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Spicy Treasure-Seeker

36,740 Points
  • Nova Novice 100
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Tyinyk, face scratched, hair coverd in ash, and panting heavily, slumped onto a nearby pile of Fluff corpses. He had spent nearly the past two days doing nothing but diving into the battlefield to retrieve eggs. But, after a long, hard battle, the Easter Bunny had seized the day.

as Kira was about to start with the party preperations she noticed a sound from nearby. She turned around and saw a familiar face! A smile appeared on her lips. "Hey buddy!" she yelled, hoping he would notice her while making his way through the carpet of fluff corpses.

Kira herself took off her dirty battle armor, she was relieved she could put the heavy helmet and gun away now.
Looking up, Tyinyk allowed himself a smile, seeing a friend on the battlefield. "Hello there." He said, lifting himself off. "Glad to see you made it out in one peice." He said. He himself had been battling since the great four-way war of Halloween, many years earlier, in which him and his fellow Dark Elves first revealed themselves to the world to defeat the vampires, glompies, and werewolves.

Kira walked ove to him and they shook hands. "yeah, I was lucky this time! Good to see you were too!" She made a hand waving gesture towads the bags she brought. "I got cookies, and a few things to start a party. Was just busy cleaning up here" She looked around again, examining the area. "Well a little dirty still and we should get rid of those dead fluffs, but what do you think? In the mood for a victory celebration?" Kira could not surpress a proud grin. she knew how hard these battles could be and she only needed to look into his eyes to see he was a fighter too. she got back to work on further party preperations..

"I'm always in the mood for a victory party." Tyinyk said, kicking a Fluff corpse out of his way. "There are still a good amount of functioning Rabbots, and I don't think the big man would mind if we used a couple."

Kira nodded. "yes, maybe he will even join us^^" she grinned again and together they got the rabbots to helpm them cleaning up the place...
"I wonder if some of our other comrades will return once more to party with us?"

Perfect Soldier

12,700 Points
  • 50 Wins 150
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
The ATA said they'd do something with it in a couple of months. And I'm sure there's an actual prize before then.

Perfect Soldier

12,700 Points
  • 50 Wins 150
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Tyinyk, face scratched, hair coverd in ash, and panting heavily, slumped onto a nearby pile of Fluff corpses. He had spent nearly the past two days doing nothing but diving into the battlefield to retrieve eggs. But, after a long, hard battle, the Easter Bunny had seized the day.

as Kira was about to start with the party preperations she noticed a sound from nearby. She turned around and saw a familiar face! A smile appeared on her lips. "Hey buddy!" she yelled, hoping he would notice her while making his way through the carpet of fluff corpses.

Kira herself took off her dirty battle armor, she was relieved she could put the heavy helmet and gun away now.
Looking up, Tyinyk allowed himself a smile, seeing a friend on the battlefield. "Hello there." He said, lifting himself off. "Glad to see you made it out in one peice." He said. He himself had been battling since the great four-way war of Halloween, many years earlier, in which him and his fellow Dark Elves first revealed themselves to the world to defeat the vampires, glompies, and werewolves.

Kira walked ove to him and they shook hands. "yeah, I was lucky this time! Good to see you were too!" She made a hand waving gesture towads the bags she brought. "I got cookies, and a few things to start a party. Was just busy cleaning up here" She looked around again, examining the area. "Well a little dirty still and we should get rid of those dead fluffs, but what do you think? In the mood for a victory celebration?" Kira could not surpress a proud grin. she knew how hard these battles could be and she only needed to look into his eyes to see he was a fighter too. she got back to work on further party preperations..

"I'm always in the mood for a victory party." Tyinyk said, kicking a Fluff corpse out of his way. "There are still a good amount of functioning Rabbots, and I don't think the big man would mind if we used a couple."

Kira nodded. "yes, maybe he will even join us^^" she grinned again and together they got the rabbots to helpm them cleaning up the place...
"I wonder if some of our other comrades will return once more to party with us?"
Well, that's probably likely." Tyinyk said, clearing some more Fluff out of the way. "But it was a long battle, they're probably resting."

Spicy Treasure-Seeker

36,740 Points
  • Nova Novice 100
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100
Kirana Azadju

Kira nodded. "yes, maybe he will even join us^^" she grinned again and together they got the rabbots to helpm them cleaning up the place...
"I wonder if some of our other comrades will return once more to party with us?"
Well, that's probably likely." Tyinyk said, clearing some more Fluff out of the way. "But it was a long battle, they're probably resting."

"mhmm yeah they should rest, they deserve it" she carried awaya few fluff corpses and then started to get a few chairs together. "But I felt responsible to return here and check the place. I still feel sorry I couldnt fight next to you guys until the end. But well.. you rocked them, so happy time now!"

Perfect Soldier

12,700 Points
  • 50 Wins 150
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju

Kira nodded. "yes, maybe he will even join us^^" she grinned again and together they got the rabbots to helpm them cleaning up the place...
"I wonder if some of our other comrades will return once more to party with us?"
Well, that's probably likely." Tyinyk said, clearing some more Fluff out of the way. "But it was a long battle, they're probably resting."

"mhmm yeah they should rest, they deserve it" she carried awaya few fluff corpses and then started to get a few chairs together. "But I felt responsible to return here and check the place. I still feel sorry I couldnt fight next to you guys until the end. But well.. you rocked them, so happy time now!"

"Indeed it is." Tyinyk said, pulling off his chestplate, and throwing his coat back on. Dialing his Nano-C back to it's Ion-Cannon form, he slung it over his back and unfolded a table, before putting some chairs around it. "Of course, there will be some stragglers, there always are, but I think the Easter Bunny is out finishing them off."

Spicy Treasure-Seeker

36,740 Points
  • Nova Novice 100
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju

Kira nodded. "yes, maybe he will even join us^^" she grinned again and together they got the rabbots to helpm them cleaning up the place...
"I wonder if some of our other comrades will return once more to party with us?"
Well, that's probably likely." Tyinyk said, clearing some more Fluff out of the way. "But it was a long battle, they're probably resting."

"mhmm yeah they should rest, they deserve it" she carried awaya few fluff corpses and then started to get a few chairs together. "But I felt responsible to return here and check the place. I still feel sorry I couldnt fight next to you guys until the end. But well.. you rocked them, so happy time now!"

"Indeed it is." Tyinyk said, pulling off his chestplate, and throwing his coat back on. Dialing his Nano-C back to it's Ion-Cannon form, he slung it over his back and unfolded a table, before putting some chairs around it. "Of course, there will be some stragglers, there always are, but I think the Easter Bunny is out finishing them off."

Kira nodded, a little distracted as she got cups and plates off her bag and put them on the table. "yeah most likely we will have to celebrate without him."
The atmosphere was much brighter already, without the dead fluffs and the destroyed rabbots. The dust seemed to move away too and the place grew more hospitable slowly..

"It's good to have another elf around" Kira said still busy carrying things, "we are not exactly the same kind, but ... it feels good^^"

Perfect Soldier

12,700 Points
  • 50 Wins 150
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
Kirana Azadju
Kira nodded, a little distracted as she got cups and plates off her bag and put them on the table. "yeah most likely we will have to celebrate without him."
The atmosphere was much brighter already, without the dead fluffs and the destroyed rabbots. The dust seemed to move away too and the place grew more hospitable slowly..

"It's good to have another elf around" Kira said still busy carrying things, "we are not exactly the same kind, but ... it feels good^^"
"Indeed." Tyinyk said, aving away the tiny Rabbot that had been following him for a while. "I haven't seen many Elves since the Kuros took the city." Sitting down, he retrieved a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth.

Spicy Treasure-Seeker

36,740 Points
  • Nova Novice 100
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100
Kirana Azadju
Kira nodded, a little distracted as she got cups and plates off her bag and put them on the table. "yeah most likely we will have to celebrate without him."
The atmosphere was much brighter already, without the dead fluffs and the destroyed rabbots. The dust seemed to move away too and the place grew more hospitable slowly..

"It's good to have another elf around" Kira said still busy carrying things, "we are not exactly the same kind, but ... it feels good^^"
"Indeed." Tyinyk said, aving away the tiny Rabbot that had been following him for a while. "I haven't seen many Elves since the Kuros took the city." Sitting down, he retrieved a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth.

"You belong to them?" she asked, getting a cookie herself while puting some decoration on. "I did not support him in the fight back then, I dont know what he really is up to, but a world with him as the only ruler? Sorry, but no..." she went over to him and took a seat next to him. "Although I am also not really a supporter of the vampires...who knows, maybe they will strike back this year on halloween"

Perfect Soldier

12,700 Points
  • 50 Wins 150
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Kira nodded, a little distracted as she got cups and plates off her bag and put them on the table. "yeah most likely we will have to celebrate without him."
The atmosphere was much brighter already, without the dead fluffs and the destroyed rabbots. The dust seemed to move away too and the place grew more hospitable slowly..

"It's good to have another elf around" Kira said still busy carrying things, "we are not exactly the same kind, but ... it feels good^^"
"Indeed." Tyinyk said, aving away the tiny Rabbot that had been following him for a while. "I haven't seen many Elves since the Kuros took the city." Sitting down, he retrieved a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth.

"You belong to them?" she asked, getting a cookie herself while puting some decoration on. "I did not support him in the fight back then, I dont know what he really is up to, but a world with him as the only ruler? Sorry, but no..." she went over to him and took a seat next to him. "Although I am also not really a supporter of the vampires...who knows, maybe they will strike back this year on halloween"
Cocking his eyebrow at her question, he gestured to his whole body. "I'm a dark elf. That means the Kuros are my family. And I can vouch for my family. We were normal elves, just like you, until we were cursed." He said. He was certain that Don Kuro only wanted the best for everyone. Sure, there had been rumors that he was insane, but Franco had personally told Tyinyk that those were untrue.

Spicy Treasure-Seeker

36,740 Points
  • Nova Novice 100
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Kira nodded, a little distracted as she got cups and plates off her bag and put them on the table. "yeah most likely we will have to celebrate without him."
The atmosphere was much brighter already, without the dead fluffs and the destroyed rabbots. The dust seemed to move away too and the place grew more hospitable slowly..

"It's good to have another elf around" Kira said still busy carrying things, "we are not exactly the same kind, but ... it feels good^^"
"Indeed." Tyinyk said, aving away the tiny Rabbot that had been following him for a while. "I haven't seen many Elves since the Kuros took the city." Sitting down, he retrieved a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth.

"You belong to them?" she asked, getting a cookie herself while puting some decoration on. "I did not support him in the fight back then, I dont know what he really is up to, but a world with him as the only ruler? Sorry, but no..." she went over to him and took a seat next to him. "Although I am also not really a supporter of the vampires...who knows, maybe they will strike back this year on halloween"
Cocking his eyebrow at her question, he gestured to his whole body. "I'm a dark elf. That means the Kuros are my family. And I can vouch for my family. We were normal elves, just like you, until we were cursed." He said. He was certain that Don Kuro only wanted the best for everyone. Sure, there had been rumors that he was insane, but Franco had personally told Tyinyk that those were untrue.

"sure.." she said chewing her cookie. "I didnt mean to offend you!"
Looking up into the now blue sky she got lots in thoughts....
after a while she added: "But he is harming anyone, I will help those who want to stop him....
I hope we will not meet as enemies again in the next showdown."

Perfect Soldier

12,700 Points
  • 50 Wins 150
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Seasoned Warrior 250
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Kirana Azadju
Kira nodded, a little distracted as she got cups and plates off her bag and put them on the table. "yeah most likely we will have to celebrate without him."
The atmosphere was much brighter already, without the dead fluffs and the destroyed rabbots. The dust seemed to move away too and the place grew more hospitable slowly..

"It's good to have another elf around" Kira said still busy carrying things, "we are not exactly the same kind, but ... it feels good^^"
"Indeed." Tyinyk said, aving away the tiny Rabbot that had been following him for a while. "I haven't seen many Elves since the Kuros took the city." Sitting down, he retrieved a cookie, stuffing it into his mouth.

"You belong to them?" she asked, getting a cookie herself while puting some decoration on. "I did not support him in the fight back then, I dont know what he really is up to, but a world with him as the only ruler? Sorry, but no..." she went over to him and took a seat next to him. "Although I am also not really a supporter of the vampires...who knows, maybe they will strike back this year on halloween"
Cocking his eyebrow at her question, he gestured to his whole body. "I'm a dark elf. That means the Kuros are my family. And I can vouch for my family. We were normal elves, just like you, until we were cursed." He said. He was certain that Don Kuro only wanted the best for everyone. Sure, there had been rumors that he was insane, but Franco had personally told Tyinyk that those were untrue.

"sure.." she said chewing her cookie. "I didnt mean to offend you!"
Looking up into the now blue sky she got lots in thoughts....
after a while she added: "But he is harming anyone, I will help those who want to stop him....
I hope we will not meet as enemies again in the next showdown."

"One can hope." Tyinyk said, grabbing another cookie. "For me, the moral choice is clear. But I suppose it wouldn't be as easy for an outsider, to see who is right or wrong."

Spicy Treasure-Seeker

36,740 Points
  • Nova Novice 100
  • Battle Hardened 150
  • Treasure Hunter 100

[[OOC: sry I gotta go]]

10,400 Points
  • Bunny Hoarder 150
  • Grunny Grabber 50
  • Peoplewatcher 100
Bookie Bugg
Bookie Bugg


HAHAHAHA OMG that made me laugh! I'm so proud to be part of the Anti-Cute team too. I agree, Diedrich can just take it and go pout in a corner. XP

HAHAHAHHHAHA /coughs/ I think we really need to rest after a long battle, I missed my bed xDD

Probably a good idea. I wasn't thinking of the fact that you probably stayed up waaaaay longer then you should while working on the event. Bed sound like a good idea. XD Off to bed with you~! Goooooooooodnight! See ya~!

Okay you too should have the best rest ever!

I would love to say that I did, but honestly, I woke up at least 10 times briefly with images of the Easter event going through my head before I stopped, told myself it was over, rolled over, and went back to sleep. It was pretty ridiculous, but clearly my sleepy mind couldn't wrap itself around the fact that there wasn't anything else I could do for it haha. I hope you managed to have a good rest of your day, even with how tired you must be/of been. 3nodding heart

Shameless Grabber

where did you see the final tallies?

Dangerous Healer

24,100 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Dragon Master 50
I kinda expected a bit more for the event end than just the mods posting the fluff comic for everyone to see.

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