ArcA Fox
ArcA Fox
ArcA Fox

if i lost game 1 then im going first game 2 so magical scientist wins auto if going first unless you draw horrendous, so game 3 dragon exodia, and same with that, ftw. so what is learned? dice roll decides match in traditional format xD

umm. with only 3 scientists per deck? thats a 3/40 chance of drawing it. not very good odds sinc eit can only be searched by a few cards.

? Did you play against magical scientist when it was legal? they presented hand to opponent and game 2 started? they won a lot, i dont need to open magical scientist to win, the deck does everything on its own basically. and last will wins games at that point. you last will, then gilasaurus, then tribute for catapult turtle, then search from last will into magical scientist, game over

do you not know what exists now? triple veiler, triple hanewata. triple max C. i can justd raw off your special summons into exoida. i can side any number of hand traps to stop you. besides, you need to draw gilasaurus (or junk forward i guess), catapult turtle, and last will. a deck forcuse dentirely on drawing is much more consistant then relying on 3 card or opening a scientist. sorry but it's true.

im not saying its not true, veiler wins games no doubt, maxx c only to draw into hanewata or veiler, if they were off banlist any number of ways to draw into it, 3 reloads, and magical mallets help. if i dont draw my primary engine i can go (assuming traditional) i can go magical scientist, into emergency teleport, into krebons. make level 6 fusion with mag sci. then fuse into dark strike fighter for that loop to win. im not saying its invincible anymore trust me im just saying its stupidly consistent if built right

and i'm not saying it's not busted, i'm just saying it's not perfect.

obviously no deck is perfect, just reasons why some decks should be banned for potentially easy ftk's. sorry for sounding unreasonable during conversation but magical scientist is one deck while i hate it i have played against it more times then i can could and it hardly ever doesnt go off. still hated tier 0 six samurai more though xD