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Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee

You're quite an opinionated person, aren't you. And also, you need to chill out a little. Just a bit.

Or you could not read my post in an amgry tone. I am very opinionated person.

Aand No, your sex is never a good excuse for anything. Saying that creates a steteotype. Just becuase he's a guy doesn't mean he has to act like an a**. I have plenty of guys friends who are all around decent when it comes to being friend.

I guess it might just be me. But I don't think it is.

And, in my opinion, it is. Most people might disagree with me, but that doesn't make me wrong. Although I might be.

Opinions can be wrong, like if your opinion is every guy on the planet only cares about looks or sex, though highly likely. Not true, because obviously you can find guys who don't care about looks or sex. Hard to believe but they're out there.

It's not just disagreeing, there's proof that, that staement is wrong.

Invisible Genius

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But the whole point of an opinion is that it isn't right or wrong. So it can't be wrong, regardless of what you think. But now we're getting off track.

Aged Gaian

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Zenita Dee
Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
I can understand your opinions, but I can also understand Ron's actions. My choices would not have been much better. Not everyone is perfect, remember that. I think Ron didn't actually think Harry did put his own name in, but he was still jealous. Harry always got attention, whether he wanted it or not.

And also, sometimes you have to leave your friends. That wasn't one of those times, but sometimes you do.

You're right no one's perfect, you're wrong about leaving your friends, and if you do it shouldn't be for jealousy otherwise you're not really their friend. You said you would do the same thing as him, and I'm not trying to be a b***h here, but that just makes you a selfish person, only caring about your feelings. Ron's actions show he doesn't deserve their friendship. When your really friends with someone, they come first. It's like the saying, you want to find out who your REAL friends are, see who's still by your side when things are bad.

I understand him doing it once, he was 14, but twice within three years, the boy just doesn't grow up.

And to the point that Hermione couldn't love Harry because she pushes him to be his best, doesn't make for a bad partner. You always want what's best for the people you love be in from friend to friend or love to love.

I'm not tying to defend what Ron did, but you said that "I understand him doing it once, he was 14, but twice within three years, the boy just doesn't grow up." Guys don't mature like girls, so him still acting like he is 14 when he was 17 is like any other guy.
I don't think that make him selfish, a bad friend, or whatever, it makes him human, a guy, and it don't a great reaction but it is a reasonable one.

Point one, your arguments actually don't dispute the fact that Ron needs to be punched. Just because as humans we make mistakes doesn't mean he exempt from the consequences of his actions.

Saying "Oh it's because he's a guy" is not a valid arguement, being male isn't an excuse for being an a*****e.

When is it ever "reasonable" to react with jealously. It's also not like he was matter of some trival matter.

He abandoned his firends, friends he's been with for over 7yrs, who he's been up through so much with, on a life or death mission not some playground squable. On top of that he tried to take Hermione with him. To leave his best friend alone, to fend for himself, to literally try to survive on his own. That's the definition of selfish.

No, there's nothing "reasonable" about that.

I never said that Ron never should have been punched, I was only trying to make you understand guys. If you knows guys that is a very reasonable argument, and being a male is a valid excuse for being a jerk. You understand when you get older.

I had to leave a friend about 2 years ago after 11 years of friendship, does that make me a bad person.

You can't understand until you've gone through it. While Ron's act isn't great, and he was very stupid about it, if he didn't leave some thing worst would have happened. He did come back, and that showed that his friends were more important than his pride.

Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee

You're quite an opinionated person, aren't you. And also, you need to chill out a little. Just a bit.

Or you could not read my post in an amgry tone. I am very opinionated person.

Aand No, your sex is never a good excuse for anything. Saying that creates a steteotype. Just becuase he's a guy doesn't mean he has to act like an a**. I have plenty of guys friends who are all around decent when it comes to being friend.

I will have to agree with Sanguine Lupis, there's no need to take all this personally and get mad. & Like I said before your understand when you get older.

Sanguine Lupis
But the whole point of an opinion is that it isn't right or wrong. So it can't be wrong, regardless of what you think. But now we're getting off track.

True, and Exactly.

Anyways I'm not sure if I posted this here before, it a manipulation that I made a while back.
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Zenita Dee
Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
I can understand your opinions, but I can also understand Ron's actions. My choices would not have been much better. Not everyone is perfect, remember that. I think Ron didn't actually think Harry did put his own name in, but he was still jealous. Harry always got attention, whether he wanted it or not.

And also, sometimes you have to leave your friends. That wasn't one of those times, but sometimes you do.

You're right no one's perfect, you're wrong about leaving your friends, and if you do it shouldn't be for jealousy otherwise you're not really their friend. You said you would do the same thing as him, and I'm not trying to be a b***h here, but that just makes you a selfish person, only caring about your feelings. Ron's actions show he doesn't deserve their friendship. When your really friends with someone, they come first. It's like the saying, you want to find out who your REAL friends are, see who's still by your side when things are bad.

I understand him doing it once, he was 14, but twice within three years, the boy just doesn't grow up.

And to the point that Hermione couldn't love Harry because she pushes him to be his best, doesn't make for a bad partner. You always want what's best for the people you love be in from friend to friend or love to love.

I'm not tying to defend what Ron did, but you said that "I understand him doing it once, he was 14, but twice within three years, the boy just doesn't grow up." Guys don't mature like girls, so him still acting like he is 14 when he was 17 is like any other guy.
I don't think that make him selfish, a bad friend, or whatever, it makes him human, a guy, and it don't a great reaction but it is a reasonable one.

Point one, your arguments actually don't dispute the fact that Ron needs to be punched. Just because as humans we make mistakes doesn't mean he exempt from the consequences of his actions.

Saying "Oh it's because he's a guy" is not a valid arguement, being male isn't an excuse for being an a*****e.

When is it ever "reasonable" to react with jealously. It's also not like he was matter of some trival matter.

He abandoned his firends, friends he's been with for over 7yrs, who he's been up through so much with, on a life or death mission not some playground squable. On top of that he tried to take Hermione with him. To leave his best friend alone, to fend for himself, to literally try to survive on his own. That's the definition of selfish.

No, there's nothing "reasonable" about that.

I never said that Ron never should have been punched, I was only trying to make you understand guys. If you knows guys that is a very reasonable argument, and being a male is a valid excuse for being a jerk. You understand when you get older.

I had to leave a friend about 2 years ago after 11 years of friendship, does that make me a bad person.

You can't understand until you've gone through it. While Ron's act isn't great, and he was very stupid about it, if he didn't leave some thing worst would have happened. He did come back, and that showed that his friends were more important than his pride.

Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee

You're quite an opinionated person, aren't you. And also, you need to chill out a little. Just a bit.

Or you could not read my post in an amgry tone. I am very opinionated person.

Aand No, your sex is never a good excuse for anything. Saying that creates a steteotype. Just becuase he's a guy doesn't mean he has to act like an a**. I have plenty of guys friends who are all around decent when it comes to being friend.

I will have to agree with Sanguine Lupis, there's no need to take all this personally and get mad. & Like I said before your understand when you get older.

Sanguine Lupis
But the whole point of an opinion is that it isn't right or wrong. So it can't be wrong, regardless of what you think. But now we're getting off track.

True, and Exactly.

How is being a male a valid excuse for being a jerk? Is it genetic? Are boys born with the DNA that because they have a p***s that they have to be an a**? You have no valid evidence for that arguement. I'll understand when I'm older. Excuse me but how old are you? Because giving that you still think in the black and white areas, shows your youth. I'm not the young cleary you are

"I had to leave a friend about 2 years ago after 11 years of friendship, does that make me a bad person."

Did you move or something, because unless you did, leaving your friend was choice. You'll understand that when your older.

"You can't understand until you've gone through it. While Ron's act isn't great, and he was very stupid about it, if he didn't leave some thing worst would have happened. He did come back, and that showed that his friends were more important than his pride."

You don't what I've gone through, so that's being ignored. And you do realize you're condradicting you whole arguement. You're honestly making no sense and have the audacity to say I'm young. And since he left in the first place that showed his pride was more important. He never learns things on his own.

"I will have to agree with Sanguine Lupis, there's no need to take all this personally and get mad. & Like I said before your understand when you get older."

No one is getting mad, I'm stating facts, unlike you. The only thing I would get mad about is the fact that you're probably 16 thinking you're older than me with your immature mind set of how the world works in reality.

Let me show you how you're wrong.

Opinion: A belief or judgment that RESTS on grounds insufficient to PRODUCE complete certainty

I can PRODUCE with complete certainty that being a guy doesn't give you the right to be a jerk.

But I can understand if you won't take my word for it. Children are often illogical.
I'd way rather have Hermione with Harry rather than Ginny.

I support: Harry x Hermione
Harry x Luna
Ron x Hermione
Ron x Luna

No it's not because they're both the main characters, I just really like their chemistry together.

Aged Gaian

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Zenita Dee
Zenita Dee
Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
I can understand your opinions, but I can also understand Ron's actions. My choices would not have been much better. Not everyone is perfect, remember that. I think Ron didn't actually think Harry did put his own name in, but he was still jealous. Harry always got attention, whether he wanted it or not.

And also, sometimes you have to leave your friends. That wasn't one of those times, but sometimes you do.

You're right no one's perfect, you're wrong about leaving your friends, and if you do it shouldn't be for jealousy otherwise you're not really their friend. You said you would do the same thing as him, and I'm not trying to be a b***h here, but that just makes you a selfish person, only caring about your feelings. Ron's actions show he doesn't deserve their friendship. When your really friends with someone, they come first. It's like the saying, you want to find out who your REAL friends are, see who's still by your side when things are bad.

I understand him doing it once, he was 14, but twice within three years, the boy just doesn't grow up.

And to the point that Hermione couldn't love Harry because she pushes him to be his best, doesn't make for a bad partner. You always want what's best for the people you love be in from friend to friend or love to love.

I'm not tying to defend what Ron did, but you said that "I understand him doing it once, he was 14, but twice within three years, the boy just doesn't grow up." Guys don't mature like girls, so him still acting like he is 14 when he was 17 is like any other guy.
I don't think that make him selfish, a bad friend, or whatever, it makes him human, a guy, and it don't a great reaction but it is a reasonable one.

Point one, your arguments actually don't dispute the fact that Ron needs to be punched. Just because as humans we make mistakes doesn't mean he exempt from the consequences of his actions.

Saying "Oh it's because he's a guy" is not a valid arguement, being male isn't an excuse for being an a*****e.

When is it ever "reasonable" to react with jealously. It's also not like he was matter of some trival matter.

He abandoned his firends, friends he's been with for over 7yrs, who he's been up through so much with, on a life or death mission not some playground squable. On top of that he tried to take Hermione with him. To leave his best friend alone, to fend for himself, to literally try to survive on his own. That's the definition of selfish.

No, there's nothing "reasonable" about that.

I never said that Ron never should have been punched, I was only trying to make you understand guys. If you knows guys that is a very reasonable argument, and being a male is a valid excuse for being a jerk. You understand when you get older.

I had to leave a friend about 2 years ago after 11 years of friendship, does that make me a bad person.

You can't understand until you've gone through it. While Ron's act isn't great, and he was very stupid about it, if he didn't leave some thing worst would have happened. He did come back, and that showed that his friends were more important than his pride.

Zenita Dee
Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee

You're quite an opinionated person, aren't you. And also, you need to chill out a little. Just a bit.

Or you could not read my post in an amgry tone. I am very opinionated person.

Aand No, your sex is never a good excuse for anything. Saying that creates a steteotype. Just becuase he's a guy doesn't mean he has to act like an a**. I have plenty of guys friends who are all around decent when it comes to being friend.

I will have to agree with Sanguine Lupis, there's no need to take all this personally and get mad. & Like I said before your understand when you get older.

Sanguine Lupis
But the whole point of an opinion is that it isn't right or wrong. So it can't be wrong, regardless of what you think. But now we're getting off track.

True, and Exactly.

How is being a male a valid excuse for being a jerk? Is it genetic? Are boys born with the DNA that because they have a p***s that they have to be an a**? You have no valid evidence for that arguement. I'll understand when I'm older. Excuse me but how old are you? Because giving that you still think in the black and white areas, shows your youth. I'm not the young cleary you are

"I had to leave a friend about 2 years ago after 11 years of friendship, does that make me a bad person."

Did you move or something, because unless you did, leaving your friend was choice. You'll understand that when your older.

"You can't understand until you've gone through it. While Ron's act isn't great, and he was very stupid about it, if he didn't leave some thing worst would have happened. He did come back, and that showed that his friends were more important than his pride."

You don't what I've gone through, so that's being ignored. And you do realize you're condradicting you whole arguement. You're honestly making no sense and have the audacity to say I'm young. And since he left in the first place that showed his pride was more important. He never learns things on his own.

"I will have to agree with Sanguine Lupis, there's no need to take all this personally and get mad. & Like I said before your understand when you get older."

No one is getting mad, I'm stating facts, unlike you. The only thing I would get mad about is the fact that you're probably 16 thinking you're older than me with your immature mind set of how the world works in reality.

Let me show you how you're wrong.

Opinion: A belief or judgment that RESTS on grounds insufficient to PRODUCE complete certainty

I can PRODUCE with complete certainty that being a guy doesn't give you the right to be a jerk.

But I can understand if you won't take my word for it. Children are often illogical.

I'm not 16.
I left a friend because of a complex situation, but to put it in simple terms she wasn't a good person. I rather not get into the details.
You not making much sense to me, but that kind thinking it exactly how I would have felt when I was much younger. Your right in saying "And since he left in the first place that showed his pride was more important. He never learns things on his own," BUT He also swallow his pride when he can back, he could have been like a lot of people and refused to see the other side of it, and did not come back.
You are getting mad and very defensive, everytime someone post you attack them for what they think. Like I said I'm not 16, is that how young you are? I'm not the one being immature here.
You can't show me I'm wrong, because I'm not, sweetie it's called life experience. I just got out of a job that I work with 90% of men, and even the youngest females on the ship I was stationed on were a whole lot more mature than the males. Males are jerks, they push people around, they hate when a women does a "Man" job better than them, and find lame reasons to get mad. I notice that they will do the most ******** up things to each other, then a week later they are best friends again.
This isn't fact and your right about that but it's life, and that's real.

Damn, I hate when gaia doesn't tell me I was quoted.

I'm going to trying to back on topic again.
Does anyone visit portkey anymore? I did talk to one of the admins of the site while back, he said that they are trying to fix things.
I don't really read fanfiction anymore. I'm too busy with my website, jewelry making, and college. Seriously do you know how hard it is not be out of school for 7 years, travel the world, live in japan, get an honorable discharge from the navy, and then go back to school? So hard, I hate studying. That's why didn't in High School, I just got As & Bs anyways.
I do read one Harry/Hermione fanfiction
Magique by the_real_mrs_potter
It's very good, and it is NC17, not that would stop anyone. I know I read them when I was 13. (shh don't tell)
Seriously, what happened to all the "Famous" fanfiction authors? Like Lori, Anna (adamanteve19, well she does post on LJ), or Twitch E. Littleferret, I think the only one who still post is Miscard.
& Who could for get Cassie Clarie? & The Draco Trilogy?
Or Kate J and her fanfic Taste? or the first HHR website harryloveshermione.com
Bobmin or Bob and Alyx who wrote Sunset/Sunrise over Britain.
Or everything by MsScribe?

I still remember back before JKR said H/G was the going to happen, when most HP fans were H/HR, and when she said it so many people jumped ships. I remember when FF.net had more HHR fanfic than any other ship.
Who remembers when FF.net was the only place to post fanfic? Now it's mostly a trash can of fic.

Does anyone remember the MsScribe Wank?

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"Hyppcrisy is amoung us!"
"When you assume you make an a** out of you and me!"
"Think before you speak!"
"You're a body of condrictions"

Miscard barely post, but regards of the famous authors there's still some good ones on there. It just keeps getting buggy and never properly fixed. The gallery is still down.

"Quotes, Quotes, Quotes!"

"I'm a 90's kid, not really but close enough."

Aged Gaian

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Zenita Dee
"Hyppcrisy is amoung us!"
"When you assume you make an a** out of you and me!"
"Think before you speak!"
"You're a body of condrictions"

Miscard barely post, but regards of the famous authors there's still some good ones on there. It just keeps getting buggy and never properly fixed. The gallery is still down.

"Quotes, Quotes, Quotes!"

"I'm a 90's kid, not really but close enough."

Miscard is the only who post though, even thought it's almost never. Most of the newer things are good I'm sure, I'm just not in to it. I still miss reading fanfic that are pre hbp. I loved all the summer before 5th or 6th year fics. The Gallery has been down forever, and that was my favorite part, I loved to submit art. My favorite artist was Stefynik.

I was before the '90s.

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So am I chica.

and Miscard hasn't posted within Months, I think she shows up every 6 months to a year and I don't even remember the gallery.

Aged Gaian

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I did talk to Nappa while back and they were suppose to be "fixing" things, but the other admin James didn't know that everything was offline. WTF? So he told one of my friends that he fixed that. That was over a month ago. I really don't see portkey jumping back. Then the other admin Heaven, I'm not sure why she considered an admin in the credits, because she hasn't actually been an admin in years.

My bunny just tried to eat my hair. xp

Invisible Genius

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Zenita Dee

Oh, yes. You totally aren't getting mad at all. Yes, it's definitely us getting angry, clearly.

Seriously, just calm down. You're getting way too worked up about this.

But anyway.

I don't read fanfiction. I probably should, but I don't have the time. I don't get on Gaia much anymore, and gaia is the thing I go on the most.

Rainbow Star

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I'm going to trying to back on topic again.

Who remembers when FF.net was the only place to post fanfic? Now it's mostly a trash can of fic.

I do, it's so sad. :{

Aged Gaian

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Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee

Oh, yes. You totally aren't getting mad at all. Yes, it's definitely us getting angry, clearly.

Seriously, just calm down. You're getting way too worked up about this.

But anyway.

I don't read fanfiction. I probably should, but I don't have the time. I don't get on Gaia much anymore, and gaia is the thing I go on the most.

I don't have much time anymore, either, but what I do read is actual books, and other fanfiction that is is non hp related.
I remember in HS, I'd go to school, then either go to color guard practice, band practice, or art/otaku club, then come home and read fanfiction until I when to bed. Good times.


I'm going to trying to back on topic again.

Who remembers when FF.net was the only place to post fanfic? Now it's mostly a trash can of fic.

I do, it's so sad. :{

There is still good stuff there you just need a shove to dig it out. lol

Rainbow Star

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Sanguine Lupis
Zenita Dee

Oh, yes. You totally aren't getting mad at all. Yes, it's definitely us getting angry, clearly.

Seriously, just calm down. You're getting way too worked up about this.

But anyway.

I don't read fanfiction. I probably should, but I don't have the time. I don't get on Gaia much anymore, and gaia is the thing I go on the most.

I don't have much time anymore, either, but what I do read is actual books, and other fanfiction that is is non hp related.
I remember in HS, I'd go to school, then either go to color guard practice, band practice, or art/otaku club, then come home and read fanfiction until I when to bed. Good times.


I'm going to trying to back on topic again.

Who remembers when FF.net was the only place to post fanfic? Now it's mostly a trash can of fic.

I do, it's so sad. :{

There is still good stuff there you just need a shove to dig it out. lol

I know, it's just annoying. <.<

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