Welcome to Gaia! ::

Shy Codger

Drac and Gianfar Meet

Drac walked inot the shop, looking around and rubbing the gem embedded in her chest. Here gaze fell on Lucien and she was secretly glad she'd come in as a biped for once. She was definately not in the mood for cold hands on her stomach. She then spotted the other diety. She slowly made her way over and smiled at him, giving a small bow as way of greeting. "Hello." Her voice was soft and some what shy, unsure what to make of this new individual.

User Image Gianfar rose and half-bowed, staff still in his right hand. Such an acknowledgement was considered courteous in many cultures when one was confronted with a lady. His own race had no females, and thus no customs for greeting them. He was curious, since he did not know her background, with how this would be met.

"My name is Gianfar. I see you are one of the chosen."

"Good to meet you Gianfar, I'm Draconayzia, or just Drac to my friends." She smiled and rubbed her gem again out of habit. "Yes I believe so. I haven't seen you around here before. Are you as much of a prankster as Lucien?" She gestures to the other diety with a tilt of her head, trying to think of what to make of Gianfar.

User Image He would smile at her smooth response.

"No, certainly not. I shall have to make an effort at having enough of a sense of humor just to get along here, I am afraid. I spent too long mouldering with my beloved scrolls."

She would see a small man, about 5' 9", with soft grey skin, hair, and wings. His posture would be rigid, his form frail and slender, providing a certain resemblence to his grey staff. He is wearing worn brown robes, and smells slightly of old books and coffee.

Drac found herself smiling easily back. "I don't think that everyone is quite as bad as he is with joking. He seems to love anything furry though." She absent mindedly rubbed her stomach, remembering cold hands. "I don't think that reading is a bad thing, but it does do well to remember to get out once in awhile."

She smiled again, being eye level with the man. He didn't seem that odd to her, meerly well studied and devoted to his books. The scent she got from him was a familiar one. That made her smile as well, knowing the scent from long hours she spent in her own library back home.

She moved a bit, suddenly being reminded of her scales. She looked at Gianfar a little shyly. "Would it offend you if I took off my top shirt? I'm wearing one under this, but the back is open."

User Image Though Gianfar was by nature a modest to prudish individual, going shirtless was common practice in his mind. He knew it was not so with all cultures, but she seemed to ask more for fear of offending him than being offended herself.

"No, by all means, please do as you are comfortable."

"Thank you." She looked more than a little relieved and lifted off the outter shirt. The shirt under covered everything in front, but was open in back around her shoulder blades, revealing two rows of shining scales. She stretched a bit, scales raising for a moment before laying flat again. "That feels so much better." She did indeed look much more comfortable, scales moving a bit as if trying to situate themselves properly.

User Image Gianfar sees the scales and his eyes widen behind his glasses with keen interest.

"Those look like dragon scales. All of my kindred, of which I suppose I am the last, were bonded each one to a dragon. I had a silver dragon, Gabriel. Do you know anything of dragons?" His speech would be quick and excited, the most animated Lucius would have seen him yet. Well, as far as being pleasantly animated at least.

Drac's eyes go wide at the ready recognition. A blush covered her cheeks as she replied. "Umm, actually I'm half dragon myself. My father was a western gold. I guess I know a bit about them." She gave Gianfar a slightly embarassed smile. "You can touch them if you want, I don't mind. People always seem curious about an apparent kitsune having scales on her back.

User Image He would touch them with the same absorbed curiosity with which he had touched Lucius's back in much the same spot. The feel of dragon scales, warmed by flesh beneath and cooled by air above, is so achingly familiar that he, as before, would gasp and bring back his hand as if it had met coals.

"It is no wonder that you have the strength and will required to host a deity, if you are dragon-kin. Innate magic too I would wager. It is an honor to meet you." He would bow again, this time more deeply. Under his breath, to himself after, he would say "Gabriel," whispered like the pleas mortals had addressed to him when he was too absorbed to pay them mind.

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The scales moved slightly under his touch. Drac tried not to move, but her wings were practically screaming to come out. A furious blush covered her face as Gianfar spoke, feeling very flattered. She blushed even deeper when he gave a low bow.

"Please, I'm nothing that special." She rubbed her arms nervously. Her train of thought was rudely interupted by her scales though. They suddenly gave such pain that she growled low, barely avoiding screeching.

Her wings shot out, suddenly forcing her to revert to her true form. Large draconic wings spread from her back, feet elongating and becoming animalistic, her tail turning reptilian and ending in a diamond of feathers.

She was forced to drop to all fours, breathng fast and hard. This type of transformation was always hard, but doing it this fast and unplanned it was hard to even stay up.

User Image Gianfar's own small wings fluttered with pleasure to see a dragon before him again. She was unique in appearance to any he had seen before, but that only made him the more curious. So there were still dragons in this world, and he had the good fortune to meet a half-dragon within weeks of his having been reborn. She looked as if the transformation was painful and taxing.

"Transformations of any kind are always a hard thing, moreso when moving towards truth than away from it." He says. Then, changing tone, "A most magnificent form."

Drac looked up, blushing a bit as she tried to catch her breath. "Maybe, but sometimes the truth can kill. There are still some who think dragons are evil and hunt to kill." She shook her head a bit and took to her hind legs, standing over 7' tall. Realizing the height difference she sat on her haunches looking at Gianfar.

"You seem very enamored with dragons. If you want to make a closer inspection I really don't mind. It's rather nice to get a warm reception in this form for a change." She smiled, still tired but the diety's reaction had been refreshing.

User Image "It is a pity people in this time perceive dragons so. I am glad to find there are dragons at all. I may yet hope to fit in, in a world where there are dragons and learning is in some places cherished. Are yours a waning kind, then, if you hide yourselves?" He says this as he moves forward and stands on tiptoe to massage the muscles at the base of the wings that Gabriel has always found sore when he flew, being a large, our of shape old dragon. Her wings seemed to have been the start of the trouble.

User Image It took Gianfar a moment to notice Harmodius was even present. He decided he would wait until after Harmodius had made his chai before accosting him.

At the touch on her wings Drac shivered a bit, then relaxed. It had been awhile since anyone had tried that and it felt nice. "I'm half dragon, half faerie so I think I'm pretty rare, even here. I believe I'm actually the last of my kind as well. I was sealed up for a long time and when I did wake up everything was in ruins. I have't seen any others in a very long time. I've found new friends and adopted family so things are still good."

User Image "I have a great many odd creatures around, but none others I consider my family. I hope to find that here. What do you think your close ones will think of your transformation?"

She laid on the floor a bit to accomodate Gianfar's height, wings drooping a bit from the unexpected treat. "I really don't know. Some of my friends that I've shown this form to have thought it was special, other were terrified. I really don't know how any of them will react until they do react."

User Image "I think the only one perturbed among my own household was my host. The pocket commie Lenin has tried to convince me of the merits of his communal ideals, and that was a pleasant philosophical conversation. Murasaki is also great company. The dream Requiesces likes to perch on my staff. Jisa, the lupine Anio likes to chew on my wings. Speaking of wing discomfort, I see yours are bothering you. The muscles are very tight."

Drac couldn't help but laugh a bit. "My pards and Tari think it's brilliant, but the Cera aren't quite so sure. I guess having an over-sized predator in the house can be disturbing." She shruged a bit. "Some of them don't even know that I'm part dragon and probably would prefer not to know." She looked over her shoulder at the diety as he inspected her wings. She looked a bit curious but stayed still on the floor where he could easily reach.

User Image "All this talk of transformations has been stimulating, and it reminds me of what I came for. To talk with Harmodius about my difficulties...and what manner of drink that is. It smells good. You would be welcome to join us."

"Thank you, I like that." She smiled and followed the diety.

Shy Codger

Byrne and Gianfar Meet

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*Peeks in shyly*

User Image Gianfar noted the slight change in temperature in the room when the fiery Byrne walked in. He noted with admiration mixed with chagrin that this fellow was every bit as bright and exotic as Lucius and Harmodius. He also noted that he did, like Lucius, have tail feathers. Perhaps the ladies had been fair to be curious as to whether he had them or not. It made him wonder, himself, whether Harmodius had them or not. Keeping such thoughts hidden behind his glasses, he approached Byrne. It would be rude to ignore him, so his question for Harmodius could wait.

"We have not met."

User ImageHe looked about with a bright, inquisitive glance. Eyes fallin on Gianfar, he swept across the room in several nimble strides, taking the hand that lay there limply and pumping it. His eyes sparkled, and his quick thrusting motion could have meant to infuse some life into the other.

'Byrne' he greeted sunnily, with a charming smile.

User Image Gianfar held his glasses with his free hand to keep them from falling out of place as his slender frame bobbed with the friendly force of Byrne's grip.

"Gianfar," he said. He was glad Byrn's hand was not the temperature it appeared to be, just pleasantly warm, like sunlight on skin. He was a bit overwelmed by the ebullience of the other god.

He seems quite personable, I should try to respond in kind.

"Indeed, it is a pleasure." He took Byrne's other hand in his, the gesture his people used at times to greet friends, then smiled. After a moment it was too much, and he let go, but he was pleased with himself.

"What manner of deity are you? Are you newly woken? Can I get you a cup of coffee or chai or tea...of course "chai" is just a word for "tea" but I find they mean different things here."

User Image'The hungry kind!' he answered. 'I was just thinking of trying to discover some food here, and then I saw you. Far be it from me to hunt alone!'

User Image Gianfar was a light eater, but he had not eaten at all that day. "I believe that big white box they keep for the purpose of food preservation would be the best place to look." He headed into the kitchen area of the shop, picking up his staff again as he went. It clicked hollowly on the floor with every other step, a few electric sparks dancing around its knarled head from the last charge Gianfar had sent through it at poor Lucius, who still sulked.

Drac looked between Gianfar and Byrne with interest. The new diety clearly had a very different personality for either Gianfar or Lucius. As the knowledge god made his way past she tucked her draconic tail out of the way, lest it be stepped on.

User ImagePading eagerly across the floor, he looked the object over. 'okay, I'll bite. What is it?'

User Image "It is like a closet, only the inside is very cold, though whether it is kept so by magical or mechanical means I haven't asked yet." He stepped back, allowing Byrne to have 'first try' as it were, at the refrigerator door.

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Drac just sat back and watched, keeping wings and tail out of the way, trying not to laugh. She'd been just as clueless when she woke up. She watched politely, waiting until the two dieties had a word for her.

User Image 'Hm'. he said. 'is it sealed against entry?' he looked it over carefully, putting his palms on the surface. 'It feels tepid, not cold at all.'

User Image Gianfar looked to Draconayzia, "What is the name for this again?"

To Byrne he said, "I am not usually an advocate of experience being the best teacher, but in this I think I will let it speak for itself."

Laughing a bit Drac got up and walked over. "It's called a refridgerator. You pull the handle and the door opens into a very cool space where perishable foods can be kept. Fair warning though, don't stick your head in too fast or you might get a nasty surprise."

User Image'hmph' he answered, staring at the object, and then Gianfar. 'if you knew the answer, why not speak it? It is a game? A sport?' Turning to the other, he observed her curiously. 'hm. I sense a nascent prescense in you. Have you a name? Or shall I title you the sphynx of the white box?' he forewent the formal title, it sounding mere gibberish to his ears. Already he was bored with this.

Drac raised an eyebrow and corresponding ear. This individual was clearly more than a bit flightly. "My name is Draconayzia, though my friends call me Drac." She gave a slight bow to the diety, wings rustling a bit.

User Image "I would let you open it, because seeing it for what it is will make more sense than an explanation such as that which was just given. In any case, the food you desire is within."

At that time, Gianfar's stomach rumbled, betraying that Byrne was not the only hungry god present.

Drac looked over at Gianfar, looking a bit surprised before lettng a giggle out. "Well looks as if you two are hungry. Why don't you two sit and tell me what you want. I'd be happy to make something if you should so like."

User Image "Anything with bread or vegetables." Gianfar said. "It is most kind of you to offer. The plastic they wrap everything in sometimes annoys me, and I don't know what things go together." He tilted his head and said with a serious expression, "Perhaps we could toast something on Byrne's wings."

He was a bit nervous, making a joke, as he made them so rarely.

"Ok so do you want hot or cold food? I know easy recipies to make with..." She had started to reply, unaware of the joke at first but then turned to Gianfar in wonder before giving a laugh and a true smile. "Why Gianfar, I do believe that was a joke. Nicely done!" She laughed and smiled again before returning to her hunt through the refridgerator.

User ImageMy wings?' he asked blankly, turning his head as he arched them slightly. 'ugh, no.'

Turning he fidgeted, obviously eager to do something else. 'I don't suppose you have Wine and skewered lamb in there, do you?'

Shy Codger

Lunchmeat and Rebirth

[Drac and Harmodius are over on the couch talking]

User Image Gianfar got out a sandwich for Byrne and himself, some meat he couldn't place with what he thought was cheese, though each piece was individually wrapped in plastic. Something he was coming to find was common. With his own sandwich in hand, he went over to stand by Draconayzia and wait for his turn to speak.

[Drac and Harmodius talking]

User Image Gianfar walked over and sat on the couch next to Harmodius. He looked briefly behind Harmodius's bare back to his loincloth against the couch, but could not tell if there were feathers there or not. Deciding it would not be settled until later, he sat back and ate his sandwich, his face not holding much relish for it.

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Harmodius followed Draconayzia's eyes to his side and down, finding Gianfar scowling at his sandwich. Harmodius crouched in front of the small god, "Is it that bad? The modern world does not rely much on fresh from the bakery or from the butcher. "

User Image "It tastes of chemicals I do not associate with food." Gianfar said simply. He looked at the eyes now level with his since Harmodius was crouching. Then his eyes travelled past Harmodius to Draconayzia approaching Lucius. He did not thinl the Universe was unaware.

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Lucius sat hunched on his barstool, fussing with a square of paper. It was halfway to being a origami something, but his frustration prevented it from getting further then a crumpled mess. *Soooo high and mighty both of them. Neither has any sense of humor what so ever, and it isn't like I've done anything malicious.*

She stopped a human step or two back and setted on her haunches. Suddenly springing up she hooked her paws around the younger diety's wing bases and proceeded to tickle his back with her tail.

User Image I am not sure whether to think he deserves it or pity him. Wings are always so sensitive...

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Lucius squeeled with suprise, leaping from his stool to the top of the bar. Unceremoniously he lost balance, falling to the floor with his wings flapping madly.

[Drac and Lucius start a tickle battle]

User Image Gianfar to Harmodius, "Good heavens....should we do something?" Though if we get involved that is a practical invitation to tickling. Might be better to let them both get it out of their systems, as it does not seem malicious. Which led him to think of his earlier attack on Lucius. That was malicious. I need to have a better control of my temper. It is something I would scold another for...but I have never, *never* had someone...well, do that. Thinking of having his robes lifted unceremoniously over his head was not to be named even in his own mind.

Shy Codger

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Harmodious shook his head, "No, it is good to get the energy out of them both, I think. Lady Wind will no doubt be just as capricious once she has manifested completely. They will do well for each other's company."

User Image Gianfar nodded, agreeing with Harmodius's answer. "If I were less myself, I would surely be in the middle of that, but I personally do not care to be. That is something I would like to ask you about."

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"By all means, if there is something that escapes Knowledge, then I must act as teacher."

User Image In a wry, playful tone, he says, "You could just make it up, being the Creator."

The he would shake his head. "That is what I wanted to ask you about. I am in conflict with my host. I feel guilty that he should regret taking me on, and yet I do not wish to recede to darkness, nor would if I could. I do not seem able to take him over fully, at least at this point, and we do not seem able to 'get along' sharing, as it were."

Laughing a bit she wrapped her tail around the young diety, lifting him into a nearby chair. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you so tired. Tell you what, I brought something with me the other day I think you'll all enjoy."

Smiling she slipped back to her biped form and walked over to the refridgerator. She hunted through the items for a moment before pulling out a large cirular tray covered with some sort of foil. "I didn't think that you'd be used to 'modern food' yet so I made this incase." She lifts up the foil to reveal a delightful array of chilled fruits, some glitening with sugar on top while others were sliced small enough to eat piece by piece. "Please, help yourselves."

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Hearing Draconayzia's proclamation, Harmodius shifted his weight to look again. "Ah...splendid. A feast perhaps more worthy of your palette, Gianfar?"
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"Fantastic! fruit! and all the work's done for cutting some of it!" Lucius regained some energy suspisciously at the presenting of 'normal' food.

User Image Gianfar looked relieved, sugared fruit being exactly the sort of thing he was used to eating. "That is very thoughtful of you." he said to Draconayzia. He set down his mostly uneaten sandwich. Then, taking a slice of pear from the tray, he ate it in thoughtful bites.

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"Well, Gianfar, it is likely due to the fact that XiaoRen had such a strong will and personality. It is unfortunate that you do not get along well. The instability should pass with time, and your will shall win over. Sad or happy, it is the way of the Edelsteine crystals. You will be reborn."

Shy Codger

Walking in on a Fight

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"You know, veiled as that is, it's very rude to call someone irritating. I am not. I am energetic, and I may not always think things wholly through, but I don't go around purposfully insulting people pr *trying* to get on their nerves. " He looked down, honestly offended.

"I'm allowed to make mistakes, you know. I'm sorry I'm not some effing perfectionist superman like Harmodius. And for you to know, the derogatory nature of the term 'chick' became passe a while ago. It's mostly just a reference to the fact that she is female. Just as much as I could call a guy a 'dude'. "

His wings were bristled, and his hands were defiantly on his hips.

"I did not mean to offend you. I was merely stating an observation. Draconayzia's temper is much harsher than my own and she finds certain things insulting herself. As for her reasons I cannot speak and only wished to share an observation." She sighed, upset that she had managed to unintentionally insult the other diety.

"I never said you were perfect for I know none of us is. Still, you should not so easily become offended when someone is merely trying to share an observation, especially when that observation isn't a hostile one."

User Image Gianfar walks in to brew coffee and stops when he realizes that he has apparently interrupted an argument.

She sighed, obviously failed in her attempt to try and reason with the Universe.
You are Gianfar, keeper of knowledge, correct?" She was not certain the new diety had noted that it was she and not Draconazyia in control of the body yet. Still she hoped he'd at least give her a sign he'd seen her.

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Gianfar furrowed his brow at the comment, looked Draconayzia over again, then extended a hand. "I am, yes. And who might I have the pleasure of addressing?"

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He sat, knees huddled to his chest in the darkness of the corner, not having heard the other's last words in his flight.
*At least that other fellow's here. Maybe he can better answer her nagging questions to her moral specifics. And not be irritating doing it. I don't know why Harmodius just doesn't make Gianfar his stand in. He'd get along bette rwith him anyway.*

Beryl couldn't help but smile at Gianfar. Atleast he'd given her a friendly enough welcome. "I am Beryl, good sir." She took his hand in her's and gave it a warm squeeze before releasing it again. "Sir Lucius has told me that you might be able to answer a few questions for me, if it would not be an inconvenience that is." The last thing she wanted right now as another diety who was displeased with her actions as Lucius was.

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It is odd to see Lucius so subdued. I wonder what has transpired. Though I suppose I need have no fear of having my robes lifted today.

"I am always happy to answer questions," he smiles warmly in response to her smile.

She gave a relived sigh and smiled back. "Thank you, it seems my questions have offended Sir Lucius and I do not wish to offend him further. I would like to know how other dieties and their hosts have merged, if at all. My host and I seem to be having problems and I wanted to seek out advice from those who would know."

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A look of chagrin crosses his face. "I know all about the difficulties of merging, but that may put me in a better position for sympathy than advice. I came to XiaoRen's conscious slowly, percieving through his eyes, and amazed that I could percieve the world at all. We began a gentle merging at first, but as it progressed, we were both alarmed by the other's personality."

She nodded, fully understanding what Gianfar was saying. "It is the same with Draconayzia and I, though she was not aware of how much I was perceiving. She still thinks I'm mostly sealed within the gem. I was so desperate to get free that I sealed her, she was unable to experience anything while I was free. Admittedly, it remains the same, even now. I do not know how to approach her. She is extremely agressive when cornered or threatened. I do not know how to approach her so that she might not fight back."

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"The main problem XiaoRen and I have together is that we have very little in common. His personality is very strong, and though I never actively pushed him aside, he began to fade and I to ascend. He still struggles to the surface at times...I never did finish speaking with Harmodius about what to do about that, and now he has gone to find more gems no doubt."

He sighs, "But, aside from my own experience, I would say a good way to approach a cornered and aggressive animal is to find some way to show you are not so different from it, to find a common goal. You and she both have a great love of flight, I would imagine, for she has dragon blood."

actually Gabriel didn't like to fly much, but he was a fat and lazy dragon

He goes across and begins to brew water for coffee, and some hot milk. He would add chocolate to the milk until it turned a frothy warm cocoa. This he would bring to the huddled form in the overstuffed chair.

"Your stars have cooled, perhaps this will warm them."

It is indeed disturbing to think of a darkend sky, and that his mood must be, on a small scale, what it will look like one day when all the stars have grown large and heavy and fallen to everlasting sleep.

She nodded at the sage advice. It was well spoken and warented trying. "Thank you, I will trying that when I can."

Worried about Lucius she walked over and offered a small bow. "I wanted to offer an apology for upsetting you. It still seems as though there is much I need to learn."

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He looked up from his knees, eyes faint pinpoints of light. "oh. Thanks, Gianfar." It was genuine. He took the cup and brought it down into his huddle.

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He goes back and makes two cups of coffee, and would hand one to Lady Beryl. "Try this. Its one of the best things that ever was harvested and cooked by mortals and immortals alike. ...In my opinion at least."

I am not usually a supporter of spreading addictions, but in this case it is nice to have company.
He smiles as he sips his coffee.

Shy Codger

Gianfar Advises Beryl

User Image "Good heavens, Lady Beryl...you are looking different. I see the transformation has come along some ways."

Hearing her name mentioned she turned in her chair to look at Gianfar. she gave him a warm smile as he walked in. "Hello Lord Gianfar. Yes, I guess this body has changed on the outside to reflect the change within."

User Image "If only the same happened with all people, then we would more easily see them for what they were."

He goes to brew coffee, his usual routine, and presumably his reason for entering the shop. This time he has a large leather binder full of parchment paper under his arm.

"I myself had quite a difficult morphing stage, the trouble lasts even now...though it is fading as Harmodious said it would. Did you ever settle things...between you?" He said the last as an educated guess. The form was a composite of a wind goddess and the half-dragon he had known before, so if she said that it reflected the change within, then they had perhaps successfully merged. He hoped that they had.

She smiled and shook her head a bit, Drac allowing Beryl to come to the forefront of the now joined conciousness. "We have not settled things as of yet. She only truely 'found out' about the goddess' presence when the morph happened. even though their minds now overlap there are still two personalities contained in here." She smiled again and tapped the side of her head for emphasis. "I make no pretense there aren't stresses, but the two minds seem to be merging well. The only bad side effects of them joining so slowly seem to be a tendancy towards headaches and Lucius thinking I'm a loon."

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"Lucius thinks that you're a loon? Well, he's one to talk..."

She couldn't help but laugh at that statement. "Well true, but I think using Draconayzia's calming method unnerved him. It was just a small lulaby in her native tongue."

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"Well, when we understand him, we can call ourselves wise, no doubt."

This sets him into pondering, from which he startles with a realization. "I had meant to give something to Draconayzia, but as you are merged, I will present it to you, Lady Beryl. "

He goes back to his rooms and emerges quickly, as the coffee on the stove is starting to boil over from the spout of the carafe. A blue horse plushy is under his rignt arm, incongruous with his earnest demeanor and scholarly robes. He holds it out to Beryl in passing.

" I found this in my room with a note around its neck that said "To Devmani". I can only assume Xiao meant to give it to him some time ago." He says as he turns off the stove and gets a mug.

"Devmani? I don't believe I know anyone named Devmani, at least not from this time." She frowned and tried to think for a moment. The name struck a cord but she didn't know from where. She was almost possitive she'd never met anyone with that name in this time, yet part of her mind insisted she did.

"Still, this is quite cute. I wonder who Devmani is."

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Gianfar shifts and looks thoughtfully out of the shop windows. "That is strange...I felt very strongly that Xiao knew this person and had made that thing for him, and that I should give it to Draconayzia. Oh well. You may keep it anyway if it suits your fancy. It looks so very...blue...upon my own bed."

She couldn't help but laugh and look at her own skin tone as Gianfar spoke. "And blue seems to go well with my skin tone at least, is that it?" She smiled and accepted the plush graciously. She made a mental note to find out who Devmani was later, even though part of her said she already knew.

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Gianfar smiles, "Yes it does match you nicely. You have become the shade of changeable sky at twilight, with wraiths of cloud racing over it."

She found herself returning Gianfar's smile, blushing a bit as he described her skin tone. "Thank you for the flattery, good sir. If memory serves I think one half of this mind of mine believed you to look as though a tome itself had come to life. Quiet and solid against time, carefully holding that knowledge within you to preserve it."

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No one had ever compared Gianfar's looks to one of his beloved books before, only his scent. The new comparison brough a faint blush to his own cheeks. He quickly ducked his head and raised his mug to it, the steam hardly warm at all against his warmed cheeks.

"Do you care much for books? I suppose you may not know yet."

She tried to pretend she hadn't seen him blush for Knowledge's own sake, moving on to teh question he posed. "Oh no, I do love books. Draconayzia has a healthy library at her home and Beryl has found more than a few interesting titles on her own. Both of the minds within me seem to be avid bookworms as it were."

Shy Codger

Gianfar with Beryl, Devmani, and Awiti

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Gianfar walks into the shop looking even more rumpled and grey than usual. A fine layer of dust, almost indistinguishable from his feathers, sits on his wings. It is more visible on the shoulders of his brown robe. In his arms he is clutching a small blue dragon plushie. It had come a few days ago, reminidng him of the outside world. He missed Gabriel - his old dragon back when he had been a god the first time - more with every passing day. He wasn't sure the person who gave him the dragon plushie knew what it had meant to him. He had finally convinced himself to come out of his library and to the shop to find this Prolixity and thank him. The sunlight was painful after all his weeks (months?) inside, and coming into the shade of the shop was a relief. At first he couldn't see who was inside.

Awiti stood aside as someone else came into the shop. He looked like he wanted out of the day, so she wasn't going to take issue with it. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

She looked around at those inside. Wings. That pang of sad jealousy rose up again. Maybe she would find a jewel to give her wings? Or maybe she could find someone to cut them off of and stitch to her back. She was getting much, much better at fleshcrafting. Wings.

She sighed with a happy smile.

No time for that, now. "Um, any of you know where I can find a jewel store. Preferrably soulstones?" She had an uncertain look on her face that looked almost like a sneer, but her voice was nervous and small, agreeing with her body language more than the odd look on her face.

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Beryl's head snapped up to see who had walked in. She almost let a few feathers drop from surprise. "Gianfar!"

Laughing she quickly got up and went over to him, giving him a gentle hug. "Good heavens, its been weeks! How are you, besides a bit dusty?" Still grinning she gently patted some of the offending haze from his wings and shoulders.

Devi stayed where he was, craning his neck to see the newcomer. he vaguely remembered the name Lady Beryl had said, but only as a whispered memory from when he was younger.

User Image Gianfar startled at being touched, since he hadn't seen another living being in months. He could now make out Beryl, another young woman just behind her who had a crumbling jewel in her forehead and a most interesting looking tome. It wasn't until he looked down that he saw the little centaur...yes, Devmani was his name he recalled. (heh, recall is a power of his ^.^) "B...beryl. It is good to see you too. You look well." He smiled. His eyes kept travelling to the book the other woman was carrying.

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"I am very well. And I think I know of someone who might be in need of your assistance. You are the keeper of Knowledge after all." Smilng she gently turned Gianfar so he was more in the room.

Taking a hint Devi closed the book and got to his feet. He walked slowly over, not wanted to cause a start, nor get startled himself. Reaching the god he gave a bow. "Hello sir."

Glancing between the dusty being and her book, Awiti finally made the connection, and hugged it to her chest a little more tightly than she should have. Where her long clawed thumbs pressed into the stitched flesh of the cover, bright red blood welled out, but only enough for a single drop. She was just going to stay back for now. Maybe they'd answer her question when they had done their own business.

Keeper of Knowledge? Huh. That explained the look he was throwing at the book. It was hers. She loosened her grip on it and stroked it gently, raising a red line but not drawing blood. The drop was already being pulled back into the cover by the greedy flesh.

User Image Gianfar brought his attention to the small centaur. He was being very polite, which made Gianfar smile. "Hello Devmani. I met you a long time ago, but I doubt you would remember, as you were very young. I see you're reading about constellations. I was a star once in the constellation Draco." he winked at Devi.

Feeling introductions were in order, he then straightened and held out his hand to the young woman (also hoping she was as much the arcane scholar as she looked). "My name is Gianfar. There are exactly 5 shops that sell soulstones of varying kinds in this area. This shop provides the kind containing the spirits of forgotten gods. Is this in relation to the gem onyour forehead? ...if it is not impertinent of me to ask."

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Wind smiled as she watched Devi. For some odd reason she did truely like the child without knowing that much about him.

"really? That must have been interesting. Lady Beryl said you might be able to help me find out a few things." He waited quietly for the rest of the introductions to be done. The old urge to get a proper look at her but decided ti wasn't the most polite thing to do.

User Image "What sort of things would you like to find out?" Gianfar asked Devmani pleasantly. His deathgrip on the dragon plushie lessened some. His stomach grumbled. He needed more coffee.

Awiti very carefully held out her hand and shook it lightly, almost limply. "I am Awiti, and I'm sorry for the limp handshake, but I don't want to slice your hand off. It's not a good way to make friends." She smiled a little bit. "Don't suppose there are any available? The one on my forehead keeps me corporeal, and it's nearly expended. Most places I've gone don't have any available, and it's quite annoying to think I'll be sent back." She wrinkled her nose with disgust. Hell was never a nice place to visit, vacation, or live.

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Devi seemed to freeze up, requiring a gentle nudge from Beryl to talk again.

"Umm, about Saggitarius and the constellation. Anen told me the marks on my hip look like his constellation." He was trying very hard not to fidget, not to prance on the spot. Being young and full of energy did not help.

User Image Gianfar considered both questions. To Awati he said, "I am not sure an Edelstein is the sort of gem you would be looking for then. The gems take over the hosts' corporeal forms to give life to the gods. If your forporeal form is provided by the gem you now wear, I think something very strange would happen if you were to lose your corporeal form and gain the consciousness of a god at the same time. Are you a demon then?"

To Devmani, after a pause, he then said. "If you would like to sit by the fire while I have a cup of coffee, I would enjoy telling you the tale of Saggitarius."

He turned to Awiti, "Can you drink in your current state of dimensionality?"

"Really?" Devi's ears, and tail for that matter, perked right up. "Thank you! That would be great. Is there anything you'd like me to do to help?" When learning and stories were in front of his nose, this boy bit!

"Oh, it isn't really that. I absorb the energy from them to maintain corporeality, it isn't a property inherent in the gem," she said conversationally. "As long as I place in a new gem before the residual energy fades, I'd be fine. I would think that the soul of a god would sustain me for a rather long time," Awiti said to herself. Now if only she could get one. "A drink would be lovely. As long as it's bitter." She caressed the spine of her book with one sharp claw. It was a good book.

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User Image Gianfar went over to the bar, slowly getting used to being in the shop again. He set the plushy down on the counter and began to brew coffee. "You could hold my staff for me, while I make coffee." he held out the pale grey, knotty and worn staff of ash wood. "And you could help me by telling me what you already know about Sagittarius, if anything, so that I won't bore you." The latter was said with a hint of amused irony.

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Beryl smiled as she watched Devi eagerly follow Gianfar. Something about the odd pair make a nice picture.

her attention turned back to the new woman. "I think you misunderstand. The god would feed upon you."

Devi held the staff carefully as he tried to remember what he'd already been told. "Anen told me that he was a centaur and now he's a constellation. Other than that, nothing."

User Image Gianfar was a bit disturbed at the prospect of this being (he supposed she wasn't a young woman after all) devouring the soul of a god to sustain her form, and not even for an indefinite amount of time. It was the gem who was supposed to devour the host - if one cared to think of it in those terms. *Not* the other way around. He decided to let the matter rest silent and Harmodius could deal with it if he chose to.

Her choice of drink, however, made him chuckle. "Well, when I make coffee the way I like it, it's very bitter." He looked to Devmani. "It won't actually put hair on your chest, but I imagine you will grow that anyway, with time. Would you like some anyway?"

"We'd have to see. I think it would be quite the enjoyable contest. Consume or be consumed, that is the law of the land," she said with a smile. "Much in the way the pursuit of knowledge consumes one's time; a concept not foreign to scholars of all kinds." Awiti nodded graciously to the Keeper of Knowledge. "Also rendered crudely as 'That which does not kill me makes me stronger.'" Yes, consuming a god would be a delicious new experience, and if she lost... well, she wouldn't begrudge a god that.

But how to get one? It wasn't a good idea to steal from gods, forgotten or not, since these seemed to be walking around quite ably in the hosts they'd consumed. There is always a way...

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"Perhaps. Maybe you are destined to be the host for one of teh darker gods. Such as malice or some such thing. And make no mistake, we do not go forgotten for long here." She took a quiet stand, something about the woman a bit off setting.

The fa'e child couldn't help but make a face. "No thanks. I only like cider and water."

User Image He finished the coffee, putting some cream and sugar in Devmani and Beryl's. He left his and Awiti's black. Moving over to the fireside, where there were ample couches, he considered where to start.

"There are three personages associated with the constellation Sagittarius. The first is Enkidu, a wild man who was raised by animals, rather similar to my host XiaoRen. Feral as he was though, we can discount him in your situation because he was not a Centaur." He took a long draught and closed his eyes in pleasure at the acidic shock and spreading warmth. "The second is Crotus, the son of Pan, who was the god of nature and wild things. He is sometimes depicted as a centaur, but is not listed among the centaurs of Greek mythology." he paused, as if shuffling notes in his head, and seeming to relish it. It felt so good to *teach*. He had almost forgotten.

"Maybe. If I am to be consumed, perhaps it would be by a deity of light or love or some other traditionally positive concept. After all, why replace evil with evil?" She chuckled. "And if that is to be my destiny, I wish it would happen soon. This soul degraded so suddenly; I was just getting to know him." Awiti sighed wistfully and tapped the gem with one claw. "What do gods talk about? What do gods think about? That would be hours of fascinating conversation."

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"True enough. We talk about many things. I prefer flight and the skies, Gianfar books and literature, Eamnonn the Hunt and such. We each have soemthing that strikes true for us."

Devi followed the god after politely declining the drink. His mum said he was hyper enough as it was anyway. He sat quietly, listening with rapt attention.

User Image Awiti's comment to herself made Gianfar smile and interrupt his own lesson. "In Byrne's case, I think you would be shocked at how short and varied are his thoughts. It might not make for hours of conversation, but it would indeed be fascinating. For the rest of us, I believe it varies widely. I wish Eamnon's host could have made him *think* at all. He can, he just doesn't ever do it before he acts, that I've seen." his tone would be paternal rather than annoyed.

A thoughtful look passed over her face, and she whispered to herself. "So gods are like people, infinitely varied. All sentients are alike in that way, I've found, and I've got a large sample size. It would be so very interesting..." Awiti smiled. "I should like to meet all of you at some point, though I think I will be occupied with finding sustenance for a while," she said sadly.

"I think I shall go to avoid interrupting the lad's lecture any farther. Good luck finding what you seek," she said to the young centaur with a laugh. "If you don't find it, maybe I could help you. I might even give you an extra freebie" Awiti winked at him, and the glimmer in her eye suggested that it was not the best of ideas. "And thank you for the information on the stores. Maybe I'll have better luck randomly looking than actually seeking." She bowed to each of them, and took her leave more quietly than her farewell.

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Gianfar Teaches Devmani

User Image "In any case." he preluded his return to his preferred mode of speech - lecturing. "Crotus was the tutor to the muses. This provides a kind of bridge in the mythology to the third and most prominent person currently associated with Sagittarius - Chiron. Chiron is the most famous of the Greek centaurs. The rest of the centaurs were creatures that could be easily associated with Enkidu or Crotus. They were children of the wild, highly instinctual and volatile. Chiron, on the other hand, was the son of Cronus, who is Time. That makes him a half brother to Zeus himself." He said the last comment directly to Devmani, in the sort of tone people use when teasing someone about their high accomplishments. He had a feeling this little centaur might *be* Chiron, but he didn't want to say as much outright. The boy would find out who he was and why he had come into the world just the same as the rest of them did, through hard experience and searching.

User Image "Chiron was not like the other centaurs. He was wise, patient, and most interestingly - immortal. He is famous for being a teacher. Achilles and Hercules were among the most pig-headed and difficult of his students. They made him famous, in retrospect, in light of their own impressive deeds. Hercules, however, ended up being the end of his teacher." A much more exciting end than his own had been, for certain.

Zeus. Chiron. Hercules. Achilles. The names sounded so familiar. The faces of people he knew that remained in shadows almost. The confused look on his face passed and he looked to Knowledge again, eager to learn more.

User Image "Hercules was prone to starting fights. Over honor, over love, over being in a bad mood when he drank too much. You name it. On that fateful day, however, it was arguably not his fault. Pholus, one of the other Centaurs, offered a cup of their special Centaur wine to Hercules. When he accepted, the other centaurs, typically rowdy and easily angered, became incensed that a human would trespass so. Rather than attack Pholus, who was to blame, they attacked Hercules. In vain, Chiron tried to make peace. Hercules shot his arrows, tipped with the poison of the Hydra, into the herd. He did not take particular aim, and one of them struck Chiron in the knee. He was in terrible pain, but he could not die." Gianfar leaned forward, mug cupped in both hands, getting into the story. He watched Devmani's face carefully for reactions. The boy looked distant, as if trying to remember something.

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Beryl watched the young woman go. Not entirely sure she wanted to see her again.

The knee? No, that wasn't right. Was it? His hand moved absently to the scar on his ribs as his face furrowed in thgouht. Images in smoke passing just before coming into view. Familiar voices that he couldn't place. Everything was just out of reach.

User Image Gianfar watched Devmani put his hand to his ribs as if in pain. Perhaps it had not been in the knee after all? He only knew what others knew. That which had been forgotten by time, all texts burned or lost, he too would forget. Though his students had once thought him omniscient, he wasn't. What would be the fun in that? "Another bringer of knowldge, Prometheus, was in eternal punishment for giving fire to humans. His torment was to be crucified to a pillar - some say a rock, but it doesn't matter much for this particular story - where an eagle, or in some stories a vulture, ate his liver every day. Every night it would grow back, because Prometheus was also immortal. Zeus had declared that Prometheus would not be free until he convinced another immortal to take his place. Chiron, already in what he knew would be eternal pain from the Hydra's poison, stepped in and offered. Zeus accepted, but he did not like to think of his half-brother in such a stead. So, he gave him what Prometheus had not been able to attain - death." He finished his coffee, sat back, and shrugged his wings. "And that's all that is known. Perhaps some day more will come to light."

"They threw him. They threw him ... somewhere. Dark, quiet, and guarding something." His hand kept rubbing the scar he'd been born with, his voice distant as memories started to surface that weren't his.

User Image Gianfar grew still as a predator, the knowledge was so close, almost surfacing. He did not want to disturb Devmani in any way. His own pulse sped - this boy knew what Chiron had known. That great teacher of old! To think of what had been lost with Chiron's death always made Gianfar feel ill. But now, now all that could be returned to the world. Easy there old man. Gianfar thought to himself. If the boy remembers it all right now, he'll pop. You'll have to wait. Patience in all things.

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"There were little lights everywhere. But, so cold and lonely. And he couldn't leave. Something would get out, hurt people if he left." The scar on his side glowed a bit under his hand. The silver shone like a tiny star of it's own. More memories were coming an Devi hungered to know more. "Tell me more? Please?"

User Image "Well, after he died, Zeus awarded him the honor that only great heroes in death are awarded - to become a constellation. The stars hold knowledge in all kinds of ways. In how they move, in the order in which they were placed...and sometimes more literally than that." I wish I had more to tell him. Gianfar's expression grew sad. In a way he and I are related. Chiron the teacher and constellation and I.

He mulled over that last tidbit of information, his lips moving silently as he processed the knowledge. Then his eyes grew wide. "Is that constellation the same as the mark on my flank? Is it the exact same?" He was excited, things were starting to make sense bit by bit.

User Image Gianfar got onto the floor and traced his finger over the pale dapples. Sagittarius looked different from various angles in the galaxy, and it shifted slowly over the millenia. "From the vantage point of Athens in 450 B.C. at the summer solstice, yes, it is an exact replica of that piece of sky."

It took the boy a moment to fully absorb the information. His voice was hushed the next tim he spoke. "But then, why human? Why does my voice leave?"

User Image Gianfar rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You will have to explain your question more fully for me to answer it." He felt suddenly weary. He could not feel XiaoRen at all. Xiao had faded during his long seclusion of pure catching up on all the knowledge there was now.

The wolfish man had been so social, and now Gianfar realized that with XiaoRen present he had been better with people, and less drained by being around them. Teaching ought to bring him energy. It was a token of how diminished he was from his original deity at the moment that he felt any fatigue at all.

The thought that in a new physical body he might need to *eat* has not occured to him.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Just thinking outloud." He looked at the diety with concern. "Did you eat anything? You like really hungry. I can get you soem food. Just a sec."

He hurridly went to the ktichen, scrounging up some fruit and carrying it back. "This should help. Then you might want to nap. You look like you haven't been taking care of yourself."

User Image The boy was so courteous without any expectation of reward. Well, let praise unexpected be his due then. "You are a remarkable youth, fair of speech and form, with *great* pontential. I will be happy to aid you whenever your questions become clear to you." He almost said that the world would be a better place for having Devmani in it, but something made him stop. There was some danger he could not see in the boy, and he did not want to hint at it to him.

At last he took the plate offered and looked down at the food. His stomach lurched as if it would leap out of him and take the food from the plate directly. It gave a long, grumbling growl. Perhaps XiaoRen now resided in his stomach. "Good heavens. I think you may be right. I had not thought to eat. Food for thought is apparently not enough." And a pun...yes, the food was definitely bringing the last vestiges of XiaoRen back. That, or he did not want to admit to himself that he too liked puns.

"Thank you, Devmani. " he tucked daintily into the food, finishing it with surprising speed for the small bites and constant wiping of his mouth. Afterwards he yawned and stretched, "May I have my staff back?"

Devi smiled and gave a small bow. "Thanks, I'll remember that."

He waited patiently while Knowldge finished the light food. The staff was treated with the respect and care as if it had been a sharp sword. Something about it ust made him respect Gianfar more.

User Image Gianfar took the staff and his dragon plushie and lay down right there on the couch. No harm would come to him in Harmodius's domain, which he considered the shop to be. "It was nice to talk to you. I have not taught...in a long long time." he said as way of a goodbye to Devmani.

To Beryl he said, "I think I'll just sleep here. Would you let me know if someone named Prolixity comes in? I came here with the original purpose of thanking him."

"Thank you for teaching me. It helped a lot." He gave a small bow and smiled.

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"He's staying in my room Gianfar. You may stop in at any time." She smiled and waved goodnight as he went to find a nest for he night.

Devi barely stifled a yawn. Bidding the others goodnight he went to the door and trotted home to digest the new information and relay the retreived memories.

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Revei and Gianfar Meet

User Image Gianfar was asleep for a long time on the couch by the strangely everpresent fire. He hadn't slept much at all during his months of pure study, and had finally realized his present body's limitations.

Tucked under one arm was the blue dragon that Prolixity had sent to him, under the other was his ash wood staff. A note in Beryl's handwriting was on his shoulder reading "Wake Gianfar if Revei comes in. He was waiting for him, but I don't think he'll wake on his own. Make sure he eats."

Revei ambled slowly downstairs, headed for the kitchen. Tea. He wasn't thinking about much at the moment, enjoying being awake and about. There was someone asleep on the couch, he noted without much interest.

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A cool hand came down and brush some hair from Gianfar's face. "I see you're finally awake. Feeling better?"

She was standing by the arm of the couch, a smile on her face and a plate of sugared fruit in hand. "If you'd like I'll got get Prolixity for you."

User Image Wakefulness and clarity of mind came instantly, he just looked crankier than usual. It was always the case after waking and before finding coffee. Gianfar saw that his glasses had fallen onto the floor. People might notice he could see fine without them, so he quickly bent down and picked them up, then adjusted them on his nose.

"Thank you Beryl. How long has it been?" He forced a smile at the plate of sugared fruit and took it from her. Not intending to eat any until he had coffee he started to head for the kitchenette. He had to leave either the staff or the dragon behind if he was going to carry the plate.

After a moment of consideration, he left the staff.

Revei was fiddling with the stove in the kitchen, not entirely certain how to work it. The controls were unfamiliar. He hadn'tpaid that much attention in his own few visits to the kithen, and he couldn't find a relevant memory in Prox's mind. Rather irritating, really.

When he heard footsteps, he straightened and turned, hoping to see someone familiar who he could ask for assistance. ... A deity he had not yet met. His tail flicked sharply before he could control it. "Hello," he said cautiously.

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"I am fine, thank you." She lied a little, but she didn't need to concern others. Picking up his staff she leaned it against the inner frame upon reaching the kitchen.

Gently moving the boy aside she turned on the stove and placed a pot of water on to boil and going about setting up mugs.

User Image "The oven here is operated by gas and electricity. You turn that dial there until you hear clicking, and a spark will ignite the gas." Gianfar explained while Beryl demonstrated. It was his habit to lecture, so he did not realize when he was being patronizing. Both the stove and the refrigerator had been among the first things in the shop he had needed to learn about himself.

Not speaking further, but with single purpose he got out the french press and coffee. The dragon was bright blue against his soft brown robes and dull grey wings.

Revei moved aside and observed, mentally making notes. It was not a device that had been around when he'd faded. "Thank you. I was not familiar with it," he said with as much dignity as he could muster.

Prox stirred drowsily at the sight of the little toy in Gianfar's hand, pleased. "I see you have it," Revei said for his host.

User Image Gianfar did not answer for a moment, then it sank in that this person was talking to him and not Beryl.

"I beg your pardon...I have what?"

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Beryl laughed a bit at the confusion. "Patience pelase, Gianfar is not truely awake until he's had atleast half a cup of coffee. Just a moment."

The water boiled and she set the tea and coffee by the respective individuals.

"The toy." Revei gestured briefly at the little dragon. He glanced up at Beryl's statement. Coffee. Why did that word p***k athis memory? "I will try some too," he said thoughtfully.

User Image Gianfar took his mug and held it, enjoying the warmth, sipping it even that hot. The nerves in what used to be Xiao's tongue could still feel it a bit, but they'd acclamate. After the mentioned half cup, Gianfar brightened.

"Are you Prolixity?"

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With a small nod she replaced the tea with a mug of coffee, palcing sugar and cream nearby should he want it.

"Enjoy, I think I might be heading back to bed soon. I'm a bit tired."

"He is mostly asleep right now," Revei answered. He picked up the mug of coffee with a nod of thanks to Beryl and sniffed at the hot liquid. It smelled excellent; but it was surprisingly bitter when he sipped it. Familiar and not familiar.

"Rest well, then, Lady," he said to the Wind goddess, giving her a curious look.

User Image Gianfar added to Revei in a confidential tone, "Coffee is truly the drink of the gods. I'd try it without cream or sugar first."

To Beryl he merely nodded and looked concerned. He was unaware of anything that had been going on with her for the past few months, but she seemed uninclined to talk. She usually hid behind concern for others, waiting on them and smiling. Not that her concern was not sincere, only that she did not care enough for herself. Perhaps he ought to seek her out later and find out how she was *really* doing.

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"I will, thank you. You are both welcome to wake me if you need me. Revei, please let Prolixity wake for a time tomorrow so I can give him the gifrt I was talking about and thank him for my own little dragon. Gianfar, I'd like to talk to you when I can."

Smiling softly she placed a light kiss on each diety's forehead before heading for the stairs and her room.

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User Image Gianfar watched Beryl go, then said. "So he also took on a jewel. I am very behind on events here." He held out a hand. "I am Gianfar, the god of Knowledge. I can't tell you how much Prolixity's gift has meant to me." He said this with a deadly serious expression that could be comic if one considered he meant a stuffed toy, but he did not look the type to make many jokes.

"It's bitter," Revei observed, a hint of petulance in his tone. But he sipped at the mug again anyway.

"I can do that," he answered Beryl, and watched her exit. Something off? Perhaps.

User Image "Yes, it is bitter, but bitter lessons are often the most fruitful." Recalling fruit as he spoke of it, he nibbled some of what Beryl had gotten out for him. He needed to remember to eat and sleep regularly, though hopefully as he grew in power the need would lessen. It always got in the way. There were too many things to know now, and not enough time to bother with physical needs.

Revei sipped thoughtfully at the coffe again. He paused and blinked at Gianfar, then took the extended hand in a brief, firm grip. "I am Revei," he said. "I am Dream." He paused and listened for a moment. "That seems to make him happy, that the gift pleased you." His voice was almost affectionate.

The taste of the coffee was growing on him. He took a largermouthful.

User Image Gianfar responded to the tone, relaxing and smiling. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Revei. Dreams lay close to my own dominion in the minds of sentient beings." He paused and considered the dragon. "Prolixity couldn't have known that I used to share a soul with a dragon. For some reason, I was reborn and he was not, and I miss him. This little fellow helps with that."

"Knowledge? Yes," Revei answered thoughtfully. "Always, there are places where things overlap." He grinned a sudden, bright grin. "It is good to make your acquaintance! Again, or now."

He tilted his head slightly. "He saw the toys, and wanted to make gifts of them. I was amused by it. I am glad it is a good gift." He considered his last sentence for a moment. Yes, that was entirely the truth. He liked this quiet grey deity.

User Image Gianfar got a distant look and pursed his lips, then shook his head. "This is our first meeting I believe, but that is an advantage in many ways. It is better to learn about different pantheons and new gods, rather than go on about my own all the time." He poured more coffee and offered Revei some of the fruit. "Has your rebirth been peaceable? XiaoRen and I had a terrible time of it so I might be able to offer advice, but I see your Prolixity seems to bring smiles to your face rather than annoyance."

"I have met one I remember," Revei said. An unreadable look briefly flitted across his face. He took the fruit, and sniffed that also before biting into it. He took the time to chew and enjoy the taste and texture before swallowing so he could answer Gianfar's question. "He has not fought me. A very passive boy, really, a good servant." He brushed a hand down his arm pensively.

User Image "It will likely be better for both you and your servant in the long run, though I can't say from experience. My fights with Xiao were not pleasant for either of us, but he couldn't keep it up and wouldn't stop, so I fear he is quite gone." Gianfar looked pensive, but then perked with curiosity.

Not one for tact where information was concerned, he asked, "How remarkable that two who knew each other would be reborn out of the vast reaches. Who is it?" His wings arched, and he tilted his head to one side.

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"A beautiful irony. He has no memory of it, but he was born to be an avatar of Dream." Revei smiled sweetly. He considered Gianfar's words. "Did he not know that you were to be reborn with his body?" he inquired curiously.

His smile turned suddenly sharp at the question. "Morpheus. An old - " he paused and seemed to search for a word " - friend of mine."

User Image At the sardonic turn of the word "friend" Gianfar realized it had not been a happy meeting. And Morpheus was a name he knew to also be associated with a Dream god. Perhaps the two were rivals? He almost asked, then thought better of it. He had just met Revei and wanted to befriend him, he decided even as he thought it. Interrogating him about his past and private affairs might not be the best way to go about it.

"Well, he knew that he was to host a god of Knowledge, and he himself was something of a scholar, but once I woke we found our personalities were both very different. He was social, impulsive, hedonistic, easily bored, and *unhygienic*" he said the last with disgust. "And he found me reclusive, ascetic, and dull, so he said. Really I think he just took the jewel on impulse and then flipped out when he realized he would lose himself."

Revei listened, tilting his head to the side in an almost birdlike motion. "What is it, to fight your host?" he asked curiously. Perhaps he had been truly lucky. He felt a faint smug satisfaction that he had been able to pull the boy's attention away from Morpheus's jewel.

User Image "Xiao had a Hawthorne quote he liked, 'In the depths of every heart, there is a tomb and a dungeon, though the lights, the music, and revelry above may cause us to forget their existence, and the buried ones, or prisoners whom they hide.' He built his own dungeon, and our war was his slow retreat into one of the cells. I was not symbiote but parasite, as soon as he decided to see it that way. I think, ironically, it is those who cannot accept annihilation who end up meeting it, and vice versa." Gianfar by his posture and hand gestures was very much enjoying their discussion.

"A logical way to look at it. I came sidewise, spiraling in," Revei said thoughtfully. "Those who can accept that they willnot remain whole remain the wholest!" He giggled suddenly. "It is a word because I said it is a word," he told Gianfar.

User Image Gianfar knit his brow at that. "You would have to say it a great deal more often, and convince others to use it for it to become a word, if by "word" you mean a legitimate part of a lexicon. If you define "word" as any sound uttered that holds meaning, though, I suppose yes, it is a word because you said it." Gianfar was apparently not versed in the Lewis Carroll school of making words do more work for you by meaning whatever you want them to.

"I shall make it a project, perhaps," Revei said. "To make proper words that are words, even when they are not words." He considered that carefully. "It is all in the way one defines things," he concluded.

He lifted the coffee cup. Empty? He stared mournfully into its depths.

User Image Gianfar allowed himself a grin. "Of course. Words without definitions are by definition not words." He poured more coffee into the awaiting mug in Revei's hand. It was the strong stuff from the bottom of the press - Gianfar's favorite - Revei was such a remarkable individual that Gianfar preferred to offer it to him. "I have missed wordplay. Thank you my friend." He said the last two words tentatively.

"Poetic," Revei said, and sang a line of verse in a language he wasn't sure how he knew. He grinned at Gianfar. "Coffee and tea are pleasures of the body, and wordplay, a pleasure of the mind," he answered. He set the mug aside for a moment and performed an elaborate bow. "I find myself positively filled with energy."

User Image Gianfar drew his wings back together with a faint "boof"ing sound, like slow clapping. "Then you should spend it wisely."

He decided that Revei's poetry meant acceptance, and his bow a graceful exit. Gianfar himself was itching to get back to his books. Though he had told Beryl he would speak with her...yes, he should do that first. Bowing also, he shuffed happily in the direction of the stairs to Beryl's room, gathering his staff on the way.

"I shall, I shall!" Revei finished the last of the coffee and watched the Knowledge deity head towards the stairs. He liked this god. Hm. Now .. what to do with all this energy? He wandered out and towards the door to the garden, humming to himself.

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