
call me niwa!
chi-am. / 26. / california.
in love with a millia main. ♡
i rp. open to discussing 1x1s.
comment  -  pm  -  inv sale
open spoiler for avatar(s) i want drawn if gifted art!
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previously known as:
hi im yam, yamdere, ascians

“to ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom─it is indolence”

favorite schemes & colors:
auspicious, foggy, silken,
meringue, purified, sidhe
most schemes with vintage gold lol
( skyward, aurora, eternity, etc )

platform | ign    
    steam | ask only ♡    
   riot games | niwa#niwa   
random requests on these platforms are rejected,
so please let me know through gaia before you add me!

my inbox is always open!
will only respond to PMs as whims decide.
https://i.gyazo.com/c1b4b34ff3ca9c8b52caf42a8ff6771e.jpg  it is so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone. —john steinbeck, the winter of our discontent
some girls are made of fire, so take care if you love them. they can’t tell where their eyes begin and the stars / end, can’t tell if their life began here or on the far end of the sky. they can burn you, can scorch your fingers and / char your clothes just as well as they can warm your heart on winter mornings.
- become the woman of your own dreams / nurture the little girl you once were and make her proud / nourish the goddess in you / find the muse in yourself and love her fiercely / build a deep love for yourself