Welcome to Gaia! ::

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somehow your here,
my Quest & hangout thread.

Ah, no, hey don't leave...
It's not that your not unwelcome, its just unexpected of you to show up here, seeing as no one ever comes to my quest threads. Anyway, since your here guess i better explain some stuff huh? Well, as you might already know, This is my Quest & Hangout thread, this is where i'm going to be questing various items, avi-art, holding contests and other fun thingys.

huh?..ugh...hang one sec..
shuffle shuffle....shuffle shuffle....
unnnnnnn.....okaaay...that was weird...anyway..oh...your still here, right well than...ah yes...

wait a tic'....where was i...*looks up*..oh yeah..*facepalm*

So what's this place for, well, in this post you're going to find the usual Introductory blunder and Bussel you always find in a thread.

I've been a long time Gaian on multiple accounts over the years, been through my fare shares of hacks and times of hiatus. Over those years, i never really accumulated alot of the items that i turely wanted. So i've decided to make an old fashioned Quest & hangout thread. In said thread.

I'll Shall quest the art, far and wide on Gaia; i've always wanted alot of avi art when i was a nooblet on Gaia. Most other people really wanted super rare items, or cool things for their houses when those came out. I on the other hand was obsessed with seeing peoples' interpretations of my avatar. so if your up to the task of Drawing my avitar, hit me up.

We'll discuss chance; which will consist of a range from skill and luck based quzzies, to purely Gaian Tech. related possibility Contests. You know the sort, Bumping contests galore, Skys bursting with the Random Numbers, Craps Dice scattered on the floor, and the scattering of random polls throughout the ages.

There will be a constant update of which item of discussion is the hottest, What avi looks the best in the thread.

!This is the place to be!

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Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:27 pm - Grand opening

Table Of Contents
Heads of relations
Current topics of Heated Discussion
White List
Black List
Random Donation Dairy
Avi Art
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Okay, so yeah, lemme lay down a few rules of conduct that people have to abide by while in this thread.

1. Obey Gaian ToS
2. Be Curtious to new comers to the thread
3. Be respectful of the moderators
4. Have fun - (this is a requirement)
5. Be be aware of the announcments, as they will be informing you of changes and updates in the thread
6. When making a donation please label the trade "Donation From (insert name here)"
7. When you manage to win something from a contest please send a PM to IBR
[color=cyan]I've WON SOMETHING! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!![/color]
[b]Page which you won on:[/b]
[b]Which Contest were you in:[/b]

requesting your prize, since i do have a life outside of gaia and i do alot of other stuff ON gaia, i'm not always able to tell who wins what.
8. DON'T FIGHT - don't drag your political views and/or religious views into the arguments. Any such happenings and those involved will be banned from the thread.
9. If your posting with a post style, please be sure to check it's size, we don't want streched pages people...
10. DO NOT SPAM!!!!!
11. DO NOT QUOTE THE FIRST PAGE OF POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Respect these people and they'll give you a good time.

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- Internal Balance Reborn

The creator of the thread, and the one who slashes customers with his sword of generosity.
He is wildly random, loves to laugh and finds joy in very simple things.

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- Miss Maan Mei

One of the fine mods for the thread of "The Official IBR Quest/Charity & Hangout Thread".
She is friendly, loves to chit-chat and loves anything that is pink or blue.

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- Asian Member

2nd Mod of the Thread. Ive been here since page two. I would like to have more people in the Thread. I like to Chat and Have Fun.
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this is where we'll be keeping a close eye on the latest and juiciest conversations. so feel free to hop straight to the page it starts on.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------HURRAH TO YOU!!!!-------------------------------------------------------------------
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------SHAME ON YOU!!!!-------------------------------------------------------------------

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~--I'm the knight of broken dreams and crushed hopes. I return from the despair with hope in hand--~

I've been a Gaian since my freshman year of highschool, which was....*pauses to count on fingers* ...5 years ago. I've had several accounts on gaian, including the original Internal Balance account. It was hacked, forcing me to be reborn...all for the better. Anyway, i've always wanted a Quest&Hangout thread that didn't look like crap ...cause i've seen a few that do. so i waited a while. now, just seemed the time to start one up.

The Story of IBR:
I'm a weird kind of guy. I'm a huge fan of women, so that makes me straight. I've been known to make weird noises when walking, thinking, doing work and pretty much any other activity. I'm addicted to music. I Believe that music is the path to heaven...thats right, no one gets to heaven without finidng their lifes story sung through the stars.
I've been a firm believer in the sense that no one person needs to conscript themself to a single relgion since i was 8, therefore i broke away from christainity and went searching for the voice. I found it in the form of the pagan gods.(which would make me Norse) They are my form of Jesus. If people have a problem with that, fine. Just don't argue the topic with me, i'll kick you in the nuts, because its stupid and we should just get along.

I'm a big fan of Napoleonic Warfare, Anything and Everything that has to do with Napoleon and his conquest for France, i'm in to it. I Plan on Writing/Drawing/Animating a revisiting of the Battle of Waterloo, for future generations to examine and use as material as to how our people fought back in those days. From Corsica to St. Helena, Napoleons life is one to be studied carefully for me. He's my hero.

Yes, i'm a fan of anime. anyone who tells you otherwise lies through their teeth. I will not post which anime's i like however, due to the fact that there are many and i'm lazy. I will however, tell you that my
Current Favorite Anime is non other than "Durarara"

I'm Currently in College for Liberal Arts, but i'm switching my major to Adolescent education/English as a Second Language/Japanese. I'm hoping to be able to get into programs that will be able to send me to japan so i can being teaching in schools over there. Programs availble through my college at the momement only go to china, Which is acceptable but its still not japan. However, i'd love to discuss this more with people. Share stories, get information...the whole kit n' kabodle.

I guess that's really all there is to know about me.....i think...OH YEAH!! I FORGOT....BIG thing you people need to know...


....no i don't think you understand me...

I heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart TO DONATE

so do you best to be noticed in this place, and i can garuntee that you'll get something in return.
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I've been addicted to donating more than if usual for a person on gaia. So this is where i'll keep track of the victims my sword of Generosity.

I shall also keep track of who is kind enough to donate to me, here as well.

Donations Made
Asian Member - 1st donation - Awarded 20k!
Asian Member - 2nd donation - Awareded 20k!
Asian Krew - 3rd donation - Awarded 105k!

Donations Recieved
Drache-Lehre -- heart 1st Squishie: heart Gwee The Flying Dragon
xXLightning Bug AddictXx -- heart 2nd Squishie: heart Chanho the Tiger Plushie
B R A I N -- heart 1st item recieved from conquest of awe Nitemare Scarf

Vendetta Donations Recieved
Asian Member - 5000Gold
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The Conquest for Items & the Battle for Squishies

In this post you'll obtain an understanding of the Empire of Items and a vast landscape of Gaian possessions i wish to control. Seeing as i'm almost always adding things to my wish list, and never being able to stick to a single main item of interest. I've decided to just display the aforementioned wish list for people to view.

Personal Vendetta

My hatred for this item burns with the passion of a thousand suns, over five accounts, and 8 years. I am Attempting to attain this Dreadful item. Any help will be most greatly appreciated.

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IBR's Main Battle For Squishies

This is where i shall battle the rage of donations and working up gold towards my goal of owning certain Squishies on gaia. You might be wondering, 'what is a Squishie? is it a Plushie?' well in that case you'd be both right and wrong. A Squishie is a plushie which is beyond adorable and therefore becomes a Squishie. Basicly a super plushie.

1st Squishie
User Image -- Donated By: xXLightning Bug AddictXx

2nd Squishie
User Image -- Donated By: Drache-Lehre heart

3rd Squishie
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4th Squishie
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IBRs' Avatar's Rise to FreeDom
This is my Newest Addition to my quests.
It's my rise to FreeDom avatar Quest. Here is where i'll keep track of my progress to attaining this devestatingly awesome avi.

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[Item Information]

Item List:
Fremere's Guard
Yang Tech
Gogh Reed
Yang Tech
Yin & Yang Sprites
Lumiere Noire
Dédé the Husky

Avant Crowne
Avant Crowne
Yin Tech
Checkered Nightmare
Checkered Nightmare
Checkered Nightmare
Checkered Nightmare
Zephyr Tasset
Zephyr Tasset

IBR's Conquest Of Awe

I will be Questing These items throughout the threads existence, these will be the sole cause of my sudden invasion.

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In this post, you'll either will or will not, participate in a test of wight, chance and randomness, as you place your bets, make your marks, roll the dice and pick the cards. There will be several types of contests and more prizes to boot. We'll be holding Bumping, Page, RNG, Avi, Dice and Other sorts of funness.
Please note that all Contests(excluding bumping) will be starting after page 30

When and if you do win something, please let me know by PMing this form to me.
[color=cyan]I've WON SOMETHING! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!![/color]
[b]Page which you won on:[/b]
[b]Which Contest were you in:[/b]

First on the agenda:
Bumping contest

For this competition of patients, drive and quick fingers, you'll be required to reach a certain number of bumps to place in the top 4. Once you have placed, you have the option of playing again immediately at a higher level of competition.

Todays' Special Number (Date: ):
(todays' special number is a random number by chance i pick at random, if i see that number as someone's bump that whole day, they'll get a flower which they can turn in for a selection of prizes*see more below*)
Once all four places have been filled and prizes have been recieved, The Skirmish shall start again. However the number of bumps required for Ground War will be far more.

Number of bumps to win Skirmish: 877
Number of bumps to win Ground War: 1787
Starting Page: 3
Entry Fee: free

Winners blaugh
Skirmish Bump Prizes
1st Place: (Prize:60k
2nd Place. (Prize: 45k
3rd Place. (Prize: 30k
4th Place. (Prize: 15k

Ground War Bump Prizes:
1st Place: (Prize: 160k
2nd Place. (Prize: 145k

Hall OF Fame:
This is where Those Gallant Soldiers of words shall be recognized. Those who perform overdutiful dedication to their work shall be forever Etched in the walls of the thread.

Next on the Agenda:
Page Contests


This race to multiple finish lines is always a good suprize once a thread really gets going. its simple When a certain page is reached the first poster on said page will be the winner of a fabulus small prize.every 10 or 15 pages the first poster on that page will be eligible for a prize

Starting Page: 25


Here, we'll be experiementing with numbers as you slot in a couple of numbers i'll give you and than its a whirlwind game of chance as to who wins. Also, if you win you must wait 7 pages from when you won, before you are allowed to do it again. i will be checking these so don't cheat.

Numbers to punch in
so don't worry, if you didn't win the first time, you can always try again.

1-110: (high priced Item)

9,990-10,000: (even higher priced item)

1.Pg.7 Asian member: Prize: (off his wishlist, Checkmate 2nd Gen.)
2.Pg.44 Asian Krew: Prize: (Grunny)

The next item on the agenda for contests is the:
Musical Meaning Contest

The point and way your complete this contest is find a song you think fits you or means something important to you. Find the specific part of the songs lyrics that is meaningful to you and submit this form via Pm to Internal Balance Reborn with the title (IBR>.<MMC)...

[b]MMC submission::xp: i wanna join in the fun:xp:[/b]
[b]Title of song:[/b]
[b]Meaningful Lyrics:[/b]
[b]Why does this song mean something to you, what connection does it make?:[/b]

For example...
MMC submission: xp i wanna join in the fun xp
Title of song:Pharao
Artist:Freedom call
Meaningful Lyrics: "I'm the river the giver of life
I'm the one, your will to survive
I'm the sun, the source of light
I'm the moon, diamond in the night
I'm the air, the wind and the breeze
I'm the one, the bringer of ease
I'm the the breath of eternity
I'm the hand of destiny

I'm the air, the wind and the breeze
I'm the one, the bringer of ease
I lead your soul to eternity
I set your spirit free"
Why does this song mean something to you, what connection does it make?: This song specifically is one of the songs i listen to to receive religious enlightenment from. I've always been a religious oddity to some because of the fact that my view of religion is sound, rather than text. My personal belief is that you cannot find your way to the gods unless you've found your life sung through the stars. this being said, this song and the lyrics posted are what run through my head whenever i begin or end my prayers. They won't have much meaning to anyone else unless they think similar to me, but to me, its what makes sense, to me, its honoring the gods.

This is an example of what you should fill out of course so keep that in mind. your responses should be anywhere from 3 sentences to a full paragraph(6 sentences). giving description of how the song has meaning to you and what connection it has to you.

all submissions will be posted here, giving you a chance to check out what others have put for their meaningful songs, as to get a better insight into what others in the thread are like.
Winners will be chosen by group vote from mods and myself. we will be getting together to delegate who's submission show's purity and honesty in their meanings.

1.) 1st place; 300k
2.) 2nd place; 150k
3.) 3rd place; 75k

1. -entries:
2. -entries:
3. -entries:
4. -entries:
5. -entries:
6. -entries:
7. -entries:
8. -entries:
9. -entries:
10. -entries:
11. -entries:
12. -entries:
13. -entries:
14. -entries:
15. -entries:

you are restricted to only 10 entries per person, once we reach the limit of 15 people having entered, we will close the contest for debate. and the winners will be announced 24hours after the contest is closed.


In this you'll be pitted against other members of the gaian community to create the most bad A$$ looking avi ever imaginable. Themes and rules will be put in place so that you're creative skills will be tested.



1st Item of buisness:
It was mentioned above that today's special number can earn you some more goddies. Well its true. Here's how it works. This event only comes on when i feel like it. So its not a constant thing.
There are 4 types and colors of flowers i'll be handing out to the people who have the "special number" when TSN occurs. Depending on the color and kind of flower it is, you'll be able to win an item anywhere from 1g all the way to 150k worth. The higher the number in the count the better the flower and so on.

Below are some lists of flower to worth ratios as well as the prizeboxs which tell you what is available to swap in your flower for. Items will change so make sure you keep an eye on it, you might just see something you've been wanting.

(YLWF)Yellow Daffodil - anywhere from 1g-40k
(BRWF)Sunflower - 25k-65k
(WTEF)White Carnation - 50k-90k
(PNKF)Pink Daffodil - 75k-120k (

When you attain the "special number" you'll recieve a trade labeled the name of the flower (YLWF, BRWF ect..) judging from the name of the trade you'll be able to figure out what selection of prizes your available for.

YLWF Prize Exchange

BRWF Prize Exchange

WTEF Prize Exchange

PNKF Prize Exchange

wahmbulance Please note all Prize Exchanges are on HOLD untill i deem it ready to start wahmbulance
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Avi Art

Yup you guessed it, i'm searching for avi art. So...yeah.......... eek ......what? well i mean, hey, you were looking at me weird don't get fussy with me. emo rofl

sorry couldn't help myself.

anyway, i'm looking for all kinds of art of my different avis'. *note* i'll other avis' later on, just because i'm lazy that way* I'm hoping to find a wide variety of styles of avi art. From chibi to regular, from sketch to real life looking...ish. you know what i'm getting at. So hit me up if you wanna draw me.

exclaim exclaim exclaim MANY THANKS TO YOU FOR WONDERFUL ART exclaim exclaim exclaim

Generic Superhero:
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Psychotic and Sugary
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Cing Heartilly
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Art Recieved

basic outline for any avi art order which is made from me to an artist

Order Form:
Username:Internal Balance Reborn
Who It's For: Myself
Items?: only what im wearing
Item List w/ Links to Each of Them:

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Head To Toe

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Head To Toe

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'Unny Family

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GrUNy Jr.:
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'Wee Family

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Background: *sigh* if you want to...go for it, but i'm not really a fan of backgrounds for Gaian avi art
Pose: any kind you want, surprise me
*note* i would like it to be known that i will be offering gold for art of the 'Unny family in seperate & group shots, with some of the items i'm wearing/*
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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/the-offical-ibr-quest-chairty-hangout-thread/t.66494223_1/][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/sylcty.jpg[/IMG][/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/the-offical-ibr-quest-chairty-hangout-thread/t.66494223_1/][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/9fqg43.jpg[/IMG][/url]

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/the-offical-ibr-quest-chairty-hangout-thread/t.66494223_1/][IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/fktitd.jpg[/IMG][/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/the-offical-ibr-quest-chairty-hangout-thread/t.66494223_1/][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/14izuk5.jpg[/IMG][/url]

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/the-offical-ibr-quest-chairty-hangout-thread/t.66494223_1/][IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/33487s6.jpg[/IMG][/url] [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/the-offical-ibr-quest-chairty-hangout-thread/t.66494223_1/][IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/34rhydh.jpg[/IMG][/url]


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This is place where i shall vent all my passion for the one person on this site who makes me feel secure. The one who makes me feel like a little kid in love when i see her.

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Miss Maan Mei

Mon May 31, 2010 @ 07:51pm
honestly, the only thing i can say is that she was the most beautiful personalitied woman i will ever have the honor of meeting online, in real life, in anyway shape or form.

its just a pitty that i can't be with her for the remainder of my time on this planet. for my time is closing quickly, and i fear that the rest of this miserable world will take advantage of her.

Tue June 20, 2010 @ 5:23pm
What does love Actualy look like? not many can answer this question, i can.
Love looks like the love in ones eyes as you gaze at her
Love looks like the overly painful feeling in your chest when you hear their name
Love looks like the very ground you walk on when going to meet them
Love looks like the earth circular in its existence and complete in its cycle

Thur Oct 21, 2010 @ 2:58pm
it is said that few things can within stand the test of time and the shifting between lives. Many people beleve this statement. probably due to the fact that they can no longer remember their previous lives. This saddens me, but also makes me glad that i am able to remember the loves from previous lives. Loves that, unlike current relationships, need not be tested by how one physically remembers someone, but rather how one is remembered by their personality. so needless to say, in this age of technology, one can easily gauge another personality by a few simple words posted on a site.
This describes how i feel about her. There really is little else to be said about it, apart from my memory serves me well enough to know when i've had a connection with a soul from previous centuries. love can withstand the test of time.
(using letters untill i can find art for a sign)

this section will be cordoned off for use of promotions of the creator and the mods. Mini-shops, Threads, Polls, anything and everything for our use.

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