Welcome to Gaia! ::

We need a new Poll. How's this?

OMFG YAAAAAAY! [Err...] 0.31325301204819 31.3% [ 26 ]
-.- Waited long enough, didn't you? [Butbututbut...you love me D=] 0.25301204819277 25.3% [ 21 ]
Just gimmie my cookie and I'm happy. 0.43373493975904 43.4% [ 36 ]
Total Votes:[ 83 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 308 309 310 > >> >>> »|

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Welcome! This Charity is dedicated to Viktor, also known as Handmade God. Wonderfully generous and an awesome friend, he will be missed. <3
So, step inside, and join us in our Charity!


Sorry, guys. I don't know what it is...but although I miss Gaia, and seeing the place again really makes me wish to stay, I can't garuntee it. So, I am temporarily closing the Charity until I am on often enough to ensure that those of you who stayed for donations recieve them. You all deserve better than that, and I apologize for this. If I come back...Which I do hope to do...I'll re-open the place. Feel free to stay and talk. If you would rather move on, I understand. Thank you for the support! I'll see you around. smile

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Feb. 28, 2008
Look who isn't dead. xD I can't even say how much it means to me that you guys have stuck even though I vanished. It isn't all about me, I know--but it still means a lot to come back to the same friendly people. However, for those of you who have been here for a little while, in case of future vanishings, feel free to pm me; I'll give you an e-mail you may reach me at. For some reason, the joy fell out of Gaia for me. However, since this Charity isn't about me,, I'll try to be here whenever possible. Thank you!
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Dec. 23, 2007
Ha! First update in quite a while. Sorry, guys. I've been in a hole sweatdrop But now that I'm back...or at least sort of...
Y'all wanted to know what I've been plotting...and this is it! Merry Christmas; Dancing on Clouds will be giving out X-Mas gifts whenever possible. Thanks for sticking around, everyone!!
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User Image Nov. 27, 2007
Well, we still don't know when the funeral is going to be. So, for the time being, I'm going to try and get back into things here. If you've posted a form, please check the second page. If you are not listed, ESPECIALLY if you're on your second day here, please pm it to me so I can add it. I'm dreadfully behind gonk
Oh yes. And our poll is between either an Avatar Contest or a "Guess This Item" contest. We are NOT going to have more than one contest a week, though. Got it? Good. User Image

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There's been a death in Cloud's family. For the next week or so, my activity will be...less. I apologize for this. For now, the Charity is in the hands of my Mods. They will be authorized to give out donations, which many of you are eligible to receive now. Please don't break anything. I will still be here to make sure nothing explodes. Thank you.
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User ImageNov. 24th, 2007
Well, our list of Donatees is on the second page, thanks to my layout xDD Some of them are on their second day with us. heart Check out our contests; we have a few going on right now! ^^ Some donations have already been taken and given out. We're having fun, so don't miss out ;DUser Image

User ImageOur first Avatar Contest has ended. Congrats, winners! There is talk of another =D Who knows what'll happen now...User Image

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Who We Focus On:
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Dancing On Clouds will focus on the wrongfully banned and hacked. However, if you don’t fall into either of those categories, don’t worry! It doesn’t mean we won’t help. Now, allow me to elaborate…
Hacked Users: You do not have to provide proof that you were hacked. I know how hard that is to do. However, you will have to stick around for a while to prove you’re interested in making a Gaia-comeback. “Sticking around” doesn’t mean two days. If you’re on board because of a hack, then you’ll have to stay with us for a least a week to be eligible for a donation. <3
Wrongfully Banned Users: Notice the word “wrongfully.” You must provide the reason why you were banned, if you have been banned before, and why. The reason for this is that we don’t a hundred people who’ve been banned for botting coming in, receiving a donation, and getting banned again. The object of a Charity is to help people, not to throw things away that will be lost. Don’t worry, there’ll be a form for all this. If you are uncomfortable saying why you were banned publicly, pm me the form and it will not be disclosed. ^^

If you don’t fall under those two categories, then listen up! All you have to do here is post what you’re here for, and then hang with us for a bit! Easy, right? Good.

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Rules of Dancing on Clouds

~Do. Not. Beg. Really. It makes me cranky, and when I get cranky, bad things happen. Kay? Kay. ^^ ~
~User ImagePlease don’t fill out a form and then vanish. You have to stick around to receive a donation anyhow. EDIT: You must stick with us for three days AT LEAST to be eligible for a donation. Any more than that, and you're on track to be a regular. ~
~Do not, I repeat, do NOT, be rude to the Moderators of the thread, me, or anyone else. Sarcasm is fine, and I tend towards it myself…but none of this “YOU ARE SO STUPID I HATE YOU GO DIE IN A DEEP DARK HOLE OF DOOM!” Ahem. ~
~If you are not hacked or banned but still wish for donations, you must be registered on Gaia for at least 2 months. ~
~When donating to Dancing on Clouds, please send your trade to Teh Cloud_Runner_64 with the title “Dancing on Clouds.” ((Not creating a mule for donations because I plan on using my own gold for this anyway. And it’s easier for me. ^^)) ~
~When donating to ME, send your trade titled however you want. Donations to me are not required, but appreciated. Thanks! ~
~Want to be a Mod? Well, become a regular first. ~
~Bumping—It is okay only if there aren’t conversations going. It’s quite annoying to talking to someone and have to go back three pages because bumpers decided to have fun. ~
~On Advertising: Don’t do it, please. If you would like to be affiliated with Dancing on Clouds, pm me with your banner and I’ll post it in the correct post. Thanks! ~
~User Image Try to be literate. It's hard to understand requests when we have to DECIPHER your words. We make mistakes, yes, but no Chatspeak. Try. Please. ~
~I don’t think I need any more of these at the moment. However, I reserve the right to add rules at any time. Edited rules will be maked with: User Image~

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[i]I was hacked on:[/i] ((If you don't know the exact date, guess! :D))
[i]I lost:[/i] ((Just list the most important things. We don't need to know about bugs, trash, etc.))
[i]My current funds:[/i] ((This is optional if you don't want people to know how much gold you have.))
[i]I want[/i] (([b]fill in this blank[/b])) [i]back first[/i].

Wrongfully Banned!

[i]I was banned on:[/i] ((Don't know the exact date? Guess!))
[i]I was banned for:[/i]
[i]Have you been banned more than once?:[/i] ((Yes or no.))
[i]If yes, for what?:[/i]
[i]I lost:[/i] ((Again, no need to list trash, bugs, etc.))
[i]My current funds:[/i] ((Optional.))
[i]I want [/i](([b]fill in this blank[/b])) [i]back first.[/i]

Regular Gaian

[i]I have been on Gaia for:[/i] ((How long?))
[i]I am questing for:[/i] ((If you are questing for something huge, like an Angelic Sash, Nitemare Scarf, etc, do not expect us to do it all for you. We're here to help, not to slave. Thank you!))
[i]My current funds[/i]: ((Optional, unless you're questing for something huge. Then this is good to know. If you're uncomfortable with posting, you may pm this form to me.))
[i]I've been questing for:[/i] ((How long have you been questing this item?))

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The Faces Behind the Clouds

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This post is just random stuff about me and the Mods. ^_^

Teh Cloud: Is a crazy psycho random person! I love writing, humor, horses…well, pretty much everything. Roleplaying is one of my absolute favorite things to do here on Gaia. Well, that and talking to Viktor, but since he left today…I also like to think of myself as an artist, though not a very good one. XD I also hoard MSN Emicons. *growls* You stay ‘way! Anyway, I do have a Deviant Art account, so if you’re interested, you may ask. I luffles art. ^^ And cookies. >D
Dislikes: Beggars.
Nuts. The edible kind!
Horror movies
Those annoying people.
That’s all for me!

Girly: Hey y'all. I'm Teh Girly. I'm pretty badass, don't you think?
Oh, another thing about me. I swear. Don't like it? Turn your ******** filters on. I'm not changing anything for you. I ******** love me. <3

I looooove music. Music is my life. My absolute favorite band is Fall Out Boy. I could talk about them forever, and if you like them (as well as some other bands), I'll instantly take a liking to you. (That means you're almost completely immune to my wrath. wink
Remember though, I said almost.)

Things I like:-Fall Out Boy (They are love. <3333)
-Panic! at the Disco
-The Acadamy Is...
-My friends
-Nice people
-My puppies (They're so adorable! <3)
-The internet (Best. Invention. Evar. cool )

Things I don't like:
-People who pretend to know what they're talking about. (STFU. Srsly.)
-People who think people with mental disabilities are 'stupid' and 'worthless'.
(I think you get my point here.)
-Attention whores (No one cares about you. GTFO.)
-Powerplayers/Godmodders (Yeah, that's right. I'ma RPer. Whatchoo gonna do about it?)
-You. (As of right now. xP)

Kada: Hiya, I be Kada-Chu, call me kada ^o^
I am a friendly guy... until you make me mad, then i send domo after you... isn't it domo? domokun RAWR!! Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you, fair is fair, no?
My two main things that make me happy (so what, hobbies? XD) are video games and musics!! I am a nintendo fan, I don't care how much ya'll think they sucked when the GC came out, I AM A NINTY GAMER o_O DEAL WITH IT!! And me loves my musics!! I am into pretty much everything except for classical music, Kada + Classical Music = X_X R.I.P Kada....

Things I like: -J-Rock!! w00t for J-rock and J-pop!!
-Nintendo, GOT IT? GOOD... that is all...
-Final Fantasy, I am FULLY aware that sony pretty much own the bulk of FF games, but i loves them, though i've only played a few. I'm getting more soon, so please, no trivia about it unless you're talking about FF7 ^o^
-LITERACY! I like it when i can understand people, it makes my days alot less stressful
-Comedy, me loves the comedy, especially stand up. Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence. Gotta love 'em all!!
-Darkness, me loves that which is dark, i am obsessed with people who dress with the dark, and I'm slowly beginning to become like them ^o^ though I keep my childish charm 4laugh
-Koalas!! They are SOOO adorable!! gotta show them love!!
-Black Panthers, my fav animal for the simple fact that they have spots that can only be seen in the moonlight
-The MOON!! a full moon shines so brightly, it touches my soul and lifts my spirit... no bad mouthing the moon you hear me? *wags finger*
-Poetry, or more specifially, MY poetry XD
-Daydreaming, it's so much more interesting than reality, AND i can do what i like in a daydream XP

Things I don't like: -Conformists (those who follow mainstream things for popularity)
-Most of the -ists you can name (racist, sexist, masoginist etc.)
-Those who insult others for the kick, not caring about the consequence
-People who misuse the word 'love' (i mean in describing people in your life... i hold alot of value to the word)

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Staff of Dancing on Clouds

Teh Cloud_Runner_64: That’s me! Owner and director of Dancing.
Quote 2: “They’re having sex. With one-liners. Haaaaaaa.”
Quote 3: "BUTTSECKZOR!!!!!!!!"

~[girlygirl]~ : Mod and Cookie Guardian. She’s also my friend, so be respectful!
Quote: “N0OBS, GTFO OFF MAH INTERWEBZ, YA ********!”
Quote 2: "BUTTSECKZOR!!!!!"
Quote 3: "Nice shoes. Wanna ********? =D"
((Note: Be nice to Girly. xD))

lolli62: Mod and Donator to Dancing on Clouds! She agreed to help me out with this, so be nice to her or get a swift kick in the butt, got it?
Quote: “Don’t eat cookies from the dark side!”

Kada-chu: Mod after becoming a regular and staying with us from the very beginning!! He's cool. Be nice.
Quote: "You want a WHAT? For HOW MUCH? .... Tell you what, how about I give you a slap for free?"
Quote 2: "Am i gonna have to bore a gaping hole into your head, pull out your brain and then put a post-it note inside the space for you to get the idea...? NO VIOLENCE!"

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Donations to Dancing on Cloud’s Hacked

Shahane: Let it Snow

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Donations to Dancing on Cloud’s Wrongfully Banned

Vanishing Tangerine: Momo the Monkey. <333

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Donations to Dancing on Cloud’s Regular Gaians

Housemaster The Toast Man: 2000g. Thanks for being so fun!

Cuna999: 15,000g. You deserved it. Now stop sending things back in the trade!

Lady Callie R Gasper: 20,000. Good luck, darling!

Kada-chu: Cloud. You are teh awesome.

] 10,000g. You've stuck around a long time. Thanks.

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Donations to Teh Cloud
And the Charity itself.

Teh Cloud:

Lolli62--Gold and items! Thank yooou! heart

Dancing on Clouds:

kad_lylath--Our First donater! heart 300g, 2 Purple, 2 Black, and 2 Brown inks. Thank you! heart

Lolli62: Gold, items, and a Wild Thing! heart

~[Girlygirl]~: 2k! Thanks, luffie!

There have been some other donations...but I don't know if they are for the Charity or not D= Thanks anyhow, guys.

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Avatar Contest!
Yes, indeed, Cloud is FINALLY having another Avatar contest, long-awaited. <3
Theme: Fantasy OR a March theme. You choose!


User ImageIf you are not a member of the charity, you may still join, BUT there is an entry fee--15g. Please don't join just to avoid the 15, ay? If you're a member, it's free, don't you worry.
User ImageNo submitting more than once. If you decide that you don't like your entry and would like to submit another before the voting begins, you may. After voting begins, submissions are CLOSED.
User ImageVotes will be open for two days, or until someone gains 15 votes. I will accept avatars from now (Feb. 28th) until Sunday night. Voting begins Monday.
User ImagePost your submission on the thread. If you have posted and I haven't seen it, pm it to me!
User ImageIf I hafta add rules, I will. Don't make me. Have fun!!

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((These depend on the numbers of entries I receive.))

1st Place: A Wild Thing and 2k.
2nd Place: 5k and some small item.
3rd Place: 3k and a Flower

If you are unhappy with the prize selections, please do not join!


1-Kada Chu: User Image

Page Prizes

That's right, you heard me!

User ImageFirst person on page 50 recieves 5k! Congrats to Teenar!

User Image First person on page 100 recieves 10k! Congratulations, Cuna999!

User ImageFirst person on page 210 receives 5k! Good going, Vampire! *huggles*

User ImageFirst person on page 301 recieves 5k and a small item!

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The loveables who've stuck with us!

These people, although I have been slow with donating, have stuck around. And we love them. So be nice, or we will eat you. >D

heart Housemaster the Toast Man
heart Cuna999
heart Kada-Chu
heart Lady Callie R Gasper
heart Fireairwaterearth
heart Shahane

Stormy Clouds—The Black List

Dragonforce92: For not reading the rules, begging, and being rude when advice was offered. And then outright flaming everyone. Tsk, tsk...little boys shouldn't be on Gaia D=

Dancing Clouds—The White List

~[girlygirl]~ : She’d be on here regardless. Even if she wasn’t awesome. <3
Lolli62: For agreeing to help me and being cool. ^^
BlackWolf07: For being loveable and snuggable and--oh yeah. For posting in mah thread!!!! ((Only he is that special. Get over it. xD))

Sereal: For being an awesome Mod and taking care of Dragon and another little problem with the first page. Thanks a ton!
Tuna: For creating a gorgeous banner and being altogether fun to be around.
Cuna999: For creating another banner for us ^^ And for being a silly person who's fun to talk to.

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Banners & Art!

Here we have an absolutely GORGEOUS banner, made for us by Tuna! Thank you so much! <33333333
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This banner was made for us by the adorable Cuna999. Thanks, Cuna!

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Dancing on Cloud's Affliates

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Currently Closed, but with great art!


This art shop is currently OPEN, and isn't all that expensive, either!

Here's a Quest Thread for you to visit ^^
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