With the up and coming Fairy Deck I have decided to use my fairy`s that sit around in my collection to create a counter fairy/ Control deck. I hope to make this main as I did screw up some Six-Sam and Glad decks with it`s test run at my locals. any help would be very nice and if so thank you ahead of time.
A added note I`m on a team called "Hawaiian Sharks" and My position to to make enemy duel a long one or just plain "no" for rage quits.. so yea keep that in mind when suggesting as I want this deck that just go " no ": to everything.

Monsters: 21

Herald of Perfection x3
Archlord Kristya x2
Honest x1 Teem Hawaiian Shark
Nova summoner x2
Marshmelon x1
Bountiful Artemis x2
Herald of Orange light x2
Herald of Purple light x2
Herald of Green light x1
Morphing jar x1
Harvest angle of Wisdom x2
Senju of ten thousand hands x2

Spells: 9

POA x1
POD x1
Monster reborn x1
Dawn of Herald x3
MST x2
Giant Trunade x1

Traps: 12

Mirror force x1
Solom judgment x1
Solom warning x2
Dark bribe x3
Call of the haunted x1
Negate attack x2
Force Back x2

Extra deck:
Stardust Dragon x2
Black Rose Dragon x1

Side deck:
POA x1
Royal decree x1
Flute of summoning kuribo x3
Medievalist catastrophe x2
Winged kuribo x3
Winged kuroibo Lv 10 x2