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                                          Many wise prophets have said that the world is both infinitely larger and smaller than we could ever imagine. Though it is a paradox, it is certain that countless worlds share commonalities that are imperceptible to all mortal senses. The divine forces that rule these microcosms have molded and shaped them to create vast, disparate histories and environments. Though these worlds are as varied as they are infinite, there will always be heroes and villains to drive their histories. Virtuous, grand heroes will always rise from among the noble and common alike to protect the world from the machinations of despotic villains. The classic battle of good and evil wages no matter what the circumstances or the world.

                                          If only things were that simple.

                                          Though history and popular opinion may paint a victorious woman a saint and a hero, her actions may have been anything but. Similarly, a man who was marked a criminal might have been greatly misunderstood and a champion for his own cause. The essence of humanity is the ever-changing capacity for good and evil, and the spaces between where most people reside. These ever-changing extremes naturally attract the attention and admiration of the divine, and certain souls are thus plucked from the fold of the endless cycle of mortal life in the infinite realms and brought to another location entirely: The Fated Realm and the dominion of the goddesses.

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                                          ♔ ║Your Moderators║ ♛

                                              This roleplay created by its two mods: Priestess of Athena and Satellite O Love. To separate our personal accounts with the business of this rp, official business, profiles, and mod announcements will be done through The Bot of Fate. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at any of these accounts. What we (and the goddesses) say goes, but we are here to make the roleplay as fun for everyone as possible.

                                          ♔ ║Attitude║ ♛

                                              This is a friendly environment for fostering creativity, writing, and friendships. Respect your fellow writers and your mods. Flaming is not tolerated in any public forum. We will not tolerate personal attacks against any writer. If you have a grievance or dispute, please take it to PMs; there is no sense in arguing, especially in public spaces. No matter the argument, keep it civil and do not disrespect each other. If you find you are unable to handle a disagreement between yourself and another rper, do not hesitate to bring in Priestess or SoL.

                                          ♔ ║Posting║ ♛

                                              This goes without saying: Follow the TOS. Violence and romance will happen, but keep it PG-14 or vague.

                                              Another obvious: Godmoding. In the white room, you may write as you like since it is impossible to truly harm one another. Aside from OOC conversations and interactions, controlling another’s character without permission, auto-landing every hit, or dodging every single attack that comes your way are not allowed.

                                              Post Length: We do not require a minimum word count, nor do we have a max because post length can be highly circumstantial. Just try to keep it over two paragraphs, on average, and preferably under 3,000 words per post. If you tend to take longer than a week to write (either due to a desire to write long posts or busy real life), ensure more happens within your post. i.e. - don’t just continue a conversation, finish it and move on.

                                              Post Layout: Your layout does not have to be a work of art, but please have at least a picture of your character in your post. No text below 10pt or colors that are hard to read. If your posts are difficult to read, we may ask you to change your color. We also ask that you include your character’s location, the names of any companions, and an indication of their physical health (HP) and charges (CH) for their powers.

                                              Plotting: We love surprises! It keeps the story interesting and fun. For that purpose, we highly recommend using PMs or private chats as a plotting method. However, remember that nothing is canon until it is in the IC thread.

                                              Edits: Whoever posts first sets the scene. Please be open to improvisation and don’t ask someone to change their post because it conflicts with something you want to do in future posts. The only exceptions to this rule are if a new post conflicts with something already posted, someone has skipped the order to change something, OR if it conflicts with the established rules of the world as determined by the mods.

                                          ♔ ║Death║ ♛

                                              Death is unique in this roleplay because it is usually NOT permanent. Instead, characters go to the White Room until they are revived. Naturally, the characters themselves don’t know this until someone has died and returned.

                                              As a matter of fact, your character is already dead prior to being thrown into the Fated Game. Some of them died in conflicts in their own lives while others were torn from their bodies and are not fully aware that their lives are already over in their home worlds/times. In this rp, you have the unique chance to plan out a whole life for a character and whatever original death you want in the profile. The character’s history will be especially important to plotting and development, so have fun with it!

                                              The goddesses may kill a character without warning (due to inactivity), but otherwise, killing without permission is still godmoding. However we do highly encourage taking advantage of this and having your characters kill one another and experiment with how that affects their relationships.

                                          ♔ ║Activity║ ♛

                                              Ideally, we’d like people to reply to posts within a week, however we understand that is not always possible. As long as the post is out within two weeks, it is acceptable.

                                              HOWEVER, if you have not posted within two weeks - without advanced notice to the mods - your character will be temporarily killed or injured by an annoyed goddess. Their partners will go through a rotation and then the character will be revived as long as you have posted in the ooc declaring your return to active status (no less than two days after the partners' post). Don't forget the psychological damage from dying and being reborn. Deaths in the game are always remembered. Those who are not active by the time their next rotation is up will be replaced with an NPC for the time being. There will be no extensions.

                                              Innacivity and the resultant smiting will negatively affect the rewards your character gets from the challenge, though not your group members. (Excluding emergencies and hiatuses.)

                                              If you miss two posts in a row, or regularly miss posts (OOC and pad chatter does not count) we will remove the character from the roleplay unless you give us a plan to increase your activity, and stick to it.

                                              If you need to go on a hiatus for two weeks or more, notify us. We will come up with a ‘chore’ for the goddesses that your characters will have done during your absence in order to earn powers, and we will bring an NPC into the group so that no one falls behind. This does not mean you can wait until the day before the two weeks are up and then declare your hiatus. A hiatus must be declared either before it is your turn to post or within the first week your post is due.

                                              In the case of multiple inactive writers/groups, we may ask the active writers if they wish to put their current groups on hold and for the time being band together in a new group with their active characters. (Through some goddess intervention of course.)

                                          ♔ ║Applications║ ♛

                                              As the roleplay progresses, we hope you get the chance to explore your character fully, along with the conflicts that come with their group relationships and being reborn in a new world (with new powers). In the case that you and the rest of your group feel you have fully explored the relationships between your characters and don't feel they can grow further, you have the option to 'retire' your 3 characters and start over with one of the unused/closed groups. (Or come up with a custom one!) You will also have the opportunity to have your retired character interact with current characters while they are in the white room, so they are not gone forever. Once we have retired a group, a new group with similar relationships may take its place in the game (i.e. a second "lovers" group would still be about love, but with entirely new characters, a new setting, and perhaps even a different spin on the group's relationships)..

                                              People can currently have two characters max, and must consistently reply within five days to qualify for a second. Current characters must have different brands. The flexible nature of the rp will always allow us to add a new character, especially when you take one out.

                                              Send a PM with a filled out reserve (found in Character Creation section) to The Bot of Fate with the title “The Fated Champion”. Once you have approval, follow the rest of the instructions under the profiles section and have it in within one week. NOTE: Yes, even if you know us personally and we’re like family, we will not accept a reserve unless you actually put that title in the subject line. We still love you, we’re just a little evil.

                                              While the required bit of the profiles is actually rather short, we do realize sometimes life can catch you by surprise. If you absolutely need it, you can ask for a 3 day extension. Should you need more than those 3 days, you may request a 6 day extension instead but you must provide a very valid reason for being unable to finish your profile before that time. If you cannot make it within that time the role will be re-opened. You may re-apply after two days however, before re-applying remember that this roleplay is meant to function ideally at 1 week or less between posts, and there is never more than two weeks given. If you are having trouble finishing a profile in that time, will you be able to get posts up in that time frame?

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                                        ♔ ║The Wager║ ♛

                                            The goddesses had grown bored in their endless centuries of existence, and as they looked for ways to entertain themselves, Nemesis and Elysia made a bet over the true nature of mortals. Nemesis insisted they were truly violent, self-serving creatures at the core while Elysia countered that when it came down to it, the majority could find empathy and strength. Medea did not argue one way or another, but instead asked how they intended to test who knew mortal souls better. For a moment, the other two did not have an answer and let their minds and vision drift into the other universes. In one, Nemesis saw the death of a champion who failed to overcome the challenges set before him by his king and as he lay on the ground with his hand over his bleeding heart, making a plea to his gods. She smiled. And with that, Nemesis and Elysia devised their champions and challenges.

                                            Nemesis and Elysia convinced/forced Medea to take part and the three went to find their champions. Combing through the pasts of many universes, they selected the souls of deceased mortals that performed grand or horrible deeds to be reborn into a universe created by the goddesses. Each mortal is branded with the symbol of the goddess that chose them, burned into their skin, though it only appears when they use their abilities. To compel the mortals, each has been promised one of their greatest desires should they complete the challenges. However, they are also warned that only one brand can win, and Medea's branded must choose either Elysia or Nemesis before the end.

                                        ♔ ║The Goddesses║ ♛

                                            Three beautiful, mysterious women. They have appeared in mortals' mythology, often in varied appearances and always shaping the lives and fates of all in existence. It's not clear how accurate any of the stories are, they certainly act as if they are siblings, and they introduce themselves as 'The Fates'. But they have no interest in divulging their true nature or relationship to mortals, after all, why would the dragon speak to the fly?

                                            They often change their appearance, only keeping their hair color constant to give the mortals some chance to keep up. Nemesis can always be identified by her dark brunette hair and her cold eyes, Elysia by her golden hair and gentler nature, and Medea always has white hair; though she changes her appearance the most, sometimes appearing with cat ears or as a man.

                                        ♔ ║The Challenges║ ♛

                                            The challenges are given by the goddesses, for their champions to overcome. Champions will have to determine how much they trust their teammates, as they are simultaneously working together and competing. While there is certainly an advantage to having a full team, there could also be advantages to getting rid of a dangerous rival...

                                            Challenges will also very greatly: some seem absolutely ridiculous while others are clear matters of life and death. They may have to survive a certain situation or take out a dangerous enemy. Or they could be pitted against a rival team. Anything can happen, really, the only constants will be that the challenges will grow in their difficulty, and the prizes granted by the goddesses will as well. On occasion, a guide may come to lead the champions through a challenge, though they may not be the most pleasant companions.

                                        ♔ ║The Powers║ ♛

                                            Each champion starts their journey with one seed power, a weak and measly power that is downright laughable. However, as they progress, this seed will grow to become a far more powerful ability that will help them survive the challenges that continue to grow tougher. They will also have opportunities to earn additional powers from Goddesses other than the ones that have branded them, and there will be powerful items to be gained as well.

                                            There are three types of powers, each corresponding to the Goddess who grows and strengthen them. Offensive abilities are given by Nemesis, as she has always loved humanity's proclivities toward committing violence. Elysia gives those who please her abilities that can be used to heal or defend, so they may protect their companions, or just themselves. Medea's powers vary greatly and just don't quite fall under either of her sisters' territories - most champions have always thought of hers as "tricks" meant to complicate the challenges or even allow cheating. The three powers can relate, but each must be strictly based on the corresponding goddess.

                                            At the beginning, each ability has 3 charges, and a use (no matter the level) uses up each charge. Every time an ability evolves, it gains an additional charge so that more powerful abilities can be used simultaneously in contrast to having to scrape and save their weaker powers.

                                            Each ability will have a total of 6 levels, with 1-2 being weak, 3-4 being medium, and 5-6 being powerful. One and only one ability can be upgraded a 7th time to reach the exceptional level, so choose wisely!

                                            This is a different concept from most roleplays, so don't worry if you're confused. The Powers FAQ thread is here to help!

                                        ♔ ║The Environments║ ♛

                                            The environments will be as varied and diverse as the goddesses' champions. There may be multiple challenges in one environment, or just one. It will depend on the goddesses' whims. Some environments may be in cities full of modern technology, to the horror of medieval aged champions who've never seen anything more mechanical than a wheel. Others may be complete wilderness and a struggle to survive for those who lived their life full of modern comforts. Characters' survival skills will either hinder or benefit them depending on the environment they are brought to.

                                            At the beginning of each challenge, characters will be brought to the new environment and a full description of the type of environment and any important details will be given, and this can be revisited until the Challenges section. The environments will be partially shaped by the mods and the writers as their characters explore them.

                                        ♔ ║The White Room║ ♛

                                            Known to some as limbo or purgatory, this is where your character's soul gets put by the goddesses until they are brought back to life. A mysterious room of just plain white walls, floor, and ceiling, even the furniture is all white. Character are free to interact with other characters that are in the white room as they wish, including NPCS. Characters may do whatever they like as long as they obey the three rules of the white room:

                                                No sex in the white room. The goddesses will bring the soul of your granny to watch and torture you eternally with the humiliation.

                                                No one can die in the white room. They are already dead, and all wounds vanish as soon as they appear. That being said, that means characters can beat each other as they like without it being godmoding as they will not be harmed or feel significant pain.

                                                What happens in the white room stays in the white room. Upon your character's resurrection, they won't remember the white room or what happened there. Just a hazy memory of being somewhere with the worst interior decorator of all time.

                                            In OOC terms, the White room is a pad meant for IC chatter only. This is a place to do quick conversations as your characters and interactions that may not be possible within the roleplay. Nothing that happens in the white room is canon, and your characters will not know of it within the roleplay. There is no OOC talk allowed either, except for messages notifying afk status or leaving. If your posting fingers are itchy while your character is dead, you are fully welcome to do IC white room posts in the main thread. If no one else is dead at the time, you may request a mod NPC to interact with. The white room is found here:

                                            THE WHITE ROOM

                                        ♔ ║The NPCs║ ♛

                                            There are a variety of NPCs that will appear within the champions adventures. Some will belong solely to one environment and be gone when it disappears, others will make more than one appearance. Some will be Mod only NPCs, such as the goddesses and guides. Others, like the ones in the white room can be player controlled. Writers can also request the mods to bring in and control a specific NPC in cases where a group member is on hiatus or has dropped, and the NPC will fill the spot until a new player character is brought in. They can also request mod-written NPCs for white room interactions if other player characters are not there.

                                        ♔ ║The Guides║ ♛

                                            Guides are NPCs who help the challengers as they play the games (in various ways). They are agents of the goddesses who are bound by duty to provide entertainment or guidance. There are always only nine guides, and the goddesses change them out periodically. Some guides may have connections to champions already in the game. If you would like to make a connection to a "blank" guide (AKA a guide who has "???" listed for his/her world), please PM your mods and make a request. Current guides can also be exchanged for your own character if you no longer wish to use them.

                                        ♔ ║The Worlds║ ♛

                                            Each group of champions comes from their own world, a universe with its own lore and story. Of course, there are some exceptions where one champion may come from another world, or a second group comes from the same world as another (subject to mod approval, but usually allowed). The chronicles of these worlds are found in the World's thread, which can be navigated to at the top of the page. There is also an FAQ to be found there that has useful information for navigating and surviving the goddesses' realms, as well as other tidbits that can prove helpful to writers in embracing all there is to offer within this roleplay.

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                                            If you have any confusion about how the powers work, don't forget about the Powers FAQ Thread. This is also very helpful for creating the reserves, especially if you are confused by what a 'laughable' starting power is.

                                            We accept any race, sexual orientation, and gender identity, and we encourage a wide variety of ages. We will accept faceclaims from a vast array of media, but they need to be illustrations or game renders; no photographs of real people. And as another obvious guideline: no exceedingly famous anime/game/illustrated faceclaims. Though it may be amusing, the goddesses would not choose Batman as one of their champions.

                                            The age of your character’s death before selection by the goddesses MUST be 18 or older. Your character also may appear any age 18 and up, whichever one they most prefer (but they’re also stuck at this age, so choose wisely).

                                            The first person to take a position in a group is free to choose the world the characters come from. Those who follow must have their characters background fit the relation that is described and be from the same world unless the role specifically states otherwise. (Example: a servant and master have closely related backgrounds, but two rivals who meet in battle could be from the same village or rival countries and have completely separate backgrounds; while a character like The Veteran can be from a completely different world than his two teammates.)

                                            Characters can be any species as long as they are mortal, and from any other ‘universe’ you can think of (subject to mod approval. We reserve the right to draw the line at the utterly ridiculous). If they are a non-humanoid species or a were-something, they will be stuck in human form. (It is understandable for them to hate being stuck in such a miserable form.) They can only change back if that is one of their abilities. But if their true form is a fire-breathing dragon the size of a building, don’t count on getting it back in full.

                                            They can also be from a variety of time periods - from the dawn of time to what would be equivalent to our current, modern world. We draw the line there - no one from the far-off future (though you can fudge technology in a current era a bit). That means you can plot with other writers to have relatives or ancestors, if you’re so inclined. Also note that no belongings or technology will be available here unless it’s part of the environment already.

                                            If they are from a universe where they have exceptional powers, they will be stripped of them and given their new seed power (can be based on a previously held power).

                                            Details on currently established universes are in the worlds thread, and lists the characters that are from those. Use this if you want to create a character with connections to current ones.

                                            Stat sheets and inventories are used to track the growth of your character's powers. You'll need to update them as their stats and abilities grow more powerful. If you've ever forgotten though, don't worry, the goddesses keep their own notes and have copies of the current stat sheets and inventories (in the "SEEDS" thread).

                                        ♔ ║Reserve Format║ ♛

                                            Copy and paste the below code into the PM as instructed.

                                            [b]Character Name:[/b] [size=11]{Fill in here}}[/size]
                                            [b]Role of Interest/Preferred Goddess Affiliation:[/b] [size=11]{{Fill in here}}[/size]
                                            [b]Character Snapshot:[/b] [size=11]{{Just write in some particulars in personality or history that you think would catch our interest. If you don’t have a specific role in mind or are on the fence, feel free to propose something new.}}[/size]

                                            [b]Power seed:[/b] [size=11]Describe, ideally, the initial power seed as well as the basic class or types of abilities this seed would evolve into. Remember the lore: laughable then really powerful. If you don’t care/want to let us select one for you, please write “Goddess’ Selection” here. And to state the obvious, yes the power type must match up with your selected goddess.[/size]
                                            [b]Curse:[/b] [size=11]Something that is either permanent or triggered by the environment or an event (ex. Their body dances perfectly against their will whenever music plays). They should be slightly debilitating but they don’t have to be extremely harmful. They are more for the goddesses’ entertainment. Comical is always encouraged [/size]

                                            [b]Faceclaim Image:[/b] [size=11]{{The picture should focus on his/her face and ideally be 500 pixels or larger in length or height. SoL has been driven crazy for years in her attempts to make icons of teeny-tiny, 200 pixel images. Protip: Google image search allows you to filter pictures of a particular faceclaim by size. Pick large!}}[/size]

                                            [b]Relevant RPer Information: [/b][size=11] {{If you’d like, please include how often you think you will be able to post - don’t be afraid to say you think you could only handle 1 time per week at max, we’re always willing to work with you. The information about how quickly you can put a post together in ideal circumstances helps us when dividing groups and placing rpers together. And if you have any reservations about playing with another rper you’ve seen in this rp, or if you really like some other writer’s company, you can also include that here. Managing personalities, friend and foe alike, is a major part of any writer’s group.}}[/size]

                                            [b]Forum Cred:[/b]
                                            [size=11]{{Link to samples or write up two paragraphs of your character doing something in their pre-rp life.}}[/size]

                                        ♔ ║Profile Format║ ♛

                                            Copy and paste the below codes into a profile thread, each as a separate post. PM the link to the mods when you are done.

                                            RETURN TO IC: ♘ ♘ ♘ ♞


                                            [size=18][color=#532b30]♔ ║[/color][url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/barton-town-role-play/champions-of-fate-uc/t.100023831_1/]RETURN TO IC[/url][color=#532b30]║ ♛[/color][/size][/size][/align]

                                            [color=white]FEEL FREE TO CHANGE THIS POST, IT JUST NEEDS TO HAVE A LINK BACK TO THE MAIN THREAD[/color]

                                            PROFILE: ♘ ♘ ♞ ♞


                                            [color=Color1][size=9]THE NAME MY PARENTS BESTOWED UPON ME IS:[/size] [/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=24]FULL NAME HERE[/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]BUT I PREFER TO BE CALLED:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Nickname/alias. Delete if none.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]THE PHYSICAL...[/b][/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtttiii───────────────────────────────────────────[/color][/u][/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]SPECIES:[/size] [/color][color=Color1][i]Species (and race if applicable)[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]SEX:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Biological sex (male, female, hermaphrodite, etc.)[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]AGE:[/size] [/color][color=Color1][i]The age they look/feel in the rp[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]HEIGHT:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Height[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]BODY TYPE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Slim/Curvy/Triangle/Chubby/Muscular/Lanky/etc[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]EYES:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Eye Color[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]HAIR:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Hair Color or Bald, describe their typical style if you like.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]MARKINGS:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Tattos/Scars/Piercings/etc[/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]THE PERSONAL...[/b][/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtti───────────────────────────────────────────[/color][/u][/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]GENDER:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]For cis, trans, agender, genderfluid, etc characters. DELETE IF NON-APPLICABLE[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]SEXUALITY:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Heterosexual/Homosexual/Asexual/Pansexual/Etc. Can include Aromantic and others if applicable[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]PERSONALITY:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Personality, either a short paragraph or bullet at least four key traits.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]CHARACTER FLAW:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Their biggest character weakness (a negative character trait). Can have more than one if you like.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]LIKES:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Optional Section, DELETE IF NOT USED.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]DISLIKES:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Optional Section, DELETE IF NOT USED.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]SANITY LEVEL:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i] Think about your character's mental state. Are they aware they died and have been brought back (possibly younger and without their loved ones)? How are they taking it? How do they feel about the goddesses' promise and those they are competing with? And finally how will they handle the challenges and potentially dying and coming back to life repeatedly? Gauge your character's ability to handle all this.[/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]THE WISH:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Fill in with the answer to the prompt received in response to the reserve. [/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]THE QUALIFICATIONS...[/b][/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtiii───────────────────────────────────────────[/color][/u][/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]GODDESS:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Elysia, Nemesis, or Medea[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]DEATH:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]How they died in life (They don't have to remember within the rp)[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]ROLE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The role being taken. If a custom role, you may make up your own "The _____" title. [/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]BRAND LOCATION:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Where their goddess brand is located. You can have it somewhere conspicuous or obnoxious since it only shows when they are using their new powers. [/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]THE HISTORY...[/b][/color][color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtt───────────────────────────────────────────[/color][/u][/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]BIO:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Bio [You don’t need to pen the next great novel, but please include any major incidents that involve other active rp characters in the bio], Family (surviving or dead), Friends, Enemies. There should be something unusual or interesting that they did in their lives to catch the attention of a goddess. If you’re making a character who has Medea’s brand, their lives may appear mundane, but all Medea’s champions are plotted more closely with the mods than those belonging to Nemesis or Elysia. [/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]WORLD:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Name of the world they are from [/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]CULTURE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]OPTIONAL. The Culture they came from. If your character’s culture is a significant part of their personality and needs to be understood by other writers, please give us a general outline of it here. [/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]RELIGION:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Your character's religion. Optional Section, DELETE IF NOT USED. [/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]PREVIOUS ABILITIES:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]OPTIONAL. If there are abilities they had in life that may be important to the character's emotional state as they go through the challenges. (ie - if they were once a powerful healing mage and a companion gets hurt, the frustration. Or if they used to be a powerful dragon and are now a weak human.) [/i][/color]


                                            STAT SHEET: ♘ ♞ ♞ ♞

                                            [color=Color2][size=24]STAT SHEET [size=12]of[/size] FULL NAME[/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color3]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[/color][list][list][color=Color2][size=9]QUOTE OF 6-12 WORDS THAT REFLECT THEIR BATTLE STYLE[/size] [/color]

                                            ((DELETE THIS WHEN DONE. STR - how hard they hit, SPD - how fast they move, DUR - their ability to withstand being beat on, END - how long they can go before tiring out, INT - battle smarts, how innovative they are in battle. TOTAL PTS = 24, MAX of 6 in any skill. Grey out unused numbers. Ex. strength of 4, 5-10 are greyed out. DELETE THIS WHEN DONE))

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]COMBAT STATS[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]STR:[color=white]ii[/color][/size] [/color] [size=9]❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻[color=grey] ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿[/color][/size]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]SPD:[color=white]ii[/color][/size][/color] [size=9]❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻[color=grey] ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿[/color][/size]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]DUR:[color=white].[/color][/size] [/color][size=9]❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻[color=grey] ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿[/color][/size]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]END:[color=white]ii[/color][/size][/color] [size=9]❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻[color=grey] ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿[/color][/size]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]INT:[color=white]tt[/color][/size][/color] [size=9]❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻[color=grey] ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿[/color][/size]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]THE CURSE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]What curse have they been inflicted with?[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]FIRST SEED POWER:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]name[/i][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1][i]Describe their initial power (not what it will evolve into)[/i][/color][/list][/list]

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]OTHER SKILLS[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]PHYSICAL SKILL:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]One or two physical skills such as swordplay, swimming, horseback riding that they learned during their lifetime. Obviously they will have to find a sword before they can use it… Name the physical skill and put the description in this section [/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]PHYSICAL SKILL:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]If they have two physical skills, put the second here[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]SURVIVAL KNOWLEDGE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]One ability that could help them survive in certain environments (ex. Basic understanding of modern tech would mean they would know how to drive a car or a phone in a modern setting. Campfire skills would mean knowing how to start a fire and set up camp.)[/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]WEAKNESS:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]A battle weakness, not a character weakness. 'not playing well with others' or something that can be overcome does not apply.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]WEAKNESS:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]A battle weakness, not a character weakness. 'not playing well with others' or something that can be overcome does not apply.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]WEAKNESS:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]*OPTIONAL* If there are more weaknesses, additional weaknesses can be things to overcome. (ie - a fear of some sort that may inhibit in battle but they can potentially overcome.) [/i][/color]

                                            [size=9][color=Color2]FIRST POWER :: 3 CHARGES :: SELECT TYPE OFFENSE/DEFENSE/OTHER :: NAME[/color][/size][list]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]THE SEED:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The ability of the power seed[/i][/color][color=white]DO NOT FILL IN EVOLUTIONS UNTIL THE POWER UPGRADES. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF UPGRADE IDEAS, USE THE BOTTOM SECTION. DELETE THIS.[/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FIRST UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power. Don't forget to increase the total number of charges![/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]SECOND UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]THIRD UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FOURTH UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FIFTH UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color][/list]
                                            [size=9][color=Color2]2ND POWER :: 3 CHARGES :: SELECT TYPE OFFENSE/DEFENSE/OTHER:: NAME [/color] [i]LEAVE BLANK AT FIRST- For when they receive a thrid seed power. They will start with 3 charges when they get the initial power and get an additional charge for each upgrade.[/i][/size][list]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]THE SEED:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The ability of the power seed[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FIRST UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]SECOND UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]THIRD UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FOURTH UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FIFTH UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color][/list]
                                            [size=9][color=Color2]3RD POWER :: 3 CHARGES :: SELECT TYPE OFFENSE/DEFENSE/OTHER :: NAME [/color] [i]LEAVE BLANK AT FIRST- For when they receive a thrid seed power. They will start with 3 charges when they get the initial power and get an additional charge for each upgrade.[/i][/size][list]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]THE SEED:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The ability of the power seed[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FIRST UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]SECOND UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]THIRD UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FOURTH UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]FIFTH UPGRADE:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The new growth to their power[/i][/color][/list][/list][/list]
                                            [*] YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE POWER FOR EACH TYPE/GODDESS
                                            [*] SOME UPGRADES CAN BE SACRIFICED FOR A +2 STAT BOOST.
                                            [*] STATS CANNOT BE BOOSTED PAST A TOTAL OF 38 PTS, OR 10 IN ANY STAT
                                            [size=10][*]This is where you can put any ideas for power upgrades your character will get as they progress, so you do not forget them later.
                                            [*]You are not held to anything in this section, and this can be helpful if you want to discuss your upgrade ideas with the mods.
                                            [*]Remember only one ability can be upgraded 7 times.[/size]
                                            [b][u]POWER NAME:[/u][/b][list][list][size=10]1st:

                                            [b][u]POWER NAME:[/u][/b][list][list][size=10]1st:

                                            [b][u]POWER NAME:[/u][/b][list][list][size=10]1st:

                                            INVENTORY: ♞ ♞ ♞ ♞

                                            [color=Color2][size=24]INVENTORY [size=12]of[/size] FULL NAME[/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color3]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[/color][list][list][color=Color2][size=9]QUOTE OF 6-12 WORDS THAT REFLECT WHAT THEY VALUE MOST[/size] [/color]


                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]THE WEAPON[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color2][size=9]WEAPON:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]The weapon they currently are carrying, they start with none but the goddesses shall bless them with one upon a challenge completion. As they progress the weapons can potentially grow more powerful as well. (Bow + arrows count as one, as do throwing knives, dual daggers, etc)[/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]TRINKET:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Items given by the goddesses either during challenges or as a reward for completing them. Benefit goes here, along with physical description if you prefer. It can be named as well. Add slots as needed. You can only gain trinkets from the goddesses (aka a mod post) [/i][/color]

                                            [color=Color2][size=9]MEMENTO:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]Completely optional, these items are useless in helping with the challenges but hold an emotional value to the character. They can be from their previous life or collected during challenges. Must be a realistic carrying size. (Not a giant statue.) Add as desired.[/i][/color]

                                            [b]WEAPON NAME[/b]: DESCRIPTION[/size][/list][/list][/list][/list]

                                        ♔ ║Additions║ ♛

                                            The following sections are optional. However they are highly recommended for having well developed characters.

                                            PROMPTS: ♖ ♖ ♖ ♜

                                            [color=Color2][size=24]PROMPTS [size=12]of[/size] FULL NAME[/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color3]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[/color][list][list][color=Color2][size=9]QUOTE OF 6-12 WORDS THAT REFLECT THEIR VIEW ON LIFE[/size] [/color]


                                            [size=14][color=white]xxxx[/color][/size][color=Color2][size=9][i]{INSERT CHOSEN PROMPT HERE}[/i][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1]An optional section, the prompts are designed to help you really get to know your character and think about how they would react to different situations. There are many options below, but feel free to use your own if you have a favorite. Fill in your reply as you would like in this section. Add more sections as you like.[/color]

                                            [size=14][color=white]xxxx[/color][/size][color=Color2][size=9][i]{INSERT CHOSEN PROMPT HERE}[/i][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1]An optional section, the prompts are designed to help you really get to know your character and think about how they would react to different situations. There are many options below, but feel free to use your own if you have a favorite. Fill in your reply as you would like in this section. Add more sections as you like.[/color]

                                            [size=14][color=white]xxxx[/color][/size][color=Color2][size=9][i]{INSERT CHOSEN PROMPT HERE}[/i][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1]An optional section, the prompts are designed to help you really get to know your character and think about how they would react to different situations. There are many options below, but feel free to use your own if you have a favorite. Fill in your reply as you would like in this section. Add more sections as you like.[/color]


                                            ⋐ Your character finds themselves alone with the person they hate most in the world. Your character have powers and/or a weapon while the enemy is unarmed. Your character could do whatever they want and never get in trouble for it. What do they do?

                                            ⋐ What is the first impression people get from your character? Is it the same in every situation?

                                            ⋐ Your character is given the chance to go back in time and undo their greatest regret, do they do it?

                                            ⋐ Which would your character choose if they could only have one of these four: unlimited wealth, immortality, true love, or unlimited power? And why?

                                            ⋐ How does your character view morality, is it simply black or white or are there some shades of gray?

                                            ⋐ Do the ends justify the means or is evil still evil no matter the reason?

                                            ⋐ What's one tough/traumatizing experience they wouldn't change?

                                            ⋐ Describe a hobby they wish they had have taken up and why.

                                            ⋐ Briefly write an interaction or describe a situation where you legitimately wronged someone important (an emotionally close or useful person). How would you try to explain and/or make it up to them?

                                            ⋐ Describe a scenario where your character has to be the villain. Does he/she enjoy it? How would he/she

                                            ⋐ Ruthless personalities only: what's the one thing your character wouldn't do to meet his/her goal?

                                            ⋐ Secondary character- name someone who had a great influence on your character to a lesser degree than family/a lover/a sworn enemy. Describe the relationship. Do you miss this person ?

                                            ⋐ How does your character view themselves? Physically and in terms of personality?

                                            ⋐ Your character comes across a dropped wallet in the street, and there's no one in sight. It has the name and contact number of the owner, what do they do?

                                            ⋐ What’s the worst thing your character has done in their own opinion?

                                            ⋐ Does your character have a nervous tic? Do they have more than one? Is the tic a dead giveaway while in incognito?

                                            ⋐ Your characters awaken one morning to find out that somehow, their hair color and eye color have switched. How do they react? Do they laugh about it? Or panic?

                                            ⋐ What does your character like the most about themselves? The least?

                                            ⋐ If your character was born in modern day times, how would they dress? Think about the brands, cost, and how much time they put into their appearance.

                                            ⋐ Describe the room your character had in life, was it messy or neat? What could be found in there? How were the objects treated? What was used the most?

                                            ⋐ Your character has found true love and their dream career, but they can't have both. What do they choose?


                                            DEATH DIARY: ♖ ♖ ♜ ♜

                                            [color=Color2][size=24]DEATH DIARY [size=12]of[/size] FULL NAME[/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color3]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[/color][list][list][color=Color2][size=9]QUOTE OF 6-12 WORDS THAT REFLECT THEIR VIEW ON DEATH (BEFORE THESE EVENTS)[/size] [/color]


                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color1]☠[/color][color=Color4][b]DEATH 1[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1][i]An optional section, this is to record each time your character dies and returns to life, and their reactions to each progressive death. Add more as needed.[/i][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]TIME IN THE WHITE ROOM:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]If you want to remember their interactions in the white room, even if they don't.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color1]☠[/color][color=Color4][b]DEATH 2[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1][i]An optional section, this is to record each time your character dies and returns to life, and their reactions to each progressive death. Add more as needed.[/i][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]TIME IN THE WHITE ROOM:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]If you want to remember their interactions in the white room, even if they don't.[/i][/color]
                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color1]☠[/color][color=Color4][b]DEATH 3[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1][i]An optional section, this is to record each time your character dies and returns to life, and their reactions to each progressive death. Add more as needed.[/i][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color2]↪ [size=9]TIME IN THE WHITE ROOM:[/size][/color] [color=Color1][i]If you want to remember their interactions in the white room, even if they don't.[/i][/color]

                                            RELATIONSHIPS: ♖ ♜ ♜ ♜

                                            [size=24]RELATIONSHIPS [size=12]of[/size] FULL NAME[/size]

                                            [size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][b]IN THE CHALLENGES[/b]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][list][list]

                                            [imgleft]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x453/EazyBriezy/Roleplay stuff/Decor/facesize_zpse6byjvur.png[/imgleft] [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=10]NAME:[/size] [size=11][i]{ADD NAME}[/i][/size]

                                            [size=10]AFFECTION: [/size]{insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ATTRACTION:[/size] {insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ROMANCE:[/size] {insert score (found below)}

                                            [size=9]RELATIONSHIP:[/size] [i]{Fill in with blurb about the relationship}[/i]

                                            [imgleft]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x453/EazyBriezy/Roleplay stuff/Decor/facesize_zpse6byjvur.png[/imgleft] [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=10]NAME:[/size] [size=11][i]{ADD NAME}[/i][/size]

                                            [size=10]AFFECTION: [/size]{insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ATTRACTION:[/size] {insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ROMANCE:[/size] {insert score (found below)}

                                            [size=9]RELATIONSHIP:[/size] [i]{Fill in with blurb about the relationship}[/i]

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]FAMILY FROM THE PAST[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/size][/color][list][list]

                                            [imgleft]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x453/EazyBriezy/Roleplay stuff/Decor/facesize_zpse6byjvur.png[/imgleft] [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=10]NAME:[/size] [size=11][i]{ADD NAME}[/i][/size]

                                            [size=10]AFFECTION: [/size]{insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ATTRACTION:[/size] {insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ROMANCE:[/size] {insert score (found below)}

                                            [size=9]RELATIONSHIP:[/size] [i]{Fill in with blurb about the relationship}[/i]

                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]FRIENDS FROM THE PAST[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/size][/color][list][list]

                                            [imgleft]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x453/EazyBriezy/Roleplay stuff/Decor/facesize_zpse6byjvur.png[/imgleft] [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=10]NAME:[/size] [size=11][i]{ADD NAME}[/i][/size]

                                            [size=10]AFFECTION: [/size]{insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ATTRACTION:[/size] {insert score (found below)}[color=white] X [/color][size=10]ROMANCE:[/size] {insert score (found below)}

                                            [size=9]RELATIONSHIP:[/size] [i]{Fill in with blurb about the relationship}[/i]

                                            [b]AFFECTION SCORES:[/b][list]
                                            ☯ - Completely passive

                                            [color=#BE81F7]✿[/color] - You're alright
                                            [color=#BE81F7]✿✿[/color] - Kinda like you
                                            [color=#BE81F7]✿✿✿ [/color]- We're friends
                                            [color=#BE81F7]✿✿✿✿[/color] - I trust you completely
                                            [color=#BE81F7]✿✿✿✿✿[/color] - BEST FRIEND EVER

                                            [color=#B40404]☠[/color] - I don't like your face
                                            [color=#B40404]☠☠ [/color]- You irk me
                                            [color=#B40404]☠☠☠[/color] - I hate being near you
                                            [color=#B40404]☠☠☠☠[/color] - Can you please die for good?
                                            [color=#B40404]☠☠☠☠☠[/color] - I AM GOING TO KILL YOU
                                            [b]ATTRACTION SCORES:[/b][list]
                                            [color=#FA5858]⚡ [/color]- You're not painful to look at
                                            [color=#FA5858]⚡⚡[/color] - Alright looking
                                            [color=#FA5858]⚡⚡⚡[/color] - You're getting there
                                            [color=#FA5858]⚡⚡⚡⚡[/color] - Is it hot in here?
                                            [color=#FA5858]⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡[/color] - I can't control myself around you!

                                            [u]Aesthetic (non-sexual):[/i]
                                            [color=#10a17f]✦[/color]- Interesting, like a Picasso
                                            [color=#10a17f]✦✦[/color]- I would pick you out of a crowd
                                            [color=#10a17f]✦✦✦[/color]- Beautiful
                                            [color=#10a17f]✦✦✦✦[/color]- My Muse
                                            [color=#10a17f]✦✦✦✦✦[/color]- Reverent Beauty

                                            [u]Not Attracted:[/u]
                                            [color=#A9E2F3]❄[/color] - You don't do anything for me
                                            [color=#A9E2F3]❄❄[/color] - Ummm... No
                                            [color=#A9E2F3]❄❄❄[/color] - It's not me, it's your face.
                                            [color=#A9E2F3]❄❄❄❄[/color] - Please just... a mask maybe?
                                            [color=#A9E2F3]❄❄❄❄❄[/color] - AAGH MY EYES.
                                            [b]ROMANCE SCORES:[/b][list]
                                            [color=#F5A9D0]❤ [/color]- Slight crush
                                            [color=#F5A9D0]❤❤[/color] - Happy when you're around
                                            [color=#F5A9D0]❤❤❤[/color] - I really care for you
                                            [color=#F5A9D0]❤❤❤❤[/color] - I love you
                                            [color=#F5A9D0]❤❤❤❤❤[/color] - Love of my life[/list]

                                            MEMOIRS: ♜ ♜ ♜ ♜

                                            [color=Color2][size=24]MEMOIRS [size=12]of[/size] FULL NAME[/size][/color]
                                            [color=Color3]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[/color][list][list][color=Color2][size=9]QUOTE OF 6-12 WORDS THAT REFLECT THEIR FEELINGS ON THE MEMORY[/size] [/color]


                                            [color=Color3][size=14][u][color=white]xxxx[/color][color=Color4][b]Once I was Alive[/b][/color]┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉┉⋱⋱⋱[/u][/color]
                                            [size=14][color=white]xxxx[/color][/size][color=Color2][size=9][i]A long, long time ago...[/i][/size][/color][list][list]
                                            [color=Color1]Use this post to detail a memory that you feel are important to your character. (Mainly pre-death.) As the story progresses, also feel free to copy and paste this post this to record favorite moments.[/color]


                                            LINK TO PRE-MADE RELATIONSHIP ICONS

                                            WARNING: The Goddesses (and their humble mod servants) evaluate profiles far more strictly than any other part of the roleplay, in order to head off any powers that are too strong for a starting point or characters that are too one dimensional. Expect questions unless you know what we are looking for. These will not be a denial of your profile, but just adjustments and/or a clarification of your character idea.

User Image
User Image

                                          ♔ ║The Lovers ║ ♛

                                              The emotion central to this group is romantic love with a tantalizing hint of obligation, which tickled Elysia's fancy. What better than to reunite two separated lovers? To reconcile those whose bonds were cruelly rent asunder by a violent history? Of course, this brings to mind the question of what is "true love" to begin with? Is it adolescent, hormonal stirrings that cast one's beloved in an overtly optimistic light or the long, arduous unification of two lives with the cooler mind of a jaded adult?

                                              WORLD: Deorum


                                              The Lost: She died young, her innocence intact and her love for her paramour crystallized in both of their memories. She has been brought back just as she was before her untimely death to reunite with her lover - though she doesn't quite realize that he was forced to move on with his life after her demise. Taken by Priestess of Athena and under the domain of MEDEA

                                              The Torn: The man who lived. He fell in love with The Lost much against the wishes of both their clans and though he attempted to take his life alongside his lady love, his attempt didn't take. Though it irrevocably marred his sanity, he continued to live on to meet a new lover who became the wife and mother of his children. Taken by Satellite O Love and under the domain of NEMESIS

                                              The Partner: The woman who eventually married The Torn. Her personality and relationship with The Torn are completely up to the rper. This role does not have a ton of structure so as not to corral anyone into being a particular kind of character. If you have any questions, please pm Satellite O Love or Priestess of Athena. Taken by Amore Rosea and under the domain of ELYSIA

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                                          ♔ ║The Justice ║ ♛

                                              Nemesis was tasked with choosing the basis for the second group and she, naturally, wished to begin a bloody tale of revenge. Two of this trio are well-acquainted, though only through war. Their bloody feud led to the death of the first party, while the killer got to claim the spoils. The only mystery is the third member of this team, who is wholly unknown but even more world weary than the legendary warriors he/she now accompanies.

                                              BELLICOSE/CONDEMNED WORLD: Greek mythology
                                              VETERAN WORLD:
                                              Earth, WWII, Netherlands


                                              The Bellicose: The vengeful party, to be blunt. The person who was killed in battle by his/her rival. Taken by Grrr the Gur and under the domain of NEMESIS

                                              The Condemned: The man or woman who killed The Bellicose and claimed the ultimate victory. This individual is condemned to suffer the wrath of his/her worst enemy who is armed with the knowledge of this act. Taken by Chilled Chai Tea and under the domain of ELYSIA

                                              The Veteran: A man or woman who isn't associated with either member of his/her party. In truth, this individual has been through the never-ending Game before, but has been promised an end to his/her torment if only he/she will keep quiet about the secrets of said Game. Taken by Magical Girl Kippy and under the domain of NEMESIS

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                                          ♔ ║The Fool║ ♛

                                              It was Medea's turn to choose and she took her time to decide, much to the irritation of her sisters. She was determined to step away from the topics her sisters had chosen to focus on. Finally she decided upon a battle of cat and mouse, plucking out a trio who were tied together in a game of wit and intrigue rather than carnage or love.

                                              WORLD: Earth, 1980's/1990's. Boston.


                                              The Criminal: A mastermind of how to break the rules and get away with it, they lived their life finding the law beneath them and the wallets of the rich needing some forceful emptying. Still they were careful to never cause any lethal damage of any kind, they did not respect the law but they respected the right to live. Taken by Dangerosa and under the domain of MEDEA

                                              The Detective: To them the law was what separated man from the animals, and society could not exist without it. They dedicated their life to capturing the criminal but was never quite able to catch them.Taken by IILovelyAmarathII and under the domain of ELYSIA

                                              The Amateur: Determined to make a name for themselves, they attempted to force their way into the detective's investigation and catch the criminal. They constantly got in the detective's business and bent the law in order to further their hunt. However they began to love the game more than serving the law, and found their loyalty coming under question. Before they could fully decide what side they were really on, their life was lost.Reserved by Yllin and under the domain of ELYSIA

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                                          ♔ ║The Devil ║ ♛

                                              Medea, when given yet another chance to choose a theme, decided to take her turn after a rousing game of "boulder, papyrus, dagger" with her sisters. She decided she wanted a slightly larger group of champions and she wanted to explore the macabre struggle of monster and man in a world filled with despair. To put it a bit more clinically, she was interested in a food chain of sentient beings and how they would react upon being put on the same level.

                                              WORLD: Trigger


                                              The Predator: This individual was a member of the "monster" species (the Garou) that ruled the world in the wake of human subjugation. He/she could be the at the top of the social order, or simply a non-entity in his/her own culture who wanted to live a normal life.This role is open in terms of gender and under the domain of either ELYSIA or NEMESIS

                                              The Insurgent: This man or woman could have been a number of things: a human rebel, a half-breed, or even a "monster" intent on changing the social order. What defined them was the element of dissatisfaction and the desire for change.Taken by Lady Tarien and under the domain of ELYSIA

                                              The Prey: The Garou could only subsist on human lives for nutrients, thus they needed plenty of human victims for their own survival. This individual was food in the end, but he/she was distinctive in some way: a human rare enough to be considered a delicious delicacy, or perhaps one too dangerous to be anything but a predator's meal. The possibilities go on. He/she would have known the broker because he was the one who sold them off and brought about their death. Taken by Amore Rosea and under the domain of NEMESIS

                                              The Broker: A human raised within the same breeding and brokering system that became his occupation. When his clever mind, non-threatening body, and personal proclivities came to light, he was selected as a "Broker" of delicacies (young children, teenagers, rare specimens) in the yearly hunts and given some measure of freedom. His occupation was thought to be the worst kind of betrayal and he was utterly hated by any freedom-seeking human. Taken by Satellite O Love and under the domain of MEDEA

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                                              These groups will only be opened should there be enough interest in more roles after the open groups are filled, or if people have finished their current groups' story.

                                          ♔ ║The Hanged Man ║ ♛

                                              A group that embodies the exact traits that Elysia wants to prove rule mortal lives, this group hinges on self sacrifice for another and what happens to the survivors.


                                              The Sacrifice: In a violent war, the sacrifice gave their life to save the survivor and ensure the mission succeeded. This role is open completely in terms of gender and goddess

                                              The Survivor: The survivor made it out of the mission, but without their comrade and best friend the Sacrifce. They had to live the rest of their lives with the guilt of how the Sacrifice died. This role is open completely in terms of gender and goddess

                                              The Commander: The leader of both the Sacrifice and the Survivor, they are the one who ordered them on the mission that took the Sacrifice's life This role is open completely in terms of gender and goddess

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                                          ♔ ║The Hierophant ║ ♛

                                              Religions have always entertained Nemesis, especially when they lead to violence between different groups. This group tests if humans can overcome their conflicts in fate. For added entertainment, the goddesses originally present themselves as gods of either religion.


                                              The Zealot: This mortal devoted their life to the main religion of the land, and rose to be a powerful figure among its church. They personally led the movement to stamp out those who dared to hold another religion in their hearts. This role is open completely in terms of gender and goddess

                                              The Heathen: Believing the main religion to be wrong, this individual worked to spread a different religion to the people. Personally taking a position as a figurehead in its development, he became a martyr due to his death at the hand of the main religion. The Zealot did not directly deliver his end, but he is largely responsible for the hate that caused it. This role is open completely in terms of gender and goddess

                                              The Agnostic: They kept their head down and did what they needed to live along side those that practiced the Zealot's religion, but never held the faith. They never believed that a higher power existed... until now.. This role is open completely in terms of gender and goddess

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                                          ♔ ║The Judgement ║ ♛

                                              For her next group, Medea really wanted to step outside the box. Rather than choosing from mortals, she chose from what the Three Goddesses call 'greater mortals'. Powerful beings that thought themselves gods in their own universes who had met their ends, she wanted to see how they would react to learning that even mightier gods exist; as well as being reduced to mortal powers. She chose three deceased 'gods' that represented very different aspects of humanities' beliefs.


                                              The War: This god(dess) represented war to his worshipers, known for reveling in blood and violence they must come to terms with no longer claiming the title the most powerful being. This role is open in terms of gender and under the domain of NEMISIS

                                              The Peace: Known for rewarding those who chose love over war, this god(dess) will have to see if they can hold to that higher belief in the face of mortal adversity. This role is open in terms of gender and under the domain of ELYSIA

                                              The Trickster: This god(dess) was always known for enjoying their immortal life and believing in the idea that play was more important than work. They often passed the time by playing tricks upon their fellow gods. An easier view when one thinks they are immortal and powerful.This role is open in terms of gender and under the domain of MEDEA

                                              NOTE: The Judgement is for those who post replies within a week or less ONLY. Please do not apply unless you a serious about that commitment. Writers who do not maintain the weekly posting rate will have their characters removed from this trio.

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                                          ♔ ║The Emperor║ ♛

                                              Though originally Medea's turn to choose another group, she gave up her turn and left it between Elysia and Nemesis. After claiming victory, Nemesis decided the third group would also be centered around a sort of vengeance, but not nearly as grand as the second individuals picked by the three goddesses. This group consists of a master and his/her servants, all long-dead. The master was treated like a god from the moment of his/her birth and so regarded the lives of those in servitude as trivial at best. In his/her lifetime, the first servant was put to death for a slight (or a crime they didn't commit, this is up to the writer). The second servant was a close friend of the first, but did nothing to stop this injustice and instead lived the rest of his/her life faithfully serving the master.


                                              The Aristocrat: The former master. Arrogant and believed him/herself to be above all others, especially servants.This role is completely open in terms of gender and goddess

                                              The Drudge: A spirited former servant who unfortunately suffered a wrongful death. Bears resentment toward The Aristocrat and The Witness. This role is completely open in terms of gender and goddess

                                              The Witness: A man or woman who was well aware of the unlawful, cruel torture and death of his/her friend, but still decided to keep their mouth shut.This role is completely open in terms of gender and goddess

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                                          ♔ ║The Wheel of Fortune║ ♛

                                              Elysia’s thoughts turned to family and legacy when it was once again her turn to choose a group of champions. She searched long and hard through the infinite universes at her disposal until she found the right “tale.” These three champions are all blood related but are separated by long spans of time. The sainted ancestor established the family name with his or her heroic deeds, but many generations later, an utter disappointment of a descendant ruined the family name to the point that – farther into the future, the last descendant only regards his or her family ties with shame and revulsion.


                                              The Ancestor: The man or woman who established the family line and earned incredible amounts of respect from his or her peers. Whether or not they were a good person is up to debate (as the victors write history), but regardless of personal traits, this person is practically a saint in family mythology.This role is completely open in terms of gender and goddess.

                                              The Scorned:An individual who managed to tarnish the family name and reputation. He or she has a reputation in complete contrast to the original ancestor, but they also never got the chance to tell their side of the story. This role is completely open in terms of gender and goddess.

                                              The Descendant: The final link in this family chain. He or she is many years removed from the worlds either of his/her descendants lived and fought in, but the deeds attached to the Scorned are what follow the Descendant in their current society. His/her name is mud.This role is completely open in terms of gender and goddess.

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                                          ♔ ║CHALLENGE #║ ♛

                                              ♘ ║NAME║ ♜

                                              ♘ ║THE ENVIRONMENT║ ♜

                                              ♘ ║THE RULES║ ♜
                                              ANY UNUSUAL RULES FOR THE CHALLENGE

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                                          ♔ ║CHALLENGE #║ ♛

                                              ♘ ║NAME║ ♜

                                              ♘ ║THE ENVIRONMENT║ ♜

                                              ♘ ║THE RULES║ ♜
                                              ANY UNUSUAL RULES FOR THE CHALLENGE

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                                          ♔ ║Active NPCS║ ♛

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                                              xxxxCurrent Group/Location:






                                          ♔ ║Inactive NPCS║ ♛

                                          ♔ ║The Guides║ ♛

                                              Unlike the other NPCs, these ones do not appear when requested. They only appear when their mistresses, the goddesses, order it. Their job is to assist the champions in understanding their task, especially when they start out or when the challenge is particularly difficult. However don't mistake being ordered to help as them actually caring.

                                              The Guides (positions nicknamed for the Greek muses) are actually Champions who have been re-purposed by the goddesses to help in the games. Though it may not be apparent from the start, some of these men and women might be intimately familiar to the participants of the games...

                                          ♔ ║ELYSIA'S GUIDES║ ♛
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                                          ♔ ║NEMESIS' GUIDES║ ♛
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                                          ♔ ║MEDEA'S GUIDES║ ♛
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