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                                                        ALAINA xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx FORGET-ME-NOT-VALLEY
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Mark, and Muffy

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Bartender

                                                                        Age ;; x 24

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Winter 5th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Ruby

                                                                        Likes ;; x Red yarn, tulips, roses, garnet, Gerbera

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Mushroom soup, roasted mushrooms, mushroom rice, mushroom spaghetti, mushroom pie

                                                                        Hate ;; x Poison mushroom

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  On the surface, Alaina seems to be a pleasant and laid back sort of girl. She's always got a smile on her face, and is happy to strike up conversations with complete strangers. She acts like she's known everybody all her life, and seems comfortable around everyone she meets. She's a bit of a flirt as well, although it's always harmless, and she knows when to back off if she thinks she's making somebody uncomfortable.

                                                                                  Deep down though, Alaina is a very secretive person. She keeps a grin on her face so that others won't worry about her, or try to pry into her life. She likes to be the shoulder people cry on, but gets uncomfortable when people offer her the same kindness. She wants to be everyone's friend, without actually letting people close enough to hurt her. Trying to get Alaina to talk about her true feelings is like pulling teeth.

                                                                                  She shrugs off and brushes away all inquiries about how she's feeling, and typically passes over the subject with a joke. She doesn't like to let others see her upset, so it's easy to see why so many people think Alaina is just perpetually happy. That's not to say she's miserable, and most of the time she is genuinely in a good mood, but she bottles up all negative emotions and thoughts until she's alone.

                                                                                  Although she's very friendly, and wants people to like her, she actually very rarely likes people back. She keeps everyone at a distance, because she thinks most relationships are fleeting, and there isn't any real point in making close friends.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Alaina was born in Forget-Me-Not-Valley, where she lived on the farm for most of her life. She quite liked life there, and as a child she spent countless hours running around making a mess as she explored the town. Her mother worked at a bar in town, and even as a child Alaina would sometimes follow her mother to work, and spend the night behind the counter, drawing pictures or playing with toys she had brought.

                                                                                  On days when the bar wasn't busy, Alaina's mother would tell stories about how she had met Alaina's father, and how it had taken her many tries before she had finally met the guy for her. Alaina quite liked these stories, and she grew up daydreaming about one day meeting the perfect person too.

                                                                                  As she got older, Alaina, like most kids, started to get curious about life outside her small hometown. She had rather unrealistic plans to go to the big city and become a musician, and would 'practice' performances at the bar her mom worked at whenever she was allowed to do so. She learned to play the guitar, and had hoped that once she was old enough to leave, that she'd be able to make it big.

                                                                                  She left home the moment she turned 18. Her father was more upset than her mother was. Her mom held her and said she was proud of her, and wished her luck. Her dad cried, but tried to pretend he wasn't, and told her she could return home whenever she needed to. Alaina said goodbye to her parents, and her other relatives, and headed for the city.

                                                                                  It didn't work out well. She got a few jobs in bars, but was never able to keep a job for long. She'd grow restless, thinking she ought to be performing somewhere, not serving drinks. She tried dating too, hoping that she'd meet her special someone. In return, she got her heart broken a few times. After awhile, she couldn't believe her mom had continued trying to date, even after all her failed relationships. It was exhausting. Eventually, Alaina gave up.

                                                                                  Although she had returned to the valley often for visits during her time away from home, she didn't return for good until she was 23. She felt defeated by the world, and although her parents welcomed her home with open arms, she was embarrassed that she was living with them again. Recently, she got a letter in the mail offering her a life in a new town...It still wasn't her dream, but at least she would be on her own again, with a steady job.

                                                                            Paleblood Sky
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                                                        WINONA xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx CASTANET ISLAND
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Molly, and Gill

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Tailor

                                                                        Age ;; x 20

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Fall 1st

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Blue rose

                                                                        Likes ;; x Red roses, pink roses, white roses, sunflowers, tulips

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x grape cocktails, apple cocktails, blueberry cocktails, blackberry cocktails, raspberry cocktails

                                                                        Hate ;; x Yam cocktails

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Winona is a very, very shy girl. People make her incredibly nervous, and she always stumbles over her words and freezes up when she's in a crowd. She is terrified of large groups of people, and won't hesitate to run away when she's feeling overwhelmed. Even small one on one interactions make breathing difficult, or make her palms sweat. Winona sees herself as a very awkward and embarrassing person, and this low self image just makes her fear of people even worse.

                                                                                  She eventually found away around this. Most people would have a difficult time being able to tell Winona is so shy...Because she puts up a front of being very, very rude. Winona discovered that being mean makes people not want to be around her, obviously. She's quick to insult people now, and never seems to have anything nice to say to anyone.

                                                                                  It's all an act to keep people away from her. Winona occasionally feels bad that she's hurting feelings, but she knows its the fastest way to make people leave. When someone won't go away, she acts irritated. She scoffs at them, rolls her eyes, snaps a few cruel comments their way, and hopes they get so tired of her that they finally leave.

                                                                                  Because of this behavior, most people are completely unaware that Winona's as shy as she is. Everyone just assumes she's a crabby jerk.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Winona was born and raised on Castanet Island. She lived on a farm with her mother, father, and all of her mother's siblings and their family. Needless to say, things got pretty crowded. Yet, she didn't mind, at first.

                                                                                  Winona spent much of her life in that small town, where she grew up knowing everybody by name. Everyone was family, in a way. She felt safe wandering through town by herself, and talking to all of the nice adults. Everyone was so kind to her.

                                                                                  She took an interest in sewing when she was at a young age. She started out by just messing around with some yarn her mother had given her, but she found knitting and tying knots into it to be enjoyable. Her mother then pointed her in the direction of the tailor's place, where she could buy her own supplies with her allowance, and continue learning.

                                                                                  Winona started making her own clothes. As a kid they were a little shabby, but she refused to wear anything she hadn't made herself. Her father used to sigh, and stare at the box of unworn, fancy clothes he had purchased her, but he never got angry with her choices. As she got older though, her skills grew, as did the elaborateness of her clothing. She even created a vest for her father to wear, and by that point she was good enough that he would proudly wear it to work.

                                                                                  Winona eventually decided she wanted to make a career out of making clothing. It was her grandfather, the mayor, who paid for her to go to a fancy school far away from the island. She got a going away party, and left the island with high hopes for her future.

                                                                                  Arriving in the city, and seeing how big it was, had really shocked her. There so many people...It was her first time really being around strangers. She hated it. She had never felt so scared before. People were rude, and pushy, and just everywhere. She tried her hardest to stay in school, and even learned a few techniques to keep people away from her...But in the end, she couldn't keep going.

                                                                                  She returned home after only a year away. She felt ashamed of herself, and that attitude she had developed in the city stuck around. Winona became much more intolerant of the presence of others, and began snapping at just about everyone she knew who tried to strike up a conversation with her. She's been living at home ever since, and hadn't intended on leaving, even when she received the letter. She had a long talk with her mom and dad about it, but eventually, they convinced her to try going out on her own again.

                                                                            Paleblood Sky
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                                                        SOREN xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx ECHO TOWN
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Hart, and Iroha

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Inn Employee

                                                                        Age ;; x 23

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Winter 3rd

                                                                        Gender ;; x Male

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Chirashi Sushi

                                                                        Likes ;; x Flan, Orange, Cafe Mocha, Honey Tea, Orichalcum

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Pineapple Cake, Yogurt and Yogurt related items, Fish Bones, Blue Rose, Boiled Lotus Root

                                                                        Hate ;; x Cheesecake

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Soren is an introvert, through and through. He would much rather spend a night inside, reading his book while curled up on the couch, rather than going to the bar to socialize. Most mistake his introversion as shyness, which is fine with Soren, so long as they understand he enjoys spending most of his free time alone. He's made the mistake of trying to explain what introversion meant, but instead he was just labelled a loner and rejected in groups.

                                                                                  Soren is a very relaxed kind of guy, rarely will anything cause him to stress out or get on his nerves. He learned how to stay calm in stressful situations from both his father and mother, who rarely ever lashed out at him. Being so laid - back has lead many people to think that Soren is a boring person, not that he'd argue with them. That would be pointless. People will think what they want, and Soren isn't the type to care what others think of him.

                                                                                  However, if they took the time to get to know Soren, they'd find out that he's actually pretty sarcastic and enjoys teasing others. Something about making people flustered just strikes Soren as hilarious. He never means to offend or harm anyone with his sarcasm and teasing tone, so once he realizes that he's hurt someone, he will go to the end of the earth to make it up to them.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Born and raised in Echo Town, Soren led a rather uneventful life compared to his father, who revived the town to its former glory alongside his sister. At his birth, the town was thriving with new villagers and new opportunities. Hart and Iroha were content with the future they had built for their son.

                                                                                  Even after his birth, Iroha continued to be the towns blacksmith, taking Soren with her to work when he wasn't attending school or helping his father out with the farm. Despite his mother's love for forging weapons and tools, Soren found no joy in the job, but he did what he could to help around the shop. The young child also enjoyed giving minerals and materials to his mother, knowing how much she liked them. His favorite ore is Orichalcum because of how it looks and of the fact that his mother enjoyed the ore as well.

                                                                                  Sometime in his late childhood, the family of three decided to take a trip to Land of East, an island similar to Iroha's home town. It was here that Soren realized how much he loved sushi and traveling. After they returned home, all Soren would want for dinner was Iroha's Chirashi sushi. Hart was pleased to see his boy's growing appetite, and chanted for Iroha's Chirashi sushi alongside Soren on a nightly basis.

                                                                                  Soren continued to live his life with his parents throughout school, taking a job at Hossan's Inn. Even though he's an introvert, Soren loved his job at the Inn. It was here that Soren got to talk to travelers from all over the world, inspiring him to save his money up so that he could travel. As soon as he had a pocketful of cash, Soren took the next plane out of Echo Town and began his travels. His parents respected their eighteen-year-old's decision and encouraged him.

                                                                                  Soren spent five years traveling, but one day found himself back in Echo Town. A letter addressed to him about helping restore a town, much like his father did when he first moved to Echo Town. Naturally Soren took the offer, it was another chance to travel, but this time, he had a place with his name on it.

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                                                        OSAME xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx ECHO TOWN
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Rio, and Neil

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Rancher

                                                                        Age ;; x Twenty-six

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Summer 20th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Male

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Deep-Fried Catfish

                                                                        Likes ;; x Sandrose, Honey Shake, Royal Jelly, Stir Fried Udon, Peach

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Cucumber, Chocolate or chocolate related items, weed, poison mushroom, Boiled Lotus Root

                                                                        Hate ;; x Sea Urchin Rice Bowl

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Osame is much like his adopted father, Neil. Since he was adopted at such a young age, Osame took after him rather than his mother. A tall fellow, Osame has a rather mean-looking and intimidating appearance. Due to this, he has little social skills. He wants to make friends with others, but they are too afraid to talk to him personally. Customers grab what they need from the ranch store and high tail it out of the shop quickly finishing their purchases.

                                                                                  Despite that unfriendly air he puts out, Osame is actually very caring. Since animals do not run away from him when he approaches, he feels safe and contented around them. When he is doing his work tending to animals, he almost seems peaceful with his situation. Tender emotion can be seen while he is working with the animals as he will put on a smile when he sees how much livestock are enjoying themselves.

                                                                                  Osame has very few people that he opens up to. Those people understand that he is not the frightening person he appears to be on the outside.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Osame and the rest of his family are not related. He is adopted and has been part of the family since he was two years old. It is evident now when people look at pictures of Osame's family that he is adopted due to his darkened, bronze skin and piercing yellow eyes. When Osame was adopted, his parents had already worked to revitalize the town. They had told him many times before that it was all thanks to his mother, Rio, and her brother, Hart, that the town came to be so prosperous.

                                                                                  While Rio attended to the farm and helped continue the town to prosper, it was Neil who did most of the child rearing. Taking the young boy with him to work, Osame came to love the animals that Neil worked with. His father had spoken about how animals understood people better than other people. They would always be there to listen when humans wouldn't be. Inspired by his father's words, Osame went with him every day to work and raise animals.

                                                                                  As time passed, Osame grew older. He continued to help his father out with the family business in raising animals. Some of the ones that were raised by Osame became prize winners when they were bought! This brought more joy to Osame's life when he could give people animals that would not only be prize winners, but companions to them as well.

                                                                                  It was one year that Osame received a letter addressed to him. Intrigued, he opened the letter to read that it was invitation to help revitalize another town, similar to what his mother and uncle had done years ago. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity, he took the offer and headed off to Bellflower Village.

                                                                            Awkward Hug
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                                                        DANTE xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx FORGET-ME-NOT VALLEY
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Jill, and Skye

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Winery Owner

                                                                        Age ;; x 25

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Fall 10th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Male

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Ultimate Curry

                                                                        Likes ;; x Peach Juice, Grape Wine, Croquette, Pot-Au-Feu, Kimchi

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Burnt Dishes, Curry Bread, Sardines, Turnip, Mitten Crap Soup

                                                                        Hate ;; x Pink Diamond

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  From first appearances, Dante can either be friendly or flat out unapproachable because he’s oh-so β€˜cool’. However, he’s an eccentric man, who likes to strike up a conversation, whether it’s about the weather or about you in particular. He’s a bit of an intellectual, and seems to be curious about the world. He’s the type who will easily say β€˜Yes’ to going out for an adventure or a date in the middle of the day and putting up a close sign in front of his place. On the other hand, the man knows when to prioritize his responsibilities. If something needs to be done, he’ll get things done first.

                                                                                  Of course, regardless of his carefree attitude, behind that sweet smile can be a malicious one. Dante is a manipulative man, who can flirt and talk his way into using someone. He’s the type who can throw them away just as easily, and won’t crack under the pressure as well. However, Dante’s a bit of an open book, and certain people can see through his little faΓ§ade. He’s actually terrible at expressing his real feelings when it comes to love, and gets really hurt when he’s rejected or left alone.

                                                                                  People who know him tend to see his little act as a way to boost his confidence, seeing that his father has his own reputation as a playboy and thief, while Dante is simply a β€˜second generation’, living off of what his father established. He’s quite cynical, and confides in a small handful of people when he needs help. However, Dante is loyal and reliable to those sorts of people, showing that he will help and protect them when they need it.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Raised up in Forget-Me-Not valley with his Uncle’s family, Dante had lived a childhood like any other…Well, mostly. He was a child who was curious about the world, outside the valley, especially since he often loved to roam around seeking out something new. His mother, Jill, had remarked that he was like his father, although Dante had wondered…What exactly did his father do? Dante never really saw him work, other than do some odd jobs around the farm whenever his mother had gotten sick. Most of his childhood memories between him and his father was spending quality time with the guy, nothing terrible.

                                                                                  Well, until one night, in particular, when Dante, happened to wake up, and see his parents talking to each other at the front door, before seeing his father leaving, not returning until the crack of dawn. Always curious about his father’s so-called β€˜profession’, Dante had ended up trying to stay up, only sleeping before he could. Eventually, the young boy wanted to give up, eventually finding his father’s old calling cards that was addressed to his mother, stashed away. At first, Dante wanted to question his father…Why was he a thief? Why did his mother even marry him? The curiosity really got to him.

                                                                                  When Dante had gotten old enough, he managed to sneak out of his home, shortly after his father had left. Right when he confronted him, his father casually smiled at him, apparently β€˜happy’ to see him. Skye had wanted to tell him about his occupation as the infamous β€˜Phantom Skye’, but obviously, he found out on his own. The two made a promise to never tell Jill about their little β€˜adventures’ at night. Skye had begun secretly training his son to take over his legacy, allowing him to perform heists using his name, making sure that other villages and towns knew that Skye was still β€˜around’.

                                                                                  Compared to his father, Dante had stolen far greater things, and sold it behind his parents’ backs. He was making a fortune, wanting to retire early and live a luxurious life outside of this valley. Of course, he couldn’t simply just wander off somewhere. He wanted to find something he actually liked, and spent time in various places in the valley, wondering what he should do with himself. Finally, Dante had spent some time with his aunt, Muffy at the bar, where he was curious about the various drinks that she worked with. It was then that Dante wanted to work with wine.

                                                                                  With some permission and a recommendation from his aunt’s boss, the twenty-two year Dante went to Mineral Town to work at the Winery while still living with his folks. He found the job enjoyable, learning the trade from the owner for the next few years. But, by the time he was ready to really set out on his own, Dante had received a letter, seeking help for restoring a town. He thought of it as an opportunity: With money saved up, and things he learned, he was prepared.

                                                                            MiiSS HACHiiKO
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                                                        ARIA xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx KONOHANA
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Lilian, and Mikhail.

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Librarian

                                                                        Age ;; x 24

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Spring 25th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Fruit Parfait

                                                                        Likes ;; x Spring Tea, Trifle, Pink Rose, Mixed Smoothie, Fruit Yogurt

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Beer, Anything Pickled, Sea Urchin, Snowdrop, Eel

                                                                        Hate ;; x Any Beetle

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Aria grew up knowing exactly what she wanted out of life and that is reflected in her personality. She is self assured to the point of overconfidence. Never second guessing herself and not letting any failures hold her back, she is always striving towards what she wants. Most people think its because she is just that driven, but to those who know her closely know the truth. She's a sore loser. Sure, she doesn't mind being beaten by someone who deserves it, but Aria cannot stand trying something and not succeeding at it. To the point she will obsess over whatever she wants to do until she can master it.

                                                                                  In addition to her confidence, Aria tends to be very straightforward. Blunt might even be a better word. While she doesn't mean to be rude she can definitely come off that way. She dislikes having to dance around a subject or go easy on people, and resents it when people act this way around her as it makes her feel like a kid. This developed after moving away from Konohana and into the city. It was then she realized just how soft everyone in her town had been with her.

                                                                                  Aria loves to show off, not to be harassing or to make others feel bad, but just because she is proud of her talents. Most of these talents revolve around music. She will take any opportunity to put together a festival or go to a party if it gives her a chance to play for people.

                                                                                  Despite being generally confident and driven, Aria does not know how to handle very personal situations. It's so bad that she will start stumbling over her words, freak out, or shut down completely. She wants to be able to open up, or have other people open up to her but when it happens Aria can't help but start to feel trapped. This is why in the city she could only form passing friendships, and is something she hopes will change moving back out to the country.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Aria grew up in Konohana, the small village where her parents had met. Her mother Lilian was a very driven woman, not only running her farm but being the general community organizer. She would manage most of the festivals and events held in the village alongside the mayor. It became a long running joke that Konohana had two mayors, one just happened to be a part time farmer. While Aria got most of her personality from her mother, her skills came from her father. Never being happy farming, Aria would spend any free moment away from chores with her father, Mikhail. She had grown up with his music all her life and from as early as she could remember she had wanted to play like him. When she was very young she he gave her a violin he had bought while on a trip to Bluebell town. It became the first instrument she learned to play. When she turned ten her father took her with him to the Bluebell music festival. From then on Aria was hooked. She would save up money every year and every year she would return with a new instrument to play. This continued until she turned eighteen and decided to move to the city.

                                                                                  Her decision wasn't really a surprise to either of her parents as farming had never really held any interest to her. Instead she had always something more, something bigger. When she moved to the city bigger is exactly what she got. It was so much bigger that she almost felt lost. Growing up she had always loved the crowds at the town festivals, but living in the city she never experienced that same happiness. There was lots of people but no real community. That was until she went to her first night club. It was that experience that made her love city life. The music, the people, the venues, it was where she felt like she belonged. Despite the constant double shifts and struggling to pay rent on time she would always find time to stop by her favorite book store or record shop and even catch a show at one of the local venues. And while she was happy, something was constantly eating at her, keeping her from really feeling at home.

                                                                                  Aria loved the city, but here people had already built what they wanted. Aria knew she could find a career here, but try as she might she couldn't find something she could call hers. Something she had that wasn't for anyone else. It was then she received a letter. It sat in her mail box hidden among the bills. She had almost missed it, nearly tossing it into the trash with the rest of the junk mail. It was the only physical letter she had received since moving to the city. Even her parents had moved onto email by then. Reading the letter Aria found what she had been missing. A new start in a town that needed her. Needed someone to bring what they had. To make something that was theirs alone. Aria wouldn't just be working another job, she would be running her own business. Something that was hers.

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                                                        GABRIELLE xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx BLUEBELL TOWN
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Philip, and Georgia

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Baker

                                                                        Age ;; x 23

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Summer 7th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Tiramisu

                                                                        Likes ;; x Carnations, Milk Tea, Flower Perfume, Pumpkin Pudding, Peridot

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Failed Dish, Rainbow Trout, Weed, Scrap Metal, Green Tea

                                                                        Hate ;; x Spicy Curry

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  From a distance, it is easy to see how caring Gabrielle can be. She lets off a pleasant vibe and often referred to as motherly or worrisome. There is no doubt that this is true. She has a big heart and no matter what it takes, she will try lend a helping hand. In addition, Gabbie is cheerful almost to a fault. In fact, unless someone is a close friend, it is rare that anyone would see her without a smile. She has a tendency to hide how she truly feels until she thinks the time is right.

                                                                                  Of course, once you get to know her, she is much more. Gabrielle is a loyal individual, who will support her friend's every decision, even if she disagrees. On top of that, she is a great listener, but will always give her honest advice, even if it wasn't asked for. Sometimes it can lead to conflict, but when it is all said and done, if she remains friends afterwards, she does not hold a grudge. However, Gabbie can be stubborn as an ox. Let the world know she is no push over, and refuses to back down from anything. Georgia says she gets that from her father. She never quits anything until she can see it through, and this applies to almost everything, except her hobbies. Of course, baking is her true passion, but Gabrielle is easily intrigued. She often will pick up something new for about a month before moving on.

                                                                                  When it comes to a relationship of any sort, Gabrielle is in it for the long haul. She is not a fair weathered friend by any means. Friends are held close to the heart, and her trust is nearly automatic. Romantic relationships work similarly. Gabbie is a complete hopeless romantic, and enjoys seeing others happily in love. However, love does not come to her as fast as friendship. In her eyes, giving her heart away is a big deal. But she is determined to find the right person in her life. If not, oh well, she can always have cats.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Gabrielle was born in the village of Bluebell to newlyweds Philip and Georgia. Her father was a rancher, who came to the village while on his way to Konohana, the village on the other side of the mountain. On his journey, he stumbled across Bluebell and fell in love with its beauty. He soon started his own ranch, and eventually won the hearts of all of the citizens. It wasn't long before he noticed the quarrel between the two villages, who at one time were great friends. Together, with his sister who resided in Konohana, they worked to bring back the kinship they once had before. While all of this was happening, Philip started to fall in love with a cute girl with a strangest accent, Georgia. Everyday he would stop by her father's stop to see the animals and say hello, occasionally bearing gifts for the young woman. It wasn't long before she too fell in love, and they got married in the spring.

                                                                                  Fast forward two years later, Gabrielle was born in the fall. The two were so happy to finally have a beautiful baby girl. Needless to say, they were overcome with joy, seeings as the last attempts did not end well. Gabrielle grew up surrounded by love and animals. Often times, she would be helping her father take care of his livestock, or tending to the animal's in her grandfather's store. Both Philip and Georgia were glad she had taken a liking to their professions, and hoped she would follow in their footsteps.

                                                                                  For a great deal of time, it seemed that way, until she started school. Gabrielle loved learning new things and exploring different hobbies. Philip would often say, "She is a jack of many trades, but a master of few.". However, it wasn't until she was a teenager that she discovered her true passion. It started out as visiting Howard's Cafe to speak to locals, and study. She would often watch as the employees cooked, and was enthralled with the technique. Soon, Gabrielle was begging them to teach her how to cook. They admired her excitement and new found determination she showed as they took her on.

                                                                                  Philip and Georgia were hesitant to accept this as a career choice. They wanted their little girl to be happy, but couldn't help but to be just the slightest disappointed that she did not want to take over the ranch. Once Gabrielle finished school, her parents had given up trying to push her toward's the farm, and let her go on her own adventure. Soon, Gabbie was working full time at Howard's Cafe and couldn't have been happier. Everyday she came in and baked to her hearts content, watching as people ate her goods with a smile. She discovered how much she loved making other's happy here as well. After a couple of years, Gabrielle decided, she did not want to travel like her father. She enjoyed the simple life she was leading.

                                                                                  It wasn't until she received a letter, speaking of a village in need of people who could help bring it back to it's formal glory, that Gabrielle decided to leave. Leaving home was the most difficult decision she ever had to make. Her mother and father cried, but supported her regardless, sending her off with a smile. This was her chance to make a mark on the world.

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                                                        CHARLOTTE xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx CASTANET ISLAND
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Angela, and Chase

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Chef

                                                                        Age ;; x 22

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Summer 2

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Basil Cheese Bread

                                                                        Likes ;; x Cafe Au Lait, Herb Perfume, Moondrop Flower, Strawberry Milk, Eggs (All qualities)

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Tea items, Cabbage Roll, Bamboo Shoots, Wool, Eggplant

                                                                        Hate ;; x Pickled Eggplant

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Charlotte- or Charlie, as she insists her friends call her- is a fun-loving, carefree girl who would rather wander around town all day making small talk with strangers than do any actual work. To put it kindly, she’s less than enthusiastic about making much of an effort towards just about anything, unless it involves getting into people’s business. Charlie is almost aggressively friendly, and easily a little too comfortable with people she hasn’t even met. She’s the type to grab something off your plate and then ask if you’ll share, though she’ll always offer to buy next time, or at the very least apologize.

                                                                                  Charlotte loves food. She loves eating it, looking at it, smelling it… She’s just not too thrilled about cooking it for others. It’s not that she’s bad at it, it’s not that it’s too difficult, or even too much work. The real problem lies in waiting for their reactions. The girl just can’t stand it. Even if the response is favorable, that’s still not enough. She has it stuck in her head that she can’t surpass her father’s skill, so she just doesn’t try to. In her mind, that’s just a lot of unnecessary stress. So any praise she receives just feels false, or she tells herself- and often, whoever’s eating- that it could’ve been better. Even with her insecurity, Charlotte certainly wouldn’t turn down a cooking job. Call her a masochist. (Don’t actually call her that. She’ll blush. A lot. Maybe shove you a little.)

                                                                                  With all her people skills, questionable as they are, the one thing Charlie hasn’t got down is flirting. On either end. All her social skills go right out the window. You want to get rid of a Charlotte that’s bothering you, and fast? Start putting some moves on her. She’ll miraculously remember something she absolutely had to get done in the next 5 minutes.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Charlotte spent most of her childhood on Castanet Island glued to her father Chase’s side, and the rest of her time trailing behind her mother while she did farm chores, or passed off to whatever relative would watch her. Even when she didn’t need supervision, she would hang around in the restaurant with her father and watch him work, until he needed her out of the way, at which point he would send her out to the dining room to bother- err, check up on whoever was eating. Of course she picked up an interest in food, and would always talk about how much she loved being in the restaurant which her parents took as an interest in cooking. It was really more of a love of eating and chatting, but being in the kitchen training and learning meant that those things were still nearby. It was better than following her mother’s footsteps and working hard all day.

                                                                                  Charlotte really grew accustomed to working alongside her father, who would do most of the real work while explaining what he was doing, leaving her the easy tasks like cracking eggs and chopping herbs. She gradually took on more difficult tasks, but really he did all the heavy lifting. Charlie got into the habit of pretending that she cut her fingers, or that she was feeling faint from the heat of the ovens to get out of doing any serious work, until the lack of any physical evidence would give her away and she would have to come back in and finish.

                                                                                  It was an okay life, but she really wanted to meet new people and taste new cooking, and so she moved away, insisting that she wouldn’t come back until she was an executive chef in a fine restaurant. And, well, she kept that promise, because she hasn’t been home since. Charlie never made an effort to get past a prep cook position, often getting fired for coming in late or working too slowly, or quitting before she could have more responsibility heaped onto her plate. She was just on the verge of quitting another job when a weird letter showed up in the mail, inviting her to a farm town that needed help. Fixing things up sounded like a chore, but she really did miss farm life, and people in the city were always too busy for the long chats she used to enjoy. When she found out she would actually have to run a restaurant, well.. There were mixed feelings on the subject. But she convinced herself it wouldn’t be that bad. How many people would she have to cook for in an empty town?

                                                                            Veggie Killer
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                                                        ROBIN xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx MINERAL TOWN
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Claire, and Gray

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Doctor

                                                                        Age ;; x 25

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Winter 23rd

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Cheesecake

                                                                        Likes ;; x Hydrangea, Cheese Fondue, Chocolate and Chocolate related items, Curry Rice, Lapis Lazuli

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Junk Ore, Failed Dishes, Fish and Fish related items, Baked Corn, Pink Cat Flowers

                                                                        Hate ;; x Veggie Latte

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  From afar, Robin comes across as always in a rush. Always bouncing from one task to the next, with little to no time in between. It seems like she just doesn't know the meaning of "slow down", even though she actually does. Robin just prefers to get things done in a quick and easy fashion so that she has more time to relax afterwards.

                                                                                  That's not to say that she is an impatient person, because she actually is a very patient person. She has to be with her job. However, just because she's patient doesn't mean she's nice most of the time. When faced with someone who has greatly neglected their health, Robin can get very snippy while treating them. People being healthy and happy are very important to her, so someone who isn't mindful of their own health annoys her to the highest degree.

                                                                                  Other than that, Robin generally prefers to keep most conversations she has brief and polite. It's not until she gets to know a person that she begins to relax, talk about more than their health with them and share her love of bad joke and puns. When she befriends someone, she'll tend to spoil them with gifts of things she thought they might like. Robin's also a rather tactile person with her friends, often having at least a hand on her friend if they're close by or hugging them out of the blue.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Born and raised in Mineral Town, Robin's childhood was rather quiet. Most of her early years were spent toddling after her mother and uncle on the farm as they worked. Her parents had chosen it to be the safer option, since the forge was no place for a young child, and Claire and her brother could easily keep an eye on Robin. It wasn't like, Robin had a say in it anyways and was quite content to play with the farm animals.

                                                                                  As she grew older, Robin wasn't content with staying on the farm and began to explore the town. At first, her exploration was only the route to the blacksmith's to spend time with her father and great-grandfather and the woods south of the farm. Slowly it expanded until Robin had explored all of Mineral Town and it left her restless.

                                                                                  With nothing to do besides school, helping out on the farm, and playing with the other children, Robin often escaped to the library to read. The many different subjects of the books fascinated her, but none held her attention like those describing medicine did. Interested, Robin began to hang out at the clinic and learned basic first aid from the Doctor and Eli. It seemed that whenever she had free time, she'd somehow always end up helping out at the clinic.

                                                                                  Once she had turned eighteen and had finished basic schooling, Robin tentatively brought up her wish to move to the city to gain further education in medicine to her parents. Though a little disappointed that Robin didn't want to inherit the farm nor want to become a blacksmith, Claire and Gray supported her decision to study medicine in the city. They kept in touch throughout Robin's education and even showed up for her graduation.

                                                                                  With her time in school over, Robin was hired to work at the clinic she interned with during her education. For two years, she grew used to the hustle and bustle of the small city clinic, but Robin longed to be in a clinic like the one back home. She missed knowing her patients on a more personal level. One day it seemed that her wish was answered by the goddess when she went to go get her mail after coming home from a shift. Sitting in the mail box with a few bills and junk mail was a letter. When she read the letter, Robin felt that this was her chance to have the town life she craved. She took the offer.

                                                                            Noir The Confused
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                                                        ARTEMIS xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx CASTANET ISLAND
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Kevin, and Luna.

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Inn owner

                                                                        Age ;; x 25

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Fall 12th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Male

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Earl Grey with spring tea leaves.

                                                                        Likes ;; x Milk tea, Gyoza, Curry rice, Stir-fried udon, Chirashi sushi

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Grass drink, Tomato juice, Mushroom ice cream, Poison mushroom, Turtle soup

                                                                        Hate ;; x Bee pollen (he's allergic)

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Artemis appears very aloof on the outside, many people have mistaken his silent stares to be critical of them. In reality, he's just not well adjusted to the company of others. Artemis is very gentle and warm hearted, he cares deeply about every living creature's well being despite the fact that they may not even be aware of his existence. In times of need, he would be the first to volunteer to be someone's "shoulder to cry on". Always very partial and a great listener, he enjoys hearing the woes of others rather than to burden another with his own.

                                                                                  Artemis always makes sure to carry himself in a very graceful and polite manner, you'd be more inclined to see an elephant fly than to see him ever raise his voice at someone. He doesn't fair well with rudeness and will not tolerate it from any of his employees at the Inn. While he is very soft-spoken he can also deliver a very firm hand, it should concern you not to upset him, especially if you're under his employment. He becomes like a doting father, insistent that you correct whatever ill-will you have parted on someone.

                                                                                  Since he refuses to inform anyone about his condition, some would say Artemis exhibits behavior of someone who is unwavering. His devotion to pushing the limits and confines of his disease knows no bounds, and more often than not, it gets out of hand. Shortness of breath, dizziness and chest pain are just a few of the symptoms he battles to conceal on a daily basis. If it weren't for his parents persistent nagging about the importance of his medication, he'd probably elect not to take it at all.

                                                                                  He spends most, if not all of his time, indulging himself in the bountiful beauty of nature. He takes solace in being surrounded by nothing but country side and vastly prefers it over the concrete jungle of the city. Often, he brings some tea with him and some reading material and just plops down next to a tree for hours. When his arrhythmia is acting up, Artemis seeks out the comfort of the outdoors as he has found that it has helped him a great deal. However, other times he finds himself waking up in a field after being passed out for hours because his conditioned worsened instead.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Being born with Congenital heart disease paved the way to Artemis's arrhythmia. The type he contracted (AV nodal reentrant tachycardia) was somewhat fatal, if not taken care of, it could lead to heart failure. His parents were told he would have to take several different medications on a daily basis and be under adult supervision until he was capable of addressing the situation himself. Naturally, they were very worried about him and even considered sending him to the city where specialized schools for children with disabilities were readily available. They liked the idea because there, he'd be under the care and watchful eyes of professionals trained specifically to deal with medical issues such as this. While very respectful of his parents, Artemis could not come to an agreement. He resented the idea of leaving behind the beautiful countryside he was so fond of.

                                                                                  Given the circumstances, as a child on Castanet Island he spent most of his time on bedrest, staring out the window at the beautiful scenery that surrounded his home. Occasionally, after days of bargaining and pleading with his parents, Artemis would be allowed to go on trips into the village for a couple of hours. Of course, never without the supervision of hired help however, being the intelligent little tike he was, he would sometimes outsmart his "observer" and sneak away to his special place at the Goddess' Spring.

                                                                                  His heart becoming ever so restless the older he became, Artemis was finding it harder and harder to be patient with his parents. It was one thing to be worried about him and another to treat him like a prisoner in his own home. Finally at his breaking point, Artemis threatened not to take his medication if they kept refusing to allow him time outdoors. Needless to say, they complied and with this he became satiated for a couple more years, removing the strain on his relationship with his parents.

                                                                                  When the letter arrived in the mail, it gave Artemis something to hope for. A new life, away from his disease. Where no one knew about it and where he could make actual connections with people other than his parents. Where he didn't have to be under anyone's supervision and was free to move about as he saw fit. Of course he knew deep down that his parents would never approve of this. So, with a heavy heart in the dead of night, he took off. Leaving only a note behind to explain that this was a crucial step in the right direction for his well-being and that they should not worry for his safety any longer.

                                                                            Bocchan Shieru
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                                                        AIDEN xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx NEIGHBOR TOWN
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Dallas, and Eve

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Miner

                                                                        Age ;; x 23

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Winter 8th

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Gems (All)

                                                                        Likes ;; x Beer, Blueberry Jam, Peach juice, Stew, Tomato sandwich, Honey cake

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Spicy curry, Cayenne, Flowers, Coffee, All seafood

                                                                        Hate ;; x Junk ore

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  With Aiden, what you see is what you get as both her personality and appearance make it very clear she's rough around the edges. Those who have been around Aiden long enough know she has the emotional range of a teaspoon when it comes to being sweet or friendly. Her abrasive nature is the result of the solitary work she does in the mines and her father's own personality rubbing off on her. Considering how dangerous mining is, Aiden takes her work very seriously. Although this seems to be the only thing she is serious about, as Aiden is irresponsible with everything else outside of work. Now in Aiden's case being a good supplier of materials does not go hand in hand with having a good reputation. Especially when half her reputation comes from fist fighting anyone looking for a fight in the local bar and drinking with friends on the railroad tracks.

                                                                                  Instead of being a hothead, Aiden is actually a laid back individual who minds her own business. She prefers having a good time, especially with those who don't take her rough attitude to heart.
                                                                                  Despite her difficult personality Aiden has a rather fierce, yet blind, loyalty to her friends
                                                                                  Then, there's the obvious fact anyone who knows of Aiden can clearly see; her obsession with gems. Sparkling rubies, emeralds and other gems drive this girl to dig, dig and keep digging.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Neighbor town's bartender Eve was just as hard to romance as she is beautiful. Due to her crippling abandonment issues, it took serious commitment and love to sweep her off her feet. That serious commitment came from a handsome rugged man with a dusty brimmed hat on top of black wavy hair. The farmer and part time miner came from out of town and was looking to settle and prosper. Eve soon learned the handsome man was named Dallas during his first visit at her bar. Each night after that he came in for a drink after work until soon he proposed to her with a diamond he himself had mined and had the blacksmith turn into a ring.

                                                                                  Being one of the few miners in town, Dallas did exceptionally well supplying the town with ores and limestone for tools and fertilizer. Not to mention the rare gems he shipped provided much needed income. One day when Aiden was ten, Dallas returned home one night with a raw ruby he pulled from the tunnels as a gift to her. This unintentionally began her obsession with gems, realizing hard work in the mines reaped beautiful rewards. While she loved taking care of the animals on their farm, her daily chores never brought her the same feeling she had when she looked at that ruby.

                                                                                  While her father introduced her to the wonders of gems, Eve provided delicious homemade jams, peaches, and other foods from the earth for Aiden to eat. Thanks to her mother's constancy with preparing foods from their farm Aiden refuses to eat anything that hasn't grown from the dirt. While she doesn't consider herself a vegetarian, she refuses to eat Seafood or anything with ingredients that haven't had a little dirt on it at some point.

                                                                                  Much to her mother's dismay, Aiden grew an interest in mining. At the age of ten she began picking up her father's pick ax and practicing with it. Fast forward five years and Aiden finally convinced her father to take her into the first half of a mine where he showed her the ropes of how to use a hammer and pick ax. For reasons obvious to any parent, Dallas never took his daughter deeper into any of the tunnels. It was common enough for tunnels with weak support to collapse. Unfortunately, a weak support system was what caused the cave in Dallas and three other miners were in. The night the tunnel collapsed it took half the town (which was small to begin with) to dig the miners out. Regardless of what her mother said, Aiden ran out of the house with her tools once word got out. Once she reached the mines with the rest of her neighbors she put herself in the front to begin digging the miners out. Five hours later into the night the group of men and women broke through the tunnel and found all the miners still alive, though barely. Young and strong at the age of eighteen, Aiden pulled her father out of the tunnels in a fireman carry as both of Dallas's legs had been broken from fallen rocks.

                                                                                  With both legs useless Dallas could no longer work in the mines and provide for his family the way he used to. Unfortunately for the family, their farm was only large enough to feed them as their land was much smaller compared to other famers. Eve's job at the bar only managed to bring in a small income when it came to feeding the animals and taking care of the land. Shipping out materials found in the mines was their main source of income. Stepping up to the plate against her mother's will, Aiden began going into the mines herself to support her family. Aiden spent the next eight months in the mines in her father's place. Four years later and Aiden still had not left the mines, even after Dallas made a full recovery. On her twenty third birthday Aiden received a letter from the mayor of Bell Flower village. Both Eve and Dallas had conflicting opinions on the matter. Eve was afraid of what happened to Dallas happening to Aiden. Not knowing whether Aiden would be safe in this village without them scared her. Dallas on the other hand was fully confident Aiden was more than capable of taking care of herself and others. Wanting his daughter to get a taste of living on her own, he set up arrangements for Aiden to move and start a new chapter in her life. While Aiden had taken care of her parents in their time of need, she couldn't watch over them forever.

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                                                        WRENN xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx CASTANET ISLAND
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Kasey, and Phoebe.

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Farmer.

                                                                        Age ;; x Twenty.

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Fall 23rd.

                                                                        Gender ;; x -looks down- "Male Definitely."

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Chocolate Cake.

                                                                        Likes ;; x Insects (Especially Butterflies and Fireflies,) Chocolate Sweets, Buckwheat Pancakes WITH Royal Jelly, Candy of Any Flavor, Shortcake

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Any Tea, Fish and Fish Dishes, Weeds, Failed Dishes, Poisonous Grass/Mushrooms.

                                                                        Hate ;; x Shark Fin Stew.

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  Wrenn is a curious man, and thinks different, just like mother. With a tendency to think up unique solutions to simple problems, a nose that enjoys prying it's way into whatever it finds interesting, and an variety of interests, Wrenn has personality in bundles. When meeting someone for the first time, the curious child of Kasey and Phoebe may be a little shy, but that will quickly fade. Seriously. Like, within minutes. What you'll be left with is an energetic, spirited young man who seems to enjoy the brighter side of life, and often come out of left field with strange or unpredictable speech.

                                                                                  Occasionally, Wrenn may say or do something, and not understand why someone may be upset or confused by his words or actions. It most likely was not intentional, as the boy is often... oblivious. Sometimes, he may not even realize he's flirting, which could lead to some confusions. Wrenn has a heart of gold, however, and is always eager to help out a friend or neighbor in need. Even if he may not be particularly good at what he's doing, for the sake of his friends, Wrenn will try until disaster forces him to stop. He's also prone to giving gifts. What does he typically give? Oh... you'll find out.~

                                                                                  Farm work isn't an exciting activity, and surely he could spend his time doing more enjoyable things, but it's what he's used to, and he does so without gripe. Wrenn is very into entomology, specifically butterflies, dragonflies, and fireflies. Beetles and such are interesting, but do they have to look that creepy?! Wrenn's vivid imagination allows him to see things in a way that perhaps nobody has before. In his free time, someone could find Wrenn, well... anywhere.

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Born from the burning fires of Kasey and Phoebe's love (and lust,) Wrenn grew up on a farm on Castanet. It was quite a crowded house, with several cousins, aunts, and uncles. The boy had a fairly typical childhood. Happy. He had other kids to play with, lots of animals, pets, and a whole island as a playground. Most evenings, after coming come, Wrenn would be covered in scrapes and cuts from all his exploring. Exploring loosely meaning bug chasing, here. His life was not all fun and games, though. Wrenn had chores, and he did them every day.

                                                                                  Each morning, Wrenn was tasked with tending the smaller fields. Watering, weeding, or planting. Thanks to his constant practice, and his father's natural influence, Wrenn became very skilled with hoe, can and sickle alike. He often finished by late-morning, and had the rest of the day to go play. His curiosity, however, tended to get him into trouble. One summer, he had climbed a large tree out by the Witches' Hut, deep in Fugue Forest, in search of a pretty blue butterfly that had flown up higher. Well, wouldn't you know it, he stepped on a weak branch and fell right to the ground! It wasn't until after his curfew that he was found with a hurt leg in the forests depths. Luckily the town doctor fixed him up, and by next season, he was back to playing!

                                                                                  As Wrenn got older, his curiosity grew, as did his workload. The skilled young boy was tasked with tending the larger fields, and also to harvest crops that were fresh. It wasn't that he minded doing farm work, but to Wrenn, he wanted to be out, having adventures. But like the story before, his adventurous spirit did not always bode him well. Sometimes it even got him from the comfort of his own home! Like the time he ate that poisonous mushroom, then drank several bottle of Bodygizer, thinking it would negate the poison effects. All it accomplished was a trip to the doctors, and more downtime.

                                                                                  One day, when Wrenn was all grown up, a letter arrived. Apparently there was a far-off town known as Bellflower. It was run down, but this mysterious person who wrote the letter was working to revive it. "Now THERE'S an adventure," he thought. But what could he do? There was a farm and a ranch. Now, Wrenn had experience with both animals and crops, but he was by far much more able with a watering can than a brush and milker. Wrenn packed his things, and set out for Bellflower, the land of bugs adventure!

                                                                            Liberated SiN
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                                                        EDA xxxxxxxxxxx 🌸 xxxxxxxxxxx OAK TREE TOWN.
                                                        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child of the farmer Annie, and Raeger

                                                                        Occupation ;; x Jeweler .

                                                                        Age ;; x 21

                                                                        Birthday ;; x Spring 1rst

                                                                        Gender ;; x Female.

                                                                        Favorite ;; x Summer Leaf Tea

                                                                        Likes ;; x Gems(all of them),Wide-framed glasses(any color), Ribbon(any color except brown), Long-haired cats,Most teas and juices(anything with fruit in it really)

                                                                        Dislikes ;; x Milk or milk products, Brown cloth/yarn, Scrap ore,Squid or Squid dishes, Building materials like stone and lumber.

                                                                        Hate ;; x Milk Tea

                                                                              P E R S O N A L I T Y ; ;
                                                                                  If there was only one word to describe Eda it would be plucky, in everything she does she’s determined and tries to be optimistic about it and to anyone who doesn’t really know her, they’d assume she was cheerful and collected all the time. In reality this isn’t necessarily true; while she is cheerful most of the time she has another side.

                                                                                  She’s a young woman who hates change, absolutely despises it and sticks to her routine to the letter. In her experience, anytime she strayed from her safe, perfect bubbles that were Oak Tree Town she found herself speaking to grandparents who walk on egg shells with their kids, other grandparents who were no longer together. When she strayed from her small group of friends she’d usually be called four-eyes, common teasing among kids of course, but she didn’t like that at all. As she grew, she got more and more comfortable with what she knew and less comfortable anytime a major change happened in her life. It took a rather large nudge from her parents for her to risk leaving Oak Tree and move to Bellflower. However, once she reached Bellflower she was still nervous, but more excited than anything. In other words Eda is the type of person who keeps an open mind, but reminds herself to take everything she hears with an appropriate amount of caution.

                                                                                  She also inherited her father’s workaholic tendencies. Like Raeger, when she gets really involved in something nothing else matters except finishing the task or, as a jeweler, bending over backwards to please her customers, even the more difficult ones. She’s a true server and always puts others before herself. This has led to her working late and falling asleep at her work table on more than one occasion.

                                                                                  As far as meeting new people goes, as with all things she keeps an open mind, but prefers to listen rather than talk, unless that person brings up clothes(especially lolita fashion), cooking (especially for people they care about), animals or romance novels, a guilty pleasure of hers(an about the only thing she reads besides fashion magazines) then she will not stop talking.

                                                                                  Lastly, she’s clumsy and can sometimes t even rip over her own feet or β€œdense air”. Amazingly she can walk in her favorite elaborate lolita fashion easily(most of the time).

                                                                              B I O G R A P H Y ; ;
                                                                                  Eda’s life in Oak Tree Town was pretty uneventful, her mother, Annie was a farmer while her father, Raeger owned the local restaurant in town. They also doted on her like crazy since neither one of them had the best relationship with their parents. Annie’s divorced when she was young and Raeger’s were never around much. As a result the only time she ever saw her relatives, (besides her cousin ad uncle of course) was obligatory holidays every couple years. Besides that the people of Oak Tree Town felt more like her family than her actual relatives. Her namesake comes from an elderly woman who was the town’s Granny until she passed the first Winter Annie lived in Oak Tree Town. She helped her mother get her farm started and was the closest thing her mother ever had to grandparents, since hers died before she was born.

                                                                                  Because her parents doted on her so much, Eda pretty much had free range of Oak Tree Town and got whatever she wanted, although she never asked for much. Her favorite passion pretty much from the moment she could hold a needle and thread was fashion design. She’d spend hours in her mother’s Sewing studio, crafting clothing for her dolls (and sometime unfortunate small animals on the farm, her favorite victim being a long-haired brown cat named Sasha) and later outfits and accessories for herself and eventually her friends as she got older. Once in a blue moon her mother would even sell some of her clothing, and especially her accessories to the foreign traders that often came to town. By the time she was eighteen, while she loved Oak Tree Town is started to feel too small and confining. Eda wanted to create her own fashion line, specializing in β€œFashion Forward” glasses as she was born with bad vision( a gift from her grandmother, as Annie often told her)and teased a little for her glasses growing up. She also broke a lot of glasses growing up, as she was clumsy and hyperactive.

                                                                                  Anyways, Eda was a little afraid of change as she grew up in the same place, with her same friends, her entire life. As destiny would have a mysterious letter arrived in the mail talking about a decrepit town called Bellflower that needed a fresh group of people to restore the town. Her mother exclaimed how Nostalgic it was, since she received a similar letter simply explaining that a farm had opened in Oak Tree Town and Annie had jumped on the opportunity. After her parents took a trip down memory and told her a lot of stories about their courtship and such , they then suggested she take the opportunity, as they knew Eda wanted to leave. After sleeping on it Eda decided it sounded like a great idea and took the open jeweler position, it wasn’t quite her own fashion line, but every business needs to start somewhere.

                                                                            Zanny-leopard of snow

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