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LunarRoseDemon's Pardner

Doting Master

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⤥きょすけ かがみね⤦

Kyou couldn't help but blush ad Kris guided his hands, trying to focus on the words rather than the warm feeling of Kris's skin against his own. It was a little bit much to take in all at once, but he figured he'd get better with practice. "Y-Yeah, I'm ready." Kyou looked back up at the screen, browsing the characters with interest. There were some pretty crazy people in this game... but they looked fun to play. Wait was that a.... Kangaroo?

Kyou laughed lightly, and selected the character. Even if this character was no good, just the entire idea of playing a kangaroo was too much to pass up. "Thanks Kris, I'll get used to it in no time! Especially with this guy!" Kyou couldn't help but to grin. He would definitely try out the other characters, but the boxing marsupial was the most interesting there he'd seen.


Kyousuke Kagamine

Location〯 Dorms - Kris's Room
Company〯 Kris

jwimin-sshi's Partner In Crime

Tipsy Cleric

14,540 Points
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Peoplewatcher 100
xxкяιs || cнσι
sтαтus : Normal
ℓσcαтιση : School - Kris' dorm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Tell me your wish,
I will make it come true.
Don't just pray every night
at {home} by -yourself-

Your heart that loves me,
your wish that wants to be with me.
Stupid baby, I -prayed- for this too
That you would come to love me

Honey, I cannot [believe] it
Whenever you're sad,
if you just look upon my face
You will suddenly smile joyfully
I can make you happy
{I'm perfect for you}


      ⋙⋙ "Hm...Roger Junior. Interesting..." Kris was rather interested in the fact that Kyou chose Roger Junior as his first character to play. But then again, considering the fact the he liked stuffed animals maybe have been a huge factor on his character choices. Well, that was alright. Kris did like Roger Junior, he just never played him. Probably because since Roger Jr. was fighting in his mom's pouch, he kinda didn't wanna see either of them get hurt.

      Kris chose a 'Rooftop arena. He liked this arena, just because of the rain really. Kris wondered how Kyou would fight. He did hope that Kyou wasn't a button smasher, but he was fine with people that did that. As the game started, Kris got ready. The stage was set, the characters showed up, and it was about time to start the match.

      (( OOC: Do we time skip? If we do, it's your choice to time skip in your next post. >.< We could even time skip to after they've finished playing the levels they wanted... but that's if it's alright...xD ))


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LunarRoseDemon's Pardner

Doting Master

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⤥きょすけ かがみね⤦

After about on hour of playing games, Kyou was lying on the bed and watching Kris play Final Fantasy X with interest. He had played this game before, but he hadn't gotten nearly as far as this. It was pretty cool to see what was happening in the plot... he'd always wondered how the game went after he'd left off... and now he got to find out. Ah... but it was a little bit tricky to see from here... Kyou moved a little bit closer to Kris, finding that angle to be much better.


Kyousuke Kagamine

Location〯 Dorms - Kris's Room
Company〯 Kris

jwimin-sshi's Partner In Crime

Tipsy Cleric

14,540 Points
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Peoplewatcher 100
xxкяιs || cнσι
sтαтus : Embarrassed, Confused, Nervous and a little happy.
ℓσcαтιση : School - Kris' dorm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Tell me your wish,
I will make it come true.
Don't just pray every night
at {home} by -yourself-

Your heart that loves me,
your wish that wants to be with me.
Stupid baby, I -prayed- for this too
That you would come to love me

Honey, I cannot [believe] it
Whenever you're sad,
if you just look upon my face
You will suddenly smile joyfully
I can make you happy
{I'm perfect for you}


      ⋙⋙ Kris felt the bed shift a bit as he sat there playing. He slightly looked over to Kyou, whom seemed rather interested in the game. Looking back at the game, he had just escaped from Bevelle after a rather long battle with Seymour. Now they were Macalania Woods and he was moving the main hero to go to where the main heroine was. Finally, the cut scene occurred once he had gotten close enough to her. Kris turned a little red as he thought about the scene. He had finished the game a considerable amount of times already, so for some reason...he was turned red from the scene.

      Kris moved a little closer to Kyou, not really thinking about it. He had put the controller down, since he knew the scene was rather long. Though, as he kept moving over, he bumped into Kyou a little bit. "Ah...s-sorry..." The main heroine had already started crying. It was almost at the part where the two main leads would kiss. He looked over to Kyou with a slight blush on his face. "K-Kyou...I..." He knew he liked Kyou after spending quite a while with the male, but....he didn't exactly know how to say it. He's never actually been in a relationship before..


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LunarRoseDemon's Pardner

Doting Master

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⤥きょすけ かがみね⤦

Kyou blushed, feeling the atmosphere in the room get a lot more intimate. Had the temperature just risen a few degrees? He could have sworn it wasn't this hot a few seconds ago... then again, Kris was really... close all of a sudden... and looking at him was making him burn up in embarrassment. Why was he feeling this way? They were just playing games, right? There was no reason for his heart to be beating so hard... or being unable to break eye contact. It was like he was holding his breath.. waiting for something... did he want to know what Kris was going to say so badly?

He did... for some reason he really did.

"Y...Yeah?" Kyou replied softly, feeling his blush spread a bit further. The music had started again... but he hardly noticed. They were so near... it was impossible to focus on anything else.


Kyousuke Kagamine

Location〯 Dorms - Kris's Room
Company〯 Kris

jwimin-sshi's Partner In Crime

Tipsy Cleric

14,540 Points
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Peoplewatcher 100
xxкяιs || cнσι
sтαтus : Embarrassed and Nervous.
ℓσcαтιση : School - Kris' dorm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Tell me your wish,
I will make it come true.
Don't just pray every night
at {home} by -yourself-

Your heart that loves me,
your wish that wants to be with me.
Stupid baby, I -prayed- for this too
That you would come to love me

Honey, I cannot [believe] it
Whenever you're sad,
if you just look upon my face
You will suddenly smile joyfully
I can make you happy
{I'm perfect for you}


      ⋙⋙ "I-I...." Kris leaned in a little closer. The music had started, which meant that their kiss scene had just started. Kris had gotten a little more red by now, but he was so sure of it...even if they had just met today. "I'm sure...that I like you...more than a friend..." Kris' ears were red now. He felt his ears were on fire as he just confessed his feelings to Kyou. Kris did worry about Kyou's response, but....he just had to know the out come. He just had to know Kyou's feelings as well.

      Kris leaned in a little more, but not too much. He didn't want to scare Kyou away but at the same time...he really wanted to do what was going on in the game at the moment. That kiss scene....the first kiss between two lovers. Kris blushed even more as he thought about it. It was romantic..and Kris was a sucker for romantic stuff. Still, he was so close...but it felt so far.


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LunarRoseDemon's Pardner

Doting Master

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⤥きょすけ かがみね⤦

Huh? More than a friend? Meaning...

Kyou's heart skipped a beat, his face turning bright red as he tried to make sense of it all. Did Kris think he was a girl? ...No, there was no way... he liked him... as another guy? He froze up, unable to move or think in that moment. All he could do was feel his heart pounding, a nervous excitement pulsing through him, as if he'd been waiting for this. Wait... were they going to kiss? He had never done that before... and especially not with a guy. He'd never felt so apprehensive in his life. He had to say something... anything. Kyou opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out were a few weak, broken sounds... so he stopped trying...

and slowly nodded.


Kyousuke Kagamine

Location〯 Dorms - Kris's Room
Company〯 Kris

jwimin-sshi's Partner In Crime

Tipsy Cleric

14,540 Points
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Peoplewatcher 100
xxкяιs || cнσι
sтαтus : Embarrassed and Nervous and Happy.
ℓσcαтιση : School - Kris' dorm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Tell me your wish,
I will make it come true.
Don't just pray every night
at {home} by -yourself-

Your heart that loves me,
your wish that wants to be with me.
Stupid baby, I -prayed- for this too
That you would come to love me

Honey, I cannot [believe] it
Whenever you're sad,
if you just look upon my face
You will suddenly smile joyfully
I can make you happy
{I'm perfect for you}


      ⋙⋙ Kris felt awkward, seeing as how Kyou couldn't say anything. Kris moved his hand a bit as he leaned closer. He didn't know if Kyou approved of this, especially since they had just met today, but Kris never felt more sure about something like this before. Inching forward, now only centimeters away, he brought his other hand up to touch Kyou's cheek before he finally closed the distance between the two of them. Kris could feel himself become more red as he did this. It felt like good, and awkward...but mostly good, in a romantic way. He had never kissed anyone before, so he hoped he was doing this right.


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Dapper Sophomore

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      W E L L H E Y T H E R E ! you look nice ~ ! !
      ~~~~~~~~~~you // and i can be best friends! [[ don't you want to be friends?? ]]
      ~~~~ i've been told 'dont talk to strangers'
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??

        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~&& of course i never listen

          Smiling at the thought of his sheep Lucion thought about going back to the dorms and retrieving it. Maybe he would find some of his friends too! As he thought about it, he made his way towards the door and looked at the sweets store Kyou told him about. Eye widening he popped into the store for a spell and came out with a bag of saltwater taffy and a giant loli-pop, much like the one Corin got Kris. Grinning at the candy he carried the taffy in his right hand and started to eat the loli-pop, Lucion made his way out of the mall and began walking towards the school.
          Upon arrival at the school, Lucion had finished his loli-pop and was quite full from it. He'd surely be hungry in a little bit, being the bottomless pit he was. But he always worked it off with his work out regiment. He exercised daily. He may not be the smartest but he knew it way around the gym, health and hygiene were no laughing matter to him, but when he was tested on it, he blanked. As he threw the stick away, Lucion walked towards his dorm. Opening the door--no key needed since he never locked it--Lucion set the bag of taffy on the desk he had by his door. The brunette's eyes darted across the room towards his bed where his childhood friend sat at the bottom of his pillow. Smiling at the stuffed animal he nodded and then closed the door again.
          Lucion looked around the halls trying to find a map or maybe a sign up sheet of the dorm residents. There was apparently no such thing. So his plan would be altered a bit. Green eyes scanning the halls he came upon two girls who were talking at the end of the hall. Slapping a smile on his face, Lucion walked towards them and asked, "Hello Ladies! Could I bother you two to ask for directions to a Mr. Kris Choi's dorm room?" The girls smiled back at him for being so polite and directed him towards Kris' room. He bowed to the girls and gave them a very charming smile--trying to convey as much host charm as he could--as he ran off in the dorm's direction. It took quite a bit, a few encounters with people he didn't know and some alarmed conversations on why he was there. All ending awkwardly. But he finally came upon the door he hadn't gone through yet. He'd skipped over this door so many times thinking it couldn't be it. But in fact it was. Sad. Lucion opened the door about to knock on the wood when his eyes caught sight of . . . Kyou and Kris . . . kissing?
          As if he were hit by a bolder in the gut, all of Lucion's breath expelled and he tried desperately the breathe again but it was taking quite some time to get it all back. Staring at his two friends his eyes were as wide as saucers. I-What-I don't even-! WHAT THE BEANS DID I JUST SEE HAPPEN!? Lucion hadn't made a sound since he opened the door. He was tempted just to slip out, trying to take a step back, he realized he was frozen to the spot. He'd never seen anything like this before. He'd seen a kiss before, but not one between two boys. He'd seen guys play games together, but not kiss! It was something completely new. He didn't see what was wrong with it, he just wondered when did they become that close?! Did they know each other prior to this day?! WHAT THE BEANS HAD HE MISSED?! It was his two friends and they had just kissed. How was he supposed to react? Like a cool guy and not care what went down? Or feel really awkward like he wanted to feel, since he felt completely out of the loop in this. It wasn't any of his business to know about their love life, but he liked to know when they HAD a love life with each other first so he knew where to stay out of!

Mall >> Dorms』『No one >> Kris & Kyou』『I love candy >> What did I just see?

LunarRoseDemon's Pardner

Doting Master

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⤥きょすけ かがみね⤦

Kyou could hardly believe he was actually kissing Kris, but the warmth of the boy's lips against his own told him that this was all too real. His heart was racing, absolutely thrilled at the taste of the other, and the intimacy between them... so this was why movies made such a big deal of it... it was absolutely amazing...

He didn't know what made him glance in the direction of the door, but it was much too late for him to forget what he'd seen. He quickly pulled away from Kris, bringing the back of his hand to his mouth as he stared wide-eyed at Lucion in the doorway. From that expression, there was no way he hadn't seen what had just happened... if Kyou was blushing before, he was positively red now. Was he going to faint? He just might... his heart was racing ... but no longer in excitement... now it was pure embarrassment. "I-It... I... Ah... Wh-... You... It-It's.. I-I'm..." Kyou stuttered in bewilderment, wanting to just hide somewhere for the rest of his life. The shame was just too much!


Kyousuke Kagamine

Location〯 Dorms - Kris's Room
Company〯 Kris + Lucion

Dapper Sophomore

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User Image
      W E L L H E Y T H E R E ! you look nice ~ ! !
      ~~~~~~~~~~you // and i can be best friends! [[ don't you want to be friends?? ]]
      ~~~~ i've been told 'dont talk to strangers'
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??

        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~&& of course i never listen

          Awkwardly shifting his weight from one side to the other Lucion stood in the door way and brought a hand up to scratch the back of his head. The brunette closed his eyes not, trying to manage a good enough smile to show them he was happy, but it turned out to be a really bad poker face. He had seen his two friends kissing. There was no doubt about it. Lucion was shaking a bit now, he didn't know why but it seemed like he couldn't stop. What had just happened was very real and couldn't be undone like there was a magical reset button that could make him come in just a few minutes later. Or earlier. Or not at all! The awkward tension in the room was almost palpable. "H-Hi ga-uys! Guys! Friends! Pals! Buddies!" He tried not to stumble over every word but it was inevitable. Lucion was placed in the most awkward place at the most awkward time. He felt a little . . . was it pain? In his chest? Yes it was. There was a slight tugging in his heart. He'd been hurt a bit. Somehow. Was it-? Did he had feelings for one of them. Kris? Kyou? Please don't tell me I'm gay for one of them. Please don't tell me I'm gay for one of them! PLEASE DON'T TELL ME I'M GAY FOR ONE OF THEM! They're my friends! FRIENDS! YOU STUPID BRAIN Er-heart! WHICH EVER ONE IS MAKING ME LIKE THEM MORE THAN FRIENDS! Lucion was having a battle with his internal organs. His brain told him to back out of the room and come back at a less awkward time, face it when he had things rationally organized. But his heart told him to stay put and figure out his feelings on the subject. He didn't know which to follow.
          Lucion finally relaxed his arm and let it flop down to his side. With a sigh he looked down at his feet and put his hands on his hips, "Well isn't this awkward?" He flashed a smile at them as he gave a feeble laugh, trying to lighten the mood. It was as heavy as lead. You would need a forklift to lighten this mood. Unfortunately there weren't any around so Lucion would just have to do! He didn't know if he should come in a little more and shut the door, or walk out and shut the door. Either way he was shutting the door! He just didn't know which side of the door he should be on! Looking down at his friends he gave another feeble laugh and fidgeted a bit, "Should I leave you two alone or . . . what?"

Kris' dorm』『Kris & Kyou』『I thought I knew what awkward was, nope!

jwimin-sshi's Partner In Crime

Tipsy Cleric

14,540 Points
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Peoplewatcher 100
xxкяιs || cнσι
sтαтus : Embarrassed and Nervous and Happy.
ℓσcαтιση : School - Kris' dorm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Tell me your wish,
I will make it come true.
Don't just pray every night
at {home} by -yourself-

Your heart that loves me,
your wish that wants to be with me.
Stupid baby, I -prayed- for this too
That you would come to love me

Honey, I cannot [believe] it
Whenever you're sad,
if you just look upon my face
You will suddenly smile joyfully
I can make you happy
{I'm perfect for you}


      ⋙⋙ Kris blinked a few times as Kyou cut off the kiss before hearing Kyou speak. He turned to look at the door to see Lucion. Kris was definitely red now, feeling embarrassed. He felt like he was just caught having sex or something. He shakily raised his hand, waving a bit to the male that had just entered. "H-Hey Lucion..." He didn't know what to say in this moment. It was so awkward...

      Hearing him talk, he seemed rather...well, confused. "Uh...no..you can come in a-and play games with us too.." Of course, he meant video games. He didn't mean any type of inappropriate type of games, but Lucion might think that way. "V-Video games..of course." Kris quickly pointed to the television, which just barely finished the kissing scene and now Tidus was just standing there, waiting to move.


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LunarRoseDemon's Pardner

Doting Master

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⤥きょすけ かがみね⤦

Kris seemed to be handing this situation better than him... as he just nodded at Lucion, hoping he might not tell everyone about what he had seen. Lucion was really nice.. so he would probably be a bit better about it than he was. T-That right! He was just being silly! It was only a kiss... his... first kiss... taken by an older, attractive boy... who's room he was currently in.... on the bed... but no matter! He was just over thinking things! Just... over thinking...

"Y-Yeah, you should see Kris! He really knows h-how to play!" Kyou tried to smile naturally, a blush still lingering on his cheeks. "And... we have food, s-so... if you... want some.." He trailed off a bit, not really sure what to say. Well..Lucion was a friend! He wouldn't think badly of them... right?


Kyousuke Kagamine

Location〯 Dorms - Kris's Room
Company〯 Kris + Lucion

Dapper Sophomore

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User Image
      W E L L H E Y T H E R E ! you look nice ~ ! !
      ~~~~~~~~~~you // and i can be best friends! [[ don't you want to be friends?? ]]
      ~~~~ i've been told 'dont talk to strangers'
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wanna do something??wanna go somewhere??wanna do something??

        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~&& of course i never listen

          Lucion didn't think that it was much of a good idea to keep him there. They looked like they needed some time alone to figure . . . this out, but he didn't want to be rude so he walked over to them. Looking down at the game station, a smile flickered on his face. He never had a game station but he wanted one just like this one. He'd always been too busy for video games and his parents always said that school and sports came first. Working at the pub was next but that was only when he had time on the weekends between games. Other than that, he never really had time. It was all soaked up by sports, school, and work. Kinda sad that he never got to be a regular boy and play video games. He had the sports part down, but never the gamer side. It was probably a huge reason why he was so innocent.
          As he looked down at the controllers and at the screen Lucion started to smile. He'd always wanted to play, but never knew how to play anything. Never really had the time to learn. Nodding a bit, Lucion began to smile, "That sounds really cool actually," sitting down behind the two. "It'd be cool to watch you play Kris. You too Kyou!" The awkwardness was slowly melting away as he got off task a bit with it. He didn't want to keep track of it much, but he didn't want to completely forget it. It was the bases of this little . . . visit? Before it was all about talking, but now it was consumed by the awkward feeling. Odd how things work out that way huh?

Mall >> Dorms』『No one >> Kris & Kyou』『I love candy >> What did I just see?

jwimin-sshi's Partner In Crime

Tipsy Cleric

14,540 Points
  • Battle: Cleric 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Peoplewatcher 100
xxкяιs || cнσι
sтαтus : Embarrassed, but cooling down.
ℓσcαтιση : School - Kris' dorm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

Tell me your wish,
I will make it come true.
Don't just pray every night
at {home} by -yourself-

Your heart that loves me,
your wish that wants to be with me.
Stupid baby, I -prayed- for this too
That you would come to love me

Honey, I cannot [believe] it
Whenever you're sad,
if you just look upon my face
You will suddenly smile joyfully
I can make you happy
{I'm perfect for you}


      ⋙⋙ "O-Oh, alright." Kris was happy that it was starting to become less awkward, or at least.....it felt that way to him. Kris got up quickly to go close the door. He then went back and sat on the bed. He looked at the game, but felt kinda awkward to play a one-player game now. He moved the main hero back to where another cut scene would occur. After a few cut scenes, he saved and left it at the save screen.

      "What do you want to play...we could play Tekken six again. Oh...! I also have Rockband. All three of us could play..I have the instruments somewhere..." Kris looked around, wondering where he had placed the instruments. He then looked over at his closet. That was probably where he had placed them all. He would get them out if they decided to play it. It was a pretty fun game. Whenever he played it, he would end up playing for two or three hours if he was playing with friends.


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