...this really has nothing to do with....whatever it is you are saying. really...it's ok. different things bother me then other people, like I already said.

so...just...let it go. and stop calling me dumb.. rolleyes


Nine-tailed Kitsune

66,425 Points
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Given what I've seen Hinata do in the manga alone... she's far from useless. Facing Pein by herself to protect Naruto was the start of revealing just how awesome she could be in the manga. Filler arcs already had the episode where she shows off her chakra beams and fights off a giant summons on her own.


haha I'm late sweatdrop

not necessarily useless but gets in the way and is def my least favorite character (above Kabuto though because ******** that b*****d)
Tacit Effigy
Hasn't anyone noticed that almost all females are useless in Naruto?

No, not really. Kishimoto just doesn't put much work into them.
But, the most useless female is probably Moegi. r_r
Brother Neji
Tacit Effigy
Hasn't anyone noticed that almost all females are useless in Naruto?

No, not really. Kishimoto just doesn't put much work into them.
But, the most useless female is probably Moegi. r_r

No, there are lots and lots of baby girls mrgreen

Profitable Sex Symbol

13,875 Points
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All this fighting is giving me the worms.

2,750 Points
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hinata's sexy hot and i would really love to date her and she healed naruto wen he got a sharp pole to his chest by the ataksuki clan

Ruthless Capitalist

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Master Kenshin Ryuu
Given what I've seen Hinata do in the manga alone... she's far from useless. Facing Pein by herself to protect Naruto was the start of revealing just how awesome she could be in the manga. Filler arcs already had the episode where she shows off her chakra beams and fights off a giant summons on her own.

Hinata barely protected Naruto.
She charged in and got her a** handed back to her.
Getting beat up before she could land an attack does not express a character's usefulness.
It, instead, perfectly portrays her foolishness.
Fillers don't count for anything.
They simply exist to fill the time, hence the name filler.

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