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Many centuries, These so called bloodsuckers of the night roamed the earth, Also known as "vampires". Hunters hunted them. as the bloodsuckers fought back, A new war was uprised in a populated city called Recontre', Where they now hide in the day as humans and by night bloodsuckers.The hunters also live among the bloodsuckers waiting for the right time to kill and save the human race. Who will win? What happens if the Bloodsuckers fall in love with the hunters or humans?Or the hunters fall in love with the bloodsuckers?Time will tell...What side are you on?

City of Recontre'

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Username: Aido_sensei
name: Cain Yamitsuki
Age:20( 1500 in vampire age )
sex: Male
Weapon: Dark magic, Twin guns(ones black the other is silver)
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Bloodsucker
Bio:Unknown. Hes the leader of the bloodsuckers
Crush:- non yet-
Appearence:- cain -
Other:-Twin guns- Hes very fond of virgin blood.

Username: 50NY4
name: Akiame Yukina Toulouse
Age: looks 18 (is actually 400...so she's young)
sex: female
Weapon: daggers
Powers: controls the wind
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Bloodsucker
Crush(if any): none
Bio: Well Aki was born and had a life...but she doesn't like to talk about. The reason for this, and those who are close to her or have done her homework will know, is that when she was alive she was married to Lucas Toulouse and they had a small five year old son. She was happy in this life and would re-live it again in a heartbeat. They lived in a small village that was 'protected' by vampires. Her husband was part of the Rebel team that wished to free their town. She supported him as any good wife will do. Then one night, the leader of those vampires came and they weren't very happy. It seemed that Lucas had lead a small army and had failed...when he returned to the house he seemed all right. Well the vampires were just gonna get even. Which they did. They first killed their child, and this broke her heart. She was then turned in front of Lucas and he too was turned.

They promised each other that they would stay together. Well, funny thing about demons. They don't remember that much. After a hundred years, Lucas left her in a forest to die. She survived. She has traveled and has kept history. Throughout time she has had various jobs and has had various 'lives.' Then she met Cain and he seemed to be a very decent person (well decent by her standards) and so she followed him. She sadly isn't very secure about her surrounding and so she does tend to look up and do what Cain says since she can't deal with being alone.
Appearence: Akiame
Other: Has a pet crow named Kaliya

Username:devil of the hidden mist
Age:23 (1317 actual age)
Powers:Seduction Super Human speed strength and healing
Crush(if any):None
Bio:Eric was born into a poor family, and nothing was going well in life, all though it didnt bother eric to much, he lived his life like it was the best thing that ever happened to him. At the age of twenty he left his poor family, hoping to find fortune and fame to get money to bring back to them, but after three long years all he found was ends meat, until the day he was bitten. It gave him abilities that he never had before and he lavished himself in it, forgetting about family and friends, which were the plans of the bloodsucker that bit him. He became a pet of sorts, doing the bidding of this vampire for over 100 years, at the very beck and call of her, until she was struck down by a hunter. He was left alone now, free from the grasps of his biter and he endulged himself in every way possible. After reeking 300 years of terror his memory became unclouded, as if a shroud was lifted off a mirror, and he closed himself away, deep in the valleys, to be alone to collect himself. He has become collected, and he has taught himself to seduce people, to get what he wants. He acts calm and collected, intelligent and composed, but underneth it all is a beast which has been growing for a long time, waiting to break free.

name:Edge Von'Vandervelt
Weapon:Edge is usually seen using his Claws and His spectral bow.
Powers:Edge,like most bloodsuckers,Has increased stamina,speed,and strength.But to his own Family line,He has the art to suck in particles in the air,and disperse them via creation.He can create things with the raw energy in the air.
Crush(if any):None.
Bio:Edge was born a vampire,so he has no Feelings a Human would.
He grew up with his Father and mother,though his mother was kind,His father wasnt the same.His father rather enjoyed killing innocent things even when he didnt need to feed.His father tried to raise him to be cruel,But couldnt get through to him and abused him regularly.
His mother although,Was not as cruel and was a caring,tender woman,not to mention beautiful.He loved his mother more than most people.
He enjoyed living with his mother,playing through the grass and tinkering with toys.
But out of the desire to raise Edge,His Father slaughtered his mother,as he saw her a hindrance to his capability.His mother managed to hide him away as she was killed...And Edge watched as His mothers blood splashed on his face.

Edge managed to get away,leaving himself to grow up on his own.The cold streets were his Home,and the shadows his domain.He now wanders the land,searching for his own Resolve and power.Though he is considered a rather merciful Bloodsucker,and would rather let himself starve than forcing another into giving him their blood.
Other:Most women melt at the sight of Edge,and constantly has a crowd of women following him at almost all times.

Username: VirtuesSin
name: Sabriel Phillipene.
Age: 18.
sex: Female.
Weapon: Teeth!
Powers: Blood sucking. Manipulation!
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Bloodsucker.
Crush(if any): None yet.
Bio: Born and raised on a farm, Sabriel learned to be a hard worker at a young age. Also competing with three younger siblings for her parent's attention, she's competitive and values competence. She has high standards, and tends to be condescending to people who don't meet them. This is why she succumbed to becoming a vampire at such a young age, thinking that the darker lifestyle would be fitting for her. The decision shows to be rather impulsive, though, as in her adjustments to her new life she is discovering many factors she didn't consider, and finds her self stuck in the nostalgia of her human life.
Appearence: User Image

Username: lycanthropechick3
name: Akasha Delaria
Age: looks 19 is actually around 500
sex: female
Weapon: blades (katanas, throwing knives, short swords)
Powers: manipulating shadows and pyrokinesis
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Bloodsucker
Crush(if any): none yet
Bio: Akasha was bitten when she was 19 years old, before that, she had no family, no friends, and lived on her own a victim of childhood tragedy she avoids if possible. After she was bitten she continued much as she had before, alone, she never fit in well with people, and hasn't met many vampires, she keeps mostly to herself, and when she feeds, she doesn't usually kill the human, if she can help it, she just makes sure that they forget that it ever happened. The only times she kills humans is when they attack her first, or if she is wounded and loses control of her blood lust.
Appearence: Akasha

Username: I_Rave_With_Monkeys
name: Morpheus Auondril
Age: Appears 19, actually 1672
sex: Male
Weapon: Katana, teeth, claws, the occasional log.
Powers: Seduction, enhanced strength, speed, and stamina, minor healing, fire control.
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Bloodsucker
Crush(if any): None...yet
Bio: When Orthios was young, he belonged to the Les'Trailles, the most vicious, bloodthirsty clan of all bloodsuckers. Orthios's parents were the alphas, and Orthios had a lot to live up to. On his 500th birthday, he was to inherit the throne, but the clan was attacked, and wiped out, leaving Orthios the only survivor. Since then, Orthios has simply wandered the streets, feeding randomly, and confirming his existence by killing regularly, even without draining his victim's blood.
Appearance: Morpheus
Other: Morpheus has a deep love for music, and can play both the guitar and piano.


Username: Aido_sensei
name: Akotsu kuzami
Sex: Male
Weapon: Glaive
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Hunter
Bio: His family was killed by Cain,leaving him alone and orphaned till the age of 10.He then became a hunter to hunt cain down to seek his revenge once and for all and to live a normal life.
Crush:- none yet-
Other:- glaive-

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Username: Thee Stranger
Name: Gauge
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Weapon: Blessed 9mm Pistol (9mm bullets dowsed in Holy Water), Steaks, a Cross, a knife, and all sorts of other standard Vampire Hunting equipment
Powers: Skilled Martial Artist
Bloodsucker/Hunter/Human: Hunter
Crush (if any): Yume
Bio: Gauge's mother was a passionate Vampire Hunter, and raised Gauge accordingly. She passed down to him all of her knowledge, and beliefs regarding Bloodsuckers. She enrolled him in many different training schools for Marksmanship, Martial Arts, etc. Since his mother was very outspoken about Vampires to the non-believing public, she was committed to a mental institution when Gauge was still at a very young age. He never knew his father, for he was apparently turned by Bloodsuckers before he was born. Gauge met Yume while training together in Martial Arts class. He respected her skills, and in time, became very close with her. Though, he fell out of touch with her a few years ago.
Other: Gauge has a dark, secret fetish. He secretly lusts for a beautiful Bloodsucking woman, and is particularly attracted to their sharp, pointy teeth. He is fixated with their dirty, blood-soaked mouths, and often dreams of kissing them, pondering how their teeth would feel on his tongue, among other places. Being raised to hate, and destroy Vampires for the scum they are all of his life, Gauge is well aware that love between he and a Vampire is a despicable sin. Gauge will not act upon his forbidden fruit complex, and is ashamed that the thoughts even cross his mind.

name:Kunami Morgan
Age: 18
Weapon:Several daggers, kunai, and a katana
Powers: Can control fire and create it but often it takes a lot of energy from her. She is also extremely fast.
Crush(if any):n/a
Bio: Kunami's mother was killed by vampires..Or at least that's what her father says. Her father hates the vampires. One night her mother and father went out, leaving the 9 year old girl home alone. While they were driving to their destination, a motorist collided with them, killing her mother and leaving her father without a scratch. But, since Kunami didn't know what had really happened her fatehr came home and told her that she was killed by vampires so Kunami would hate them too. Afterwards, her father trained her in becoming an excellent vampire hunter and since Kunami is...'special'...her father often overworks her in training because he thinks she should be able to do more. When she doesn't do well in training or talks back or doesn't do what she's told her father often abuses her along with when he comes home drunk. So Kunami is usually obediant and is talked down to so she usually appologizes more than enough to people who have hurt HER in fear that her father will be told that she did something wrong.
Other: Kunami has a gold hilted, ruby studded dagger that was a gift from her mother that she hold very close and will do anything to protect it and won't let others touch it.

Username: Ichinose_kirai
name: Lilith
Age: 17
sex: Female
Weapon: Guns
Powers: Over light, Darkness and Ice
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Hunter
Crush(if any): ...?
Bio: Trained to be a hunter Lilith never knew what a real family was, bloodthirsty for vampire blood, she fought ever since little, to please her parents, on an horrible accident her parents where killed by a vampire and now she is to take revenge on every vampire she finds, unable to trust people, or herself, she is a shy and dependable girl, although she might not show it she is very sweet and innocent at heart. Knows Akotsu from childhood, and ignores him to the utmost coldness, he's the only one who knows her real self, and she too decided to find Cain although her reasons may be very different from Akotsu's.
Appearence: [ lilith ]
Other: Very athletic, and smart, sometimes seems kind of depressive, somehow knows Cain.


Username: Vampirix Evangeline
name: Asuna Kogoto
Age: 18
sex: Female
Weapon: Fists and Silver Dagger
Powers: None
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Human
Crush: None yet
Bio: Her parents died when she was 5. She was raised by her grandmother until she passed away when Asuna was 12. She's been alone ever since
Appearence: Asuna
Silver Dagger

name:Ame Kazama
Weapon:She caries a dagger
Crush(if any):none yet
Bio:She;s lived by herself for years now, she never knew her parents, and she ran away from the orphanage when she was 14, now she lives in a small house by herself with her pet fox Milo
Appearence:User Image
Other:She's a happy person most of the time, but easy to upset, she doesnt really like to be alone, but she has no other choice, noone really talks to her.She found Milo about a yesr ago, when he was wounded in the forest, she nursed him back to health, and has kept him since then.

Username: vtt xox
Name: Elaine Rose
Age: 18
Sex: F
Weapon: Twin pistols
Powers: n/a
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Human
Crush(if any): n/a
Bio: At the age of 9, Eleria's parents were taken away from her by a horde of these bloodsuckers. She would then be taken under the wing of a close relative, who happened to be a hunter. She learned through her uncle's ways that vampires were the enemy, though refused to commit to violence, claiming that it was merely "fanning the flames". Rather than becoming a hunter, she would do research on their kind, learning more about their strengths and weaknesses. This would hopefully be of some use to the hunters.
Appearance: [;:full bloom rose;]
Other: A prodigy from the start, Elaine is fond of tea and complexity, but simplicity even more so. She detests roses.

Username: Rue Tskino
name: Yume
Age: 17
sex: Female
Weapon: Martial Arts. ( daggers)
Powers: none
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Human
Crush(if any): N/A
Bio: She is a lonley girl who had lost her parents at a young age. She was taken in by her grandparents. She always did everything that she was told. Wanting to always make her grandparents happy. She has never even had a boyfriend yet for her grandparents always wanted her home early and never really let her out much. No matter how much she loved he rgrandparents she wished to just leave. When she turned 16 her grandparents died in a car crash. Leaving her all alone. She now lives on her own, taking each day on slowly. She also took a liking of learning how to weild weapons. She can use a sword and daggers very well, along with martial arts.
Appearence:User Image

name:joann vember
Weapon:hand gun and a dagger
Powers:able to heal people by touching them
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: human
Crush(if any): none
Bio: not much is known yet she lives on her own and works various jobs to earn money shes independent and isnt scared easily
Appearence:User Image

Username: xIWriteSinsNotTragediesxX
name: Rose Seers
Age: 19
sex: Female
Weapon: none
Powers: none
Bloodsucker/hunter/human: Human
Crush(if any): none
Bio: she has always had an interest in vampires
Appearence:User Image
((the girl))
Other: none

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(( now begin!!! ))

The bloodsucker Cain sat on top of a old church building that was down the road of the city of recontre'. His red hair covered his red eyes as he stared down towards the city lights. It was dark out and it soon was going to be light in the next 2 hours.The roof was bloody from his prey,his shirt and hands bloody along with his mouth.

Akotsu grinned as he walked through the dark lite city,he was searching for non other then Cain yamitsuki.His glaive placed on his back as his eyes scanned the streets for cain or other bloodsuckers.

Anxious Lunatic

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Asuna sighed as she walked down the street. She knew it was early, but she needed to get out of her house. For some reason she had become restless. She sighed again as she walked, her hands stuff in her pockets as the breeze flowed through her sapphire hair.

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Akotsu recklessly ran into asuna, "Oh im sorry about that"He appologized as he bowed to her and began to walk off back to work searching the streets.He let out a sigh, " Damn cain..where the hell are you?" he mummbled to himself.

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Asuna yelped as someone ran into her and shook her head, watching him. "It...it's alright." She smiled slightly, bowing in return, watching him walk off immediately. Curious, she followed him, though keeping her distance. Sometimes, her curiosity got the better of her, and she never really knew how to control herself once it took over.
Akiame smiled as she was looking for Cain. Yet she had better chances since after hanging out for so long she knew where to look. You really had to think historically and well....where a hunter wouldn't go. That and she smelt a lot of blood. Two sort of things that helped out. She followed the scent. It was just so intoxicating. She then stared up and smiled. She saw the church and knew he must be there.

She then took out her hand as she gathered the wind. She had it go around her as she used it to fly up to the top of the building. As her pink-purple hair flowed a bit in the air she smirked and asked "so did you miss me?"

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Akotsu continued to search,ignoring the fact that someone was following him. He was close to the church road till he stopped there. He drew out his glaive and spun towards asuna pointing the sheathed weapon at her. "Do you mind not following me girl?!"he grinned rudely.

"Hello there..."his voice said softly as a smile rose from his bloody face. It was funny how Cain's voice was always calm and soft for a killing blood drinking monster.His red eyes looked at her."Hes coming.."he said as he ment akotsu.

Anxious Lunatic

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"Well... you left in such a hurry... I just... Are you alright?" She asked him. She looked behind him, noticing the chuch off in the near distance. "Where are you going?" She asked curiously.
"Well isn't that just exciting" Aki decided as she moved herself so she was next to him. She then looked from the church to see how far away he was. She then smirked as she asked "So are you going to fight him, beat him, and leave? Or is this more of a torture session where you just cause him pain? Maybe we should bring him back or force him to watch you feed on somebody. Do you think that would make him cry?"

Akiame turned towards Cain once more. She looked at all the blood and smiled. She loved how Cain was so chaotic. It made it more fun to be near him, since it wasn't about peace and order and whatever BS others come up with. Nope. Good old-fashioned chaos.

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"Its really none of your business! so just leave!"he ordered as a stench of blood could be smelled from the distance.It was clearly not safe for her nor him,but he was a risk taker when it can to killing cain.

He smiled lowly as he watched them, "I think hes use to me feeding off of people..such as his parents...lets torture him...by "borrowing that virgin girl"his voice softly said.

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Asuna glared at him, surprised by his rudeness. "No. I'm not leaving." She crossed her arms and walked closer to him. Her curiosity really got her into alot of trouble, but she didn't care half the time.
Akiame gave a nod. It was probably true. She then thought about it as a small evil smile appeared "Now that sounds fun. Feed off that hero-complex he has"

As she saw him getting a bit closer she asked "So should we wait for them to come up here or should we crash their date?"

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"You idoitic girl! leave before he kills you!"he barked as he swung the sheathed weapon at her to scare her or at least try.

"Lets come to them since they're taking awfuly too long"he said as he stood up."Lets teach the girl as well not to follow hunters and to listen"smirking,he jumped off the church roof and landing on the ground fine. He began to walk towards them.

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