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Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

                      t h a t x w e x c a n x d e c e i v ex o t h e r s x w i t h o u tx t h e i rx k n o w i n g

ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴇ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
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                              Taking a big gulp, Ezhno was only further sobered with the drink. The faint buzz that touched him before he grabbed the drinks was gone. Any alcohol that didn't come out with his sweat during that counterargument was getting diluted with the drink. With every silent sip, Ezhno let out a progressively angrier sigh. What was wrong with those people? Had they no sense of pride, decency, morals? Sips turned into gulps; before Ezhno realized, he was nearly done with his drink. The nearly empty glass reminded him that he had just been brewing in a passed situation.

                              It was then Rua saved him again. Mindless laughter; so cheerful; so carefree. Ezhno's faint smile cracked into one that could barely hold back a laugh. A laugh that was contagious, Rua's laugh made others turn and smirk. That's right. Nothing wrong with two grown men getting wasted to the point to laughing about nothing. Reaching across the table, Ezhno patted Rua. "Hey! Mind.. Mind being serious for a moment? We're going to have.. a determining contest soon!" Ezhno said in between laughs. Finishing his drink, he pulled a zombie towards him.

                              Oh boy. This was going to be a real and hard hit. Tapping the side of the glass nervously, Ezhno knew one of them had to be sober enough to drag the other back to Rua's apartment. Holding the glass tightly, he inadvertently started to melt the ice. Looking at Rua, some of his tensions eased. Right, the plan. Get the two out and safely back to the apartments. Chewing on any ice left from the previous drink, Ezhno waited until Rua seemed at the prime of his readiness. "Ready? Remember, first one to finish and first one to fall are two completely different competitions. Finish the drink and stand up as soon as you're done. Last one standing is the winner. Ready...."
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:I don't mind, autocorrect causes most of the typos. These two just keep me up all night XD G'nite, time to night dream. Oh! Just wanted to mention replies might be slow tomorrow-- visiting the sister C:

Devout Shade

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          Rua looked back up when Ezhno patted him, his grin plastered to his face. He had to be serious. Right right, be serious because they were going to determine the contest winner! Rua forced himself to not grin, nodding his head in a mock serious expression. The sex on the beach was finished and it was time for that Zombie. The test of who could drink who under the table. Rua got a hold of his, looking determined and maybe ready. “Ready!” He stated before shouting an excited go and lifted the drink up to his mouth. He partially bumped it against his lip, delaying him from drinking for a few seconds.

                                          Then he started to drink it down. Oh boy, what a strong drink. He attempted to gulp it down but that was feeling near impossible. So he had to resign himself to quick sips. He’d take a sip, pull back for a breath and swallow and then go take another sip to repeat the process. His head was swimming and he was so delightfully warm. The alcohol really had him.The drink was starting to get lower and lower until the ice was settled on the glass.Oh! He was done! Rua put the glass right down, a bit none too gently before he stumbled to stand. He was losing his coordination and was more clumsy than usual. But he stood! He stood! But did he stand before Ezhno? He hadn't paid attention to him when drinking, focused solely on trying to beat him.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: Have a fun time visiting your sister! ^~^ No worries about posting.

Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

                      t h a t x w e x c a n x d e c e i v ex o t h e r s x w i t h o u tx t h e i rx k n o w i n g

ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴇ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
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                              Ezhno waited for Rua to start drinking before starting himself, as a courtesy of course.When the other started gulping down the zombie, Ezhno followed the the same actions. Careful to keep a watchful eye on the drunk Rua, Ezhno watched the other as he reverted to a sip. Grinning, Ezhno had no problem until he was three quarters of the way into the drink. Ooh; when he felt the alcohol start taking effect, it was like hitting a wall. With the room getting hazy, his slightly watered down zombie was more than he expected. Although the melted ice had made the drink a bit easier to drink, it also made more for him to drink.

                              By the time Ezhno realized his drink was done, he heard the clattering of a finishing Rua. Scrambling to slam down his drink, he quickly stood up too. Little too quick. Swooning and woozy, Ezhno held onto the table to steady himself. Before he could be dubbed a cheater, Ezhno let go and stood tall. Grinning with confidence, Ezhno stared at Rua.

                              Both of them were grinning and both of them were swaying. Determined to win, he cockily told Rua, "Hey, you can go ahead and sit down now miss." Swaying a bit too much, Ezhno stumbled around in place. Nothing he couldn't recover from. Steadily, he regained his footing. His head was buzzing and his knees were buckling. Oh, why did he ever consider a drinking contest? Rua has had stronger drinks, yet he was still putting up a fight with a tipsy Ezhno. How pathetic. However, with the help of his own cleverness and cheating methods, Ezhno was fairly certain of his win.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:EDIT: Made it pretty-- just got home C:

Devout Shade

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          Rua really should be regretting that drink. That really pushed him over. The edge from majorly tipsy to drunk. He was swaying where he stood, going side to side and front to back. He blinked a few times, a grin on his face. Both of them swaying and standing was definitely a bad idea. Someone could lose balance, topple into the other and send them both down or fall and seriously hurt themselves.

                                          “Who are you calling miss, miss? I’m no miss. I’mma mister!” Rua slurred his words, poking a finger at the other’s chest. Though that in turn was making him tip back more. He couldn’t keep standing up though. He ended up going back and plopping right back down in his seat. After a few moments of wondering ‘woah, how did I get here?’ He realized he was sitting and thus he lost. Rua’s lower lip quivered and he looked up at Ezhno with a sad expression. “I lost.” He seemed so heartbroken about it! “I lost. Do you not like me now I lost?” Why Rua was thinking that by him losing, that Ezhno wouldn’t like him was strange.

                                          He wasn't crying or anything, though certainly had a super frown. He even swayed in his seat. Good thing he was sitting down, or else, he might seriously topple over. He soon burst out laughing, a grin clear of Rua's face. The sadness at losing had been short lived.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: That ok ^^

Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

                      t h a t x w e x c a n x d e c e i v ex o t h e r s x w i t h o u tx t h e i rx k n o w i n g

ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴇ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
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                              Ezhno almost lost it with Rua's poke. Swaying, he decided to move his hips around to keep balance, instead of simply widening his stance like any sober person. Recuperating from the minor prod, Ezhno watched as the other returned to his seat. Staring at Rua for a while, he started to wonder why he was standing in the first place. Maybe there was something on the ground. Swirling around in circles, Ezhno tried to locate anything on the ground. Nope, nothing there. Not even his sense of balance; due to the spinning, Ezhno ended up wiggling in place before standing still. Maybe the ceiling? Whipping his head upwards, Ezhno was traumatized at the lights. Why did such things exsist? But nothing valuable up there.

                              His head slowly drifted to Rua when he was whimpering about something. Losing? Oh yeah, the standing contest! Giving a derp-y laugh, Ezhno laughed until Rua continued to frown. "Naaw. Don' worry brawski. But I knew I was gon' win.... Haaaaaa....." Ezhno said, pausing to take a breath in before he gloated. Rocking back and forth to his seat, by the time he actually sat, Ezhno, too, was laughing with Rua.

                              Gosh these two were messes. After about a minute or so of laughing, Ezhno started to calm down. "huuuurrr... huuuurrttss.. No more stomach... you hurrtt mee.." He cried to his abdomen. Staring at Rua again, Ezhno mumbled, "There's.. something I wanted to do... with you... But.. What?" He asked aloud. Clapping his hand once, Ezhno was frightened by the sound he created. Close to tears, Ezhno remembered why he had clap. "Oh I remember! Let's go home, we're too... tiddly.." With that being said, he shakily stood up with hiccups. Taking a step forward with his left foot, Ezhno's right foot dragged along. Oh, so that's where the 'zombie' name for the drink came from. Motioning for Rua to put his arm over Ezhno's shoulders, he called to him, "C'mon... If you don't come... I don't think.. I can play with you.. anymore." Ezhno wouldn't have left without Rua, despite the claim already being established.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:These two are so helpless xD;;

Devout Shade

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          “Nooooo, I’ll… I’ll beat you next race. Yes.” Rua proclaimed a tad on the loud side. Oh man, it would be a bad idea for them to drink again. They really should never compete. They were complete messes!! They were laughing hard and making noise in their little secluded area. Oh well, it was late, not many people were around now to annoy with their good time. “Wuat? Whut?” Rua slurred as Ezhno spoke, jumping in his seat when the other clapped. That had really scared him!

                                          Home? Home! Good idea. His home. Ezhno’s home was tooooo far. Rua’s home was so close! “Tiddly.” That word got another laugh attack from the hetero-chomatic man. He hiccuped and laughed, shaking his head with a wide grin. He stood right on up, grabbing the table to keep from toppling. “We go… my place. Yes. Good.” He nodded to his plan. “NOOO! I want you to play with me more!” Not a good choice of words but oh well. Too drunk to care. He staggered on over to Ezhno, arm going around his shoulders. He probably wouldn’t make it back quickly without Ezhno helping keep him up. His head lolled to the other’s shoulder, a grin on his face.

                                          “Onward! Home! Yay!” He cheered, dragging his legs to somewhat walk towards the door. The ar keep gave them a wary look as if thinking if it was right to let them go unattended but in the end let them be as the door shut behind them. "OOOOOH IS COLD!" Rua shouted into the air. "That, that, that way!" He said, pointing down the street. They would have to turn the corner. Rua's apartment was so close. He jingled the keys to his apartment.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: XD they are a mess. A helpless adorable mess.

Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

                      t h a t x w e x c a n x d e c e i v ex o t h e r s x w i t h o u tx t h e i rx k n o w i n g

ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴇ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
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                              As Ezhno led them out the door, the chilling air gave him a n** too. Shivering again, he wrapped his jacket around Rua and pulled him in close. Blinking slowly, his brain nearly scrambled itself trying to correlate Rua's directions with actual movement. Zombie walking, Ezhno did his best to keep his head clear. After a few strides, something happened that sobered Ezhno up pretty well. Ezhno got hit. No, it wasn't those bozos from earlier in the night. Though if it had been them, the two would have been completely defenseless.

                              He was hit by a pole. His depth perception had been completely failed him. Not expecting the pole for another ten paces, it seemed to have rushed up towards him and smacked him in the face. Good thing Rua as at his side instead of behind him.With an audible thunk, Ezhno clung onto both Rua and the pole for a while. After securing his balance and his heart rate, Ezhno seemed to be a bit more sane. Still a bit tipsy and weak from the impact, Ezhno's zombie walk upgraded into a shaky strut. Unlike his confident one years ago, his steps were now deer-like and hesitant. Keen on his surroundings, Ezhno was sure to keep the both of them out of harms way-- especially out of the reach of perfidious poles.

                              Nearly distracted and amused by the jingling of Rua's keys, Ezhno kept himself facing forward and determined to get back to Rua's apartment. Recalling Rua's previous directions, hey would just head straight then.. what was it? A right? Left? How far did they have to keep walking. Two, five, ten minutes? Dizzy from all the options, Ezhno patted his head. Remember. Remember the night before, what did the group do? Straight... then at.. the pole with a graffiti-ed sign, tip... left!

                              Astonished he was able to navigate himself, Ezhno was felt like a reliable GPS. With a more confident strut, he steps still remained smaller and shakier. Following the directions he had set for himself, Ezhno meandered his way around with Rua hanging off his shoulder. Checking Rua, his lulled grinned was oddly reassuring.

                              Finally reaching the complex, Ezhno stared at the daunting set of stairs. Glaring at the slightly steep steps, Ezhno figured that if he was willing to tumble down these stairs not even twenty four hours ago, then he would be able to climb up them no matter what. Walking close to the rail, he made sure Rua kept up with him. "Rua, make sure you hang onto the rail, or we'll both fall and die." A bit of a drastic worse-case-scenario, but his mind was still hazy-- give him a break. With every step upwards, Ezhno's foot fidgeted in place to fully ensure his balance. His hand slipped off the rail a few times, causing the two to lurch backwards. But, with just-in-time reflexes and an iron grip, Ezhno supported both their weights and re-positioned them to safety. Phew, good thing he was more fit than ten years ago.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:Huzzah! Still alive, family decided to summon more chaos though xAx;; Did you want to make Tomato appear and play around with that? C:

Devout Shade

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          Rua was being no help. He jiggled his keys like an idiot, laughing and grinning the entire time they walked. Upon Ezhno hitting the pole, he decided to harass said object for harming his buddy. “Hey Ey! Apologo to my friend! Apolo-guys! Apologize!” There he finally got the word right. Obviously the pole was not going to do any apologizing since it wasn’t actually animated and in reality, they had walked right into it. Rua then turned all drunken mother hen, poking and prodding at Ezhno and checking to see if he was ok. At least he had enough sense to do that. Ezhno was fine and the jingle jangle of his keys was back. The other made sure to keep them clear of nefarious poles that liked to pop up in front of people.

                                          “Geez, the nerve of that bozo.” Rua commented. Oh boy. Back to directions home. While his first directions were right, the man was soon going over board and would take them around the block twice. Good thing Ezhno knew better. Rua assumed he was just great at giving directions. The best map in the world. And no one had to shout ‘Map!’ three times to get him to come out! He started humming the tune associated with that children’s show. How did he know it? He blamed his siblings.

                                          They arrived at the apartments, the dreaded stairs in their way. The other’s warning got Rua to turn serious. “I don’t want to die on this quest.” Oh boy, too serious. He followed the other’s lead up the stairs, looking as if at any moment someone might pull a lever and the stairs would turn into a slippery slope, sending them sliding down with some comical music as they land. Stairs could be dangerous and tricky. How would they get up if that happened?! Ezhno kept them from falling back a few times, which was good because Rua would probably not be able to steady himself on his own. Oh his hero~ He had to thank him somehow! OH! He knew just the thing!

                                          "I'll cook for you! I haven't cooked for you in a million years!" Rua and cooking in this state would not be a good idea. But he spoke excitably about it, like it was the greatest idea in the world.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: Woo! Alive! oh man hope things aren't too chaotic XD and YES!!

Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

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                              Setting a firm foot at the top of the stairs, Ezhno walked them over to the safety of waist high rails, securing their position. Looking down the shorter flight of stairs, Ezhno began to swoon from the height. He never was a huge fan of heights; as long as he didn't look or focus, then it wasn't much of a problem. But, because he wasn't in the state of mind he wish he had been, Ezhno ended up staring at the stairs until they seemed to have stretched themselves into an oblivion. Sliding down into a crouch, Ezhno's breathing became quicker and more frantic.

                              Whimpering and nearly in tears, Ezhno looked up as Rua promised him a cooked meal. Rua. Oh the strong hold of the duo. The safe, dependable rock that Ezhno could always pull himself back to. Taking a deep breath in, Ezhno calmed himself. Standing up, he accidentally took a quick glance back down the stairs. As he was stick straight, he began to wobble before latching one hand onto Rua's shoulder and the other onto the rail. Phew. Another close call. Reminiscing all the wonderful meals he was fed by Rua, Ezhno became equally as excited. Shouting out in glee, Ezhno released his bliss of reunion with Rua and also his fear of the stairs.

                              With the constant 'wooo's from the grown man, faint lights began to turn on. Looking around, he realized that he was still causing a disturbance. Trying to rush the two into Rua's apartment, he found it was too late as a door slammed open. "Will you shut up?! Nobody wants to be hearing your crap at this ho--" Immediately recognizing Ezhno, Tomato began to wave his finger at him. "Hey... You're the one that shoved Clarie and Marie off! You imbecile! We all thought you were to pissed drunk to keep it up, but I guess you swing for the opposite team!" He exclaimed, excited to share the news with others. But as he caught sight of who Ezhno was carrying, Tomato's face became bitter. Trying to brush him off, Ezhno forcefully smiled and tried to excuse them. But the more Ezhno pushed away, Tomato clawed closer. Uncomfortable and stressed that Tomato had already revealed too much, Ezhno couldn't even stutter a reply. Frantic and frazzled, all of his escape plans included the two jumped down the stairs-- a plan that he knew he wouldn't be able to execute.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:Uhoh.. XD;; Feel free to use Tomato too o: Get them into the comfort of home Rua, Ezhno's too much of a mess! OTZ I can't believe I fell asleep

Devout Shade

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          Rua would cook for him. Yes, he would. Perhaps not that night though. If they had an issue with the stairs, he didn’t want to see how things would turn out if a knife or a hot stove was involved. They managed to survive the stairs and got to his apartment door, with Rua smacking into it. He was sway back and then lean forward to keep balance. Then when that happened, his head continued to make contact with the door while he fiddled with his keys, trying to get the right one and then get through the difficult task of actually putting the key into the key hole. It was like trying to thread a needle.

                                          They were causing a racket, just like the neighbors had been doing the night before. Oh irony. Tomato came out, telling them to shut up and Rua just laughed and laughed at him. He was saying something about Ezhno. What, how did he know Ezhno? He gave a confused look. “What the hell are you talkin bout you jackaaass.” Rua slurred out, key in the keyhole finally but his attention else where. “Don’t like the noise when it doesn’t suit you, Eh Tomato man. You can go and show that noise complain up your backside. Make like a tree and leave.” Oh man. What great words. Good job Drunk Rua. “Ezhno my buddy, not yours.” He finally turned the key, putting his weight on the door. Then down went Rua. He followed the door and slid down landing on the ground in his apartment with a thud before laughing his a** off.

                                          "Ezhnooooo, shut the door! I don't want pesky veggies getting into my home." He said as he used his legs to slowly push himself across the floor.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: Okie dokie!!

Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

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                              Stunned at Rua's language, he simply looked over to Tomato. With a face as red as his name, Tomato let the words brew a little. Staring from the door to Tomato, Ezhno stood-- frozen. He heard the door click unlock, and before he had time to even reach out for Rua, the male collapsed. Cackling ensued from Rua, causing Tomato to boil over and cry out "Why you little.." Slam. Click.

                              Ezhno had rushed inside and followed Rua's order before Tomato could even finish his sentence. Pressing his back to the door, Ezhno's head pounded against the door every time Tomato's fist made contact with the door. "Hope you two have a gay time!" A muffled shout from behind the door followed by a few stomps and another door slamming shut. Phew. Situation... slightly avoided. Tomato had said a bit more than Ezhno had wished, but Rua was too wasted to remember.

                              Looking down at a crawling Rua, Ezhno let out a sigh to unwind his nerves. Ten years and what has really changed? Rua's still talking them out of situations, despite of Ezhno's "growth". Running his hand through his hair, Ezhno dropped his case at the door. Walking up to Rua, Ezhno wrapped his arms underneath Rua's arms. "C'mon.. L-lets get you t-to bed.." Ezhno said. Guess he still hasn't quite calmed down yet.

                              Attempting to lift a dead weight Rua, Ezhno's knees began to buckle. Not going to happen. So, he opt out to dragging Rua. However, with every step, Ezhno found himself nearly slipping every time. "Where is the bedroom?" Ezhno asked, propped Rua against a wall to take a breather. Running his hand through his hair again, Ezhno found that his hair had been nearly frozen with grease. He figured he mind as well return back to the hotel after getting Rua safely to bed.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:x-x;; I guess I still haven't gotten past that brain block. Posts tomorrow might be slow and late x:

Devout Shade

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          Tomato man out of the way and the two safe in the apartment, Rua kept giggling on the floor. When Ezhno had come to help him up, the drunk man latched right onto him. Of course he wasn’t being helpful and getting off the floor. Poor Ezhno had to drag him across the floor. “Oh are we going to bed?! Bed! Aw that’s a good idea.” He cheered in a childish manner, wiggling against the wall that he had been propped up again. “This waaaaay. Follow the leader!” He used the wall to lean again as he stood, staggering along and pressing open another door to his bedroom. Always immaculate.

                                          He went right along to his bed, falling face down on the covers and giving a loud groan right into it. Well, it would have been loud had it not been muffled by the blankets. “Eeeeezhnoooo.” He called, rolling onto his side, looking for his friend. "You haven't turned invisible have you? No peeeping!" He smacked the space beside him, practically demanding for the other to come and join him. He wasn't taking no for an answer. He eventually stopped smacking the bed, choosing to lay still.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: Im super sleepy right now so my brain isn't quite working haha. No problem ^^

Shy Friend

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

                      t h a t x w e x c a n x d e c e i v ex o t h e r s x w i t h o u tx t h e i rx k n o w i n g

ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴇ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
      ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄

                              Before Ezhno could really recover, Rua was on his feet... kind of, and was hobbling back to his room. Follow him closely, Ezhno watched as his friend collapsed onto the bed. Peeping? Instinctively looking away, Ezhno waiting until Rua's thumping around the mattress stopped. He noted that everything was in its place, or so it seemed. Rua was always the clean one. Smiling at a past memory, Ezhno looked back once the noise ceased.

                              Cautiously approaching, Ezhno chose to sit near the edge of the bed-- in case Rua decided to start flailing his arms again. Leaning in, Ezhno nudged Rua. "Rua... You need to lay in bed properly.. How am I supposed to lay with you if you're in such an awkward position?" Gently pushing the male towards the center of the bed, Ezhno also started to pull up the covers. If Rua didn't notice he was in the middle, then Ezhno wouldn't have to stay. Once things were ready, Ezhno tucked Rua in. As he leaned over again, several pops could be heard in his hip and lower back. Oh boy. He would feel that in the morning.

                              Alert, Ezhno was sure to kept his arms close to Rua only when necessary. The last thing he wanted was to actually spend the night with Rua again. How embarrassing would it be to wake up next to a dirty, greasy Ezhno? Very. And Ezhno wouldn't let that happen. He was determined to get home and shower-- keeping up appearances was crucial to him. Plus, the caked foundation was starting to make his skin suffocate and itch.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:C: Why not just sleep?

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xxxx I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks. I work until I'm tired.

                                          “Gotta lay right. Gotta make roooom for Ezhno!” He huffed and puffed to himself. Of course the other was so delightfully helpful, moving him to the middle of the bed to help him get comfortable. Oh how nice. Blankets were pulled up, Rua seemed so ready to sleep. Thankfully he had enough sense before he had flopped into bed to kick his shoes off. It wouldn’t be comfy for him to sleep with those on and he certainly wouldn’t want to get that dirt on his bed.

                                          “Ezhnooooo, come ooon.” Again he smacked the bed a few times before giving in. His arm felt like a floppy noodle. Well all of him felt like a floppy noodle. Was the bed moving? Or was that him? Nope, it was the room. “Oh boy…” He huffed before taking a few deep breaths. Too much alcohol for him. He felt like he could be sick. Rua was trying to avoid that. Some sense had come back to him for a moment when he muttered, “Gonna have to call myself out of work tomorrow.” The first time he would miss work in years.

                                          He didn't mind that though. It would be worth it after he had spent time with Ezhno. He was working pass the sick feeling and felt his eyes getting heavy. He fought a good fight against them. "Ezhnoooo..." He murmured tiredly, hand reaching out to try and get him. He was fading asleep fast, eyes too heavy to keep open now.

Everything seems simple until you think about it.

            σσƈ: NEVER!! XD SLEEP FOR THE WEAK!!! Actually Im passing out soon haha

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↘↘〈〈 Eznho Sephtis 〉〉

Kudos to disqurlqothacked for the layout!
W e xa l l o w x o u r s e l v e sx t o x t h i n k x t h a t x w e x c a n x s u r v i v e x a l o n e

                      t h a t x w e x c a n x d e c e i v ex o t h e r s x w i t h o u tx t h e i rx k n o w i n g

ᴄ ʜ ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴇ ᴅ ᴍ ᴀ ɴ
      ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄

                              Ezhno slid down next to Rua, half of his body hanging off of the bed. "Okay okay.. I'm right here." He cooed as he softly petted Rua's hair. His blinking slowed. Oh no. He had to stay awake! Eyes fluttering open, Ezhno heard Rua starting to groan his name. Grumbling himself, Ezhno rolled off the bed-- his hand not bothering to attempt to grasp anything in fear of grabbing a handful of Rua's hair.

                              Struggling, Ezhno clawed onto the bed sheets to sit up. The alcohol was sloshing all around his body and caught up to his head, causing a not-so-dull ache. Remembering that Rua's breathing was dangerously heavy, Ezhno scrambled around for a trashcan. Groping around the floor, his head banged into something of a similar shape. As he stumbled about, his hands fumbled to keep the trashcan in his hands.

                              By the time he was able to get it to Rua, it seemed that the male had already convinced himself to sleep. Letting a sigh of relief, Ezhno set the trashcan by the bed, in case Rua decided to change his mind. Nausea swaying Ezhno pretty convincingly, he fought the urge too. Curling up at the foot of the bed, Ezhno tucked his head into his arms. As he drifted into a light slumber, Ezhno occasionally woke up to scratch at the love bites. He had trained himself to barely be asleep; he needed to be on edge; ready in case anything were to happen to Rua. Ezhno figured he would be up early enough in the morning to leave before Rua even woke up.
                              #0F4D92 #848482 gold forestgreen mediumorchid
      xxxOOC:xD Good night!

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