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What do you think of the sqweeky new banner? ;' D

My dreams have become reality. T.T 0.1875 18.8% [ 6 ]
I think I just-.... I'll be right back. o-o; -Saunters away awkwardly- 0.21875 21.9% [ 7 ]
I want to be a petal that falls like that and... and... and to be so carefreeeeee and important~ >3 0.21875 21.9% [ 7 ]
Mesmerizing. ._. 0.15625 15.6% [ 5 ]
It's boring and simple... ;/ 0.21875 21.9% [ 7 ]
Total Votes:[ 32 ]
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Spoopy Specter

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Advanced Literate
KnightsGuardian { Creator }
Akane Yue Valentine
Vociferous Materia

>>>BANNER ::
Gaea the Protogenos

OOC Profiles

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Spoopy Specter


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What will you do to save the ones you love? How far will you go?

"The world as we know it has begun to crumble. The Darkness stretches forth, consuming villages and taking on the form of demons, slaughtering any one man mercilessly. The forests are crippling, waters are blurring into muck. Once, two years ago, this land was flourishing with life. The waters so clear it was crystal. The forests so lively and the villages of the Kingdom Ignasia ((IG-naz-E-uh)) flourished until one fateful day…ah, I can see it now.

The streets were filled from brim to brim with spectators, the on-lookers falling over each other for a better look at royalty. Joyous and high-spirited, a light had appeared. The Queen had given birth to a newborn, a new heir. The princess, now at the age of 17, rode close to her mother and father on horseback -- they in a horse drawn carriage. Knights blocked the streets barricading the path to the castle. The Head Knight, Sir Rufus, proudly tousled along beside the princess, his long silver hair murky with age. He was no more than 40 and yet he looked to be ten years his prime. A huge parade was being held; flower petals were tossed in celebratory praise and horns tooted blissfully. A new age was dawning. Those days the villagers were living in riches, their crops thrived, money circulated, nothing could possibly go wrong! Heh, it’s funny what people believe before things spiral out of hand…

“Fire, fire! T-t-the village! My family!” A townsperson exclaimed exasperated. The entire dining hall went quiet, the King rising slowly to his feet eyes flashing toward the soldiers’ table. Someone was missing.

So, being the honorable man he was, he sent out a couple of his men and grabbed a sword himself. He kissed his family’s cheeks telling them to lock themselves in their rooms and secure all the windows. Then he was gone. I believe that was the last time any one saw King Xavier alive. Well, besides Rufus.

That’s right. Upon arriving at the scene, through all the smog and flames, he looked betrayal in the eye. Oh, how could he not have seen? How could he not have known? Was he blind, did he expect too much? No…no. He wasn’t blind. Maybe he just didn’t want to believe that his long time friend would turn on him.

The men fought bravely but in the end, Sir Rufus was victorious and the demons had infiltrated the town. Within time, the soldiers fell one after another and he found his way into the castle premises. The King had fallen, he’d even managed to take the Queen hostage and killed the princesses baby brother. Though he scornfully searched, to no avail, he could not find what had become of the princess. The right hand man, the Kings guard, murdered Sir Rufus though the details are unclear as to how. Lets just say he didn’t come back unscathed. From that day forward, until the funeral of the Queen’s husband and son, it rained for 30 days straight.

And now, in Alesamia ((Al- eh- same-E- uh)), the King plots his conquest. His parties attack unbeseeched by human accounts. In the past two years he has crumbled the terrain. War envokes, that seems to be our only choice. Peace has slipped through our fingers.

I fear we will fall without you..."

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Spoopy Specter

.: Stage :.

Ignasia ::
Although it has trembled beneath the enemies fingers and not quite crossed the threshold into hell, villages still remain though many are poor. However, the land is greener on this side than on any other across the barren lands spacing the two Kingdoms. There are things other than “war” afoot. Two kingdoms, Virsana [[West]] and Niparnei [[East]]'s royal families, have come to stay in Ignasia for the time being. Ignasia offers refuge and the two kingdoms pledge support in the biggest war mankind has ever known. Three significant kingdoms from far and low have melted together, but will they stay together?

Time :: Medieval~

Genre :: Fantasy, Romance, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Betrayal.

Kudos to X_Ecchi-chan_X for allowing me to use his name "Virsana" as a providence.

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Spoopy Specter

.: The Rule Book :.

            Sorry for the length guys. ^^;

            1.) Do not beg. Do not PM me for pure or items please. Life would be much happier if you didn’t. ;]
            2.) PM your profiles to me and I will post them in the OOC. [[ See Profile Coding ]]
            3.) Follow the TOS. Do not spam, bump, or advertise in this thread. This is NOT the chatterbox. However, advertising and bumping is allowed in the OOC.
            4.) If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. ;]
            5.) There is to be no godmodding or auto-hitting. Also, do not bullshit about how “godly” your character is. That will not be tolerated and ruins the RP.
            6.) No one-liners, and occasionally small posts are fine with writers block. It happens to the best of us. ;D
            7.) You must be Advanced Literate and up to join. This means spelling out your words, using correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Do your best, that’s all I’m asking. It doesn’t have to be perfect. ;]
            8.) Do not cyber here. Romance is encouraged, sex is not. Take it outside.
            9.) When role playing do not use **, --, ~~, or anything of the sort to signify actions. Use quotations [[ “ “ ]] when your character is speaking, and separate your OOC speech by something in the post. For example: [[ ]], (( )), OOC, etc.
            10. PM your profiles to me. When you PM them put your ranking in the subject box. For example: {“Queen of Ignasia”}. Also I am shooting for an even amount of men and women so try not to be offended if I do not accept you.
            11.) Do not post and leave. I want this thread to THRIVE. Post frequently and do not join if you know that you are not going to post. If you have any reason to leave for an extended period of time, or you’re going to be gone for a few days, do try your best to inform me before you do. I know you have lives away from the computer. Thanks. ;D
            12.) Use your imagination. ;]
            13.) For this RP, you cannot be animal-like. Sorry. ];
            14.) You are not required to decorate your posts, add some color here and there, paste your pictures in your post, but it would be nice. It makes them easier and more attractive to read.
            15.) PM all formats in the format that I have provided. You must have an anime picture or you will not be accepted.
            16.) Have fun. <3
            17.)In regards to rule #11, I will contact you after a certain amount of days [[ 4-5 ]] if you have not posted within that time period. After a good amount of days, say ten days time, I will debunk you from the RP unless you have a plausible reason as to why I shouldn't. This, however, does NOT mean that you can't rejoin the RP later on as the story progresses. I have felt the need to add this rule because people join, then leave or don't ever post at all. That kills the RP.
            18.) I will not take reservations but applications. This means that if you desire a role and tell me you want to apply, I'll write you down next to the role specified BUT that does not mean that anyone else can't apply for the same role. Since I've seen this a lot throughout Barton Town, I thought it would be good idea to incorporate into the thread. This will get the profiles in faster and the better character sheet wins if two or more try for the same position.
            19.) I am the supreme ruler of this thread. I run the right to change the rules as needed/follows.

            Red: New rule.

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Spoopy Specter

.: Positions :.

As you can see, there are plenty of positions for everybody. Of course I don't expect all the positions to be filled and I will stop at a certain point when I feel that we have enough people. I also color coded the kingdoms. Dark red is Ignasia, Darkblue is Alesamia, Green is Virsana and Purple is Niparnei. You can play more than one character. Asterisks (( * )) will indicate the most dire positions.

Ranks [[Ignasia]]:

**The Queen will be played by: NightShell
**Kings Guard will be played by: L element
**Right Hand to the Queen will be played by: Jessi Tiberia
**Princess will be played by: KnightsGuardian
**Guards of the Princess will be played by [[2]]: NightShell; XxJazzyPonyxX
Stables Master will be played by:
**Adviser will be played by:
Merchant will be played by: Jamie14
**Commander of the Knights will be played by: AcesMasquerade
**Second in Command will be played by: Akane Yue Valentine
**The Seer will be played by: Shousie
**Leading Mage will be played by: Emmaleth
**Healers will be played by [[2]]: Akane Yue Valentine; Aszure
**Knights will be played by [[unlimited]]: KnightsGuardian; Vociferous Materia;
**Nobles will be played by [[5]]: tokii pop;

.:Ranks [[Alesamia]]:.

**Rylind (( King of Alesamia )) will be played by: KnightsGuardian
Queen of Alesamia will be played by:
**Rylind's Second Hand will be played by: VincentValintine LimitBrk.
**Commander of Alesamian Military will be played by [2]: Cassiel Socks;
Minions will be played by [[unlimited to a point]]: L element; Akane Yue Valentine; AcesMasquerade;
**King's Spy will be played by: L element

*Note: If you play Rylind, his Queen or Rylind's Second Hand, feel free to play another character. Same with the minions.

.:Ranks [[Virsana]]:.

**King of Virsana will be played by: PresidentShinra
**Princes of Virsana will be played by [[2]]: NightShell; PresidentShinra
**Princess of Virsana will be played by: Jamie14
**Guards to the Virsana family will be played by [[3]]: Emmaleth; VincentValintine LimitBrk; Vociferous Materia

.:Ranks [[Niparnei]]:.

**Queen of Niparnei will be played by: Kittennice
**King of Niparnei will be played by: Vociferous Materia
**Princess of Niparnei will be played by: Rastlain
**Prince of Niparnei will be played by: Akane Yue Valentine
**Guards to the Niparnei family will be played by [[4]]: VincentValintine LimitBrk; KnightsGuardian; Emmaleth; Cassiel Socks


The Gardener will be played by:
The Cook/Chef will be played by:
Court Jester will be played by:
Tutor/Teacher will be played by:
Black Smith will be played by:
**Mages will be played by [[2]]: Rastlain; Aszure
Servants will be played by [[3]]:
Ghosts of the Palace will be played by [[unlimited]]: XxJazzyPonyxX;

*Note: PM me if you want a different position than listed or have a suggestion for/about a couple of ranks.

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Spoopy Specter

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[imgright] [[ Must be a PICTURE -- Preferably animated. ]] [/imgright]

[align=center][size=10][b]Character Name:[/b] [color=color1][u][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Gender:[/b] [color=color1][u][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Preference:[/b] [color=color1][u][[ What gender do you prefer? ]][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Age:[/b] [color=color1][u][[ Has to be 16 or older. ]][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Race:[/b] [color=color1][u][[ Nothing anthro or animal-like will be accepted. ]][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Weapon[s]:[/b] [color=color1][u][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Rank:[/b] [color=color1][u][[With kingdom name]][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Personality:[/b] [color=color1][u][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]Abilities:[/b] [color=color1][u][[ What is your character capable of? ]][/u][/color][/size]
[size=10][b]History[/b] [color=color1][u][[ At least a paragraph. ]][/u][/color][/size]

[size=10][b]Puppeteer:[/b] [color=color1][u][/u][/color][/size][/align]

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Spoopy Specter

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January // February // March // April // May // June // July // August // September // October // November // December


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31

Time of Day

Sunrise// Morning // Afternoon // Late Afternoon // Sunset // Evening // Midnight


Frigid // Sunny // Chilly // Warm // Boiling // Snowing // Raining // Windy // Breezy // Foggy // Humid // Damp // Storming // Cloudy


Evening Ball -- Scheduled June the 13th for our honored, and highly esteemed, guests.
War Summons -- Scheduled for June the 18th to discuss battle strategy and the decisions that will be made in part of Ignasia and her neighbors.

Updates on significant happenings that take place in the RP, relationship status' and more!

September 9th, 2009 -- The first thread "Your Story Begins Here" opens.
October 27th, 2009 -- "Your Story Begins Here" officially dies.
November 30th, 2009 -- "This Is Your Story" 's OOC thread officially opens and recruiting begins!
January 23rd, 2010 -- "This Is Your Story" 's role play thread is made and officially OPENED!
February 3rd, 2010 -- Edward Leonale, King of Virsana, requests an arranged marriage between his son Prince Ace and Queen [[Lynne]] Sophia's daughter Princess Renee. Believing that uniting the two countries under such dire circumstances and providing a King for Ignasia would be a good idea, the Queen hesitates in a response and declares that if her daughter does not accept the proposal that she will marry the King instead. See page 12 for details.
April 2nd, 2010 -- After a rigid meeting with the Queen of Ignasia, Renee accepts her mothers proposal to an arranged marriage with the Prince of Virsana, Ace Leonale. Her reasons remain obscured.
May 10th, 2010 -- Prince Richard Leonale, in a fit of rage, storms from the Ballroom after overwhelming memories surface pertaining to his mother.
June 21, 2010 -- Distraught, Renee is taken into Lex's arms with the promise that her fathers vase would be repaired to its former glory. He seals it with a kiss, which eventually leads Renee and Lex into a moment of heightened passion, lip-locked, in an empty hallway outside the ballroom.
June 26, 2010 -- Renee and Lex are discovered in the Palace library by Cassus after a short romantic session when Lex reveals his undying passion for the princess. The princess, however, is uncertain about this... confession.
July 20, 2010 -- Mage Aroba strikes a bargain with the Leading Mage Mel: if she can get Gohin, the Commander of the Knights, to dance with her then he will fancy himself as her 'dress-up' puppet for the night. The repercussion for not achieving this goal? Showing her "what nothing short of hell is like".
August 12, 2010 -- Princess Renee and Prince Ace of Virsana's engagement is boasted.
August 20, 2010 -- The castle of Ignasia has come under seize when Mathew, the Second Hand of King Rylind, poisoned the nobles, kills the Queen, and makes a brash escape from the castle window. Cassus, guard of Virsana, follows in suite. See page 33.
December 17th, 2010: Return from September hiatus!
December 17th, 2010: Rylind shows up to pay his respects during the cacophony and comes face to face with the King's Guard, Artair, where a battle soon ensues accompanied by the help of the mages. Something seems amiss... something significant, though Rylind has no intention of relating this minor detail. The town is in an upheaval. Will he succeed this night and Ignasia fall under another Dark Age or will the Princess recede into safety? See page 36 for details.
December 18th, 2010: Lyla Silverite and Laserith Singletary confront the Second Hand to Rylind as he flees the palace. Laserith gets injured during a spar with a pack of vicious wolves, a piece of his side having been torn from his waist, and Lyla challenges the mage with powerful magicks. When her fire barrier fails, Laserith darts after the Second Hand, followed by Lyla, and shamefully after so much exertion to bring the man to his knees... he escapes. Begins on page 37 and ends on page 39.
December 23rd, 2010: The King of Virsana treats Princess Alik's grievous injuries but is hesitant on the matter of poisons, his wife having died of the same caustic ailments years prior.
January 18th, 2011: Lieutenant Visian commands his troops into the borders of Ignasia; he running to rescue one of his subordinates Enlai from a battle with Gohin, Commander of Ignasia. A battle ensues between Gohin and Enlai.
January 19th, 2011: A scourge of demons breach the borders of Ignasia's fortress and infiltrate the hive. A demonic Lieutenant breaks down the door where the King of Virsana and his allies rest, aiming to decapitate the Princess of Virsana until Seneca, Guard of Virsana, whips the demon back into the hallway where a battle to the death ensues. Who will emerge victorious?
January 19th, 2011: While the disorder and ruin fall under the control of the Niparnei King, word that Rylind and his minions engaging Ignasia's gates reach the King who, in turn, decides to join his men on the front lines. The Prince of Niparnei is left in charge of the remaining stragglers, directing one of his personal guards to care for the wounded whilst he and another guard go to meet Seneca and the Niparnei Queen's cohorts. See page 42 for details.
January 25th, 2011: Callisto, one of Alesamia's Commanders, confronts the King's Guard during his battle with Rylind disguised as Rufus. The perfect distraction, the King of Alesamia makes a break toward the castle after battling a horde of undead and disposes of a 12 foot-wide portion of Ignasia's castle from the top, down in the means to kill one of the Paladin's that weakened him. The King's Guard and Callisto - or "Rufus" - join swords.
January 20th/February 3rd, 2011: Laserith leads Lyla into the the village in search of Adel, a merchant that Laserith appears to secure a past with romantically as mentioned in a post, but the characters themselves are ignorant of this reverence save for Laserith and Adel. As he weaves between consciousness outside Adel's door, Lyla Silverite and Adel confront each other for the first time.
February 11th, 2011: The Princess of Ignasia and her guard escape Clara's room after a failed attempt at the Princess' life and, delusional and on the verge of insanity, Renee finds herself feet before the palace doors where Rylind makes his entrance. See page 43 for details.
March 8th, 2011: Victory for the King's Guard! Having debilitated his rival "Rufus", who was impersonated by the Commander of the Alesamian army Callisto, Kain (her Lieutenant) whisks his charge away which gives Artair a chance to limp toward the palace in search of his beloved Princess. See pages 42 through 45 for details.
March 13th, 2011: The list of briefing room attendees for 'Chapter Two: War Summons' has been announced. See page 585 in the OOC.
March 20th, 2011: While tension rises, Lyla and Adel dress Laserith's wound. When conscious, he attempts to flee the bed and join in the steady progression of battle despite grievous injuries, unable to accept his own vulnerability. See pages 43 through 46 for details.
March 25th, 2011: With the defeat of Rylind's Lieutenant with the help of Cassus and Edward's foot finery, Rylind comes constrictingly closer to the Princess until he is informed that the Queen is not dead and very much alive. Enraged, when confronted by the King's Guard and the King of Niparnei inches from the Princess hidden behind the tapestry, he escapes through the wall. See page 47 for details.

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Spoopy Specter

Your guide book to everything that is anything!

Renee Knight relates some history behind Ignasia and the "Devil's Spring".
Her rosy lips twisted into a smile, so angelically befitting that a halo wrought with gold had a home to hover above. They parted, emitting a voice as extravagant as silk yet barely audible. "It is... a wonderful story. I wish Warren were here to hear it as well." She began. Her eyes, twinkling with sugar plum dreams, fixated themselves on some imaginary window above Clara Coliar's head. If one didn't know any better they would have guessed that she was staring past a movie reel projected with images of Ignasia's history. Her imagination always did run rampant. Unyielding, unveiled. But this, my friend, was history. Undiluted, absolute history. Elven history to be exact.

"My mother, ever since the day I turned ten, always fancied telling me stories about our heritage. Although she grew up on a farm, we do have some nobility in our family. Then there's my fathers side -- humble and outgoing. Do you remember him? Well anyway, I seem to be going off topic..." Any human, regardless of position or superiority, would shiver at the young womans voice. Almost magical, it was. She continued clearing her throat with a like 'ahem'.

"It was 263, as I remember it..." Continue on page 7.

The Kings Spy murders Garland [[ a classy noble]] and his wife, hours before the ball in their humble cottage on the outskirts of the Ignasian palace.
Check the top of page 8 for details.

Rylind's right hand man weasels his way inside the palace walls without an alarm being breeched.
Check the third to last post on page 12 for details.

What's the required length of my posts?
Two paragraphs at the least for writers block. It's not much for a literate thread but, remember, details are very important loves. ;3

I want to join but I wasn't part of the last thread "Your Story Begins Here". Can I, and still be a part of the story?

Of course! Even though my last thread made it to page 13, it consisted of mainly filler posts where people were getting to know each others characters and the like, adding to the plot, yadda yadda. I have added three important posts at the top of this FAQ for your benefit so that you may understand what is going on thus far in the RP.

How will you begin the thread?
By either branching off from where our characters left off, or skipping straight to an hour or so before the ball. That way we will still have time to gather RPers and include everybody in the "party".

Could you tell me more about Niparnei and Virsana?
In truth, I left most of the history, terrain, and traditions to whomever chances a position as the King/Queen/Prince/Princess of that region.

What could I tell you?
Niparnei and Virsana are two, very old, but very new, nations located to the East and West of Ignasia. Alesamia, the warmongering country, is to the south and Ignasia the north.

What should be expected of the RPer playing either the King's Guard or King Rylind of Alesamia?
King's Guard:
The King's Guard is a benevolent, but hardened man of valor and chivalry. He has been with the family for years, ever since Renee was 14. He is the most applicable swordsman in the country and respected by all civilians. There is not one traveler, or local, who does not know his face, or have not heard of his whispered name, in some point and time in their lives.

Regrettably, the King's Guard [[I leave the wound to you]] was injured during King Xavier's/Little Prince's Assassination.
-- The rest is up to you. --

King Rylind:
A cruel, malevolent beast -- for none so despicable should ever be labeled a "man" -- who took up, and founded, the thrown of Alesamia. He cares for nothing but war, death, pain, and despair. Heartless, it is said that he murdered his own family two years prior to the war and took in a lowly peasant -- whom he came to marry six months later. Whether the woman had done it willingly is uncertain.

What exactly does an Adviser do?
The title "adviser" speaks for itself. ;3
He/She is generally the one standing near a royalty figure -- in this case the Queen -- and relates information on a specific persons, advises on epidemics and which would be, logically, the right decision to make. Of course, the Queen doesn't have to listen but he/she would be the little "light in the darkness". The Adviser also overlooks events, makes sure everything is going as planned and actually helps coordinate that said event.

Just think of him/her like a scholar. Yes! Yes, a scholar of sorts.

Since King Xavier has passed onto the spirit planes, what does the King's Guard do?
The King's Guard is as he says. He was King Xavier's guard until he was ruthlessly decapitated by Sir Rufus, who has passed into the spirit planes. The King's Guard, now that the king has died, has taken up the duty of being the head of everything. When I say everything, I mean... the army and the personal guards themselves. He protects the family at all costs.
If there happens to be another king, he will again take his spot by the mans side but still keep a watchful eye on everyone/everything.
Not that he wasn't before, but after the family tragedies, he grew exceptionally close to Renee and her mother. Due to her mothers own woes and coldness toward her daughter, Renee resorted to the King's Guard for help; a man she had known for years but had trusted with all of her heart. The King's Guard helped the princess through her troubled times, she too helping the man whenever he found the need for such nourishments, and in time they grew stronger and closer to each other. Almost like a best friend, you might say.

Because people are getting confused: Who betrayed King Xavier? What does Rylind have to do with it?
Sir Rufus, who was formally the Commander of the Knights, betrayed King Xavier because the king of Alesamia convinced him to.
King Rylind did NOT pledge his allegiance to King Xavier but rather plotted to have him killed and offered his "services" to Sir Rufus, just to cause all hell to break loose. King Rylind is truly a malicious man. He does not care which kingdom he takes down first, just that it goes down.

But the kingdom causing the most trouble is Kingdom Ignasia; considering that Niparnei and Virsana have all fled to this kingdom and offers military services. It is the most powerful kingdom at this point and time.

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Spoopy Specter

.: Reserved Post :.
This is your story...

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Spoopy Specter

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...It's up to you...

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Spoopy Specter

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...how it ends.

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Spoopy Specter

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R e n e e
Princess of Ignasia

Her body quaked beneath Clara's fingers as they smoothed across her firm cheekbones, disposing of salt water that should not have surfaced from the young woman's tear ducts in the first place. Renee must be strong, upholding! Never show fear -- lest fear evoke itself upon others. Never show weakness -- for princess' are incapable of crying however muted it may be.

It had finally registered. Recognizing Clara's liquid voice roll past her lips and caress the silk locks of Renee's hair, so tender that it was motherly, just like-... her eyes seared. Clara had never wiped her tears and spoken to her like the Queen had when Renee was but of the age of twelve. Ah, yes. Queen Sophia. No one ever referred to the Queen of Ignasia by her first name simply because she requested otherwise. It was either Queen Sophia, or Lady Knight. But Renee had missed her mothers sweetened chatter. How she could pick the ripest words and harvest them faultlessly, as though she were the heir to some renown kingdom in the celestial sphere.

Those times were gone. Up and left with the coming tides of warfare and death. Oh, how King Rylind pushed her buttons! It was his fault that her family was scattered to the four winds, how things had gone terribly wrong during the banquet two years ago, how every time she walked outside Renee would always, always be looking over her shoulder... With her own blade, she would decapitate the man that had mercilessly conquered villages upon wilderness. The man that made the peasants slaves and the nobles vial, despicable demons. She would kill him, even if she had to remove her left arm to do it...

Feebly reaching for Clara's hands Renee awkwardly stumbled to her feet hoping to bring Miss Coliar with her.
"Clara..." She whispered pained. "... why does it always have to be about duty?" Even if the woman had meant good things by what she had conveyed, to Renee it was hard to discern where true worriment asserted itself. Some would care just because of their job, because they though it would be the right thing to do. Of course, Renee would never think so low of Clara but she had to know... was the only reason they were so close to each other because of her rank? Because of the position she bore?

Spoopy Specter

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If the past could erase itself...
Laserith Singletary

Keeping step with Miss Silverite was not difficult. He could have easily strode past the woman if he wanted to but chose otherwise. Training? It was a passable excuse. With his hands tied firmly behind the small of his back, his eyes wandered momentarily to his Second in Command. She looked rather sickly, but maybe it was conversation that had ebbed the paleness in her cheeks. "To the training grounds, then?" He insinuated, his voice like the passionate lick of candlelight. So effortlessly captivating.

If they were to amble upon the grounds, situated just two miles from the barracks, maybe she was intent of evoking a sparring session? On either case, conversation continued or not, just her presence would be enough for Laserith to hold that negligent high. But his cracked ribs wouldn't help his case. Just standing to his full six foot height sent a shock of pain down his left side. However, expressionless as he was, it was hard to tell whether he was suffering from the turmoils of affliction. He liked it that way -- no one being able to read how he was feeling, what his thoughts conveyed. Feelings were bothersome because they always gave away the perpetrator.

When they had swept down the hall and rounded the corner, out of view from any guard on duty, Laserith stopped short in his steps.
"If you are to inquire about my wounds, yet again, and have intentions of mentioning what does not concern you, I will have to respectfully decline on accompanying you Otec-nemae. I advise that you forget about the trivial." His chocolate eyes narrowed only slightly as he stared past the woman, his head tipping down to look at her wherever she had chosen to stand. His back seared like the devil had etched out a blueprint of his wounds, his ribs aching but in no way surpassing the molted lava trickling down the lumbars of his spine. Even in the dim light of the castle's walkways he was a beautiful enigma, so much so that when he moved, his robes feathered the wind and his body became the breeze.

...what would you choose to fix?
Just your common Knight in Shining Armor

Omnipresent Hunter

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User ImageUser Image"Actions are necessary, words are not. Only a few are needed..."

It was an almost quiet walk to the training grounds, aside from the strange looks she noticed people shooting the two of them. One of the reason they were staring was quite obvious, Lyla Silverite, Second in Command of the Ignasian Knighthood was known for ignoring people on a daily basis, she was not normally seen with others, much less with one known as Laserith Singletary, the knight who had a problem with women chasing after him everywhere. She nodded lightly at her 'companion's' question, not really wanting to talk as her throat was already sore and raw from yelling at the idiots under her command earlier.

The young woman carried herself in a way that made it seems as she wasn't aware of her height only being a meager five foot four inches. her steps were brisk, quick, her face showing no sign of the searing burn in her throat. Speaking was something she rarely had to do, but she'd managed to choke down some medicine for it before Laserith had arrived to speak with her. As soon as the two of them set foot in the training grounds, she unceremoniously unsheathed her sword and leaned against a wall, checking the blade for imperfections.

When she was sure her throat would not betray her, she spoke, "I would not ask useless questions." Lyla's voice was low, so as not to strain it, but it sounded as it always had. Bored, uninterested, hurried. That was simply how her attitude played into her voice. She looked up at him, slightly annoyed by the fact that he was quite a bit taller than she, but most people were and Lyla got over it quite quickly, instead she asked a single question, "Why is it you involve yourself with me?" The question was slightly offset by the almost emotionless look in her eyes.

Her green eyes bored into the man before her, Lyla's mind wondering why this man even spoke to her. Most people ignored the quiet woman, unless they were trying to hit on her or something along those lines, but the last time she had gone to town was almost a year back, thus unimportant. The people who spoke to her on a regular basis were limited to the commander and possibly his Paige. Lyla was usually left alone, but this Laserith had spoken to her, and now she wanted to know why.

Clara Elizabeth Coliar

Princess's guard

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Just like the young elven girl the knight got up, slowly standing up and standing on her feet. Because of the armor she wore it took her a few seconds longer to stand up then it would normally take. What Renee said then, it hit Clara. The girls pained voice cause the woman to do something she hadn't done in forever. She didn't answer the girl at first, instead her gloved hands went back and seemed to be doing something. There were a series of clanking sounds then. After them, Clara seemed to be removing her upper armor. The part which protected her chest and her shoulders came off, reveling nothing more then the fancy looking dark blue blazer she wore over the stretchy, thin, cloth that covered most of her body. The shape of her breasts were now visible, as one might expect they seemed somewhat large. Clara took the three pieces of thick, tough armor off, placing them on the ground with relative ease. Looking back to Renee Clara took a step forward, her metal boots making a clanking sounding, before reaching in and gently pulling the girl in an embrace.

" Renee..."
she started, her voice sounding gentle and calm, so much like her likely dead mothers, " At first, it was only about duty. When I first became your guard I only cared simply because of duty..." She seemed to squeeze the girl a bit tighter then, before continuing. " However, it didn't take long for me to truly care about you. I care because I want to, not because it's my duty. Even if I was stripped of my rank and thrown out of the palace I'd find some way to watch over you..."

Clara held onto the girl for a few minutes, being silent. She broke this silence though, conveying even more of her emotions. "... I no longer have a family. My mother and father are dead and I have no knowledge of any other family I might. Even the man who saved me from dying on the beach has passed on..." Her voice sounded slightly more emotional after speaking of him. "... Renee... You're the closest thing I have to family now. That's one of the reasons I care so much about you..."

The blond woman went into a silence then, simply hugging the girl who felt like a younger sister. Her true feelings had been let out now. After such a long time she had expressed all of her feelings to Renee.

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