The Essence of Me

Yeah, I'm not very good at describing myself but I'll give it a try.

First things First: I am happily engaged/married to a wonderful man whom I love with all my heart. smile

My personality changes on a rotating basis. Some days I'm pretty talkative and outgoing, while other days I can be quiet and reserved. I also have a very low low tolerance for disrespect so sorry ahead of time if I get angry at you for doing something I deem disrespectful. Most times though, I'm pretty down to earth and to the point. I can also be a good friend and listener (I try to be anyway) for those who need someone to vent to. If you have any problems just talk to me. It can be dealing with irl or with someone or something that is on the site

As far as likes and dislikes go, I'm very open to different genres of music and movies. I absolutely love culture. To me culture includes food, language, traditions, history, landscape..etc. I get pretty excited when cultural discussions are involved. I also love debating issues. Most times I'll argue a point down if I think I am right until the time where you prove me wrong. Then I'll admit defeat grudgingly.

Bad Qualities are stubbornness, over thinking, and shyness (at least until you get to know me). I also can be really self-centered. It does not mean I'm selfish, just that I don't know how not to socialize without referring the topic back to myself. O.o Kinda hard to get over that bad habit though.

I also have a poor vocabulary so I often times have trouble figuring out the right words to say. Sometimes my brain just goes too fast for my mouth to keep up and it comes out in a stutter or all jumbled up.

I have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and have trained my mind to focus on 1 thing at a time. [lol] So this means that I am not able to multitask. So if you are talking to me in chat and I'm posting in an rp, I will not hear you or get to you right away. To be honest, a lot of my impulsive behavior or decisions are because of my ADHD. Don't worry, I don't get down because of it. It is just a fact that people should know about me.

OMG something that is very important for you to know about me... O: I'm not perfect! Oh ma gawsh isn't that some shiz? This means I make mistakes and might piss you off. :3 You'll do the same to me. Though unless you totally blow me off or disrespect me or someone I care about I'll forgive ya and move on with it. So basically, if I piss you off tell me (even if I get upset cause I'm pretty stubborn for a woman...well nvm that's a womanly thing...anyways) i'll probably go off, think about it, come back and eventually apologize. Please don't write me off right away.

Information you'll probably never find out from talking with me:

I love to dance and sing.

Often times when I get these little spurts of energy I excitedly run around squealing "eeeeeee!" until I reach my destination.

I love dairy and onions even though I am allergic to them.

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Angel Serene's avatar

Registered: 05/18/2004


Kamina Tamotsu on 12/09/2023
lil goblin critter on 12/06/2023

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FrostedMidnight Report | 07/27/2015 12:29 pm
Is this you? Did I find you? *pokes you*
Chaos_Bunny Report | 07/03/2013 9:12 pm
Yup! Thank you!!
Chaos_Bunny Report | 07/03/2013 9:04 pm
Yeah, it was sad to see all my friends go, so finally I left too (actually because of world of warcraft and getting a boy friend hahaha) then slowly came back in 2011.
Chaos_Bunny Report | 07/03/2013 8:57 pm
Yeah. I think they deleted old threads too. There was one I loved because I made best friends with someone in it, but I don't remember her username, and the thread is poofed emo emo

Guess that is payback for leaving for a couple years.
Chaos_Bunny Report | 07/03/2013 8:54 pm
Too bad posting history doesnt go that far back XD haha.
Chaos_Bunny Report | 07/03/2013 8:46 pm
No worries! I actually just checked it out and it does seem familar, but I still don't remember so sorry. >.< It would have been before 2009.
Chaos_Bunny Report | 07/03/2013 8:39 pm
Hmmm, I don't know, I dont think so.
Maur_dib Report | 06/30/2013 9:26 pm
Yeah I know. I try to keep on top and reply to people who message me. Best way to get in touch is PM's. So busy lately trying to open my own shop up. RL things kinda have been trumping everything. Getting there though! Plus all these cosplays I need to work on :3 Facebook is always a good way to talk to me too wink
ImHotPink4ever Report | 06/20/2013 4:42 pm
We are playing dress up if you want to join in!
katara739 Report | 05/23/2013 8:26 am
Thanks for buying from me yesterday blaugh


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