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OMG Quiz!
1. Do you snore?
I sure hope not. No one's ever told me that I have, though I know that sometimes I'll do this weird snort thing. It's like...I'll go to say something when I'm half-asleep, then I'll yawn at the same time, then just give up what I was gonna say and let the sound of the first word blend with the yawn. And it sounds like a snort when it comes out.

2. Are you a lover or a fighter?
Definitely a fighter.

3. What’s your worst fear?
Monkeys, Emus, people who jump out from behind corners

4. As a kid, were you a Lego maniac?
Oh my God YES! I used to have this one Egyptian adventure set. I BUILT THE WHOLE THING. Like, you screw up at some parts. You'll get so far, then realize you've made a mistake that forces you to compromise the next step, but it's too late to go back, so you wing it. But I built the jeep PERFECTLY. It was absolutely PERFECT. And I brought it to my step-bro's house and we took turns driving it and playing with his Lego set. He had a space station thing. It was kinda gay, until we stuck this satellite thing ONTO the jeep. Good Lord, that was an awesome jeep.

5. What do you think of “reality” TV?
Not very realistic. The only reality TV show that I watch is The Amazing Race.

6. Do you chew on your straws?
Only after I'm finished my drink.

7. Were you a cute baby?
I dunno...guess I was alright. Was cute, but not outstandingly cute or anything.

8. Is the single life for you?
Don't know I really like someone but he is a grade lower than me and I think he likes me...maybe he like the fact that I'm a "Older Woman" That seems to turn guys on for some strange reason...maybe he thinks if he likes me he will get him "some" which is very unlikely.... -shurgs- Who knows.

9. What colour is your keyboard?
Silver with white keys. Hmm...well I suppose the keys are more of an off-white. Maybe a light gray...

10. Do you sing in the shower?

11. Have you ever sky-dived before?
No, but I can kinda see myself doing it. I'm not too great with heights but it does look like a lot of fun.

12. Any secret talents?
I don't think so...I'm pretty sure any talents that I have are not a secret.

13. What’s your ideal vacation spot?
I dunno...just chillin' some where. My idea of a "vacation" is actually kicking back and relaxing. I'd rather sleep all day than go frolic about at a beach and s**t for my vacation.

14. Can you swim?
Yes, but not very well.

16. Have you seen the movie Donnie Darko?
No, but I suppose I ought to. I hear about it quite a bit.

17. Do you give a damn about the ozone?
Sorta. The state of the planet as a whole depresses me quite a bit, actually, but I know there's nothing I can do about it, so I don't really care a whole lot. They say you can do something about it, but c'mon, really, let's be honest: you can't. Ozone does not regenerate. When it's gone, it's gone, so scientists are going to have to actually manufacture more of it before anything happens. I am not a scientist.

18. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

19. Can you sing the alphabet backwards?
If I had the alphabet displayed in front of me, yes.

20. Have you ever been on an airplane?
Yes. It would have been fun, but I had issues. First flight I had a head cold. HOLY ******** that was painful.

21. Are you a single child?

22. Do you prefer electronic or manual pencil sharpeners?
Electronic ones are alright, but manuals just get the job done much better. Because with a manual you have the power to control just how sharp you want it. With electronic ones you have to stick the pencil in the hole and hope you pull it out at the right time for the desired amount of sharpness. I have a manual sharpener. Had it for a year, hasn't failed me yet. It is, quite possibly, the BEST sharpener in the world. I'm not ******** kidding. Kids in my class always come to me when they need to sharpen something. Sometimes they bring it offerings of food and gold. There's also a small altar for it in my school's art room. But yea, it's a damn good sharpener.

23. What’s your stand on hunting?
I don't like it when people do it for fun without the intention of, like, eating the animal after or using it for something that benefits society in some way. Like...stuffing a duck for display does not benefit society. It benefits your ego and makes you look like a jerk.

24. Is marriage in your future?
Uhh...maybe? I don't know. Frankly marriage is not a very appealing idea to me.

25. Do you like your handwriting?
Ha haaaaa, no. Can't read it. I don't even write, I print. AND YOU CAN'T READ THAT EITHER.

26. What are you allergic to?
Nothing really. I sneeze a lot in the morning though, for reasons unknown. I think I'm allergic to mornings.

27. When was the last time you said 'I love you'?
Not to anyone in a long time BUT when I talk to Kyle the "I love you" is implied.

28. Is Tupac still alive?
No. He's dead.

29. Do you cry at weddings?
I'm usually trying not to fall asleep.

30. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled. Sunny-side up is alright too, but I prefer scrambled.

31. Are blondes dumb?
I know a lot of dumb people. Most of them are blondes. BUT!--of that group of dumb people that I know, the biggest idiots of the lot are not blonde. So I don't know. I guess everybody's stupid.

32. Where does the other sock end up?
In Middle Earth. Seriously, think about it. You always need that ONE sock. Gotta get that ONE sock. Forever lost, but when it's found, it's so god damn important.

33. What time is it?
3:52 pm

34. Do you have a nickname?
But you may call me Batman.

35. Is McDonald's disgusting?
Yes and no. Yes, because it is obviously very bad for you. But I do like the taste, and I eat it pretty often. But in moderation. Like...not every single day. Hell, I wouldn't eat McDonald's twice in one day. Once is fine. You WILL get sick.

36. When was the last time you were in a car?
Last night.

37. Do you prefer baths or showers?
Showers. I hate hate hate HATE baths. You just...sit there. Naked. In this tiny little porcelain bowl and you can't (well, I can't) stretch my legs out because it's too small. And you just sit there, and basically wait for the water to get cold. And you look around wondering what the hell you're supposed to do. That is NOT relaxing. That is anxiety.

38. Is Santa Claus real?

39. Do you like having you neck kissed?
...I have never been kissed so...no...I think.

40. Are you afraid of the dark?
No. When I was younger I didn't care much for it. Now, if my door is open just a crack and the light from the hallway shines in I can't sleep.

41. What are you addicted to?
Coca-Cola. And...Subway. Holy s**t do I ever love Subway. Roast beef sub on toasted italian bread with lettuce, tomato, white cheddar cheese and lite mayonnaise. Aaaaand now I'm hungry. ********.

42. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Definitely creamy. Crunchy is disgusting.

43. Can you crack your neck?

44. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
No, and...frankly I hope I never have to. Unless it's like...for fun. Like one day paramedics will show up at my door and be like, "Hey Madzilla, wanna take a ride with us?" and I'll be like, "HELL YES!" and we'll go whizzing down the highway with the sirens on, popping wheelies and doing donuts in the hospital parking lot. And if we get in an accident, it's okay, because there'll be an ambulance there.

45. How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
Once this morning, and I will before I go to bed tonight.

46. Is drug free the way to be?
Definitely. I don't do drugs, and look how I turned out!
...okay, bad example.

47. Are you a heavy sleeper?
Yes. Like, I will wake up. I don't usually sleep through my alarms, and when someone tries to wake me I wake. But if I'm not disturbed I will sleep for hours on end and will not wake up anytime between.

48. What colour are your eyes?

50. Do you like your life?
Mhmm. Could be worse, after all.

51. Who’s better: Stone Cold or The Rock?
Gotta say...The Rock. I never really cared about Steve Austin, nor do I ever really hear about him. The Rock is the Scorpion King anyway (I'm a die-hard Mummy franchise fan, have I ever mentioned that?)

52. Are you psychic?
Uhh...actually...haha, no. BUT!--I can do this really scary thing where I'll suddenly get this idea in my head and will say it, be it a movie quote or some sudden wish or whatever. If it's a quote, me and whoever is with me who heard me will suddenly hear it within about two minutes of me saying it. Like, I'll quote Zoidberg or something, and the next thing my friends and I know, there'll be a Futurama commercial that suddenly pops onto TV and he'll be in it, saying that line, almost INSTANTLY after I quoted it. Or, I'll get a random thought, like, "I like Disneyland" and BAM!--Disneyland commercial.

53. Have you read "Catcher in the Rye"?
Yes. It sucked. Had to read it in school. Holden Caulfield is basically the first emo EVER. Book about him walking around New York City for three days hating everything. It's message was good, but the ending was unsatisfactory and I hated the main character.

54. Do you play any instruments?
Yesh the French Horn.

55. Have you ever stolen money?
I used to steal change out of my Mom's wallet a while back for lunch at school or something. I have my own money now though, so I won't ever do that again.

56. Can you snowboard?
No, and I imagine I wouldn't be too great at it, but I would like to try.

57. Do you like camping?
I hate it. I like the outdoors, like...for walks and stuff. But when I go to sleep, I want to be in a bed. In a room. In a house. Not a big blanket fashioned into a triangle on some grass with bugs all over the place.

58. Do you snort when you laugh?
I have before, but it happens very rarely.

59. Do you believe in magic?
No, but I wish it existed.

60. Are dogs a man’s best friend?
Ahhh...probably. If you're not a dog person, though, then obviously they're not. I like cats, but I think that dog's make a better "friend". Much better company, dogs are.

61. You believe in divorce?
Mhmm. My parents divorced and married other people, and it was probably for the best. Marriage does not always work out, after all.

62. Can you do the moonwalk?
No, but I've tried to do it. MANY TIMES.

63. Do you make a lot of mistakes?
I'm doing this tag...so...yes.

64. Is it cold outside today?
Very. D:

65. What was the last thing you ate?
A chocolate chip cookie.

66. Do you wear nail polish?
No. I'm not very good at applying it, plus I'm not even allowed to wear it at work anyway.

67. Have you ever been kissed?

68. What's the most annoying TV commercial?
Oh Jesus Christ, there's a lot. Umm...I think the most annoying were those damn Canadian Tire commercials with the one couple who always had the right tools for the job. God I hated them.

69. Do you shop at American Eagle?
You're wasting the "69"th question...on American Eagle.
That over-priced boring store with the same clothes over and over again in different colours.
That...is an epic failure.
(also, no, I don't shop there)

70. Favourite song at the moment?
Man...I haven't heard a new song in a while that I actually liked. I'm so bored with the mainstream/indie music scene right now I've turned to Jrock. I suppose The Pretender (Foo Fighters), Bleed It Out (Linkin Park) and Nothing Special (Ill Scarlet, who are really the only bad that I've really liked that have shown up in the past six months) are all my favourites, but they're all really overplayed so I'm pretty sick of them. I dunno...favourite song right now is probably...ffff...I dunno...Miyavi's "Rock no Gyakushuu".

71. When was the last time you had sex?
Never had it.

72. Do you like your job?
I do not have one.

73. Do you like your classes in school?
Yesh but my History teacher is a Bish

74. How do you like your meat cooked?

75. Do you like these surveys?
Only when I'm bored.

And done.

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