Now that the first duel of ZEXAL has ended, what are everyone's thoughts on how the series can play out.

Personally, I find yuma to be completely childish (Judai is laid back, but this kid...), although hopeful (corresponding to his number).

As for the numbers, we have our first 99 card archtype (with possible spell, trap support later (Stardust dragon is one-of-a-kind in 5Ds, but has support cards)). The monsters themselves are all CGI with an opening appearance and tranformation scene (Transformers =D). So the monsters are good in my opinion.

The opening duel explained the basic terms more than any other series before it in my opinion, which is nice to hook new kids on the scene. The duel itself seemed a bit epic considering the opening of the gate and appearance of Astral and his numers/memories.

All in all, how does the first duel stand up when compared to the other series'?