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Healing Sweetheart

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Hιĸαrυ Yυĸιмυrα
Cяσѕѕяєѕѕιηg Yαкυzα Gєιѕнα

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Felix? That was not a name she expected from someone who spoke Japanese so well. Oh well don't judge it never panned out well. She was like a book that had two covers so it was so tiring to bother thinking about it. She still had to admit the little girl was adorable. She was wondering how old she was and what her name was but she did not bother to push any further. It was just cute to see her sleep so deeply. Safe in the arms of someone who cared for her despite his deep scowl.

He then assured her they were almost there in Japanese. She gave a silent nod as not to risk waking the little girl. She was still trying to figure out why he was helping her. She had no clue he was asking himself the same thing. She was glad in a way though. She needed to do what her brother did. Granted she had no one to run off with and had probably not picked the best of places to run off too. She took a moment to thank her mother again for this stranger's help despite his strange behavior. It was almost as if he was fighting his own personality.

Finally they ended up in front of a building. She looked at it with curiosity. She stopped when she noticed the little girl had woken up. Oji? Ah so it was not her father but her uncle. So the man had a sister or a step sister likely. If she took the term to be literal anyways. At her waking he set her down. He said they were home and that caused her to look at the building again as he mentioned that he had to work so she was going to stay with Sarah again. She looked away from the building in time to see the little girl pout as she nodded. Wanting to know where her mother was.

She stayed silent. In a way this struck at her heart. Both because it was such a sad thing to see and because she herself had moments like that. Her mother was not allowed to see her or her brother. They were like prime meat to her father and therefore her mother was never allowed to see them... Well ha not officially. She often did sneak by. But it often did more damage than good on her at least. She often was left longing for her mother. She gave a soft smile as she noticed the girl clinging to Felix's hand.

Despite his rough personality he was good with the small girl. Saying her mother would be back when she was asleep. Though it seemed the frowning was contacious. She had to give a small silent giggle into her sleeve at that. Though it still tore at her heart. She seemed to look down not happy at the news. Though she accepted it. Such a strong child... She then noticed her and got nervous clutching to Felix's leg. She asked who she was and she almost wanted to sigh. She really should have planned her gender better... What to do when to get off the plan and all that jazz. Escaping Japan as a woman was one thing but... Oh well forget these two would not rat her out and it was pointless to explain it to the little girl.

She smiled and gave a friendly wave when she heard the hushed voice that she looked like a doll. She gave a small bow to the girl keeping silent as she did. She let them keep talking as he explained why she was here. She blinked a few times in surprised as he took her bags. He gave her a blank expression and said his sister lives in the building too. He was sure she had something to get you out of her kimono. Though he said it in a certain way that she suppose was not exactly pleasure. He then said something that confused her.

"Comupurenderu?" She said trying to mimic what he said in confusion unable to control herself. Well if that is what they say... "Um okay." She said guessing that is what it meant. Now that she was not flustered she was able to speak the English she had learned and was rather good at. Still her accent pretty much gave her away. She watched as the little girl was given her backpack and put it on. With her own stuff in his hand he picked up Maya in his other and started up the stairs. She bowed her head gently in politeness before following. Nervous to meet the sister.


OOC: heart
Mood: Really tired
Location: New York
Company: Felix/Little Girl
Current Activity: Entering Apartment
Current Thoughts: I wonder how his sister is...


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Eager to hear more about this investigation, Aaron followed the group into what appeared to be William's office. They all settled into the room, and Aaron braced himself for what was about to come next. William got straight to the point, and spoke with a calm/calculated demeanor. Aaron loved it when case information was given this way, no bullsh*t, just cold hard facts. This could he the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Then came the best news Aaron had heard in years. If he was going to be on the team then he would be starting with a clean slate. They would forget all his past discrepancies, suspensions and all. He could feel the invisible shackles that had once bound him to his dark past fade away. This was beautiful. It was more important to him the ever now that he make the team. He was going to be the hero crime fighter he had always imagined himself to be. This was really happening. He had to contain himself, so he cleared his throat and repositioned himself in his seat. He didn't like it when people could tell what he was thinking, so tried to act as unemotional as possible.

But then William went off on some weird tangent about sins and virtues, and asked each person to pick what virtue they would be. "What the hell is he talking about? What's with the survey? I thought we were discussing a new case, not talking about our horoscopes!" He thought to himself. It could be that William was trying to give each person a code name, but Aaron was too eager to start the mission to care. "Calm yourself." but he couldn't control his emotions, he had to know the case info.

The two girls went on to give their answers first, but Aaron was so frustrated with the topic that all their words were drowned out. This conversation felt so unnecessary.

William turned his attention to Aaron, and the young man sitting next to him. There was so much Aaron wanted to ask and say, but he was so overwhelmed with frustration. Finally he slammed his fist on Williams desk, and like word vomit, the following sentence came out, "I'm whatever f'ing virtue I need to be, to solve this case!" he wanted to stop himself, but it was too late. His emotions were taking over again. "I'm sorry, but William, why are we talking about this? Don't we have a crime to solve here? You're a logical man. Can you tell me why this is important?" He immediately felt a deep regret in the pit of his stomach. All that time training himself to be more focused, al that ridiculous yoga to help calm his nerves, and all the mind numbing routine, all for nothing. He just ruined his only chance for a clean slate. The room was silent, and Aaron held his tongue. "F**k!"

>>Mood: Frustrated

>>Location: NYPD Main Station

>>Company: William, Abril, Jasper, and Alexandria

>>Thoughts: Virtues? We don't need no stinking Virtues!

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Emmie The Strange



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Cold days!


                                                XXXXXXXVaelora sighed softly as she would be embraced in her warm. She didn't remember the last time she had this kind of human contact, so she just got closer to Evie and took a deep breath as she would lay her head in her shoulder.

                                                "Is funny... how we meet last night and we felt that we have been talking for years." she smiled "I don't remember the last time I was this close with somebody."

                                                Vaelora looked up at the sky and the sky was kinda sad. She let out a smile and hit in the blanket as she would warp her arms around her torso shivering.

                                                "Do you love your child that much? I mean... what does it makes a mother reject their children? What is like to be a mom?"

You people misunderstand me. You call me "Satan" and "devil", but do you know my crime? I loved God too much. And for that, He betrayed me. Punished me. Just as He's punished you.


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"I am very comfortable with conflict,
be it of the legal
mortal kind.
My father was a mediator, a bridge maker.

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Morgan Bishop

        Morgan made his way into the office, bearing a gift for his partners in law. "Welcome back officer Morgan! Ooh donuts!" one of the officers said as he passed by, offering up a delicious sugary pastry.

        "Thanks! Good to be back!" Morgan replied. A group of cops suddenly swarm Morgan, their hands all making there way into the box of donuts at once.

        "Man we really missed you!" Officer Ramirez said as he took a bite out of frosted goodness.

        "Ramirez? I didn’t realize that we were that close?" Morgan said with an awkward laugh.

        "I'm talking to the donuts Morgan, get over yourself." The group let out a hardy laugh. The crowd dispersed, and the box was empty.

        "Well that's my charitable act for the day." He said to himself. He noticed the box of pastries emptied out a little slower than usual today. He looked around the office, and noticed half the staff was missing. Was there a meeting today? He looked over at the meeting room and saw that there were around 20 or so officers inside. Why didn't they invite old Officer Morgan to the party?

        He set the lunch his wife so lovingly prepared for him on his desk, "Oh Stella what would i do without you?" and made his way over to the meeting room. A group of officers sat around, and several private conversations went on all around. Morgan could tell that something happened. Something bad.

        "Yo, who died? It feels like a funeral up in here." He said nudging one of the cops on the shoulder.

        "Bishop! Welcome back from vaca!" One of the cops said.

        "You have any donuts for us today?" A grayy haired cop in the group asked.

        "I did. Wait, but what's that in your hand?" The gray haired man looked at the donut in his right hand, looked back embarrassed, and just shrugged with a big grin on his face. The room laughed together. For a moment everything was okay again. Morgan loved brightening people's days. "So what's going on?" He asked, with a kind but stern voice.

        "There have been a bunch of murders in the city over the last 48 hours. They want to form an elite group to find out who's doing it. We're all waiting to be interviewed for the team. No one told you?" The first cop solemnly explained, ending his statement with a confused look on his face.

        They should have sent him an email, or something. This sounds serious, but he could understand why they wouldn't tell him, he had certain attributes that didn't exactly qualify him to be part of an elite team. His age was a big factor, plus he had a family to take care of, which made him less likely to risk his life, and a few other negative factors. This wasn't the first meeting they decided not to invite him too. Morgan wasn't the kind of person to back down from something like this, and he didn't want to make it a habit. His wife would kill him if she found out, but he had to do this. His daughter Tasha was all grown up, and he couldn't let the force treat him like a weak link anymore. “No, but I was on vacation, so they probably forgot to send me an email or something. Well it sounds like I better sign up. I’ll see you all on the other side.” He said with a big grin. The group gave a small cheer and a whistle as he walked away. He found his way over to Robert, who was looking through paperwork. “Hey there my good man. Where do the young recruits sign up for this big mission I’ve been hearing about?” Robert looked up and gave Morgan a quick smile.

        “Aw Morgan, yes. William will want to speak with you. Head over to his office.” Robert said hastily, and then looked back down at his paperwork. Morgan didn’t have to be told twice. He made his way over to William's office, but slowed down when he heard someone yelling. He recognized the voice. It was Aaron Cartwright. “That guy always had something up his a**.” Morgan approached the door, and stepped into an uncomfortably quiet scene.

        “Did I come at a bad time?” Morgan said very sweetly.

        >>Mood: Happy
        >>Location: NYPD's Main Station
        >>Company: Everyone else at the station.
        >>Thoughts: What new case?



        Emmie The Strange


Evolved Master

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Location: Manhattan
Place: At NYPD's Main Station
People: Potential Members
Status: Calm and Surprised
Thoughts: Aaron, please... and who are you?
Outfit: X

William suppressed jumping from his seat when Aaron abruptly stood up and slammed in hands near him. After shouting and yelling at him, William stared as the man dropped back on his seat, cursing loudly. To say the least, William hummed, pushing himself of the chair and walking around the table.

"You really want to know why this is important? Ok, I'll tell you." He walked close to Aaron, swinging his chair to face him and slamming his hands on the chair's arm rest, pinning Aaron's wrists. His grip was strong, making sure that Aaron knew who he was talking to. They knew each other but that didn't mean he was going to play nice with him, either. "In order to give you a case, I have to see how much pressure you can handle. But I guess you want to know more, yeah? Ok, since I'm such a logical man. The man I'm after is much worse than the sorry a** you beat into a f*cking bloody pulp, a hundred times more repulsive than the druggies you placed in jail and a million times more rotten than the damn terrorists I killed over in Irak! What is important to me is how diligent can you be when I want you to be and if you're not a dimwit when your impulse gets the best of you! If you can't control yourself, that means I can't control you and if you can't work under me, I don't want you on my team. Got that, soldier? Or isn't that enough... Diligence?" William had said all this without raising his voice but his words were firmed, like the way he would talk to a suspect on an interrogation. He had been so focused with teaching Aaron a lesson, he didn't see the new face coming from the door.

Backing away and adjusting his shirt, William looked towards the door and signals him to come in, scowl still in place. "Not at all. Actually, I was explain your fellow officer what type of virtue I want him to be. How about you... Mister...?" He waved his hand, waiting for the man to sit and give out a name.

Emmie The Strange




gritty's Widow

Wheezing Sailor

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::█ Feeling: Sleepy, Calm, a little sad again
::█ Location: Her apartment
::█ Company: Vaelora
::█ Thoughts: “....”
::█ Outfit: xoxo
::█ OOC: xoxo

As she took a drag from her cigarette, she listened to Vaelora underneath her as her arms were wrapped around her. She smiled, resting her chin on top of her head. She doesn't remember the last time she was close to someone? "Oh. So Miss Johnson doesn't have a boyfriend, huh? That's surprising with how cute you are. Boys must chase you around." Evie said giggling.

Evie suddenly smirked, reeling her head off the girl and looking at her. "Or maaaaybe a girlfriend?" She giggled again and she jokingly inquired. Sure, she was serious in her question. I mean, anyone is anything. Evie wasn't one to assume unless blatantly obvious.

She followed Vaelora's gaze and they both were looking towards the sky. Suddenly, Vaelora asked about her child. Evie was silent for a bit, lowering her gaze to Vaelora as she took another drag. A mother...to reject her children? Should couldn't even fathom it.

"It's.... hard." She admitted, looking back up into the cloudly sky. She gave a small smile, sulking her brows softly. "I lost my husband when she was just a year old.. So it's hard by myself.." She rested her cheek on Vaelora's head again, still smiling. "I almost wanted to give up. I thought I couldn't do it without him.. But I love her.. I love her so much. I would die for her." Evie shut her eyes as she got lost in her own thoughts again. She did almost give up. When Ben had died, she wanted to die right there with him. It's hard to imagine a time where Evie wasn't who she was now. She took a drag from her cigarette--inhaling deeply this time and exhaling even longer.

"I miss my husband so much. I think about him constantly. She..Maya is all I have of him. He's gone now..but my love for him keeps him alive in my heart.." Evie said, smiling brightly at Vaelora again. It was true. No matter what or who came into her life, nothing compared. When it came to love, sex became meaningless and just an extracurricular activity. She chuckled, taking one last drag of her cigarette before putting it out. She brought Vaelora close to her, wrapping her arms around her shoulder and burying her head. "Baaaah I'm sorry! I'm being so depressing!" She said giggling and she nuzzled Vaelora.



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Cold days!


                                                XXXXXXXVaelora shrugged when Evie asked her about her relationship status. Vaelora had nobody. Vaelora spend most of her whole life by herself and she had nobody to hang to. She was somehow living up to her own things and she had to find everything by herself till Sam and Zaphora came to the picture and gave her a job. But she had no record nor anything... not even a b-day date. She was a ghost.

                                                "Not really." she shook her head "I... I never had somebody. And probably people can be behind me, but just for one thing only."

                                                Vaelora laughed a bit of it and for some reason she felt sad as Evie would tell her about her husband. Wow, this was love was like? Vaelora for a moment, thought about Zonia. But why? Zonia was just a friend that she learned to live with because she was hostile. So it was hard. She was a single mother and then she loved her daughter. So she gave it more thought. She had a mother, and her mother never loved her. She sighed softly as she would just scoot more closer to Evie.

                                                "Is okay..." she smiled "is great to have somebody who look up to you." she nodded "I grew without my family. I was banned for it in a early age, so I ask what is like to be a mom. I'm glad that your child have a mom who loves her so much..."

                                                Vaelora couldn't help it but warp her arms around her. Watching how the smoke would dissapear from view she couldn't help it but smile.

                                                "But that's good, right? We learn, grow strong and we have to keep living. That's what is about, I supposed?"

You people misunderstand me. You call me "Satan" and "devil", but do you know my crime? I loved God too much. And for that, He betrayed me. Punished me. Just as He's punished you.


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"I am very comfortable with conflict,
be it of the legal
mortal kind.
My father was a mediator, a bridge maker.


gritty's Widow

Wheezing Sailor

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::█ Feeling: Happy~
::█ Location: Her apartment
::█ Company: Vaelora
::█ Thoughts: “Chuuuu~”
::█ Outfit: xoxo
::█ OOC: xoxo

Evie looked into Vaelora's eyes, frowning slightly before placing her hand on her head and ruffling her hair. She suddenly flashed a toothy grin to her. "Family isn't always about biology! Related or not, your family are the ones who are always there for you. I'm sure you have that much, at least!"

When Vaelora mentioned the whole you-live-and-you-learn, Evie couldn't help but giggle. Ah, she couldn't help it anymore. Vaelora was so pretty and adorable. She suddenly grabbed Vaelora gently under her chin, tilting her head up to hers and gave her a small kiss on her lips. Evie pulled her head back to look at her, her green eyes glowing as she smiled softly. "I suppose so. Least we get to learn and grow together, no?" Evie said chuckling softly. She suddenly heard a noise in the apartment and it caught her attention.

She stood up as the blanket fell onto Vaelora. Evie peered inside and suddenly a large smile creeped on her face as she waved. "Looks like it's your lucky day~" She looked down, extending her hand to Vaelora. "Wanna meet my little kitten now?"

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A bead of sweat slowly made its way down Aaron’s face, taking it’s time as it fell, and making a few stops along the way. The tension in the room was thick, and it felt like time was standing still. He knew he had messed up, but it was too late. You can’t take back the things that you say, and that’s why Aaron usually just kept to himself. He couldn't believe his own stupidity, but taking a second look at William, he could sense a true rage rising up.

The moment of building tension was gone, and now that it was, Aaron wished it would come back. William was suddenly on top of Aaron, pinning his arms to the chair. William was looking Aaron dead in the eyes, saying things with such intensity and passion. Aaron realized that he had made a crucial error. He forgot that he was speaking to his superior officer. This was no longer the William Pierce he knew from his old days on the force. This was Deputy Commissioner William Pierce, a man who had seen the true underbelly of evil.

He told Aaron that the people they were going to hunt down were real monsters, and that the druggie he beat up was nothing in comparison. With that statement, Aaron began to feel a strange sense of hunger, not in the literal sense of course. The statement built up a need or a want inside of Aaron. He had to track these b*st*rds down.

As William continued his speech, all the fear that Aaron felt slowly turned into respect. This was a man that Aaron could see himself serving under. A man who was willing to push himself emotionally, and push others to feel the same way. That kind of man deserved respect, and Aaron was going to work his a** off to prove himself worthy of such leadership.

It was near the end of William’s speech that he spoke of Diligence. Of course! He must have known that Aaron was training himself to be more diligent. He must have seen his case file, or spoke with his doctor. Why else would he have picked that virtue for Aaron? Or maybe it was just random? Either way Aaron knew what he had to do.

Just as William released Aaron, another man’s voice came from the back of the room. It was Morgan, and he was being his usual witty to the point of being annoying self. William told him to come in, and join them. He quickly, and calmly asked Morgan a question. The control of his emotions was impeccable. “How does he do it?”

Aaron would have to stay back and apologize for his misbehavior once the meeting was over.


It was like Aaron had a new name. He was going to work hard to make sure this new name fit, and that it stuck for good. He made a promise to himself, "I will become Diligence." and knowing Aaron’s history with promises, it was inevitable

>>Mood: Inspired

>>Location: NYPD Main Station

>>Company: William, Abril, Jasper, Alexandria, and Morgan

>>Thoughts: I am DILIGENCE.

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Emmie The Strange



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I decided to go out, so...

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                              ►►►►►XXXXXXXXXX Sam paid for the vodka as he would then bid good-bye to the old man, whom have be nothing to him but nice. Sam left the bar as he could hear his stomach growl, and loudly. How annoying. He barely ate something at Zaphora's house and the worst thing was that he was hungry. He could go to the cafeteria that he used to go when he was living with his adopted father. In Broadway and W 100th Street, he saw the cafeteria and probably it was packed, like always. Metro Dinner... when was the last time Sam came here? As he entered, he couldn't help it but smile since the place was full of people and orders. He would order some food, something heavy since he drank alcohol. And who the ******** ate spaghetti at an early hour? That was why he was kind of desperate to kill the flavor. Probably some scrambled eggs, some heavy black coffee and pancakes with... dear god... his mouth was melting. As he would move faster towards the second floor since it was too crowded downstairs, he managed to find a table where beside him, this girl with white short hair was sitting, and it was hard to see who she was since she had half of her face covered and she was looking towards the other side. She looked kind of familiar, but he wasn't going to budge it.

                              "Good morning sir."
                              the waitress calling to him cheerfully "ready to order, or you need some time?"
                              "Good morning." he looked at her "I would like some pancakes, scrambled eggs, heavy black coffee and probably a sandwich with lettuce and tomato, with eggs, ham and extra cheese?"
                              "Expecting company?" the woman looked at him surprised
                              "Not really. I'm just too hungry."

                              The woman let out a smile as she would take the last notes and leave him. Sam began to play with the pepper and salt little bottles by bumping them together. XXXXXXXXXX◄◄◄◄◄


How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How art thou cut down to the ground, which dids't weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High.


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Morgan Bishop

        Scanning the room, it was a little more intense than Morgan had initially assumed it would be, and it looked like Deputy Commissioner William had Aaron in some kind of death grip or something. William slowly looked up, and made eye contact with Morgan. William calmly released Aaron, straightened his shirt out, and then in the most subdued way a man who was just pinning another man to a chair can, he invited Morgan inside. As Morgan made his way into the room he thought, “What in the hell have I gotten myself into?”

        He quickly found a chair, and placed it in the corner of the room. As he was sitting down William asked him a puzzling question, followed by a much easier one. The first question was something about picking a virtue, and the second request was for Morgan’s name. Morgan was thrown off by the first question, but decided to wing it.

        “Well, my name is Officer Morgan Bishop, and I’m a beat cop whose been working in this department for the last twenty years. I’m just looking to help out here sir.” He gave William a nice smile, and took a deep breathe before moving into his second act. “Now for your second question. I have to be honest, I walked in here late in the discussion, and it’ throwing me for a loop. But, being a religious man, my mind goes straight to the heavenly virtues, and if you’re asking me which virtue best suits me… Well I’ve never thought about that before, lets see.”

        He whispers to himself as he thinks out loud, “Chastity? No, we can cross that one off after middle school. Temperance? I guess the same. I was busy in middle school. Patience? Diligence? Well I have a hard time waiting for Stella to get ready to go out, so those are out. Humility? I can only stand so many jokes made at my expense. I once punched a guy for making fun of my car too much. I know it’s a piece of crap. I don’t need anyone telling me. Kindness? Charity? Those are kind of the same things.”

        He made his way through the list, and decided to let everybody in on his decision. “ I guess I’d chose Kindness or Charity. Or, actually I choose Charity. I love giving back to this community Deputy Commissioner. I love this city, and the people in it. I’ve been all over, trying to give back in anyway I can. In fact, if it wasn’t for the charitable heart of a local cop, I wouldn’t be the man I am today. I pick charity. What do you think boss?” As he finished his speech he presented William with a friendly smile in hopes that he wouldn’t receive the death grip Aaron experienced earlier.

        >>Mood: Confused/Intrigued
        >>Location: NYPD's Main Station
        >>Company: William, Aaron, and other potential teammates
        >>Thoughts: What have I gotten myself into?



        Emmie The Strange


Evolved Master

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Zonia had been waiting for her order about 10 minutes now but all she did as she waited was look at the window and the reflection. Her head was spinning and so was her stomach. Sitting up straight, she carefully dropped her head into the table, drumming her fingers on her lap. What was taking her order so long to get here?

There was an annoying clinging coming from the table in front of her and while her HD were new, she was very picky with noises. Before, as a deaf person, it was kinda like a wonder to hear everything but as she grew, she became to hate noise to make her head crack open, like right now.

Lifting her head, she glared at the person and shouted, not so friendly. "Would you please stop that annoying clinging? Some people actually want to hear nothing but silence over here" She groaned, looking at... the man. Where did she see him before?

+ Damn noise +
↜ At a dinner near Manhattan ↝
⇜ Annoyed ⇝
↚ Outfit: <3



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I decided to go out, so...

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                              ►►►►►XXXXXXXXXX Sam looked at her and she seemed irritated. Was this girl from around here? He could swear that he saw this girl before and at the bar. But in what moment? The girl that he saw with white hair had blood in her face and her hair, so it was hard to remember a girl with white hair this clean. But wait... but that was the girl that he saw last night? All the mess and struggle that Vaelora went through just for her... was her? Nah... forget it. Instead he just made that clinking sound again, and this time harder, looking at her.

                              "Did somebody woke up in the wrong side of the bed today?" he scoffed "me too. So I guess I feel the same."

                              Sam for some reason was bitching at her. He was tired and took a long walk to a cafeterria, just to meet a girl who was going to be bitching at him. Sam took a deep breath as he would run his hands on his face and stare at her. For some strange reason...

                              "You look so familiar. But I won't talk anymore if you're going to b***h at me. We are both hungry, so we can talk later about this."

                              This was the part that Zaphora rarely saw about him. Not a morning sunshine and annoyed when hungry. He forgot to bring his snicker. XXXXXXXXXX◄◄◄◄◄


How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How art thou cut down to the ground, which dids't weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High.


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Evolved Master

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When Zonia heard the man talk, she tried to not think about Morning Star. That voice, it had no comparison. Looking at the man again, clinging again, make her groan, she had to pull her bag, search for a pair of glasses that she knew Michael sneaked in. She couldn't see well in the morning and it was a pain but finally taking them out, Zonia puts them on and blinks the blurry vision away.

Right there, in front of her, the sight of the person she REALLY didn't want right now.

She paled, the color of her face drowning and with a shaky finger, she pointed at the man with the beanie, now realizing the red hair sticking out under it. Red eyes, those annoying red eyes that hunted her dreams like a parasite.

"You... What in the hell are you doing here, MORNING STAR?!" She shouted, feeling dizzy again and shaking. Oh god, oh god, oh god. This was no happening! THIS WAS NOT HAPPENING TO HER RIGHT NOW!

+ No way in hell... WHAT IS MORNING STAR DOING HERE?! +
↜ At a dinner near Manhattan ↝
⇜ Freaking out ⇝
↚ Outfit: <3


gritty's Widow

Wheezing Sailor

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::█ Feeling: Irritated
::█ Location: NYPD Main Station
::█ Company: Some lowly porci [pigs]
::█ Thoughts: "Hm."
::█ OOC: HI MARCO! Hope this is okay for now. Layout will change when I get home.

"Acest lucru ar putea fi rău, domnule." Whispered a fellow companion in Romanian to Marco. Marco sat patiently, legs and arms crossed as his finger tapped on his elbow. "Relaxați-vă, șobolan." Marco started in his low deep voice, the long portion of his hair draped over his shoulder. "Voi avea grijă de asta." As Robert called on the four names, Marco waited patiently in the hallway. This could be bad for the family indeed. Although the station was stocked with the family's little 'șobolani', or, how you say..rats, this could very well have been an issue. Marco did not recall much of the meeting itself, having practically dozed off in the back, but he knew that there were some murders that the NYPD were investigating. Ah. If they only knew the trouble Marco and his family have truly caused.

Robert had mentioned 'Operation Santos', something Marco happened to pick up on. They had taken down a fellow drug cartel operation years ago before Marco's time. It was what made his family flourish--taking down the competition. Ha. The pigs knew nothing of the modern underground. That was made sure of while Marco was around.

He waited for a bit until he became impatient. He stood up tall. Marco was a broad man, standing 6'4 and built thick. His raven black hair long on one side and shortened on the other. "What a drag." He thought to himself. He didn't want to have to do this. He wished he wasn't the son of the Negrescu clan. They relied too much for his liking. But hey, they took care of the man. So he would give back. How charitable he was, he thought.

"Enervez , șobolan . Du-te spune familia de ceea ce ai auzit azi." He said to the man who posed as a policeman as he walked away. Marco walked over slowly and calmly, locating Deputy Commissioner Robert. He softly took a deep breath, getting into his character. With one hand in his black trouser pocket, he waved at Robert with his papers on hand, putting a smile on his face.

"Hello, comrade!" He started as she stopped short in front of him. His accent was thick, however his English was quite good. A little too proper, some have said. He preferred it that way. The way these kids used slang was disgusting to a beautiful language. "Perhaps you could told me.. Is there any chance I can help out? Ach! This case is so terrible it makes my stomach turn to..how you say.. knots? Here are my files. My name is Detective Marco Negrescu, at your service!" He said smiling. Oh, he could feel his blood boil as he masqueraded a nice person. Marco wanted nothing more than to squeeze the life out of his so called 'comrade'. Squeeze him dry so the crimson poured slowly down the halls.

-This could be bad, sir.
-Relax, you rat.
-I'll take care of this.
-piss off, rat. Go tell the family of what you heard today.))


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