Welcome to Gaia! ::

Ruthless Combatant

Graves. They littered the entire area, hundreds of thousands. Those were merely the freshest ones. The entire area was one large mass grave, the souls of the dead still roamed this wasteland of death, sorrow, and misery. The Ryuu No Kami used it as a dueling ground, a place where the fight could be performed without interruptions. This was not an honor to fight them alone, it did not mean that the person in question was strong. It simply meant that the Ryuu No Kami did not want any interruptions as they slaughtered their target. The entire area was enchanted with dark magics and artifacts, rigged with traps of many different kinds. The skullish remains of the dead littered the area as well, giant skulls and bones everywhere, this truely was a place of death. All who are brought here, are slaughtered mercilessly.


1- No godmoding (Obey the Anti-munch rules)
2- Be literate. If I can't understand you, I will ask you to explain yourself.
3- Post a profile. We don't allow things to be pulled out of are asses here. Use one of the profile formats below.
4- No bitching. If all you are going to do is complain OOC the entire fight, then you can show yourself the ******** door.
5- OOC, use it. OR ELSE!
6- During a fight, if you break the rules you will be told to leave and your character will be killed. Victory shall go to your opponent.


A barren wasteland filled with graves and tombstones of varying sizes. A mass of bones is where the Ryuu No Kami take refuge, it looks almost like a large oriental style temple made of bones. A dark barrier protects the temple, keeping trespassers out of the clans obode.

Ruthless Combatant

Profile format:

Universal Profile

Gaian Name -
Name -
Age -
Race -
Sex -
Appearance -
Weapons -
Bio -
Abilities/powers -
Other -

Specific Character Profile formats:

Demonic Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How old are you?)
Demonic Classification - (What type of demon are you?)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you use weapons? Post them here)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Anthro/Beast/Monster Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (What are you? Full beast, or half beast? What type of beast are you?)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you use weapons to hurt people? If not, then you can put N/A)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Alchemist/Homunculus Profile:

Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Alchemist Name - (Your secondary name)
Age - (How old are you?)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you carry any weapons on you?)
Automail Limbs - (Fill this out only if you have any automail limbs)
Alchemic Abilities - (What can you do? Remember, it cannot be bullshit)
How does you alchemy work? - (If you can't explain it in any way, shape, or form, and it makes no sense, then you can't use it)
Can you perform alchemy with or without a circle? (You have to have seen the gate in order to do this)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)


Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (If you put anything other than Homunculus, then you are stupid.)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Power - (What power do you have? Has to be able to actually be used)
Bio - (Your history.)
Relationship - (Who was the alchemist that created you? How do you know them?)
Other - (what else you got?)

Spiritual Beings Profile:
For Hollows through Arrancar:

Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Living Name - (What was your name before your transformation?)
Hollow Name - (What is your name now?)
Age - (How long ago did you die? That is your age)
Hollow Classification - (What level of Hollow are you. Look at above posts to look at different classifications)
Gender - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Zanpakuto Appearance - (Only if you are playing as an Arrancar can you fill this out)
Resurrección Form - (Only if you are playing as an Arrancar can you fill this out)
Abilities - (What can you do? Depending on your level of Hollow, certain Hollow abilities shall be cut off from you)
Powers - (What unique abilities do you have because of your transformation?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?

For Evil Soul Reapers:

Gaian Name -
Name -
Age -
Race -
Sex -
Appearance -
Zanpakuto appearance -
Shikai -
Bankai -
Bio -
Soul Reaper abilities, Bakudo, and Hado spells -
Other -

For Reiatsu Users:

Gaian Name -
Name -
Age -
Race -
Sex -
Appearance -
Reiatsu infused weapons -
Bio -
Reiatsu infused abilities -
Other -

Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - Vizard
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Hollow mask appearance - (What does your mask look like, and what is the motion you use to create it/put it on?)
Zanpakuto appearance - (What does your zanpakuto look like in its sealed state?)
Zanpakuto name - (What is the name of your zanpakuto?)
Shikai - (What does your Shikai look like and what is the release phrase?)
Shikai ability - (What special ability does your Shikai obtain?)
Bankai - (What does your Bankai look like?)
Bankai ability - (What is the power of your Bankai?)
Bio - (The history on how you became a Vizard and why you are now here)
Vizard abilities - (This is a combination of Hollow and Soul Reaper abilities)
Other - (what else you got?)

*Note* All Vizard have the abilities of both Soul Reapers and Hollows, their speed and strength surpassing both as well as their combat skills. *Note*

Gaian Name - (You should know this)
Name - (You should know this)
Age - (Nothing too outrageous)
Race - (Fill it in with Bount)
Sex - (Male or female. That is it)
Appearance - (Picture. Description. Just don't put "Looks like avatar" wink
Doll appearance when it is sealed - (Picture or description)
Doll appearance when it is released - (Picture or description)
Are you able to fuse with your doll - (Yes or no?)
Appearance when you fuse with your doll - (Picture or description)
Bio - (Have to fill this out)
Doll's abilities - (Don't go overboard kiddo)
You abilities when you fuse with your Doll - (Fill out only if you can)
Other - (What else do you got?)

Swordsman Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Your characters name)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (What are you? Race wise that is.)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you use one blade? Two? More than that?)
Weapon properties - (Is there something special about your weapon? Is it legendary? Tell us, as well as the name of your blade or blades)
Abilities - (What can you do along with your expertise on swordsmanship?)
Powers - (What powers do you have? You may have the abilities of Cannon characters from anime, videogames, or movies as well)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Alien/Other world Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (What are you? Race wise that is. *Yes. Saiyan is available*)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you use weapons to hurt people? If not, then you can put N/A)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have? Do you use dark or light Ki)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Magic User Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Title - (Your name, and then what you are referred as)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (What are you? Race wise that is.)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you wield any weapons along with your magic?)
Abilities - (What can you do other than magic?)
Types of magic you are capable of - (Let us all know?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Special items - (Do you have any? Wearing anything like that? Lucky boxers don't count.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Mech Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How long ago were you built?)
Type of unit? - (Defensive? Offensive? Both?)
Gender personality? - (Are you masculine or feminine?)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (What type of weaponary do you use? Make a list of all your attachments)
Abilities - (What custom upgrades do you have?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Dark Creature Profile:
Undead things:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name of the leader of your horde if you have chosen to play as a horde. If you aren't playing as a horde, then what is your characters name?)
Age - (How old are you?)
Type of undead? - (Zombie? Vampire? Something else?)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you use weapons? Post them here)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have?)
Weakness - (What will rekill you?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this. If you are a Heartless, this will be the same as your race. If you are a Heartless Boss, you will actually have a name)
Age - (How old are you? Only applies if you are a Heartless Leader)
Race - (What are you? If playing a Heartless, what type of Heartless are you?)
Sex - (Applies to Heartless Leaders only)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (If you use weapons, put what it is you wield)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have? What powers were granted to you by allowing the darkness to consume you?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Heartless Summoned - (What specific type of Heartless do you summon over all others? Applies to Heartless Leaders and Heartless Boss characters only.)

Gaian Name - (Obviously, you should know this)
Name - (If you are a Nobody Leader, or Nobody Boss Character, you will have a unique name. If you are just a Nobody, then this will be the same as your race)
Age - (How old are you? Only applies if you are a Nobody Leader)
Race - (What are you? If playing a Nobody, what type of Nobody are you?)
Sex - (Applies to Nobody Leaders only)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (If you use weapons, put what it is you wield)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have? What powers were granted to you by allowing the darkness to consume you?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Nobody Summoned - (What specific type of Nobodies do you summon over all others? Applies to Nobody Leaders and Nobody Boss characters only.)

Ninja Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (What is your race? Human? Not human?)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (What type of weapons do you use in combination with your martial arts? If none, then put none.)
Types of Jutsus used - (What can you do?)
Abilities- (What extra abilities do you have?)
Summon - (Only fill this in if you can summon something)
Favorite or best Jutsu - (What attack do you perform the best?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Super Villain Profile:
Gaian Name - (self explanitory)
Super Villain Name - (Name, you should know this.)
Real Name - (The name you were given at birth)
Age - (How old are you?)
Race - (What are you? Race wise that is.)
Sex - (Man? Woman? Those are the only choices I want to know about)
Appearance - (Picture, description, just don't stretch the page)
Weapons - (Do you use weapons to hurt people? If not, then you can put N/A)
Abilities - (What can you do?)
Powers - (What powers do you have?)
Bio - (Your history.)
Relationship - (Wife? Kids? Related to another villain/hero/anyone else? Let me know.)
Other - (what else you got?)

Gung-Ho Gun Profile:
Gaian Name - (You should know this)
Name- (You should know this too)
Age- (Nothing outrageous. Normal human years people)
Race- (What the hell are you? I'll tell you. You're a human.)
Gender - (Male? Female? Only choices I want to know about)
Appearance- (Picture. Written description. Don't stretch my page.)
Weapon (Hopefully a gun-type weapon)- (Gung-Ho Gun...yeah, pretty obvious you're gonna have a gun)
Power/Special abilities- (All of them Gung-Ho Guns were weird. Had them there special abilities and what not. What can you do?)
Bio- (Why did you become a Gung-Ho Gun?)
Personality - (Lets find out how screwed up you are in the head)
Other - (What else you got?)
Number- (This will be assigned to you)

Street Fighter-like Profile:
Gaian Name - (Obviously, you know this)
Name- (You know this too)
Age- (Nothing outrageous)
Race- (What are you?)
Gender - (Male? Female?)
Appearance- (Picture or written description. Do not stretch the page)
Fighting Style - (What fighting style are you most proficent at?)
Special Attack - (What is your special attack?)
Transformation - (This is for those that transform to a more evil version of themself. Think Akuma from Street Fighter.)
Special abilities - (What other abilities do you have?)
Bio- (Let's hear your story)
Other- (what else you got?)

Hollow Children Profile:
Gaian Name - (You should know this)
Name - (You should know this)
Age - (Normal human ages please)
Race - (You put: Hollow Child)
Sex - (Male or female. That is it)
Appearance - (Picture. Description. Just don't put "Looks like avatar" )
Larval Appearance - (Skin color changes, skin markings. Eyes are black with yellow pupils. No mask yet. Able to use small amount of Hollow abilities.)
Cocoon Appearance - (Same as Larval, but mask begins to form in fragments until it is whole. Allowed to use all abilities but Gran Rey Cero.)
Adult Appearance - (Same as Larval and Cocoon, though mask can be formed on the face completely, or in hand, on head, etc. Riten Zanpakuto (wakisashi sized zanpakuto) is created and hangs from waist. Ability to use Gran Rey Cero is granted. Riten Zanpakuto is without name or special ability.)
Omega Appearance - (Same as Adult, though Riten Zanpakuto has name revealed as well as ability. Shikai and Bankai are able to be used.)
Riten Zanpakuto Appearance - (If you are Adult stage or higher, fill this out)
Riten Zanpakuto Name - (What is your zanpakutos name?)
Riten Zanpakuto Shikai - (What does it look like/do? This reflects part shikai, part resurrecion)
Riten Zanpakuto Bankai - (What does it look like/do? This is full bankai, full resurrecion)
Bio - (Have to fill this out)
Hollow abilities - (Don't go overboard kiddo)
Other - (What else do you got?)

Pirate/One Piece Profile:
Gaian Name - (Pretty obvious)
Name - (You know this too)
Age - (Nothing ridiculous. No unknowns)
Race - (No unknowns)
Sex - (Male or female. That's it)
Appearance - (Write it, link it, picture. Just don't stretch my pages)
Weapons - (What do you use to defend yourself)
Bio - (Let us get to know the real you)
Devil Fruit you ingested - (What did you eat? If you didn't eat one, put N/A)
Devil Fruit ability - (What can you do because you ate it? N/A if you didn't eat one)
Other abilities - (What else are you good at? This will be a list of abilities for those that didn't eat a fruit. Fruit eaters can fill it out too.)
What is the name of your crew? - (Self explanitory)
Location you come from? - (Again. Self explanitory)
Other - (What else do we need to know?)


Ruthless Combatant

Gaian Name - Shin the Relentless
Name - Shin the Relentless
Age - 2,954 years old
Race - Demon overall, but a combination of several other beings.
Sex - Male
Appearance - Shin stands at six foot, five inches tall. He has black hair, that sticks up in the front a little. His skin is pale, his eyes red though his left eye is covered by a black eyepatch with a skull design upon it. He wears a combination between the old Gi and Hakama trousers that he wore when he was attacking the Hidden Ninja Village, and the attire of that of a member of the Espada. His gi is dark blue, ending at the elbow. White skin tight complete sleeves continue from there down to his hands. The knuckles of his gloves have steel plates upon them, the steel marked with a skull. A black sash is around his waist, which holds his sword, the Romugeri Tengishi that is sheathed in his left side, his zanpakuto, which is named Ryuu and is also sheathed on his left side, and his two beam sabres that hang from the left side of his sash. He wears black Hakama trousers, and the boots he once wore have been replaced with ninja-to boots that are made out of a very durable material, protecting his feet yet not sacrificing movement. Upon his right hand, he has three black skull rings that are the Power Rings of Reaper Corps. Members. Upon his right shoulder, is Shin's old mask that he once wore. Acting as a shoulder guard of sorts.
Weapons - Romugeri Tengishi, a katana forged from the remains of a destructively powerful black dragon that had been slain by Shin. It has the power to destroy entire villages with a single swing when allowed to use its maximum power. The two beam sabres on his sash are only used when he wants to finish a fight quickly and doesn't think the opponent is worthy of a long battle. The three power rings he wears are able to create any energy construct he wills.
Zanpakuto Appearance - Shin's zanpakuto is named Ryuu. It is of average length for a zanpakuto, five feet long and three inches wide. The handle is eight inches long, four inches wide. It looks like a normal katana.
Shikai - "Pierce into their flesh with your sharp fangs, Ryuu!" Shin's zanpakuto then transforms into a seven foot long, five inch wide blade. Its ability is that with each swing, it fires sharpened blades at the opponent.
Bankai - Shin stabs his zanpakuto into the ground, causing an explosion of energy. Bakuhatsu Ryuu is its name. Ten swords made of black spiritual fire circle Sin. They are used to block his opponents attacks, and will become swords of metal when he grabs ahold of one. The moment he releases its handle, it becomes a sword of fire once more.
Bio - Once the manslayer to the Emperor of Japan, he was killed in an ambush that had been performed by his own men...those he believed to be his friend. Ryuu Nogeki, had been sent to Hell for his deeds within the living world. He had been forced to fight his way through Hell, until he reached the Devil himself. Soon, after asking for a deal to be made, he discovered that this dark monster was not the one he needed to speak to. He then was taken down to a realm that was beyond that of Hell...where a being more terrible then any he had come across resided. Ryuu was allowed to be reborn, and given the great gift of immortality by his new master. He was given a new name...and his heart and body were discarded as his dark soul was placed in a new body.

Shin is a dark and destructive monster, he was a tyrant within the Hidden Ninja Village, he has constantly hunted Ryuji, Hayato, Keymoriah, Sonja, and Kiyo. He kills whoever stands in his way, has enslaved powerful beings to do as he pleases. He has yet to have been permantley destroyed by his enemies. He has augmented his body to make himself stronger and stronger all the time. Perfection is what Shin is after. Perfection and complete control of Gaia.
Abilities - Super strength (due to the upgrades and assimilation of other beings, Shin can lift a maximum of 5.8 tons), Super speed/instantaneous movement (due to the absorbtion of Jigen's power through cannibalism, and the learning of both Shunpo and Sonido), and Assimilation and absorbtion (Shin is able to assimilate/absorb any being or so long as he/she has or uses demonic energy/magic). Shin is able to construct a Hollow mask, to place upon his face and gain a boost of power as well as an array of Hollow skills. To do this, Shin just has to remove the eyepatch upon his left eye.
Vizard mask appearance - It looks like Shin's old mask, but now it is skull white. Red tribal markings upon it, and the horns are longer and a lot more demonic looking.
Powers - Alchemy, Mana manipulation, and Demonic magic/energy. Soul Reaper Kido, and Hollow powers as well.
Other - Shin has the Hōgyoku (aka the Orb of Distortion) in his possession. Shin has three power releases. Grand Seal Release Opening, Encore, and Finale. Sonja has seen up to Encore, or as she had seen it Part 2. None have seen Finale, yet those in Shin's service are anxious to see it in use.

Ruthless Combatant

Types of Role Players

Oldbies: Are veterans of role-playing. They generally know best after years of experience.
Elites: Elites are on their way to becoming Oldbies, but are still changed Literates. Elites can be recognised by their "Elites only" policy, with no leeway whatsoever. They are generally quite cocky, think they are better, and insist on using reams and reams of detail. This can be particularly true for magic users, who are convinced that their descriptions of the traits and limits of magic are unquestionable. (Not all Literates become Elites before they move on to Oldbies. Don't worry.)
Literates: A growing minority, literate role-players are just that. They use correct punctuation and grammar, and role-play fairly. Literates often refer to, and follow, the AMP (Anti-Munch Project).
ne0 n00b: ne0s (never use a capital 'n' for them!) at first appear to be Literates. This falsehood becomes apparent after a few posts however, as they tend to break the AMP a lot, and are actually just n00bs who can spell.
n00b: (Don't use a capital 'n' for these either!) n00bs are the worst role-player available. A sad and terribly derogatory approach to take, but the simple fact of the matter is that they just cannot and will not role-play fairly, even when outnumbered, outgunned, and obviously dead in character. They will often resort to flaming, leading to eventual bans, new accounts, and new bans.
Newbie: A Newbie can at first seem to be an n00b, they can though, learn to correctly role-play fairly and adequately. Newbies are to be encouraged and treated well, and will often grow into skilled Literates.

Anti-Munchers Project

An aimbotter is a role player who has ridiculously unrealistic accuracy and unsurprisingly never misses (or almost never.) This is not only limited to firearms but also to any projectile such as mystically throwing a shard of metal into someones ear lobe from a few hundred metres off.

Billy: My two pet humming birds fly around me.

Ben: From a hundred metres away I shoot behind my back with a 9mm pistol and one of the hummingbirds heads fly off, I then spin around a peg my gun directly into the other bird.


The most annoying role playing crime, the player who thinks he is a God, he either never takes a hit, or when he does takes zero damage. They also tend to incoparate many other AMP violating things, which is just modey.

Billy: I slash at your neck with my battle axe.

Ben: The axe breaks in half on my seemingly normal neck. And I do not receive a scratch.


IDKFA- ers are basically spys, with totally unrealistic gadgets or items on their body or person, which are also unrelated to the character, such as a laser pen on Solid Snake. Or James Bond and a condom.

Billy: I raise a gun to your forehead.

Ben: I tap my watch and it turns into a magnet which pulls your gun right out of your hand before a laser cannon emerges from my sunglasses along with two tactical nukes.


Sometimes allowed in certain RPs. If the RP isn't specifically about invincible deities and such, a simple rule is that if the strengths aren't counterbalanced with relatively equivalent weaknesses (or if the reasoning behind the phenomenal cosmic powers isn't eloquently and appropriately explained), you're dealing with a Twink.

Billy: Having knocked you down, I give you my hand to help you to your feet.

Ben: My skin turns you to stone.


Basically the same as a twink but tends to incoporate many more powers as opposed to the twinks token super unstoppable power, and also has usually one (sometimes more) token weakness.

Billy: After you beating me to a pulp with your super magic armour I ask you what weakness's it has.

Ben: Uhh, if you hit both armpits at the same time with a wet towel.

Miss Cleos

Using out of character knowledge in a role play, sons of bitches. Theese are especially frowned upon.

Billy: (( My character is secretly a fire mage even though he shows no sign of it in his appearance. ))

Ben: Turns on a high pressured hose. "Die you fire b***h!"


Mcfly as in the movie back to the future! That should explain itself XD

Billy: Now that your force field is down I can run inside your base!

Ben: Um.... um.... there is also a super secret second force field that is twice as strong as the last one! I didn't say anthing about it before or even mention anything like it because it was so secret, not because I just made it up!


They interfere with things that only the creator of the thread should be capable of usually to do with the environment, for instance self destructing a base, only the leader should have such permission and codes. Tis a no no.

Billy: "My bar has been sieged by evil ninjas!"

Ben: Presses a self destruct button that I always knew was hidden under the painting of an orange.

Billy: ((There is no self destruct button!!))


Dictating what another persons character does or how they react, extremely irritating.

Billy: I walk into the room and sit down at the bar.

Ben: I smash you in the head with a bottle and you run screaming from the room before falling down the stairs and killing yourself.


Billy: I sit down under a tree.

Ben: I sit next to Billy under a tree. My knee scuffed jeans gently padded down on the lofty grass at the bottom of the old oak tree, whose barks was a very light brown. My beige shirt which had a faint rip at the bottom left corner gently swayed in the breeze of a north easterly wind. This reminded me of how when I we were young boys we used to play together. Oh, those were the days, we never had a care in the world, except for when Bradley got the chicken pox and we thought we would turn into chickens! Oh how red my face was when I realised that we wouldn't after all.

Overly long posts about nothing. That have no reason to be that long.


Basically the largest idiot in a place, who accuses others of breaking AMP rules when they are. Guilty.

Billy: I slash at you as hard as I can with my sword.

Ben: I catch your sword and snap it in half before punching you in the face causing your nose to bleed.

Billy: ((You can't just catch my sword and make me bleed like that!))

Ben: ((Yes I can! You can't swing a sword without moving foward and everbody knows that I'm uber strong and can snap swords, so you were always going to get punched, and if you think you could have moved that quickly you would be godmodding! n00b!! ))

Shoe elves

A form of puppet mastery that usually involves the lack of another characters role players presence, it is not a very common problem. And usually only a bit of a joke.

Billy: ((I have to go eat dinner. See you guys later!))

Ben: Notcing that Billy stopped moving I walk up to him and shave off both his eyebrows before taking off his clothes and taking numerous photos which I send to playgirl.


Someone who's alters and RP to suit their needs, usually when they don't like the RP itself.

Billy: Considering this is a Medieval RP, I take my time as my illiterate and somewhat retarded peasant, wandering around te town boredly.

Ben: Not particuarly liking the looks of this RP, I decide to spice things up a bit by deploying my Iron Maiden robots, giant metal skull crushing machines of doom, which incinerate all in their path!

Billy: (( This is a MEDIEVAL RP! ))

Ben: (( Not any more b***h. ))


Someone who does far to much in a single post, most in fight posts should only consist of a couple seconds. Otherwise its almost verging into puppet mastery with the lack of the other characters reaction.

Billy: I shoot at you twice with still six bullets remaining in my gun.

Ben: I jump behind a table to escape your shots, and then I get back up and calmly make a cup of tea before walking up to you and slapping you in the face.


A character that is basically the opposite of itself, and therefore extremely unlikely to exist. Such as a pacifist preist warlord. They just don't make sense.

Billy: In this roleplay based in 1840, Texas, I am a cowboy.

Ben: I am a young boy who was trained in Tibet in the ancient art of Kung Jujitsu and also how to shoot every kind of gun there is. And I ride up to you on a motorbike.

Baghdad Bobbits

Puppet masters and aimbotters combine to form an instakill style of role play.

Billy: I look up at the stars.

Ben: I run up to you and grab your hand pulling you over before stabbing you several times in the spine with a large fork.


So named after such things as the xenomorphs from Aliens, the Klendathu bugs from Star ship Troopers, and the teeming hoards they generally are. These hoards are always fearless, will battle until dead, and quite often have some excessive weapons and/or armour. Basically, it's the guys who have too many NPCs.

Billy: I wait in the meadow for my opponent to arrive.

Ben: I see Billy and then whistle and seven thousand of my super ninja warriors appear from the shadows to kill you.

Gaseous Snakes

A character that apparently was everywhere in the past and did everything possible that could benefit themselves.

Billy: I run through the forest, weaving and cutting through trees.

Ben: You fall down a pit I dug earlier knowing exactly where you would run.


The people who alter their character as needed for the situation.

Billy: After revealing your true vampire form I stab at your heart with a wooden stake.

Ben: The stake hits a my chest and splinters because I am also a robot!


The people who quite readily attack others' threads, but then stop all attacks on their own thread.

Billy: "You burnt down my bar now its time for you to pay!"

Ben: My hundred auto turrects activate, as well as a magical pulse that paralyses all living things. As you stand in the middle of a highly dangerous mine field.


Ben: -Deletes post-


The knowledge downloaders, the omniscience wizards. Those people who never learnt anything but know everything.

Billy: After a life being brought up hunting with my father I can use a knife and shoot quite well.

Ben: Growing up alone I became tough. Now I know twenty martial arts and how to fly a helicopter even though your the first person I've ever met.


Remember the gun room from the Matrix, its like that. But in someones pocket.

Billy: At the sight of the full moon I turn into a werewolf and charge at you howling for blood.

Ben: Even though I was swimming and in just a towel, I pull a gun loaded with a silver bullet out from undre my towel and shoot at your chest.


Those characters which mysteriously appear in different areas with no explanation due to poor writing.

Billy: Sitting on the roof as everyone else sits inside I sigh thinking about my dead father.

Ben: I hear Billy sigh and ask him if he is alright and pat him on the back.

Billy: ((Dude you were just inside. A whole storey was blocking us. ))


Aimbotter and puppet master mixed to make a person who tells you how he hit you and how his hit connected, it is sometimes allowed.

Billy: I take a swing at you with a bat.

Ben: I grab the bat from your hands, spin around and smash your knee caps backwards.

Ruthless Combatant

Generals of the Ryuu No Kami
(AKA Other characters I control)

Name - Henshin the Transformation Master
Age - 23 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Wearing a pure white, blank mask. Ryuu wears the usual black and red uniform of the Ryuu No Kami. He stands at five feet, six inches tall. His skin is never seen, always covered by his mask, and the uniform he wears.
Weapons - Kunai, two katana sheathed on his left side, and poison darts that he keeps tied to his left leg.
Bio - Henshin was a great actor. Able to play any part, and make people believe he was who he portrayed. He had a dark secret though, he would take the female fans that wished to lay with him after his shows and once he was done having his way with them...he would butcher them. The darkness seed found him, planting itself in his body and activating when he was in the middle of his greatest performance. The mask he was wearing was transformed into a blank mask, and could not be removed from his face. He was found by Shin, while he was performing in the house of one of the Emperors aids. Now he is a high ranking general within the Ryuu No Kami clan.
Abilities/powers - Has the ability to transform into anyone/anything, so long as it is living or once was. He can use the abilities of whoever he transforms into, but not to the same degree of power which the original can. He also gains the targets memories, making it harder and harder to distinguish Henshin from the original.
Other - After transforming into his desired target, he can remove his mask to make his disguise complete. When he returns to his original form, the mask reattaches itself to his face and cannot be removed.
Number: 11

Name - Jiko the Dimension Master
Age - 28 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Jiko wears a pure black blank mask, that has a white star upon the forehead. Jiko is pale, sickly looking. Standing at five feet, two inches tall, Jiko has white and black hair. His right eye is red, while the left one is blue. He wears the usual Ryuu No Kami uniform as the other generals do. He is in good shape, toned yet not super muscular. The Kanji meaning Death is tattooed upon his right palm, it stays black until activated to be used for his suicide technique.
Weapons - Several kunai and a single katana.
Bio - Jiko has always been a rather powerful monk, having obtained the power to move between dimension through the long process of becoming a sage. He has no darkness seed within him, and works for Shin by choice. Seeing Shin's path of destruction and death, as merely a way to bring peace and unity to all of japan.
Abilities/powers - Can move through dimensions and trap others in them as well, sealing them off from others for a limited amount of time.
Other - Jiko is not violent, all fights ending in nothing more than him tiring out his opponent and then leaving or allowing them to make peace with him and then leave.
Number: 9

Name - Banjin the Puppet Master
Age - Unknown.
Race - Living Puppet
Sex - N/A
Appearance - Standing at six feet tall, Banjin is made of a dark colored gray wood. His eyes are pure red and glow, but can only be seen glowing when light is absent. He wears the same uniform of the rest of the Ryuu No Kami, wearing a turquoise and white dragon mask upon his face. He made from wood from trees that grow within the lower reaches of hell. His body is very durable, able to shake off massive amounts of damage. His death kanji is engraved on the palms of both of his hands.
Weapons - A katana sheathed on his left side, two nodachi horizontal upon his lower back. Kunai, Banjin carries exactly twenty of them.
Bio - Banjin came into Shin's service many years ago. Not much is known about his past, who he was before he became a puppet.
Abilities/powers - Banjin has the ability to give life to puppets. His skills as a puppet maker means he can make exact replicas of people as puppets...even if the puppets are actually living people. He can also control others with his mastery of puppetry.
Other - Within his body, is a magic artifact. The Devil's Heart. It gives Banjin his artificial life. He can transfere the heart to other spare bodies that he has created when he takes too much damage within the body he is using at the moment.
Number: 8

Name - Cho the Wind Master
Age - 20 years old
Race - Half human/half wind demon
Sex - Male
Appearance - Cho is five feet, nine inches tall. He wears a yellow and white hawk mask upon his face. His hair is white, spiked up upon his head. His eyes are a greay color, and his skin is tan. He wears the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami clan. The death kanji is tattooed on his soloplex, the center of his chest right where his ribcage ends.
Weapons - A large fan that is tied to his back, it is known as the Fan of the Four Dragons.
Bio - Cho's father was a wind demon, while his mother was the daughter of a local farmer. His mother was given as a sacrifice to the wind demon, to keep him from destroying the village in which she lived. Cho learned how to be a heartless monster from his father, striking fear in the hearts of humans by using the wind to kill them and destroy there villages. Shin killed Cho's father, and wounded Cho, almost killing him. A darkness seed that was implanted in him by Shin, healed his wound. He joined Shin and the Ryuu No Kami, pledging his loyalty to Shin.
Abilities/powers - Cho can manipulate the wind. Turning a simple breeze into a tornado. He can use the wind as a weapon that can be shaped and contortated to his will.
Number: 7

Name - Po-Jin the Earth Master
Age - 23 years old
Race - Half Human/Half Earth Demon
Sex - Male
Appearance - Eight feet tall. Po-Jin was given a brown and white bull mask, though he rarely wears it. He looks mole like, with large muscular arms and a large muscular upper body. He has sharp claws upon his hands, used to rip through the earth with ease. His eyes are green, emerald green. He wears a modified Ryuu No Kami uniform, the sleeves ripped off. The death kanji is tattooed on his back, taking up his entire back.
Weapons - Po-Jin carries no weapons
Bio - He never knew his real parents. He was taken in by loving foster parents, farmers that always praised him for the great help he was able to give them on the farm. The other villagers didn't like the thought of a half demon living among them, and went to his home to do something about it. His parents were killed trying to protect him, and that is when the darkness seed entered and activated within Po-Jins body. He slaughtered his entire village in a blind rage, and when he was finished, he buried his parents on the farm. He was taken in by Shin, serving him faithfully like a son would do for his father.
Abilities/powers - Po-Jin can manipulate the earth to his will, using it as a weapon that can destroy whole villages.
Other - Po-Jin is rather kind and peacefull, only when he gets brought into a rage is he any danger to anyone and everyone.
Number: 6

Name - Doraku the Water Master
Age - 21
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Doraku is five feet, seven inches tall. He has blue hair, that is shaved close to his head except for bangs that are on the left side of his face. He has blue eyes, and his skin is tan. It seems as if he has spent every moment of his life out in the sun. He wears the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami, and a dark blue and white shark mask upon his face. His death kanji is tattooed on his stomach.
Weapons - kunai, a nodachi and wakisashi, and several shuriken.
Bio - Doraku used to be a rather infamous pirate, known as the Demon of the Sea. He used his power of the water, brought to him by the activation of his darkness seed, to sink ships after he was done stealing all of there goods. He got into a fight with Shin in the port of a little sea side village, his entire crew killed in the process. He was spared by Shin, and given the offer to join the Ryuu No Kami clan, which he accepted.
Abilities/powers - Doraku manipulates water, able to use water molecules from the air around him, or water that has been frozen solid. He can control water, in any form it takes.
Other - Doraku has gills on his neck, giving him the ability to breath under water.
Number: 5

Name - Hatsu the Sound Master
Age - 18 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Hatsu is five feet, five inches tall. He has green eyes, black hair that is slicked back to a ponytail that flares out behind him. He wears a gray and white wolf mask on his face, and the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami. The death kanji is tattooed on his throat.
Weapons - A sitar that he wears on his back, able to swing it around by its strap. A black drum tied to his waist.
Bio - Hatsu was saved by Shin when he was seven years old. An attack on his village by monstrous creatures, Shin had saved him. The darkness seed in his body had already activated at such a young age, and he was inducted into the Ryuu No Kami immediately
Abilities/powers - Hatsu can amplify normal sound waves to devistating proportions.
Number: 10

Name - Tickouri the Bug Master
Age - 35 years old
Race - Former human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Tickouri is seven feet tall, his body covered in bandages. He is big and bulky, his human body having changed over the years of his transformation to become like that of a beetles exoskeleton. His hands are clawed, his eyes are yellow. He wears a modified version of the Ryuu No Kami uniform, the sleeves end at the elbow and the hakama trousers end at the knees. That way his bandages extremeties can be seen. He wears a blue and white crow mask on his face. His death kanji is tattooed on the palm of his left hand.
Weapons - Tickouri carries a large halbert, that is usually seen resting on his shoulder as he walks or stabbed into the ground as a leaning post for Tickouri.
Bio - Tickouri used to be a bug keeper. He was insane when it came to bugs, even killing men, women, and children when he saw them hurting bugs. His darkness seed activated when he came close to death, attracting the bugs he loved so much to feast and merge with his body. Reborn as a bug monster, he slaughtered his village. He then wandered the country, coming across Shin and joining him in his quest.
Abilities/powers - Tickouri can control bugs and use them as weapons. He also has bugs residing in his hive like body, that do whatever he wishes. He can also manipulate the genetic make-up of the bugs and alter them in many different ways.
Number: 2

Name - Honoo the Fire Master
Age - 24 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Honoo is five feet, seven inches tall. He has orange eyes, red hair that is all over the place. Spiked, but looks like he just woke up as well. He wears a red and white lion mask on his face, and the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami clan. The death kanji is tattooed on the back of his neck.
Weapons - Honoo carries no weapons
Bio - Honoo is a fire bender. He was the strongest on his island, able to defeat even his father, the king of the island and take the title of king for himself. He was a tyranical leader, and killed whoever did not agree with what he had to say. The darkness seed activated before he was challenged to a fight with Shin, mere seconds before. He was defeated, and demanded a rematch. Shin made a bet, that if he won, Honoo would join him. If Shin lost, Shin would serve Honoo forever. Honoo agreed to the wager, and was defeated by Shin. Joining the Ryuu No Kami and serving Shin.
Abilities/powers - Honoo controls fire. He has three different levels of control, that are reflections of the heat of the fire. Red is his first stage, white is his second stage, and black is his last stage. The black fire comes from hell itself, able to burn almost anything into ashes.
Number: 4

Name - Onea the Poison Master
Age - 25 years old
Race - Former human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Onea stands at six feet tall. He has yellow snake eyes, green scaley skin, though it changes colors to reflect his mood. He wears a different for of the Ryuu No Kami uniform, his consists of thick gloves, leather boots, and a uniform that interlocks to ever part of itself. Onea's mask is a purple and white snake mask, that connects to a hoodie feature to his uniform top. This is done to make sure that he does not kill without being told to. His death kanji is tattooed on his long snake like tongue.
Weapons - Two daggers that have been soaked in Onea's toxic blood.
Bio - Onea was a master at science, at chemistry, and botany. He made poisons for others to kill their enemies, and would then later kill the buyer of the poison. He was caught once, chased down by the local law enforcement and surrounded by them as he tried to hide in his house. He decided to take his own like, and downed every vial of poison he had. That is when his darkness seed activated, and he was transformed by the many different reptile poisons that he had just injested. He then killed those that wished to take him in, and met up with Shin as he just happened to walk through his village. He was instantly made a general of the Ryuu No Kami.
Abilities/powers - Onea is immune to poisons. His body produces a poison all its own, one that has no cure. The toxicity of his poison seeps through his pores, he can cause objects to rot just by placing his bare skin upon it.
Number: 3

Name - Igijo the Bomb Master
Age - 24 years old
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - Igijo wears an orange and white fox mask upon his face, covering his rather youthful looks from others unless he wants them to see his face. He is six feet, three inches tall. He has black hair, that is styled into a fohawk. He has brown eyes, and has pale skin. He wears a modified version of the Ryuu No Kami uniform, made to look like that of a gamblers outfit. He wears bandages on his forearms, and around his neck. His death kanji is tattooed on his chest, where his heart is.
Weapons - Kunai, shurikens, a katana, and several pairs of dice.
Bio - Igijo was a gambler. If he won and someone couldn't pay, he would kill them. If he lost, he would kill whoever played against him. Igijo also made bombs, he loved to watch buildings and people explode. He was surrounded one day, bomb in hand as the darkness seed activated. He couldn't move or throw the bomb as the shogun who were after him moved out of the blast range. As the bomb went off, the explosion was absorbed by his skin, changing his molecular structure and giving him the ability to turn other object into bombs. He met up with Shin, both of them just wanderers at first. Igijo became the first general of the Ryuu No Kami clan.
Abilities/powers - Igijo can change the molecular and atomic structure of an object/person. Turning them into an unstable, highly explosive, bomb. By saying a trigger word, he can set off the bomb and cause it to explode whenever he wants. The trigger word is: Boom.
Other - Igijo has been with Shin the longest. Having been Shin's very first general.
Number: 1

Ruthless Combatant

Other Generals of the Ryuu No Kami
(Non-controlled by me)


12- Name - Okami the Hollow Master
Age - 22 years old
Race - Hollow Child
Sex - Male
Appearance - Okami wears the usual uniform of the Ryuu No Kami, though modified a bit with larger cuffs on his sleeves and shackels with broken chains on his wrists and ankles.
Weapons - His Riten Zanpakuto that is tied loosely to the left side of the sash around his waist
Bio - Okami was one of Shin's experiments with the Hollow Children project. He was one of the few that actually survived and evolved far enough to be of use to Shin. He had disguised himself as a mere ninja to aid Shin in destroying his enemies, gaining their trust and friendship.
Abilities/powers - Cero - Are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from the mouth or hand. Only menos, arrancar, and vizard have so far been shown to use cero attacks, and it appears that higher classes of hollow can use it more efficiently. It is unknown whether sufficiently strong regular hollows are capable of it.

Gran Rey Cero- A Cero blast that is far stronger than a normal Cero blast. It is used in conjunction with the users blood, the power that lies behind it is phenominal.

Pesquisa - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami ability to sense spiritual pressure.

Hierro - refers to the ultratough skin of the arrancar; while very strong, it is by no means invincible.

Sonido - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami flash steps; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances.

Bala - Is a weaker but quicker alternative to the regular cero attack. The technique hardens the user's spiritual pressure and fires it at around twenty times the speed of a cero blast.

Garganta - Is how larger hollows and arrancar move to and from the Hollow Realm. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.
Other - N/A
Number: 12


Vice Captain- Gaian Name - Anun the Gatekeeper
Name - Anun
Age - 27 years old
Race - Shinigami (Soul Reaper)
Sex - Male
Appearance - Standing at 5 feet, 4 inches tall, Anun wears a white coat like all other Espada, the sleeves ending in black cuffs that ended at the wrist. The coat tails are rather long and end at the back of his knees. Anun wears white hakama trousers and a black sash around his waist, black tabi socks, and white sandles. No shirt or vest is worn underneath his coat, but his torso and his arms as well are always covered in bandages. He has black hair, the bangs only covering his left eye. His eyes are brown in color, and his skin a pale white. He wears a necklace with a skull badge hanging from it, the badge allowed those that could not see spirits have the ability to see him as well as signifying that he worked for Shin.
Zanpakuto appearance - A regular looking katana, though the handguard is diamond shaped.
Shikai - "Strangle, Gazitogi" Anun's upper body and arms are then covered in what appears to be bandages. The bandages are sharp and strong as steel and can pierce through a body with ease.
Bankai - Motokouyo Gazitogi: The handle loses its handguard, and turns a black color and gains an upside down L shaped structure jutting out of it to guard his fingers. A small steel ball is attached to the handle, which is constantly opening and closing its sharp teeth filled mouth. When swung, the ball can grow to any size Anun wishes, and extends to almost infinite length with the help of black chain tempered with his own spiritual energy. Even though it truely does weigh a great deal, it moves as gracefully and easily as if it wieghed nothing at all.
Bio - Anun was once a monk that allied himself with Damien, Ranzou, Ryuji, Hayato, and many others. He was the first apprentice of Shin, learning everything he could. An accident turned him into a monster, rectifying that lost him his life. Shin was able to teach him and mold him into a Soul Reaper and let him gain a great deal of power. He now serves Shin as his vice captain, fighting alongside him and willing to die in order to have Shin's dreams realized.
Soul Reaper abilities, Bakudo, and Hado spells - Though he knows them, quite a few to be exact, he rarely uses them. Finding it much more fulfilling to slay an opponent with his own skill of his zanpakuto.
Other -
1- Gaian Name - Raiden the Arrancar
Living Name - Sasuke Gomenzu
Hollow Name - Raiden Tenbari
Age - 106 years old
Hollow Classification - Arrancar, former Vasto Lorde
Gender - Male
Appearance - Raiden wears the uniform that all Espada wear. The basic uniform consists of a white-collared jacket, a black sash around the waist, and white hakama pants. His uniform is customized, his collar is high upon his neck and if it was closed it would cover the bottom half of his face. The sleeves are short, ending at the elbows and having overly large cuffs while the coat tails end a little below his lower back. His hakama trousers end at the shin and are made to taper so that they look rather baggy. His tabi socks extend upwards and are much like the leggings of the 4th Espada, while his sandles look more bootish, though are open at the toes. His zanpaktou is sheathed on his left side, due to him being right handed. Raiden is 7'8", has pale white skin and red eyes. His hair is red and spikey. He still retains the lower jaw portion of his Hollow mask. The hole in his chest hasn't moved, still in the center of his chest. He is muscular, having an average muscular build. The number one is tattooed upon the left side of his chest.
Zanpakuto Appearance - In its unreleased state takes the form of a regular katana (11 feet long, 5 inches wide) though it is ridiculously long
Resurrección Form - "Thunder, Delgato". Once released, drums appear upon his back in a circular pattern and connected to one another by a white ring. His former Hollow form returning somewhat with the reconstruction of his bird like Hollow mask. His left and right arm are covered in bone like armor as well as his upper half, ending in pointed wing like tips which allow him to slash at his enemies and then hit the drums behind his back. With the striking of each drum, he is able to charge lightning within his body and then fire it out at his opponents. With each hit, the charge increases by 500,000 volts. If not fired, each hit can increase his speed to a greater and greater level.
Abilities - Cero - Are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from the mouth or hand. Only menos, arrancar, and vizard have so far been shown to use cero attacks, and it appears that higher classes of hollow can use it more efficiently. It is unknown whether sufficiently strong regular hollows are capable of it.

Gran Rey Cero- A Cero blast that is far stronger than a normal Cero blast. It is used in conjunction with the users blood, the power that lies behind it is phenominal.

Gonzui - Is a technique used to suck the souls from a large number of living people. Those with above average energy are able to survive the attack, but are left weakened.

Pesquisa - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami ability to sense spiritual pressure.

Hierro - refers to the ultratough skin of the arrancar; while very strong, it is by no means invincible.

Sonido - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami flash steps; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances.

Bala - Is a weaker but quicker alternative to the regular cero attack. The technique hardens the user's spiritual pressure and fires it at around twenty times the speed of a cero blast.

Garganta - Is how larger hollows and arrancar move to and from the Hollow Realm. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.
Powers - Manipulation and use of electricity and lighting like attacks.
Bio - Created by Shin. The use of the Orb of Distortion caused him to go a step further, becoming an Arrancar. He was placed as the 1st Espada, do to the fact that he was a Vasto Lorde level Menos class Hollow before his asscension to Arrancar. He serves Shin faithfully, knowing that victory for his master means victory for him as well.
Other - Raiden is usually very calm, though at the same time he is mean and does not care who he offends. He speaks what he believes to be the truth about a person, regardless of how well he knows them.

2- Gaian Name - Gobi the Arrancar
Living Name - Yatsuro Nobugenju
Hollow Name - Gobi Matamoto
Age - 213 years old
Hollow Classification - Arrancar, former Vasto Lorde
Gender - Male
Appearance - Gobi's uniform: The jacket he wears is sleeveless, having ripped them off himself so the tattered and frayed edges remained, the jackets length ends at the bottom of his ribs save the coat tails that extend to his knees. His hakama trousers are worn the regular style, though he wears white shin guards that extend to his ninja-to like sandles that he wears. His zanpaktou is sheathed on his left side, due to him being right handed. Gobi is 5'8", has pale white skin and yellow eyes. His hair is neon blue and shaved in a buzzcut, with two long bangs coming down over his eyes. He still retains the lower jaw portion of his Hollow mask, as well as part of the mask that covered the right side of his face. The hole in his chest has moved down to where his belly button would be and is 3 inches across and 4 inches long. He looks skinny, almost malnourished. That means absolutely nothing, for he is quite a lot stronger than he appears. The number two is tattooed on the palm of his right hand.
Zanpakuto Appearance - It appears to be a normal looking katana, sheathed horizontally upon his lower back. The blade is serrated, to add great to the damage dealt.
Resurrección Form - "Obliterate, Bakurra-gozu". Once released he gains a large amount of muscle mass, his skin being covered in bone like armor that adds to his already tough defense. The top half of his mask will reconstruct, as well as a lower set portion of his lower half making it almost like a helmet. Gobi can then manipulate fire, even becoming consumed in it completely and cut through an object with the intensity of the flames consuming him.
Abilities - Cero - Are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from the mouth or hand. Only menos, arrancar, and vizard have so far been shown to use cero attacks, and it appears that higher classes of hollow can use it more efficiently. It is unknown whether sufficiently strong regular hollows are capable of it.

Gran Rey Cero- A Cero blast that is far stronger than a normal Cero blast. It is used in conjunction with the users blood, the power that lies behind it is phenominal.

Gonzui - Is a technique used to suck the souls from a large number of living people. Those with above average energy are able to survive the attack, but are left weakened.

Pesquisa - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami ability to sense spiritual pressure.

Hierro - refers to the ultratough skin of the arrancar; while very strong, it is by no means invincible.

Sonido - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami flash steps; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances.

Bala - Is a weaker but quicker alternative to the regular cero attack. The technique hardens the user's spiritual pressure and fires it at around twenty times the speed of a cero blast.

Garganta - Is how larger hollows and arrancar move to and from the Hollow Realm. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.
Powers - Manipulation and use of fire.
Bio - Gobi was experimented on along with Raiden. Both of them becoming the first and second of Shin's Espada. Gobi is the second, because even with the use of the Hogyoku, he is still weaker than Raiden. He has his doubts about Shin, not always doing what he is told.
Other - N/A
4- Gaian Name - Giant Feast
Living Name - Ken Himora
Hollow Name - Hatori Naginata
Age - 78 years old
Hollow Classification - Arrancar, former Adjuchas
Gender - Male
Appearance - Hatori is 5'8", with red hair that he wears in a ponytail. He has red eyes, and his skin is average caucasian pigment. His uniform is modified to be a turtle neck like top that goes down to his wrists. Black gloves with a white band around the wrists. A black sash around his waist and short hakama trousers. He wears the usual black tabi and white sandals, though his tabi are much longer and are more like black leggings. He has the number 4 tattooed on his right shoulder. The remains of his hollow mask is upon his right eye, making it look somewhat like a monocle.
Zanpakuto Appearance - Its name is Matsuri. It is a large weapon, the blade and handle make it this zanpakuto 12 feet long and three feet wide. It had a serrated edge, and has no sheath. Instead, Hatori is always seen carrying it. Resting it on his shoulders horizontally as a baseball player does with a baseball bat.
Resurrección Form - "Eat, Matsuri" Hatori them increases in size, becoming quite a bit more round then usual. His body is covered in bone like armor up to his neck, and the remaints of his mask reformed to make a frog like half mask upon the upper part of his face. On his back, small exhaust like pipes can be seen, which are used to pump a black smoke into the air that cuts off all use of spiritual energy, making sensing anothers spirit energy impossible. He can also fire globs of sticky green snot/spit from his mouth that can bind an object so that they cannot move. His arms become much larger, as well as his legs and he can move like a frog does because of his powerful legs. Upon his large stomach, a equally large hollow mask is formed which is used to devour others, which he can then gain their abilities and power through this form of absorbtion.
Abilities - Cero - Are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from the mouth or hand. Only menos, arrancar, and vizard have so far been shown to use cero attacks, and it appears that higher classes of hollow can use it more efficiently. It is unknown whether sufficiently strong regular hollows are capable of it.

Gran Rey Cero- A Cero blast that is far stronger than a normal Cero blast. It is used in conjunction with the users blood, the power that lies behind it is phenominal.

Negación - Fields are used to rescue fellow hollows. Only the gillian-class menos have shown the ability to use it. Negación fields surround a target in a square beam of light that isolates the target from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them. The field then pulls the target towards the menos that created the field.

Pesquisa - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami ability to sense spiritual pressure.

Hierro - refers to the ultratough skin of the arrancar; while very strong, it is by no means invincible.

Sonido - Is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami flash steps; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances.

Bala - Is a weaker but quicker alternative to the regular cero attack. The technique hardens the user's spiritual pressure and fires it at around twenty times the speed of a cero blast.

Garganta - Is how larger hollows and arrancar move to and from the Hollow Realm. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.
Powers - Increased speed and strength. Spiritual debilitating smoke and constricting snot/spit.
Bio - Not much is remembered by Hatori, he had lost the memories of when he was a human after devouring so many. There isn't any humanity left within him, all that had been in him for so long was an utter beast. He is a masterful swordsman, even though his blade is so massive. He serves Shin faithfully and kills whoever he must.
Other -


Ruthless Combatant

They were out there. All eleven of them, hidden amongst the barren wasteland and the tombstones. Waiting for a chance to strike out at whoever Master Shin had brought them. It would be fun, oh how they all wanted to have fun. But it seemed they wouldn't be allowed to have fun, it seemed that Shin was the one that was taking the challenger. They all kept their eyes on their master, watching him as he stood atop the largest tombstone within the graveyard.
A man could be seen far off in the distance. He looked like a spec moving across the great landscape but that spec would grow steadily larger with each passing minute. How he had reached this place, that was unknown. However, one thing was clear. His invitation to this place was in the form of a challenge. Perhaps a way to finally end the dispute with the great Shin the Relentless once and for all. It would be considered foolish to face him alone, but this man...had a new found confidence.

It was time to see what he...what they could really do now.
There was also a woman. She wore a green uniform, fit for a commanding officer in the military setting. She wasn't technically worthy of wearing this but she felt it was well deserved after the battles she had endured over the years. If anything, Sonja was perhaps more qualified to lead an army into battle...but that's a story for another time.

She had her hands placed behind her back as her quick steps managed to keep up with her partner's long stride. Although she had not recieved word of this little meeting, Sonja had come along anyway. She never parted from the side of the man to her right, not ever. They were a team, and dangerous one at that. And they were here, to finally end this.

Ruthless Combatant

((Profiles? My rules ring a bell at all? I may know you guys, but that doesn't mean the rules don't apply))
Gaian Name - Mr. Ace
Name - Kiyo Daijima
Age - 25
Race - Human
Sex - Male
Appearance - [x]
Weapons - Kunai and Shuriken in limited amounts.
Types of Jutsus used - Fire element chakra, Earth element chakra, and special Lava element chakra. Kiyo can use a multitude of jutsu from each of these categories after years of practice.
Abilities- Kiyo possesses the typical ninja abilities. Nothing physically sets him apart from other ninja.
Summon - Scorpions
Favorite or best Jutsu - Although it eats up a large portion of chakra, Kiyo favors his lava style jutsu the most for the sheer amount of power they deal out.
Bio - Kiyo was born into a tightly knit community of holy warriors living in a temple hidden from the world. It was in this Temple of Light that he grew up, trained, and learned all that they had to offer in terms of knowledge and power. This, however, failed to satisfy Kiyo after only 15 years of living there. Having gained everything he could from the Light Temple, Kiyo left in search of bigger and better things. It took many years and a lot of searching, but he was finally able to find something that caught his attention. After seven years of travel, Kiyo found Shin and the Ryuu No Kami…
Kiyo immediately moved up in the ranks while working for Shin. He was a general in no time and used his powers to do Shin’s bidding rather than its intended purpose of healing and bringing joy. He spent the next year or so performing assassinations and stealing powerful artifacts in order to further the goals of the Ryuu No Kami. During this short time he came across a young girl named Sonja who would later become his greatest friend. It was then that he encountered an enemy he could not defeat. Kiyo, in a weakened state, was killed by a shape shifter that went by the name Mode Master. He was later avenged but the battle destroyed his body completely. In order to regain his general, Shin performed a ritual that sealed Kiyo’s soul into an empty suit of armor. Immediately after being revived Kiyo was thrown back into service and continued Shin’s work.
More time past and Kiyo was sent on a mission to wipe out a small village that was a supposed threat to the clan. It was here that he encountered a great warrior that took his life. Having been killed for the second time Kiyo seemed a lost cause. Shin made a final attempt to save the general and brought Kiyo back once more, as a creature known as a Homunculus. Kiyo has no memory from this period of his life but the creature known only as Despair wreaked havoc in the name of the clan and went on a killing spree for nearly a year. It was eventually Sonja that brought the beast’s life to an end.
Another year passed without Kiyo’s presence, until one day in the desert when everything changed. In some kind of altercation at Sonja’s home, Shin somehow revived Kiyo using an ancient and powerful artifact. It was at that point that Kiyo decided it was too dangerous for him to remain under Shin’s command and defected from the Ryuu No Kami. He joined with Sonja and they both become Shin’s number one targets from that day on. Kiyo became worried while Sonja just seemed happy to have him back. Currently both Sonja and Kiyo travel together and train with each other to become stronger while constantly fighting off Shin’s forces. They plan to take down all threats and continue fighting until they can finally live a long and safe life.
Other - Like his partner Sonja, Kiyo also inhabits an artificially created body. It was made for him by Sonja and has very special properties to it. The longer his soul remains tied to the body the more attached it becomes, eventually becoming his permanent vessel. It was made to be unique so Sonja altered the genetics; allowing him to utilize the hidden Lava element.
Gaian Name - Agent Prostitute
Name - Sonja
Age - 20
Race - Human
Sex - Female
Appearance - Sonja
Weapons - Chinese broadsword. Several kunai. She also counts her alternate bodies as weapons. They can be summoned and used at her will.
Bio - In her early years Sonja had a fairly normal and peaceful life. She was an only child and lived with her parents in a tiny backwater village buried in a thick forest. Sonja grew up as a normal child would; with chores to do, parents to obey, and school to attend. It wasn’t long before her teachers noticed her exceptional mind and quick thinking, which then got the attention of more advanced educators. By age six Sonja was far more intelligent than anybody else in her village and was often bored with the work given to her. One night however, everything changed.
Screams echoed throughout the streets and hoof beats rattled the thin walls of the homes. Sonja’s village was under attack by a group of bandits interested in nothing more than money and valuables. Instinctively, her parents pulled Sonja from her bed and hid her underneath the floorboards which had room for only one. Despite her intelligence, Sonja didn’t fully understand the situation and simply sat in silence to wait out the noises from above. By morning, the raid was over. Nobody was left. Sonja scrambled from her hiding place and searched the village frantically for her parents, teachers, or anybody that she knew. There wasn’t a soul left in the entire village. Many people lined the streets, dead, while it was obvious some were just missing, possibly escaping the village in time.
Hours went by before a group of officers came to check out the scene. They found Sonja and took her back with them to a nearby village. It was there she learned that the bandits had attacked many villages that past month. They stole anything and everything that had some value to it and even took many people as slaves to sell later.
Years past by and Sonja spent her time in and out of different homes. She spent a good deal of her life being adopted and then placed back into foster care as her temporary family couldn’t support her needs. This went on from age six (when she was first found) until age twelve when she fled her foster home and decided she could handle herself in the world. The next five years were somewhat of a blur as Sonja moved from place to place, making her own money through odd jobs and defending herself from the ever-growing corrupt world.
Sonja wasn’t a day over seventeen when her downward spiral came to an end. She wandered into a small village in search of work, but instead found something much better. At the job center she met a young man named Kiyo who was searching for information, not work. While they both waited for the crowd to clear they got to talking and found out they had much in common. Both alone, both needed work, and both of them basically wanderers. It took little convincing for Sonja to follow Kiyo back to the village he lived in, but it was there she discovered he worked under a dark and powerful entity, named Shin. It was this same being that would become her greatest enemy in years to come. Sonja lived in that village off and on for the next two years until she was nineteen. It was in that time she had to suffer through her own hardships, as well as Kiyo’s. Sonja also had to put up with the ruling force of Shin and his Ryuu No Kami, a group of extremely powerful individuals that served the dark lord.
One day, she had finally had enough. In an act of courage and determination Sonja challenged Shin and his entire clan in a series of fights that pitted her against each of his generals in one on one fights. Sonja fought through each general as she worked her way towards Shin, using a variety of techniques and abilities to counteract their unique powers. When the day finally came for Sonja to battle Shin, she was more than ready. The fight started off surprisingly calm but quickly escalated into an intense brawl that left Sonja drained of all her powers and Shin seemingly dead. To avoid confrontation with Shin’s enraged generals, Sonja fled the village in search of a new home; leaving Kiyo behind as well.
She finally settled down months later in a desert spire that had been like a second home to her for a long time. It was here that she conducted her research and performed many experiments deemed necessary for her own survival. She was looking for a way to save Kiyo as well, for she received word that he had passed on shortly after Shin’s death. More time past and Shin was somehow revived, though Sonja wasn’t the least bit surprised. He came to visit her in the spire and in the process, brought Kiyo back from beyond the grave. Just like that, Sonja and Kiyo were reunited. In an act of defiance, Kiyo left Shin’s forces and decided to stick with Sonja from that point on. They both became enemies of Shin after that but she was just happy to have her friend back.
Today Sonja still travels everywhere with her friend Kiyo, rarely leaving each others side for more than a day or so. The village they stayed in years ago has long since been forgotten and abandoned. Even the spire that she had worked so hard to perfect was destroyed in a devastating battle. Now her goal is to whittle down Shin’s forces until he is the only one left; then find a way to crush him once and for all!
Abilities/powers - Sonja is a highly skilled Alchemist, capable of performing transmutations without the help of diagrams. She also has the unique ability to transfer and split her soul to many different locations. The latter technique is limited to few uses though.
Other - Sonja used to have a variety of powers at her disposal, but after her battle with Shin she was left with nothing. Over time she tried developing more on her ability to transfer and cascade her soul; it seems to be paying off but at quite a cost. Each time she sends her soul into another vessel it causes the body to start rotting, while she’s still in it. Because of this, Sonja has to almost constantly create artificial bodies for her to switch into when the decay becomes too severe. This method works, for now, but each new body expires faster than the last…

Ruthless Combatant

((Accepted. Even though the challenge was towards you Kiyo, and not Sonja. But I have ways of dealing with that, no problem whatsoever. Be back later today or tomorrow, I have to cook some dinner. Hopefully be back on tonight.))
((Alright, we'll be around.))
Gaian Name - The Shaolin Kid
Name - Shao D. Lin
Age - 18
Race - Human
Weapons - My Gale Gale Powers, hands, and feet
Bio - Bio- Shao D. Lin was born on Waka Isle in the South Blue. He had an adventurous childhood, showing adaptability and courage beyond his age. The World Government soon saw this as a opportune moment to recruit him, seeing his abnormally high IQ and fighting knowledge. Lin then went to the Navel Academy and excelled in Tactics, Espionage, Strategy, and Black Ops. He met Dr. Vegapunk who was working on an experiment deriving the abilities from one Devils Fruit and putting them into different normal fruits. He saw potential for Lin as a great officer for the navy so he gave him the Gale Gale Fruit, the original fruit from which Kuma derivied his powers. He learned to use his powers to full extent on his own creating his own style known as "Cyclone Fist". Lin's stay in the Navy and the World Gov't was short-lived when he found out that the Navy test fired their Buster Call on Waka Isle, obliterating the once 25 sq mile wide island into nothing. Lin got revenge on the Gov't by hacking into their account and stealing 100 million Berris and depositing it into a secret account hidden from any one and left the service.

After the incident, Lin swore he would never help the World Government achieve power and would help in anyway to topple the empire. This was his lucky time, for he had heard about Monkey D. Luffy's victory over the Black Ops unit the CP9, he asked to be apart of the crew and joined as Tactician and Strategist.

He also serves as a spy going out on recon for the crew. He had explored many lands as well as universes, learning different styles for various teachers

Lin's Ultimate goal is to bring peace to the world taken by the clutches of the World Government

Devil Fruit you ingested - Gale Gale Fruit
Devil Fruit ability - Complete manipulation of Air and all its properties
Other abilities - Shao is included in the D. bloodline, which gives him a high ability of Haki or Spirit Power
What is the name of your crew? - Strategist and Tactician of the Straw Hat Crew
Location you come from? - Waka Island (South Blue)
Other - Shao has been currently hanging out and training with Son Goku, has been able to perform a Kamehameha wave but is very unstable.

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