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Hellequin bit her lip. Her little act had gone to ruin, and what's worse - it seemed like Raven and the pink-haired girl formed some kind of cease-fire treaty and a friendly bond to top it all off. It sickened her.

When Raven vanished, Hellequin teleported to where he would most likely go: a shabby apartment home in the ghettos of the city.
"Perfect," she thought, whens he saw that the teleportation had landed her right behind her target.
In a split second, Raven's elbow hit her squarely in the the jaw, which caused her to go tumbling on the floor. Without saying a word, he picked her up by the neck and slammed her against the wall.

"Who the hell are you? Are you out of your damn mind?! You attacked an Odin in broad daylight, you careless fool!," he fiercely whispered.

Hellequin's lips curled to a mischievous grin. "Such temper. Why do you care so much? The girl is an Odin, and we are both Lokis. Who cares what happens, as long as the end justifies the means? Or is there... something else? Don't tell me you've taken a liking to an Odin."

Raven glared at her, and charged his empty hand with surges of electricity. "She's an Invalid. You saw what she did with the ground yourself, didn't you? And forget whatever I might think and answer my damn question. Who are you? And how is it that you can do what I do?"

"Invalid or not, she's affiliated with the Odins now. All Odins deserve nothing but death. Isn't that what you so strongly believe in? Isn't that why you went and slaughtered so many of them? But forget about all of that. I am Hellequin, and that's obviously an alias. And as for my powers.... I think you know why."

Raven slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"Ha! Come on, now. It's been long, yes, but it's rude to have forgotten your own sister."

Aged Sex Symbol

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                                                          What was with this guy? Did he really just give out his personal information to a complete stranger? Was he an idiot? If Luka was an Odin or had a personal vendetta against invalid she could have very well turned him in. Luckily for him, she was an invalid herself and she isn't the type to hold a grudge, unlike the rest of this world. Still, it boggled her mind that he would just give out such important information to a mere child. What could he possibly benefit from saying such? The odds are mostly against him. To freely give out such information could very well kill him. Either he was very brave and heroic or just plain, flat out stupid.

                                                          Although, maybe this was a trick. Maybe he was faking. Could he have lied about being an invalid? He could be an Odin in disguise and he only revealed false information to see if Luka was an invalid. Was he merely trying to gain a poor helpless child's trust just to bring her down? From what her parents have told her, Odin were horrible, but Luka had no idea what to think. She learned not to trust her parent's judgement, but could she trust that of a stranger? He did save her, but anyone with a good heart would have done that, especially if they didn't know she was an invalid or not. Nevertheless, what was she going to say? Just in case this man was faking the invalid idea, Luka had to come up with a false identity.

                                                          "I'm Lilly," she said with a slight glimmer of fear in her eyes, just to act innocent, "I-I'm not an invalid, I'm just normal, but I promise you I have nothing to do with Odin." she said. Hopefully she was convincing enough. "I'm just an orphan." she added, "I don't know what to do, you wont send me to a girl's home will you? Please don't tell anyone!" She was begging. This wasn't faulty begging though. She had the worst fear of being sent to a foster home, and adding truth did make your argument and or faulty identities more believable. Just in case though, "Lilly" started to well up in tears.

                                                          ((Legasp, only three paragraphs. Well darn.))

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Do the Ⓓ Ⓐ Ⓝ Ⓒ Ⓔ
✖✖✖✖✖✖ Milagros Gallego

⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋fight ❣
✖✖✖✖✖✖A little shaken, but still smiling

Stick to the Ⓑ Ⓔ Ⓐ Ⓣ
✖✖✖✖✖✖D.A.N.C.E. by Justice User Image

Get ready to ignite ❣
✖✖✖✖✖✖There ain't no ring on this finger!

'Uh, who's this chick and how the hell does she know my name? She does look kind of familiar... Oh! Of course! I saw her once or twice before at base or headquarters or whatever the hell they call it.' Her expressions went from confused back to a happy smile as she trotted over. The man and woman exchanged a few more words and Millie waited patiently, trying in vain not to eavesdrop. Their conversation was strange given the fact that Odin wouldn't be wasting time with social niceties, but hey, who was she to judge?

It was only after the man poofed away that she felt it proper to speak to her likely superior. "So who was that? Is he an old friend? I don't wanna go stepping on your toes but I was kinda expecting a little more dirty work there. He is the enemy... Right?" She spoke in questions, trying to show that she was submissive to the woman (Ootori, she recalled). It wouldn't be the first time she pissed of somebody important. "He's gotta be a target. There's no other reason to so deceptive. Even about his name. Tsk tsk. If there was anything I'd hold true and dear, it'd be that."
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Riku Kagami

Riku laughed a little bit "Don't worry that I won't" he said and he stopped smiling "Now you probably wonder why I would give out such information." "Well I know who you are Luka Phrase because these glasses are more than just glasses. he said pointing to them
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loveloveloveYuuka Ootori lieslieslies

No, this is how it works:
You're young until you're not.
You love until you don't.
You try until you can't.

======== ========

Yuuka heard the words from Raven Kenn carefully and smiled as his weight disappeared, as it he’d never been there at all. Her eyes moved down, a sad expression on her face. “Raven Kenn…” She muttered to herself. When Milagros spoke again, Yuuka smiled. "I wouldn't call him a stranger, but he's no old friend of mine. And for enemies... no. He isn't. " Slowly, Yuuka rolled in her wheelchair towards the main street and smiled weakly. “Leo, could you please continue escorting me to Les Miserables? I'm sorry, Miss Gallego. I've got to head to my workplace.” Her voice was weak and her hands shook from shock. It was so obvious, and once she realized what she had done she became angry. ’I could have killed him…’ she thought to herself. Tears began to sting at her eyes once more as she licked her chapped lips. Les Miserables meant ‘The Miserable Ones’ in French and it was the name of her small clothing shop, where she only sold the clothes that she created. Yuuka sold many things, from bags to dresses and she made them all by herself, with the help of one or two sewing machines. Slowly, Leo took the handles to push Yuuka’s chair and spoke shyly. “I-I’m sorry, Miss, I shouldn’t have let you go like that. All of that could have been different…” Yuuka shook her head and smiled. “It’s alright, Leo, just promise not to tell anyone my secret okay?”

Yuuka got inside her shop, flipped the CLOSED sign and began to work. She cut a big piece of pink lace ended fabric from one of the rolls in her back room. That’s the only thing that the back room had other than an extra sewing machine and about three boxes of sewing sets. She began to cut at the piece of pink material into two tank top shapes that she was to sew later on. There was no other sound in the room other than the momentary snipping of scissors and ‘Ouch’ing from Yuuka when she poked herself with a needle. She sewed the two pieces together to make a soft pink tank top before attaching ruffled ribbons to it to make it look more decorative. The product ended up to be a pale-pink blouse with white ruffles all around it and a light fishnet over sweater on top. It looked amazing, just as Leo said it did. A few tears were shed as Yuuka wished she were able to see it. Slowly, he chewed on some gummy bears at the front counter of her shop, talking to some very annoying young women whom had chosen her shop to flood with friends.

The normal questions were asked. Prices, discounts, who designed it, did she take orders, did she make personal outfits, did she make her own clothes. Yuuka tried to answer them politely, uttering the usual 'Ma'am' at the end of her statements. Leo suddenly disappeared without Yuuka's noticing. She had hidden ludicrous voices of the teenagers that flooded the shop. Well, maybe flooded was an exaggeration, but there was more than three and that was a lot when they just wouldn't shut their mouths. They were talking through their hats, as her Grandmother would say. It seemed that the answers just wouldn't get to their heads. She had to say that she designed everything more than twice, and it was really starting to get on her last nerve. Finally, the girls left, leaving the door open behind them. "Stupid, idiotic humans...' She uttered to herself. She was confused. Completely confused. It was like: she was a human and then she wasn't. She hated her race but she hated the other. So what was she if not some dumb little tool? She wanted a better lifestyle, and putting herself right on danger's road didn't help the cause. So what as an Invalid like herself to do, when she hated herself for being who she was and everyone else for being what they were?

======== ========

You laugh until you cry.
You cry until you laugh.
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath.

Springtime Streaker


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Evelyn finally stood up and picked up the small backpack. She brushed off her short dress and smiled. Pushing a stray lock behind her ear, the teen walked slowly to the end of the alleyway and immediately backed up a few steps. Just as she had been about to turn, Ev had seen some sort of male walk into the alleyway over from hers. She wasn't exactly sure of his age or much else other than the vibrant hair. A blue so odd that it could be classified as cyan or turquoise she supposed. Wait? Why should she care about his hair, he might pose as more of a threat than captivation. After all, Invalids were hated here.

Slowly regaining her composure, Evelyn walked out of the alley and turned to pass the other alley. She looked perfectly normal, a teen in a nice dress, not visible weapons, a calm stature, and bare feet. Yeah, bare feet, she'd lost her shoes a few nights ago because running in flats was too tedious and tricky. As she passed the alley, Ev turned her head ever so slightly and scoped out the alley. There were the three people that the voices had belonged to... And it was two against one. How unfair.

Ev had walked smoothly past the opening the entire time and now stopped and sat down on one of the step to an apartment on the front level. She wanted to find out if help was needed. Evelyn slowly took a pair of cheap earphones and put the buds in her ears. The chord wasn't connected, but she left the other end tucked in the pocket as if her device was there. Listening eagerly, the teen closed her eyes and mouthed a few words as if lip singing the chorus of a favorite song. Don't forget that you don't have to help... Just be careful, your life is still precious too.


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}{}{}{OoC: This post was so blegh, but I'm going to have Ev scope things out first. She's very curious.}{}{}{

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        {[Okay. I'll post real quick like just to unfreeze you guys~]}

        Well, damn. The tide seemed to have turned. While the Loki could typically handle herself against more than two Odin, there was just one problem. Addie was now cornered with a lingering attachment, by the name of Changsun, waiting in her apartment. The brunette ground her teeth together, eyeing the pair with a mask of vehemence. "Whatever... Deal or not, just watch yer back. I usually never let those who cross my path live. Consider yer own damn selves lucky..." Picking up her gun, the young woman turned and headed back for her apartment building, bone slowly chipping from her fists and forearms to leave a trail on the sidewalk.
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██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████▌

                          Quinn woke from another daze on top of a hotel. On the roof, where he had a great view of the Nexus City. Lights like the ones that she now would have killed him if he weren’t wearing an eye patch. He shut his eyes as he thought thoroughly of what he was to do next. It was awful, looking off one side of the building and seeing the glory of Odin and Human living conditions while when he turned to look at the other side there was the ghetto, where there were nothing more than Invalids and poor Humans. Awful as it was, he wouldn’t choose anywhere differently to live. Gaining money by murder was something that Willem Quinn enjoyed grandly. Slowly he stepped off the edge of the non-fenced rooftop and tell on a balcony, only to jump off from there to another and then another until he got to the floor. He ran behind it, jumping over the fence to an alley. He crept on the side of the apartments where he lived to see a man and a woman and his neighbor, Addie. A little smirk played on his lips and he chuckled to himself. It was time for some fun.

                          “Addie!” He yelled. Quinn didn’t talk to the people in his apartment, but he knew who they were so he wouldn’t have been surprised if she had no idea who he was. An emerald green eye glared at the two, and there would have been two eyes if there wasn’t a lamppost just a few yards away. He smiled sweetly towards Addie and put his hands in his jacket, fists clenched. He glanced over his shoulder to look at the two once more and stood proudly, his arms crossed over his chest. For a while he stayed that was before turning to the girl. A gorgeous smile and he spoke softly, “A beautiful young lady like you shouldn’t be out here with such a weak looking man like him.” He took her hand and gave it a light kiss as he spoke and pointed at the blue haired boy that stood beside her after finishing his statement. Quinn looked in her own emerald green eyes as he spoke. When he stood back up straight, many voices buzzed in his head as to who she was, and he honestly didn’t care. It was nothing but a play to make the guy mad after all.

                          Quinn ran a hand through his red hair and bit the inside of his cheek. She was pretty, but he didn’t need the voices in his head to have suspicions on whether or not she was an Odin. She just gave off that kind of skilled vibe that just made you be careful. The man gave off the same thing, but his blue hair made him look a bit goofy to Quinn and at that moment, Quinn started laughing. He wasn’t very much skilled on talking to people, but it sure was funny that he’d thought so much about just those two people and made so many impressions of them. A cold breeze passed by and his hair moved into his eyes. He moved it quickly and stuck his hands back in his leather jacket pocket. He was dressed in black skinny pants with a white v-neck shirt under his brown leather jacket to hide the tattoos that he’d woken up with that night in the abandoned warehouse.

Aged Sex Symbol

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                                                          Thank god! Luka really didn't enjoy orphanages. They made her clean and forced her to do useless work. A good example would be cleaning the floor with a tooth brush. Of course, Luka did deserve the treatment considering she pretty much messed up everything. She would run around breaking vases and other nonsense. She did feel bad, but the people at homes were what even Luka considered bad people. They abused children and treated them like they were scum. The children there defiantly weren't scum though. Those children never did anything wrong, they were abandon and depressed. So, in the sake of those children Luka would do bad things to the care takers, and since Luka can turn invisible she could pretty much get away with most of it. Unfortunately after a while they started to figure it was Luka.

                                                          What did he just say? CRAP! Did he really just say Luka's name? Well, maybe that's all he knows. Besides, where does one get glasses like that? Who would be so willing as to give away such over powerful glasses? Why wouldn't they keep it for themselves? Well, maybe they weren't so great, as far as Luka was concerned, all they did was give a person a name. At least, that's what she can deduct from what she's seen.

                                                          "Uhm, maybe we should get out of the road?" she said turning around. "So, what all do your glasses do?" she called over her shoulder to the man, "I know they can tell names, but what else can they do. Since those aren't ordinary glasses, and a mere name is not something one would really care for, especially not today. They are certain to have something else that contains a greater value." If Luka was wrong about her assumption of the glasses pertaining to something of more important value then just a name, why did he keep them?

                                                          Finally she reached the sidewalk and she turned to Riku's direction. She gave a shy innocent, bashful smile and debated on whether or not to run. Clearly this guy had to be a loon. He protected Nexus? Luka certainly didn't remember anyone giving Nexus a guardian. Though, she hadn't figured this person out. Who was he?

5,250 Points
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Raven Kenn

Raven stood by his apartment window, overlooking the Nexus slums. Although he was watching the many people around and about far below, he wasn't actually sure of what he was seeing. There were too many thoughts flooding his head for that. Several minutes ago, Hellequin - his sister - had told him of disturbing things. Things that made him question himself, his intentions, his identity. He would have dismissed her as a crazy random girl, but her practice of the same abilities as him was no mere coincidence. Was she playing with his mind? Bending him to her will? Raven did not know, but if her words held any truth, then it was very serious indeed. He would have liked to question her a bit more, but she had disappeared via her power some time ago. And all she had said right before she left was, "We'll meet again. Until then, make sure you wipe out the Odin. All of them. No exceptions."

The hell he was going to listen to her. But according to Hellequin, the consequences of not killing all of them off was grave. Even more than what he previously had thought. The pink-haired girl's smile flashed in his mind. Her, an Odin. She was no exception. If there was any other way... he would gladly take it. But the idea of believing the words of a sister who had revealed herself to him after fifteen years made little sense, too. However, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Raven was just about to head for the bathroom to wash up when he noticed that the door was slightly open. He walked towards it to close it shut, but something else then caught his attention: a round, metal object that was flashing a red light and quietly beeping.


Down below, the crowd of hooligans and street beggars stood dumbfounded as they witnessed the apartment home above them explode.
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Riku Kagami

Riku started to look around and walk over to Luka "Well don't tell anyone." "These glasses tell a lot of personal things about a person" He said making sure no one heard him. "They also tell me when there's danger" "The alarm goes off many times so it gets annoying." "That's how I know what happens. He said in a quiet voice so no one but Luka to hear.

Magnetic Humorist

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₪₪₪₪₪₪҈ p н э ℓ ι ą₪₪₪₪₪₪
the misfit monk

₪ ₪ ₪
❝A warless world will come as men develop warless hearts.❞
~Charles Wesley Burns

₪ ₪ ₪

Green orbs followed the Loki's line of movement until the girl was out of earshot. ”Explain,” she said simply in that unnervingly calm way of hers as she addressed the granola-munching Odin without actually looking at him. It was all she really had to say, he knew what she was talking about. To let a Loki off scot-free as he had... If another one of the more stricter Odins had seen Aaron would have to face actions from the disciplinary board affective immediately. It was true that Ophelia was sympathetic to Invalids but she never in the history of her career let a Loki go. Now, she would never actually report the blue haired Odin but she was still curious about his reasoning.

₪ ₪ ₪
speaking to ❝Aaron❞
coordinates ❝an alleyway❞
status ❝on standby❞

₪ ₪ ₪

5,250 Points
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Raven Kenn

Raven gripped his left arm as he watched the apartment burn down. He had managed to teleport out quickly enough to escape certain death, but the explosion had scathed his upper part of his arm. It throbbed with pain, but he had felt worse. He caught sight of Hellequin a few rooftops away, smiling at him. Raven got the message. He understood what had happened. Several minutes ago, she said that she would make him "disappear." So this was her idea: blow up his home, make everyone think that he died in explosion, and get the Odins off his back. Such drastic means of going about it, and Raven doubted that the enemies would fall for the trick. First of all, there was no body to be identified- or there was. Raven looked down below as ambulances and police cars flooded the area, and noticed four officials carrying out a burnt corpse out of the place. The body was too damaged to tell who it was just by looking at it.

Hellquin teleported right next to Raven and the question that was on his mind.
"I killed an Odin and used him as the decoy. It's not perfect, but it will buy you time until they pass it along to forensics. 'Til then, get your job done."
Raven grabbed her before she could disappear. "Why are you doing this? Why can't you just do it? Why me?"
She merely laughed as it were a joke and answered, "Because I don't want to do all the dirty work," then vanished.

Raven stared at the place where she was standing for a minute, then turned back to the fire.
He knew that was not the answer.

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Do the Ⓓ Ⓐ Ⓝ Ⓒ Ⓔ
✖✖✖✖✖✖ Milagros Gallego

⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋fight ❣
✖✖✖✖✖✖So god damned nervous!

Stick to the Ⓑ Ⓔ Ⓐ Ⓣ
✖✖✖✖✖✖D.A.N.C.E. by Justice User Image

Get ready to ignite ❣
✖✖✖✖✖✖There ain't no ring on this finger!

She had been sitting outside the office-- His office-- for more than an hour. Even so, her foot was still going a mile a minute. Nerves wracked her body. The only other time she had spoken to the Boss personally was during her first week of employment. She had refused to give information that would directly lead to another Invalid's death. Never again... The consequences had cut her to the core and now she knew what kind of a position she was in. There was no escape. It was kill or be killed and she certainly wasn't ready to die just yet.

At long last, she was called in.

"Milagros Gallego. Please, have a seat." His voice was warm, smiling, but that shadowed face, that motionless form, offered no hospitality. The only thing he did offer was a folder with a few classified documents. "Read this. Tell me what you know." He didn't bother explaining himself further and he didn't have to. A police report regarding a fire, a database profile with the name blocked out, a wrap sheet that went on for days and a page of questions that she'd have to answer. As her eyes scanned over the papers bits and pieces of information in the forms of disconnected words and flashing images ran through her mind. 'No. Not him. Not dead. A She. Her. Who's Her? Her is important, but who is Her? Don't know, don't know. Alive. Alive. Alive.' Millie looked up from the file. The man shifted in his chair, leaning closer expectantly. "Well?" She ran her tongue over her lips, trying to collect her fragmented thoughts. "It's a lie. He's still alive, somewhere. And there's a... A wo--," she paused, "Someone else. I don't know who. I don't know anything else. I'm sorry." If it was at all possible to tell, the man smiled and relaxed back. "Don't apologize my dear. You've done well. So well in fact, I'm promoting you to field work. Enjoy your new case, and, your new partner. Can't have such a novice go out all alone now, can we?"

She turned to find another person in the room. They somehow had slipped in silently while she was focusing on other things. Although they didn't look familiar, she smiled politely, hoping to make a good first impression and without moving from her seat, "Hello. I'm Millie. And you are?"

Springtime Streaker


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As Evelyn had been watching, she noticed that the opportunity of action was missed. One of the people in the alley had left and the others were talking. Though it would have been a good idea to pay more attention and figure out whether these were Odin or not, just as she stood to leave in the opposite direction there was a resounding explosion not a block away. The raven haired teen anaged to stifle a squeak of surprise as the ground shook ever so slightly from the force.

It probably would have smart to turn tail and run, but instead Ev found her bare feet leading her rapidly to the billowing smoke coming from the scene. Turnin right, the teen passed through an alleyway as a short cut and came out across the street from the burning building. Skidding to a halt and slowly steadying her breathing, Evelyn slinked back into the shadows of the alley to watch the commotion. She only hoped that there had been no bystanders to see a frantic barefoot girl run out nearly into the street and then back into an alley. For the most part Evelyn could see the people watching the burning building.
"So smart of you not to stay hidden entirely..." she scolded herself quietly.


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