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art 0.41843971631206 41.8% [ 177 ]
music 0.073286052009456 7.3% [ 31 ]
food 0.21276595744681 21.3% [ 90 ]
stories 0.29550827423168 29.6% [ 125 ]
Total Votes:[ 423 ]


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet candy. Jujubes cake croissant apple pie gummies pie. Topping jujubes soufflé jujubes sugar plum. Bear claw pie muffin tiramisu macaroon caramels lollipop sweet roll. Powder sweet jelly pie toffee sesame snaps jujubes. Croissant brownie jelly ice cream cotton candy. Powder jujubes marshmallow biscuit chocolate cake. Ice cream dessert powder candy canes ice cream sugar plum tart shortbread tiramisu. Wafer toffee sweet roll candy canes cotton candy lollipop. Macaroon jelly beans tootsie roll sweet roll pie halvah apple pie halvah marzipan. Dragée tootsie roll tiramisu lollipop jelly beans oat cake bonbon. Chupa chups tiramisu tart gummi bears bonbon tootsie roll.
Chocolate chocolate bar cotton candy tiramisu tart danish toffee shortbread bear claw. Gingerbread jelly tootsie roll dessert cake fruitcake jelly beans. Pudding ice cream pudding toffee chupa chups fruitcake cookie cake gingerbread. Oat cake chocolate cake pudding jelly-o cake. Fruitcake ice cream chocolate muffin donut gingerbread sesame snaps. Dragée jelly-o cake tiramisu sweet cheesecake danish. Apple pie lollipop bear claw macaroon sugar plum croissant macaroon pastry jelly. Chupa chups chocolate cake marzipan dessert donut topping toffee caramels marzipan. Candy canes halvah brownie marshmallow bear claw pastry marshmallow bear claw. Gingerbread dragée sesame snaps candy soufflé. Brownie gingerbread marshmallow jelly beans pastry topping biscuit. Gummies donut sweet tart ice cream. Ice cream oat cake danish cookie sweet roll bonbon muffin.
Tootsie roll chocolate ice cream cheesecake sweet roll. Jelly candy pie tiramisu candy gingerbread. Cotton candy cotton candy lollipop jujubes chocolate. Soufflé cookie carrot cake lollipop powder brownie. Oat cake cookie shortbread jelly-o candy canes soufflé. Oat cake chocolate cake jelly beans bear claw ice cream dragée cotton candy wafer. Pudding tootsie roll tootsie roll fruitcake donut shortbread gummies chocolate bar. Icing ice cream tart chocolate tart powder wafer. Cake oat cake gummi bears chocolate cake dragée ice cream. Ice cream dragée tootsie roll dessert pastry brownie candy canes. Sugar plum liquorice ice cream halvah tart carrot cake lollipop topping jelly-o. Pie dessert cookie apple pie tootsie roll lemon drops cupcake brownie. Oat cake pastry cookie jelly brownie.
Cotton candy donut sugar plum tart gummies toffee jelly chocolate bar apple pie. Apple pie caramels dessert toffee jujubes lollipop macaroon pie jelly-o. Liquorice caramels donut cotton candy pastry bear claw chocolate cake. Lollipop sweet roll donut chocolate cake toffee cheesecake cake. Bonbon brownie shortbread jujubes jelly tiramisu. Jelly candy marzipan gummies chocolate muffin marshmallow toffee dragée. Brownie tart candy croissant fruitcake tart. Chocolate cake cupcake jelly-o pastry cookie cheesecake oat cake sweet. Muffin lemon drops sweet bear claw cookie. Oat cake apple pie pudding cookie danish bear claw. Oat cake sweet roll cupcake sugar plum shortbread. Sesame snaps gummies apple pie biscuit marshmallow. Cake chocolate cake candy gingerbread croissant apple pie chocolate.
Jelly-o toffee donut tart tootsie roll. Candy halvah sweet macaroon ice cream tiramisu. Dragée pastry liquorice oat cake ice cream bonbon liquorice marzipan. Sweet jujubes brownie bear claw cheesecake. Ice cream ice cream pudding muffin bonbon caramels chocolate cake chupa chups. Bear claw sesame snaps muffin jelly oat cake shortbread. Gingerbread chupa chups cake chocolate powder pastry sugar plum. Macaroon bonbon lollipop danish cotton candy jelly-o jelly beans cake jelly-o. Cookie ice cream lollipop liquorice soufflé. Chocolate cake chupa chups shortbread pastry jujubes danish candy sugar plum. Tiramisu dessert cake muffin candy cookie soufflé. Pastry candy fruitcake soufflé pudding sweet dessert tart.
Fruitcake muffin gummies tart sesame snaps dessert. Jujubes donut oat cake gummi bears marzipan liquorice fruitcake. Chocolate pie tiramisu fruitcake sugar plum toffee pastry. Muffin candy canes danish wafer halvah soufflé brownie gummi bears. Soufflé chocolate cake pie gummies powder sesame snaps. Oat cake bonbon caramels cupcake fruitcake. Sesame snaps cake cheesecake tiramisu biscuit. Cookie icing chupa chups candy canes jelly bonbon. Cookie pastry cookie pastry chocolate bar. Donut powder lemon drops marzipan sesame snaps icing chupa chups dragée. Tootsie roll tiramisu chocolate cake tootsie roll cupcake.
Did u get the $10?

Nah, to least not yet :/


sorry i've been inundated with work, family, and holiday shenanigans!!!

private message me whatever you'd like (paypal, venmo, cashapp)!

you're so awesome 3nodding

send me that DM cause your prof is private :~(

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet candy. Jujubes cake croissant apple pie gummies pie. Topping jujubes soufflé jujubes sugar plum. Bear claw pie muffin tiramisu macaroon caramels lollipop sweet roll. Powder sweet jelly pie toffee sesame snaps jujubes. Croissant brownie jelly ice cream cotton candy. Powder jujubes marshmallow biscuit chocolate cake. Ice cream dessert powder candy canes ice cream sugar plum tart shortbread tiramisu. Wafer toffee sweet roll candy canes cotton candy lollipop. Macaroon jelly beans tootsie roll sweet roll pie halvah apple pie halvah marzipan. Dragée tootsie roll tiramisu lollipop jelly beans oat cake bonbon. Chupa chups tiramisu tart gummi bears bonbon tootsie roll.
Chocolate chocolate bar cotton candy tiramisu tart danish toffee shortbread bear claw. Gingerbread jelly tootsie roll dessert cake fruitcake jelly beans. Pudding ice cream pudding toffee chupa chups fruitcake cookie cake gingerbread. Oat cake chocolate cake pudding jelly-o cake. Fruitcake ice cream chocolate muffin donut gingerbread sesame snaps. Dragée jelly-o cake tiramisu sweet cheesecake danish. Apple pie lollipop bear claw macaroon sugar plum croissant macaroon pastry jelly. Chupa chups chocolate cake marzipan dessert donut topping toffee caramels marzipan. Candy canes halvah brownie marshmallow bear claw pastry marshmallow bear claw. Gingerbread dragée sesame snaps candy soufflé. Brownie gingerbread marshmallow jelly beans pastry topping biscuit. Gummies donut sweet tart ice cream. Ice cream oat cake danish cookie sweet roll bonbon muffin.
Tootsie roll chocolate ice cream cheesecake sweet roll. Jelly candy pie tiramisu candy gingerbread. Cotton candy cotton candy lollipop jujubes chocolate. Soufflé cookie carrot cake lollipop powder brownie. Oat cake cookie shortbread jelly-o candy canes soufflé. Oat cake chocolate cake jelly beans bear claw ice cream dragée cotton candy wafer. Pudding tootsie roll tootsie roll fruitcake donut shortbread gummies chocolate bar. Icing ice cream tart chocolate tart powder wafer. Cake oat cake gummi bears chocolate cake dragée ice cream. Ice cream dragée tootsie roll dessert pastry brownie candy canes. Sugar plum liquorice ice cream halvah tart carrot cake lollipop topping jelly-o. Pie dessert cookie apple pie tootsie roll lemon drops cupcake brownie. Oat cake pastry cookie jelly brownie.
Cotton candy donut sugar plum tart gummies toffee jelly chocolate bar apple pie. Apple pie caramels dessert toffee jujubes lollipop macaroon pie jelly-o. Liquorice caramels donut cotton candy pastry bear claw chocolate cake. Lollipop sweet roll donut chocolate cake toffee cheesecake cake. Bonbon brownie shortbread jujubes jelly tiramisu. Jelly candy marzipan gummies chocolate muffin marshmallow toffee dragée. Brownie tart candy croissant fruitcake tart. Chocolate cake cupcake jelly-o pastry cookie cheesecake oat cake sweet. Muffin lemon drops sweet bear claw cookie. Oat cake apple pie pudding cookie danish bear claw. Oat cake sweet roll cupcake sugar plum shortbread. Sesame snaps gummies apple pie biscuit marshmallow. Cake chocolate cake candy gingerbread croissant apple pie chocolate.
Jelly-o toffee donut tart tootsie roll. Candy halvah sweet macaroon ice cream tiramisu. Dragée pastry liquorice oat cake ice cream bonbon liquorice marzipan. Sweet jujubes brownie bear claw cheesecake. Ice cream ice cream pudding muffin bonbon caramels chocolate cake chupa chups. Bear claw sesame snaps muffin jelly oat cake shortbread. Gingerbread chupa chups cake chocolate powder pastry sugar plum. Macaroon bonbon lollipop danish cotton candy jelly-o jelly beans cake jelly-o. Cookie ice cream lollipop liquorice soufflé. Chocolate cake chupa chups shortbread pastry jujubes danish candy sugar plum. Tiramisu dessert cake muffin candy cookie soufflé. Pastry candy fruitcake soufflé pudding sweet dessert tart.
Fruitcake muffin gummies tart sesame snaps dessert. Jujubes donut oat cake gummi bears marzipan liquorice fruitcake. Chocolate pie tiramisu fruitcake sugar plum toffee pastry. Muffin candy canes danish wafer halvah soufflé brownie gummi bears. Soufflé chocolate cake pie gummies powder sesame snaps. Oat cake bonbon caramels cupcake fruitcake. Sesame snaps cake cheesecake tiramisu biscuit. Cookie icing chupa chups candy canes jelly bonbon. Cookie pastry cookie pastry chocolate bar. Donut powder lemon drops marzipan sesame snaps icing chupa chups dragée. Tootsie roll tiramisu chocolate cake tootsie roll cupcake.
Did u get the $10?

Nah, to least not yet :/


sorry i've been inundated with work, family, and holiday shenanigans!!!

private message me whatever you'd like (paypal, venmo, cashapp)!

you're so awesome 3nodding

Hey, no worries dude it's holiday season so everyones busy~

Oh uh, i just though it was gonna be $10 in gcash :0 I don't think we can do real life money according to ToS

Wintry Soldier

42,715 Points
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Eloquent Regular

5,300 Points
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Feral Diedrich

Conservative Genius

32,750 Points
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i'm almost done writing my new book *punches the sky*

Feral Diedrich

i'm almost done writing my new book *punches the sky*


Alien Receiver

Part of me knows this is a dead thread and I should let it die, but the nostalgia.

Also, I sold my house and moved to California officially.

Got a new job, already planning on quitting in a few months because bored.

Feral Diedrich

Part of me knows this is a dead thread and I should let it die, but the nostalgia.

Also, I sold my house and moved to California officially.

Got a new job, already planning on quitting in a few months because bored.

Yay, welcome to California!

Dangerous Dabbler

37,325 Points
  • Gaian 50
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  • Person of Interest 200

Dapper Fatcat

8,125 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Brandisher 100
Part of me knows this is a dead thread and I should let it die, but the nostalgia.

Also, I sold my house and moved to California officially.

Got a new job, already planning on quitting in a few months because bored.
I check in here like once a year!

Also, congrats on the move to California

Partying Gaian

9,050 Points
  • Partygoer 500
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  • Expert Skill 150
omg wow officially ~impressed~ with the history of this thread. I subscribed to it who knows when, got a notification, and re-read the first post (which is hilarious). Good on you all for keeping this ship afloat emotion_rainbow

Alien Receiver

Part of me knows this is a dead thread and I should let it die, but the nostalgia.

Also, I sold my house and moved to California officially.

Got a new job, already planning on quitting in a few months because bored.
I check in here like once a year!

Also, congrats on the move to California


It's expensive af but it's been nice so far!

Tho not planning on sticking around for very long. Just needed to get out of montana and an opportunity arose. 3nodding

Dapper Fatcat

8,125 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Brandisher 100
Part of me knows this is a dead thread and I should let it die, but the nostalgia.

Also, I sold my house and moved to California officially.

Got a new job, already planning on quitting in a few months because bored.
I check in here like once a year!

Also, congrats on the move to California


It's expensive af but it's been nice so far!

Tho not planning on sticking around for very long. Just needed to get out of montana and an opportunity arose. 3nodding

Still, pretty cool to take on those chances to move around and get experience, and getting out of MT.

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