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Scene Synopsis for Zombie Film

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:23 pm
This is a scene synopsis for a zombie script I am writing. Any feedback is appreciated:

Scene 1 - Bus Stop, Exterior
Leah is at a bus stop waiting for the bus to go to work. It is cold and bleak outside to a point where she can see her breath. She looks around anxiously because the bus is late, looking at the time on her phone. Shots are minimal and good for opening credits.

Scene 2 - Bus, Interior
Leah gets on the bus and sits next to someone who sneezes. She immediately gets up grossed out and takes out a bottle of hand sanitizer before taking another seat. As soon as she puts away the bottle the person next to her coughs, and once again Leah gets up to grab her hand sanitizer and get another seat.

Once she finds a set toward the back where no one else is seated, Leah decides to call her boyfriend, Kevin. She is frustrated that he doesn't pick up but decides to leave a "haven't heard from you in a while" message on his voicemail, asking him to stall for her at work because she is running late and ending the call with "I love you." Kevin texts her back with "busy, u on u own."

Scene 3 - News Station, Cubical, Internal
Leah is late for work and rushes to her cubical to log into her computer to clock in. Her boss, Mr. Staggs, looks over the edge of her desk and wishes her a sarcastic good morning. He looks at his watch and reminds her that she is late for work again, asking her what happened. Leah isn't impressed but plays along as she opens her browser to look for news to write about on Drudge Report. Leah's job is to update the news station's website.

Mr. Staggs stops Leah's news searching, telling her that he has a special assignment for her. A few camera operators called in sick and they need someone to cover a big story happening up at the local hospital. Mr. Staggs explains that this is a big opportunity for Leah, so long as she starts making it to work on time.

Scene 4 - News Van, Interior
Leah is sitting in the back of the news van with Sarah Shepherd, the attractive news reporter. Leah tries to strike up a conversation with Sarah, but Sarah is distracted by her phone. She is getting several texts that she is replying to. Leah tries talking about the news story they are about to film, but Sarah looks uncomfortable talking to Leah. After Sarah gets yet another text, Leah asks if these texts are coming from a boyfriend. Sarah blushes as she nods, looking away as she replies to the text. Leah remarks with "men are like that sometimes" and starts to talk about her boyfriend, Kevin, and how when they first started dating he would text her all the time. Sarah doesn't even look at Leah when she says she doesn't want to talk about it. Leah asks if it's about a break up, and Sarah says "sort of, I really don't want to talk about it." Leah looks awkwardly at Sarah who turns in her seat to avoid eye contact with Leah.

Scene 5 - Hospital, Interior
Sarah is pouring on the charm as she, Leah, and the sound guy set up an interview with Dr. Boyle, the doctor who is heading the investigational study on what appears to be a new variation on the HIV virus that is spreading rapidly. While doing his on camera interview, they stand in front of the window to the quarantine room. During the interview, we see a patient flop pathetically against the window to request a fresh bedpan.

As Dr. Boyle and Sarah recover from the interruption with the help of a nurse, the crew takes a break. Leah notices Sarah’s cell phone going off and recognizes the number coming up on the screen. The text is from Kevin, and it’s racy. Leah checks the text history on the phone and sees that not only have the texts been flirtatious, they have also been trash talking her.

Sarah sees Leah with her phone and gets angry, telling her to take her hands of her property. Leah holds the phone up, showing the text history, and replying with “I should say the same about you.” Sarah slaps Leah in the face, making her drop the phone. Leah rushes for Sarah in a fit of rage and chases her into the quarantine room to get away. Sarah ends the cat fight by throwing a full bedpan at Leah, running to Dr. Boyle for protection.

Scene 6 – Bus, Interior
Leah, covered in excrement’s, is sitting on the bus with a box of her office supplies on her lap and a pink slip in her hand. She’s been fired for her conduct at the hospital, and she looks miserable. She sneezes, is grossed out by it, and takes out her hand sanitizer.

Scene 7 – Apartment Complex, Exterior
Leah sees an eviction notice taped to her apartment door. Ripping the notice down and throwing it on the ground, Leah takes out her key and tries it in the door. The lock does not open.

The land lady, Mrs. Kapoor, approaches Leah holding her heavy flashlight with her husband following cautiously behind her. Mrs. Kapoor reminds Leah that this is the fourth and final eviction notice she has taped to her door, and that she’s being kicked out. Mr. Kapoor apologizes profusely for his wife’s behavior, and Mrs. Kapoor smacks him in the head and calls him weak for not kicking Leah out earlier. Leah throws down her office box and threatens to sue the Kapoor’s before storming off.

Leah can hear Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor continue to argue as she walks away. Noticing that they are distracted, Leah decides to see if she can sneak into her back window in her apartment. Relieved to see that it isn’t locked, Leah crawls through the window. After all, she’s covered in excrement’s and needs a shower and fresh clothes.

Scene 8 – Apartment, Interior
Leah’s apartment is a mess. She takes off her ruined work shirt and throws it in her overflowing trashcan. She grabs a beer out of her fridge and heads for the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower, Leah sits in the dark in front of her computer dressed in a pair of jeans and a hoody eating cold pizza, her hair still wet from the shower. As she brouses the internet she sees a cockroach scurry across the screen. She screeches and tries to kill it with a flip flop without success. (We can make the roach as a .gif with Adobe or some other animation software and create a fake website to use it.)

Leah hears a knock at the door as she recovers from her gross out. She looks through the peephole in the door and sees an over weight police officer. Leah begins to panic as the officer tries the lock on the door. Leah puts the chain on the door before making a run for it. She can hear Mrs. Kapoor hollering to arrest her as the cop breaks down the door. Leah hops out the back window to escape, the police officer doing the same as he attempts to chase her down. The police officer runs after her, but being out of shape he is only able to sustain the pace for a short time before stopping to catch his breath and call for back up. We see Leah get away in the background as the officer calls for backup.

Scene 9 – Park, Exterior
We find Leah curled up on a park bench. She is pale and shivering, coughing up blood. She looks very sick and completely miserable.

She gets a rude tap on the head from a police man’s night stick. It’s the policeman who chased her last night, who has a gloating look on his face as he stares down at her. Leah is feeling too weak to struggle as the cop handcuffs her and takes her away. While hauling her away, he tells her that he is listing loitering to her list of felonies.

Scene 10 – Cop Car, Exterior
The police officer tosses Leah into the back of his cop car, slamming the door behind her. He is about to get into the driver’s seat when he seeds Leah vomiting in the back seat. He opens the door to clean it out with a news paper when he notices blood in the vomit. He says “you’re real sick, aren’t you?” Leah answers with another round of vomiting, most of it landing on the police officer’s shoes. Seeing how sick she is, the police officer decides to take Leah to the hospital, reminding her that she belongs to the law after getting out of the hospital.

Scene 11 – Hospital Quarantine Room, Interior
Leah is admitted into the hospital and immediately put into quarantine. The room is dark and cramped, all around her are the sounds of medical equipment and human suffering. In a meek voice, Leah asks the on duty nurse who is hooking her up to an IV what is going on. The nurse gives a small smile and pats Leah’s arm, telling her that everything will be just fine. While adjusting Leah’s fluids, the patient next to Leah begins to convulse. His heart monitor’s tone goes flat, and the nurse rushes to him, calling for back up. Leah looks on, looking scared as the nurses fail to revive him.

Scene 12 – Quarantine Room, 1 Week Later, Interior
Leah looks far worse and is hooked up to several more tubes. She is so weak that she can barely move, and she can barely speak above a whisper. Dr. Boyle drops in to check her fluids and look over her charts. After looking over her chart, he mentions that she seems to have reached advanced stages of the virus much quicker than previous patients. He makes a comment about how being covered in excrements might have been the reason she’s advanced so quickly, joking about the crap we eat making people sick. Leah shoots him a dirty look and flips him off. Dr. Boyle tells her that this kind of attitude is what got her fired after her last visit here, an then asks her if she still has some kind of health insurance.

Leah and Doctor Boyle are interrupted by a knock at the door. Leah can see the over weight cop through the glass in the door. Dr. Boyle steps away to talk to him. Leah can’t hear anything they are saying, but they are looking over at her and laughing. The police officer hands something over to Dr. Boyle before tipping his hat at Leah.

Dr. Boyle brings Leah an envelope with the words “Get Well Soon! -Officer Davidson” written on the outside of the envelope. Leah opens the envelope to see an arrest warrant.

Scene 13 – Quarantine Room, 3 Days Later, Interior
Leah looks worse and is having difficulty breathing. She weakly presses the help button to get a nurse over. She looks defeated as the nurse rushes to her aid. The nurse tries to say comforting words as she pulls out a needle full of adrenaline. The heart monitor goes into a dull tone and the nurse calls for heart pedals. As the nurses try to resuscitate Leah, we see her hand slip away from the help button, signifying her death.

Scene 14 – Morgue, Interior
Leah’s body has been placed in a body bag. She is being wheeled down the hall to the morgue. The hospital treats this like business as usual. Once in the morgue, Leah’s body bag rolls off of the gurney. Everyone in the morgue is shocked to hear a weak groan coming from the bag and see the bag begin to move around slowly. The morgue nurses unzip the bag, revealing a dazed looking Leah. One of the nurses calls for Dr. Boyle.

Dr. Boyle rushes in to see Leah sitting upright in her body bag. He kneels down to check her pulse, noting that she doesn’t feel one. He notes that her skin feels cold and clammy and that she is acting lethargic, talking to his nurses as if Leah is a test subject instead of a person. He is interrupted by the loud sound of Leah’s stomach gurgling. Dr. Boyle makes a joke about her having an appetite, which she hasn’t had in over a week.

Through Leah’s perspective, everything sounds muffled and looks out of focus. She sees the doctor prodding at her and talking and smiling at his staff. She reaches for head as if it is in pain, and the staff gets excited about her action. Dr. Boyle take’s Leah’s hand and looks into her eyes with a mini flash light.

Leah’s hearing slowly clears as the doctor continues to examine her. Once again her stomach growls and the staff smiles and giggles at the sound. The doctor takes a tongue depressor out of his front pocket and instructs her to say “ahhh.” Leah opens her mouth, but instead of taking the depressor she grabs Dr. Boyle’s arm and takes a bite out of it. Dr. Boyle screams out in pain for help, his nurses in a panic running around screaming. One tries to grab Leah off of Dr. Boyle, but Leah ends up attacking her instead.

With the doctor and a nurse dead and the room cleared, Leah heads to the sink to clean up. She sees her bloodied reflection in the mirror and realizes that she needs a fresh change of clothes. She begins to undress the dead nurse so that she can steal her clothes, only to realize that the nurse’s scrubs are way too big on her. The scrubs pants fall to her ankles due to being too big.

Another nurse comes into the morgue with another body bag. Leah locks eyes with the nurse, who appears to be her size.

Scene 15 – Main Lobby, Interior
Wearing her latest victim’s clothes, Leah steps out of the elevator and into the hospital lobby. On her way out to the exit she sees the police officer who arrested her up at the front desk. Upon seeing Leah, the police officer grabs his night stick and goes after her. Leah makes a run for it, just barely it past the police officer. Pushing people out of her way, Leah runs out the door.

Scene 16 – Hospital, Exterior
The police officer chases Leah into the parking garage, calling for back up. The police officer corners her in the parking garage, taking out his night stick to take Leah down. Leah can feel her stomach growling again as she watches the heavy police officer lumbering toward her with his night stick. Wide eyed and hungry, Leah walks toward him, much to the police officer’s surprise.

On the defense, the police officer raises his night stick to strike. Leah catches his arm in mid swing and is easily able to throw him to the ground. From there she is able to take a bite out of his ample stomach. The police officer screams in pain as Leah bites, slapping at her head to get her off. Annoyed by the slapping, Leah grabs his hand cuffs to cuff his wrists.

In the distance Leah can hear sirens and knows that it is time to flee. Before leaving, Leah dips her fingers in the policeman’s blood and writes “Get well soon! – Leah” on the ground of the parking lot before leaving.

Scene 17 – News Room, Three Days Later, Interior
A news package is playing, reporting on the rapid spread of the virus strain and the increase in escape of patients from the hospital. We see the quarantine room and how people are behaving. The reporter describes symptoms as fever, shortness of breath, bloody coughing, vomiting blood, and dehydration due to rapid loss of fluid. The news package cuts to people’s reaction to what they are calling The Zombie Apocalypse. People are flocking to churches, partying in the streets, looting shops, and some even zombie enthusiasts holding up signs that they want to be bitten. The reporter ends the news package with “If anyone shows symptoms of illness, you should seek immediate medical attention.”

Once the news package ends, we see Sarah in the studio ending the broadcast. Kevin is waiting in the wings for Sarah as she ends the broadcast. Kevin asks her about the last news package, telling her that the police called him again last night about Leah. He says they told him Leah escaped from the hospital, killing a doctor, two nurses, and a cop. Kevin wonders if Leah was sick with the same thing as the news package was reporting.

Sarah is annoyed that Kevin is talking about his ex again. She reminds him that he left Leah for a reason and reminds him of the fight at the hospital that got her fired. They bicker all the way out to Sarah’s car.

Scene 18 – Sarah’s Car, Exterior
Sarah comments about how dark and messy the parking lot looks, wondering where the security guard is. As they get into the car, they see the security guard get thrown against the car’s front window. Kevin and Sarah watch in shock as the security guard’s dead body slide down the glass, even more shocked to see a gang of zombies behind the security guard. Sarah and Kevin recognize one of the zombies as Leah.

Sarah frantically locks the car doors to prevent being attacked. She hollers for Kevin to put on his seat belt so she can drive off, but Kevin is too terrified to listen. Kevin hollers that one of the zombies has a can opener.

Sarah throws her car into reverse and floors it, making Kevin jerk violently forward. Kevin grabs the dashboard to steady himself as Sarah does a reverse donut to get the zombies off the car before driving away. A few zombies slide off the car as Sarah drives off.

Leah and her zombies run after the car, Leah being the most frustrated and determined of the bunch because she is unable to catch Sarah and Kevin. Watching the car drive off, Leah kicks over a potted plant in frustration. She hears another potted plant break behind her. She turns around to take a look at the broken pot. Looking up, she sees Mrs. Kapoor about to throw another flower pot out the window. Leah shoots her a dirty look before walking toward the apartment stairs to attack the Kapoor’s apartment.

On the way to the Kapoor’s apartment, one of the zombies gets distracted and tries to break into a different apartment. Leah points annoyed at the steps, trying to get the zombie to attack the correct target. The zombie looks confused and points at the window he broke in. We hear a chainsaw star up and see it poke out the broken window. The zombie yelps as the chainsaw comes toward him. Leah rolls her eyes and continues toward the stair and her goal.

Mrs. Kapoor throws her husband out the front door of the apartment with a baseball bat, telling him to be a man and defend his property. Mr. Kapoor stands helplessly before his apartment door, knocking desperately to be let back in. The zombies look him like fresh meat as they advance on him. Giving up on wife and property, Mr. Kapoor makes a run for it.

Climbing down the side of the railing, Mr. Kapoor falls off onto a pile of leaves. From within the pile emerges a zombie, who attacks and kills Mrs. Kapoor. Leah watches the attack, feeling satisfied. She is interrupted by the sound of Mrs. Kapoor screaming and shooting a pistol.

Leah rushes to the Kapoor’s door, which is being held by only a chain. Mrs. Kapoor is shooting her pistol through the opening in the door. Leah watches a zombie companion get shot in the head and fall lifeless to the ground. Mrs. Kapoor recognizes Leah and hollers at her while aiming for her head. Leah flinches as Mrs. Kapoor pulls the trigger. The trigger clicks, but no bullet comes out. Mrs. Kapoor curses and panics as she ducks back into her apartment to get more bullets.

Leah and the zombies try to break down the door while Mrs. Kapoor reloads the gun. They are surprised to hear the sound of a chainsaw behind them. The zombie from earlier who tried to break into the wrong apartment is there with the chainsaw that he was attacked with. He is able to easily slice through the door chain.

Ms. Kapoor drops a hand full of bullets as the zombies enter her apartment. She has not had a chance to reload the gun, so she grabs her heavy flashlight and begins to swing at the zombies.

Leah watches Mrs. Kapoor’s pathetic attempts at self defense with a sick sense of glee. She picks up a figure of Vishnu, the Hindu God of protection, and uses it to knock Mrs. Kapoor unconscious.

Scene 19 – Alley, Exterior
Leah and her zombies have started a trashcan bonfire in a nearby alley, enjoying the corpses of Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor as their victory meal. One of the zombies digs a liver out of one of the corpses and tosses it to a little zombie girl. It’s zombie mother wraps her arms around the child and picks her up, much to the child’s delight. Leah sulks as she watches the happy zombie family spending time together, jealous of what they have.

The little zombie girl waves to some other zombie children and throws the liver to one of the children, starting up a game of liver catch. The zombie and his wife watch their daughter play, holding hands as they watch the game of liver ball.

Leah crosses her arms as she sulks, turning her gaze away from the happy family. She reaches toward Mrs. Kapoor’s corpse for a bite to eat and grabs her hand. Before taking a bite, she notices Mrs. Kapoor’s wedding ring. She scowls as she takes the ring off and tosses it over her shoulder, pouting as she nibbles on Mrs. Kapoor’s fingers.

Scene 20 – Sarah’s Apartment, Interior
Kevin is curled up on the couch hugging a pillow and looking shaken as he watches the news report on the zombie attacks. Sarah is on the phone with her boss complaining about the attack in the parking lot. Sarah hollers about security when Kevin tries to calm her. Sarah snaps at Kevin, but the boss thinks she is snapping at him. Sarah tries to apologize to the boss and explain that she was talking to Kevin, but he has already hung up on him. Sarah throws the phone at Kevin in frustration, blaming him for the boss hanging up on her. Kevin is offended and hollers offended at Sarah. They get into a hollering match, in which Sarah admits she is scared. Having been the strong one of the two, Sarah breaks down and begins crying. Kevin holds her as she cries, telling her that she is also scared. She laughs a little, not surprised that Kevin is scared. The two embrace in forgiveness with about 7 feet from the door.

The noise of the fight has attracted zombies to Sarah’s apartment. Sarah and Kevin see the door handle jiggle. Sarah freaks out as she runs to the door, asking Kevin if he has locked the door. The door opens and Leah appears. Sarah screams at the sight of Leah and backs away quickly. As she backs away she trips on an area rug and falls down. Sara tries to get back up, but Leah picks her up by the hair.

Leah locks eyes with Kevin as she holds a helpless Sarah hostage. Sarah whimpers and pleads Kevin for help as Leah and Kevin lock eyes. The zombies stand behind Leah like an undead posse.

Kevin is terrified and looks the part. He blindly reaches behind him for something to defend himself. Grabbing the first thing he can, Kevin tries to look threatening as he holds out a remote control. Leah gives him a “you can not be serious” look at him brandishing the remote. Realizing how stilly he looks, Kevin throws the remote at Leah before making a run for it. He grabs Sarah’s keys and a large umbrella before making a run for it out the front door, whacking a few zombies on his way out.

Sarah stares wide eyes in fear as Kevin leaves her to her fate. She hollers his name in abandoned disbelief, reaching out vainly for him as Leah takes a bite out her shoulder.

Kevin makes it to Sarah’s car, shaken but still in one piece. He locks the doors and tries to put the keys in the ignition with shaking hands. Around him are the sounds of zombies beating the windows. Once the car is started, Kevin adjusts the rear view mirror, only to see Leah at the back window with a bloodied, crying Sarah. Kevin screams as he puts the car in drive and drives away clumsily.

Scene 21 – TV Station, 4 Days Later, Interior
Kevin, Mr. Staggs and the remaining news crew are rushing around getting ready for a final news cast. Kevin is being wired for sound to stand in as a news reporter, which he is very uncomfortable with. Mr. Staggs explains to him that he has to stand in as news reporter since he doesn’t know how to do anything else. He tells him that he doesn’t have to be perfect like Sarah did, but just read off the teleprompter. Kevin shoots him a dirty look, and Mr. Staggs replies with “what, too soon?”

He news report begins and Kevin is put live on camera. Kevin nervously starts to read the teleprompter, shuddering and stumbling over his words. He explains that he is filling in for Sarah and that he is the payroll guy and that he has never done anything like this before.

As Kevin continues to read the teleprompter, he is interrupted by the sound of scratching and beating at the studio door. He can hear growing and snarling, and so can the rest of the remaining news crew. The camera is still looking Kevin set up for the news cast as we hear the sound of glass breaking and the sound of a woman screaming. As Kevin runs away terrified, the camera pans to see him fleeing. We hear Mr. Scaggs holler for him to come back and help fight off the zombies. Mr. Scaggs is cut off as a zombie attacks him, causing him to knock over the studio camera.

Kevin runs down the hallway, looking for a place to hide. He runs into one of the side offices to hide, using his security badge to get in. Once in the room he runs into a supply closet. He closes the closet door, grabs the nearest blunt object (that being a plunger), and hunkers down to wait out the attack.

From the darkness of the closet, Kevin can hear muffled groaning. He hears the sounds of someone trying to open the door. He tenses as the handle is violently jerked about. Suddenly, the jerking stops. After a few silent seconds, Kevin breaths a sigh of relief. The relief is broken by the beep of a security badge.

Kevin hears the door open and listens to a zombie turning things over as it looks for someone. The supply closet door swings open, revealing Leah. Kevin tries to attack her with the plunger, but Leah is easily able to use it to pin him up against the wall.

Begging, Kevin begins shouting “Leah, this isn’t you! You’re not like this!” In spite of her desire for revenge, Leah can’t help listening to Kevin. He tells her that she was once such a nice girl, a good person he fell in love with, the kind of person he could take home to his mother. He tells her that he knows he hurt her by cheating on her, but that Leah had gone from the nice girl he thought he knew to something he was afraid of.

Kevin’s words strike a cord with Leah. She looks at him sorrowfully as she loosens her grip on him. He thanks her, trying to be charming. Leah grabs him by the shirt and throws him back in the supply closet, tossing the plunger at him before closing the door.

Scene 22 – Bathroom, Interior
For the first time since her death, Leah takes a good look at herself in the mirror. She is shocked at the monster looking back at her. Tears roll out of her sunken eyes as she hollers her frustration, punching her reflection in the mirror.

Scene 23 – News Hallway, Interior
Feeling a little braver, Kevin peeks his head out of the supply closet to see that the office room is clear of zombies. Armed with his plunger, Kevin peers into the hallway. Looking to the right, he sees no zombies. Looking to the left, he comes face to face with a zombified Sarah. He recognizes Sarah and tries the “this isn’t you” technique that worked on Leah, but Sarah doesn’t take to it. She throws him to the ground before attacking him.

Leah hears Kevin screaming in pain from the bathroom, jogging her out of her self pity. She rushes out of the bathroom to find Sarah attacking Kevin. Sarah is in the process of ripping out Kevin’s heart out of a gaping wound she made in his chest. Pulling out the heart and killing Kevin, Sarah brings the heart to Leah. Leah looks at the bloody heart, than looks over at Kevin. Looking back up at Sarah, she shakes her head, signally that this is not what she wants anymore. Sarah looks tenderly at the heart and clutches it to her chest as if she feels bad for what she’s done. Leah rolls her eyes and walks away. Looking down at Kevin’s dead body, Sarah decides to drop the heart and join Leah. We see the two women walk away down the hallway with the heart in the foreground. The credits roll over the shot before it fades to black.  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:44 am
This is a scene synopsis for a zombie script I am writing. Any feedback is appreciated:

Quick questions:
One, Uh, what kind of feedback are you expecting?
and Two, are you sure that asking a D&D guild about hypothetical movie shots is the best place to get the sort of feedback that would be the most beneficial for you? We're a little more... Game-Oriented.

as she opens her browser to look for news to write about on Drudge Report. Leah's job is to update the news station's website.

Oddly specific, unless it's relevant somewhere else in the story.


Mr. Staggs stops Leah's news searching, telling her that he has a special assignment for her. A few camera operators called in sick and they need someone to cover a big story happening up at the local hospital. Mr. Staggs explains that this is a big opportunity for Leah, so long as she starts making it to work on time.

Also odd, because Desk Job experience doesn't really translate well into field work.  

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