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t a b l e of c o n t e n t s

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Mani History

    Long ago Mani was a pack of rogue wolves that roamed the nearby mountains that sat along the edge of the Alexandria forest, a fire on the opposite side of the mountain caused issues for the pack. This brought many wolves from the opposite side seeking refuge with the blood thirsty pack. Mountain life was rough, food was scarce before the new wolves arrived and it became even worse afterwards. The alpha of the time was not kind, but he also knew what had to be done to survive this. It was then he decided to expand his territory down into the forest and take over the land that the Tunkay inhabited. It was vast and would provided the alpha's growing pack the space they needed to flourish and become the strongest pack in the entire territory.

    The war against Tunkay was not one that was easily won and went on for almost a year, both sides had their fair share of losses. Between the two packs, Mani faired better and quickly came back welcoming several litters of pups sired by the alpha himself. With the fresh blood and numbers, it was clear to Tunkay that Mani would always be a force to be reckon with. Mani has been the main pack in the Alexandria forest for almost 4 years now and a new Alpha has taken control now, one just as cruel as his father before him. Thankfully for Tunkay though, the alpha does not seek war for the fun of it though and peace has seemed to come across the land for the time being. So long as Tunkay stays to their small section of land and no where near the Mani pack.

Tunkay History

    Tunkay was once the largest pack in all of the Alexandria forest, but now after a year long war with Mani their numbers have dwelled quite a bit. And with the recent loss of the pack's Alpha female, they are slow to make a come back anytime soon. But Tunkay has always been a resilient pack of wolves, who's golden leaders have lead them for generations through many troubled times. This set back was just another one of those times and all looked to their golden alpha male to lead them to greatness once more. And for the Alpha, he swore he would do just that, as well as get revenge on the new Mani alpha for killing his mate. He may not of known how he would do it now, but soon the answer he was seeking would arrive.

    For while Tunkay was forced to their little section of territory, another large pack would soon be moving into the Alexandria forest. If Tunkay could get help from Narvi, they would surely have the numbers and strength to take on Mani with a really chance to win. The real question now is, will Narvi help them or will the already weakened Tunkay actually have a new enemy on their paws instead...

Narvi History

    Nari and Via were the two biggest wolf packs in the Trivax forest. The two had been enemies for more winters then any wolf can even remember. Most believe at this point is was even so long ago that it was a feud between the first alphas. No one on either side believed the war would ever win, because they felt the other side would never give in and reliant. Could either be blamed, they had lived their entire lives at this point fighting a war they did not even know why they were fighting. It was because of this after years and years of fighting, they finally decided to bring it all to an end. The two packs alphas meet in a neutral area and discuss how to end this feud once and for all.

    Both packs knew that a pair of their young pups had fallen in love, which was the main force that brought them to try and work out their differences and end this blood shed. It was agreed after several long moons the two would be mated in a years time and the packs would become one together. The fae was from Nari while the brute was from Via. While the two loved one another dearly, it took time for their packs to adjust to the new lives they were being brought into. Some squabbles still happened here and there, but the alphas stayed strong and pushed for their followers to trust them to lead them to a better life together as one.

    In the end, even then it took another year after their mating for the packs to finish adjusting, become known as Narvi. And now large pack finally seemed to find peace within itself. But that did not mean peace would last forever, as soon new problem arise to the still young alphas at that time. Their pack had grown quite large and their home was far to small now to support them and their new growing family. A mountain stood between them and a large area they could make into their new home. It was a decision they discussed in length with their elders and elites. As after all moving an entire pack across a mountain would surely bring its own troubles, much less such a newly formed one. The arguing began once again, because many did not want to leave their home land. Generations had grown up in they Trivax forest, it was their home after all.

    The Alphas came together and made one of the hardest decisions they had yet to ever face. Because their Betas no longer agreed and supported them, they decided it was time to separate the packs once more. With the offer given to every wolf in their pack, the ones who were ready for a fresh start in a new land, were to go with the alphas across the mountain. The ones who decided this place could still remain their home and the war that ravaged their land was savable, were to stay behind with the Betas. The sorrow felt between many as their new Alphas took over half the pack with them, was one that would surely come back to haunt them all later.

    But now after a year of traveling the mountain side and crossing into the Alexandria forest for their fresh start, they would soon come to see this land was controlled by a pack of bloody thirsty wolves who believed they owned everything and more. Could the Alphas make this place a home for their pack or was this trip actually the wrong choice after all.

Click to visit the original FANG
First reincarnation of FANG
Previous reincarnation of FANG
This is another remake that was done Fang

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    one. Lunar Tales is a literate wolf role play which means I expect an average of two paragraphs with five sentences per paragraph and a word count of at least three hundred [300] words. Do not think that combining two or three of your characters together will mean you can get by with a [300] word post, I expect [300] words per wolf. The sentences should be detailed, use adjectives and adverbs, nouns, everything you learned in school and put them into sentences. [300] Is the minimum, but lets not make it the standard for all your posts, it is simply the smallest amount you can scrap by with. Make sure to use a spell check, minor typos are okay but lets try to keep them to a minimum. [You may use this counter for the word count word counter if you are concerned that you may not have made the cut, there will be random checks!]

    two. Romance and action are encouraged, as drama keeps the role play fueled, however follow Gaia's ToS and keep it PG-13. When it comes to breeding please read the pack law and make sure to know what you are getting into when breeding, and bringing pups into this role play. When fighting know who is going to win beforehand and post around that or use the system below. Do not kill any wolf without permission from me or the owner of the character. If you want to challenge for a high rank PM me and we will talk about it.

    three. Please make pretty posts, they are easy on the eye and an easy way to track your wolf to make sure you are active. A picture, the wolf's name, rank and pack will do just fine. No blinding colors that make my eyeballs bleed or that I have to highlight to read. If you are iffy with a color feel free to ask me if it is alright, my eyes are a little more picky than some. When talking to another wolf make it apparent, when posting, by bolding the character's name (Whether your character knows the other character or not ) . I'd also very much appreciate it if you make your talking apparent and diverse from your actions, via bolding or color change. Only font sizes 10-11 are acceptable for the main post. Post style must remain in 'say'. Quoting is prohibited, as it looks messy and negates the entire reason I have people bold names. If you are too lazy to at least skim the posts and keep an eye out for your name, then perhaps Lunar Tales is not the place for you.

    four. We currently require a minimum of 1 post a week for each character. Try not to let others be stranded waiting for your post for over a week without informing me. Which means if you know you are going to be gone for any extended length of time, a week or more, just PM me and extract your wolf [or wolves] from where they are. If you do not PM me you will get a inactivity PM from myself or a mod and if you do not post by that time your wolves will be removed as I see fit.

    five. Age is a very important part of keeping this realistic. Wolves in the wild tend to live until age nine [9], so any wolf from ages seven to nine [7-9] are concerned elders. From ages six to three, your wolf is young and healthy and able to do most everything. Wolves ages two are considered pack members and may train under a member of the elite, also they can breed at this age. When wolves are a year [1] old they move from pup to yearling and tend to wonder out and see what role they would like to seek within the pack. From birth to eleven months [0-11] they are simply pups and will be guarded very well by sitters and the pack as a whole.

    six. Reserves are titled Fang, and profiles are titled Claws. Please try to send me the profile in a timely manner after the reserve, if you choose not to send in a reserve before the profile include it with your profile for my easy access. Reserves and the skeletons for your profiles are located under the [skeleton] post. When you send your reserve, send me a sample of your work. Samples may be written a new or copied and pasted from a prewritten post, links to a sample thread may be acceptable. However they must display and be as you are the wolf or other canine, I would like to know that you can successfully play a wolf within a wolf role play. If you are already a member there is no need to send me a another sample when you make another character. Members are limited to three [4] characters per roleplayer unless otherwise approved, this is to keep activity up, we'd much rather have small but active packs than larger inactive ones.

    seven. If you are reading this then you send me a heart in your Claws PM [remember which one?] along with your favorite color next to it. Sometimes people skim over the rules and I want to know that you have actually read them. Just a simple test in reading, but you are trying to get into a role play so it makes sense. Hehe.

    eight. Make sure to check the open ranks so you know what you can apply for, you may look for the profiles under the [profiles] post. Click one of the three [3] pictures and look at the list or you can scan over the profiles themselves. This way you know which ranks have been taken so you do not apply for them, and I don't have to play the bad guy and tell you that it is not available.

    nine. Out of Character belongs within the OOC thread or discord OOC channel, I do not mind minor out of character within a in character post but straight out of character within the in character is not permitted and will result in your getting a warning and some warnings will result in action that you may not like in the end. Out Of Character Thread.

    ten. I can and will add more rules and/or pack law if I think it is needed, but they will be announced when I do in a 'shout' post titled with the announcement banner.


    one. Know your wolf's limitations and have them. A pup or elder cannot successfully fight a young, fit, healthy wolf and win in that fight. It is not going to happen even though an elder has more experience, but they are old and slowing down much like humans. The fighting system is designed to keep things fair, but we must also keep things realistic.

    two. breeding Wolves must get permission from their pack's alpha or alphas to breed. If a wolf does not they are subjecting themselves to disciplinary action as the alpha or alphas see fit, which is anything from killing the pups to staining or even outcasting. On a side note you will need to have my okay before breeding and having pups. Keep in mind that you will need players to play your pups, so please already have someone or people in mind before breeding.

    three. You will need to show submission toward the ranks higher then your wolf. If you do not and show insubordination to a higher rank they will be allowed to put you in your place. Depending on the severity of the situation will depend on the punishment. It can be a growl, a n**, or a bite to mark your wolf for life. This is especially important when joining the Mani pack, I know everyone wants to be the big bad wolf, and top dog in the rp, but in doing so you create an unrealistic pack. Even Mani would not be able to function if there were so may 'alphas'.

    four. Only alphas are allowed to outcast or promote a wolf. The alphas are the heads of the pack and have the most power over the wolves within the pack. Betas and gammas are allowed to demote to the rank of stained, as well as grant temporary permission for outsider wolves to be permitted into the pack. Betas are the second most powerful wolves within the pack, and gammas are third. They are used by the alphas to keep the pack going when the alphas are busy. Elite wolves are in charged of their group, such as the Zeta is in charge of the warriors, the Delta over the hunters and so on and so forth. Elite wolves can decide if a wolf is unworthy of their rank and thusly demote them, as long as the alphas approve.

    five. The lowest rank of the pack are omegas and they are subjected to auto hits from any wolf of a higher rank, this rank is something you earned by your actions. You have to show complete and utter submission to another rank. Omegas are an important part of the pack as they release stress. Omegas are limited to one per pack. Please note that with Mani's vicious nature an omega within that pack is likely to be subject to regular beatings and far more sever punishments.

Special thanks to Stephy goes Rawrr & Saebel & Little Sholac for our hunting system
This is the system we are using for a solo hunt and group hunts. The titles above the systems will tell you which one to use for your wolf. These are ONLY for hunts and only for large animals, for smaller animals you will have to use your judgement but remember you cannot always catch your prey.

      Step One: Getting Started
      This system is designed to determine whether you are able to find large prey to hunt or not. Whomever is assuming lead of the hunt will be the one to use the random number generator.
      If your hunting party has 3 or more wolves and 1 of them is a scout, you may automatically find prey or if your hunting party is 6 wolves or larger you may automatically find prey. In those instances please skip ahead to the next step in the hunting system.

        - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR - [1 - 3]
        (Spring or Summer)
        1 or 3 you find prey.
        2 you don't find prey.

        - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR - [1 - 5]
        (Fall or Winter)
        1 or 4 you find prey
        2, 3, or 5 you don't find prey.

      Step Two: The Hunt
      This system is designed to determine whether you are able to accurately hunt your prey or not. Everyone in the hunting party must generate a random number. No cheating I will know, so don't even try. Every wolf in the hunting party will roll ONCE [1], after every wolf has had a turn the individual who started the hunt will summarize the rolls and end it in whatever manner the rolls suggest. (Please be fair in choosing who starts and ends the hunts, give everyone a chance to try) There will need to be a majority of 'medium hit' & 'Hard hit' s for the prey to be taken down. This system is designed to be fairly accurate, in the wild wolves are seldom successful with hunts, this system reflects that. That being said if hunts continue to fail, as I want both Tunkay and Mani to thrive, I may allow auto-kills on hunts. Please PM me if you would like to discuss this as a possible option on any given hunt.
      Hunter's background means the wolf has held the rank of Hunter at some point in their life.

        - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR - [1 - 6]
        (Alphas and Hunters)
        1 - minor injury to self
        2 - complete miss
        3 - near miss
        4 - light hit
        5 - medium hit
        6 - hard hit

        - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR - [1 - 8]
        1 - major injury to self
        2 - minor injury to self
        3 - complete miss
        4 - complete miss
        5 - near miss
        6 - light hit
        7 - medium hit
        8 - hard hit


This is the system we are using for spars or fights between wolves. The titles above the systems will tell you which one to use for your wolf. These are ONLY for spars and fights between wolves, make sure to use the system when fighting unless the two role players in question have already per-decided and agreed to the outcome. If the fight has a prearranged outcome please post so in occ/discord occ along with your text, so that I know you are not just completely disregarding the system. Use your judgement on your injures, wolves should not walk away totally wound free.
(If you are unsure which system you should use, feel free to PM and explain why you think you should be able to use the warrior system even though your wolf has never held the rank of warrior.)

        - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR - [1 - 5]
        1 - complete miss
        2 - near miss
        3 - light hit
        4 - medium hit
        5 - hard hit

        - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR - [1 - 4]
        1 - complete miss
        2 - near miss
        3 - light hit
        4 - hard hit

The mods are here to help me keep the peace, and enforce the rules. In the event that one contacts you take it as seriously as if I, myself, have contacted you. They have the authority to remove you from the role play, so please behave.
Kill Lucky

☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; Skeletons; Availability; Calender; Family Ties; Deceased; White/Black Listed; Banners; Affiliates;

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[size=15]♂[/size] or [size=15]♀[/size] - Wolf's name - Username - Pack desired and desired position)

- Pamuya - Little Sholac - Tunkay Hunter


[b][color=secondary posting color]NAME:[/b][/color] [color=primary posting color]Name here [/color]
[b][color=secondary posting color]RANK:[/b][/color] [color=primary posting color]Rank here [/color]
[b][color=secondary posting color]AGE:[/b][/color] [color=primary posting color]Age here [/color]
[b][color=secondary posting color]SEX:[/b][/color] [color=primary posting color]Male or Female[/color]
[b][color=secondary posting color]RELATIONS:[/b][/color] [color=primary posting color]Family relations here [/color]
[b][color=secondary posting color]EXTRA INFORMATION:[/b][/color] [color=primary posting color]Anything you'd like to add [/color][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[list][list][list][list][size=11][b][color=secondary posting color]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color]
[list][list][color=primary posting color]AT LEAST 1, 5 SENTENCE PARAGRAPH [/list][/list][/color][/size][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[list][list][list][list][size=11][b][color=secondary posting color]HISTORY:[/b][/color]
[list][list][color=primary posting color]AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS NO MORE THAN 4 [/list][/list][/color][/size][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[list][list][list][list][size=11][align=right][b][color=secondary posting color]GAIA USERNAME:[/b][/color]
[color=primary posting color]username here[/align][/color][/size][/list][/list][/list]

Do NOT change anything about the profile layout's coding, fill in your information and posting colors and that's it. It will look weird and like it has extra coding when you send it in the PM. Just ignore that and send it in I promise it will look just fine when it's in the thread.

If you are not sure how to make the picture how it needs to be, do not fret, simply send along whatever image you had planned to use and I am more than happy to edit it for you.

☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; Availability; Calender; Family Ties; Deceased; White/Black Listed; Banners; Affiliates;

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| User Image | User Image | User Image |

Click the images to go to the profiles or click the links below.
Narvi // Tunkay // Mani

[16] Wolves Total
[8] Brutes to [8] Faes

☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; ☑ Availability; Calendar; Family Ties; Deceased; White/Black Listed; Banners; Affiliates;

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Watch for changes!


Clear / Raining / Thunder / Windy / Cloudy / Snowing / Hail / Sleet / Fog


Early Morning / Morning / Noon / Afternoon / Evening / Night / Midnight


Jan / Feb / Mar / April / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


New Moon / Waxing Crescent / First Quarter / Waxing Gibbous / Full Moon / Waning Gibbous / Last Quarter / Waning Crescent

☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; ☑ Availability; ☑ Calender; Family Ties; Deceased; White/Black Listed; Banners; Affiliates;

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                                                                  Layla & Ulfric - Mother & Son


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☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; ☑ Availability; ☑ Calender; ☑ Family Ties; ☑ Deceased; White/Black Listed; Banners; Affiliates;

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                                      WHITE LIST

                                      - cappynom: For creating an awesome role play and allowing me to remake it

                                      - hiysinphlay: For allowing me to remake it the amazing roleplay she kept alive after the original was lost.

                                      BLACK LIST

Black Listed members are forbidden from posting in Fang or any corresponding Fang threads for any reason. Any posting will be reported immediately to a mod as harassment and deleted.

☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; ☑ Availability; ☑ Calender; ☑ Family Ties; ☑ Deceased; ☑ White/Black Listed; Banners; Affiliates;

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Small Banners;

To come

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Medium Banners;

User Image

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Large Banners;

User Image

☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; ☑ Availability; ☑ Calender; ☑ Family Ties; ☑ Deceased; ☑ White/Black Listed; ☑ Banners; Affiliates;

Devoted Poster

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If you'd be interested in being an affiliate please PM me.

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☑ Plot Line; ☑ Rules; ☑ Skeletons; ☑ Availability; ☑ Calender; ☑ Family Ties; ☑ Deceased; ☑ White/Black Listed; ☑ Banners; ☑ Affiliates;

Devoted Poster

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Devoted Poster

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Devoted Poster

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Devoted Poster

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