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View User's Journal

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Everyday is it’s own adventure.

I opened up my eyes. Another day another bright sun to wake me up. I sighed and tried to fall back asleep. The door opened and my ears took a second to rebound off the noise the door made and my sister’s booming voice telling me I’m lazy and need to wake up. I groaned. I don’t want to deal with this.
“you better be out of bed in 5 minutes. I’ll come and check.” She said in her motherly commanding voice. I grunted to tell her I heard her.
I heard her feet slide away on the floor. I opened my eyes to slits and looked at my clock. 10:28. I fell down on my back and moaned. I hate waking up. I rolled back on my side and tired to fall asleep. Too late. My eyes had opened now I was somewhat awake. I still tried. Untrue to her word my sister came early.
“ugh, you need to wake up.”
I moaned.
I knew she was getting mad but I hate waking up. She turned on the light. The darkness behind my eyelids lightened, but I didn’t open my eyes. I only tightened them.
“Uuuggghhh” she groaned. I felt someone get on my bed. I only tightened my grip on my sheets and tightened my balled up body. She shook me and regained her caring loving sister tone “Wake up.”
“I’m awake.” I groaned.
So much for the caring voice back to parental control voice, “ Wake up. Right now. When I get back up here I expect you to be out of bed.”
I grunted a grunt that she knew was an “ok”.
I heard her leave again. I pulled my leg over part my sheets and gripped my sheets that were wound around my arms and hoped she wouldn’t try to take away my sheets again. Again, she was untrue to her word and was early. I knew this from my intracranial clock.
“ok.” She said in a mad voice. I felt a tug at my sheets. I pulled tighter. And groaned a groan that we both knew meant, “leave me alone!” She ignored it and continued to tugged harder. I gripped my blackest tighter. I felt the blankets slip from my grip slowly but surely she was winning. Of course I would never give up. I go down fighting. I felt a cold sweep over me as my grip hold nothing, not even the air that belongs between my fingers and palm; she won.
“Ok!” I answered as I swung my legs around, narrowly missing the book by my bed. My feet touched the carpet right before my leg hit my white bookshelf. I shot my head around, “I’m up!”
She left satisfied and threw my sheets on the floor.
“Thanks” I mumbled sarcastically.
“What was that?” she said turning her ear toward me.
“Nothing” I sighed out. She left and I got up off my bed. I put my glasses on and went straight to the bathroom. I didn’t even bother to close my door as I pulled down my underwear and began to pee. My sister was downstairs and she was the only other person there. I wiped myself, washed my hands, took off my glasses, and put my contacts in. I blinked my eyes to make my contacts more comfortable and I walked back into my room. Instead of doing what most girls do and looking into my drawers and closet for clothes I looked at my floor. I don’t like putting my clothes into my closet or drawers because I wont find them until after I need them. My pants could end up being in my underwear drawer for all I know. (they probably are) I mean I like being organized, I just stink at keeping organized. So I stuff all my clothes and everything on my floor. My mom always wants me to clean my room. I can’t stand it clean. It’d be the whole stiff clean my whole house is. I can’t stand stiff. You can’t relax in still too well. And I can never find anything. I picked a clean looking pair of pants and a clean looking shirt and put them on.
Finally I took a look in the mirror. I looked like a mess. My hair was everywhere but where it was supposed to be. My clothes looked fine but you could tell I just got out of bed. I grabbed my comb about to make a major hair saving adjustment. I combed my hair back in place. It looked great, but I couldn’t stand it down, not in the summer. So I did my old fashion summer look. I pulled it up and put it back. Now I looked like me. Below average. Just the way I liked it.
That’s when I heard it, and ran downstairs and out the door at the speed of light.
“oohhhh” I heard a moan form from the street.
I ran up my grass and to the street as fast as I could. There was a car stopped and the person in it was opening her door freaking out. Below the two front wheels was a bike and a guy was laying down about three feet form the head of the car. I got to him first. He was gorgeous.
“hey, you ok?” I ask leaning over him.
he moaned again. His eyes opened. They were the most dazzling green I had ever seen. He smiles making his eyes shine even more as he said, “you’re beautiful.” Then his smile disappeared and his eyes closed tight and his body balled up around his stomach he was clutching wit his arms. He groaned then his whole body relaxed. He was passed out.
“oh my god” the driver had gotten out and was right next to me. She whipped out her cell phone and called 911.
That is how my morning started. On the street, comforting a gorgeous guy who thought me, a below average girl, was beautiful. The ambulance seemed to take forever, but finally they were there in my col/de/sack.
“oh Jake this doesn’t look good” one of the doctors said to the other. I gasp. Uh-oh.
“oh no. do you know him?” Jake, the other doctor, ask me.
I looked at him blankly. “no.”
“oh well are you sure?” he ask me then added to him coworker, “his parents need to know.”
“I think I would know if I knew him, but I’ll go to the hospital with him” I don’t know where that came from or why I said it, but next thing I knew I was telling my sister, Megan, that I would be back later. When she ask me where I was going I said I was going to the hospital with my friend. I don’t know why I said that but either way it got in the ambulance holding his perfectly sized hand telling him that it was going to be all right even though I didn’t know him and he was passed out.
When we got to the hospital they wouldn’t let see him at first, but after a lot of annoying them someone finally cracked and took me to his room. He was still passed out so I picked up a piece of paper and started writing.
“Everyday seems average, but everyday has its own adventure…” that’s how I started the story I was writing. That was my favorite quote someone else made up. Sometimes I like rewriting it. I heard him moan and wake up after a while. Right then I was putting the word “dream” in the conversation Will and Kelly were having. It was the romantic first meeting in the story.
He opened his amazing eyes and turned his gorgeous head toward me a little. “Where are we?” he ask. Not my name, what I was doing here, what happened, but “where are we?”
I couldn’t keep my eyes away from his beauty as I stuttered “th-the hospital”
He turned his head toward the ceiling again, sighed, and ask me “ I was hit by that car wasn’t I?”
“Yea” said staring as him. I wondered what he was thinking.
“Well,” he said as he turned his head toward me again, “at least I get to wake up to a beautiful girl”
He had said it again. He said I was beautiful and that’s not all. His eyes seemed to twinkle when he said it, but still somehow I knew I didn’t know what he was thinking.
“uhh, w-well,”
“ ANDREW! Thank God you’re ok.” A girl had come in. She looked my way and with a disgusted tone ask, “Who are you?”
“Uh, Lacey.”
“Hey, Kelly” Andrew said.
I gave a short laugh.
“What’s so funny about my name?” she ask
“O-oh nothing, its just I was writing about a Kelly” I stuttered. His smile on his face made me stutter. It was the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen.
She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Andrew, but before she could say anything Andrew said something.
“Where are Liza and Dad?” He ask, his gaze averting from her glaring eyes.
“You know Liza wants you to call her “Mom”. Your Dad had a business trip and your step-mom had a spa day she couldn’t miss.” I looked disgusted. Ok spa day, stepson, spa day, stepson, that’s a toughie.
“You know I’ll never call her Mom. She’s the fourth one who wanted me to call her mom. The other 5 ignored me. Mom!” a lady walked in.
“Oh, Anderson, what did you do this time?” she said with a smile on her face.
“his name is Andrew” Kelly corrected.
“no its not”, Andrew/ Anderson said, “its Anderson, I gave up on correcting you.”
“Ugh” Kelly said.
“excuse us Kelly, but I would like to talk to him without you for a second.” His mom said.
“ok” Kelly said reluctantly as she walked out of the room.
That’s when I was reintroduced.
“Hello I don’t believe we’ve met.” She said after Kelly left.
“w-we have-ent” I stuttered. Man I need to stop.
She smiled sweetly, It reminded me of his, and her eyes sparkled a dazzling green just like his. You could tell this was his mother. “well, then I think its about time we did. My name is Penny. I’m Anderson’s mom, but don’t let that be an excuse to call me Mrs. Hordon. Call me Penny.”
“ok, Penny.” I was gaining my confidence again. Something about her smile did that. “My name is Lacey. Lacey Hewett.”
“Well, Lacey, its nice to meet you. I’m Sorry we got rid of Kelly, but I can’t stand her. My ex’s second wife got her. I have to deal with her every month, but I would spend every second of my life with her just to see Anderson for one minute.”
“Well, you must really love him” I said.
“You should know how great he is.” I looked at him for a second and he was blushing madly. “Being here for him before me is spectacular. No one ever does that.”
“Well, actually, he was hit right outside my house and I went in the ambulance with him.” I explained.
“oh, well do you want to come home with us?” Penny ask.
My stutter was coming back “well I , uh, well, my sister is expecting me home, and uh, I don’t want to get n trouble.”
“here why don’t you call her? We would love to have you for lunch for being there for him.” Penny said holding her cell phone to me.
“o-ok.” I said.
“it would be nice to know someone down here. You see, my ex husband is here on vacation and took Anderson with him but I had to come down here to get him and its pretty nice so we’re staying in his vacation house. So will you come?” she ask as I hung up the phone. Yea, she said that while I was on the phone.
“yea I can go with you, but ill need a ride home.” I aid. I cant believe my mom said yes and that she’d tell my sister where I was. Then something obvious struck me. “doesn’t he have to stay here?” I ask.
“oh yea. Well that’s no good. Hmmm I’ll ask the doctor.” Penny walked out. Kelly walked in.
we stood there for a minute looking kind awkward then she finally said “so why are you here? I know you don’t know him”
uh-oh. I didn’t know why. “w-well I , uh, he, uh, he was hit r-right ou-outside m-my house. An-And I-I thought I-it would be polite to g-go here with him at-at least until his fa-family got here.” Her stare got me to stuttering even worse.
“Well, Miss s-s-s-stutter Lacey, we’re here. Why don’t you leave?” she said in a disgusted tone.
Now that gets me mad. Being called “Miss”, but I stayed calm as I said “ well, they invited me to lunch and it would be impolite to deny it especially if I just ask for permission.” the whole time my innocent face was on. She was enraged. But my madness made me lose my stutter.
She sighed. “ok. Whatever. just don’t get too flirty with him.”
I blushed like mad as my mouth hung open and I stared at her. “w-what? Fl-flirty? N-no w-way.” Great my stutter was worse than ever.
“wow, you guys could be twins with the looks on your faces.” Kelly laughed.
Anderson was hyperventilating as he said “k-k-k-kel-kelly. Th-th-th-theres n-n-no w-way w-w-we a-ar-are f-flirt-flirting.” Looks like I wasn’t the only unsmooth talker.
Kelly’s eyes turned to slits. “Don’t let your dad know you like someone. He will get them in huge trouble if he finds out you like someone other than me.” She said.
“I-I don’t like her. You know I, I barely even know her.” He said.
She laughed. “you think I don’t know what you guys are feeling? You guys are destiny.” A tear streaked down her face as she said this.
“we’re just friends and why does he have to like you?” I ask.
“His dad doesn’t want him a liking anyone he doesn’t approve and he only approves me.” Her eyes started getting cloudy.
“oh.” Was all I had to say to that.
“You two remind me of Brandon and I. We said the same thing. Just friends” her eyes got distant.
“What happened?” I had to ask.
“Nothing.” She said quickly.
I would have perused it but then Penny, Anderson’s mom, came in. “I convinced them to let you go. Plus your Dad’s doctors should be able to heal that in a snap.” She said this as she put her wallet back in her purse. I held back a laugh. “lets go.” She said with a smile. Looks like she has the money to “persuade” people.
So that’s how it went at the hospital. I met some people and we left. But I didn’t know how much today’s adventure would change my life.
Soon enough Anderson was back in his own clothes and we were on our way out. Kelly started walking to a red convertible.
“Where are we meeting?” she ask.
Penny put on a pout face, that seemed to make her face look about 20 years younger, and crossed her arms.
“Mrs. Hordon….” Kelly said as she rolled her eyes.
Penny undid her arms and she seemed to grow about 20 years older as she took off her pout face. “ok. Chick-fil-a” she said.
Kelly gave her a look of doubt. “Mrs. Hordon.”
She sighed. Then in a stubborn tone she said “La Hacienda”
“Thank you.” Kelly said. Penny just looked mad. “I’ll meet you there” Kelly said.
Kelly got in her car as Anderson explained to me, “Mom, always tries to get away from her everywhere.” I stifled a laugh. I never met any adult like that. He smiled. Gosh, his smile was amazing, but no, just friends.
We moved out of the way as Kelly pulled out. She had a sour face on.
“so, where’s your car?” I ask. Both Anderson and Penny laughed.
Penny was the first to stop laughing. “I don’t have a car with me.”
“We have to walk?!!?” I ask. Don’t laugh at me; I have my blond moments even though I’ve got dark brown hair. Well, I said that before I realized what I was saying and then I got another blushing madly while they laughed.
This time, Anderson finished his beautiful laughter first. Then he said in the voice I could listen to as music for the rest of my life, “we have a limo.”
“oh,” I blushed even more. Man, how I wanted to disappear.
“its ok. Everyone who meets us first says that.”
My thoughts choked as I choked out, “everyone?” I was getting dizzy. Did that include girls? What number was I that he called beautiful? Was he always getting hurt to get girls? Was he a player? I don’t want that experience again. The pain is too much.
“Yea, he has a lot of guy friends and girlfriends.” Penny said.
“How many girlfriends?” I choked again before I knew what I was saying.
Penny smiled and looked my tomato red face to Anderson’s baby soft face that I couldn’t look at with dignity. Then laughed out, “don’t worry they aren’t any competition for you.”
“Mom.” Anderson almost whispered and finally I got a glimpse of his face. If it was possible his perfectly tan face was redder than mine. I smiled just looking at his face. I still wondered what he was thinking, but no, just friends.
Penny laughed a short and beautiful laugh that reminded me of Anderson’s as she tossed back her dirty blond hair. “you two remind me of Me and..” , her smile faded and she almost whispered, “ …Cory…..”
Before I had a chance to shoot Anderson a look of question he said, “ that’s my dad’s name.” I gasp. That was the county overly- rich-guy.
Both Penny and Anderson looked uncomfortable as the limo pulled up.
“Penny, Anderson, and hello, who is this?” the chauffer ask as we piled in.
“ This is Lacey. Lacey this is Aaron” Penny said as she got in the passenger seat.
“Umm, Mom, aren’t you going to sit with us?” Anderson ask the same thing I was thinking.
“No, I’m going to let you two be alone for a while. Remember these windows are soundproof, so you could get away with anything.” Penny said with a wink. We exchanged looks of uncomfort.
“umm, Penny… really, you can come back here if you want.” I had lost my stutter, but stumbling over my words? Definitely there. Alas, I was too late she had rolled up the window. I know your thinking “who says alas?” well, it seemed to fit there and I’m a writer I say things most people don’t. ok, I’m a writer who doesn’t care to be hugely popular and I pretty much have my own language, but you’ll survive.
“I guess we’re supposed to get to know each other.” I said as I rolled my eyes. Great now I was stuck with a gorgeous guy and I suck at talking to pretty guys let alone gorgeous guys.
“Ummm, so your name is Lacey? Its beautiful.” His voice was so amazing.
I struggled not to smile at his voice as I said, “I hate it.”
“Awww, how can you hate it?” He ask with a huge smile on his face. Mine finally broke through. I wonder if he was wondering what I was thinking.
“well, do you like yours?” I shot back.
His eyes grew amazing. Just the look in them, like he was here but he was in heaven at the same time. It was amazing. “Yea! I love it! it sets me apart. I just love my name!” He looked into my eyes and his smile grew at mine. Then he did that stupid hair thing guys do. You know, where they flatten the front of their hair. I laughed. I didn’t know what else to do. He laughed too, it was amazing, his laugh I mean. I was sounding a looking like a fool.
“well, mine is so, common and yea, you know?” I ask.
“yea, a little.” He replied.
It finally came out, “what’s up with you and Kelly?”
He laughed again. It was heavenly. I wondered how I looked. “She’s sort of like my caretaker. She’s been that since I was like 7. My first step mom hired her. She just didn’t want to spend time with me. Neither do any of the other ones. And now you’re probably going to be like other girls and start liking me for my money.”
Whoa, whoa, no. No. I am sooooo not like that. “Why would I do that?!?!”
He began to stutter, “W-well, I-I-I j-just th-th-thought y-you w-were l-l-like o-other g-girls.”
“no, I’m not. My Dad and mom work to make enough money for me to pretty much hate it.” I answered.
“oh” he answered.
“yea” I said.
Then he said the most remarkable thing In the world. “Your amazing.” Two words that took me away, just like “your beautiful” did.
My mouth hung open as I tried to get something out. I was blushing I could feel the warmth crawling up my face, but, man, I couldn’t help smiling. It was unbelievably wonderful to be called that. A tear walled up in my eye, but didn’t slip out. I couldn’t cry in front of him, even if I was so happy I could cry. I don’t know why I was so happy. He’s just a gorgeous guy in my below average life. We probably would talk rarely or stop talking after this. Actually, we most likely will stop talking after this. He probably says that to every girl he meets.
He looked as shocked as me to be saying that.
It slipped, “how many girlfriends have you had?”
This time I looked shocked at what I said, but he could actually talk this time.
“Five. All who loved me for my dad’s money. And I thought they all liked me for me. I hate letting people know who my dad is.” He said. Looking down and sighing.
“Oh, why did your mom fall in love with him? I mean with that many wives he sounds really bad.” I ask. Penny laughed. Wait, Penny? I turned to look at the window and it was open with her turned around looking at us.
“Hey, I was just about to ask you if you wanted to listen to the radio, but you guys had that look I couldn’t let you lose the moment. No, Cory wasn’t always like that. I fell in love with him when he wasn’t far from broke. I remember it just like yesterday. He was amazing. The first day we met I couldn’t get my eyes off him. really, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him or on him. I was really overdoing everything. When I looked at him I looked too long and I had to yank my eyes off him just so I would look obsessed. Still, I looked at him for minutes then at something else trying to keep my gaze off his beyond belief face, just like Anderson’s except his eyes and nose.” She smiled as if she knew something we didn’t. She continued, “it was a Saturday. He knocked on my door saying he was an encyclopedia seller even though he had no encyclopedias. We ended up falling in love. And then got married, but he changed when he got rich.” Her eyes seemed distant. “I miss the old him….”we watched her a for a minute at least it seemed. Then she seemed to remember we were there then ask “ so do you want to listen to the radio?”
“sure, Penny.” I said.
she smiled. “ok.” She turned around and turn the dial of the radio and closed the window.
Hey there Delilah was just starting.
“I love this song!” I said with an intake of breath.
He smiled his outstanding smile and said, “me too.” Then sighed. “Great, now every time I hear this song I’m going to think of now. You know, us talking, I’m just weird like that.”
“I know what you’re talking about! That happens to me too!” I exclaimed.
“ok,” he said with a heavenly smile on his face, “ this is now our song cause we both think of each other.”
“d-deal” I said as I tried to see what was working behind those angelic eyes, in his amazing head.
We shook hands. So that’s how hey there Delilah became our song. The song couples all around the United States were singing to remember each other’s love was our song. Our song that meant our friendship. I mean friends can have songs too, right? Yea. Me and my friend have one. It’s perfectly fine.
His white teeth flashed in a smile and I flashed one too.
“So, how many boyfriends have you had?” He ask. Wait, did he just ask that? No way. That’s a total Seventeen magazine sign.
“Three, but I wish I didn’t. I wish only one of them had happened. The other two, well, they both were just mess-ups. You know?” why was I saying this? Ok its true, but my stutter is better than this. Why did my stutter have to go?
“oh.” He said.
“how many have you had?” I ask. O gosh that sounded a lot better in my head.
He laughed, “none. I’m straight. And I told you five who likes me for my dad’s money. ” He said looking at me. Oops.
It slipped out before I had a proper chance to think over what I was saying, “oh, I forgot. Not that I forgot you, its just the song, I was thinking about the song and totally forgot.” Ramble alert! Ramble alert! Wow, I was really doing bad.
“Yea, well, its ok.” He said.
“thanks.” Was all I could think to say. I can tell you this though, you could easily mistake my face for a ripe tomato I was blushing so bad.
We sat in silence for a while then he ask, “why did you go out with them? You know, the ones you didn’t want to go out with?”
I bit my lip. “well, one of them seemed nice, but, you know, as a friend, but we ended up dating and it ruined our friendship when we broke up.” I said.
“who broke up with who?” he ask. Man, did he know how to ask questions I didn’t want to answer.
“can I have a soda?” I ask.
He looked blank then said, “uh, sure.”
He tossed me a Dr. Pepper. I caught it and opened it letting it admit the beautiful sound of soda opening. I tasted the heavenly taste as I drank it then answered, “ well, I let the first one because we got in a fight. He was a he mistake. One of them moved, the guy that wasn’t a mess up, and the last guy, well, I broke up with him.” Memories of the last on spilled back. All those things I didn’t want to remember were fresh in my mind. My heart ached with sadness and hatred. “the last one was definitely a mistake” I said through bared teeth.
“why?” Anderson ask.
I looked at him blankly. I had forgotten he was there. “oh, well, I thought he loved me as much as I loved him and, well, he cheated on me.” I said trying to sound like it didn’t matter, but apparently Anderson could hear the hurt anyways.
He answered in an “oh, I’m really sorry that happened. He had to be mad to have done that to such an amazing girl.”
“it’s the past. Not now. Don’t worry about it.” I said reassuringly as a tear welled up in my eye.
“well, there are people who do that and we just got to learn to live with them.” He said. Looking away.
“yea.” I said looking down and letting one tear escape as everything welled up inside. I wouldn’t let him see me freak. I will stay calm. I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. Everything is fine. I looked back up.
He was looking down.
“so why’d you call me beautiful?” I ask. Even that was ok in getting off the ex subject.
“how could I not? I saw you and I saw something different in you. Your eyes, they showed so much. you’re just so beautiful.” He said looking up at me, into my eyes.
Another awkward silence would have followed had the car not stopped right outside the only mansion in around for miles.
Penny poked her head in after opening the door. “you two done engaging in conversation?” she ask with a smile on.
“yea” we both muttered.
“Wait, I thought we were going to La Hacienda” I said.
“We are its just we will after I give you a small tour of the house.” Penny said. I gulped. I told my mom we were only going to lunch.
Ok, so it turns out that we had to use a code to get in the gate, but this place went past that in security. Guards at the gate and front door, booby traps all over the place, a code to get in the house, approval from his secretary that the guard can open the door that someone gave the code to and if you weren’t related or with someone related then you were to be lead to the waiting room to be escorted to Cory Hordon’s personal office’s waiting room then to his meeting room. Did I mention you were escorted by a guard? Yea, you were.
One thing comes to mind when you see the place from afar. “holy cow that house is the biggest house in the world.” When you walk into it two things come to mind. “holy cow this house is the biggest house in the world.” And “holy cow this security is going to kill me.” And when you walk into it and have to pee one thing comes to mind “holy cow I’m never going to find the bathroom in here!” so, yea, don’t go in there when you have to pee. It stinks.
“Finally, we’re past all the security” said Penny with one of the guard eavesdropping and “guarding” us. So much for being past all the security. I guess Penny read my mind because she said to me, “don’t worry you’ll get used to him”
“Does he follow us people into the bathroom? Oh yea, by the way I have to go to the bathroom.” I said hastily saying that I had to go. I really had to go. Caffeine goes right through me and yet I’m addicted to soda.
Penny laughed then said, “don’t worry your not alone in having to go, but I don’t know where I’m going. Anderson, will you show the way?”
“sure.” He said leading us down a hall to a bathroom. It was the kind of bathroom you see in public, you know with lots of stalls and stuff.
“Thanks!” I called out as I walked in the “out” side. I cant stand following those stupid rules.
I got in the stall and locked it behind me. Soon enough I was out and washing my hands. I heard Penny flush her toilet and unlock her door and watched her come out through he mirror. Ok, so you know how I told you the bathroom was the kind you would find in public? I was wrong. Sure, it has like 5 million stalls its just they are all cleaner than anything and automatic and everything looks all glossy and just amazing. I can’t explain it all. I think the sinks were made out of pearl. At least the rim. The rest of the sink looked like it was pearl though even though I knew it couldn’t have been. the stall I had used was emerald green I think with some emeralds incrusted in it. Penny’s was sapphire blue and the one after that was ruby red. It went through a whole line of precious jewel color except there was no diamond and I was happy there wasn’t.
I walked out the “in” door and saw Anderson waiting on the “out” side with his back turned to me. Well, if we’re going to be friends then he would be ok with me joking around with him. He was looking at a portrait of someone. I silently crept up behind him and moved my mouth inches form his ear. My chin was so close to his shoulder that if he moved it at all he would hit my chin full force.
“what are you looking at?” I barely whispered in his ear.
I pulled my head back a millisecond after I said that but he jumped so fast that he hit the tip of my chin and I bit my tongue. Ow. He jumped at least 20 feet in the air, and, had it not been for my chin, I wouldn’t have doubted he would have gone higher.
When he landed he lost his footing (stumbled?) and ran right into me. Now, not expecting this I lost my balance under his weight and we both fell down. I felt the hard tiling slap my back with a “SMACK!” sending pain throughout my back. That was before Anderson landed on me. It felt as if the world was crashing down on my front and man did it knock the wind out of me.
“I’m so sorry!” he breathed out as he attempted to get off me. Keyword: attempted. Once he thought he had his balance he spun around and put his hand out offering me help up, but , of course, he did it to hastily and ended up on top of me again. this time facing me. I had been trying to catch my breath, but the wind was once again knocked out of me.
“uh, sorry, uh..” He said as he put his arms out to push himself off me, but that’s when Penny decided to come out of the “out” side of the bathroom. We all stopped dead in our tracks. I had one hand sprawled out over my stomach as I was catching my breath and the other forearm over my forehead. Anderson looked like he was about to do a push-up over me except one knee was right next to one of my knees. We were both looking at Penny blushing madly with our mouths wide open and our eyes goggling. Did I mention we were facing each other? If it was awkward before this went off the charts. Ok, we were both looking at Penny but our bodies? Another story. We were so close I could feel his body heat. Penny was in mid-step with her hands clutched together as if she had been rubbing them together. Her green eyes were opened as wide as humanly possible and her facial expression showed that she hadn’t been expecting to walk out and see this. We stayed like that for a minute unable to move. Anderson was the first to move, but all that happened was his mouth popped open and shut repeatedly. I think he was trying to say something. He wasn’t helping. I was the first to talk.
“Penny, its not what it looks like.” I said ,in my opinion, convincingly. I think she was paralyzed. Or just really really stiff and needed a massage. Maybe she could use Liza’s spa day. I glanced up at Anderson for help, but he was still soundlessly mouthing. I pushed myself out form under him and got up and dusted myself off.
My getting up seemed to get Anderson completely back to his senses. “yea, Mom, I just turned around and fell like this. It was a total accident.” He rambled with his eyes almost reaching Penny’s size.
“yea, we just fell and were getting up” I confirmed wile Anderson got up. Well, that’s how we landed. He was turning around, but to help me up. What Penny doesn’t know wont hurt her. She doesn’t need to know I scared him out of his wits. I guess he did want to be friends considering he baled me out. Even though Penny is probably one of the coolest moms I’ve ever met I just don’t think she would like to know that I snuck up on her son and scared him. Or that we had a song. I don’t think her and “Cory” as she would call him had gone through exactly that.
Penny seemed to regain control of her legs. And arms. And I think the rest of her body in that order. First she did the Anderson thing and moved her mouth, but at least she had relaxed. She had put her foot down and her arms were at her side and she was slouching, but her eyes didn’t change a bit. Still amazingly huge. You know, she has really pretty eyes. I sat there instead of noticing her hand going to slap me and Anderson’s whole body stopping her (which I found out about later) I was staring into her eyes. I think they changed color for a split second to blue; maybe it was a trick of the light or something. I wonder if Anderson’s do that.
Anderson’s voice woke me back into reality. “Lacey? Can I have help?” he grunted, even his grunt was amazing.
I looked up. He was still holding her off. Since I didn’t find out what he was doing till later I was completely confused, but then Anderson grunted, “just say your sorry and your not a slu-“
“I-its true. It w-was a-all an a-accident. I- I’m sorry if I-I got you mad or s-something.” I stuttered. Great now back to stuttering.
Penny relaxed and stopped trying to get through Anderson to slap me. Anderson fell down. He had been leaning over her arm. I struggled not to laugh. I was afraid that if I did then she might get mad again.
“I’m sorry” she sighed out to me, “its just I don’t want Anderson to get hurt again.”
“I don’t want to hurt him either” I said. It seemed like everything round us had vanished and it was just Penny and I talking about Anderson. She looked into my eyes with a searching look. Then she seemed to give up on looking.
“None of them have ever said that.” She said her eyes widening again. Man, and she had just reduced them to normal size.
A guy’s voice seemed to break us from this alternate dimension.
“you know I’m right here right?” Anderson ask. He was standing up again and he had his arms crossed over his chest. He looked impatient.
We looked at him. we both were blushing. I thin she forgot too.
He looked at us open mouthed with the same look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed but he wasn’t mad. Then he started ragging on.
“oh my gosh, I can’t believe it. my mom and my friend completely forgot about me. They were talking about me in front of my face. Why do I even bother to exist? I mean I might as well just walk away so they can talk about me behind my back and I’ll never know what they said about me and I wont feel so bad. Geez, that makes me not want to trust you. You know what? I wont even trust-“
“-Anderson-” Penny said.
“-you anymore. I mean come on how can you do that? Especially after what just happened? That’s so-”
“-Anderson-” that was me that time. We were both trying to get him to shut up. Ok, so I didn’t want him to cause I love his voice, but it was 12:48. Kelly had just texted Penny asking where we were. We had to go before Anderson’s dad saw us without Kelly too.
“- inconsiderate of you. Seriously its my house too. And you better shut it while I’m talking.” Anderson said as we opened our mouth to attempt to get his attention.
“Well now since we have your attention we need to leave. We can’t get you busted and Kelly is waiting for us.” Penny said.
“Don’t tell me you left Kelly again.” a firm man’s voice said behind us. Penny’s eyes ignited and seemed to turn a shade darker.
She turned around. “Well, Cory we were about to leave to go see that caretaker of yours. I think Anderson has outgrown her though.” Penny said fiercely. Part of me was yelling “WHOO GO PENNY YOU SHOW HIM!” in my head.
“oh well. I think I’m rich enough to afford her anyways. Unlike some people.” He said looking at Penny’s clothing. “And I don’t think Anderson is too young for a girlfriend. Yes, that’s right they are going out.” Cory said in a drawling voice as he looked at my look of fury. What he didn’t know was that they actually weren’t going out so I felt better, but his act of superiority was driving me crazy. I can tell you he wasn’t a good man. I wouldn’t have believed he ever was had Penny not married him. You can’t judge someone by how they treats their equals, but the people beneath them. And technically we were his equals and he was treating us like we were lower than him so if you get my drift on that.
“well, its about time we go see Kelly. Anderson here will die if he doesn’t see her much longer, but you know what?” Anderson looked like he was going to puke if he ever had to see Kelly again. I had to stifle another laugh., “ I think they are headed for a break up. And believe me Anderson doesn’t need anymore people to watch over him. he is perfectly fine by himself. Considering all his caretakers have lots him at least once.” Anderson held up 5 fingers twice behind Penny’s back signaling that he had had ten caretakers. I had to stifle another laugh. “so if you’ll excuse us we must go see the break up. Do you want her to be fired too? I’ll do that for you. And don’t hire anymore please.” Penny said smugly.
Cory’s eyes flashed a bit of anger, but he kid it and said, “ok you can fire her, but let me speak with this girl before you leave.” Penny glared at him as he added, “Alone.”
“Just lead her to the limo. We’ll be waiting.” Penny said and turned around and quickly walked away with Anderson not far behind.
“See ya later Dad” Anderson called back, his hands in his pockets.
Once we heard the door close Cory turned to me with a forced smile on. “hello what’s your name?” he ask me as if he was forced to ask a two year old what their name was right after they had kicked his balls. Strained and forceful.
“Lacey.” I said glaring back at him.
“why hello Lacey I’m Cory. I’m your new boss.” He said the same way as before. Wait whoa. Hold the phone. Boss? What?
“what?!” I blurted.
“I’ll give you a hundred dollars to date my son.” Cory said that the same way too, like he had a wedgie. A really bad one. Except this time slower as if I was stupid.
“no.” I replied.
“ok, ok, a thousand.” He said.
“no! I’m not about to date your son for money. I think he’s perfectly capable of making his own girlfriends. Without your money.” I said walking away.
Before I even got outside I was thinking “What in the world am I doing? I’m broke.” , but I kept walking. I walked all ways through the front door and into the limo without looking back. I think I didn’t need money to want to date him son. No. just friends.
The moment I got in I was pounded with questions. Ok, so they were pretty much the same.
“what was that about?”
“why did he pull you away?”
“do you currently have a boyfriend?” ok so that was pretty much the only one that almost had nothing in common with the others. Yes! I think karma is on my side. It was Anderson who ask it.
“did he blow up at you?”
“is he giving you a job of some sort?”
“slow down!” I got out. They shut up at once.
“what happened?” Penny ask.
“well, pretty much he said he’d pay me to be Anderson’s new girlfriend.” I said.
“I knew it. he probably thought you were single and wanted to have someone to keep an eye on me. Mom, you shouldn’t have said anything about Kelly.” Anderson said. Oh, that’s why he wanted to know if I had a boyfriend. Man, I got my hopes up for nothing. Wait, what am I thinking? We’re just friends. There is no way we’ll be anything more. We’ll probably just be really close friends or something. Yea, that’s it. really close friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Maybe.
Then something hit me. “I am single.”
Anderson went a deep, deep scarlet. Well, I__ th-thought y-you w-would h-have o-one b-being y-you a-and a-all” He stuttered and I had a feeling that he wanted to disappear, but I pursued the topic.
“’Being me’? What’s the supposed to mean? ‘And all’? What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask in a demanding tone.
I got him blushing worse than anything and stuttering as if it was impossible not to. “w-well I-I ,uh, I-I, uh,” He got the same silent talking thing from before.
Penny spoke for him. “what he’s trying to say is that he likes you” she said shortly with a shrug.
Anderson looked at her in disbelief, his mouth still running.
Finally, he spoke, “I wasn’t saying that I-I just thought she was the type of girl who always is taken.”
I laughed at that. I might have boyfriends, but only having three I would say I was either a long- relationship girl , a very-long-relationship girl, or one who is taken sometimes and single sometimes, which makes more sense. I-I didn’t pint that out to him. “Believe me, I’m not that kind of girl.”
If he got any redder than he was then, then he would have invented a new shade of red altogether.
We rode the rest of the way with Anderson crouched down, trying to look as small as possible, and me and penny cracking up every time we looked at each other or him.
Ok so at one point we did get a short laugh out of Anderson.
I had been looking out the window with a tear streaking down my cheek, my abs burning, and a laugh still escaping my lips.
“OH! MY! GOSH! What is that?” I ask, cracking up again, I was about to stop for a minute.
Penny and Anderson looked out my window and started laughing. It was aso random that we couldn’t help but laugh.
Penny chocked out, “PMS center.” And couldn’t continue she was laughing so hard.
Anderson, who had finished his short laugh, said “Packaging, Mailing, and Shipping. You two are so immature. They just put that in a bad order.”
Me and Penny cracked up at this. We both knew he was struggling not to burst out laughing. I would love to take a guy there. I can see it.
Me: I need to stop by the PMS center. I might be a while so you might want to some in with me.
Him, while chocking on drink for a second: what?!?!
Me: I’ve got a package I need to send.
Him: but this is PMS.
Me: oh, your thinking PMS,. Ha, I mean the Packaging, mailing, and shipping center. Geez, your so immature.
HAHA! That would be hilarious.
We finally got into the parking lot of la hacienda, me and penny still laughing and whipping tears form out eyes. I think I burned off like five pounds form just laughing.

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  • [07/30/07 09:17pm]
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    Lucifer the god of demons
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Thu Jul 05, 2007 @ 01:48pm
    i have one thing to say:

    commentCommented on: Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 08:29pm
    wow... did you type all this! eek

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