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Reply Domino City
Gadgets - Are There Any More Questions? Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Gravitational Molestation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:18 pm
So, first to explain what is in the tiny text. Inside of it are the records of YCS, WCQ and SJC from January 2007 (the release of Gadgets) to now. I've marked when Mayhem was released.

So let's start with this beautiful chart.

February 2009 to May 2009 there were no big events due to the switch to Konami from Upperdeck.

May 2009 to September 2009 Konami's website accidentally lost most of their information.

If anyone wants to get the SJC/YCS/WCQ information from the above period, if they can find it, and give me links, I'd gladly implement it into my chart and table.

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Basically what I'm showing here is the topping of decks using Gadgets. The red bars are original Gadgets (no STUN or Machina), the blue are Machina Gadgets, and the green are Gadget STUN. The black bar shows the release date of Machina Mayhem. Below you will find a table of the variations on numbers, in case you get confused by the colorful chart. As you can see most of the tops with Gadgets in the TCG meta are from Machina variations. This shows that it's the Machina side of the house that's giving Gadgets any kind of lime light.

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Now why is this? Why Gadgets over other kinds of machines? Well, of all the machine archtypes, outside of Machina, Gadgets are the most structurally sound. They are self replacing cards that help thin the deck. Thus, they are easily mixed in with the Machina archtype.

Now, how were these decks topping? Well, we already know how Gadgets are supposed to work from the original deck dubbed "5th Gadget" that ran nine gadgets total and supported them with a plethora of one for one spells and traps. A gadget deck uses the deck thinning and constant flow of gadgets to continue to have monsters in hand for front row presence while utilizing a lot of one for one spells and traps to simplify as much as possible and end up with positive card count to the opponent's zero card count. Their opponent would end up top decking and the gadget player would have the resources to answer whatever they top deck. Gadget STUN was basically no different. It took the theory behind 5th Gadget and applied more universal counters to it. Thunder Kings and Doomcaliber Knights were slipped into the deck and the nine gadget count was dropped to six. So, we could really count the Gadget STUN in with the Gadgets of our chart and table. I did not make a second set of each because Gadgets vanished from both as it was. Just look at green and think red and you'll see it.

So, what made Machina Gadgets so much better? Obviously, the Machina side of the house. Machina is what was winning it, not the Gadgets. Original Machina Gadget lists did build off of the original gadget theory of simplification but you look later and you see that they deviate. Yes they simplify but they brought in more answers to the back breaking Cyber Dragon. Especially in the side deck as most people were siding the Cyber Dragons for the match up. Books of Moon, Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, even Zombie World saw play time, all to counter the ridiculousness of Cyber Dragon.

But our intention here is to show that Gadgets are terrible. As I already stated the charts show that it was Machina that made their victories possible, not the Gadgets themselves. The use of Gadgets was merely consequence as the best synergy for the Machina archtype.

Now, you may be thinking, "But they are still topping." Yes but we are in a new format. New formats always begin with a mass of diversity and falling back on things that players know to be stable. A lot of players go to events at this time not exactly sure of what they should be expecting. Sidedecks are built to counter the known biggest threats; Samurai, Plants, X-Sabers, Gravekeeper's, Fish OTK and Formula Monarchs. Gladiator Beasts and Machina are decent choices as they are less sided against and less combo oriented, meaning they are more structurally sound. But, with Machina losing two of their Books of Moon as counters to the Cyber Dragon plays, the release of Trishula, the increased play of Effect Veiler, and so on, their innate ability to stand against main decks and even side decks is starting to dwindle. While they were a decent choice at the beginning of the format, their effectiveness will continue to drop. Of course, this is theory and has yet to be seen but the theory is sound.

Machina will continue to be a good fall back deck that is able to side swipe those who do not expect it to be seen. It will also continue to be able to lucksack like a champion with silly plays like Limiter Removal. However, use of the Gadget archetype is also very likely to drop due to the increased support being released for the Karakuri archetype. Already we've been seeing Karakuri Machina Plants taking up the reigns as a better Machina supporting deck, especially given its OTK potential. Aside from the OTK deck, Karakuris themselves have a lot more flexibility in their playstyle than the straight forward Gadget variation.

As we know and have known for years, the more flexible decks are generally the better to play. This theory is generally only broken by decks whose basic focus is the OTK (Frog FTK, KMP, etc etc) or utter control by a single line of play (Samurai, X-Sabers).

Gadgets and now Machina Gadgets are things of the past. Things to be remembered due to the theory (simplification with continuous replacement) and specific cards (Machina Gearframe and Fortress) that pushed them to victory in their times.

Thanks goes out to Mustard for collecting the below information.
SJC St. Louis February 2007 - None

SJC Houston March 2007 - One Gadget

SJC Columbus March 2007 - One Gadgets

SJC Montreal April 2007 - None

SJC Anaheim April 2007 - None

SJC Philadelphia May 2007 - None

UK Nationals May 2007 - One Gadgets

SJC Minneapolis June 2007 - One Gadgets

Canadian Nationals June 2007 - One Gadgets

US Nationals June 2007 - None

European Nationals July 2007 - None

SJC Detroit July 2007 - None

SJC Indianapolis August 2007 - None

SJC District of Columbia September 2007 - Two Gadgets

SJC Chicago September 2007 - Two Gadgets

SJC Durham October 2007 - None


SJC San Mateo December 2007 - None

SJC Orlando January 2008 - Four Gadgets

SJC Houston February 2008 - None

SJC Costa Mesa March 2008 - Two Gadgets

SJC Columbus March 2008 - None

SJC Nashville May 2008 - None

United States Nationals June 2008 - One Gadget

Canadian Nationals June 2008 - None

SJC Philadelphia July 2008 - None

SJC Honolulu July 2008 - None

SJC Toronto July 2008 - None

SJC Indianapolis August 2008 - None

SJC Baltimore July 2008 - None

SJC Tulsa July 2008 - None

SJC Seatle October 2008 - None

SJC Charlotte October 2008 - None

SJC Chicago November 2008 - None

SJC Atlanta November 2008 - None

SJC Detroit December 2008 - One Gadget STUN

SJC San Francisco January 2009 - None


SJC Austin October 2009 - None

SJC Columbus November 2009 - None

SJC Los Angelos January 2010 - None

23 February 2010 - Machina Mayhem Released!

Changes in Ban List 01 March 2010

SJC Nashville March 2010 - None

SJC Edison April 2010 - One Machina Gadgets, one Gadget STUN

YCS Washington May 2010 - Two Machina Gadgets

YCS Chicago June 2010 - One Machina Gadgets

United States WCQ July 2010 - Two Machina Gadgets

Canada WCQ July 2010 - One Gadget STUN

South America WCQ July 2010 - None

Gen Con Indy August 2010 - None

Changes in Ban List 01 September 2010

YCS Toronto September 2010 - One Machina Gadget

YCS San Jose September 2010 - Three Machina Gadgets

YCS Philadelphia October 2010 - Two Machina Gadgets

YCS Atlanta November 2010 - One Machina Gadgets

YCS Dallas February 2011 - Two Machina Gadgets

Changes in Ban List 01 March 2011

YCS Charlotte March 2011 - None

YCS Anaheim April 2011 - One Machina Gadgets
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:46 pm
Pretty thorough. I will, however, beg the question of exceeds. Machina Gadgets can exceed. A LOT. Mind control, and sided in Puppet plants will mean they will be exceeding without loss of card advantage while stripping you of your own monsters. Tragoedia makes matters even worse, as he can do it every turn. This, on top of Fortress is a pretty nasty strategy, considering that the deck's traps will strip you of your big monsters, while the continual control swaps will strip you of your lvl 4s, and Machina Fortress is still sitting on the field like an unwanted whelp. I'm not even obsessing over the fact that they can get out NICE exceeds like Disigma, ANY exceed will work. the fact that they can gank your monsters for almost free, and you not get them back is terrifying, because thats something that's not really been done before, at least not in the scope that they can now.

I don't really even like gadgets, but I see them making a pretty bombastic return, and on their own steam when the exceed monsters start coming in droves. UO is unlimited for the time being, mind you.

Think Gadgets will trump karakuri due to stability? I do.  


Shameless Mystic

Gravitational Molestation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:04 pm
The possibility exists if they start dropping Ultimate Offering and/or Double Summon (the -1 is zeroized by the second Gadget's summon, just throwing stuff at the wall). I actually hadn't considered Exceeds myself as the argument was born out of the current TCG format. If the OCG says anything it won't be too capable compared to everything else.

As for their Exceed capability...

The biggest issue will be getting two lv4s out at a time. Previously I'd let them drop two or even three Gadgets before sweeping through them but now I'll have to nail them immediately. Puppet Plant is a little more situational, given it's really only sided against GKs and Samurai. Mind Control could be an issue but, from what I've seen, most cards in the current format aren't lv4. Those that are usually don't stay on the field long.

If they were to become too popular though, due to Exceeds, you would likely start seeing Electric Virus to do the exact same thing right back to them.

Good catch, I'll look into it more when I wake up. I'm very tired.  
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:59 pm
You know, I didn't even think of Exceed Gadgets......That's interesting.

Also, I like the chart.....Very effective and Efficient. =) Seriously.



Questionable Loiterer

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:34 am
I've actually known for a while now that gadgets weren't all that good, aside from deck thinning.

they have no decent support, low stats, no chance of making it past the plethora of cards that can take them out.

I'm pleased to see this article posted, and I look forward to more like it.  
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:59 am
You obviously are dumber than anyone can imagine. I told you I'm done arguing with you idiots. There is no point in carrying on an argument forever. This is clearly never going to end, as you have already lost, yet you won't admit it...
Not in the slightest Babycakes.
I did provide support,
No, no you didn't.
and you supported it aswell when stating how many gadget decks topped. I never said they were tier 1, but that they usually top. As you can see, in most of the tournaments you provided they did top (all but 1). I never said they were better than any other decks either, just that they aren't terrible.
No kid, they are terrible. Gadgets are bad, it's a very simple thing. Machina is what wins, not the Gadgets. Machina is decent and Gadgets are flat out bad in this format.
And you say that my claims have no support, when really you supported them with your own post.
See above first post Babycakes.
"I have provided evidence to support that Gadgets are not good." Really? All the evidence I see supports my position.
Read the first post Babycakes.
You also question rather or not I know how to carry on an argument, when really, you are barely arguing, or at least doing a terrible job at it. In an argument you are supposed to defend your position, and you have not done this. Then, again, you say my whole side has been nothing but "I say X" statements, but really that's exactly how your posts would be descirbed.
You have presented no theory or evidence to support your position, all of your posts have simply been a bunch of lame insults. You have not been supporting your position but simply ignoring ours. Ours is, and has been, Gadgets are bad. Machina Gadgets is decent because of the Machina aspect. Gadgets are still bad.
And since you decided on calling me "babycakes", you're implying that I'm cute, so I'm going to take that as you think I'm attractive. So, I'm gonna call you "Slut" from here on, as you don't know what I look like. So, I suppose "Slut" would be a fitting name. Anyway, I'm done arguing with you, slut.
Sure thing Babycakes. Still waiting for you to tell me where you're at since you won't play me online Babycakes.  

Gravitational Molestation

Gardeford Superior

Shirtless Lunatic

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:48 pm
I was about to argue that gadgets are good, but then one of my friends has a gadget deck, and i always win with my peice of Sh*t Irl deck, and then this other kid at my school made a machina deck and it's better than most things there...

i agree with GM on this one.

Also gm would you like me too post the deck i use irl so you can have a heart attack? blaugh

EDIT- also whats the big black line at the start of 2010?  
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:56 pm
Damn, who thinks that Archolite needs to be banned?

I swear, saying nothing for arguement and lashing out, calling "slut"; that s**t's not cool, man.

At any rate, I find it funny how many people here argue with nothing (a thing I found myself doing once in weakness), then lash out when they're called out on being so bad at it all.  


Questionable Loiterer

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:05 pm
I thought GM was a dude....in which case slut = player (Ain't double standards wonderful?) then again i gave up figuring people's gender when i found out Mustard was a dude....

Anyway dude, give it up she beat all of your "arguments" and now you are resorting to name calling which means you ran out of arguments (assuming you had some to begin with) and therefore lost. Just accept your defeat and move on....

PS: GM you mind taking a look at my scrap deck?  
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:58 pm
I'll gladly look at both lists, just post them on the guild. Scraps I'm working on, I'm actually going to be play testing a build tonight. For now I'll basically just make fixes based on the theory of GK Scraps.

And yes, I have a p***s, in fact, this is me. http://www.facebook.com/joseph.ruemping  

Gravitational Molestation


Tipsy Loiterer

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:01 am
First, LabyrinthKnight, you haven't seen the whole conversation..... Don't make asumptions...

Second, I left this guild, STOP quoting me.

Third, Gravitational Molestation, you're dumb beyond imagination. You obviously can't read and comprehend correctly, so why bother arguing? And practice what you preach, your last post had nothing relevant either, aswell as you saying the statements I was apparently making.

"Not in the slightest Babycakes" -Great argument there, also, you forgot your comma.

"No, no you didn't" -Once again, bravo to your stunning support.

"No kid, they are terrible. Gadgets are bad, it's a very simple thing. Machina is what wins, not the Gadgets. Machina is decent and Gadgets are flat out bad in this format." -Must I repeat myself? Telling me they are bad doesn't support your argument no matter how many times you say it.

And the rest of your post has been the same thing...

And for the last time, do NOT quote me.  
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:36 am
But we love you SO MUCH here!

I mean, to constantly come back and look so terrible, because supporting yourself is like a newborn trying to stand. It's so amusing!

And to say I'm empty when I call you a brainless t**t, yet you say nothing but how dumb we are. We showed the trends, and the proof, you've showed nothing. You've gone empty this whole time, and to expose that to everyone was so much fun!

Come back, give us some more to laugh about!  

Space Toad -B

Gravitational Molestation

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:54 am
Second, I left this guild, STOP quoting me.
No? Stop arguing and I'll stop replying Babycakes.

Third, Gravitational Molestation, you're dumb beyond imagination. You obviously can't read and comprehend correctly, so why bother arguing? And practice what you preach, your last post had nothing relevant either, aswell as you saying the statements I was apparently making.
Derp, most of my last post was pointing you to the first post of this thread.

"Not in the slightest Babycakes" -Great argument there, also, you forgot your comma.

"No, no you didn't" -Once again, bravo to your stunning support.

"No kid, they are terrible. Gadgets are bad, it's a very simple thing. Machina is what wins, not the Gadgets. Machina is decent and Gadgets are flat out bad in this format." -Must I repeat myself? Telling me they are bad doesn't support your argument no matter how many times you say it.

And the rest of your post has been the same thing...
Oh yeah, it's all just me saying "No". I couldn't have motioned you towards the first post of this thread at all, right? No way. Oh wait, I did! TWICE!

And for the last time, do NOT quote me.
Um... no? It's most definitely not against ToS to quote you. Especially since you just said you left the guild, it'd be very easy to ignore the quoting post.  
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:56 am
First, LabyrinthKnight, you haven't seen the whole conversation..... Don't make asumptions...

Second, I left this guild, STOP quoting me.

Third, Gravitational Molestation, you're dumb beyond imagination. You obviously can't read and comprehend correctly, so why bother arguing? And practice what you preach, your last post had nothing relevant either, aswell as you saying the statements I was apparently making.

"Not in the slightest Babycakes" -Great argument there, also, you forgot your comma.

"No, no you didn't" -Once again, bravo to your stunning support.

"No kid, they are terrible. Gadgets are bad, it's a very simple thing. Machina is what wins, not the Gadgets. Machina is decent and Gadgets are flat out bad in this format." -Must I repeat myself? Telling me they are bad doesn't support your argument no matter how many times you say it.

And the rest of your post has been the same thing...

And for the last time, do NOT quote me.

I've seen enough of the conversation to know that you resort to unnecessary name calling when you don't get what you want, like some freakish man-child. If you had any common sense you'd A.) try arguing your point with facts instead of insults, or B.) STAY OUT OF THIS GUILD.

the fact that you keep saying nothing while coming back to say you left makes me hate you more and more with each post.  


Questionable Loiterer

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Shameless Mystic

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 3:11 pm
Gravitational Molestation
The possibility exists if they start dropping Ultimate Offering and/or Double Summon (the -1 is zeroized by the second Gadget's summon, just throwing stuff at the wall). I actually hadn't considered Exceeds myself as the argument was born out of the current TCG format. If the OCG says anything it won't be too capable compared to everything else.
This is very true. I've not seen anything in the OCG local tournaments on Shriek that mentions a gadget Exceed deck winning.

As for their Exceed capability...

The biggest issue will be getting two lv4s out at a time. Previously I'd let them drop two or even three Gadgets before sweeping through them but now I'll have to nail them immediately. Puppet Plant is a little more situational, given it's really only sided against GKs and Samurai. Mind Control could be an issue but, from what I've seen, most cards in the current format aren't lv4. Those that are usually don't stay on the field long.
Sams and GKs do tend to have a lot of level 4s on the field, while puppet plant ALSO works well vs. heroes, since they tend not to have more than one monster on the field. Those are the decks I would expect these kinds of antics to be used against. It's a nice little consistency buff against decks that overpower them. Any deck can do it, but only they get the continual +1s for doing so.


If they were to become too popular though, due to Exceeds, you would likely start seeing Electric Virus to do the exact same thing right back to them.
Electric virus is currently on my "im not sure if I should side deck it" list, due to the recent rise in KMP. It nails about every monster they summon, synchro or main deck. Also, yea, lets me do it to them.

Good catch, I'll look into it more when I wake up. I'm very tired.
Here to help. I just saw you made a pretty thorough post, and thought I would bring up what I've been noticing from them.  
Domino City

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