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Silvanius's Queen

Naughty Wife

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                                                            It was almost peaceful. There was a light rain falling and giving everything a small hazy nature that was both beautiful and mysterious. Had the land not been in such a state of disarray one might think Aternia was still at peace. The truth was, though, that the land was dying. An old darkness that had once plagued it was creeping once again from the shadows. Crops were dying, livestock were falling ill, and the people were beginning to either starve or become dinner for the Orcs that once again began to roam the land. The idea that all it took was a little rain to make things seem so peaceful saddened Eleniel as she sat in the back of the cart. To a passing traveler she merely looked like a normal traveler with her cloak wrapped up around herself tightly. The large hood helped cover Malazan who currently laid around her neck in her small serpentine-like form so it wasn't like they would even see a minature dragon at first glance. Upon closer look one might notice that under the cloak she was completely dry, as if the water didn't permeate the material. A fact that was actually true as it was Elven woven with magics to keep elements out. She had a bag sitting next to her that had cloaks of similar make in various sizes; a gift for those traveling in the group. Fall was already underway and Winter wasn't far behind. Temperatures would continue to drop as snow began to cover the land and she wanted to provide at least something to help the group face against any potential natural elements that might try and harm them or slow them down.

                                                            When the cart hit a bump in the road she shook a little with the flow of it before settling back down as she pulled the hood farther over her head and huddled a little more when the wind began to blow the rain in a different direction. You should have let me fly us to the village. We would already be there by now and not be faced with this rain. Eleniel heard Malazan's voice in her head but merely shook it in response. No. I know you mean well, but it was necessary to travel by normal means. Eleniel knew Malazan didn't approve of taking the longer way as it exposed them to potential extra dangers and there was already going to be enough danger in the journey ahead. However, Eleniel had wanted to see the state of the land with her own eyes now that she was no longer sheltered behind her walls. What she had seen had saddened her greatly, but if anything it gave her even more of a reason to go on this journey to end the Necromacer's terror outside of her own need to see his life ended. "Just have to survive until then." It was more a comment to herself out of reflex at the thought of the curse, but the man driving the coach looked back at her with curiosity. "Yur not chantin' some strange curse now are ya little lady?" Eleniel blinked and looked up at the man, though she was actually seeing him through Malazan's eyes, before realizing he probably didn't understand Elven and almost blushed a little as she shook her head. "My appologies if I scared you. I am just more used to speaking in my own native tongue so I slipped. I promise I would never curse the one who was kind enough to give me a lift to a village on his trade route." She smiled softly and it seemed he was put to ease as he turned to keep guiding the cart. "I couldn' say no to a pretty face like yurs. 'Specially when you carry such fine Elven blades for tradin'." Eleniel smiled again before huddling back up to keep the rain out as the cart continued on its way.

                                                            When they arrived at the village she felt the cart stop as the horse let out a small neigh and she began to get up to exit the cart from where she sat. As she reached the back of it the man was already there holding a hand out to help her down. "You are a kind soul." She said softly as she took the hand and got down from the cart before pointing to a ring she noticed on his finger. "Do you mind if I see that for a moment, I would like to give you a blessing." He seemed to hesitate at first but took it off and gave it to her. Eleniel smiled softly before closing her eyes and placing her hand over the open palm that held the stones. "May the spirits of nature bless this man on his travels and bring him back home safely." It was all she could really do. It was up to the spirits of nature to answer her request, but she doubted they wouldn't help an honest man like the one standing before her. When the small glow that had emitted from her hand faded she handed it back to him. "May the rest of your travels be safe." He put the ring back on a nodded. "Same tu ya, little lady. Be careful where'r you are goin' and thank ya for the blades." She shook her head softly with a smile, "It was the least I could offer. May they suit your trades well." With that she nodded her head and started up the partially cobbled street to the Inn designated as the meeting place; The Laughing Fox. Her walk to the inn was a little quiet, save for the sound of her walking staff hitting the cobble stone. Very few were actually out on the streets due to the rain, but upon glancing at the state of the buildings and homes this trade town was in a little better shape then some of the smaller outlying ones.

                                                            Upon seeing the inn enter view she sped up a little, anxious to get out of the rain and into a dry room despite the fact that her cloak kept her mostly dry. Now that she had been walking instead of remaining huddled in the cart parts of her hair that slipped from the hood of the cloak were getting wet. Upon entering the building a few of those siting inside were huddled in various corners of the room. There some Dwarves scattered around, but the majority were Human; like the inn owner standing behind the bard wiping out a few glasses. "What can I get for ya, little lady?" Eleniel almost sighed at her size being referenced again, but noticing that outside the Dwarves she had met in her travels most Humans were a bit towering over her, especially the males, so she learned to let it slip early into her travels. There weren't too many Elves leaving their homelands just yet since they had not been completely driven from their forests like some Dwarves had been by raids of Goblins and Orcs deep in the mountains. Up until her travels, though, Malazan was the only one who had nicknamed her based on her size. It was still strange to hear on occasion from others, but she decided to not really make a note on it "I'll have Roast Pork and Almond Bread with a tankard of Cider. If you could spare a little extra pork I'd be happy to pay for it as well." She replied as she took off her hood. At the sudden silence in the room she paused and glanced around, noticing people glancing at her as well as the miniature dragon on her shoulders. Now that they were looking some also took note of the large greatsword, which appeared even larger in size since it was almost as long as she was tall, strapped to her back in a sheath that seemed to blend in with her cloak to hide it a bit. Between the ears, hair, sword, and dragon around her neck she wasn't sure what those who were staring were really looking at. They aren't used to your kind coming through here. Eleniel nodded, already knowing what Malazan was telling her before she looked back to the inn owner.

                                                            "Either that tiny dragon around your neck is fake or you're one of the group I was forewarned about." She nodded her head again, this time at the inn keeper as Malazan hissed softly to prove she wasn't some fake accessory; startling the inn keeper a little. "Please forgive her, she hasn't quite accepted being called tiny like I have." Eleniel responded, stroking Malazan's head to calm her. "I have a room in the back. Private one. Was foretold about a group of you guys meetin' here so I set it up. Oy, Scarlette!" A bar maid made her way up from the back with a small paniced look on her face. "Yes, sir?" "Can you show this lady back to the room I told ya about. No doubt with her arrival more are soon to follow. And get her the pork with cider." Eleniel looked to the girl as she was directed to follow her to a room that was in the back of the inn, opposite the kitchen. "I'll have your meal here in a jiffy. It'll come to thirteen copper pieces with the extra pork if that's alright with you?" She nodded to the girl before looking at the singular large table in the room before moving over to a seat to pull it out and rest her walking staff against the wall. After that she unloading the pack she was carrying that had some light armor and a couple warmer sets of clothes against it and unstrapped the sword and bow on her back to join the wall next to her staff. She kept her dagger at her side though for the moment; she would never completely disarm herself. Her many years of being a member of the guard had taught her that much.

                                                            Once her extra weight was unloaded she turned to sit down in the chair as Malazan climbed off her shoulders to curl up on the table in front of her, staring at the door. "Now you know you can't rest there when our food gets here." She said softly, chuckling softly as she almost saw the dragon shrug her shoulders before laying her head down. I'll just be glad when we can go for another flight. This little body always feels cramped. Eleniel frowned softly before nodding her head and reaching a hand out to touch and pet her dragon. "I know, I'm sorry. I just had to see the land for myself." I know, Moxt Ir. I was honestly hoping to save you some of the pain of seeing the areas in poorer conditions because I knew you would blame yourself for what your father decided about shutting your walls. Eleniel didn't comment this time and just let the silence fill the room as she waited for either her food or any other members of the group to arrive.

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Current Cloak (there is a large hood attached to the collar not shown here) & Clothing

Unsealed Gatekeeper

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Loxias Azeral

Ah, the rain, the wonderful wonderful rain. Loxias adored this weather, celebrated it in fact, it was when he was at his strongest. He inhaled deeply, and on the exhale he felt the air crackle with electricity. He felt like he could take on a dragon and their rider by himself. As much as he did, though, he did want to rest a bit. He'd been walking for a while. The ride from the academy would only take him so far, he had to walk the rest of the way, and being weighed down by two swords and a pack full of various items wasn't helping. He'd seen enough of the scenery on the ride over, and it was kind of depressing, so he spent not time stopping to admire it.

He was still in disbelief that he'd gotten chosen- well, no not really. He thought that he was pretty capable, but as much as he slacked off, there were plenty more people in his class alone that would have killed for an opportunity like this. He couldn't believe it, even as they were explaining the importance of it, even when they had told him that the elders had asked for him specifically.

Was it because of his lineage? The Azeral line had a lot of weight in Ordona. If that was the case, though, then why didn't they choose his father to go? Or any of his six brothers and sisters for that matter!? He didn't want to think about it too much, and just revel in the fact that he had such an opportunity to work with experienced dragon riders on a potentially suicidal mission.

He was in the village by now, slightly damp from the rain, and he was excited upon seeing the inn. He breathed in deeply, and on the exhale he accidentally zapped a chicken, which made it squawk and run away. Oops. He'd also dried his clothes off, although now they faintly smelled of ozone.

The inside of the inn was...about how he expected to look. A bunch of groups sitting in various places, talking about their own things and conducting their own business. The smell was what really hit him. The food! Oh sweet Kistarianth the food! He was hungry, very hungry. There was nothing better than a home cooked meal and Loxias hadn't had anything other than academy food in five years. The boy had things to do, though, he'd order something when he found the people he was looking for.

Loxias wondered where his group was (because he assumed at least one person had gotten there before him, because, seriously. This was the guy who had been late to the summons where they told him about the mission in the first place. If he was the first one there, then there was a REAL problem with the group he'd be joining.), there wasn't anyone in the room on first glance that had the appearance of an experience dragon rider. He was expecting to see, or at least hear dragons. He was slightly worried that he'd missed them, but he quickly dismissed the thought. They were supposed to be leaving the next day, he was told, and there was no way he'd be going after them if they decided to leave early.

He guessed that he could just...kind of ask around. Do something other than just stand near the entrance and stare at people. Who to ask, though, who to ask, he wondered as he weaved through the inn until he was leaning against the back wall. He couldn't just walk up to a random guy and ask 'hey, have you seen anyone who looks like a dragon rider around here?' He also guessed he could just sneak into the back and look through the rooms to see what he could find, but that wouldn't make for a very good meeting if he found who he was looking for and they thought that he was hostile or something. He was kind of armed to the teeth.

Eventually he ended up asking the inn owner, and was kind of embarrassed that he hadn't thought about doing so sooner. He got a bar maid to escort Loxias to the room, and on the way there he ordered Steamed boar and sharp cheese with a glass of cider. It made his mouth water just thinking about it. Group first, food later, he scolded himself.

He opened the door and stepped into the room, taking off his hood when he did so, and immediately his eyes fell on the only other people in the room. All it took was one glance at the small dragon (that happened to be staring directly back at him when he opened the door) and he thought yep, these are the ones I'm looking for.

"Um...hi." He greeted, in the elven language on reflex when he'd seen that the non-dragon person there was an elf.

3 gp, 50 sp -1sp, -1cp
His hoodie

Eloquent Lover

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Summary:Hunted, traded, now with the others in the Inn.
Wear:Aliera's Choice
OOC:Sorry for the wait guys.

                                                                          The night had been cool, which presented a perfect say for hunting. Before the rain fell from the heavens, a lone elf spent the first half of her day hunting, eating, and skinning. The hide of deer, rabbits and squirrels were draped over a near by branch. A fox fur was being dried by the fire while the elf ate the rabbits and squirrels bounty. The carcasses of the three deer and fox lay in a pile some way from the elf and the fire. Her eyes occasionally looked to the sky from the clearing she sat. It was mid morning before a blue dragon swooped down from the sky, which had begun to darken slightly. The presence of the beast didn't bother the elven girl as she went about preparing the furs and skins for travel. The dragon also ignored the girl while it quickly gulped down the sitting carcasses. The elf, who was bare of any clothing, stood and admired the beauty of her friend. It was obvious the dragon belonged to the water. From the shape of the head, the extra wing fins, right down to the webbing on the beasts feet. Even the dragon's bright coloring hinted at aquatic. Aliera approached the dragon and strapped the furs to a saddle that rested are the base of the dragon's neck. Most rider's she had seen or heard of rode bare back on their dragon. The saddle made Aliera feel inferior to other riders, but at least she knew that she would remain safe. The dragon's, Avrae, hide was very smooth and difficult to hang onto. Even while grasping tightly with one's legs.

                                                                          Both the Avrae and Aliera finished their task near the same time. Aliera slide down the smooth surface of Avrae's leg and walked up to the dragon's head. Avrae nuzzle her snout into Aliera's bare front while the elf gently stroked her friend.
                                                                          'It seems hunting went well for you this morning.' Avrae cooed in Aliera head.
                                                                          "Yes. We must hurry to town though." Aliera assessed as she once again looked at the sky. "The rain will ruin the furs."
                                                                          "Let's get a move on then. You also shouldn't been late for the meeting." Avrae spoke aloud as Aliera plucked her armor from it's place on the saddle.

                                                                          Ah yes, the meeting. Aliera hadn't forgot about it, but she wasn't much looking forward to going. As Aliera dressed herself and placed her weapons in their proper places, she wondered who would actually be at the meeting and who would arrive as the journey had progressed. Aliera would be fine with joining the company that she and Avrae had been called to join after the adventure started. Avrae wasn't having any of that though. Once dressed, Aliera positioned herself in the saddle and through her cloak over the skins and furs. Soon after, the elf and the dragon were in the air and flying towards the town.

                                                                          As they traveled, the heavens let forth its own bounty as it began to rain. It wasn't a hard down pour, but wasn't light either. Aliera was quickly drenched but she didn't mind, though she did have to convence Avrae not to lighten the downpour. Nature just needed to be itself sometimes, but at least the furs and skins would be dry when she got to town. Luckily, she knew this town and it's traders very well. The town that her meeting was in, also happened to be the town that she grew up near. Avrae landed a few hundred feet from town in a clearing that she had made a long time ago. Aliera slid off the dragons back, taking the wrapped skins and furs with her. Giving Avrae a pat an a wave, Aliera set off towards the town.

                                                                          It didn't take Aliera too long to get the skins and furs sold, and left the trader with a pouch of two gold, fifty silver, and twenty copper pieces. Aliera left her cloak with the trader as to help keep them covered and warm. She once again entered the rain and made her way to the tavern/inn. Her presence in the Inn wasn't something that interrupted anyone of their merry making. Most of the people knew her and treated her as one of their own. Aliera approached the bar and placed two silver pieces on the counter and looked Rancent in the eye. "I'd like mead. In a glass, just keep them coming." Aliera requested before looked down at the water that began to accumulate at her feet. When she looked back up, she saw that even Rancent was looking too. Aliera shrugged as she explained, "Cloak kept the goods dry." Rancent chuckled as he shook his head. "We'll get it cleaned up. I was wondering when you were going to show up. You'll know where to find the others." He explained as he set about getting the water cleaned up and her drink order prepared.

                                                                          Aliera made her way to the back room. Though she was still wet, the warmth from the fire in the Inn dried her slightly. As she entered, she saw that there was another elf and a human already waiting. At least she wasn't too terribly late. Aliera took a seat at the head of the table furthest from the others. For a moment, her eyes lingered on the small, female elf that already had her food in front of her. There was something about her that Aliera couldn't pin point. When the bar maid arrived with her mead, Aliera's eyes then glanced at the small dragon on the table. She hadn't seen anything like this before and became fixated for a moment. A few seconds passed before she realized she hadn't introduced herself. Aliera looked at the elf and the boy as she spoke, "Aliera." After her extravagant introduction, she took several drink of the mead before returning her attention to the small dragon on the table.


Silvanius's Queen

Naughty Wife

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                                                            Eleniel had begun to wonder how long it would be till the group assembled; or even if any would appear tonight. The official meeting time was in the early morning right before they were to head out, but she could imagine at least a couple would appear before that point like she had. With the rain it made even more sense for at least a couple to show who didn't want the spend all night traveling in the rain to make it to the town so they could dry off, get a warm meal, and sleep in a regular bed to be as rested as possible for the long journey ahead. She was pulled from her thoughts, though, as the door opened and she looked up from where she had absentmindedly been staring at the table so her line of sight matched what she saw through Malazan's good eye. Upon the door opening and the hooded figure entering she sat and waiting, figuring it was one of the others in the assemble meeting at the inn otherwise he wouldn't have been let back her. When the cloak came down though it was like she was struck with deja vu and her eyes naturally widened on their own as she let out a small gasp. Malazan turned her head to look back at her, feeling the mix of emotions going through her rider suddenly, to make sure she was okay. It was like she was staring at a male version of an old family friend and it caught her off guard at first, her hand naturally finding it's way to her necklace before she paused when she felt Malazan's tail touch her hand to pull her back from the memories.

                                                            Realizing she seemed to have froze she blinked a few times, staring down at Malazan who was staring back at her; a sight in and of itself that was strange to see in her own way of viewing the world now. Are you alright? The question was soft and warm and she nodded her head softly, lowering her hand and returning her attention to the other in the room; Malazan's gaze trailing back to him as well as she went back to her previous perch to stare at the only other soul in the room. Once past the initial shock and walk down memory lane her brain registered that he had said 'hi' in Elven while she just stared in shock and blushed slightly from embarrassment at ended up just staring at him as she had. "My appologies, your appearance just shocked me a little. You remind me a lot of an old family friend I haven't seen in a very long time." She replied at first before motioning to any one of the empty seats for him to go ahead and sit and relax some. "My name is Eleniel," She continued, actually finding it pleasant to be able to converse in her native language, "and this is Malazan." She added, running a hand over her miniature dragon with a small smile. "It seems we are the first two for the group to arrive. I hope the rain didn't encumber your travels too much today." Eleniel added before the door was opening again and two bar maids walked in. One had her order of food and the other she guessed was for the second person in the room. Malazan and her watched the two women in sync before Eleniel turned to look at the food and found the extra pork through Malazan's view and put it separate off the side for Malazan to eat. She knew later she would have to let Malazan go hunting or hunt for some food herself, but for now it would appease the smaller dragon's form.

                                                            As Malazan turned to eat their connection to viewing the world through Malazan was paused and Eleniel was thrown back into a world of complete darkness. She was use to this whenever Malazan ate though since if the connection continued it could disorient Eleniel if she was trying to do anything at the moment; like she was now with her own food to eat and the other in the room to converse with. Thankfully she could still keep a general awareness of her surroundings due to her Elven hearing, but her movements weren't quite as confident as before as she turned to look at the other in the room. "So, what is your name?" Eleniel asked before beginning to dig into her food slightly; going off visual memory of where everything had been place in front of her. Before the boy could really reply, though, another entered the room and this time her and Malazan looked over in sync once more. The female elf was a bit soaked from the rain, but didn't seem to really be all that bothered by it. No doubt she would dry off given some time inside the inn.

                                                            What Eleniel noticed more was that the elf's eyes lingered on her before staring point blank at Malazan. At first Malazan stared straight back, but even as time passed and the girl offered her name the staring continued and it began to bug Malazan a little. Her tail began to sway slightly in agitation at being stared at so intently; of course she and Eleniel both knew it was because of her current size. Eleniel let out a small chuckle before stroke Malazan's back to calm her feisty friend. Who's the one always telling me to get used to people staring because they don't find many elves outside the woodlands? Malazan snorted slightly at having her own words used against her before quickly finishing the last bite of pork and then climbing her way back onto Eleniel's shoulders to continue to stare at the girl from her perch there; now half covered from being wrapped around her Rider's neck. Malazan's current demeanor amused Eleniel, which of course only served to irritate the dragon a little more. Honestly, sometimes her dragon took too much pride in her appearance, but then again she used to not travel around in a small miniature form as aid for her Rider. I promise, first light tomorrow you can go spread your wings a bit. I can manage on my own for a couple hours. Eleniel knew Malazan would protest to leaving her side.

                                                            She almost sighed as she heard the 'but' starting to form in Malazan's thoughts. What if something happens and you need me but I am away hunting? What if you have another epi- Malazan, you need to spread your wings for a bit before you bite the next person who stares at you. Eleniel interrupted with small internal chuckle at her dragon's own stubbornness; as well as interrupting for Malazan to not finish that thought aloud in their connection. We're both having to adjust to a new way of living, my being completely blind and you being blind in you right eye. I know you are patient and want to make sure you are there for me every moment you can be, but that doesn't mean someone as old as you are doesn't need a release on occasion. You're used to being in your normal form and being something much larger and more powerful. Being in such a small form as you are now to support me must drive even you a little crazy so I am telling you it's okay. I will be fine for a couple hours on my own. I'm not entirely incompetent without my sight, I have other senses that are heightened. It just takes a little more effort. She finished, smiling when Malazan gave a small 'hmph' mentally and laid her head down some on Eleniel's shoulder, going back to staring at the elf that was staring at her. "I hope you can forgive Malazan's mood. She more self conscious then she will openly admit so being in the form you see her now makes her uncomfortable when people stare." Eleniel explained as she looked the girl over. The name was semi-familiar, but that was only due to the meeting in which everyone present agreed on the names of those chosen to join the group for the mission. Anything else she would have to learn about everyone as they traveled. "My name is Eleniel and this here is..." She paused when she noticed she had not yet grabbed the boy's name and looked over at him, using visual memory since Malazan was intently staring at the other female. She figured she'd leave it off there for the boy to pick up and introduce himself.

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Current Cloak (there is a large hood attached to the collar not shown here) & Clothing

Unsealed Gatekeeper

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Loxias Azeral

From the elf's reaction, the small gasp and the grabbing of her necklace, Loxias almost immediately began to think that he had the wrong room. His memory of the innkeeper actually leading him there and the sight of the small dragon (He was guessing, by just the sheer look the dragon was giving him as he stared at it, that that wasn't the dragon's regular form. He'd never heard of dragons being able to shrink in size, though) prevented him from quickly excusing himself long enough for her to start talking again.

So he looked like someone she knew? He didn't get that a lot. A lot of people said that he looked like his parents, so was a possibility that she was talking about one of them. ”Eleniel...” He repeated quietly. He'd heard that name before, he was sure of it, it was one his mother had repeated over and over whenever she would tell her stories. It was the name of someone specific...someone important...but after five years of not hearing them the details of the stories had become a little fuzzy in Loxias's mind.

Could this be the same one? He decided not to think too hard about it so there wouldn't be another long silence between them. ”Nice to meet you.” He moved to one the seats near a table but didn't sit, unloading all of his items including his swords as well as his heavy pack. ”And don't worry. I like walking in the rain, it's refreshing.” He stretched, feeling his stiff muscles relax a bit after having to carry all of that for so long.

He was just about to dig in after his food arrived, but not long after that someone else came, speaking only one word that Loxias safely assumed to be her name. There was more staring, then some wordless movement and probably communication between Eleniel and Malazan before the elf spoke, the last of her sentence being left for him to pick up.

“Loxias, Loxias Azeral.” His eyes moved to the one who'd just entered the room. She was probably a rider (Loxias wished there were any girls with that kind of figure in his class at the academy), so he was wondering where her dragon was. Obviously it wouldn't be able to fit in the inn, but he couldn't help but thing where would one keep a huge fire breathing lizard that was bound to draw attention wherever it went.

3 gp, 48 sp, 99 cp
His hoodie

Blessed Waffles

I'm scared that you'll compare and I'll look a lifetime past repair
I second guess myself to death, I re-solicit every step
What if my words are meaningless? What if my heart's misleading this?
I try to capture every moment as it comes to me
Bottle up the memories and let them keep me company
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—¤÷(` ȺυʀɑʟɪεȠεsτɑɃεѻυʟѵε ´)÷¤—


The world outside of the Academy was equally disheartening and interesting. Although the land was ravaged by its plight due to the evils of the Necromancer and his dragon, it still held many wonders for someone like Auralie. The initial journey from the Academy to the inn she was informed of was done upon the bare back of a horse. It was a wild mare, but she and Auralie had shared a few moments together and before Aura knew it they were friends. She was allowed to climb upon the mare's back and willing the horse trotted forward. The weather up until the time Auralie had to descend from the horse's back heralded wind, and rain. Clouds slowly crept over the fast sky blue blanket shrouding the world in a gray feel.

Just before the droplets of water had begun to drizzle, Auralie had patted the mare's cheek and whispered a few words. With a slight snort, the horse turned and began to gallop homeward towards her herd. Left alone on the path to the village, the human female turned from the equine and began to walk along the path. Her ice blue eyes scanned the grounds aside the road, observing the life of the grass and the occasional shrubbery.

Goodness... I knew that the Necromancer and his vile fiends were poisonous, but I always had the underlying hope that the masters at the academy were over-exaggerating. Seeing the world in this sorry state has to hurt the elves more so than my kind. They've always been the nature-y type. I wonder if some of the dragon riders will be elves... Wait, they should be! Shouldn't they I can't remember if I was told or not. God I hope I don't make an a** of myse- Her thoughts were cut as the wind shifted and began to splat rain into her face. She had to close her eyes and rub her eyes to rid of the sting that occurred. A giggle had left her lips in spite of the sudden change in weather and she took in a deep, deep breath.

"Kistarianth, how I love the rain!" She exclaimed wholeheartedly, throwing her hands up into the air with a wide smile spreading from ear to ear. Still, she brought her hands up to her milky-pink hair and slid her fingers through bunching it up. She threw it over one shoulder, and then slung it behind her, trying to keep it more so together but ultimately ended up forgetting it when she saw a group of hidden Aloe Vera plants. Immediately she pulled forward one of her daggers, which had been hidden underneath the black shawl she normally wore. Kneeling beside the plants, she popped open a satchel wrapped around her curved hips and began to make quick work of removing some of the thick leaves. She didn't dare remove too much, wanting to leave enough for recuperation and pocketed the few thicker, stronger leaves she had.

Smiling, Auralie focused at the task she was supposed to be on. Her eyes became the pools that reflected her thoughts once more. How would this mission end? Would she be alive by the end of it? Not only were they going to be searching for the dragons whom were disappearing, but they were going to go and confront the Necromancer and his dragon. How could a dragon turn its back on his own kind? How could he stand idly by while the Necromancer did whatever his vile ways could be to this majestic reptilian race. It sickened Auralie to her core. If she did manage to make it all the way to the end, her hopes were that she'd be able to at least dig one dagger, or bow, or leave a bruise upon that wicked man.

Sighing, the petite human turned her attention forward. She hadn't even realized how quick her pace had been and was surprised to see the lights of the small village ahead. Her eyes sought out the longest, or widest building which she figured to be the pub. When they fell upon what she looked for, she broke into a small run and rushed for the door. Entering, she looked left and right observing the patrons. Some looked her way, though seemed disappointed when they saw just a human girl. That left her with a look mixed of sardonic frown.

Sorry to disappoint... She growled mentally, huffing outwardly, though composed herself and approached the barkeep. Putting on a wholesome smile she gave a small wave before propping herself up onto a bar stool.

"Pardon me, sir. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to order some roasted beef, and mashed potatoes. With a side of corn bread. If it's not too much trouble." Her demeanor was quickly lowering to timidness, though her face expressed gratitude when the barkeep seemed to pick up on it.

"It's not a problem at all, little lady. That'll be fifteen cooper pieces for the roasted pork, mashed potatoes, and corn bead. Ya sure you don' want a drink to go along with it?"

"Oh! Yes please. Do you happen to have any fruity cider aside from the norm? Also... uhm, has anyone else happened to chance by? I'm here from Orders via the Academy and I'm supposed to meet with a group of people."

He grunted in response and gave her a nod at first. Though when her second question popped up, he chuckled. Nodding his head once more, but this time in the hall's direction that led to the back of the inn. Returning the smile Auralie gave him, he turned and left to bark orders at a few bar maids. Auralie's eyes widened and she scurried towards the back of the hall. Instead of barging into doors, she instead did another manner of prying and pressed her ear to them. She could hear conversations, but tried her best to focus on anything remotely close to introductions, or speaking about the mission that the group would've known. She almost went passed the door that the others were in though halted when she heard a hiss. Both eyebrows perking, she reached for the handle and slowly opened the door.

"Uhm, h-hello? I'm Auralie.. is this where-" The girl froze, seeing the elves, the boy, and the miniature dragon rested upon one of the elves. The boy seemed familiar, possibly one of her peers from the academy. Though she didn't recognized him one hundred percent. She blinked a few times, watching the company's face before her's began to turn red in bashfulness and she quickly bowed her head. "Ehm. Pardon me, for the intrusion. I'm from the Academy... Is... well, is this the right room?


When the hope of morning starts to fade in me
I don't dare let darkness have its way with me
And the hope of morning makes me worth the fight
I will not be giving in tonight

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OOC: First post! Hope it's well enough along. ;u; I wasn't sure what to use in place of "Aloe Vera" sorry if that's too... well, non-fantasy?
Aᴍʙʀᴏsᴇ Gʀᴏɴɴ Gᴀʟʟᴀɢʜᴇʀ
єж-dяagоп яїdёя

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                      To anyone else, the journey to the humble little tavern would have been exhausting and far out of their way. However, nothing was ever too far out of Ambrose's way. The man had been moving non-stop, from one fight to the next, for the last fifteen years. A long and tiresome journey to most was a brisk hike for him. The only thing really in his way was that now he was put into the position where he would need to be a "team player". When was the last time he had worked with anyone? Damn if he could remember.

                      "Be a mentor, guide them--" the Elders requested, and for all of the Council's preaching he still didn't find the situation any less irritating. Him? A mentor? They must have been running out of quality dragon riders these days if they had to turn to a bitter old man like him. Mentor, ha! If there was any humor left in his bones he might have cracked a smirk to accompany his lone trek through the rain.

                      The least they could have done was give him more information on who exactly he was going to be ending his life with--- because that's exactly what this whole voyage was; a suicide mission. Any soul who thought otherwise was in for quite the surprise.

                      All he knew was that there were a number of dragon riders and apprentices who were ponying up. Apprentices. He really was sure that they were running out of good dragon riders, now.

                      The warriors boots trotted heavily through the fields and the mud, carrying him at an even pace with large feet thumping evenly through each step. He recalled coming to this village a few years prior and slaying a dark coven that had gathered. Coven was really a generous term; it was more like a bunch of jaded and sour wenches who played at being dark witches for a time. Still, the location of the village was in his mind, and he knew where to go despite lack of a map. It was finding his way around once he was actually in the village that would be figured out upon his arrival.
                      At least he was gifted with a natural sense of direction. Besides, any moron with eyes in his skull would be able to find an inn in a small town like this.

                      After about another hour of travel and a few minutes of searching Ambrose arrived at the Laughing Fox, pushing the door open and ducking his head just slightly so as to avoid hitting his forehead on the low rise of the doorway. Rain clung to his skin and clothes, dripping from his hair and matting down the pelt around his shoulders. The door thudded closed behind him and he shook his feet a bit, ridding his boots of some extra clumps of mud. Icy eyes scanned the inn for but a moment before heading toward the back with sure strides. Back room, meetings were always in a backroom.
                      The owner and a barmaid or two may have attempted to grab his attention, but he desired not food nor drink at the moment, and had no need of their direction.

                      The backroom was found with ease and he pushed through the door in a similar fashion to when he entered the Inn; ducking his head just slightly for his height and large ax were just taller than the frame. Ambrose strode through, silent in words, only the thud of his boots and the muffled clanking from within his satchel giving sound to his arrival. The few he took in were... disappointing.

                      Two elven women, and a boy and girl who appeared human.
                      One of the elves looked like she could handle a blade, but her armor looked like it's purpose was more in distraction than actual protection. The other elf looked dainty, and far too elaborately dressed to be prepared for any long and trying voyage. As for the other two-- He let out a heavy sigh, stopping at the far end of the room. His arms crossed over his chest, eyeing the company once more, and knowing there were more still to arrive.

                      He grumbled, clearly less than thrilled at the punctuality, or rather lack thereof, of the rest of the party.

                      Ambrose leaned on the far wall where he stopped; he never liked to sit with others. Standing was better, kept him more prepared for a fight, didn't allow sly serving folk to slip their fingers into his coin purse while he sat and gorged on meat and cheese and ale. In fact the only being in the room that seemed to even get more than a sideways glare out of him was the small dragon on the delicate little elf's shoulders. No doubt a tactful form, good. His gaze left the beast with silent respect and went back to the others present, distaste returning in his steely eyes.

                      "Which others of you are actually dragon riders?"


location: laughing fox, back room || with: Eleniel, Malazan, Loxias, Aliera, Auralie || ooc: he's so rude and judgemental, I'm sorry QAQ ||

Eloquent Lover

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAℓιεяα xCąτєяιηαxx
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Location: Inn
Summary: Aliera did an assessment of her fellow companions.
Wear: Aliera's Choice
OOC: I swear I will have a better post layout soon...

                                                                          It was hard to admit that the little dragon's agitation didn't amuse Aliera. Even if it was in the slightest. She wasn't poking fun at the creature. Something as majestic as the dragons, no matter the size, should be marveled. There were rumors of other amazing creatures that lived far form their land, but that didn't lessen the awe the dragons brought to people. Aliera was half way through her second drink before noticing subtle facial changes that the elf girl was making. Her eyes didn't show much emotion, or at least the lack of it didn't match the smile the girl had as the dragon crawled onto her shoulders. Blind perhaps?
                                                                          'You're quite a sight yourself.' a soft voice entered her head.
                                                                          Avrae's voice caused her to smile as she looked at her damp self, briefly breaking her gaze away from the elf and her dragon. Most of the moisture had dried up, but there was a small pool of water off to one side of the chair that her hair hung. Before Aliera could respond to Avrae's wry comment, the other elf began to address her.
                                                                          "I hope you can forgive Malazan's mood. She more self conscious then she will openly admit so being in the form you see her now makes her uncomfortable when people stare."

                                                                          This only confirmed her guess that the dragon had been agitated. A small smile was still upon her lips as she bowed her head to the dragon in a silent apology. Her eyes lingered on the small gold, dragon a moment longer as she took the last swig from the glass. Two thoughts crossed her mind. She wondered what the dragon looked like full sized, and also wondered what it would be like to have a little Avrae. Aliera silently chuckled as she could feel that Avrae didn't like that idea. Aliera suddenly became attentive upon hear the elven girl's name. 'An elven princess...' Avrae confirmed. Eleniel went to introduce the human boy but it quickly became obvious that even she didn't know the boy's name. Soon both her and Eleniel's eyes rested upon the boy.

                                                                          After the boy had introduced himself as Loxias, Aliera realized the princess actually looked at the boy. 'Perhaps not blind..' Aliera thought to herself. She took a couple more swigs from her new glass of mead. Aliera closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm liquid slide down into her belly. No sooner had the glass touched the table, did a voice interrupt her concentration on the mead. When the girl who introduced herself as Auralie, abruptly stopped mid sentence, Aliera opened her eyes to see the girl's eyes glance between the three of them that were already there. She tilted her head in confusion when she noticed the color that arose in the girl's cheeks. What about their appearance cause this type of reaction from the human? The girl's next words seemed to fall from her mouth as a child does when eagerly learning to walk. Aliera chuckled a bit before nodding to answer the human girl's nervous question. There was a dragon in the room, how could she not guess that this was the correct place?

                                                                          'Be nice...' Avrae's soft, concerned voice once again flitted though Aliera's mind. 'Might want to slow on the mead...'
                                                                          Aliera nodded slightly in response. She placed the cup back on the table after she had emptied what was left. This would be her last glass, and it was a good thing too. The next guest would present a challenge to her nerve. The older man presented a hard demeanor. His condescending look when his gaze crossed by her, didn't sit too well.
                                                                          'Humans...' Aliera thought annoyed, and began to reconsider this being her last drink.

                                                                          The older man didn't need much introduction to her. His years of life were almost as long as her years bonded. Tales of his adventures, quests and loss were very much known to her. Not that she ever followed his endeavors, but with her place in trade, stories of his victories weren't a secret. Aliera tried to find some sympathy for the man, but in that moment, there was none. Aliera reached out with her mind and strengthened the mental bond just for a moment to reassure herself that Avrae was still around. Once that was done Aliera leaned back in her chair and laid her legs over a corner of the table, as well as crossed her arms across her chest. These weren't the manners to be showed in front of a princess, but she also wasn't going to just let his brush attitude flow off her shoulder. Her golden eyes bore into his as she lifted a few of her fingers to his last question. "I am a rider, Ambrose."


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Heavy rain poored down, striking the leaves of the trees in the forest, granting a brief pause before the drops of water splashed onto Drows face. Sat upon a moss covered rock, He pressed a sharp knife into an apple as he looked upon the mess around him. The ground was inked in crimson blood, slowly being washed from the grass by the rain. A few scouting orcs had had the misfortune of stumbling upon him and the Large, black, aerial dragon known as Grimmere. Now all that was left was a few limbs. Drows arms were splattered with blood, as if a red paintbrush had been crudely flicked upon him, and he had not the time to wash it off. cutting a segment out of the apple, the knife lightly slipped across his thumb, cutting into his white skin. Looking at the wound, he licked away his blood, before a mysterious black aura and dark blood began to dance around the wound, healing it instantly.

Crudely stuffing the apple piece into his mouth, he jestured the rest towards the large beast before him. Don't piss about, you know I can't eat that Grim mentally spoke out as he chewed down the last of the orcs they had come across. his taste had always been a grim one to suit his name. With his dark colour, his large yet slender body, and the many spikes pertruding from his body, Grimmere had always been a unique dragon. You know we're late right?

Drow chewed down on the apple in his mouth, turning away from his companion in stubbornness. "No idea what you mean" he said allowed, his mouth stil full of food.

Yes you do, don't play games with me unless you want your spine snapped. Your supposed to be at that meeting the dragon growled.

"Number 1, don't bother making threats when both you and I know you're not going to go through with them. Number 2, why would I want to go? They turned there back on me just like everyone else"
Thats the reason why your going to go. be as stubborn as you want but you want to prove something to them. That and...the other reason.

Drow shook his head and stood up, stretching and cracking his neck. Other reason? bah. The dragon thought he knew him so well. The dark elves were no concern of his. "Fine, we'll go if it will shut you up" He had planned on attending anyway, he was just being stubborn. a large part of him wanted nothing to do with it.
Unwrapping the leather bands from his arms, Drow leapt onto Grimmeres back, standing upright and swung thr straps around the dragons under spike. Sitting down on Grimmere was near impossible. Knowing exactly what this meant, Grim took off into the sky at lightning speed. The heavy rain struck against Drows face as he stood atop the black dragon, though it was short lived. They were above the village in no time, and They knew exactly where the tavern was. Though it had been a long time, He had been here a few times before. Right, usual drill. I'll man the sky, cal if you need me Grim swooped down low, just enough for Drow not to injure himself, but still high enough that noone would see him. unleashing the leather straps, Drow leapt from the back of his dragon towards the roof of the laughing fox, sliding down towards the ground. A bit fancy and dangerous, but Grim didn't like appearing in the village. Nor did Drow to be honest.

Stern faced, Drow brushed himself down of any dirt, though the rain had not fully washed off the blood on his arms. He threw the door to the tavern open and immediately began walking towards the bar. Uupon entry, many of the patrons looked shocked at a dark elf walking in. a few dwalves even began to stand up and unsheath their weapons. "settle down for your own good. nothing to see" Drow said sternly whilst he approached the bar. Panicking, the bar tender called out to everyone. "Easy now all, he's a friend!" he called out drastically waving his arms. "Atreus...long time. what can I get you?"
Drow cassually looked around and pointed to a tap of ale. 2 barmaids looked at him from the back, giggling as they muttered to themselves. It had definately been a while since he was here last. His gaze was interupted as a mug of ale was placed in front of him. "I know where I'm going. have food ready later" He said simply.
Making his way into the back, he threw the door open without a second thought, immediately heading towards the corner of the room as he looked everyone up and down. 2 human youths. A male and a female. Estimated life span...a week. An elven woman he wasn't familiar with. Attractive, his type, but elven women didn't take kindly to him. They hated the dark elves more then anyone. Then he spotted the elven woman with the small dragon around her shoulders. Now this was someone he knew well. He doubted she would have remembered him, but she was there when he was a child and he was taken before the royal council. Her mother was the reason he was aloud to live. "my lady" he said mockingly. Ddespite her mother, He did not care for the royals. Reaching the corner, he leant there with his arms crossed, ignoring his place at the table. The other man that was in the room, Another person he knew of. Last time he saw Ambrose he still had his dragon, and Drow was getting kicked out of the academy. He liked the man in a way. He was to the point. Ambrose" he said whilst nodding. he was never much for conversation.

Silvanius's Queen

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                                                            There was just something familiar about the boy. Upon seeing his face she had almost thought it was her old family guard, before her mother's death. After her mother's death, Eleniel knew Hana had blamed herself for the Queen's death and that was why she had removed herself from the position of the royal family guard and left the city. Eleniel had tried to tell the woman it hadn't been her fault, but she left and she hadn't heard from her since. If her mother's death was anyone's fault it was her own. If she hadn't locked herself in the tower to reach out to Malazan she could have been at her mother's side to help protect her as a member of the guard. Instead, though, she had gone to the tower and ended up exerting herself too much that she passed out for a few days and her mother was killed without her having a say in it. Survivor's guilt. Guess both her and Hana had it and Hana leaving was just her way of dealing with it. Eleniel pulled herself from the small trip down memory lane as the boy began to speak. His name was familiar, but only due to the fact that she knew the names of those the Council agreed upon for this mission. He came from a father who was also a dragon rider and therefore there was some higher expectancy of the boy. In terms of whether he would live up to the expectations the Council had on the son of a well known rider would be another matter on its own. For now, though, she nodded her head at learning his name. Her eyes briefly wandered over to where she knew the door was when she heard some movement outside, but when the person didn't initially enter she turned her attention back to the other two in the room.

                                                            After a second the door began to shift before creaking open slightly and another being entering the room. By the general look she seemed fairly young, one of the Apprentices. Eleniel had come to the conclusion even before the girl gave her name, almost seeming nervous? The bright red blush puzzled her a little bit, but she didn't comment as the girl extended her introduction. She couldn't help but share a chuckle with Aliera at the girl's reaction ever since she entered leading up to the final extent of her words. "Yes, Auralie," She paused, registering she was speaking in her own native tongue and honestly would have been surprised if the girl had understood her. "You have the correct room so there is no need to apologize for intruding. You are just as welcome here as any one of us." Eleniel finished with a small smile towards the girl, her Common still caring a bit of the soft and musical tone that was built into the Elven language, but at least it would be more likely to be understood by the girl.

                                                            "I hope you ordered some food to warm yourself up from the trip in the rain." She added, looking to the door once more just as a barmaid came in with some food for said girl before she grabbed the empty plate in front of Eleniel. "Would you like another glass of the cider?" Eleniel looked to where the girl stood, Malazan's gaze also turning to the girl, before she nodded her head. "Yes, please. Keep them coming for now." She replied before turning her attention back to the group. So far three had shown, but there was still going to be many more and she hoped most of them would arrive that evening or at least by morning so they could meet up before heading out. Chances were, there might be some that wouldn't join till after they already started out, but Eleniel hoped the majority of the group would be pre-assembled for the long journey ahead of them before they actually started out. We'll have to get horses for some of the apprentices to ride on that don't have dragons, as well as some of the riders no doubt. She nodded to Malazan's internal thoughts before turning to address those that had arrived already.

                                                            Before she could open her mouth, though, the door to the room was pushed open semi roughly and a rather tall man entered the room. One look and she knew who it was. He was the ex-rider who had lost his dragon and the one with the attitude she was forewarned about. However, due to the nature of this task assigned the group, the Council had recommended to bring him into the group for his expertise. Some debating against it, said his personality was not benefiting to the group, but others said while his attitude wasn't really up for debate, his skill and expertise might very well be needed to help guide the riders and apprentices. Very few in recorded history had survived losing their dragon and that made him more experienced then anyone else they could have brought in to help 'mentor' the group of sorts. She still couldn't help her small sigh when he seemed to scan the group with judgmental eyes, but bit her tongue as she watched him grumbled something about being 'late', no doubt a remark in regards to those still not present. When he glanced to Malazan she tried to get a reading of the man off her feelings, but Malazan seemed a little unsure how to take the man herself.

                                                            When he looked away and started to address the rest of the group she mentally slipped off to the side for a moment with Malazan. I know the Council picked him, but will he really work out? He seems so rough and harsh and honestly this journey is going to be harsh enough without added issues or tensions between the group. Eleniel was unsure and Malazan knew that, but shook her head softly as she looked up at her Rider. The Council picked everyone for this group personally because they believe they will be a potential assest to the task. We merely have to trust their judgement and make the best of it, no matter who they might be, Moxt Ir. Eleniel clenched her jaw a little out of being unsure, but relaxed and mentally nodded her head to Malazan. She would do what Malazan was suggesting and try to keep an open mind, but in a group like this she knew there would have to be some sort of synchronicity or the group would fall apart or worse...turn on each other. The journey ahead of them would no dobut end at least a couple of their lives just from the nature of it, they really didn't need internal conflicts getting in the way as well.

                                                            Not five minutes in the room and Ambrose's general attitude and aura had rubbed her wrong and no doubt at least one other person. Proof given as Aliera's initial response to Ambrose was less then welcoming in the feel it gave and she looked between the female and man for a minute. The posture the other elf held herself in just radiated annoyance and it took all of Eleniel's inner strength to not rub the bridge of her nose in a tired manner. She almost seemed to suddenly be feeling the fatigue from traveling from the last town she had stopped out to the current town creeping up, requesting her body to sleep and rest. All that needed to happen at this point was to have Atreus to walk in. Eleniel at least partially hoped he wouldn't show up, due to his supposed nature, but at the same time she couldn't be sure. She doubted the Council would have chosen anyone they feared not answering the call. Once he arrived the current feel of the room would be complete. You'd have the two young apprentices in the middle with a rough man and female elf having a silent brush off and a Drow no doubt to add natural tension to the room due to what he was.

                                                            'BAM' The door was roughly shoved open and, oh dare she curse at having asked for it, Atreus himself walked in. Her pale eyes and Malazan's shot to the door as it was so roughly opened and she immediately grabbed her dagger out of natural instinct to be on guard at the rude intrusion into the room. However, at seeing it was Atreus, or Drow as she had been told he preferred to be called these days, she put the dagger back in its sheath at her hip and settled back down in her seat; unaware until that point she had even stood up at the sudden sound to be ready to defend herself and anyone else in the room. By the spirits of luck, she should have kept her mental tongue zipped when she had even had the thought of Atreus arriving pass her mental list of people still yet to appear. "Your reputation proceeds you, Atreus." She replied, her jaw a little tight as she replied with the same mocking tone he had given her. Eleniel was all for being polite, but if someone started off being rude and mocking her she honestly felt no need to be so. She did train with the city guard. The guys didn't exactly have the kindest of mouths or manners so she learned during her early years with the guard to not be afraid to bite back if she was bitten at. "I would honestly prefer you did not address me with such...titles; if you can manage to remember something that simple. I'm here as a rider, just like any other rider that answers the summon by the Council and joins this quickly growing group." Eleniel added, slipping into her native tongue as she placed an almost too sweet smile on her face. Oh, yes, this group was going to get along swimmingly. At this rate they might survive the night to make it to actually starting the journey.

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Loxias Azeral

Loxias recognized Auralie as soon as she walked in.

It might have been inherited from his mother, but Loxias paid a stunning amount of attention to detail, which allowed him to remember her name and face. That was also why he was particularly irked that he couldn't remember who Eleniel was.

Hana would be scolding him right now if she knew, he used to be able to recite those stories back to her from memory...they'd come back to him soon, he rarely ever completely forgot something.

"So you're here too, huh?" He mused to Auralie in elven. He then remembered that he didn't know if she actually spoke the language or not. He didn't bother to repeat it in common, if only to save both of them from embarrassing themselves.

Then the next one came in, someone else that Loxias recognized. He was acutely aware that he sighed after looking toward Loxias and Auralie.

He knew the guy, he'd seen him before, Lox was sure that his father had worked with this one on something, he just couldn't remember what it was, and he wasn't as focused on remembering as he was with other things, so he let the memory drop.

He took a bite of his food, then a sip of his cider, not answering the question obviously because he wasn't a dragon rider. He'd ridden dragons before, though, did that count? He doubted that they did.

He decided to just watch the meeting unfold unless he was addressed by someone again, and as he did yet another came in after him, Ambrose as Aliera had called him, and this one came in with quite a literal bang. Now that was something you didn't see every day.

Well, there were already at least two people in the room now that Loxias didn't think he was going to like. Those were some pretty interesting first impressions. He knew well enough that first impressions rarely showed one's true colors, he himself was sure that he hadn't made much of an impression on anyone so far. (Except for Eleniel, the look on her face when she first saw him was enough to tell him that)

((OOC: I didn't think I had much to add here tbh)) 3 gp, 48 sp, 99 cp
His hoodie

Blessed Waffles

I'm scared that you'll compare and I'll look a lifetime past repair
I second guess myself to death, I re-solicit every step
What if my words are meaningless? What if my heart's misleading this?
I try to capture every moment as it comes to me
Bottle up the memories and let them keep me company
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—¤÷(` ȺυʀɑʟɪεȠεsτɑɃεѻυʟѵε ´)÷¤—


Their chuckles caused Auralie to sigh heavily inside. She already knew she had made a bad impression, at least to her it was bad, on the group. With her tail tucked between her leg, so to speak, she walked into and passed to the opposite side of the room from the female elf in scant armor. Just in time too because the door was opened by a gruff looking man who strode in as well. Her large eyes watched as he begrudgingly took a rest against the wall and looked the company over. The sigh he gave confirmed her thoughts that he didn't care much for them.
Great. Just we need... At first her thoughts were sarcastic. He seemed less than friendly and it was amusing to see him in the company he had. Her sarcasm left though when she recalled some of the lessons taught to those in the academy. When a Rider lost their dragon, or vice versa, they went insane. One who went in spite of that common knowledge was a rather well known dragon Rider known as Ambrose. A big man, auburn hair, with icy eyes that cut to the quick. This guy seemed to fit the profile very much. Auralie's curiosity was answered when the elf without the miniature dragon around her neck spoke out a word, a name in fact. "Ambrose." At the realization Auralie felt empathetic pity for the man. He'd lost his dragon and it was only a miracle he was still sane enough. She guessed then that the council decided he would train her, Loxias, and any other apprentice on their way here. He was ripe with knowledge but still bitter. This adventure definitely felt more and more like a suicidal mission.

Given their momentary distraction on the male Auralie decided to get a better look at the company. It was obvious the other two females in the room were Elven. Loxias appeared human but had greeted her in Elven so she knew him to be either elven, or half. The daintier elf, who was Auralie's height, and the dragon carried a more dignified air. She was dressed in a more beauteous manner too, although Auralie was sure this was not the elf's intention. The dragon had glanced over once to the pale pink haired human and in that instant Auralie recognized whom it was. Malazan. The last few days at the academy was spent teaching her more so to recognize important figures. The first two being the dragon "King" and "Queen". Kistarianth, and his mate Malazan. That meant the female elf was none other than Eleniel, princess of the Elves.

Her thoughts were distracted momentarily as a barmaid brought her her food and she graciously accepted it. She eagerly took a sip of the cider, and bit into the cheese. Not long after the barmaid left, the door opened yet again, with a rather unpleasant feeling. It was slammed and stepping in was a pale skinned, white maned male. He glanced the company over then made his way to a secluded area of his own. He addressed the princess in a sardonic nature, calling her, "My lady." Immediately Aurlie looked over to Eleniel who seemed visibly vexed by being called such a title. She couldn't help but crack a smile when Eleniel replied in the same mocking tone, "Atreus.".

Noting that Loxias had taken to watching the company in silence, Auralie decided she'd do the same and simply let the elves, dark and non, and the ex-dragon rider Ambrose take care of any and all tension they had with each other. It'd probably be for the best since she felt that way she wouldn't be a nuisance.


When the hope of morning starts to fade in me
I don't dare let darkness have its way with me
And the hope of morning makes me worth the fight
I will not be giving in tonight

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OOC: Love Ambrose's intro, he's great xD!

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Atreus leant in the corner, taking sips of his ale far more often then what would be considered normal. he'd gone through half of the tankard by the time the princess had even finished talking. It was difficult for alcohol to effect him due to his healing factor, but if he tried hard enough...well anything was possible. squinting an eye, he grinned to himself almost sadistically until his face eased to that of simply not caring. In fact he wasn't even really paying attention to anyone as he began to reply. His gaze was taken by the blackening sky he could see out of the window, and the rain getting heavier. He wouldn't be surprised if Grimmere conjured a storm or 2 tonight. He would be having a good time no doubt. Or at least time to be by himself. Despite their bond, both Drow and Grim respected how the other needed their alone time. With Drow literally never sleeping, night time was often that time.

"And which reputation woul that be ma'am? judging by rumour alone I seem to have so many these days." Turning to her, he lowered his gaze to meet hers, meeting her straight in her dead eyes, despite knowing all too well about her blindness. "Now now, it wouldn't be proper for me to call you anything too short of your birth given title. see me as one of your people or not, but I've spent all my life amongst you. You are by all respects, my 'superior, wonderful princess'" his hands made a mocking flurish when he said that last part, though his tone soon turned serious. "Try as you may your highness, but you can't pretend to lower your role to make us equals. Not even if you wanted to. the higherarchy exists for reasons that escape me, and if I called you half the things I'd like to, I'd lose my head. Nothing personal, its just the way of things." Drow didn't exactly have any bad feelings personally towards the princess. Just the royals in general. Although her mother spared him, they also made his life and many others a living hell. He wanted to push this girls buttons, see if she was any different. maybe there as hope for her yet.

She'll remember that you fool. if you want to be accepted again you're not doing yourself any favours Grim spoke out to him. what do you care if I'm accepted? you prefer solitude. So do I. Drow replied mentally. theres a difference between being solitary and being exiled.

Drow gave out a quiet huff and pushed himself from his corner, looking into the small dragons eyes, giving an unwanting nod of apology. Lokking around once more at the group, he began to judge up the 3 he did not know. hardly any of them spoke. He could understand that, but it was almost like they didnt even know why they were here. Eleniel hardly even said anything. Chances are Ambrose had kick started things off. They thought in similar ways. "Atreus" he said bluntly. Might as well get things out of the way if we're traveling together. Everyone calls me Drow. I'm the one you come to if your poisoned, or if you want to posion your blade."

He turned to Eleniel and Ambrose once again and spoke in a blunt yet serious fashion. "So we know why we're here. I hear no word of a plan yet though. why do we wait? give the word and I can scout forward through the night." Attempting to start things off, (which was rather against his personality, but he was getting agitated and tiresome of this) Drow walked back towards his dark corner, awaiting any form of reply.

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                                                            Her eyebrow almost twitched in annoyance. Almost. However, when she could see Atreus was looking her in the eyes, not just in the general direction, she kept her mouth shut and her face and neutral as she could. It almost felt like a small challenge when he looked her directly in the eye and she did not break the gaze, though her own gaze was a little skewed due to Malazan being on her shoulder at the moment. At the mention to calling her half the things he wanted to at the cost of losing his head she couldn't help but chuckle softly, though it turned to a small sigh at the end. "I do not try to pretend I am not who I am, my father would be up in arms if I did and probably drag me home by my hair for defying my birthright. However, I was also trained and practically raised in the guard for Nethlhindornien. Just because one is born into a role does not mean they cannot mark their own path." This time she looked directly at him, knowing full well he would most likely pick up on the double meaning in her words.

                                                            "I am exactly who you say I am and were it not for my bond that was forged with Malazan the night Nethlhindornien was attacked I would not be sitting here at this table so far from home. However, I am here just as any other Rider the Council believes right for the task given to us. Do I agree with all those they sent...?" Eleniel glanced over in Ambrose's direction briefly before looking back to Atreus and matching the gaze Malazan provided once more, "Not completely just yet, but it is a Council comprised of many leaders across the lands. They were chosen due to their ability to think rationally and not off just emotions and whims. They provide their people a voice they could trust to comprise together the best result for any dilemma based on all minds present. It was their choice that brought this group into being and why we all reside in this inn with more to potential join if they so chose to answer the summons. I was present at the Council meeting, yes, but only as Malazan's Rider, as I sit before you now." She paused trying to think the best way to word what she wanted to say next.

                                                            "We may not be equals in blood and birth rights, but we are equals in being Riders. That is what we were summoned to this mission as; not as princess and Drow. At least respect that fact enough to maybe get it through your thick skull on where we both stand going into this. Our blood is a part of who we are, but that does not effect why we are sitting here or you and I both know full well neither of us would be sitting here now; each for our own different reasons." With that she grab the glass of cider the barmaid had come to refill at some point before sighing and sitting back in the chair a little; though she couldn't quite get herself to slouch or loosen her position. It was just engraved training to always look poised. Even among the other guard she tended to not slouch or slack as that actually took thought for her to do, but they had quickly learned to overlook it and stopped teasing her about it.

                                                            Maybe that is why Atreus's words rubbed you the way they did? She felt the prying mind of Malazan's in her own memories and sighed. The mocking use of the titles and formalities remind you of being teased by them initially? Eleniel's lips twitched slightly in annoyance as she held back a frown when Malazan hit it on the dot. I meant what I said though, I don't care about blood...too much. We were both summoned as Riders so in that stance we are equals, if he would just...I don't know. I'm still trying to understand how my mother did everything she did and kept a cool head. She made it look so easy. Okay, fully not caring about blood would be lying as she still had the engraved 'Drow are evil and bad' from growing up, but Eleniel had meant what she had said and would stand by it. She was here just as any other Rider due to her Fire Bond. During her inner musings Malazan had caught the slight nod of apology from Atreus and became interested, but accepted it with a small nod of her own in reply as she settled closer around Eleniel's neck, preferring to remain close when she was in this small form.

                                                            Eleniel was pulled from her thoughts, to which she was left alone to think things over for a second without interruption thankfully, when Atreus began speaking again. This time he addressed the small gathering group in general before seeming to turn his attention to the grump...Eleniel scolded herself for the name and sighed internally. Honestly, though, the guy looked unhappy and gave off a vibe that didn't exude good feelings. Still, he had a name and she was one for calling people by their given names unless they proved to do something to otherwise change that fact. Atreus turned his attention back to her and Ambrose specifically and she pondered he offer. She had heard rumors of his lack of sleep being needed and wondered if that was a Drow fact or more his own factor in how he functioned. There would be plenty of time on the travel to the mountains to figure that out. In the meantime he had pointed out a very good fact. The Council had summoned them together, but what was the plan. For the first time she really gave it some thought before standing up slowly.

                                                            "To be honest and blunt, the Council gave no hint to a plan on exactly how to get our group to the mountain as safely as possible. I believe that is why they came to the decision of sending along something with far more experience then most of us; Ambrose. I'd honestly say in terms of a plan on how to arrive at our destination we look to him for guidance with that. We could very well have a potentially large group on our hands, or it could end up being not much more then those here now. The summons were not mandatory and due to the mission at hand potentially being nothing but a suicide mission-" Moxt Ir, be kinder in your words. The younger- Unfortunately, there is not enough time to slowly warm them up to the facts. The more time we waste doing so the worse the state of things get. Eleniel had slipped more from her 'princess' air to 'guard' as she addressed Malazan and it made the dragon huff, a little smoke escaping her mouth from the inner warmth of her breath. When she seemed to quiet her argument, though, Eleniel continued to address the group at hand. "Malazan thinks I should be kinder in my wording for the younger minds that have yet to find a Fire Bond or experience much of the world, but unfortunately we don't have the time to warm you to the task at hand." She almost gave a sympathetic smile to the two Apprentices.

                                                            "We are all aware of the growing power of the 'Necromancer' that is being carried in rumors. Rumors only remain rumors for so long before they are either proven true or false. I have seen with my own eyes that the Necromancer is indeed back; somehow resurfacing after the last time he was defeated almost three hundred years ago. The last battle with him and the darkness that plagued the land cost many their lives and could very well cost any to all of us our own. So, no, unfortunately there is no time to sugar coat the reality of the matter. This could very well be a suicide mission as it sends us directly into the Necromancer's path in attempt to stop the..." She faltered as the memory of the vision came back like it was just the other day. That foul beast still unhatched...the Necromancer's smile of accomplishment as he felt her mentally probing the area. It made her reach her left hand up to her right shoulder where the physical mark of the curse lay on her skin under the clothing, infecting the blood around it at turning it a sickly color. In that instant she was pulled back into the memory and didn't even realize as she walked away from the table to turn her back on the group and covered her face with her right hand as she shut her eyes tight.

                                                            As she stepped away Malazan tried to calm her through their mental link before turning to address the group in her Rider's place. "It was seeing through my Rider's eyes the foul beast the Necromancer is trying to give birth to that I requested the Council to meet and consider putting together a group such as this one now." As the dragon began to speak in Common her voice was soft, but silently spoke of her age in the presence she seemed to carry; even as a miniature form of her true self. "That beast mimics a dragon, but is nothing like any dragon you know. It is a creature made from the darkest depths of evil and if allowed to grow will surely destroy everything in its path; potentially all of Aternia. That is why this group is to head to the mountain range Eleniel found the Necromancer hiding in and stop him before that beast has come to mature." She then turned her head to the two Apprentices. "You are along to specifically see if the dragons that have gone missing and the Necromancer are tied. If either of you or any other Apprentices that answer the summon have a Fire Bond among the missing dragons and they are still alive it may be our only way of finding them." She then turned back to look at the group before looking at Ambrose specifically. "I do not know if you will accept what I am about to say, but I still morn the loss of Terari. She was a magnificent creature and very strong. Her death did not come lightly nor has any dragon's death come lightly sense. There is something targeting us and we are either disappearing or dying. If it is the Necromancer's attempt to use our lives to fuel the birth of his monster then we have no choice but to stop him before more lives are unnecessarily lost; even if it costs a few of us our own." Malazan once again turned to face the group before sighing softly as she felt Eleniel regain her senses in their mental link.

                                                            "It is as Malazan said, there is something the Necromancer is raising and trying to give life to; I saw it with my own eyes and for that both Malazan and I paid a price." Eleniel took over as Malazan moved to reside on her shoulders again as she stopped near the table, but did not sit back down. The spot on her shoulder felt extra hot and stung from the trip down memory lane, but she pushed it to the side for now. She had already let it control her thoughts once this evening and that was more then she liked. "The Necromancer is confident enough in this creature that I do not doubt it's potential power. The last fight with him already cost so much, to allow that beast to surface would undoubtedly mean all our deaths and all life not fueled by the darkness to be wiped from the land. The Necromancer is angry from the past defeat, angry enough to hold onto just enough of his own life through his dark magic to resurface now with a vengeance to strike back harder then before. Our task is simple yet complicated. We are to stop the Necromancer and the beast he is growing or face the end of Aternia. I believe the Council left the plan on how to carry it out up to us as our own test. They believe those they summoned would be a correct fit for the group either from skill, experiences, or abilities not yet unlocked, but we have to be able to prove on our own that we can do it. If we can't, it will cost us our lives along the way."

                                                            Eleniel then turned to look at Atreus. "If you so wish to scout ahead for the night that is up to your own discretion. You know your own limits better then anyone else. If you do not need the time to otherwise rest and wish to provide an eye for the day ahead I will not try and stop you. We will not want to travel along the main road as there are too many watchful eyes on it so the journey itself over the naked land will be a test in an of itself for many. Your scouting while those that need rest get it could provide useful day-to-day knowledge of the land we will be traveling as well as places we don't want to go." She paused before bending down to pull a rather simple designed traveling cloak and tossed it to him. "It is of Elven make, it will protect you from the rain and other natural elements. You do not have to use it, but I offer it should you wish to. If you do not, simply return it to the bag with the others I brought along for everyone else."

                                                            Eleniel then turned her attention back to the group. "We set out in the morning so take tonight to rest well on a warm bed and eat a warm meal. The travel ahead cannot gaurentee the next time you will have such luxuries. Most of the time we will be at the mercy of nature itself as stopping in any towns could prove too risky." She then turned to look at Loxias. "There are a few things I need to see to before retiring for the night. Would you be so kind as to lend me you eyes to get around the town? I have never been here before and am therefore unfamiliar with which direction I would be going to carry out the business I need done. Malazan needs a break from the current form you see her in as it takes a lot of energy to not just release and kill us all by collapsing the inn as she returns to her full size." Eleniel ignored Malazan's protests as she grabbed her staff and another cloak from the pack before motioning to the weapons and pack along the wall to the barmaid as she entered the room to see if anyone needed another refill. "Can you see those reach my room, please? You can add the labor to the cost of the room." She nodded before leaving to no doubt relay the order. Eleniel then turned back to Loxias as Malazan huffed on her shoulders, not pleased about being ignored. If anyone looked they could probably tell she was glaring at Eleniel in annoyance while Eleniel herself barely held back a small amused smirk that kept threatening to grace her lips. I want to see who the boy is. The fact that at first I thought I was seeing Hana threw me off guard and I want to know if it is coincidence or not. She was a dear friend, after all...and you need a break to return to your true size whether you will admit it or not. You need to take the night to go explore, spread your wings, and hunt. Malazan seemed to settle down begrudgingly, though her tail swung in short agitated movements occasionally.

                                                            "I will meet you outside. Please make sure you get your fill of any food or sustenance you need." She added, readdressing Loxias before looking to the rest of the group with Malazan rather seriously. "Please take the time to rest tonight. Anyone not used to long journeys will probably find this one ahead exhausting and weary so you will want to start off with as much energy as you can muster." With that Eleniel bowed her head slightly and took her leave from the room, pausing briefly next to Aleira and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Try to not let Ambrose's words effect you too much. The Council already argued over his presence in the group enough to cover anything you or I would contribute to the pot in initial thoughts on the matter. He has gone through something neither of us would care to imagine and therefore we should at least give him a chance to prove his presence here. If he still proves to be no better then first impressions I won't hold you back from being the first to plant a boot mark on his a**." She then removed her hand before taking her staff and continuing out of the inn and into the rainy night.

                                                            Once outside Malazan had another moment of hesitancy before climbing onto Eleniel's open palm and then taking to the air. As she flew up, once she was out of the range of the buildings, her wings grew to their full size. Her tail elongated as did her body as it bulked up and she let out one powerful flap of her wings to put herself higher. As she felt all restrictions of the smaller form dissipate she let out a roar of pleasure; honestly happen to be unconfined for all the protesting she had about leaving her Rider's side. The roar scared a few people rushing to the destination on the street in the rain and their reactions made Eleniel chuckle a little, even if she felt slightly guilty for their momentary fright. Enjoy yourself, friend. Eleniel smiled as she felt Malazan nod before their shared vision broke off and Eleniel was cast back into a world of darkness. Now all that was left was to see if the boy would follow her and humor her curiosities.

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Loxias Azeral

He might have felt the rain getting heavy before anyone else, it was an acute shift in air for him, he could practically feel the lightning swirling around within the clouds, yearning to break free and crash against the earth below before he had to glance at the window to confirm it.

As the drow, Atreus as he called himself, and Eleniel talked, keywords said by both of them started to fill in the blanks of Loxias's memories. Princess, Nethlhindornien, and several others, they were like illuminating pieces to a darkened puzzle that when placed revealed the entire finished picture.

All at once the memories came flooding back, the stories his mother would tell him at night to get him to sleep and the vivid dreams of the events described within them. He remembered everything so fast that it caused him to excitedly thing ”I got it!”

It took two seconds for him to realized he'd said it out loud also.

He kept an even face, lifting a his cider and taking a sip from it while muttering ”Just remembered something...” , risking a glance at Eleniel.

He'd have to keep his excitement down, but it was hard. That was her, the same one from the stories. No wonder Eleniel had recognized his features. Loxias had been told many times that he took after his mother, more times than he could remember.

He was practically giddy with this information, but what was he going to do with it? He guessed he'd have to talk to Eleniel about it later, but right now she seemed to have started talking about something important.

"Sounds fun." He murmured, more or less to himself, and when the princess turned and smiled at him and Auralie he shrugged. "We understood the severity of this mission when we accepted it. We know what's at stake here.” He was speaking for himself mostly, but he assumed Auralie knew as much as he did about it. They were both at the top of the class in the academy, otherwise they probably wouldn't have been selected.

They were there to find and kill the necromancer, and that hellish beast that he is trying to raise. Finding the dragons, and possible Fire Bonds for the apprentices, was the icing on the cake.

He watched and listened as Eleniel wrapped up the meeting, and then turned back to him with a request and a very annoyed dragon on her shoulder. ”Lend you my eyes?” He repeated, shrugging after her explanation. ”Sure, why not.” He finished his food after she left, which really amounted to a couple bites and a gulp of his cider since he'd been steadily eating since he got the food, and walked out, joining Eleniel and gazing at Malazan at full size.

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