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Friendly Lunatic

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Name: Issac Henry
Nicknames/Aliases: Gunny, Colt
Age: 32
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Karma: Urban Ranger
Job: Former Regulator and Bounty Hunter, Currently Jobless and looking for work
Home: Where ever he sleeps
Secret: None
Origin: Los Angeles, California

Primary Trait: Perception
Secondary Trait: Agility
Perk 1: See Twice As Far
Perk 2: Danger Sense
Perk 3: Running Doesn't Effect Aim

Height & Weight: 6' 2", 193 lbs.
Hair: Chocolate Brownxxxx Skin: Tanxxxx Eyes: Icy Blue
Description: Issac is scarecrow of a man. Tall, thin, and skeleton like. Unlike a scarecrow however, he has a bit more meat on his bones. Issac isn't a frightening looking man, but he definitely an intimidating looking man. He's well built and quick on his feet. One thing is certain though, he is very fast with his fingers. He could shoot a Nuka-A-Cola cap out of the sky blindfolded, that's an exaggeration of course but he's one hell of a shot. He has a gruff softness about him. He's always one to light up a cigarette regardless of the situation. Not to mention he always has a pack of playing cards in his pocket and is always ready to gamble. Call it a bit of a habit.

- Mind his own business
- Do good when possible
- Keep alive
Favourite Colour: Black or Red xxxx Favourite Food: Wasteland Omelette or a Deathclaw Omelette when possible xxxx Favourite Activity: Gambling when possible. When he can't find someone to play a game of Blackjack with then he can be seen playing his guitar.
Description: Issac has always been a bit outspoken and lord knows it's gotten him in trouble. He's always been one to speak his mind and isn't afraid to tell someone their wrong. He isn't one to be cheated either, if he thinks you've cheated he'll show just the reason why he's the best with a revolver. He's a bit of a ladies man as well, or at least he thinks he is. One things for sure about him though, he absolutely hates whores and he get's touchy about his past. Especially when it comes to his parents.

Write-up: Issac was born a b*****d. Period. His mother was a whore at a local bar. His father was a member of the NCR. His father disappeared and his mother didn't care about him. He was raised in a bar with gamblers, drinkers, and gunslingers galore. Needless to say, you learn to be quick on your feet when your raised in a bar. Issac learned how to gamble and fell in love with Blackjack. He could walk in with 30 caps and walk out with 300 caps no problem. Hell, if it weren't for the bar, he wouldn't have become a survivor and a gunslinger. He lived in Los Angeles for a good 16 years of his life. He roamed the wastes, putting sorry Raiders out of their misery, hunting down his father, and helping those that needed it. From there, he was recruited by the Regulators and rode with them for another 11 years. Thanks to them, he got a sense of right and wrong and also managed to discover where his father is. Thanks finding his info, he left the regulators and began chasing his father down, finding him in Springfield. Issac sat down and talked to his father, needless to say, things got heated and it ended with a bullet in between his eyes. Thanks to the years, his father had become respected. Needless to say, the NCR was pissed off and are looking to put him down. After that, he found himself on the run, meeting people, stumbling into various adventures, and of course, killing every raider he came across.



  • A hunting knife
  • His fists

Explosives: None
Armour: A Reinforced Leather Jacket
Apparel: Merc Adventurer Outfit
Accessories: Black Cowboy Hat and a Bandanna
Chems: None
Other Gear: Custom Lighter, Bedroll, A Guitar, Playing Cards, Dice, Cigarette Pack, Messenger Pack, Canteen, 20 5.56 Rounds, 100 .45-70 Govt. Rounds

Friendly Lunatic

User Image
                                                Name: Jody
                                                Nicknames/Aliases: Foxy Fera
                                                Age: Twenty-one
                                                Race: Wastelander
                                                Gender: Female

                                                Karma: To the public she's a witty entertainer, and card player.
                                                Job: Entertainer
                                                Home: With Luce
                                                Secret: Worked as a slave for a large portion of her life, and as a drug dealer and gambler after purchasing her own freedom.
                                                Origin: Washington D.C.

                                                Primary Trait: Charisma
                                                Secondary Trait: Luck
                                                Perk 1: Smoothtalker
                                                Perk 2: Allure
                                                Perk 3: Fortune's Chosen

                                                Height & Weight: 5'6" - 125 lbs
                                                Hair: Red/orangexxxx Skin: Mediumxxxx Eyes: Amber
                                                Description: Jody takes great pride in her beauty. Having grown up in an environment where her looks were all that got her by, she'd learned tricks of the trade to make herself look as appealing as possible in a dingy world. Long, flowing orange hair is commonly left down to flow in the wind. Although the woman is young, she wears her make up in such a way so as to age herself just a few years to appear more mature. Her voice has a mature tone to accompany her look from exercise as a singer. Jody has faint amber eyes which commonly enhances her seductive stare.

                                                Goals: To relive the joy of performing to a full audience.
                                                Favourite Colour: Yellowxxxx Favourite Food: Ant queen pheromonesxxxx Favourite Activity: Singing/Gambling
                                                Description: The young lady isn't modest in the slightest and loves the attention of the opposite sex. She commonly gives people pet names and rarely remembers them by their real names. The woman is a witty one with a silver tongue who loves to play men like fiddles. She's since toned down her behavior since arriving in Falls Creek so as not to cause trouble whilst trying to stay out of the spotlight. Alas... She misses the stage and seems to be a glutton for attention. She usually sings to herself nowadays rather than putting on performances. Most of her income is from making caps through playing cards. Some of her success comes from luck, some from skill, and some from sleight of hand.

                                                Write-up: Jody didn't have an easy life growing up. But who can honestly say they did anyway? Jody is was born in Washington D.C. her mother died at birth, and her father was a drunk and a junkie. Most of her childhood was spent scavenging for food for herself and her father for fear of physical consequences if she failed to provide for the two of them. At the age of eleven, Jody was sold off into slavery by her scumbag father. The man who had purchased her went by the name Icksley. Although her father found little worth in his child, and sold her off without a second thought for a few extra chems and caps. The dirt and mud was washed from her calloused skin and dull hair and upon cleaning the girl up more, Icksley realized he had found more than just a simple servant girl, he'd found a ruby in the rough. The girl was named "Fera," a name which evolved into "Foxy Fera" as she matured.

                                                It was made very clear to her, if she opposed her orders she would be beaten, raped, or killed (whichever Icksley and his men fancied at the time); but if she did as she was told, even a slave could go places. Jody was taught to dance, sing, deal cards, and serve Icksley and his men. Her upbringing by her father made her very compliant and capable of following orders, and her thievery made her quick with her hands. As travelers came through Icksley's compound for slave trade and other business, Jody began cheating at the poker tables in favor of Icksley's men. Despite being a slave, and rough beginnings, the young girl had actually begun to like the life she lived. Jody was away from her abusive father, she lived with reasonable accommodations, was fed, clothed, and even spoiled by the men. Fera had become an attraction for travelers, she would sing and dance to bring in caps, stashing away tips here and there when she could slip it by without being noticed. At nineteen Jody paid for her own freedom and surprisingly decided to STAY with Icksley and his men. Rather than being a slave, she became a member of the gang. Jody kept the name she had been given, she stopped serving and dealing cards, and began dealing drugs and gambling.

                                                The life of a "bad guy" is a slippery slope, her beauty and skill began to go to her head. Through her arrogance, the girl slipped up during a very dangerous and expensive poker game. The men at the table hadn't noticed, but an onlooker had. The call-out turned into a shoot-out, a blood bath.The events that night was mostly a blur to Jody, everything happened so fast, although she could not tell you step by step how she had escaped, the last thing she remembered was running from the compound as it was burning to the ground behind her. As much as she wanted to return in hopes of saving Icksley she chose to run instead. Hoping the destruction will bring an end to the story of Foxy Fera, Jody found a small travelling merchant, who she paid to allow her to tag along until she found herself in Falls Creek. She'd told the man she was attempting to visit a relative with the intention of paying someone off in the town upon her arrival to pose as her family. Luce had been the first person Jody met upon her arrival. She told the woman a fabricated story of her "escape" from slavery and offered to pay the woman to pose as her aunt.

                                                Jody's story according to the folk of Falls Creek: Jody came to live with her Aunt Luce after her father passed away. Jody is from Washington D.C. That's about it.

                                                Ranged: 10mm Pistol
                                                Melee: Switchblade
                                                Explosives: None
                                                Armour: None
                                                Apparel: Typical wear, Alternate Grey dress
                                                Accessories: Yellow scarf
                                                Chems: Private stash: Grape Mentats (x10), Jet (x3), psycho (x2), Stimpaks (x5), Radaway (x4), Buffout (x5)
                                                Other Gear: Deck of cards

Friendly Lunatic

Name: Bethany Lucille Capet
Nicknames/Aliases: Luce
Age: 45
Race: Human-Vault Dweller
Gender: Female

Karma: Most people can't believe she's considered a seasoned veteran and view her as the town's "aunt". She is supposedly a cheerful, yet oblivious woman who seem to be unaware if a person is insulting her.
Job: Freelancer/Scouter
Home: A small little shack close to the entrance of the town
Secret: Slaver History
Origin: Vault 32/Hawley/Pennsylvania

Primary Trait: Perception
Secondary Trait: Luck
Perk 1: Danger Sense
Perk 2: See Twice as Far
Perk 3: Fortune Chosen

5'6 and who knows, it's impolite to ask a lady this question!
Hair: Black/Greying xxxx Skin: Tan xxxx Eyes:Amber
Description: A relatively tall woman with a lithe figure, she is still fit in her middle age. She has dark black hair tied up in a short pony tail with traces of graying of course. She could be considered pretty in a sense that she always seem to have a cheerful look. A light scar graces her cheek and some laugh lines surround her mouth. She dresses to prepare for any danger, but she is known for the jacket and hat she always wear making her look like those old ranchers before the Great War.

Goals: Survival really.
Favourite Colour: Crimsonxxxx Favourite Food: Dandy Boy Apples, Brahmin Steak xxxx Favourite Activity: Playing cards and chatting with the youngsters of her town.
Description: Most people would have not believed that Luce was a seasoned veteran, they only see a friendly middle-aged woman most akin to the town's "aunt" with a rather cheerful attitude in these dark days. While most people of her age and skill would be insulted by any youngster that insult her, rudeness don't really faze Luce. Though she intentionally ignore those who act rudely to her with a rather wry, but cheerful remark, some believe she is too oblivious to understand. Luce is, however, experienced in all aspects of life and this cause her to have a cautious nature. She is levelheaded, calm, and she's never the type to get angry over petty matters. She vehemently follows the belief that some fights are better left alone and would declare this is the reason why she is still alive. Luce chastens the young people for being brash though if they don't follow her advice, she would shrug her shoulders and wryly comment that she suppose they can't help it, she was a wild one too in her younger years.

Luce has a love of pressing her luck and is known to play cards every night. She doesn't enjoy gambling as she feels guilty when someone put down their prized possession for some thrill. Luck is her friend as she espouses that the only reason she's alive is because she knows when to run and friendly with Lady Luck.

Born in the great state of Pennsylvania, Bethany Lucille Capet was born in the relative safety of Vault 32. However, the resources become limited from overpopulation, the people decided to come up to the wasteland where they established a small little town which they named Hawley in honor of their Overseer. The young Capet was sixteen when this happened and a large portion of the population died in the early years of the established settlement. Though the Wasteland was far different then Vault-Life, there were many aspects of the Vault that were preserved in this relatively new town. From the daily indoctrination, to schools, and even the exams, the young Bethany took the GOAT and found herself with a career in the town's small militia. She learned discipline, she learned drills, and she learned how to shoot the standard rifle. The militia leader described the young Capet as an arrogant girl who liked to talk big.

Though the town was steadily growing and was relatively safe from raiders, there seems to be possible trouble for this settlement since several town around the area have been scouted. In fear that they will be attacked for resources, Hawley allied themselves with a small group of ill-equipped slavers. With promises of a huge cut of profit and slaves, Hawley's small little militia and the slavers ambushed Hawthorne, Middleburg, Muncy and New Ringgold. Bethany took part and bragged that she took ten men down. This led to the inclusion of slavers to Hawley and a business venture started. While Hawley's inhabitants explained this was for their own survival, their business became slave-trading and was the one of the biggest slaver town in the Commonwealth.

The one who did the most slaving was the feared militia and Bethany had her shares of laying waste to small little towns and villages. Arrogant to a fault, she justified her actions with the belief that the waste was relatively unkind and only the strong could survive. She rose in ranks of the militia with leading her own little group. An excellent shot with a cool nerve, it seems that her life was made for the military. However, as she got older and the slaving business become more and more profitable and brutal, her views started to change as she witnessed gruesome displays of torture for rebellious slaves. Tension was brewing as well between the helots and their masters, one that would lead to bloodshed.

One night when Bethany was twenty five, a group of rebellious slaves and other towns which feared Hawley's impending approach made the first strike. The battles were long and horrifying, and out of miraculous events the rebels won. Hawley was burnt to the ground and thus started a long hunt for remaining slavers. Bethany survived one of the battle, deserted and started her long journey north. Realizing she would be hunted, she started to use her middle name as her alias and kept silent of where she come from as she made her long pilgrimage up north. Her journey was long and without any food and water, she came to believe this was punishment for her arrogant ways. She survived, however, and thus started a new chapter in her life.

Luce, as she goes by now, joined up with several mercenary groups to earn caps or took freelancing jobs. She refused to take any jobs that would lead her down south to the remains of Hawsley or anything to do with slave-trades. When people asked her about her travels and various jobs: she would vaguely mention a small militia, some mercenary works, a guard for a traveling caravan, a bounty hunter, and a hustler at bars. As she got older, she caught a virus that caused irregular heartbeats which severely limited her chance to continue her wandering ways. Her attacks would leave her incapacitated and could lead to death. Aware of her own mortality and limitations, she no longer wanted t seek thrills in the Wasteland and looked for a small town to settle down in. She came across Falls Creek and found a little skirmish with raiders. Luce came and chipped in to help. However at the end, her heart started to have one of its attack and found herself resting in the town. However, her one week stay turned to months and then to years as she become well known to be considered the "Veteran".

She is quite happy to be at the small little mining town as her heart condition seem to have gotten better and she was relatively enjoying the peacefulness. However, she is still plagued with her history catching up to her, but she pushes it to the back of her mind. Falls Creek is basically the middle of nowhere.

Ranged: Hunting Rifle, .32 pistol
Melee: Combat Knife
Explosives: None
Armour: Leather Armor
Apparel: A worn Leather Jacket and a Rattan Cowboy Hat
Chems: Her heart condition make it impossible to use drugs.
Other Gear: Her Pipboy

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