Welcome to Gaia! ::

Before I go, I've got to know:

Is that what you mean to say? 0.29193664506839 29.2% [ 811 ]
Before I rise to my defense, 0.049676025917927 5.0% [ 138 ]
Before I speak in hurt or fear, 0.05471562275018 5.5% [ 152 ]
Before I build that wall of words, 0.042116630669546 4.2% [ 117 ]
Tell me: did I really hear? 0.10079193664507 10.1% [ 280 ]
Words are windows, or they're walls, 0.09719222462203 9.7% [ 270 ]
They sentence us, or set us free. 0.060835133189345 6.1% [ 169 ]
When I speak and when I hear, 0.029517638588913 3.0% [ 82 ]
Let the love light shine through me. 0.2732181425486 27.3% [ 759 ]
Total Votes:[ 2778 ]

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Greetings, and welcome to Dirty Little Secrets!
We all have secrets. Sometimes, you may feel like your secrets are putting you under a strain and you may feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You may feel like you have so many problems that you just want to scream.
Let DLS be the place where you can let out that scream.
DLS is a safe haven, where you can vent and rid yourself of your secrets, worries and stress.

The original idea of DLS was conceived by a Gaian known as Desirface. She was inspired by the genius of Frank Warren, the creator of Post Secret, and created a thread in which she and others could express their thoughts and emotions in a safe and non-threatening atmosphere.
In time, the thread expanded and grew into something much more.

Nowadays, DLS is a unified and supportive community of people all dealing with their daily dilemmas in a comfortable and non-judgemental environment. Desirface is no longer part of the community, but a team of moderators continue her legacy. The thread has stood the test of time and is here for you.

Please stay, have a look, and discover how DLS can help you.
Thank you for reading, friend. We hope to see you again soon.

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1. Follow Gaia TOS – Gaia has its own moderators, anything they must handle is out of our hands.

Gaia has TOS. Follow it. Any posts found breaking the TOS will be reported to Gaia and handled by them. You will still receive a warning from a DLS moderator, but any further actions will be done by a Gaia staff member.

2. Each post must contain a ‘secret’ – be it an actual secret, relevant song lyrics, venting, or just posting about your day.
The DLS is a public forum, open journal. Post here whatever you feel you must, within the limits set by the Gaia TOS and the rules listed here. And please, don't just post an emote, as that is also considered spam/bump.

3. Keep the peace – DO NOT negatively vaguepost about other users or pick fights, and if you have a problem with another user -> Contact a DLS Mod.

IF FOUND BREAKING THIS RULE, harsher punishments will be given. We have zero tolerance against vagueposting,
and we're making it very clear that it won't be tolerated here.


If your post contains things that might be sensitive, if your post is going to be long, if you think it contains any sort of heavy topic, please use spoilers/use white font/use tiny font! We cannot stress this enough.

5. Users may not quote other users to have a conversation in this thread. A post may be quoted if you feel it is relatable, but all conversations must happen outside thread.

Self-explanatory. Don't have conversations in thread, that is all.

6. Warning System - Three Strikes, You're out!

Users will be given at maximum three warnings for breaking the above rules before they are banned, depending on the severity their actions. Warnings will be color coded according to the moderator who sent them.
Holding direct conversations within the threads OR bumping will now:
Either be issued one warning and that's it, or immediate banning.
It's 2020, read and follow the very few rules we have.

**If, at any point in time, you see someone breaking a rule that seems to have been missed by a moderator - please send a message to any moderator, or PM the Face account. We will occasionally miss things. We aren't always online! So if you see something inappropriate happening, we urge you to contact us so we can better know what's going on.
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May, 2024

Just a brief reminder that while we enjoy community, connections, and friendship, DLS is still not a hangout thread.
Additionally, there's been a lot of unnecessary drama behind the scenes that has been brought to our attention as well, so keep yourselves safe and let us know if anything is amiss.
Sending love your way. heart

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

Hey, everyone!

We're posting a disclosure here due to recent events happening.
First: REMINDER! This is the only DLS thread on Gaia that is moderated. There is another old one that is still active, but we do not monitor or have anything to do with that. If you post there, we can't do anything about drama or people seeing your posts.

Secondly: If you know people are going to stalk your posts or be weird, or they suddenly get weird, please block them and let the Moderators know so we can ban them from the thread. We can only do so much in keeping people from seeing your posts, especially if we aren't aware.

Thirdly: Consider utilizing the DLS Discord. Rain & Misa both screen anyone who enters to make sure they're not banned from this thread/not going to cause drama/they're vetted. It is more private and quiet in the Discord, and people cannot stalk your posts there like they can on Gaia via mules.

Take care, be safe, and reach out whenever necessary.
heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart

Tuesday, January 31st, 2023

Hey you guys!

This is just a minor update to bring clarity as the question has been asked a couple of times:
This is the only DLS thread that is actively moderated/does not permit drama. Any other DLS thread is either one from the far past, or one that people (who have been banned from this one) have taken over for their own purposes. As you can see, Rain and I are still quite active and try to handle any concerns/issues that arise here. For further clarification, we always have the "announcement (insert date)" part in our thread title. cat_3nodding
Hope everyone has had a kind start to the year! Wishing everyone the best!

heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart

Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

Hiya DLS! Just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder that if you don't have your PMs set up properly to allow us to PM you back, we cannot reply to what you send us!

✪Rainier Silke✪

Monday, January 7th, 2019

Good Morning DLS! I'd like to issue a reminder for a couple of rules!

1. We've had a lot of problems lately with others responding to a fellow dlser's post. We understand that you may want to show support, but it does break rule number 3 If you'd like to show your support, leave them a crush tag comment! Or send them a PM.

2. Another issue we've been noticing is the amount of vague posting increasing. To avoid bringing ANY drama into the thread, negative vague posting is not allowed.

If you are seen doing any of these things, we will issue you a warning.In addition, if you see anyone else doing these things, or think we missed something, please don't hesitate to message a moderator directly or Faceophilia-2

✪Rainier Silke✪

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

Hey ya'll~!

This announcement isn't coming as a fun one, but it needs to be made.
From this point on: all touchy subjects and NSFW posts absolutely, 100%, must be put in spoilers AND/OR white font.
With Tumblr turning into a SFW zone, and the deletion of the Spank and Lap threads, we don't know what Gaia might be hitting next, and we want to keep this place as safe as possible for you who decide to remain on here.
We also have a private guild if that interests you as well. And as always, there is our Discord.
Please continue to follow Gaia's TOS and our own rules here, Rain and I appreciate it all.

heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart 🖤 heart

Monday, November 12th, 2018

Hey guys!

As of today, I'm officially stepping down as head mod. My life is picking up speed and I no longer have the amount of time to devote to thread and the community that I think you all deserve. I joined ModSquad nearly two years ago to help with the mass clean-up that at the time was necessary to keep the community running and to ensure that our regulars had somewhere they could vent and be comfortable. I think that we succeeded in that at least, and now I am comfortable passing that torch onto our current moderators. I would just like to say that I am always available through our DLS discord, or PM should anyone need my attention or help.

Misanthropic Majesty has been selected as our new Head Moderator, so please treat her with the same respect that you had both myself and Gabs these past few years.

Be good everyone, and please to keep DLS the wonderful Gaian Gem that is has been for all these years.

Lots of love,

Current poll song Quote: ]Words Are Windows (Or They're Walls)by Ruth Bebermeyer

User ImageUser Image
Misanthropic Majesty
xxxxRainier Silke

Old DLS Thread 1 / Old DLS Thread 2


User Image DLS Discord


Discord does require a mod to authorize you to be able to join the actual chat rooms.
You will have to PM Faceophilia-2 or a mod directly once you join our server to be brought in fully
We reserve the right to decline in order to keep things in good hands.
Thank you
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Hello everyone! Tipping events are going to be an ongoing thing from now on. Instead of having a tipping event hourly, you may only see Face's mule post once or twice with something to tip. First person to tip wins a nice little gift. Here are the rules!

gaia_gaiagold XAgain, first person to tip the post wins.
gaia_gaiagold XThis event is for DLSers only, which means only people within this thread will receive prizes for tipping posts.
gaia_gaiagold XYou can only win a prize once per day! This is to keep things fair and give everyone a chance to win something!
gaia_gaiagold XWhen you win a prize, a moderator will edit the post so that everyone knows that prize is no longer available. The prize will then be gifted to you from the Face mule account.
gaia_gaiagold XUsing mules to tip posts and gain extra prizes is not allowed.
gaia_gaiagold XCausing tension in the thread because you missed out on winning a prize will not be tolerated.
gaia_gaiagold XThis is a fun event, so let's make it a fun place for every DLSer!
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This post is a list of DLSers who are having a birthday this month! We encourage you to send some love to the birthday guest in any way you feel you'd like to (crush tags, PMs, gifts).
Each month this list will be updated. (Sorry we haven't been on top of this as much) If you aren't on the list, please send a PM to Faceophilia-2 and we will happily add you to it!

If you have a December birthday and want yours put up here, message Face or a Mod!

**If 🎁 appears beside a DLSer's name, it means this user will accept gifts on Gaia if another DLSer wants to send one**

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