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Welcome To The World With A New Beginning


1.Drama,romance, and fights are encouraged, if you want get to hot and heavy on the romance. just Keep it 18A please
2.violence is allowed, don't get to gross. You know the drill, 18A not rated R there's a difference!
3.NO CYBERING YOU HORNY TEENAGERS! Don't even think about taking it to the pms. Ew. razz
4. I am the goddess of this role play, I can add and remove rules as I wish. I will kick you from this thread if you are being rude or just plain stupid.
5. Keep all out of characters in brackets, As in (OOC) or {OOC} and so on. It just easier that way.
6. Listens to Fallen+angel+beckons and youngdemon, there also the goddesses of this thread.
7. No harrassing people or God modding.
8. Pm your profiles to Youngdemon
10. Put Sunflower in the subject bar of the PM.
11. If your going to kill a character off get permission from the other person and inform on of the three mods of this thread.
12. If your going to be away from the thread for an extended period of time, PM one of the mods.
14. Be literate to Semi-Literate
15 I don't want n00b talk. And no *Actions*, keep it like your writing a novel.
16. I change my mind, write 'I LOVE GIR' in the subject bar when you pm your profile.
17.You can have Two Characters! YAY!
18.Read the rules for the profiles
19.Villains are allowed to be crude and evil! And twisted.
20.Have Fun
21.Make Friends
22.Don't make me come after you with a frying pan and a shovel.
23.Please don't Advertise with out consulting Me YD

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No More Demons Please We have Too many and need more Humans/Females In the Mix Of this RP.

[imgleft](URl here)[/imgleft]
[u][b]I see through[/b][/u] ( username)'s [u][b]eyes[/b][/u]
My name is: (name of character)
most people call me: (Nicknames)
[b]My[/b] age is: (age)
I [b]look[/b] like I'm: (used for demons that have outragous ages)
[b]I am[/b] of the: (female, male or both Lol)
My [b]preference[/b] is: (male, female, bi, no one, its your choice)
My[b] race[/b] is:(demon if the infected[this includes angels], human of the unaffected)
My [b]Abilities[/b] are:(for humans and demons humans have mechanical powers like...batman)
I am [b]Bound[/b] to:(person in the RP not yourself, Pm me when you wish to be bound to an other character)
I [b]like[/b]:(what your character likes)
I [b]dislike[/b]:(what your character hates)
what I [b]love[/b]:(what does your character love?)
What annoys me: (what annoys your character)
[b]People[/b] say that I act:(insert personality here)
My[b] job[/b] is:(does your character have a job?)
My [b]appearance[/b] is:
My eye color is an extravagant (pink-blue-orange-red-yellow-green-whatever you want)
My hair is:(hair color)
my attire consists of:(what clothing do you like to wear?)
I have an [b]alternate form[/b] called: (Insert different picture if you are of the nexus)
My past:(please make it detailed you help no one in the rp if its one sentence long *sigh*)
My [b]themes[/b] are: (Music of your characters choice)

The Cities

CYNTH-Indirectly Ruled By The Lady Cicero (city of pure humans)
TYRINSHIA-City of the bound (Mixed community of Nexus & Humans)
ALEISE- City of the Nexus (Demon populated city)

the worlds rules the Nexus and the unaffected have to go by

There has always been a call for the heads of humans in demon society. They fear them more than the strongest opponent, for they are their greatest weakness. If a human and a demon ever make eye contact they will be bound to each other for the rest of their lives. When one dies, so does the other. Because of this fact humans are hated and hunted like animals, forced to hide for their very lives in what few villages still remain. They now strike against the demon race to create a more pure land away from demon society. The demons do the same thing in turn in the middle of these societies is a land of the already bound where the ones bound for life seek refuge.The world has been this way after the scene of black sun, humans still remain and they somehow continue to hope that somehow their race will not be completely decimated. To this day many human and demon children hope harmoney can be found, Or they will make it so their own way.

Half demons in this world are even more despised than humans. In order for a half demon to survive into adolescence it must be born to a human and demon couple that loved each other or else one of the parents would surely kill the child.

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User ImageSpinxter ran as fast as he could cackling all the way out of the insane asylum damn did it feel good to be free and out of control he laughed as he ran into the shadows and out an other landing somwhere in the middle of the demon human bound city called Tyrin. He looked ahead of himself and saw a bar up ahead his Ipod blaring kick the bucket in his skull candy head phones. "hey hey hey bata bata bla bla bata bla OOO!" he saw a woman exit the bar he flipped up the womans skirt and laughed "hey babe" he said slyly. his menicing eyes staring at her fugure and nothing else. the woman surprised and grossed out smacked him across the face and walked the opposite way. spinxter didn't look phased by it "you know, I dont take kindly to rejection!" he called to her his voice still chipper. his Ipod changed to the song hamster dance he smiled and closed his eyes and snapped his fingers the bar behind him exploded in flames. god it felt good to be one of the infected. the water drainage pipes below the womans feet blew up sending her tumbling throught the air and on a near by car. "ouch thats gotta hurt" he said with a sick smile on his hansome face.he started to dance and dodge cars that were disoriented by the mess he made. humming the hamster dance theme while making explosions happen like fire works in the black sky.
User ImageShade let out a sigh, bringing in a head of another pathetic human to the turn in point. To once again collect his money for his work. What was it he did exactly? hunted down, and killed humans. He felt he had every right to do so, especially with how they rejected him, nearly killed him, and injured him critically. "hurry up with the money, i do have food to get." he said rudely, as soon as the large demon set down the bag of money, Shade swiftly swiped it up "about damn time" he said, turning on his heel and setting way for outside. he would go after another human, sadly the only humans that were really worth the kill were ones willing to fight, which is the ones he killed most.
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Kelli Emilia Townsend

They Don't Really..

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Understand That..


Kelli gazed around her lovely chocolate eyes with golden flecks and hues gazed around the city she smiled sweetly it slowly twisted in to a sicking devious smile that turned in to a small chuckle. She had a stuffed pink rabbit hanging out from her bag which was partly open all you could see was some Metal Machine nobody would guess what was really inside her bag was something odd. She looked around slipping a pair red goggles over her eyes."I don't want to get bound this early in the game"she said with another chuckle that would send chills down somebody back.She had such a sweet looking face how could something so sweet sound so evil? The key was she wasn't sweet she was twisted and loved it.

She started walking down the street slowly looking around at the people she'd wait till just the right time or just the right person to kill. She'd start her mast murder spree soon. Most humans didn't wear goggles or glasses on there faces because they wished to be bound She on the other hand didn't want to become bound so early besides People would think she's one of the infected. Well She was in a strange twisted of a way she was insane. Oh The insanity she loved it so she embraced it. She looked over to the pink Bunny rabbit in her bag it was all stitched together."Don't worry Sir Crucifies Will have our next Victim soon enough"she said with a smirk targeting somebody already a Young woman with lovely brown hair, Oh she couldn't wait till the blood would stain her pretty head, and her corps would be in pieces. She licked her lips and smiled "There we go now a perfect Victim Reminds me of Sister"she said with a bit of a evil giggle before she fallowed the woman she'd have her way very shortly.

Kelli was careful not to get killed she'd fake certain things in order for normal humans who were sane still to be drawn to her she had put in place fake fangs acrylic her dentist did it then she killed him after too. Also the fact she wore goggles, Only demons really covered their eyes not to get bound. She slipped her music player on playing Getting away with Murder By Papa Roach. Oh the irony she did get away with Murder often and it was fun, She skipped off some now close to the Brunette she wouldn't care if she had been bound or not She would be deader then a door nob in a few short sweet seconds. She Smiled joyfully as she Slowly tugged out her chain saw from her bag turning it on. It alerted the woman but before she could move it was too late she had already sliced her head off so quickly that the head rolled down the street causing several children to scream in panic."Yay Sir Crucifies The Fun Gonna start!" she was so happy to be off her medication and hopefully it stay that way though she didn't mind being bound she just didn't want to end up accidentally bonding her self while killing.


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I'm Really Just Two People In One Body..
who knew

User Imagescreaming children ran his way and he smiled "Aw the world is so sweet" two cars ran over one child He cackled with sick humor "oh what a wonderful world we live in" the hamster dance still played blared in his ears he danced while dodging a telephone pole that a car rammed into and broke. He paused for a moment hearing a revving sound he took off his head phones and strained to hear the sound again. what was that a chainsaw? "Ha, I'm not alone imagine that." he put back on his head phones and grabbed one of the electrical telephone wires and shocked himself giggling he giggled as he hooked his Ipod and headphones to it "I need one more thing..." opening a random busted up car door he picked up the human inside averting his gaze to the radio he tossed the screaming human aside and busted the radio with his fist. he started hooking up the wires on the inside with his now broken skull candy head phones. with one electric spark and a tie of a blue wire the song hamster dance was blaring from the cars speaker at maxumum volume he laughed and got out of the car. He then paused at how many hacked up people were on the streets "hey who evers using that chainsaw is taking my kills no fair" he said in a pouty voice

that gold cocain would make all the difference
User ImageA siggh arose from a nearby building "sadly i begin to lose faith in my own kind" he says to himself as he pushes a bang from his face, though it only moves back into his face. he pushed a pair of sunglasses over his eyes, to avert being 'bound' to any human. or anyone at that. a screaming human woman ran up to him, begging for help, someone was terrorizing humans. the screamin was begining to get annoying, as she spoke suddenly grabbed her tongue, it was his two fingers "your too noisy.. die." with that he ripped out her tongue and then stabbed his hand through her chest, into her heart. killing her off instantly. pulling his arm from the chest of the deceased he made his way to the chainsaw noise. "now to deal with that terrible noise." he said annoyed.
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((Haha, you guys are lots of fun. :3 crazy demon dudes! I'm about to post! GET READY! :333))

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Kelli Emilia Townsend

They Don't Really..

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Understand That..


Kelli eye widen a bit as a human man she was just about to kill pulled off her goggles thinking he could probably spare his life assuming that the sweet looking Kelli was one of the infected demons because of her fake fangs When she looked up at the human man she couldn't help but start Laughing as he stated that he and her were now bond together well for one she could tell he was human"your a real idiot aren't you"she stated to the person as she tugged at the acrlic tooth pulling the fake fang which was easily clicked off and in place when she wanted. "it fake" She said looking at his neck And clear View slicing his head off looking over at the guy who just simply stated she was stealing his kills. She put her false fang back in her mouth bending over to the dead man picking up her goggles.

She turned off the chain saw before placing it back in her bag she noticed she dropped her bunny Sir Crucifies. "Oh no Sir Crucifies were did you go.." she said a bit concerned for loosing her lost Plushie Bunny that was pink and was cut to pieces and sown back in to place. She spotted it over by the Car that was blaring the Hamster Dance music and quickly skipped over to it placing the blood stained goggles around her neck. Picking up the bunny. "Ahh Crucy you scared me for a moment no more hopping off while I'm in the middle of Mast destruction"she said placing the bunny with her chain saw in her duffel bag she was obviously the one who was doing all the slicing because she was covered in blood. Not that anybody believe that she did all this by slicing a woman head off. She always just pretend she was innocent of anything.


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I'm Really Just Two People In One Body..
who knew

User ImageSpinxter looked around at the girl with the goggles around her neck her bood stained cloathing and beautiful chain saw glinted in the red light of the flames surrounding them. her fangs were visible from her lips he grinned as he slid towards her put his hand on her waist and pulled her in so her body was pressed against his and looked into her eyes and kissed her. Something about this psycho demon with a bloody chainsaw that turned him on. their silouettes were pressed against the firey back ground there eyes locked to each other. The scene looked like one from and endless forighn flick and the subtitles were sick.

that gold cocain would make all the difference
((ready when you are fallenxP))

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Kelli Emilia Townsend

They Don't Really..

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Understand That..


Kelli Eyes went wide as this random guy came up and kissed her. She knew he wasn't human or at least not anymore, She couldn't excatlly push him off since she didn't have any super human ability like he did and so she did one thing that she could think of She bit down on his bottom lip pulling her self away from him"you do know you just really screwed your self right?"she said with a small little chuckle she stated with a smirk licking the blood off her mouth of course it be his she bit him hard enough to draw such things. She whipped the last of the blood on the other side her mouth with her hand. "You do realize that you just got your self bond to a human right?"she said as calmly as she could be fore she started laughing. "well aren't we a interesting pair seems we both have a love for killing"she said with a little deceiving grin.


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I'm Really Just Two People In One Body..
who knew

User Image"ouchies" he said with a licking his lips "your a human?" he looked away and then back at her "no lie? why the fangs?" he asked feeling a bit betrayed but lucky. his mind reeled for a moment and mulled over the situation. he sighed in defeat "Suicide or mass murder which to choose?" he slinked towards her spitting out the access blood in his mouth and wiped his face with his already bloody sleeve. " If we are bound, might as well make something out of it" He cackled a bit "do you like to dance?" he asked a menacing look on his face. Tonight would be the night he finally got bound but liked it.

that gold cocain would make all the difference

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User ImageKelli looked at him and raised a brow at his question"no s**t I'm human"she said sounding rather annoyed crossing her arms glaring at him a bit. "who gave you ******** permission to Kiss me!"she said growling at him and smirked a bit she was going to toy with him a bit. She walked over to him looking him up and down. "I rather choose mass murder" she said with a smirk on her cute little face. Before placing her own hands upon her hips tilting her head at him. "besides it seems we both have a passion for killing" she said in to his ear placing one hand on his shoulder. She grinned a bit and looked him in the face before inching it closer to his and licking some blood off his cheek.It seemed that his sleeve didn't take it all off. instead it smudged it. "you missed a little"she said with a little grin and then raised a brow to him saying they might as well make something out of it since they were bound together. Her head tilted in curiosity as he asked if she liked to dance. "Whatever do you mean by that?" she asked .


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