You may not know us by name.

But you know our products.

We supply essential EcoLube that eases friction between posts so Gaia doesn’t overheat.

We invented Sharpfont technology which eases eye strain by up to 4%*
*actual 3.895%

Our Organic ColorMax dyes have made possible items in new shades and hues that were previously impossible.

We are- The Committee.

We represent many of the giant unsung heroes of Gaia, the Corporations.

You may see other… upstarts in the tech industry with wonderful promises and questionable innovations, but who really knows their motives. Who really needs gadgetry no one asked for?

We stand by Gaia along with our industry partners to forge a greater tomorrow for all of us. Together.

We call this new initiative: Tomorrowness.

We ask for not only your support, but more, your TRUST in us and our products.
The Committee will be revealing our new products in a spectacular lineup over the first quarter of the fiscal year.

We thank you for your obvious interest and longtime support.

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