This is a possible main deck of mine that I have messed with for a long time but this seems to be a good V1. for me , but I expect there to be more cards and so there will be editing that will need to be done so enjoy my discovery and well enjoy lolz.

Meklord Emperor Wisel x2
Meklord Emperor Granel x3
Meklord Army of Skiel x3
Meklord Army of Granel x2
Meklord Army of Wisel x2
Spirit reaper x2
Snipe hunter x2

Meklord Fortress x3 (bad a** to get)
Teraforming x2
Shrink x3
Smashing ground x1
MST. x2

Zombra of the spirit x3
Dark bribe x3
D-prission x3
TT x1
Mirrir force x1
Reckless greed x3