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Darkness. Suddenly Malakai opened his eyes and exhaled sharply. His eyes were unsure at what direction they should move. Once they adjusted, he was staring at the sky and the tops of a few trees. He was on his back. He began to sit up slowly as he was light-headed. He examned himself and there was blood on his clothes. How? He felt his face and there was blood on it as well. He examined his body. Despite the damage on his clothing, he felt no wounds. He then looked at his legs and and saw a big tail laying on them. His eyes followed the tail to a dead, huge Vol dragon. Suddenly snippets of flashbacks of a mid-air fight with it as it's roars and screams played after every split second dark and silent pause as the recollection in his mind was clearly broken. Then there was a descent...then black. He pushed the tail off his legs and stood up. He groggily walked over to the corpse. After a short examination, he saw the cause of death was a gaping hole in its throat. A hole that was a mixture of blood and char. Whatever killed it...it was hot. Clearly it was this thing's blood that was all over him. Then why did he feel a bit dizzy. A small breeze made the back of his head feel cold for a second. Odd, considering that it wasn't particularly a cold day. He reached his hand to the back of his head and once his fingers felt a an opening ridge, a sharp jolt of pain smacked him and he fell to his knees. Then it it him. There was a wound back there and it must've been from the fall. He would heal on his own but he needed to leave this spot...and so he did, giving himself some time to contemplate past events and his current predicament.

After what seemed like an eternity Malakai came across an abandoned house. How convenient. His senses started to return and his steps became less groggy, but he still needed to sit out and regroup. He rushed over to the door but suddenly stopped short as he realized there was someone at the interest, he stepped no further and got ready to defend himself. However he realized it was a person who collapsed. She seemed hurt from a fight. He looked around and quickly stepped to the body and grabbed the back of her collar without giving thought to look at the person. Things like that he could sort out later. For now, a limp body might bring unwanted attention to his newly found hiding spot. He opened the door and dragged her in then setting her on some random spot on the floor. He then quickly shut the door.....

Of Soul Fire

Shameless Bibliophile

14,225 Points
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
User Image Miki Tuscany
Hated of Silence


The pain that she felt at being drug inside of the abandoned house by her collar was what brought her out of REM sleep, while the sudden realization that she was being ‘dragged’ was what woke her up completely.

At the realization that someone was there, Miki’s instincts took over and she attempted to grab onto the person who was dragging her. Intending to twist, and put a dagger to their throat in case they were an enemy.

However, she was still immobile, so the attempt on her part to move prematurely only made her joints lock, tense, and a sharp pain shoot through her entire body. The heightened sensation of pain she was subject to would have made her cry out in pain if she were able to use her vocal chords currently.

Fear overtook the silent hated as she felt herself being set down somewhere, a wooden floor, or a sack of hay, she couldn’t tell. Her senses were dulled, and as such the only thing she could register was the fact that she was being drug, along with the fact that she had stopped moving.

A saving grace was that her eyes opened up just a crack at being moved, and despite the fact that her sight was impaired considerably, the one thing she was able to tell was that the person who had drug her, was not trying to kill her. They weren’t even sneering, or recoiling at her as if she had violated them in the most horrible way possible.

The good news was that this person wasn’t human, or Supra…

Which, at the same time, was also the bad news.

Feeling fear overtake her at being so vulnerable and unable to defend herself from at whoever, or whatever had dragged her wherever she was now. Miki couldn’t help but to wish that they were friendly. She had no desire to die here. She still had things to do, people to meet, promises to fulfill, and a duty that required her to do a few more things before she was allowed to die.

She wasn’t going to be an unnamed corpse in an abandoned house.

Willing her body to hurry and recover from her the drawback of her ability, Miki tried desperately to make out the face of whomever, or whatever had her.

Maybe if she knew that her life depended on her moving, her body would cooperate with her, and allow her to fight.

Although, quite honestly, the last thing that Miki expected to make out about the unknown enemy, was that they were in fact… “Not” her enemy…

Or really, they were her angel… The black winged angel who had saved her once before…

Now “that” was unexspected…


My greatest weakness... My greatest strength...
Orders with reason... Crimes without passion...
Senseless hate… Silent protests…
Bloodied hands… Regrets without voices…
Stifling loneliness… Unshed tears…
My shattered heart… My perfect mask…

Orders Over Commands:
>.> I don’t understand why, but somehow I found the time to write up Miki’s death scene. Or at least, the major exposition and reason for her death scene…
Long car rides are weird…

I think it would be a good idea if they remembered each other from their brief meeting… Although they never learned each others names the first time either… So xD It will still be pretty much strangers… <.<

Babalu X


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Malakai sighed as he shut the door. He didn't intend to stay too long, so this should be good for a few hours stay. He turned to the body, curious to see if it was dead or not. He walked over to examine when suddenly he realized she was still alive as her eyes were open at least for a bit. On top of all that...he recognized her! It seemed like ages since he flew her from harm and got her up on her feet. Miki...

Despite the last 24 hours being a blur to him, he remebered further back. He crouched by her. "You again. And you seem to lack the ability of staying healthy. We gotta stop meeting like this, don't you think?" He stood and took a step back. slumped his back against a wall opposite from her and slid down it to sit on the floor. He took a finger and rubbed it gently on the back of his head. Then he brought it too his face and it seemed the blood was still fresh from the wound that rested there. He dropped his hand and looked at Miki. "Seems we both have had a pretty rough day...." He commented plainly...


(( Long car rides will do that I guess haha. Whoa. So Miki may/will die eh?

I actually kinda skimmed a bit of their meeting and I saw Malakai give her his name when she asked. Though I don't recall Miki doing the same. But its up to you if we can pretend it didn't happen or she forgot it...regardless their short meeting would still qualify thwm as "strangers" haha. ))

Of Soul Fire

Shameless Bibliophile

14,225 Points
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
User Image Miki Tuscany
Hated of Silence


Watching the man move around with her limited line of sight Miki, racked her brain as she tried to remember the name he’d given her before. It was on the tip of her tongue, and normally she would have had no problem remembering his name, in fact; it would have come as easily as breathing. Miki made it a point to remember names, so there was no way she would forget the name of her black winged angel.

Her brain wasn’t working, and all she could come up with was that his name started with an M, anything else however she could not figure out no matter how hard she tried. She was burnt out, she shouldn’t even be awake at the moment, yet she was also afraid that if she fell asleep again, the man whose name started with M would disappear, and in his place an enemy would appear. It also didn’t help that she was so hungry, so thirsty, that the intensified hunger pains and thirst were keeping her up. Nor that all the small bruises felt brand new, and all the small cuts felt like stab wounds. She was in a lot of pain.

Not that this wasn’t anything Miki was used to. This was the least amount of pain she could be in after her ability wore off. Just think, if small bruise felt like fresh punches, and small shallow cuts felt like stab wounds. Just imagine how an actual stab wound or a broken bone would feel to Miki in this state? Ok, now think about not being able to move while feeling that pain. Alright, now you can’t even scream… Yeah…

Mind you, Miki would still take the stab wound over stepping on a lego or stubbing her toe.

Feeling like her head was about to explode if she didn’t stop trying to remember this man’s name, Miki gave up, knowing that once the drawback had worn off, she would be up, stuffing her face with the food and drink she so desperately needed, while the name would just pop into her head without any strain on Miki’s part. So, feeling a little bit more at ease, she allowed her mind to drift off into a state of awareness, yet rest. A catnap.

While cat napping, Miki could hear the man make comments about Miki lacking the ability to stay healthy. Miki mused over that statement, thinking about how it had all been about timing. If she had met him under any other circu-… Cutting that thought short, Miki corrected herself.

If they had met under any other circumstances, it would have more than likely been with her black winged angel on the opposite end of her blade. Or, they would have never even met at all. She would have seen him in passing, probably as she was hiding on the outskirts of some town, waiting for the crowds to die down before going to rob some store.

The immobile woman, watched him from her sleeping state, her eyes open slightly as she rested. She watched as he reached to feel the back of his head, before bringing his hand back to the front of his face, covered in blood.

On second thought, they might have met another way. Miki would have probably seen that he was injured, and out of concern, she would have followed him. Watched him from a distance, assuming he was supra or human, like she always did. She would have watched until she realized that he didn’t have anyone to take care of that injury. After which she would have knocked him out for safe measures, so that she could treat his injuries without fear of him waking up and attacking her. Then, she would have slipped away before he woke up, leaving him with some water, food, and pain killers for when he woke up.

So in response to his comment about how they needed to stop meeting like this, Miki wholeheartedly disagreed. Miki would prefer it if they “kept” on meeting each other like this. It was much more preferable over the way she normally met people.

After a while, Miki heard his comment on how they both had a rough day. She wanted to chuckle at his comment and surprisingly enough, she was able to.

That startled Miki, and made her wake from her cat nap. If she was able to chuckle, then that must mean.

Yeah, she was able to open her eyelids the rest of the way, but, not much more than that, just some control of her neck, and apparently, the ability to laugh. Miki must have been napping for pretty close to two hours. Judging by how her senses were working normally again, and her mind wasn’t bogged down any more. It should only be a little longer now until she was able to move her limbs.

Blinking away some of the groggy feeling, Miki turned her head to look at the man whose name she now remembered.


Staring at him, Miki took in his appearance. He looked a lot more beat up than she felt. He must have been in a pretty nasty fight.

Miki tried to catch his attention with her eyes. As she looked from him, then down to a few pouches that she had strapped around her leg, waist, and two that were on each of her arms. She was trying specifically to motion to the one on her arm. All of the pouches she carried, were enchanted by magic that made them infinite, which meant that she could carry pretty much everything with her, without worrying about it weighting too much, or being bulky and slowing her down.

The pouch she was trying to get Malakai to take notice of was the pouch that she kept medical supplies in. She wasn’t assuming that he was human. No, she’d seen him sprout wings before, so she definitely wasn’t thinking that. So she doubted that he healed as slowly, or in the same way that humans; ‘she’ did.

She was however, thinking that even if he wasn’t human, he’d want to clean the wounds out while they healed.

Plus, she was hoping that maybe she could get him to give her some water while she was immobile. She was ‘really’ thirsty.

My greatest weakness... My greatest strength...
Orders with reason... Crimes without passion...
Senseless hate… Silent protests…
Bloodied hands… Regrets without voices…
Stifling loneliness… Unshed tears…
My shattered heart… My perfect mask…

Orders Over Commands:
The people in my room were snoring SOOOOOOO loudly!!!>.<
I don't understand why I only took the time to reply to this... Maybe its because I haven't RP'd with Miki in a while...

Babalu X


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Despite that making her chuckle not being his intention, he was quite surprised she was even able to in her state. Moments later she was now staring at him. Was that worry? She shouldn't be worrying about him, he thought. He can still move...and the blood on his clothes wasn't even his...not that the one behind his head was any less excruciating. However after thorough examination, she seemed to be motioning to something with her eyes. He followed it to a pouch on her person. "What? You need something on there?" He slowly got up and walked over to her. He then crouched and took the pouch. "I don't know what you can possibly need in---" He opened it all he saw was black. He felt a certain aura of magic around it, a perk of his demon bloodline. He then looked at her. "So...what am I lookin' at here?"


((Damn that sux. Hope you got some rest.
I dunno why either...but I appreciate your time biggrin
THE MAGIC POUCH!! Haha. Mem'ries smile ))

Of Soul Fire

Shameless Bibliophile

14,225 Points
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
User Image Miki Tuscany
Hated of Silence


As Malakai took the pouch Miki was motioning towards with her eyes. She noticed how he hesitated. Simply staring into the pouch blankly, before asking a woman who still had about an hour left of immobile, mute, pain left what she wanted from him, after she motioned to a pouch.

Her expression didn’t show it. Not because of the fact that even if she was able to move her face, she wouldn’t have made any expression. But she did give him a look that said; “Reach in and you’ll find it…” as he asked her if she wanted something from the pouch.

It was rather obvious that she wanted something from it, and it was also rather obvious that she couldn’t tell him what she wanted from it. He would just have to figure it out himself by reaching inside.

All of the pouches had practically anything and everything you could need inside of them. However, that particular pouch usually held things that pertained to medical needs. If he reached inside there, (ignoring the growling of course), he would pull out what he needed first thing. Along with what Miki needed.

So, water, non perishable food, bandages, gauze, and antiseptic was it.


My greatest weakness... My greatest strength...
Orders with reason... Crimes without passion...
Senseless hate… Silent protests…
Bloodied hands… Regrets without voices…
Stifling loneliness… Unshed tears…
My shattered heart… My perfect mask…

Orders Over Commands:
Yeah, I actually have a death for her planned. It may actually be pretty good for your story too, if you want it to be… Of course she also has a revival… (Which does require Malakai ;p)
It’s sort of the reason why she only kills ‘good’ people. Works for ‘bad people.’ xD Miki is a good guy, and you’ll see why… Well, only if you agree…

Nyehehehehehe Magiv pouch!

Long carrides


Babalu X

Vicious Pumpkin

13,050 Points
  • Trader 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
  • Tycoon 200

User Image "Only if they don't try to eat my face. I'm very attached to it."

All in all, it would be nice to meet some new people.

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Judging by her look she wanted him to look in and grb something. He sighed and reached in... "I know you're not well and all, but it's kinda gonna be hard if you don't---" He felt something suddenly then pulled it out. It was a bottle of water. He set it down. "I guess you'll need that eventually." He dug in again. Eventually he got all of the medical equipment and placed them before him: bandages, gauze, and antiseptic. "Unfortunately for you, I'm all you got as doctors go...so my wrapping may not suffice...deal with it. Now. Where are you hurt?" He paused and realize she couldn't move...let alone talk. "You know what, nevermind. I'll just...examine...unless you have enugh strength to do this yourself? Probably not..."


((Hey I'm down. Agreed. Go for it. Plus Malakai is free for Miki. Even if Cookie comes back and replies, it won't affect the plot I have with her smile

Eesh. Hang in there with those car rides xp ))

Of Soul Fire
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Delena chuckled nervously at Esuta's comment. "Err...uh...nno. I doubt Ruben associates with cannibals." Once they reached the camp, Esuta would see it was similar to Rayne's in a way. However, there were no gamblers here and the men in this camp seemed more serious as they tended to thier own musings. Here, they gave Esuta an examining look that could be portrayed as suspicion, but since she was with Delena, a face they grew accustomed to, they left her be. In Rayne's camp, the people there merely shrugged her off while some grinned at her, intentions mysterious. "Best we head to Ruben's tent first." They reached the largest and most well-structured tent there. Two men sat on chairs guarding the entrance, They merely nodded at Delena and one held the flap to allow both her and Esuta through.

Once they walked in they would see desks with mpas and books and artifacts found from journies. Then there he was: Ruben. Slightly taller than Rayne and length of hair a tad longer, otherwise they shared the same features. "Oh. Delena."
Delena grinned a bit. "Well hello, Ruben."
"Do you have the shipment?" He asked. His tone and demeanor was like Rayne's..except more insistant.
"Yes. Of course. The boys will bring it shortly. Just thought I'd touch base with you. Out of respect."
"Yes yes. That's not needed, but sure. Very nice of you." He said as he went back to his work which was messing with a sort of holographic control pad.
She leaned tp Esuta "Gotta get me that holographic tech for my ship. Got a few on deck and in the rooms, but maan I would love it for my cockpit." She then stood striaght and spoke to Ruben again. "Oh by the way, this is Esuta. New recruit. Well...more of a temp---" She then looked at Esuta and winked. "---but not too late to change her mind."
"Esuta. Ruben. Pleasure." He replied plainly, barely an acknowledgement, eyes never moving from his work.
Delena slightly chuckled and mumbled to Esuta. "Yeah. He and Rayne are pretty similar...but at least Rayne is more accommodating and welcomes the small chatter. Not that RUben's wrong for not doin' so. Sometimes it's just all about business."


Shameless Bibliophile

14,225 Points
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
User Image Miki Tuscany
Hated of Silence


He mentioned not being a good doctor, and how she would have to deal with his wrapping. She felt confused for a moment before she realized that he was talking about him threatig her…

Oh… Right… She should have expected that he would assume that she wanted to be treated… She did tend to come across as ‘unwell’ to most people when she was immobile… She was in a sorry state, fresh from battle, dirty…

Well, she supposed it was only natural for him to assume that she was in need of medical attention when she was immobile, couldn’t talk, barely move, and was motioning to a pouch in with medical supplies in it. (And let’s not forget the massive bloody stain spreading along her back, along with what looks like a piece of shrapnel stuck in her ankle, but please, its only ‘minor’.)

She didn’t know how to exactly communicate to him that the supplies were meant for ‘him’ instead of her. She only had minor cuts. While the gash that was on the back of his head seemed to be pretty nasty in comparison (Head wounds always take precedence over any other injuries) … She could wait... (While her spinal fluids drained from her body, and her ankle got infected)

Looking at Malakai as he asked her where she hurt, Miki would have scoffed if she did things like that… But instead she just frowned at him, or really, sent a confused glance in his direction. Her expression didn’t change in the least bit, not because she couldn’t move her facial muscles, but because she just didn’t make many expressions at all in the first place…

He’d asked a silly question…

She hurt ‘everywhere.’

While some places hurt more than others, and others didn’t hurt much at all, she still could accurately say, if she were able to talk that; ‘everywhere’ would be her response to that question.

He stated that he would examine her, like a doctor, which, honestly didn’t seem to be that much of a problem to Miki. She saw no issue in it, he was going to examine her to ‘treat’ her. So there shouldn’t be a problem. There was nothing strange about a doctor examining your body…

Dismissing the ‘examination’ pause in Malakai’s speech as a weird coincidence, Miki went back to being more concerned about Malakai’s injuries than her own state of well-being.

It was quite amazing just how little self preservation instincts Miki held. Despite the fact that Miki was still under the impression of her injuries being ‘minor’ instead of potentially life threatening if-left-unattended, she still felt the more intense pains. She simply ignored them in favor of not worrying Malakai.

She wasn’t going to be completely happy until she could move and examine the wounds on the demon properly, herself, or until she watched him treat them herself.

It was strange how concern for a virtual stranger overlapped Miki’s concern over the pain she was feeling, or the fact that she felt very light headed.


My greatest weakness... My greatest strength...
Orders with reason... Crimes without passion...
Senseless hate… Silent protests…
Bloodied hands… Regrets without voices…
Stifling loneliness… Unshed tears…
My shattered heart… My perfect mask…

Orders Over Commands:
Its an involved plot and I almost don’t want to reveal it to you. But I suppose I would have to if you were to feel involved in its xD…
And by free? Do you mean “free” free because believe it or not, Miki’s arch does require someone of the romantic persuasions… xP I figured Malakai would be good since he just sort of “understands?” Miki… Plus, she does seem to have an affinity for demons… But of course, that is only if he’s not ‘taken’ :p
( ._. Is not kidding, it’s weird how demons seem to swarm to her…)
Well, either way, I’m gonna end up reading more of the Saga cause I find it really entertaining xD

Babalu X


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So went ahead and continued to examine her. Seemed she had a lot of cuts on her body. Strange. They seemed a little minor, but he guessed they just added up to a collective loss of blood. He proceeded to bandage her up, not really concerned if she felt uncomfortable. "Don't worry. I'm not a perv. I imagine your concern for bleeding out outweighs your possible delicate sensibilities. Besides if we're gonna be here a while, best you don't die and stink up the place, bringin' attention over here." He proceeded to bandage her up, being careful not to touch her in "private areas". Her back especially was a mess. He tossed the what may have been a shirt that was stained with her blood aside and bandaged up her back as best he could. "So what did you step into another Human town again? City? If you did...you're not very smart are you?" A rhetorical question obviously. She was either too weak or didn't feel like talking. Either way, he probably wasn't going to get a rebuttal let alone a decent answer. "There's gotta be some sort of community for your kind out there or somethin'." He then proceeded to her ankle. What was that? Shrapnel? Whatever it was...it had to go... "Brace yourself...or relax...seems like you're doin' a good job of that as you are..." With that plainly said, he pulled the piece out of her ankle quickly....


(( Haha up to you if u wanna reveal. If Malakai's a part of it, I'll find out eventually anyway haha.
I meant free as in "Free To RP" but yeah he is ALSO Free as in "single" as well smile I been meaning to randomly mention that it seems those two were sorta of destined to be with each other. Not even just romantically...like just...PERIOD haha. Their dynamic duo dates back to Fantasy haha. Aww and lil' Sarah haha.
Whoa. Demon Fetish eh? Haha.
And thanks for finding Saga entertaining biggrin I try haha ))

Of Soul Fire

Vicious Pumpkin

13,050 Points
  • Trader 100
  • Entrepreneur 150
  • Tycoon 200

User Image Esuta nodded. "Business is fun. I played a game where you run a business and if the employees do a bad job you send the supervisors in to beat them with sticks."

Shameless Bibliophile

14,225 Points
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Protector of Cuteness 150
User Image Miki Tuscany
Hated of Silence


As Malakai proceeded to examine Miki, she closed her eyes, looking anywhere but at the one she had been thinking of as her black winged angel a few moments ago... She could feel how awkward he felt. Which in turn was starting to make her feel awkward.

She would be squirming at how awkward she suddenly felt if she could... But she couldn't, so she was forced to close her eyes and try not to think about how he'd just mentioned that he 'wasn't' a pervert.

If he had just said that he was going to patch her up, she wouldn't have thought anything of it, she would have focused entirely on trying to determine how bad 'his' injuries were, but when he specifically mentioned that he 'wasn't a pervert she found herself unable to focus on anything else. Finding her thoughts suddenly shifting and becoming fixated on possible 'perverted' thoughts that could be running through his mind. Her face turned especially red when he threw the bloody remains of what had been her shirt to the side.

"They weren't minor?" She thought idly, momentarily becoming distracted from the possibility that Malakai was in fact a pervert.

That is until she felt him start bandaging her up. Being 'very' careful not to touch her anywhere she might not like. Which only made her feel 'shy' again.

The feeling of being shy about her body was rather new for the silent Hated.

Miki wasn't someone who was shy about her body. Not at all. In fact it was a trait that most Hated shared. They were people who generally weren't shy about their bodies. They didn't know why they should be.

Giovanni, Miki's best friend... Or what Miki assumed was her best friend, wore so little that she barely had clothes on.

Hated in general usually had bodies that were considered to be the epitome of physical prowess. There weren't a lot of Hated out there who were fat. The disease itself gave them ridiculous metabolisms, mostly to maintain the miracle/cursed pheromones that gave them their abilities.

Plus, at a very young age, Hated learned how to run away, fight, and generally live actively right off the bat. So there generally wasn't a reason for hated to be anything less than physically fit.

The Hated didn't feel the shame from magazines, feel physically inadequate compared to models, and the scars that they were usually marred with from constant abuse didn't stay for long either...

The Hated just weren't raised like normal humans, or aliens, or even supernatural beings. Their mental states were either shattered, delicate, sharp, hard, fiery, or icy by the time they reached adulthood.

The Hated had a lot of insecurities. However, very few involved being shy about their bodies in any way.

Miki herself wasn't an exception, she was attractive, despite the fact that she had more scars than most Hated. She got into a lot of scrapes. So many in fact that many of them hadn't had the chance to fade yet...

She had a strange tattoo on her body as well. It seemed to be drawn in some sort of ancient runes. It came across as some sort of Celtic knot. Yet at the same time gave of the feeling that it was sort of curse, demonic in nature. It ran over the entirety of her back, reaching around to the front. There were also additional runes wrapping around her wrists and ankles. The ones on her limbs formed chains.

Despite the fact that there was a gash and a piece of shrapnel interrupting the design it still looked in tact, as if it had been applied right after Miki was injured, even over scars he had. The design wasn't warped at all...


Malakai mentioned how she must be stupid if she went into another city. She glared at him for that comment. She was a killer-for-hire, as well as human.

It was inevitable that she would need to go into a crowded city to take out a target. Plus, she occasionally had to meet up and get things from those cities that she couldn't get anywhere else.

If anyone was stupid at that moment in time, it would be Malakai for assuming that she could live her life without being forced to go to those cities...

There went the paranoia that he was a pervert again.

It wasn't until Malakai looked at her ankle that Miki was able to stop worrying so much about his errant comment about not being a pervert.

At that point a different concern crossed her mind.

The effects of the drawback were being awfully slow to disappear. Plus thy were disappearing in a different order than usual. Usually the first thing to disappear was the immobility, which would be followed by the return of her senses, after which she would be able to think clearly, be able to talk, until finally the increased pain would vanish. However this time, her senses had been the first things to come back, at the same time that her mental facilities returned as well. The pain had disappeared too.

While the strangest thing was that her mobility was the only thing that hasn't suddenly been returned to her like normally. It was being gradual, infuriatingly so.

Well the good thing was that Miki had control over her arms now. They felt extremely numb and seemed to have the consistency of wet noodles. but at least she could move them... Of course she still couldn't move anything more that her pinkie finger on her right hand, but at least she could start trying to sit up. Although, Miki didn't know how well that would work when her spine wasn't cooperating with her...

Moving her elbows, Miki propped herself up, her neck was working at least, but it was taking quite a bit of exertion on her part to hold her upper body up at thing angle with only her elbows...

That was when he pulled the shrapnel out of her ankle... Causing the strangest thing to happen.

Her leg shot up, and she ended up kicking Malakai in the face...

Eyes widening in shock at the reflexive movement that she'd just demonstrated. Miki sat upright completely, finding that now that the piece of shrapnel... No... That was the demon researchers tooth. Miki didn't even remember him biting her... that was probably why her drawbacks had been acting so weird... It would certainly explain why she was completely back to normal... Two forms of demonic essence tended not to work well together.

Finding that her voice was back, Miki blinked at the demon that she had just kicked in the face...

Her way of apologizing, of course, was to stare at him blankly, before uttering a single word quietly...



My greatest weakness... My greatest strength...
Orders with reason... Crimes without passion...
Senseless hate… Silent protests…
Bloodied hands… Regrets without voices…
Stifling loneliness… Unshed tears…
My shattered heart… My perfect mask…

Orders Over Commands:

I just had to format it…

Babalu X

User ImageUser Image

Delena cocked an eyebrow at Esuta after she commented on playing "business" as a game.. "Wait...seriously? That's a game?"
"Hm. I must say that is rather odd." Ruben chimed in, but eyes still never leaving his work. "Well some people have different views on their personal businesses. However the one I particularly partake in is hardly what one would, let alone should, call...a 'game'."
Delena grinned and chuckled at his comment.


User Image Esuta nodded. "Business is fun. I played a game where you run a business and if the employees do a bad job you send the supervisors in to beat them with sticks."


User Image
Malakai couldn't see anything else wrong at this point as the shrapnel seemed to be the last thing on the list of helping her. Once this was done maybe---*wap!.
Malakai's face was suddenly met with the woman's kick. She had been still this whole time and he expected nothing more than a scream of pain at worst once he pulled out the piece in her ankle. He was wrong. Sure it was a shock, but Malakai rubbed his nose and kept his plain face. He looked at her and the look on her face said it all...but it didn't need to. She obviously didn't mean it. Suddenly a late reaction, the back of his head started to throb. Apparently the impact of her kick wasn't good for his still-healing head wound. He slowly slumped from his crouch and sat on his behind. He rubbed the back of his head. "Because this day couldn't get any better...." After a short pause, he realized she uttered a word. "Reflex". He looked at her, examining. "Well look who decided to exercise her vocal chords. At least now I know you can talk...makes communication easier...."


Of Soul Fire
User Image Miki Tuscany
Hated of Silence


As Malakai proceeded to examine Miki, she closed her eyes, looking anywhere but at the one she had been thinking of as her black winged angel a few moments ago... She could feel how awkward he felt. Which in turn was starting to make her feel awkward.

She would be squirming at how awkward she suddenly felt if she could... But she couldn't, so she was forced to close her eyes and try not to think about how he'd just mentioned that he 'wasn't' a pervert.

If he had just said that he was going to patch her up, she wouldn't have thought anything of it, she would have focused entirely on trying to determine how bad 'his' injuries were, but when he specifically mentioned that he 'wasn't a pervert she found herself unable to focus on anything else. Finding her thoughts suddenly shifting and becoming fixated on possible 'perverted' thoughts that could be running through his mind. Her face turned especially red when he threw the bloody remains of what had been her shirt to the side.

"They weren't minor?" She thought idly, momentarily becoming distracted from the possibility that Malakai was in fact a pervert.

That is until she felt him start bandaging her up. Being 'very' careful not to touch her anywhere she might not like. Which only made her feel 'shy' again.

The feeling of being shy about her body was rather new for the silent Hated.

Miki wasn't someone who was shy about her body. Not at all. In fact it was a trait that most Hated shared. They were people who generally weren't shy about their bodies. They didn't know why they should be.

Giovanni, Miki's best friend... Or what Miki assumed was her best friend, wore so little that she barely had clothes on.

Hated in general usually had bodies that were considered to be the epitome of physical prowess. There weren't a lot of Hated out there who were fat. The disease itself gave them ridiculous metabolisms, mostly to maintain the miracle/cursed pheromones that gave them their abilities.

Plus, at a very young age, Hated learned how to run away, fight, and generally live actively right off the bat. So there generally wasn't a reason for hated to be anything less than physically fit.

The Hated didn't feel the shame from magazines, feel physically inadequate compared to models, and the scars that they were usually marred with from constant abuse didn't stay for long either...

The Hated just weren't raised like normal humans, or aliens, or even supernatural beings. Their mental states were either shattered, delicate, sharp, hard, fiery, or icy by the time they reached adulthood.

The Hated had a lot of insecurities. However, very few involved being shy about their bodies in any way.

Miki herself wasn't an exception, she was attractive, despite the fact that she had more scars than most Hated. She got into a lot of scrapes. So many in fact that many of them hadn't had the chance to fade yet...

She had a strange tattoo on her body as well. It seemed to be drawn in some sort of ancient runes. It came across as some sort of Celtic knot. Yet at the same time gave of the feeling that it was sort of curse, demonic in nature. It ran over the entirety of her back, reaching around to the front. There were also additional runes wrapping around her wrists and ankles. The ones on her limbs formed chains.

Despite the fact that there was a gash and a piece of shrapnel interrupting the design it still looked in tact, as if it had been applied right after Miki was injured, even over scars he had. The design wasn't warped at all...


Malakai mentioned how she must be stupid if she went into another city. She glared at him for that comment. She was a killer-for-hire, as well as human.

It was inevitable that she would need to go into a crowded city to take out a target. Plus, she occasionally had to meet up and get things from those cities that she couldn't get anywhere else.

If anyone was stupid at that moment in time, it would be Malakai for assuming that she could live her life without being forced to go to those cities...

There went the paranoia that he was a pervert again.

It wasn't until Malakai looked at her ankle that Miki was able to stop worrying so much about his errant comment about not being a pervert.

At that point a different concern crossed her mind.

The effects of the drawback were being awfully slow to disappear. Plus thy were disappearing in a different order than usual. Usually the first thing to disappear was the immobility, which would be followed by the return of her senses, after which she would be able to think clearly, be able to talk, until finally the increased pain would vanish. However this time, her senses had been the first things to come back, at the same time that her mental facilities returned as well. The pain had disappeared too.

While the strangest thing was that her mobility was the only thing that hasn't suddenly been returned to her like normally. It was being gradual, infuriatingly so.

Well the good thing was that Miki had control over her arms now. They felt extremely numb and seemed to have the consistency of wet noodles. but at least she could move them... Of course she still couldn't move anything more that her pinkie finger on her right hand, but at least she could start trying to sit up. Although, Miki didn't know how well that would work when her spine wasn't cooperating with her...

Moving her elbows, Miki propped herself up, her neck was working at least, but it was taking quite a bit of exertion on her part to hold her upper body up at thing angle with only her elbows...

That was when he pulled the shrapnel out of her ankle... Causing the strangest thing to happen.

Her leg shot up, and she ended up kicking Malakai in the face...

Eyes widening in shock at the reflexive movement that she'd just demonstrated. Miki sat upright completely, finding that now that the piece of shrapnel... No... That was the demon researchers tooth. Miki didn't even remember him biting her... that was probably why her drawbacks had been acting so weird... It would certainly explain why she was completely back to normal... Two forms of demonic essence tended not to work well together.

Finding that her voice was back, Miki blinked at the demon that she had just kicked in the face...

Her way of apologizing, of course, was to stare at him blankly, before uttering a single word quietly...



My greatest weakness... My greatest strength...
Orders with reason... Crimes without passion...
Senseless hate… Silent protests…
Bloodied hands… Regrets without voices…
Stifling loneliness… Unshed tears…
My shattered heart… My perfect mask…

Orders Over Commands:

I just had to format it…

Babalu X

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