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A Kingsman 1 100.0% [ 18 ]
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trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

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...Do you have what it takes to be a


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                                                          👓 Introduction and Links
                                                          🌂 Plot and Setting
                                                          👓 Available Roles
                                                          🌂 Taken Roles
                                                          👓 Profile Skeleton
                                                          🌂 Rules
                                                          👓 Accepted Knights
                                                          🌂 Accepted Nominations
                                                          👓 Plot Updates
                                                          🌂 Reserves
                                                          🌂 Reserves

                                                                      A D M I N S

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

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                    ... Two of our Kingsman brothers, Lamorak and Tristan have recently fallen in the line of duty.
                    There's little time for grief, however, when two spots on the Kingsman need to be filled and there is still work to be done.

                    Nominations have been made and these young people will begin undergoing the grueling training and testing process in hopes to gain a seat at the Round Table.

                    You don't have to be familiar with the film or comic book to join this RP. The idea is that there is a secret spy organization. The members take on the monikers of Arthur and his Knights and work to protect the world. They have a code of conduct that appreciates manners, chivalry, and grooming.

                    When a member dies or retires, every Knight and Arthur himself nominates someone to take that place. These people are tested, and the best make the cut and take on the moniker themselves.

                              This RP takes place after the nominees are announced on the first day of trials.
                              Groups will be chosen at first by a random generator.
                              Time between trials may be allowed so that characters can interact freely.

                              More updates and the current groups will be posted below. Questions and such can be answered via PM, OoC thread, or chatroom.

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      SETTIN G

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                              Right now, this Roleplay takes place at the Kingsman Headquarters.

                              This consists of large training, technology, armory, and intelligence facilities located several stories underneath London streets and leading out into the surrounding countryside.

                              One notable point of entrance is Kingsman Tailors on Savile Road.

                              The underground facilities can be accessed by various lifts and are connected by a private ultra-fast tube system. They also have a large training grounds in the country that can be accessed by these tubes, and a warehouse in the industrial part of the city that works as a hidden hangar for their various aircrafts.

                              The Nominees will be living here for the duration of their trials. They are not permitted to contact friends and family from the outside during these months.
                              They will bunk and eat together.

                              During these times, extra staff is on hand for medical services and to keep them fed.

                              There is, also, of course tailors, meant to equip agents with the best working and best looking gear they can. This means well-fitted formal wear and the best military espionage technology that exists.

                              In addition to the Kingsman Knights, there are a team of others that work as support crew behind the scenes. Scientists, engineers, etc, work to keep the system running smoothly.

                              User Image

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

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                        👓T A K E N

                              🌂 Arthur

                              🌂 Merlin

                              🌂 Percival

                              🌂 Lancelot

                              🌂 Gawain

                              🌂 Bors

                              🌂 Kay

                              🌂 Galahad

                              👓Percival's Nominee

                              👓Yvain's Nominee

                              👓Kay's Nominee

                              👓Bors' Nominee

                              👓Arthur's Nominee

                              👓Merlin's Nominee

                        🌂 R E S E R V E D

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

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                  ------------👓O P E N
                  🌂 ----- Bedivere

                  ------------ N O M I N E E ----P O S I T I O N S
                  👓 Galahad
                  👓 Lancelot
                  👓 Gawain

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

User Image


                  .. Send in the reserve profiles to xcruci-fixationx or trousersonfire if I appear to be offline.

                  If you are a Nomination and would like a specific Kingsman to be your mentor, please PM them first if they are already taken to make sure both parties agree. If the Kingsman you wish to nominate you is open, feel free to claim them first.

                  User Image

                  MINI -- SKELETON

                  For Kingsmen
                  [color=POSTING COLOR HERE]
                  [imgright]insert 200x200 image here[/imgright]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]N A M E :[/color] [/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert full name here[/size]

                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]C O D E N A M E : [/color] [/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]Which knight[/size]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]A G E : [/color][/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert age here[/size]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]S P E C I A L T Y : [/color][/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert job here[/size]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]P L A Y E D [color=white]----[/color]B Y :[/color] [/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert username here[/size][/color][/align]

                  For Nominations

                  [color=POSTING COLOR HERE]
                  [imgleft]insert 200x200 image here[/imgleft]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]N A M E :[/color] [/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert full name here[/size]

                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]N O M I N A T E D B Y : [/color] [/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]Which Kingsman nominated you[/size]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]A G E : [/color][/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert age here[/size]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]S P E C I A L T Y : [/color][/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert job here[/size]
                  [b][size=12]☂[/size][/b] [size=8][color=black]P L A Y E D [color=white]----[/color]B Y :[/color] [/size]
                  [color=white]----[/color][size=9]insert USERname here[/size][/color]

                  FULL -- SKELETON

                  [color=YOUR POSTING COLOR][imgright] image here[/imgright]


                  [color=black][b][u]Birth Name:[/u][/b][/color]
                  [list]-current name-[/list]
                  [color=black][b][u]But the Round Table Calls Me:[/u][/b][/color]
                  [list]- Your Kingsman name, or the place you hope to take-[/list]

                  [color=black][b][u]It's a Living:[/u][/b][/color]
                  [list]-job outside of the Kingsman, if applicable -[/list]
                  [list]- What dog you chose -[/list]

                  [list]-Skills and abilities-[/list]

                  [color=black][b][u]It All Started When:[/u][/b][/color]
                  [list]- History/bio-[/list]
                  [color=black][b][u]Good Breeding:[/u][/b][/color]
                  [list]- How you were chosen/ nominated-[/list]

                  [color=black][b][u]They Say I'm :[/u][/b][/color]
                  [list]-Personality, -[/list]

                  [list][list][u] Refined Tastes:[/u][/list][/list]
                  [list][list][u]No Thank You:[/u][/list][/list]

                  [list]- With other characters. Can be plotted in character or OoC and edited as the story progresses-[/list]


trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

User Image


                              🌂 GODMODDING
                              --------- Son, just don't. Don't be unreasonable in battles and such. If it's an issue we'll decide by vote or coinflip. As far as character histories go, try to make sure the other admin agrees with the idea before you make it official. Keep your traits manageable. Everyone can be adept, but focus on one or two unique specialties so everyone has a chance to shine.
                              🌂 OOC
                              --------- Plotting and interpersonal relationships IC are kind of important, so try to stay fairly in touch Out of Character, too. It also seems to help when the posting slows to keep the chat alive. People are busy, and that's totally cool. Just drop the group a line now and then, so we can collaborate effectively.
                              🌂 POSTING
                              --------- Literacy is appreciated. Try to write well. I'm not going to enforce a word count or paragraph rule , because some of the best writers are concise and some situations call for brevity. Purple prose doesn't get you bonus points here, and sometimes they slow down the flow of the RP. A fair amount of detail and personality, enough action to forward the plot and give your partners something to respond to. That's what I ask for. A little decoration is nice, too, but I'm not that picky.
                              🌂 CONTENT
                              --------- Keep it to the ToS, Keep the drama IC and not OoC, don't make this a dating RP. Romance is encouraged, but this is a group RP and situations for 1x1 time with characters will be limited.
                              Got a plot idea? Super. Let someone know about it before you blow us all up or do something crazy. Secrets are fun, but don't be an asshat and rock the boat just for the sake of rocking it.

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trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

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N A M E :
----Alphonse Bertillon

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----A Jack of all trades
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----Sid the Wise

User Image
N A M E :
----Arthur Varley

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Tech and Code Breaking
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

User Image
N A M E :
----Jonathan Eames

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Disguise and forgery
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

User Image

N A M E :
----Thalia Maksimov

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Combat and Multilingualism
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

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N A M E :
----Bruadair Archimedes Astaroth

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Medical, and research
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----Diandra Moon

User Image

N A M E :

----Aurora Dean

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Human Lie Detector, Medical, Escape and Evasion
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----[Beautiful Nightmare]

User Image

N A M E :

----Duncan Christopher McCabe

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Combatant, Marksmanship, Vehicular Driving, Aviation
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----[Beautiful Nightmare]

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
N A M E :
----Shelly Leanne Evans

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
----Thirty One...forever
S P E C I A L T Y :
---- Honey trap/ Honeypot infiltration || Poison Specialist || Knife Specialist
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----Kudasai_ai_watashi mo

User Image

N A M E :
----Isabel Varghese

C O D E N A M E :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Ancient languages, Archery, Art studies
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

User Image

User Image
N A M E :
----Michael Watson

N O M I N A T E D B Y :
----Percival (Jonathon Eames)
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Marksmanship and Fisticuffs
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----Sid the Wise

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
N A M E :
----Annabelle Lyric Beaumont

N O M I N A T E D B Y :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----intelligence gathering, and hand-to-hand combat
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----Diandra Moon

User Image
N A M E :
----Cressida Elias Williams

N O M I N A T E D B Y :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Parkour and firearms.
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

User Image
N A M E :
----Jelena Noura Swanson

N O M I N A T E D B Y :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Tech and Code Breaking In The Field
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

User Image

N A M E :
----Elijah White

N O M I N A T E D B Y :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Close combat weaponry and acrobatics
P L A Y E D ----B Y :

User Image

N A M E :
----Una McTavish

N O M I N A T E D B Y :
A G E :
S P E C I A L T Y :
----Stealth and bombs
P L A Y E D ----B Y :
----Batti Cake

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler


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Mr. Whickam runs Kingsman Tailor on Savile Road. He also guards the lifts during store hours and logs activity.

While being a part of a secret spy organization is important, he also takes his day job as a tailor very seriously.

He doesn't much care for antics that take away from legitimate store business, but getting on his good side is worth it.

trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

Distinct Loiterer

|I{ • ------» M Σ Я ᄂ I П «------ • }I|

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    ██ Location : The Round Table
    ██ Company : Just Himself
    ██ Thinking : It isn’t a cakewalk

                        It’s always hard, losing knights. Merlin’d only ever experienced it once before this and even that hadn’t been pleasant. He licked his lips and moved about straightening the room. Arthur would be arriving soon for the conference with the other knights. They were down two members, which meant that there was a position to be filled. Two, actually. And something a little more sinister that he was planning on looking into after respects were paid. No rest for the wicked, not when it came to keeping some kind of order in the world.

                        aybe it was the idea that they would be replacing someone that he’d known, two someones, that made this difficult. And the fact that he had already picked someone to put up for nomination. These things moved quickly, didn’t they? He moved to get the glasses, one for each of the knights. He wasn’t sure who would be showing up, though he gave everyone ample notice. He wanted a full house. Merlin felt like that would honor the dead a little better. But he had no control over air traffic. At least not as much as he’d like.

                        After setting the places, Merlin stepped back and moved to talk to the front man of the tailor. He would be greeting the knights after all. Their conversation was quick and Merlin quickly retreated to the back where he would sit in his little corner, away from the round table, to wait. Merlin wasn’t a knight, after all. He was an advisor and protector. A wizard. He liked the imagery, even if the circumstances weren’t the best at present.

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trousersonfire's Significant Otter

Masterful Dabbler

🎭---------- ERCIVAL----------🎭


▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀
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                                  ------------ His flight had been delayed for four hours- four- while a pack of wild iguana sunned themselves on the runway.
                                  Then again, that was Brazil for you.

                                  Luckily, Eames was more than adept at finding a way to pass the time. He didn't speak Portuguese well, but a few key phrases could get you where you wanted to go in any country.

                                  "Uma outra bebida." He tapped the bar lightly a couple times to flag the bartender over for a refill.
                                  One more and then it was going to be twelve hours up in the air.

                                  The service was quick, and the drink came out garnished with twists of colorful fruit.

                                  "Gorgeous. Just like the people here." That earned him a little smile from the bartender and eye contact that lingered a few seconds too long.
                                  But this wasn't really a layover, was it.

                                  In perfect synchronicity, the overhead announced that his gate was boarding.
                                  "That's me. Just the wrong time." He scooted off of his stool with just a little bit more difficulty than he'd had getting on it, and handed over his card.
                                  "Be a peach and leave my tab open for the couple down the bar, eh?
                                  It was his expense account anyway. And a Kingsman was to be a charitable sort.
                                  He left a nice tip and picked up his small over-night bag and headed off.With a stomach full of nothing but cherries and orange wedges swimming in Cachaça, maybe he wouldn't have to be conscious for the whole flight.

                                  He pushed his sunglasses back over his eyes and showed his boarding pass. There was no way he'd be making it back in time for the toast at this rate.
                                  He'd made up for it by saying his words over several drinks alone at the bar.

                                  Enough that, once or twice, he contemplated not getting back on the plane and going back at all. It wasn't just the bright sandy nude beaches that led in the temptation, though. Those impulsive rebellious thoughts were very easily quieted though, and he made his way to the seat by the window.

                                  Two men down. Two friends, or near enough to it.

                                  And his Nominee would probably arrive before he even touched down. Assuming, with a grain of faith, that he wouldn't ditch entirely.

                                  Eames wouldn't blame him if he did, though.

                                                      ██ 🎭 Location : São Paulo
                                                      ██ 🎭 Company : The Drink
                                                      ██ 🎭 Thinking : Those are really big lizards.

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