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Devoted Prophet

Welcome to a perma-req thread for my OCs~! Please enjoy your stay and I hope one of these idiots would be up your alley~ If you don't feel comfortable drawing them alone, I also encourage you guys to draw them with your own OCs!

On the side note, almost none of my original non-fandom female OCs have reference yet rofl whoops haha (THIS LITERALLY MEANS I HAVE NOT DRAWN/FIXED THEM UP YET SO THEY ARE NOT YET HERE IN THIS GIGANTIC REQ flkhasfhl)

Any lovely artist who would draw my babies for me? I'll treasure each art and I always save them in my hard drive! And if you guys absolutely want, I can draw your own OCs too?


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Art by Dinlos

Age: 30

Height: 6 feet

Body and face features: He has a square jaw and is rather heavy boned but not completely bara. Feel free to give him muscles though! Except for his two prominent scars, feel free to also give him some extra underneath because he's a fighting nut! And since he also likes to spar under the sun, a lot, he has a rather dark skin tone.

Personality and a brief Backstory: He is very much playful and will tease people occasionally but will draw the line when someone starts making fun of the queen. He is very loyal to her and will literally die, follow her to hell, and kill for her. He uses a spear (feel free not to draw it no really even I wouldn't draw it rofl) and would develop endless bloodlust once in battle unless the queen stops him.

Since he's also a general, he can get quite serious discussing war tactics and strategies. He is also a bit lazy and prefers "practical stuff". Which is why he has no time to fully shorten/cut his hair, shave all his facial hair, and literally go out to at least wear a proper belt (the rope is for "training" he says //rolls eyes// )

He once was a wanderer from a foreign country and one day, he ended up half dead from drowning in a nearby river. The queen found him there and took him in. In gratitude, he serves her faithfully and when the kingdom is at war, he will stand by her side and follow her every order. The name "Darius" was also given to him by the queen as a sign of his ever eternal gratitude.

Extra references (one by me and the rest by other amazing artists)

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He has side burns and dangling chain earrings on the his left ear
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Colored headshot by The Raving Madame


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Art by xryuchan27

Age: 19

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches

Body and face features: A bit lanky but not skin and bones. He's rather thin for his age and appearance but he's actually quite the runner. His jaw is quite long (possibly a diamond shape one) and a few times, his nose is described to be pointy and high. Often times would be mistaken for a girl but he does show some form of muscles underneath his heavily dressed attire. He's also a bit pale because he was sheltered for most of his life but he's the healthy sort of pale.

Personality and a brief Backstory: Alden is rather skittish and will possibly run on the first sign of danger. This is because it's been ingrained in him that he is weak and is possibly a natural--one who can't use blessings/curses (aka magic). He was trained in sword fighting but unfortunately, his stamina prevents him from being stronger. However, do note that he actually is an Alchemist--one who can utilize raw magic rather than the refined one--but he never knew this until he once again reunites with his sister. He's rather derpy though and will not say no to good food.

Once long ago, his country was one of the more prosperous countries in the land. Plenty of food, water, magic-users, in short, it was a wonderful country. However, one of the less-savory Alter gods decided that due to boredom, might as well mess up this one country. Thus, the dark ages began, leaving everyone dying or barely surviving each day.

In a fit of anger, one of the duke's children, a young girl named Kaze, fought off this bored Alter god and won. However, in the end, mortals simply can't win against a god. So, the price Kaze made for this feat, the feat of sealing the god inside of her, is her own soul. Thus, she began wandering off to different lands, without any significance whatsoever.

Where does that leave this country though? In despair and repair. Rather than help with the relief operations though, the second child, Alden, decided to follow his sister's footsteps to bring her back... Or possibly to even cure her sudden personality change. Along the way, he met two companions: one an exile of his own country, and the other being a quirky Alter god who loves humans.

Extra references (by other amazing artists)

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By lildarklili
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By Listen to the Stereo
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By xKimeu
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Equipment List:
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Neo (Real name: Nello):

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Art by Solely Sabotage

Age: 22

Height: 5 feet, 4 inches

Body and face features: His jaw is rather round and pointy, more commonly seen in females in his country. Though, it can be seen as rather oval sometimes, depending on the person perhaps. Make no mistake though, he's no lanky and bishounen since he trains a lot. While not super buff, he has muscles, and is rather defined. He doesn't like the sun as much, though, and would wear really hot looking clothes just so he can cover up his skin. In turn, despite training a lot, he's barely tan and if it weren't for his muscles, he would have probably looked a lot like Alden.

Personality and a brief Backstory: Praise him! Feed his ego! He is a smug little p***k and will probably deem anyone else not worthy of his time. His default smile is a smug smirk and the only one who has ever wiped it off his face is Alden. Reasons are [expunged]. His rather snobbish attitude is backed up by his skill though so he's not all bark and no bite. He's very proficient in curses and blessings and will not hesitate to potentially murder you if you get into his nerves too much (unless you're Alden). He will not apologize for any misdeed he has done/will do.

He used to live in this other prosperous country however, the people there became corrupt with power. So much so that they even drove off the Alter god that made it possible for them to be rich in the first place. Due to the anger of the god though, he cursed the country into eternal ruin and no salvation.

Neo, originally named Nello, was the prince and supposedly, the heir. Unfortunately, it was during his time that the curse came into effect. He was around five that time and his sister ended up taking the fall for him, as she declared herself the queen. However, Nello didn't know that what his sister did was so that the curse would transfer to herself, making him bear a grudge towards her. She continued to antagonizing him to show that she was better off as the ruler. At one point, she decided to send his brother into exile to minimize the problem. During his journey, he met Alden and Allistaire and together, they travel the world, not really having a destination in mind.

Extra references (by other amazing artists)

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By estupe
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By Haru do Po
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By TOYspence
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(Orange eyes and his default smile is a smug smirk)

Equipment List:
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Art by Formi-chan

Age: [???] Appears to be 29

Height: 5 feet, 6 inches

Body and face features: To be fair, as a god, he can willfully change his appearance depending on what his current mood is. Most of the time though, he prefers either a bishounen, sharp triangular jaw line or a round one. This is mostly to hide his real age. His body type is rather toned but not muscled, making him appear a bit... girlish and younger. Really, though, he's an おっさん but a young boy at heart. Seriously, this guy is a free for all practice for different body types and jawlines since he has no definite appearance.

Personality and a brief Backstory: Meet the papa of the trio! He is very carefree and would probably just laugh at any insult directed to him. Most of the time, he's curious of the various things a human would do (like cooking) and would imitate it with awful results. The best way to describe him is that, he's the boke to Alden's tsukkomi (the idiot of the straight man)

His love for humans go way back during the time when the world was simply filled with nothing but sands and desserts. As such, being the Alter god of sand, he's one of the few gods that saw how un lively the world was before the creation of man. This is why he finds humans fascinating and amazing. He rarely got any entertainment back then so he got pretty attached to humans once they were born.

By sheer luck and fate though, when he was lazing around his sand tomb, he happened to come across two travelers who weren't prepared to go on a long journey. Since he loves humans, he just helped them out and gave them some food, water, and a temporary shelter until they make it across the dessert. By then, he grew attached to the two and decided to accompany them in their journey to wherever, whenever.

Extra references (by other amazing artists)

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By Msieur Lapin
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By I chibi I
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By shuggar
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Equipment List:
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Asi Tolh-rigin:

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Art by Baron_Alucard

Age: 23

Height: 5 feet, 5 inches

Body and face features: He has a diamond jaw and is rather tan, mostly due to his various escapades. He has some scars here and there but nothing too significant. His hands are calloused and rough from all the dodging and fighting he's been doing. He's not super small but he's comparatively short if paired against his younger brother. He is a training maniac but not to the point of exhaustion so he's rather toned.

Personality and a brief Backstory: He's smug, manipulative, cheerful, selfish (subjective mostly since selfish means "I-only-care-about-my-brother" type of selfish), may or not have a huge brother-complex (though, it's definitely NOT one-sided), resourceful, independent, spoiled, and witty. A typical spoiled prince and he will not hesitate to manipulate you for his own selfish needs.

Being the next in line to be king, he was definitely spoiled to the core with all the things he wants in life. While that may had been a good thing, this also showed him how corrupt the world is and this lead to his faith in other's slow deterioration until he no longer deems anyone important except for his brother, who also agrees with his views. When his brother turned 20, Ihyan's health became worst for no valid explanation and he also started coughing up blood. Soon enough, it was discovered that Ihyan was cursed by the great water beast of the Alter gods, Salamankar. This made Asi, who was versed in the inner workings of being a breaker, completely angry and vowed to look for a cure for his brother.

On his epic, grand quest, he hears a rumor that a great artifact from the Alter gods was found in a particular place. It is said that it is completely powerful and overwhelming. Thinking that it can cure Ihyan, Asi set out for it. He found the great artifact, Kazan, however what he didn't know is that it's been pre-cursed. Moments later, he, himself, was cursed by the sword and set out once more to find the cure.

When he stopped by his hometown, he was called a traitor and a criminal for leaving and angering the gods. He was sent to prison but shortly, he escaped with the help of Ihyan. He explained the situation to his brother and told him he will continue on the quest to find a cure.

After years of fruitless searching, he was told that a certain Tempest knows how to get a cure. Neo, challenges him for that knowledge. The two duke it out, even forcing Neo to drain out his life-force and Asi to use Kazan to its fullest. Neo wins, but tells him anyway that he can ask the Alter gods for help. However, Asi's already over-exerted Kazan and the curse slowly eats him away, as he asks his brother for forgiveness. He dies alone, in front of the gates of the Alter gods.

For more info, please read what the terms are in the description over his dA (aka click this link)

Extra references (one by me, the rest by other amazing artists)

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Updated cleaner and more comprehensible ref sheet by Me
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By AioneAmass
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By Orubaid
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By cheezkake1129
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By Coffee Frappuccino

Ihyan Tolh-rigin:

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Art by Dusk_Ninja_Aoi

Age: 20

Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Body and face features: He has a rather long jaw line, mostly perceived as oblong in shape. It's a little sharper than an oblong though (mostly because he's really thin) but it's not to the point wherein he's skin and bones. He's frail and sickly and will occasionally cough out blood, making him rather lean and thin. Before he was sick though, he was really active in training and is rather fit, giving him some meat and muscles. So he's not precisely that great in body shape but he had years of training so he's not yet in super sick mode.

Personality and a brief Backstory: A really big Tsun/Dork to his brother (implied to have a brother-complex as well), really apathetic and leader-like, mostly serious and snarky (being sick and cursed kinda does that to a person), manipulative, and decisive (which in turn makes him bossy in some scenarios). He appears stoic and cold to everyone and anyone except towards his brother. This is mostly the reason why everyone in the palace avoids him or rarely speaks with him.

As a younger and second prince, he wasn't as spoiled as his older brother but this, in turn, gave him a new-found perspective on the world. He wasn't maltreated or any of the other sappy stories you hear from other kingdoms but he was nothing more than a gate way to ascension from some of the lower class citizens. His view, also influenced by his older brother, became warped and is never trusting or even caring towards others besides his brother.

When he turned 20, his body started acting weird and weak and even though he's not into the extreme side of being an armist (unlike his brother who practices the art of being a breaker almost everyday), he was definitely healthy. In this course of events, it is then revealed that as a small child, he was cursed by one of the dying water beasts of the Alter gods, Salamankar. It took heavy toll on his body (even as far as making him cough up blood) and thus, making him retire almost always to his quarters. He tried warning his brother not to go look for a cure and he persuaded him just by a hair. However, all of that was proven useless when they over hear the researchers who was working with Ihyan that they would not even attempt a blessing for the curse, which then provoked Asi to take matters in his own hands and find the cure just a night before coronation day.

During Asi's absence, the kingdom of Tol is under turmoil and every single disaster is partaking in the kingdom well-renowned for it's great Breakers, Armists, Tempests, and even Alchemists. He was no longer offered the crown due to his sickly and unstable status (and fear of his wrath to everybody) and the crown fell to the hands of his father once more. Counting the recent events, the kingdom blamed the extreme wrath of the Alter gods to the runaway prince, Asi.

When his brother came back, Asi was thrown in jail and labeled a traitor. Even if the circumstances are against him, Ihyan still called upon every single strength in his body to break into the dungeon and free his brother (despite his sickly status, he WAS a former ADVANCED Armist). There he learns that his brother was also cursed by the artifact called "Kazan" and the more Asi uses it, the more it would take a toll on his own life force (and may end up killing him). Knowing his brother's situation, when Asi left, Ihyan began searching for a cure on Asi's own curse.

Soon enough, after much time has passed, the curse seals took over his body and he has yet to find the cure even after years of fruitless research. In his own deathbed, as he hears the fake crying and mumbling of the news of his demise, he mentally prayed to the Alter gods to keep his brother safe and give him a longer life and less cruel fate than his own.

He dies alone in his bed.

For more info, please read what the terms are in the description over his dA (aka click this link)

Extra references (by other amazing artists)

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His first official reference by Me
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By hellian
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By fabbu
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By xBY13x

Oliver Warder:

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Art collab with me and Saya Usaqi

Age: [???] Appears to be 27

Height: 5 feet, 1 inch

Body and face features: He has a diamond shaped jaw and from time to time, he'll show his fangs, being a cat-boy and all. He usually closes his eyes, even while he reads, since it's the only way he can actually see things. Once he opens them, the slcera of his eyes are in a vagye, glowing lime green sort of color giving it a rather eerie look. He can't see anything in front of him during that time though but what he can see is something beyond human imagination (possibly the other side or even the past and the future). He's rather pale though since he rarely goes outside and would rather stay inside the library all day. He has cat ears and a tail and does not have normal human ears. His hair is also tied in a messy ponytail.

Personality and a brief Backstory: He's the type who would find no interest in the outside world and would rather read books inside the library. He's a naive cat-boy who would probably get lost and would be conned if he does go outside. No really, someone please be his guide or he'll probably end up being sold as a slave.

His species of cat-people are very rare and usually, these types die off rather easily. Most probably due to their weird powers, they rarely manage to find a solution to be able to see normally. Oliver managed to find a way though but nobody knows how up until now.

His parents are unknown and usually, he has no company making him a loner. When a poor soul does manage to stumble in, he either drives them off or manages to not say anything because of his lack of social skills. He does eat mice though to sustain himself.

Extra references (by other amazing artists)

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By Shirotani
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By chou-Hei
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By b2ick
With hood:
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Without hood:
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Sylva [Expunged]:

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Art by Me

Age: 22

Height: 5 feet, 6 inches

Body and face features: Has a rather feminine jaw, most probably a heart-shaped one, and he has three sets of diamond tattoos underneath his left eye. He is rather lean and some muscles do show up, most probably due to his active lifestyle of hunting everyday. Mind you, he does it for survival and not because he wants to stay fit, meaning he doesn't actively exercise as often. So, while not exactly tan, he's not really pale neither. He does, however, have good evading skills and can judge fairly rationally especially when hunting. As a result, he barely has any scars and if he does, it heals fairly quick.

Personality and a brief Backstory: He is the classical case of a male tsundere. Rather harsh and quick tempered, he doesn't get along with most people. This is why he isolated himself in a forest. It is said that the three tattoos he has on his eye is the mark of the devil or something to that extent. However, rather than a mark of a devil, it is in fact a mark of one who is blessed and protected. This made his survival rate and luck over the top.

As of the moment, he's simply living alone in the woods, hunting for survival using a bow and arrow. While he has a quick temper towards other people, whenever things are needed to be done (especially for his survival) he will rationally think things through and will do everything in his power to do what is needed.

Treat him nicely and be patient with him! Soon enough, his dere side might appear~ His dere side is very sweet and more often than not, he will snuggle with you once you manage to befriend him to that extent!

Extra references (original design as an adopt (c) tokiva.deviantart.com)

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new! Naji [???]:

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Art by Me

Age: 14

Height: 4 feet, 8 inches

Body and face features: Naji is a tiny, tiny boy who prefers to go around in barefoot (giving him a lot of scars and blisters). He is rather skinny and thin from the maltreatment he got from his family, but no actual physical abuse occurred. He is tan, from all the adventuring, and has rather calloused hands from all the tree climbing and whatnot. His jaw shape is rather pointed a bit, giving him this young, fresh look. His legs are rather developed though, despite being skinny, since he runs around a lot (as expected of the family messenger).

Personality and a brief Backstory: Naji is a happy boy, travelling around the world for adventure and friendship. Mostly because for the latter years of his life, he's been badly neglected and ignored. After their mansion burned down, he was the sole survivor, now on the run to avoid being sold as a slave. While taking refuge in an abandoned cave, his adventurer sense reopened and explored said cave that turned out to be a labyrinth. Long story short, after being extremely lucky and having good sense of danger, he made it to the treasure room and decided to live there for the time being.

During his stay there, he accidentally broke a really old artifact, not really belonging in the pile of gold. With that, he accidentally set free a cursed djinn, whom pledged to be his servant, and companion. (Parts of the broken artifact can be seen on him which is the necklace. The gem thing on his left shoulder signifies Malik's obedience and pledge of allegiance, as Naji was the one who freed him).

He didn't really know what to do so Naji decided to just abandon this treasure cave and set off the world with his new friend, Malik.

Extra references (by other amazing artists)

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By FishMadeofJelly
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By a random soysauce

Fandom OCs and the like:

Viola Ellenib (my RWBY OC)

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By Yuiisuu
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By DarkestPappreka
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By gomenasigh
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By tomoyo_chan90
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Mira Watanabe (my Touhou OC)

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By Layogenic
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By Floradore
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By illuminya
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By the bystander effect
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By Haruka Miyuki

Jet Black (my Pokemon Trainer OC)
Couple pics with Troy (OC (c) goldcadet) :

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By Me
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By Me (again lol)
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Collab with goldcadet
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By Me again ahah

Single pics:

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By Me rofffl
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By Cheese and a Top Hat
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By Chieut
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By Kyleforawhile
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By nishinoya
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By xTea

Ruina Heimlet (my anime-original-FMA OC)
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(Collab with Yuiisuu)

Touko Shirogane (my KHR OC)

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By me
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By meee
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Be meeeee

Saeko Saigyouji (my Tokyo Ghoul CCG OC)

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By Me
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By me~
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By Surnrner

Sanji Mitsurugi (My Hakuoki/Shinsengumi OC)
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Complete Ref by Me
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By Me

Giro [???] (My other PokeOC boi)
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by Me
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Full Ref By Me

Leila Laverna (My Plasma-Grunt PokeOC)
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Full Ref by Me
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By Koko hearts <3

Sawako Kirihara (My Assassination Classroom OC)

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Full Ref by Me

Takeshi Sakurano (One of my Gintama OCs)

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Art by meee

Amagi (my other Touhou Celestial!OC)

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Adopted from Levira2019
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Art by meee

Here's our joint shop for those interested in getting art of their own!

Yuki's Fantastical AMAZING OCS!

Koko's Joint Thread for Fire Emblem FATES OCS!



Devoted Prophet

Devoted Prophet

I am so done now let me post this thing for reserve I guess haha

Anxious Risk-Taker

what are the non fandom baused female ocs
I don't see them on your post

Devoted Prophet


The images are under the spoilers.


Are the images not showing up? ono It is on mine

Shirtless Fatcat

35,575 Points
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250
//totes gonna line and color just wanted to post xD
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oh i forgot to post this too~
thought it was funny lmao
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Devoted Prophet


Goldy I love you bless your soul //fondles art//


//the second one is canon though //wiggles eyebrows//

Shirtless Fatcat

35,575 Points
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250

hurgjfdgkjdflhgkdf always and forever for Jet x Troy <3

yeah you better cross out that word or i will eat ur face xD

huehuehuehue Troy would totes dress like that if Jet wanted him to //nosebleed

Devoted Prophet


The ship is forever sailed until I die hahah

one day once I get my arting stuff back like my tablet or even a camera I will work on stuff. Hopefully. [[SWEATING INTENSIFIES]]

Jet's still super uke and Troy would probably still end up leading him oN HAHAHAHA

Shirtless Fatcat

35,575 Points
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250

foreevveeerrr <3 agreed~ i will be like 734895734 years old and still be shippin them to the max

//heavy breathing i hope you get that stuff back eventually! <333
hoooppeeefulllyyy <3

Troy would put it on and be like "heeeeeeeeeeey jeeeeeeeet howdoilook" ;DDD //shot dead
oh gawd thinking about this is driving me nuts //cannot handle <3 //squees

Devoted Prophet


I wrote in a long elaborate reply but then google chrome's all "NOPE" and crashed kjhfksjghd

yESSS I JUST WANT MY TABLET BACK and potentially something to be used to picture stuff for my traditional

rofl PKMN TRAINER Jet fainted!

Shirtless Fatcat

35,575 Points
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250

OMG D: stoopid chrome O:< that sucks so bad ;w;

need them necessities

omg i died
//Troy hops on Jet
"noooo you cant faint or i cannot capture yooouu" <3
If i could catch you I would make sure to use my only master ball on ya <3

Devoted Prophet


Chrome no y u do this gjnskgh


///I'm okay with a Luxury Ball too or a Premium Ball hahahahah

stoopid rich trainers and their 3ds and throwing around money like toilet paper

Shirtless Fatcat

35,575 Points
  • Autobiographer 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250

cause chrome is mean and steals candy from babies


shshshhshh nono gotta be my only master ball <3

//flushes money down toilet
only for you bby jkjk

Devoted Prophet


where did my reply go i was sure i hit submit


I wish i have money to throw around like toilet paper lolololol

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