Welcome to Gaia! ::


+ <3 1 100.0% [ 1349 ]
Total Votes:[ 1349 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 335 336 337 > >> >>> »|

Closed Temporarily [No Orders Please] </3

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[Version 2.0]
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Welcome to The Realm of Scrappy Goodness Version 2.0! I had a minishop way back in the day with cute lil pixel bunnies. It was a successful shop that lasted about a year until I lost all the files from my laptop due to a hard drive crash. And now, about eight months later Im back, and better then ever! The old pixel bunnies have evolved into something bigger, cuter, more refined, and more customizeable! So come and join the scrappy goodness!<3

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This is your guide to my thread. Check here often to see if there is something speical going on in a specific section! <3
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Post 1: Introduction/Directory
Post 2: Rules
Post 3: Ordering Information
Post 4: Prices
Post 5: Unlimited Bunnies
Post 6: Donation Bunnies
Post 7: Limited Bunnies: Sunburst & Pirate
Post 8: Avatar Emotes **NEW**
Post 9: AV Art : Commission Me?
Post 10: Contest & Auctions **FREE Mascot Contest!**
Post 11: Linkage
Post 12: About 'Rora <3
Post 13: Art Spotlight
Post 14: Past Limiteds
Post 15: Ribbon Cutting
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Freebies for you! Please save these to your own server and if you use them on your page or in a banner please be sure to link back this thread. All I ask in return for the freebies is maybe a bump or two. BUNNY LOVE! <3

[Unlimited Freebies]
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Check out the planning thread for the HUGE giveaway ball Essence of Self and I are throwing for Halloween! <3
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If you are looking for sealeds for cheap check out our Old Skool Letter Sale where you can get the current sealed letter for only 3.5k
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Ahh yes the lil section we all love to hate. But these lil guidelines help keep some order in this scrappy world of chaos. Please just read through them quickly, it will make all our lives a bit easier. And then I wont have to unleash my SCRAPPY DOOM UPON YOUR DOOMED HEADS! Or something like that *Shrugs*
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User Image1. DO NOT STEAL! ScrapBunnies is my own brain child so please do not use them for you own banners/sigs/wishlists/ and so on.

User Image2. Once you buy a ScrapBunny, it is yours forever. You may use it however you want. All I ask is you do not alter them and claim them as your own.

User Image3. If you do decided to purchase ScrapBunnies to use in banners or what not, all I ask is that you link me back so that credit comes back to my lil Scrappy realm here.

User Image4. I WILL NOT HOST YOUR SCRAPBUNNIES! I dont have the bandwith to host all your bunnies. Once an order is recieved by the customer the Scrapbunny will be deleted off of my server. I will keep back ups of every order on my comp so if for any reason you lose your ScrapBunny just ask me ^^

User Image5. No flaming, being rude, begging, advertising, and all that junk. Please keep some forum ettiquite in here. Be respectful of everyone Please ^^

User Image6. Please do not quote any of my first page posts. Thank you <3

User Image7. More will be added if nessisary <3

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Ahh this dreadful part... THE SCRAPPY ORDERING INFO! W00t! *Ahem* Anyway, Ive tried to make it kind of easy for you all. There is a lil form-y thing, just copy and Paste and the form and fill in the info and POOF! You gots yourself a scrap bunny!

To order, please post the apropriate form here in the thread. Once you have posted the order form for your bunnies please start the trade <3

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[Build-A-Bunny Order Form]
Tattoo Shape:
Tattoo Color:
Total Price:

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[Mimic Bunnies]
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[Mimic Bunny Order Form]
Av To Be Mimic'ed:

If you want a tag with your bunny, please also fill out the following form...
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[Tag Order Form]
Tag Style:
Ring/Text Color:
Bunny Name:
Total Price:

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[All Other ScrapBunnies]
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For all Limited, Donation, Mood, Elemental and Zodiac Bunnies just post that you want them, there is no special form nessisary ^^
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This must be the worst part of the shop for everyone. Sorry, ScrapBunnies are not free. I need to fund all stupid things somehow ^.^ Anyway, Heres a price list for all the different ScrapBunnies! w00t!
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[Unlimited ScrapBunnies]
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Solid Colored Base Bunny: 200g
Patterned Base Bunny: 250g
Accessories: Varied
Tattoos: 50g
Tags: 100g
Mood Bunnies: 275g each/ 3.5k for the Set
Zodiac Bunnies: 275g each/ 3k for the Set
Elemental Bunnies: 300g each/ 1.5k for the Set
Mimic Bunnies: 750g
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[Limiteds ScrapBunnies]
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Sunburst: 450g
Pirate: 500g
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[Donation ScrapBunnies]
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Donation Bunneh: 650g
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[Bulk Orders and Custom ScrapBunnies]
Bulk orders are defined as five or more of the same type of bunny. And also, yesh, I will do custom ScrapBunnies. Just ask me about either and we can work it all out ^^

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Yesh! Finally she shut up and we get to see the bunnies! Yes, here are the unlimited ScrapBunnies in all their Scrappy glory!
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Dress these cute lil bunnehs up with your favorite accessories! <3
Solid Colored Base Bunnies: Price 200g
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[White] User Image [Red] User Image [Orange] User Image [Yellow] User Image [Green]
[Blue] User Image [Cyan] User Image [Purple] User Image [Black] User Image [Brown]

Patterned Base Bunnies: Price 250g
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[Brown Spotted] User Image [Black Spotted] User Image [Rainbow] User Image [Bloody] User Image [Tiger]

Accessories: Price Varied
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1. Demon Wing: 100g
2. Angel Wing: 100g
3. Halo: 75g
4. Daisy: 35g
5. Leaf: 50g
6. Heart: 30g
7. Angel Mini Wing: 85g
8. Nitemare Mini Wing: 85g
9. Demonic Mini Wing: 85g
10. Nitemare Horns: 95g
11. Silver Ear Cuffs: 50g
12. Band-Aid: 25g
13. Gold Earrings: 45g
14. Silver Earrings: 45g
15. Demonic Horns: 95g
16. Gold Ear Cuffs: 50g
17.Emo Glasses: 40g
18. Heart Necklace: 30g
19. CoCo Kitty: 125g
20. KiKi Kitty: 125g
21. Magician Wand: 35g
22. Gutair of Angellus: 115g
23. ^.^ Glasses: 80g
24. u.u Glasses: 80g
25. -.- Glasses: 80g
26. Blank Glasses: 75g
27. x.x Glasses: 80g
28. Stare Glasses: 80g
29. Heart Glasses: 80g
30.Spiral Glasses: 80g
31. o.o Glasses: 80g
32. >.< Glasses: 80g

Tattoo's: 50g
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1. Grass
2. Heart
3. Light Bulb
4. Check
5. Lightening
6. Paw Print
7. Ivy
8. Anti
9. Fleur
10. Bullseye
11. Note
12. Arrow
13. Sun
14. Flower

Tags: 100g
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>Day Tag
>Rainbow Tag
>Night Tag
>Solid Stars Tag

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[Elemental Bunnies] **NEW!**
Each of these Aura clad bunnies represent a part of the elemental spectrum! Eminating a colored aura to match their element these bunnies are an adorable addition to your collection <3
Price: 300g each/ 1.5k for the Set
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[Mood Bunnies]
These little bunnies are like mood rings. Each color represents a different mood. The bunnies have a special designed jewel on their body and adorable little mini wings to match.
Price: 275g each/ 3.5k for the Set
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[Zodiac Bunnies]
Cute lil bunnies that represent each sign of the Zodiac ^.~
Price: 275g each/ 3k for the Set
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Not sure who's what sign? Check out this handy Zodiac Chart

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[Mimic Bunnies]
These custom lil bunnies can mimic your av and are like your cute lil pet twin! <3
Price: 750g each
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Final images contain bunny only, AV not included.

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Donation item bunnies! Each month I will release a new special set of bunnies based on the Donation letters and items of each month. These will not be limited to an amount, but each month will only be sold durring that month only. Once that particular month is over you will not be able to get that months donation bunny again.

User ImageThis is how it will work: You will buy the special letter and place the URL addy I send you after payment where ever it is you decide you want to display your special bunny. Shortly after the donation items are released on Gaia your special sealed bunny envelopes will magically open as well, revealing your new custom ScrapBunny! Each one of the bunnies will be wearing the new donation items released that month.

User ImageHosting: I will host your bunny from the time you purchase it until the first of the next month. On first day of the next month I will be removing the previous month from my host server. Once your bunny has changed from the special sealed envelope into the cute little donation bunnies, I suggest you start looking to save the final graphic to your own server. ^^

Price: 650g
The envelopes will open at the end of the month to reveal the new bunnies!<3
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Ahhh the exclusive Limited ScrapBunnies. I will release a new limited bunny every so often. Only 10 of each bunnies will be sold and will never be rereleased.
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[SunBurst] : 450g
1. Hitoshi_Halfbreed
2. Pixelated p***s
3. insperation.suicide

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[Pirate] : 500g
1. Pixelated p***s

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User Image[Avatar Emotes]User Image
>Get Emotional! XD

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>Please Dont Steal My Art
>Please Be Nice and Polite
>Respect Everyone in my Thread
>No Flameing
>Follow Gaia TOS
>To Order: Post Form, Send Trade, I will draw you picture, when I am done I will confirm the trade. Once the trade is completed, I will pm you your art.
>I do have the option to turn down a request because I feel your avatar is too complicated.
>I DO accept items of any kind <3
>Tips are mucho luffed! <333

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>Single Emotes: 500g Each
>Entire Set: 4,750g

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>Gaia Name:
>Avatar To Be Emoted:
>Which Emotes:

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> Angry: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Cute: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Heart: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Ick: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Kitty: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Ninja: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Rawr: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Sob: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Sweat: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
> Tear: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

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User Image[Avatar Arts]User Image
>Click the link to place a commission Order <3
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>Please Dont Steal My Art
>Please Be Nice and Polite
>Respect Everyone in my Thread
>No Flameing
>Follow Gaia TOS
>To Order: Post Form, Send Trade, I will draw you picture, when I am done I will confirm the trade. Once the trade is completed, I will pm you your art.
>I do have the option to turn down a request because I feel your avatar is too complicated.
>I DO accept items of any kind <3
>I will do art trades ^^
>Prices are per person, double the price for couples and so on.
>Tips are mucho luffed! <333
>Photobucket likes to shrink my images a lot so click my [WWW] to go to my deviantart site and see the full sized images.

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[Prices & Samples]
>Chibis: 1k [x][x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x][x]
>Headshot B/w: 1.5k [x] [x][x]
>Headshot CG: 2k [x] [x][x] [x] [x]
>Waist up B/w: 3k [x] [x] [x]
>Waist up Cg: 5k [x] [x] [x]
>Full body B/w: 8k [x] [x] [x][x] [x] [x] [x]
>Full Body CG: ((12k))[x] [x] [x][x][x] [x] [x][x]
Note: Prices are doubled for couples, tripled for trios, and so on <3
((Click the X's for samples))

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[Newest Addition]
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Everyone once in a while I will make a very special ScrapBunny and auction it here. These will be super rare and one of a kind ScrapBunnies.
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User Image[None At This Time]User Image

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User Image[Page Prizes]User Image
Special pages will be awared special prizes. First to that page wins the prize for that round <3

>Page 50: Yukinohana (Reached- 3/16/06 : Prize- Free Custom ScrapBunny)
>Page 100: Spore of the Unspoken (Reached- 3/26/06 : Prize- Free Custom Scrapbunny)
>Page 200: Isolity (reached 4/30/06 : Prize- Free Custom Scrapbunny)
>Page 300: Tsukiyomi Morningstar (Reached: 8/19/06 : Prize- Free Custom Scrapbunny)
>Page 400:
>Page 500:
>Page 600:
>Page 700:
>Page 800:
>Page 800:
>Page 1000:
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User Image[MASCOT CONTEST!]User Image
I want a new mascot for the shop! The doll up at the top just isnt fun anymore. So this is where you all come in! I want you to design a mascot of my shop!

**Rules and Requirements**
1. All work must be your own!
2. Must be some sort of bunny or have bunny ears, Be creative, but it must be some how bunny oriented ^^
3. It can be any size really, just be realistic. Dont make it terrible huge or teeny weeny.
4. Have fun!

**Fees and Prized**
-Entry Fee: Nothing! Im not doing this to make a profit, Im doing it to find a fun new mascot for the thread ^^
First prize: 1k and a free custom bunny
Second Prize: 500g and one Free Patterned Scrapbunny with two accessories
Third Prize: 100g and one Free Solid Colored Scrapbunny with one accessory

I will take on 10 entries total. You may only enter once. Once all slots are filled I will choose my top three favorites and then award the prizes! HAVE FUN!

1. Spore of the Unspoken
2. foxwarior
3. Ashley_The_Loser
4. Azure Phoenix

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[About 'Rora]
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Real Name: Colleen
Nick Names: 'Rora, Colleeny, Leenie
Birthday: May 8th
Current Age: 20
Gender: Female
Location: New Jersey, USA
Favorite Color: Purple, Red, & Black
Favorite Music Genre: Heavy Metal
Favorite Band: KoRn <333 & Marilyn Manson
Favorite Movie: Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Favorite Book: Memoirs of a Geisha
Favorite TV Show: Invader Zim
Hobbies: Drawing, KoRn, Friends, Partying, Reading, Movies, Concerts
School: Im a Junior in College and I study Psychology
About: Im crazy. I wear Top hats, cat ears, and bunny ears for fun. Yes, I live out of my trench coat. I streak my hair black, wear black makeup, paint my nails black, and only wear black clothes. Dont label me. Im obsessed with KoRn. Ill do anything for a friend. I have a big a**, get over it. I work for a shoe store. Gaia makes me feel old. I like guys with facial hair and long hair. I am single.
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...The End.

['Rora Has A KoRny Art Request!]

What Ide Like: A full body CG colored drawing of the real life me sitting and hugging a chibi of Jonathan Davis and having chibis of Munky, Feildy, and David hanging off of me. See Below for References/[Great Site For KoRn Character Art] <3
How To Get Commissioned: Post samples of your art here in the thread along with how much you would charge me to draw it please.
How Much I Have To Spend: Enough gold and maybe a few sealed letters. Just tell me what you charge and ill tell you if I can afford it or not <3
Art Trades: I also do art trades if you prefer. Check out the link in my sig to find my commission information/samples.
Auctions: No thank you ^^; I have bad luck with them and I dun want to wait.

[Real Life 'Rora]
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References: [x][x][x][x][x][x]
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Long red hair to mid back with long black streaks framing face and black tips. Often either worn in pig tails with the black streaks hanging down or fully down and straightened.
Peircings: Two peircings in each ear.
Shirts: Black band tshirts under an black Invader Zim work shirt or black hoodie.
Pants Black bondage pants with chains and straps, black dress pants with white pinstripes, sometimes a plain black or a pinstripe black skirt over the pants.
Shoes: Black sneakers, black work boots,
Accessories: Black band on right wrist, silver ball necklace, black nail polish, heavy dark eye makeup, black/red arm warmers, fishnets on arms.
Other: I sometimes wear a black top hat and black trench coat with maroon inset flaps on the bottom.

[Jonathan Davis]
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[More Images]
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Long stragglry hair that goes to his mid back, consisting of thin messy dredlocks that go from black at the roots to a dark brownish red toward the bottom.
Facial Hair: Two short patches of unattached hair above his upper lip for a moustache and a small patch of hari below his lower lip for a goatee.
Peircings: Three eyebrow rings on his right brow.
Tattoos: Click For Info
Shirts: Black tank tops, black long sleeve sweaters with a high neck line, black tshirts, Adidas sport jackets, floor length robe with long sleeves and high neck line.
Pants: Knee length black kilt with fine grey pinstripes, dark baggy jeans, floor length black skirt with a silver celtic equal armed cross, black track pants with white stripes on leg.
Shoes: Black and white Adidas sneakers, black work boots, black maryjane style dress shoes.
Accessories: Thick black framed glasses, knee high black or white socks.
Instrument: Vocals and Bagpipes.
Other: Badass Microphone stand: [Click]
Bio: Click for Bio

[James "Munky" Shaffner]
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[More Images]
Eyes: Dark Brown.
Hair: Thick dark brown dreds with a few stray light brown sections framing his face that flow down to his upper back.
Facial Hair: Moustache below nose that goes down his face to just about the corner of his lips and a vertical strip of hair that extends from lower lip about an inch or so and goes into a short goatee.
Tattoos: Click For Info
Shirts: Full body grey work jumpsuit, black tshirts, black jackets over various colored tshrits.
Pants: Baggy black or blue jeans.
Shoes: Black and white Adidas sneakers, black work boots.
Accessories: Black wrist watch on right hand.
Instrument: Guitair.
Bio: Click for Bio

[Reginald "Feildy' Arvizu]
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[More Images]
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Dark Brown styled either very straight to just below his shoulders, cornrow braids across the top of his head, or braids that come up off his scalp then down to his shoulders.
Facial Hair: A medium thick moustache coming down from his nose and connecting with a big bushy goatee.
Tattoos: Click For Info
Shirts: Sleeveless basketball jersey's over a white tshirt, oversized short sleeve football jerseys, various colored oversized tshirts
Pants: Very baggy jeans with chains, baggy khakis, black pants.
Shoes: Black and white Adidas sneakers, black work boots, black converse.
Accessories: Often seen wearing backward baseball caps or bandanas.
Instrument: Bass.
Other: More 'gangsta' in style.
Bio: Click for Bio

[David Silvera]
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[More Images]
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Short brown thats either slicked back or mussed.
Facial Hair: A long goatee thats about an inch and a half wide.
Peircings: Both ears peirced.
Tattoos: Click For Info
Shirts: Black or white tank tops,
Pants: Dark jeans, khakis, black track pants with white stripes on leg.
Shoes: Black and white Adidas sneakers.
Instrument: Drums.
Bio: Click for Bio

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>My most recent piece of art donated/purchased.... <

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Donated by: MasumiXMRCX of Deviantart.com

>Donated by: S e t a n i c

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User Image[Past Limiteds]User Image
If you want any of these limiteds once they are sold are you are going to have bribe me with the current months donation letter or item. **Yes I know thats expensive, thats the point. They are only available to the few who may really really want them**

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1. ll Fiona ll
2. Pixelated p***s
3. weddingsakura
4. dezde_mona
5. starladyplace
6. [.A.][.N.][.N.][.I.][.E.]
7. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~

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1. Ms. Terious
2. Nessy Baby
3. ll Fiona ll
4. starladyplace
5. Maburaho221
6. dezde_mona
7. purpledemon
8. [.A.][.N.][.N.][.I.][.E.]
9. Pixelated p***s

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1. Ms. Terious
2. One Winged Angel
3. Nessy Baby
4. Pixelated p***s
5. Teh Smurf
6. starladyplace
7. dezde_mona
8. [.A.][.N.][.N.][.I.][.E.]
9. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~
10. starladyplace

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1. Ms. Terious
2. NessyBaby
3. Pixelated p***s
4. dezde_mona
5. TheGildedLilly
6. [ Cookie Fairy ]
7. [.A.][.N.][.N.][.I.][.E.]
8. starladyplace
9. Hazel_Wildfire
10. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~

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1. Pixelated p***s
2. Hazel_Wildfire
3. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~

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1. CherryxAngel
2. Pixelated p***s
3. Yukinohana
4. godess_suko
5. starladyplace
6. Icy_Brave
7. AquaLisa
8. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~

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1. List not kept.

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1. Pixelated p***s
2. Chiyu Kistner
3. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~
4. Dave Grohl is God
5. Razorblade_666
6. Seishi Tomoe
7. ivingdeadgurl88
8. [P]ocki
9. Bakura_gal
10. Tsukiyomi Morningstar

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Price: 500g
1. Saphira_lights
2. Pixelated p***s
3. mappia
4. ~[P]urdy [P]ossum [P]ie~
5. Razorblade_666
6. Seishi Tomoe
7. ivingdeadgurl88
8. [P]ocki
9. sasukephan
10. Princess Bunni Bunny

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User Image[**Cuts the big red bibbon** We are officially Open! <3]User Image

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