Caramel Nursery Ryhme
Yeah, that's the one. Mum bought that for me when I was diagnosed.
Ah, well then. What kinds of things does the book cover? (I could wiki it, but wiki doesn't give opinions, just facts or pseudo facts.)
Caramel Nursery Ryhme
And Shima, although she may have lived with it for a while, it does not make realizing and coming to terms with it any different. Finding out often does change a person, even if only slightly. Can you be a bit more sensitive next time?
I don't see why it's suddenly this life-changing condition. She's lived with it her whole life and not known about it, obviously it's not that bad. It's not like she's just finding out that not everybody is blind like her or something.
You're right, it shouldn't be life changing. I had the feelings I wrote about in the original post ever since I was born or understood them, but at the same time, they weren't as strong till now and a few other times in my life. I was just wondering if somehow the two are connected and if they aren't, I'll just have to search for a new answer. It's that simple.
You know, I DID remember my therapist saying people with AS can think on a different if not higher plane than you and the rest of the other folks in the world... Maybe that's why you fail to understand either of us.
Then again, I did say my shrink is full of hogwash.