Welcome to Gaia! ::

Would you be interested in participating?

Yes!~ 0.46181818181818 46.2% [ 127 ]
Nah. 0.050909090909091 5.1% [ 14 ]
GOLD. GOLDGOLDGOOOLD. 0.29090909090909 29.1% [ 80 ]
gillbity golblity goo. 0.19636363636364 19.6% [ 54 ]
Total Votes:[ 275 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 174 175 176 > >> >>> »|

User Image


First Place: crispycranberry

Second Place:angeloluha

Third Place:K U R I

Best Overall Tak: Misfor

Best Overall Nar: Petshop17

Best Group Picture: gamergurl911

Honorable Mentions
Chibi Style Drawing: Dotty

Best use of Natural Media: shanara-chan

Best use of CG: Neura

Best Background: LiLiko1

Best use of Bright Colors: shadow_lis

Best use of Dark Colors: Misfor

[ top | intro & updates | rules | naryuu | laughliktak | prizes | avatars | entries | submitting | bonus! | FAQs | linkage ]
01! introduction & updates

Hey there. My name is Naryuu, and welcome to my art contest! ♥♥♥

I believe it's been over a year now since I last held one of these. I really enjoyed it last time, and got to meet so many lovely people~ It was a really great experience all around, and I hope those that participated in it had a good time as well. There are, of course a few basic rules and regulations for the contest that should be followed. If anything is unclear, or if you have a question, please ask!

I have also included my bestest buddy Tak in this contest. Why? BECAUSE I CAN. DANGEET~ She has her own little post, so if you feel like drawing her instead of me, go for it! You can also do a group picture and put us in Silent Hill rofflewaffle, whatever you'd like! She is an amazing person, and deserves pretty arts too!~

If you like to draw, please feel free to enter! The list of prizes are below, as well as the basic rules of the contest. Please be sure to READ THE ENTIRE THREAD before submitting, and posting! There isn't a lot, I promise. Thank you so much to everyone that participates and bumps!

I included several avatars that you can draw, they are just a few posts down. I also hope that the prizes help you out, whether you are questing, or want to help out a friend, etc! I just want this to be a fun little event for everyone. You can mix fandoms, make your own outfit designs, etc. Everything just must be 100% your own work.

Please scroll down for more information. If you still have questions, feel free to post in the thread and ask me~

All entries are due by September 30th at midnight, EST.
Judging might take up to a week to do, so prizes will be given out by early October.

Also, please be sure to check out the F.A.Q before asking a question, your answer might already be there. If it isn't please don't hesitate to ask!

UPDATES FOR 06/30/2008
HEY GUYS! Just wanted to let everyone know that I have now added a small bumping contest to the thread! Feel free to stay around, but remember if you want those bumps to count to the contest, you must number them and space them appart by at least a few minutes each! And no cheating, big brother is watching yooo. ;D Also, before posting, please fully read the BONUS CONTESTS section.

UPDATES FOR 06/06/2008
Contest has been extended for a few more months. Hopefully this will give people plenty of time to complete entries. :3

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02! rules

Do not spam, and follow Gaia's ToS.

You can submit as many times as you'd like, but you are only eligable to win one prize.

Please respecteveryone in this thread, including yourself. Do not put anyone down for their drawings, or put down your own work that you submit. Just love one another, okay? :3

You can only submit your OWN work. You can't trace over anime images, copy someone else's work, take someone's old art, get someone to do it for you, use someone else's doll bases, etc. That's cheating, and no forms of cheating will be tolerated. It must be 100% of your own work that you submit.~

Judging will most likely take a week or so, depending on how many submissions are recieved. So please be patient when that time comes! If you are repeatly told not to ask, your submissions will be disquallified. Sorry.

Judging this contest will be very difficult, please do not expect to win, complain, etc. I am giving out as many prizes as I can, and I really do wish that I could give something to everyone. But please know that I do greatly apperciate every single one of you for your efforts here!

Please do not PM me. all entries, and questions should be submitted into this thread. Please only send me a PM if you feel an entry is not honest. Meaning you know it's copied/traced/etc. If you do this, you must include proof, thanks!

Please do not repost your entry. I will be checking this thread every chance I get, and it may take a couple of days to get it uploaded. Please only make a new comment asking if it's been well over a week since you submitted.

Keep artwork mostly PG-13 please. Blood is okay though. XD;

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03! naryuu?

User Image
21. Has been on Gaia since 2004.
I really like cute things, but I love all art styles and types!
Cats are my all time favorite animal. ♥ { here's what mine look like! XD}
Blue is my favorite color, but I also like pinks, whites, and other light colors.
I am very shy, but I care deeply for those that are close to me, and I love them all dearly.
I'm a big dork once you get to know me, and I loooove video games, some anime, listening to music, and web design.
Some of my favorite video game series enclude: Shadow Hearts, Final Fantasy,Silent Hill, Katamari Demacy, Ace Attorney, and Resident Evil.
And some favorite characters are: Alice Elliot, Yuri Hyuga, Leon S. Kennedy, Phoenix Wright, and Travis Touchdown is pretty awesome too. heart
I love strawberries! XD
Um. That's all I can really think of for now! If you'd like to know more, feel free to ask!

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04! laughliketak?

User Image
22. Has been on Gaia since 2005.
I like creepy stuff...and cute stuff. Creepy & Cute=Yes.
My favorite colours are black, red, and purple.
I am a lovely paradox of blunt and shy.
My favorite video games are the Katamari series, Fatal Frame series, the Ace Attorney series, the Silent Hill series, and the Resident Evil series. SERIES SERIES SERIES Also, World of Warcraft.
My favorite classical artists are Edgar Degas and Paul Klee.

[ top | intro & updates | rules | naryuu | laughliktak | prizes | avatars | entries | submitting | bonus! | FAQs | linkage ]
05! the prizes

first place; 700k
User Image User Image User Image
March 2006 - 103k
July 2006 - 415k
Sept 2007 - 41k
150,000 gold

second place; 400k
User Image User Image User Image
Feb 2006 - 308k
Sept 2006 - 35k
Dec 2006 - 45k
50,000 gold

third place; 200k
User Image User Image
April 2007 - 95k
Jan 2007 - 32k
70,000 gold

best overall laughliketak; 285k
User Image
Chyaku Norisu Scarf - 285k

best overall group picture; 250k
User Image User Image User Image
Oct 2006 - 80k
Nov 2004 - 75k
May 2006 - 85k
10,000 gold

honorable mentions; 15-35k each
User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Jan 2007 - 32k
Nov 2007 - 12k
Dec 2007 - 16k
Feb 2007 - 24k
Feb 2007 - 24k
Aug 2007 - 19k
Nov 2006 - 20k

Some of the hm prizes are: chibi, natural media, cg, background, bright colors, dark colors. More will more than likely be added later on!~

Total; about 2,026,000 and counting!~

[ top | intro & updates | rules | naryuu | laughliktak | prizes | avatars | entries | submitting | bonus! | FAQs | linkage ]
06! avatars

naryuu examples;
User Image User ImageUser Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

naryuu hairsyles;
User Image User Image User Image User Image

laughliketak examples;
User Image User ImageUser ImageUser Image User Image

Please remember that you are more then welcome to modify/create your own outfits/ tweek hairstyles, and even place us in our fandoms! I'm not too picky with this... the main thing is to have fun! heart

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07! the entries

total entries: 77 !!
entries directory: http://s304.photobucket.com/albums/nn185/naryuu/entries/

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08! submitting

how to submit; Please use this form when entering! Also be sure to post it in the thread only. No PMs!
[b]art url:[/b]
[b]art medium:[/b]
[b]who did you draw?:[/b] ([i]Naryuu, Tak, or Both[/i])
[b]Anything else?:[/b]

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09! bonus contests!

Contest #01 - "First Page Bump" Next prize given out on: Page 100.
If you happen to post FIRST on a page that is a multiple of 25 50, you will win a prize! It will be a small sum of gold, a silly drawing from me, or something from Tak. (currently in process.)

100 - Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XYxX
125 - Kimiko_Kaze_Hime

Contest #02 - "Random Gift"
If you hang out in the thread, you may be rewarded for it. ;D So feel free to comment, bump, or chat with people, and you just might get a giftie!

but please note SPAMMING will not be tolerated. You are free to bump as much as you'd like, but please spread them out every few minutes or so.

Naryuu - [ arikii ]

Contest #03 - "Bumping Contest"
Pretty self explainatory, but please follow these few basic rules.
♫ NUMBER ALL OF YOUR BUMPS. Don't even think about cheating, I WILL be keeping track of them all.
♫ Please keep your bumps spaced every few minutes or so. This sub forum doesn't move that fast. IF you do not follow this rule and continue to do so... while I appreciate it very much that you're interested in bumping I do hold the right not to give out prizes if you DO NOT follow this rule. Thank you.

♫ There will be at 2 least two prizes handed out for this, depending on how many participate.

Okay, got those rules down? The main prize I.E The person with the most bumps at end of this contest will recieve...

10,000 Gold.

And to keep this prize fun and special- YES if you have entered the art contest you can still win the bumping prize as well. Good Luck all, and thank you!

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10! FAQs?

001. When are entries for this contest due, and how do I submit?
All entries are due by September 30th, at midnight EST. Please Postany submissions, comments, questions into this thread.

002. I'm almost done, but It's really close to the date! Can't this be extended?
I don't think it would be fair to extend the deadline for just one person, but if there's enough people that need more time, then I will consider pushing the date back a few days.

But, if there's not enough people, I don't think it will be extended (Unless I need to, for personal reasons.) Just submit what you have, and let me know you ran out of time. No points will be taken off for that, so don't worry.

003. If I choose an avie, can I change the hair to one of the four given? Because I don't think I can draw your current hairstyle.
Yes! I know this isn't the easiest hair style to draw, so I included all the styles I've ever had on Gaia as an option as well. You can also combine my current hair with any of the avatars as well, if you'd like.

004. Can I enter more than once?
Of course! heart But please note you can only win one prize. ^^;

005. Are we allowed to enter collaboration pictures?
Sure, I don't see why not. ^-^ when submitting the picture, I think both should post the image, and state they both worked on it together. And that they would be able to figure a way to share a prize if won. :3

006. If we can change the hair and outfit, then we can basically draw any avatar we want right?
Well.... not really. ^^; I meant that you can use one of the other hairstyles I posted, if my current one is too difficult for people to draw. And if none of my outfits interest you, then you are also free to make something up, like Gothic Lolita, or whatever you'd want to do. [that's not over pg-13, ^^;;;;] But it still has to look like my avatar, or one of my friends.

007. You listed a bunch of favorite cartoons and video games. By crossover, would you mean you wouldn't mind seeing pictures of your avatar dressed as these characters, or with them, or both?
Yup! You are free to do that, if you'd like.. whether it's me any my friends dressed as them, or they are also in the picture somehow, etc. I'm not really picky, just as long as it follows the rules, of course. XD;

art credits ♥

I want to thank the following users for creating amazing art, and allowing me to use it here. ♥

Allowei, BiancaPanda, invie`, Yarika_Rosenth, Elva-Chan, and yc_lover.

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11! link in & out

Art Contests;
Roomie Love
At One with the Night
Princes of Paris
Rydia's Art Contest! - 23 mil
Criss's Art contest! - 4 mil
Finale: Aris Ravenstar's Art Contest
Iridescent Realms - 5 mil
Entropy - 300k
Mending Hearts - 600k

Art Shops;
La La Lounge!
Secret Star
Yellow's Manga Art Shop

Quests and Misc;

. :* Eloquent. :*: .Sentimental *: .

Would you like to exchange links? yay! Just make a post with a link and I'll gladly add it~
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Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyy *_*

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