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Welcome to Angels Vs. Demons 3.


This is a Semi-Literate RP, so please post anything out of charecter in brackets (( )).


In the beginning of this glorious war two leaders savagly killed one another to gain an upperhand and soon many joined the epic battle. Either the demons won and shrouded the earth into enturnal darkness or the angels made one final last stand to save earth from their grasp. Although it wasn't their last stand for either group. It lasted more than a million years, though sometimes both sides were power hungry causing them to lose ruler after ruler. One battle actually destroyed an entire forest afterwards. And now it still continues with fresh souls to fight or old. No matter how long this epic war will continue though now its a battle between good and evil...not as the war started out to be. Which seems good, but really isn't. Which side will you choose?

Note: for People who were in Angels Vs. Demons 2- This is a few years after that time.
Also, you can change your charecter if you want to.


This is relatively in the past, an alternate time line due to the Angels and Demons climatic finish to their war. The end of the war obliterated both standing armies including many, many humans caught in the crossfire meaning that there are not fancy guns, robotics, etc. every one is rebuilding with the equivalent of slightly superior world war 2 technology.

/The Area/

Note: All of the areas are surrounded by mountains.

Kakariko Valley- In the middle of the mountanous borderlines the Neutral areas are. This is possible by the valley within the mountains. Many small towns can be found in the valley, which are mostly populated by humans. Current Neutral Leader: Silver_Flare304
Tarkus Forest- An area of dense forest, occupied by demons of all kinds. In this forest all the trees are gnarled, and all look alike, making it very easy to get lost. Very little light shines through the branches of the trees, so it almost always looks like night time, the most amount of light that shines through the leaves is at night time. For some reason, moonlight makes the leaves semi-transparent. This forest also has small oasis's, with beautiful medows and clear blue rivers and a few lakes, which is located deep within the forest, looking very out of place, and are rare to come by. Current Demon Leader:delyhalofax
Deltora- This angelic area begins at a coastline and continues on for a few miles away from the mainland. Within the ocean contains 4 islands, which all have a jungle like landscape. Current Angel Leader: Pcgamerguy

Here are the Angels Vs. Demons 3 Banners:

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-no goku kinda people(in otherwords no destroying mass amounts of area with one attack)
-no god moddling
-semi-romance as in pg 13
-cursing, but keep it to a minimum
-you are not allowed to put too big of pics in here
-you cannot destroy any towns at all.
-also you must have an account more than one month or show you have good rping skills, im not asking for literate, but atleast put some effort in it
-If you start argueing, please take it to the pm's
-If you do not follow the rules, there will be one warning, then full banning.


Age: (or what age you look like)
weapons: (keep it to four or less)
bio: optional)
history: optional
appearence: (picture or describe it, just don't put avi)
side: (angel/demon/neutral/against demon and angel)

((if you wish to be a leader of either angels or demons please put an IC paragraph or longer and me and remi(demongirl24) will descide if its good enough to be the leader of which ever you wish to be))

Banned: flare104(i think thats his right username lol)revvu something another lol

((i mightive missed some stuff, but im rushing it a bit lol...))
Name: Lavitz DragonFang
Affiliation: Somewhere in between good and evil, tends to go either way though
Age: unknown
Age to the human eye: 17 (does not age anymore from age 17)
Gender: male
Race: dragon/angelic hybrid

Birthplace: Two beings fused together in a dense forest away from all civilization. Although there is a burnt down house which seemed to be his. It seemed there was two lights one of red color and the other pure white that enveloped the area around them for 40 meters in radius was gone after the light disappeared leaving a smoldering body in the middle of the carnage.

Appearance: Lavitz's skin is somewhat tanned from being outdoors in the sun most his life. His hair never was cut in his life so no wonder it was down to his mid-back. although it never grew from there, also his hair was a crimsom red and sometimes it could be seen totally pitch black aswell. His eyes were blue with a bloodred circle in the center of his iris. And with a built body, although not very big muscles to slow his speed. Yet he seems to have more strength than his muscles show he has. He has one wing on his left side was a pitch black dragon wing, while on his right side was an angel wing.

He wears a pitch black cloak over everything with an added hood concealing his face almost completly, except for the lower part of his face, just under his nose down. Under this he has a black shirt with cut off sleeves, also a red lined dragon head infront and on his back is a wolf head seeming to be howling at the moon. He also wears baggy pants that are dark blue with no special things on them. One item of special value he wears is his dog tags from his human father. He has two studded wrist bands that are black one for both wrists. He has shoes made for high grip, with two strips of red on the all black shoes. His attire may be a bit gothic, but he is far from it. He wears two belts that one seems to just hang on him that hold the two sheaths on his waist. Both sheaths are jet black marble. His cloak is weighted for obvious reasons. A third belt that was black with one stripe of red going down the middle, the belt was placed diagonally on his body going up and over his left shoulder and under his right arm holding his black marble sheath like the others.
Special Powers/Magic Abilities/Skills:
For powers he has pyrotechnique abilities aswell as darkness & light, pyor he leanred to use, but light & darkness he doesn't even know he has. He also learned how to increase his speed which is why he wears high grip shoes so to reduce his skidding incase of fights. He has sword fighting skills aswell as balance. Though is still mastering his sword fighting skills even though he is very good, or he believes he needs to get better either way. He rarely uses other magic, but is known to have some healing powers(comes from light power. his darkness & light he will only use it once he knows he actually has it, but along the way it activates either in dire times or on accident. He is learning more though about it everytime it activates. Due to his dark & light abilities when he gets to control his dark power he could easily teleport through shadows of any kind and also do teh same for darkness aswell. Also the more he learns and controls of either powers the more different abilities he can use.


His main weapons are his three swords all have with the same fine finished hilt. The swords he sheaths on his waist are two twin katanas, in which the one sheathed on his back was more of a long-sword quality. All having a dragon serpent wrapping around the hilt and at the end of the hilt was a wolf head. Other weapons he uses aren't used very long. His katana's are jet black from the tip of his blade to the end of his hilt. While the long-sword is bloodred through and the hilt is jet black. He got these weapons from the age of 10, though not the one with the crimsom red blade. he would only get it after a while and they seem to be unbreakable(if allowed to be unbreakable). Also two wings could be seen on the long-sword with a red blade, but one was of a dragon and the other was of a angelic wing. As for the reason for the wolf head is because the dragon part of him had a wolf demon side, which the angelic who fused into him sent that part of his soul into the blood red bladed sword.

History/how is village was destroyed:
He first was seen in a village having a mother and father around the age of 35 - 40 though some wild fire took place and burnt the village to the ground, though some say it was him who started it.

The truth was that he was fighting some demon. Without him knowing he let out a fury of flames that seemed to be very hot melting the very demon to nothing or close to it. Though in doing so he set a flame of the buildings and what was worse the buildings were closely built meaning it spread with ease through the wooden houses.

When he came to he was in the middle of burnt houses and ash. His parents or so they taught they were, were dead aslong with many villagers. The ones alive ran him out of town no matter how many times he pleaded them or said it wasn't him. Which hence that day forward he was a wondering soul of hate and darkness. Though many along his way changed his soul, but still held that hate.

Personality: Being a loner for most his life he keeps to himself and for an odd reason only reveals his name to ones he trusts. He seems to be hateful, but is seen to have kindness to those who need it or those he trusts. Even stranger is he hates revealing his face to even anyone. He has been very cocky and sarcastic alnog the ways, and it seems curious by nature. Though only asks needed questions. Although after he trusts a person he tends to be open minded more.

Additional Information:

He was first a wolf demon/dragon, but now since an angelic fused with him his wolf side was sent away, into a sword that was hidden from everyone and sealed in it forever. He would have to find that sword, but even if he did his wolf side would never be apart of him again.
Name: Remi
Gender: Female
Race: Wolf Demon
Age: Appears to be in her later teens
Weapons: http://knightsedge.com/swords/german-landsknecht-flamberge-sword.htm
History: Was banned from her clan when she was young. She traveled alone for a few years, training along the way. She finnaly stopped traveling and made her home in a cave behind a waterfall. Many events happened in the following years, one important event happened a few years prior to this date: Remi met Talom (Marcus) a ninetails who had ben in the war. She found him, and they developed a very close relationship. Talom became the Emporer of the Ninetails, and Remi became his mate..
Appearence: Remi has short blue hair, which covers her right eye. She usually wears a blue sleevless shirt and black halfmoon earings, and also wears gloves (like on my avatar), baggy black pants that are held up by a black belt with a silver buckle.

Excitable Trickster

Name: Senari Kamishi
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race:Human/Wolf demon
Weapon: Tetsuiga
Height: 5'6 ft.
Weight: 125
Attitude: I'm not much of a people-person, I usually have an attitude problem towards others. But manily I'm a smart mouthed, stubborn girl who won't back down out of anything. A real handfull huh? neutral xp Basically a Girl version of Inuyasha
Her parents were brutaliy mudered and she believes angels are the ones who commited the crime so Now she's out for revenge.
Aperance (s)
This is what I look like when I'm disguised as a human
Demon appearance #1
Demon Forum #2
This is what I normally look like, (only I have a body of a woman dur)

When I have my cloka on I'll look like this:
((I declare Angels Vs. Demons 3 now open ^_^))
name: Markesh
gender: Male
race: Human
Age sad or what age you look like) 17
weapons: Swords
bio surprised ptional)
history: A demon raised him when he was just a child after his parents abandoned him. He has a metal band around his upper arm on the left side. It shows that he is a slave to all the demons and must do their bidding until his time is up. He only has 3 more years of slavery to endure.
appearence: Dark eyes that burn red inside. His hair is pale blonde and he is 5'9 He wears mostly all black. The demon band around his arm calls him to help any nearby demon that may need him.
name: Markesh
gender: Male
race: Human
Age sad or what age you look like) 17
weapons: Swords
bio surprised ptional)
history: A demon raised him when he was just a child after his parents abandoned him. He has a metal band around his upper arm on the left side. It shows that he is a slave to all the demons and must do their bidding until his time is up. He only has 3 more years of slavery to endure.
appearence: Dark eyes that burn red inside. His hair is pale blonde and he is 5'9 He wears mostly all black. The demon band around his arm calls him to help any nearby demon that may need him.
((Welcome to AVD3, please do not start RPing yet, I'd like a few more people to submit their profiles first 3nodding ))
((bumb ninja ))
name: Markesh
gender: Male
race: Human
Age sad or what age you look like) 17
weapons: Swords
bio surprised ptional)
history: A demon raised him when he was just a child after his parents abandoned him. He has a metal band around his upper arm on the left side. It shows that he is a slave to all the demons and must do their bidding until his time is up. He only has 3 more years of slavery to endure.
appearence: Dark eyes that burn red inside. His hair is pale blonde and he is 5'9 He wears mostly all black. The demon band around his arm calls him to help any nearby demon that may need him.
((Welcome to AVD3, please do not start RPing yet, I'd like a few more people to submit their profiles first 3nodding ))

Sure thing! xd
name: Markesh
gender: Male
race: Human
Age sad or what age you look like) 17
weapons: Swords
bio surprised ptional)
history: A demon raised him when he was just a child after his parents abandoned him. He has a metal band around his upper arm on the left side. It shows that he is a slave to all the demons and must do their bidding until his time is up. He only has 3 more years of slavery to endure.
appearence: Dark eyes that burn red inside. His hair is pale blonde and he is 5'9 He wears mostly all black. The demon band around his arm calls him to help any nearby demon that may need him.
((Welcome to AVD3, please do not start RPing yet, I'd like a few more people to submit their profiles first 3nodding ))

Sure thing! xd
((Never mind, you can start RPing if you want to 3nodding ))
Will stumbed through the woods dizzily. He felt like he was lost and yet he knew he was going in the right direction. The forest was confusing there was hardly any light ... it didn't matter though. When he did jobs for demons and they were pleased with them (which was rare) they sometimes gave him a gift. One had been the gift of seeing in any light. Or none for that matter. Another demon however had punished him and taked away his colour. He could only see in black and white. He could see whisps of colour around people but that was their aura nothing was substantial. The darkness pressed on his eyes as though angry he could still see. He stumbled onward looking for a clearing of some kind that he could spend the night in.
Name: Avar
Gender: Female
Race: Half demon, half elf
Age: Appears to around the age of 21
Weapons: Devil's Whisper sword, cards, sorcery
History: She never really had an easy childhood. At a young age, she was forced to leave her elven village, and was left to die on the streets. Found by Sheng Guo, a powerful teacher of the dark arts, Avar went into an extensive training. After several years, she was finally ready to wander the world on her own.
Appearence: Please click the link in my sig. for a picture.
Side: Neutral
Serenity Koji


Currently changed to a vampire.

Looks about 17

Now, a simple dagger. Nothing special about it.

Serenity has a tendancy to, unfortunatly, loose her memory often. Who knows why? It just happens.

She doesn't speak of it much

User Image


Amaya Hamano


Ice Demon

Twin daggers and a katana

Make the tempature drop suddenly, shapeshift, control over ice, water and snow.

She doesn't like to talk about it much

Has a pet marten that usually stays on ehr sholder but wanders off at night to hunt (If you've read Inkheart then you know what I'm talking about. My marten is somewhat like Gwin but not completly.)

User Image
Her Regular form

User Image
Her Demonic form

name: Jayzen Lucifer
gender: Guy
race: Wolf Demon
Age: Looks 20. Real age unknown
weapons: A sword named Kuro-Kawa, or "dark river", twin short swords (Muteki "Invincible" and Shuukou "Supreme" wink , and a knife hidden in his pouch.
bio: Nothing is known except that when he fights, he fights with anger and never takes any prisoners. Known to the demons and Saikyo, Unstoppable Force.
history: Learned how to swing a sword propeprly when he was ten. There is no information about his real family, for Jayzen Lucifer may be an alias, but the Lucifers before him were known was a ruthless family. He was an oddball in training, always staying one step ahead of his sparring partner. He was the best of the best, but when he disapeared, he was thought to have gone after something that was too much for him, like a full grown dragon. When he suddenly appeared again, and showing how much he had improved, he was praised as a hero of Demons.
appearence: Long black hair that reaches the bottom of his neck and coveres his ears. His eyes are blood red and cut through you like knives. He is clothed in a black long jacket that falls down to his knees. Beneath that are black pants and a black sleeveless shirt. On the right side of his belt, which was nothing more than a black peice of cloth, hung Kuro-Kawa and on the back of it hung his twin short swords. His dagger laid in a pouch on the left of his belt which was concealed to look like a money bag.

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