Welcome to Gaia! ::

Here we hope to help you on your way to finding that perfect someone...
Or just some new friends...

All you have to do is make a profile about yourself and PM it to me.
For example mine is:

Username: AngelAlly
Nickname: Ally
Age: 17
Location: Wales, UK.
Looking for: Friends
Interests: Music, singing, writing, chatting, poems, stories, travel and i can talk about almost everything.
General: I'm looking for friends to have a good chat with and who will keep in touch.

Or if you are looking for a partner you could do:

Location: Wales, UK.
Looking for: a Guy/a Girl
Interests: Music, singing, writing, chatting, poems, stories, travel and i can talk about almost everything.
General: I'm looking for a guy/girl who will care about me and be sweet to me. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age.

After you've sent it to me, that i'll read over it and post it in the correct box.
Then you'd look in the other box and see if there's anyone you like.
If there is contact them, if not then send me a pm telling me there isn't and we'll look for more people. And if you find people who just wanna cyber...please let me know so i can take them off the lists.

If you come back regularly even if it's just to check the lists, please post a reply to the thread because for those who come back regularly I will email them a list of names and profiles of people that I feel are suitable for them.
Here you can chat to people and hang out. blaugh

Owner: AngelAlly ((You can PM me about anything))
Co-Owner: Dragoko D-M

Good luck in finding that someone. heart

If you soon find yourself unavailable, please contact me so I can take you off the lists!

On a serious note PLEASE:
- Stay safe by not giving out your address, your full real name or any other personal details that could put you in danger
- If you ever go to meet someone please take someone with you and meet in a public place
- Keep this thread PG-13, if swearing please use asterix's or something similar.
- Please be semi-literate as in people can understand what you are saying
- Please don't be rude to anyone. If you don't like this kind of thread, don't come here.
- Please remember this is just a bit of fun smile

Username: Dragoko D-M
Nickname: Don't have one?
Age: 17
Location: CA, USA
Looking for: Friends
Interests: Joining Clubs, Hanging out with friends, going out and playing sports!
General: I'm here just for friends. I doubt I'll get a girlfriend here since the last one made me make wrong choices...and if I do, I have to know alot about them.

Username: Lucky Up
Nickname: Lucky
Age: 16
Location: Rhode Island, USA
Looking for: Friends, guy/girl
Interests: chatting, music, cute things, kittens, candy, hanging out with friends, ect..
General: I'm mostly just looking for friends! I'm not picky~
For a guy/girl, someone who's around my age. Hmm.. someone who'd always be there for me! I'd like to get to know you first~

Username: Venin Bijou
Nickname: Bijou
Age: 17
Location: Michigan, USA
Looking for: Friends
Interests: Music, shopping, chatting, that's all I can think of. xD
General: I'm just looking for friends that will keep in touch.

Username: Jb_luver1
Nickname: idk in real i guess bri
Age: 15
Location: CA,USA
Looking for: Friends
Interests: Music, singing,chatting, funny stories, writing songs, acting, and dancing.
General: I'm looking for friends to have a good chat with, who will keep in touch, and likes or at least knows Jb

Username: SlipperyFrog
Nickname: Diesel Claude
Age: 19
Location: Arizona, US
Looking for: Friends
Interests: Music, Gaming, cooking, botany, design, carpentry, and a bunch of other stuff you'll just have to talk to me to learn about.
General: I'm looking for friends with whom I can have a laugh with, and maybe a gf if things click.

Username: Serene Sword
Nickname: none
Age: 17
Location: CA, US
Looking for: Friends
Interests: Music, writing, chatting, poems, stories, and i can talk about almost everything.
General: I'm looking for friends who will keep in touch and hangout around towns/ZOMG/ect.

Username: xShushix
Nickname: Shushi, dolono.. etc.
Age: 13
Location: san jose.?? cali girl here!
Looking for: friends..
Interests: Music, reading, watching tv, games, running, playing, talking, being annoying sometimes.., entering contests, staring into space thinking of things, writing
General: umm.. i <3 talking, but i may be a babbermouth sometimes, when something is wrong, i also <3 making new friends.

Username: iggy youngblood
Age: 18
Location: ca,usa
Looking for: Friends and/or relationship (boys plz)
Interests: music, house, books, medicine, german, cats, theatre, strange movies, and geeking it up.
General: I am looking for either friendship or a long distance relationship. I really feel that getting to know people over the internet can be very valuable seeing as it's a non-looks driven method.
Girls looking for Guys

Username: ki-ki cat789 (I'm changing it though)
Nickname: oola hoola (don't ask whee )
Age: 13
Location: Canada eh!
Looking for: a Guy or galpals
Interests: Drawing (but i'm not that good but i do avi art) dancing but i'm horribibble at it singing but i dont have a verry good voice and being random
General: I'm looking for a guy who will care about me and be sweet to me. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age. Also looking for galpals any age and it doesn't matter who you are if we like each other we can be friends but if any guy is interested in being friends it would be much obliged biggrin biggrin

Username: -_Malicious Cup Cakes_-
Nickname: Alli(pronounced like Allie)/Alex
Age: 14 (although I don't think my age suits me, though
Location: Mid-west USA
Looking for: a guy (and some friends, mostly a guy)
Interests: anything paranormal or metaphysical, drawing, random chats, interesting conversation, role-playing, religion (as much as I hate to admit it. Don't worry, I'm not a Jesus Freak, I'm Agnostic with an open mind)
General: I'm not looking to head straight into a relationship, I'll have to talk to you for a while. I am interested in older men (not like...40...ew...More like around 16+, although I don't mind if you're younger.) And I do NOT tolerate immaturity or stupidity, unless it's funny. I may seem kind of high-strung right now, but I'm not. I'm actually very laid back, open minded, and..well, I guess fun to be around.

Username: Mskitty511
Nickname: Neko
Age: 17
Location: CA, USA.
Looking for: a Guy
Interests: Music, singing, writing, chatting, poems, stories, anime/manga/cosplay
General: I'm looking for a guy who isn't looking for a deep relationship right off the bat. Who is okay with just talking and doesn't expect to meet in real life... I'm not the type to take that risk. If he likes deabating or intelectual conversation, then that's great! I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age.

Age: 16
Location: Arizona, US
Looking for: a Guy
Interests: Art, reading, writing, anime, manga, korean music, japanese music, cute things, bento boxes, cats
General: I'm looking for someone whose nice and who I can actually carry a conversation with. Someone with similar interests, but not too similar because then it wouldn't be much fun. Someone near my age and someone who actually wants to get to know me and isn't all about cybering or whatever.

Username: xX_Jen-Loves-You_Xx
Nickname: Jen
Age: 13
Location: California, US
Looking for: a Boii
Interests: Music, wakeboarding, dancing, chatting, texting, shopping, Boys and I can talk about almost everything for hours.
General: I'm looking for a guy who will care about me and be sweet to me. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age.
NOTE: Must have pictures on profile of themselvs.

Location: toronto canada
Looking for: a Guy
Interests: Music, singing, guitar, sailing,reading, hanging out
General: I'm looking for a guy who is kind and sweet

Username: graciekiins
Nickname: Grace, Gracie
Age: 13 almost 14
Location: St. Augustine, Florida
Looking for: a Guy
Interests: playing guitar. Reading, hanging with friends, four wheeling, listening to music, photography
General: Looking for a guy that has same interests as me and is funny and sweet.

Nickname: Xun
Age: 15
Location: CA, USA
Looking for: A Guy
Interests: Animals, Flowers, Classic Dance, World Peace, Being Green, PUPPIES!!!
General: I'm looking for a guy who loves animals and will care for me all the time. I'm looking for someone who's one year older than me.

Username: QueenoftheDamned4Life
Nickname: NA
Age: 17
Location: CA. USA
Looking for: a Guy
Interests: Music, writing, chatting, travel (i luv the ocean), and yaoi
General: I'm looking for a guy who can be as crazy as me at times but knows when to be serious, I would like a guy who is okay with the love for yaoi. I think someone who could cheer me up on a bad day would be great. I would like someone my age, no one below 16.

R 0 B 0 T S 3 X
Kim, Kimmeh, Kim Chii[I spell it like that because of my last name's first three letter are Chi so yeah...]
14 going onto 15 in Dec.
Looking for: a guy
Interests: Music, singing, family guy, video games, anime, life, scary movies, others.
General: Im looking for a guy who is nice,and can always trust me.Around my age but I would mind 14-17.Just not older than that because it would seem really weird.I wouldn't mind a guy who isn't pretty because,I really don't care for looks,But I wouldn't mind if they were decent or chubby,because that just makes them a teddy bear. :'D
I want some guy who is caring and wouldn't care what I look like,and has kind of the same interests as me.

Nickname: Lee Lee or just Leah
Age: 13
Location: Los Angeles, California
Looking for: a Guy and maybe friends
Interests: Singing Reading Video Games Talking(alot) Watching Movies Basketball(just 4 fun) Music, Anime, chatting online, i like to write a litttle bit
General:Looking for a guy who is sweet, funny, loves to talk ,nice and not too immature.

Username: Rainbow_Sticker
Nickname: Elly
Age: 16(17 on the 11th of July)
Location: Florida,USA
Looking for: A Guy and of course friends
Interests: Music,Reading,Writing,Dancing,Texting,Having fun, Animals,Vampires,and anything supernatural.
General: I'm looking for a guy,who will be sweet and honest and who shares at least a few of my intrests.I'd prefer him being close to my age.

Username: Fantasy Angel93
Nickname: Ashley
Age: 16
Location: Florida
Looking for: a Guy
Interests: Music, singing, writing, playing video games, gaiaonline, texting, and talking on the phone.
General: I'm looking for a guy who will care about me and be sweet to me. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age. someone who live close but can live far away. no problem with long distance, looks dont matter to me.
I want to meet someone I may want to be with for awhile, and someone who wants me for me, and would change nothing about me.

Username: Vindictive_Desire
Nickname: Ace//Robbie
Age: 16
Location: Wisconsin =]
Looking for: Guyy
Interests: DDR, resident evil, halo 3, sports, basketball, tennis, track, pole vaulting, music, reading, partying
General: Im looking for a guy i can talk to, and FRIENDS of course!!

Username: x-L-Wuz-Here-x
Nickname: Laura
Age: 16
Location: Idaho, US
Looking for: Guy
Interests: Batman, Germany/German, animals, transformers, drawing, writing, and lots more.
General: I'm looking for a guy who gets on often, who's sweet funny nice, and likes to talk ^^
Guys looking for Girls

Username: Life on Lies
Nickname: Wormy
Age: 17
Location: CA, USA
Looking for: Friends/Girlfriend
Interests: Surfing the net, writing poems,watching tv,talkin to friends, and dancing when im alone xD
General: Just looking for friends and if possible a girlfriend though not the top priority.Hopefully someone my age and living in Cali. As for friends anyone between the ages of 15-18 or basically high school.

Username: xXx-heroic-sacrifice-xXx
Nickname:my name is andrew ,dont rly have a nick name
Location: ontario,canada
Looking for: a girl
Interests: Music, chatting, travel,video games,movies and i can talk about almost everything.
General: I'm looking for a girl who will care about me and be sweet to me. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age but who is mature. somebody i cud maybe meet someday and be really happy with

Username: Private_Chenoweth
Nickname: TJ
Age: 18
Location: Wellington, kansas
Looking for: a Girl
Interests: Music, writing, chatting, poems, the US Army
General: I'm looking for a girl that will want to talk alot, i love talking to people all the time, someone that does not think that joining the army was a way to mess up my life, and someone that can be genuinly honest, and nice.

Username: Jinatonik
Nickname: Kevin/Kevvy
Age: 19
Location: Ohio USA
Looking for: A Girl :0
Interests: Video games, music, computer, learning chinese, bass
General: Age doesnt matter (as long as it's above 17), looks don't matter, I am just looking for a nice girlfriend that wouldn't mind having a clingy boyfriend. Just talk to me or pm me to get to know me better ^^

Username: Artificial Heartache
Nickname: Damian
Age: 19
Location: Missouri, USA
Looking for: a Girl please... <3
Interests: Music, Video Games, Anime, Movies, and just having fun anytime I can.
General: I'm looking for a girl who is serious about a relationship that may or may not grow from being online to real-life. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age and to have similar interests. I'm not too picky.

Username:Shell Of The Truth
Nickname biggrin : None really...for now.
Location: Texas, US
Looking for: A Girl. AND FRIENDS OF COURSE! xD
Interests: Music, singing, writing, chatting, Anime, life, video games, y'know, just having a good time.
General: I'm looking for a girl who I can make smile, laugh, and keep happy for as long as I'm with her. Someone into somewhat the same interests, and I'd like for her to be around my age.

Username: R O F L S A U R A S
Nickname: Ian is my real name and i don't really have any nicknames
Age: 15
Location: Tampa, Florida
Looking for: Girl
Interests: Drawing, Kawaii, Anime, Computers
General: I'm looking for a Girl who really has my same intrests i love girls who have crazy avis and who like Kawaii, And also someone my age prefferebly.

Username: Spike_Flair
Nickname: Spike, or whatever you want, I get nicknames all the time ^_^;
Age: 16
Location: California
Looking for: A Girl
Interests: Anime, music, stuff, I don't know...
General: I like girls who are interesting and stand out from most others. As for looks, I don't have any preferences other than just I like pretty girls who try to look nice with an athletic or slim build. About myself, I'm a nice, honest guy and I have a strong sense of what I believe is right and wrong. I always stick to what I do and say and I like to build up a strong relationship.

Nickname: none
Age: 23
Location: USA,East coast
Looking for: a Girl
Interests: Music, chatting, poems, stories, being a otaku and i can talk about almost everything.
General: I'm looking for a girl who will care about me and be sweet to me. I'd prefer someone the same age as me or close to my age

Username mad xnidhoggxx
Realname: Michael
Location: ontario, canada
Looking for: girlfriend and friends.
Interests: Games, music, hanging out with friends.
General: Im looking for a girl thats sweet and caring, someone who can accept me cause i can be a little weird sometimes. I would prefer to meet someone over 18 but Im the kinda guy that feels like when you truely connect with someone, you dont mind waiting for them.

Username: Vexsom
Nickname: Vex
Age: 22
Location: NE, USA
Looking for: a Gal or some good friends.
Interests: Role play, Chat, Anime, Music (except country), and oddity (Cause I'm weird >_> wink .
General: I've had a hard time in finding a good relationship, but I don't want to give the false impression of desperation. I just want to find a nice woman who can destroy all the unfortunate coping mechanisms I've developed to deal with loneliness. I'd sooner enjoy the company of a friend, but I'd love to find a spark of something more.
(example Girl for Girl, Guy for Guy, or Girl/Guy looking for Girl or Guy)

Looking for: a Guy or a Girl
Interests: music, writing, chatting, networking, Electric Bass, anime (not rp), philosphy, world issues
General: I'm looking for a guy or girl who would like to be friends or something more, it doesn't really matter. Preferably someone 17-22. I'm not much for people my age. bytheway-i'm 5'9 or173 cm tall

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This is a good idea since the other threads like it seem to have died.
Good luck to everyone!

Romantic Sex Symbol

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  • Invisibility 100
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Hey Ally, now the waiting begins...

Thank Perry!

Romantic Sex Symbol

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Ally what are you up to?
Thanks Perry

Yeah I was expecting that anyway Drew. I'm gonna put you as co-owner on the first post. smile

Romantic Sex Symbol

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  • Generous 100
Thanks Perry

Yeah I was expecting that anyway Drew. I'm gonna put you as co-owner on the first post. smile

Yea cuz Im the best !

Needs more peeps though...
I'm just watching Family guy, you?
Arghh People, come and have fun!
So what you doing today?

Romantic Sex Symbol

10,000 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Invisibility 100
  • Generous 100
Im takin care of my baby bro, that's why Im late in replying...

Family Guy is awesome.

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