Some Images to help describe him: This one by lady-cybercat on DA (I don't want to get in trouble for taking someone else's image)(This one is good for picturing how he would look with a human style body), this one (that one I just kinda liked, you can ignore it if you want), (these next three are all Wizards of the Coast figurines for D&D and other tabletop RPGs but I thought they might help establish a visual)this one, this one, this one, but they're mostly for a little bit of variation, I'd rather you think of this one and the first one when picturing my character.

GaiaName: IosefKoranison

Name: Lyran

Age: 20 (Approximately, though he won't tell anyone what age system he's using. He likes to keep people guessing.)

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: Yellow

Skin Color: Red scales/body, yellow scales/underbelly

Race(elvish, Dwarvish, Orc, Ariel, Draconic and human): Draconic

Weapon(s): Claws, tailspike, various body spikes, horns, flame breath and blades. If it's able to be acquired (and maybe even if it's not) you can bet he's got one of it. Though he prefers blades with curved edges and hooks and points. Go here and look around at all the different knives and swords they have to see what I mean (Especially since he has everything on there XD).

He has a customized bag of holding that allows him to hold as many as he wants, though he has to hold everything else normally. Pretty much any way of fighting that involves a blade. If someone knows a way of fighting that uses a blade and he doesn't know it, then that person is the only person who does. This guy knows his pointy things. A few regular martial arts, mid-level skill.

Class(Knight, Monk, Warrior, Fighter, Mage(or wizard) and Druid): Uhh, I'm not sure. I think I'll need to edit this after I get some input on it from you guys. Knight, Monk, Warrior and Fighter all sound so similar to me. >_<

Spells(if any): Nunchuk staff spells...GOSH!(I didn't really like that movie. Too boring.) Seriously though, he knows a lot of different blade polishing spells and spells to keep his swords from breaking. Also a few to make them poisonous. And one that's permanent on every blade he has that makes the blade unable to be used without his permission. (Kind of like Thor's Hammer, anybody who tries to pick it up won't be able to lift it, he happened to bump into the god of war and he was the only mortal that knew as much about blades as he/she did! So they put it on all of them so nobody could steal them from him.)

Blade of the Gods: Fuses all of his blades into one and attacks the target. Guaranteed to kill almost everything. However use of this spell will leave him almost dead and too weak to fight for a very long time. So it had better kill the target. And a nameless spell that makes all his blades look like 1930s versions of themselves and start dancing around.

Element(If any): Fire? He can do a little fire magic (like fire bending from Avatar when he fights), though not much.

Bio: Lyran was raised like any other draconic, though he doesn't remember much of his life. He doesn't really care about most of it. ((In reality he was an actual red dragon that a wizard wanted to have as a powerful servant so he was turned into a draconic, but the wizard messed up the spell and he ended up as a baby so he dumped the child with a clan of red draconics living in the mountains. He does love treasure, but not as much as the rest of his "family". He doesn't know the real story though. (Even if he did he wouldn't care. XD)

He's loved blades from the moment he was born. He brought an old rusty broken knife home one day and from then on he's collected them. When he started going to school (whatever kind of school they have in this RP XD) he made sure to get the highest marks possible so he could focus on learning more about blades. Anything that had to do with blades. He also loves many other things, as he discovered in his many classes. But his primary concern is blades and fighting. Most people think see him and think he's a typical fighter type. But he's actually well-versed in many topics.

When he was old enough he left home to continue his quest to learn all he could about blades. He's been all over the world collecting them and studying about them, though in his zeal to know all he could, he ended up losing most of his sanity and now he loves anything that others consider scary. He has many perverse interests, and multiple senses of humor. He's unpredictable, like the letter x in algebra, he could be all sorts of things.

Clothes um...a black leather outfit seen here with a crimson flame pattern made to look like his arms are actually on fire. Black leather pants, black boots, black gloves. And he does have wings.

Another description I have of him which provides some more detail for some of his aspects: "He was six foot, six inches tall with a three foot long tail and a wingspan of fifteen feet. His scales were ruby red except for his chest and belly which were yellow. On his head were long spiky horns. As well as spikes that went down his back and tail. His eyes were golden with a black slit down the middle, like most other draconics. He had seven inch long retractable claws on his hands, capable of slicing through bone with ease. He wore black leather boots, black pants that had a flame pattern covering the legs and a black leather gambeson which had a flame pattern on the arms. There was a small brown leather pouch on his belt which he kept all his various weapons in. He could summon them to his hands at will, though he appeared unarmed."