
Vic-Question-Sage's avatar

Birthday: 06/22


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The Question

The Question
Alter ego: Victor Sage

Team affiliations:
Justice Leage

Urban shaman
Great detective, considered second best if not better than Batman
One of the world's foremost martial artists

The Question's mask is made from Pseudoderm, a substance made by an old Batman foe named Bart Magan (Dr. No Face) and Gingold Extract, a fruit derivative associated with the Elongated Man.

The Question's specialized belt-buckle, which releases a binary gas that binds his mask to his skin and temporarily recolors his garb and hair. The binding element is adjusted to Sage's specific body chemistry.

Early in his career, the Question used seemingly blank calling cards with a delayed chemical reaction that after a specified time caused a question mark to appear in a burst of gas. Other writing could be similarly treated to reveal itself at the pre-determined time.

While the binary gas has no other known properties, the Question often used the gas to enhance his image and intimidate criminals into confessing by implying that the gas would cause anyone exposed to it for extended periods to lose their face permanently.

The Question has caused some division amongst his fellow Super Heroes. He has on record killed a few criminals, or not gone out of his way to save a villain facing certain environmental death. He's been called cruel, and insane by several individuals. The Question has even been known to weild a revolver from time to time.

How I Role Play The Question

I play him more like Q from the JLU Animated series. Broken speech patterns, full of conspiracy theories and has a darker violent side to him.

I may go almost total Rorschach on a foe depending on the situation. Expect a man of few words but quick to act.


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Guardian of Agape Report | 11/25/2011 11:12 am
Guardian of Agape
sweet avi---love question and the justice league smile
Cries for Blood Report | 04/29/2011 9:59 pm
Cries for Blood
"Well alright then. It wouldn't surprise me if he had it handled by now though.. Maybe I'll call him. Stay, if you move I'll tackle you down and tie you up." Helena grinned almost evily and turned away to call Bruce.
Cries for Blood Report | 04/16/2011 9:17 pm
Cries for Blood
"That sounds like fun, but for your sake we'll go a little later, when there are less people, lines and stuff." Then Helena remembered what her and Bruce talked about. "Oh but first.. I've got a mission with the Batman I've gotta tend to. It involves Bane.. You up for that.. Baby-doll?"
Cries for Blood Report | 04/16/2011 3:56 pm
Cries for Blood
"Not this time.. Dinner and.. Hmm.. something we haven't done with each other before." Helena paced slightly, thinking on it.
Cries for Blood Report | 04/15/2011 6:48 pm
Cries for Blood
"So... I want to catch up. Let's go somehwere fun!" Helena's eyes light up like nothing he'd seen before, she really had matured. For the greater good.
Ruthless Heroine Report | 04/14/2011 2:58 pm
Ruthless Heroine
[[ Your welcome! And thanks. Wanna rp someday? ]]
Ruthless Heroine Report | 04/14/2011 12:03 pm
Ruthless Heroine
[[ Nice The question avi! : D ]]
Cries for Blood Report | 04/13/2011 7:26 pm
Cries for Blood
You know I've never been the best at that. Like those cases once in a while where some scumbag molested and raped an innocent girl... Thats something I just can't look the other way for. I will not let those girls suffer what I had to suffer.
Hawkgirl of Thanagar Report | 04/13/2011 5:55 pm
Hawkgirl of Thanagar
Hawkgirl thought about it a long time. Maybe too long. She had discovered that this meeting might have been pointless on the Question's part. But on her's she knew she was satisfied with the fact that the rumors were true.

She repeated her thoughts: "This may have been pointless for you, Q." She said, almost calling him by his name.

"Just... if you ..." She lingered, but smiled. "If you need any Thangarian help, give me a call." She wasn't sure if he thought it was funny, but she snapped out her wings anyway, ready to take flight.
FuriousStyles Report | 04/13/2011 4:51 pm
"You should probably take The Huntress with you. If I seem to remember correctly, You two seem to work well together."


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The Plastic Tips at the end of shoe laces are called Acklets... thier true purpose is sinister!
