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Aristocrat's Ocs
Soldier Zolnerwich
Name: Blaise Zolnerowich
Named after: A Frenchman his grandfather was friends with
Age: Mid to late 20's
Gender: Male
Birth date: March 29, 1917
Blood type: O+
Nationality: Russian
Current home: Tambov, Russia
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Relationship: Single
Relgion: N/A
Job: Soldier
Title/Rank: Common foot soldier
Class level as a child: Dirt poor
Class level as an adult: Average poor
Hobbies: Drinking, dancing, and daydreaming.
Talents: Um...Whistling? Horseback riding.
Skills: Quick thinking and 'heat of the moment' type of leader.


~Physical Characteristics~
Height: 5 ft 8in
Weight: 180 lb or so
Usual Posture: Straight, stiff back with chin up. Arms by his sides or crossed on his chest.
Build: Lean muscles, athletic build. Narrow hips with a broader chest and shoulders. Clean shaven with a square jaw and a high forehead. He has the high slavic cheek bones.
Skin: Pale
Hair: Chesnut brown, styled like this
Widow's peak?: No
Ears: Small, round
Eyes: Teal in color
Nose: Straight, average nose.
Expressions: Serious, tired, shy
Smile: Small, seemlying shy.
Hands: Average
Tattoos/other markings: None
Glasses?: No
Left or Right handed?: Right
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Formal
Who does he take after, Mom or dad?: Mother
Clothing: Soviet uniform (Or when at home, shirt, pants and boots)
Hygiene: As clean as possible
Physical flaws: Nope

~Past History~
Hometown: Tambov
First Memory: Throwing snow at his older brothers one winter day when Blaise was about 3 years old.
Most important childhood event that still affects him: Witnessing the Tambov Rebellion as a young boy. It taught him that he could never hope to stand up against the brut power of his country, so it was best to do as told.
Other memories/events that still affect him: When his oldest brother, Benedikt, lost his hand during the winter one year because of a horrible accident with factory equipment.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about:
Biggest role model: His older half-brother, Benedikt.
Backstory: Blaise never knew his mother because she died giving birth to Blaise's younger brother, Kolya, when Blaise was about 2 years old. His older half-sister, Yulia, stepped in and filled the role of mother for Blaise and Kolya . Blaise grew up on a small farm. His brothers (and Blaise himself when he got old enough) worked the farm as well as in the factories to try to make ends meet. Blaise only received a basic elementary school level education. When the war broke out, Blaise of course became a soldier (Joined by his brothers Maks and Kolya much later in the war)

~Other characteristics~
Daily rituals: Wake up, wash his face if possible, dress, eat, do his job.
Intelligence Level: Average
Known Languages: Russian
Long-term goals in life: Create a more comfortable life for himself and his family. Own a horse just for himself as a pet.
Short-term goals in life: Survive the war, feed his family, and maybe find love.
Secret desires: To be open in his homosexualty...To have a relationship.
How self-confident?: About average. He's confident in his skills and the things he knows. However, new things cause his self-confidence to dip down some while he's trying to figure it out. Blaise doesn't like feeling stupid.
How does he see himself?: As no one really important in the 'big picture' of things. Just a common guy trying to get through life.
What is he most proud of?: His looks?
What does he liked the least about himself: Intelligence level/book smarts
How does he express himself: Mostly through words and hand gestures
Is he dominant or submissive?: Mostly submissive
Patience level: Low to middle. Depending on the situation.
Ruled by emotion or logic?: Emotion
Most at ease when: At home
ill at ease when: Marching or in battle.
Sense of humor?: Dry
Character/Personality Strengths: Caring, big-brother attitude towards his friends and people he feels he needs to protect (such as children and the elderly).
Mental Strengths: Able to reason with himself about things and push out anything too negative that it might hurt him.
Social Strengths: Strong sense of family and how to treat people above and below you on the social ladder (aka being nice to everyone)
Character/Personality Flaws: Has been known to have too high of expectantions. Follows his leaders with little to no question.
Mental Flaws: Blocking out things that are too bad to be reasoned away.
Social Flaws: Can't seem to master the art of socializing with strangers, especially when those strangers aren't even from Russia.
Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Probably his homosexualty. Blaise is terrorfied about what might happen to him if found out.
Optimist or Pessimist: In-between
Greatest Fear: Being killed
Other Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Being discovered that he's gay, fear of becoming a P.O.W.
Biggest regret:
Other regrets:
Biggest accomplishment:
Minor accomplishments:
Musical talents/instruments: None.
Character's darkest/deepest secret: Other than Blaise's homosexuality? Probably a tie between Blaise's crush on his cousin or the time (as a kid) Blaise accidently set the 'barn' on fire and blamed it on the lighting from an on-coming storm.
Minor Secrets: Blaise was the one that started the rumor that Maks had a crush on the ugliest girl in the whole village ( Galya Kozlov).

Color: Silver
Clothing: His uniform (it makes him feel proud)
Place: Home
Drinks: Alchol
Books: Doesn't read enough to have a favorite
Subject in school: He didn't like any of them, really.
Animal: Horse

Color: Brown
Clothing: Old shoes that don't keep the snow out.
Place: The battlefield
Drinks: Apple juice
Books: Doesn't read enough to not like a book
Subject in school: Blaise didn't like any of them
Animal: birds

Simple Pleasures: Being able to relax at home, making his sister proud of him, getting a smile out of the village grandmothers.
Greater Pleasures: Spending time with his (long-time) crush, being praised by his father.
Where does this character like to hang out?: Woods
Where is this character's dream place to live?: Moscow
Motto/Personal quote: Doesn't have one.
Mode of transportation: Walking
Most prized possession: A broad sword which is kept hidden in his village home.
Why?: It's been in his family for generations and when Blaise enlisted in the army, his father gave it to Blaise saying that he deserved it the most out of all the boys.

Describe character's sense of morals: Average
What do they consider taboo: Kill a child or house pet.
Describe character's etiquette: Poor
Describe character's sense of self-control: Very strong.
Spontaneous or structured?: Structured
Instinctual or logical?: A mix of both
How does this character act in public?: Quiet, acting as he's expected to, respectful and helpful when he can be.
How does this character act in privacy?: Quiet, honest, more likely to show his true emotions.
How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends?: When around strangers Blaise is socially awkward and doesn't really know how to reply or continue a conversation with them, causing Blaise to appear less intelligent than he actually is. With friends, Blaise can carry on very long conversations with lots of smiles and hand gestures.
How does this character act around family?: Very happy and helpful. Could be described as a 'beam of sunshine' when around his siblings, all of which he is very close to. Blaise and his father are fairly distant due to his father not playing a large part in his young childhood.
How has this character most changed from youth?: Became more responible, more quiet and began keeping more to himself instead of sharing it with his sister.
How have they remained the same?: Still a happy person (with family and friends) and still respectful. Still gets enjoyment from watching the first snow fall of the year.
Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew?: Before the war? Not really. During the war? Yes.
If so, who?: During the war it's friends and fellow soldiers.
How has it affected them?: Matured more to the reality of war, became more quiet and accepting of what his leaders tell him. Believing more firmly in the war as well.

How does this character deal with or react to:
Conflict/Danger: Since he's in the middle of a war, Blaise is surrounded by it all the time. He just blocks out what he can and fights or reasons his way out of everything else.
Rejection: On the surface, he takes it well, but as soon as he can, he'll go off by himself for awhile and sit quietly as his emotions work their way out.
Fear: Faces it head long. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Change: Tries to just go with it. What's the point of fighting it?
Loss: Of an item? Moves on. Of a person? Cries and tries to keep good memories at the front of his mind.
Sex/Flirting: Careful and cautious. He doesn't want to be found out.
Pain: If mild, he'll fight through it and keep going. If bad he'll curl up and try to deal with it. And when it's really bad, he'll ask for pain medicine.
Stress: Gets drunk
Peer pressure: Depends on the situation.
Guilt: Tries to fix things
Being wrong: Embarressed and tries to correct things
Being criticized: Quietly accepts it.
Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc): Ignores it
Offending others: Feels guilty and tries to make up for it.
Praise: Smiles proudly.
Being loved: (Usually) returns the affection.
Being hated: Ignores it if he can.
Humiliation: Wants to hide but often keeps going like nothing happened because he belives that's the best way to forget it the quickest.

~How does he express...?~
Anger: Grinding of teeth, yelling, or physical acts of violence.
Sadness: Silent tears to all out sobs depending on the level of sadness.
Fear: Hands shake but Blaise mostly tries to hide this emotion
Happiness/Excitement: Smiling.
Love: Small acts of affection
Lust: Staring and maybe some restlessness.
Stress/anxiety: Usually restlessness and hands seem to fumble around instead of work properly.
Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea): Frown but won't say anything unless asked or it's needed.
Approval (of a person, thing, or idea): Smile or nod and voice his approval if the situation calls for it.

~What does he think about...?~
Marriage: It's not for him.
Children: innocence, new hope...For the most part, Blaise likes them.
Family/Family Values: Very important
Old age: He can only hope he'll live to be it.
Sex: Touchy subject for Blaise so he avoids thinking about it while sober.
Love: One of the more important things in a person's life.
Friendship/Other relationships: Are liking breathing. You can't help but have them.
Homosexuality: Likes and hates it.
The opposite sex: The great comforters of the world.
The same sex: More likely to be violent and more reserved with their feelings.
Money/Material things: Would like to have more of it.
Politics: Has no use for them.
Religion: Scary, cult like things that cause people to act in ways they wouldn't do otherwise.
Destiny/Duty: Something you just have to do. If you don't, you hurt the rest of the world.
Magic/Myth: Childhood stuff
Racism/Races in general: Doesn't understand what the problem is anyways. Can't everyone do their own thing?
Science/Technology: Part fearful, part full of awe
Nature/Animals: Needed for life, calming.
Their past: Content with it.
Their future: Worried about it.
Their role in society/job/etc: It's important. The war HAS to be won.
Drugs and alcohol: Alchohol is good as is the only drugs Blaise comes in contact with (those used on the battlefield by medics)
Killing/Murder: When needed, it's OK to do...But should only happen when NEEDED.
Education: Is it even of any use?
The foreign/unknown: Careful, fearful

How does the character view life?: Important, special. In many cases it's a gift.
How does the character view death?: It comes to everyone...But still does not look forward to going.
How does the character view society?: People are just doing their best to survive.
How does the character imagine his/her own death?: Blaise hopes that it's peaceful and in his old age. However, he fears that it'll most likely be violent and sooner than he'd prefer. Be in a gunshot in battle or being ripped apart accidently in the factories back home.
What does the character want out of life?: To do something to be remembered by...Oh, and to be loved.
What does this character consider "success" to be?: Winning the fight, making ends meet, waking up without a hangover.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: Doesn't know
What motivates this character?: Thoughts of home, his proud ancestors, and the need to do something.
What discourages this character?: Death, losing a fight, hunger
What makes this character happy?: Jokes with friends, holidays, vodka, horses and a warm bed.
What makes this character sad?: Death, other's fear, and seeing the situations of people who have a worse life than he does (makes him feel guilty and sad for complaining about his own life).
What makes this character angry?: Seeing people and animals mistreated.
What humiliates this character?: People pointing out his flaws or mistakes.
What most describes this character's personality?: Quiet and loyal
Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do): Blaise feels that it is the best and easiest way to get through life.
Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical?: Childhood

~Relationships with others~
Relationship Skills: About average. Blaise can create and keep normal human relationships like everyone else.
Loves (non sexual): His family (Besides Maks)
Crushes: Nikon Volkov (cousin), Aleksandr Polzin (Friend from the village and fellow soldier), and Vikenti Orlov (fellow soldier)
Girlfriend/Boyfriend(s): None
Other lover(s): Do one-night stand count...? If so, Blaise has had a lot recently....
Marital status: Single
First crush: Nikon Volkov
Did it last?: Not really. Blaise still likes him, but not as strongly as before.
Why or why not? Simple. They grew up. Nikon and Blaise aren't teenagers anymore.
Best Friends: Kolya Zolnerwich (brother), Nikon Volkov (cousin), and Zakhar Utkin (Fellow soldier)
Friends: Aleksandr Polzin (Friend from the village and fellow soldier), Taras Yakovlev (fellow soldier), and Katia Sokoloff (a girl from the village) plus many more that I didn't feel like naming.
Confident/Mentor: Benedikt Zolnerwich
Hates: The Nazis
Dislikes: Tanks, rats and bad food.
Rivals: Maks Zolnerwich
Pets: None with him at this time, but back at home Blaise has an old farm horse named Prince.
What kind of person would he consider to be the perfect partner?: Someone smart and kind who shared Blaise's strong sense of family and strong willingness to work.
Is the character judgmental of others and how so? In some ways, like by how they act in public and how intelligent they appear to be.

Describe their sense of trust: Um...Average...Blaise is usually pretty suspicious at first, but trust can easily be gained.
What type of individuals does s/he like or associate with? Funny and kind people who are respectable people.....Or people who like to drink with him.
What type of individuals doesn't s/he like or associate with?: Cruel or religious people.
How do they treat members of the opposite sex? : Kindly, but more often than not, like they are fragile things that break too easily.
How do they treat members of the same sex? As equals or friends.
What do family/friends like most about character? His loyalty.
What do family/friends like least about character? How quiet he can be. They can tell he's holding something back but it's like pulling teeth to get him to talk about it! Also, Blaise has developed a really bad drinking problem after the war (worse than it was before the war).

~Love life~
Virgin?: No
Describe his/her love life: Secret, and fueled by alchol and desperate need.
How often does this character have sex?: A guess? Probably once or twice a month.
How long can he/she go without sex?: Blaise tells me that he is willing to go years if he had to...But I'd say that isn't true. Probably at most a few months.
How does this character feel emotionally, after sex?: Usually gulity or worried about what will happen next.
Does this character have self control around individuals of their sexual desire?: Yes
Describe: Blaise learned very early in life that he should not show desire for men, at least publicly, so he depended a strong sense of self-control in order to protect himself.
Does sex play an important role in their relationships, if so, how?: Not really
Turn-ons: Slightly older men, Physically fit, Intelligent, caring, and humor
Turn-offs: Harsh or demanding, cruel personalities.
Fetishes/Fantasies: Blaise shares his fantasies with no one! Not even me... (Lol, I'm too lazy to come up with something. Feel free to make up your own if you want)
Usually on the top or bottom?: It seems that Blaise usually ends up on bottom, but he has been known to top from time to time...
Dominant or Submissive?: Mostly submissive.
Describe their first sexual experience: Rushed, fueled by alchol, scary, but fullfilling.
At what age?: 16
Was it planned/originally intended?: No
Was it consensual?: Yes
How did they feel emotionally, afterwards?: Happy, but very fearful
How has this affected the character, if substantially at all?: Didn't really affect him.
Have they ever impregnated someone, or been impregnated?: No
Have they ever had a sexual experience with the same opposite sex?: Yes
With whom? Katia, a girl from his village.
Was it planned/originally intended?: Yes
Was it consensual?: Yes
How did they feel afterwards?: Unhappy, fake
Possible psychological reasons for their sexual fantasies or behavior: Who knows?

Immediate family: 2 half-brothers, one half-sister, 1 brother, and a father.
Ethnicity of mother: Russian
Ethnicity of father: Russian
Birth order: Benedikt (Half-brother), Maks (half-brother), Yulia (Half-sister), Blaise, then Kolya (Brother).
Extended family: 1 living grandmother, 5 aunts, 4 Uncles, and 10 cousins
Any important/infamous/famous ancestors, and if so, who?: No one in the history books if that's what you're asking.
Describe their ancestral history, if anything of particular note: A long time ago, Blaise's family was guards for nobility and one (A Mr. Lyov Zolnerwich) even was a guard at the Winter palace!
Birthparent(s): Rostislav (Father) and Alisa (Mother) Zolnerwich
Are they still alive?: Rostislav is.
Did they raise this character?: Yes. Somewhat.
What did they do for a living?: Farm mostly. (Blaise's brothers were the ones that decided to take jobs at the factories to earn more money for the family.)
Are they still together?: No
If not, how, when and why did they separate? Alisa died giving birth
How did each parent treat the character, growing up?: Rostislav was distant. Alisa was very loving.
How does each parent treat the character now?: Rostislav treats Blaise like a trusted co-worker.
What does each parent think of the character?: He grew up to be a good man.
What changes their opinion of the character, if at all, and how so?: Nothing, probably will change that.
How did the character treat each of their parents growing up?: With respect.
How does the character treat each of their parents now?: Still with respect, but now in some small ways, as a friend.

Caretaker (if someone other than birthparents): Yulia
What is their relationship to the character?: Older half-sister.
Are they still alive?: Yes
At what age did the caretakers begin to raise this character?: Yulia was 12 years (Blaise was 2).
Did they know the caretakers know the birth parents?: Yes
Did the character know the birth parents?: Yes
How did the mother/caretaker treat the character?: Very lovingly as if Blaise was her own instead of just her little brother.
How did the character treat their mother/caretaker?: Loving, Thought of her as his mother.

Siblings (if any): Benedikt (Half-brother), Maks (half-brother), Yulia (Half-sister), and Kolya (Brother).
Are they still alive, if not who died and when?: Everyone's alive (for now)
Describe how each one treats this character: Benedikt treats Blaise more like a son than a younger brother. This is most likely because Benedikt was already grown (17 years) by the time Blaise was born.
Maks is the type of older brother that likes to tease and belittle- but tries to do it in a joking matter. Maks was always putting Blaise up to stuff as a kid to get the boy in trouble.
Yulia has been a mother for Blaise. She is Blaise's biggest source of comfort.
Kolya was always trying to copy Blaise growing up. He was the annoying kid brother who followed you around everywhere.
Describe how this character treats each one of his siblings: Benedikt: Blaise treats him with a lot of respect and love. Blaise looks up to him a lot.
Maks: Blaise mostly fights and argues with him. He finds Maks to be annoying and immature.
Yulia: Treats her like any loving son would.
Kolya: As a close friend. Jokes around with him. But Blaise is protective since Kolya is his LITTLE brother after all.
Does this character still keep in contact with their siblings?: Yes
How has this character's relationship changed with their siblings since childhood?: As a child, Blaise couldn't stand having Kolya around all the time, now he enjoys the younger man's company. Blaise no longer listens to Maks, but nothing else has changed about their relationship and Blaise's relationship with Benedikt and Yulia is the same basically as it always has been.
How did he get along with the family as a whole?: Very well. Sure there are moments that they fuss and get angry, but doesn't all families?
Favorite parent: Blaise doesn't have a favorite parent, mostly because his siblings took parental roles after the death of Alisa. (And Blaise loves even of his siblings equally besides Maks- Blaise loves him a little less than the others)

What would/does happen if this character became physically handicapped, and how would that change them?: Life for Blaise would probably get harder because there would be fewer ways of making ends meet. Blaise would probably also grow depressed and worried.

What would/does this character do if spontaneously placed in a whole new and unfamiliar environment/country/planet/etc?: Blaise would try to adapt as quickly as possible and make sense of things. He'll be scared, but try not to show it.

If they don't already, what would this character do/act like if they had a child?: Blaise would be surprised but probably happy. Blaise likes kids well enough and it'd be nice to have someone look up to you like that. Plus, he could have an heir....

How does he react to people complimenting him?: Blaise is a bit in the closet about his sexuality. He would probably be a bit suspense (Sp?) if another guy started hitting on him...Maybe even a little bit worried.(Unless Blaise was too drunk to care or the other proved somehow to him that it was of an actual interest in him instead of Blaise's fear of being discovered.) If it was just a normal compliment (Like 'hey, good job!'), Blaise wouldn't think anything of it.

Speaking style: I've always seen Blaise speaking more formally to people who aren't family or close friends. I don't see Blaise being aggressive or defensive except for in arguments or something along those lines. Blaise would probably use mostly short words and Blaise only has an elementary level education. As for Statements/questions and obedient/reticent when questioned...That really depends on the situation I would say....I'd lend more towards Blaise being the type to make statements over questions. I kinda think that he'd be the type that wouldn't like to so obviously show that he didn't know something....Probably saving questions for important things that he would HAVE to find answers to ASAP. As for answering questions...I'd say that for the most part Blaise is fairly obedient in answering unless of course it was information that he wasn't suppose to share with others or something too personal- family matters, his sexual orientation, things like that.

American Aristocrat
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American Aristocrat
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