Clue #7: "I need a banner... I wonder where I can pay someone to make me one..."

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Welcome to our guild's newsletter for January~!

Now, in case you didn't already realise, our guild is having a massive fun-stuffed party. Why? Because we've hit 10,000 posts - and for a guild that's barely a year old that's pretty damn spiffy. biggrin More information on this hip and happening party is included later on in the newsletter, but if you're not fussed about info then here's the link so you can jump straight into it.

Like all our other newsletters, this issue has been created for your benefit. However, this particular specimen of an issue is created by you, for you. Those folks who helped out and had the idea/submission published have been entered into our 5,000 gold raffle, and have been awarded 100 gold and 1 lotto ticket.

For your chance to have those glistening gold pieces, scamper along to our Brain Storming thread and get submitting. Any idea submitted will get you in the 5k raffle - so what do you have to loose? February's issue should be using a few more of the ideas submitted, so that means even more money if your idea gets published. (Ideas that are published in an issue will mean 100 gold and one lotto ticket gets sent to the imagineer.)

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What separates Wiccan journals from the average "Dear Diary" or Blog that can be found almost everywhere?

The answer is simple: content.

It doesn't matter if you choose to share your feelings publicly on an open Blog or to privately scribble in a notebook, because Wiccans deal with simultaneous planes existence. Wiccan journals are different from typical journals. There is no "I did blankity-blank today, and I felt blah-de-blah about doing it, etc, etc."

Don't get me wrong - there's nothing wrong with a simple chronicle. But being a Wiccan isn't linear, and neither is Wiccan journaling. The Grimoire, the Mirror Book, and the Book of Shadows all have specific tasks in a Wiccan's life. And so does a journal. But the Wiccan journal is freer flowing. It can encompass some or all of the other three kinds of books, but takes things further. A Wiccan journal chronicles, analyzes, and offers a place for you to write in a stream-of-consciousness style. It is also a place for experimental ideas.

According to Marta Hiatt in her book "Mind Magic", the subconscious mind works in the present. That means that in a magical journal, your affirmations must be written in the present, not future. In your journal you must write toward the life you want to accomplish in the future as if it was the life you live today. With this, you are pulling in positive energy and boosting your magical strength. Not only do you have to put just your dreams, but your feelings and how you want to add or change to the feelings you are feeling. Like if you're stressed with work, write about how you're stressed and what you can do to relieve the stress, again, bringing in that positive energy. Don't forget writing down small notes like moon phases, and make sure that you date everything.

After each year, I take my journals out that I've written in. I have two, one for personal, and one for magical. I compare them. I read them and look them over, seeing if I accomplished any of the dreams I set in or see how my emotions changed throughout the past year. This really helps me see how I've grown as a Wiccan.

So, why not start today? Go and journal.

If you have any questions about this, I'm happy to answer them - just drop me a PM.

~ Fenrir Fenris

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Here's what members have concocted this month. Remember, if you want your submissions in the next issue then please PM Jen (Aurellion), be it fiction, a wiccan experience, poetry, art, photography or "other". wink

Each month we need about three pieces - I know it doesn't sound much, but trust me, it is. You've got nothing to lose by submitting, 'onest.

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~ Fenrir Fenris


In my mind there is a world of confusion,
Which way is right and which is wrong.
Is this all just a looming illusion?
Why must this frustration go on?

I beg of you, show me the right way,
So that all of my uncertainty flees.
Which yearning should I obey?
Please just hand me the right keys.

In my mind there is no more confusion,
I now see that it was all an illusion.
~ [ Pixilated_Death ]

A Wiccan Story of Mine

At the beginning of the month we are never busy at work, so I sat re-reading Scott Cunningham's book on being a solitary witch. Well, there was a new lady at work, my boss, and she is a bible reading freak. (Sorry, but that is the only way to say this, I don't like to put others' religion down, but she is excessive and is always trying to convert people.) She came into my cubicle, just to chat and saw what I was reading.

Well, she just went ballistic. I could not get a word in edgewise. When she finally calmed down, we had a discussion about Wicca. I did not want to convert her of course; I just wanted her to understand me. She just did not get that I had already done it her way (Catholic) and did not find what I needed. After about two hours, she told me that I was going to go to Hell. I told her that if Heaven was filled with people like her who were all so un-accepting, then hell was the place for me, and frankly I would probably not be alone.

I really don't think that there is a hell anyway, and I must be honest, I don't like being anywhere she is anyway. I learnt one thing from her through, she is very unmovable, accepts no change and no one else's opinion. Well. That is her loss.

I still read my Wicca books at work - it makes her crazy, but I can't help it. We do have discussions about the Bible, and she is always amazed how much more I know than she does. It's a shame that she does not understand or try to accept everyone.
~ Healer Wolfstar
If you want your story in the next issue, please PM it to Jen (Aurellion). It'd be greatly appreciated - and it means you get to be famous! xp The story can be based around anything, as long as it's Wicca related. For example, it could be a really cool circle, a "co-incidence", discovering spirits/guardians/angels, etc - but not how you and your best mate bought the same pair of totally hot pink shoes one weekend. wink

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If you have been observant, you will have noticed a 10,000 Post Party occurring in the guild. smile

If you haven’t been however, don’t worry! All shall be revealed…

Basically, we want to celebrate the fact that at long, long last, we've hit 10,000 posts! Congratulations, everyone!

The party is runs from the 1st to the 8th. It’ll be held in our Main Hall, where contests will be run, spot prizes will be given, sillyness will flourish, and a massive 10,000 will be given to one lucky member! Oh boy! xd

The current events happening there are:
    - Copy Cat
    - Caption Contest
    - Mystery Pic
    - Whack a Keyboard
    - Word Disconnecting
    - Dice
    - What Would You Do If...?
    - A Chat Room
Once the event has finished, a “photo” will be set up of all those who participated to go into a special Party Scrapbook. To make sure you’re included in this photo, please sign the parties Guestbook.

If you want to spread the word, you can put this image in your signature:

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This is, after all, a guild news letter so I am obliged to include some info about what’s been happening over there. xp

Current Buzz Topics:


Find out about your Guardians.

Japanese Lessons

This handy class will – yep, you got it – teach you Japanese. Certainly goes to show that we’re a lot more than just a Wiccan guild, eh?

Whack your Keyboard!

This game is part of our 10,000 posts celebration, and is incredibly amusing. Basically, you hit your keyboard and make an acronym out of the letters that come up. Worth a shot, right?


A very happy birthday to the following members!
    - Michel (January 13th)
    - fallen_angel_216 (January 16th)
    - Fenrir Fenris (January 25th)
    - Healer Wolfstar (January 26th)
    - princess_neko123 (January 27th)
    - agentofdemise (January 31st)
To get your birthday listed and to receive prezzies, head along to our birthday thread.

Contest Winners
(Contest Winners for the 10,000 post celebration will be included next month)

Fiction Contest
    SowiloWitch (It's too long to include - you can view it here.)
Poetry Contest
- Patato Chip Man
    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Why do you make them so crunchy
    They hurt my teeth and make look like a sissy

    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Why do they taste so good?
    They are amazing, so salting good

    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    why did the bag go empty?
    They just went poof like it was magic or something

    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    why is my tummy getting bigger and bigger?
    I haven't eaten anything other than chips

    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    Mr p.a.t.a.t.o chip man
    -insert explosion sound-

    ~ Lex
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The next card in the Fool's Journey is below, seeing as we promised it. smile

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Continuing his journey, the Fool comes upon a beautiful and mysterious veiled lady enthroned between two pillars and illuminated by the moon. She is the opposite of the Magician, quiet where he was loquacious, still where he was in motion, sitting while he stood, shrouded in the night where he was out in the bright of day. She is the High Priestess and she astonishes the Fool by knowing everything about him. "Since you know me so well, perhaps you can help me," says the Fool, laying out his sword, chalice, staff and pentacle. "The Magician showed me these tools, but now I'm in a quandry. There's so many things I could do with them. I can't decide." In answer, the High Priestess hands over to him a pair of ancient scrolls. "These will teach you how to decide." Seating himself at her feet, the Fool reads by the light of her crescent moon. Finally, the Fool knows enough that he can now decide what he wants, where he will go, and what he will do. Though he suspects that the High Priestess has even more secrets she could teach him--like what lies behind the pomegranate curtain--he is focused and ready to be on his way. Thanking the High Priestess, he heads off. But as he leaves he hears her whisper, quiet as the waters which bubble up from beneath her throne, "We'll meet again...when you're ready to travel the most secret path of all."

'til next time... wink